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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1926)
The Oregon Statesman ' Issued Dally Kxm Monday hy THE STATESMAN PUBLXSHIH O COMPAJTT SIS Soath Cwntiaersjal St, Batata, Oregon K. 4. Headriek . - - - - Manager Fr-ad 1. Tooze. Managing-Editor IH S. MeSheny - City Editor rttur Drawn - -xeiegrepn mimt Aadred Bsnea - - i. . - boeiety Edit W. H. Henderson - - Circulation Manager Ralph BL Kletslaf Advertising Manage Frank Jaskoaki - . Manager Job Dept. E. A. Rhotea, - e - Livestock Editor W. C. Conner Poultry Editor uoazi or thb Anoouno mit , The A seriated Preaa ia eart'isivly entitled so tb aaa far publication e aU newe dispatch crrfnd be it a ol other wie ci edited ia taia pope endela tie loeal aw published herein, BUSINESS omcst: feaeee Keller. SIS WrmIw Bldg.. Portland, re. -. the a r. Ctsra Co- Nsw York. 128-138 W. Slat St.; Chicago. Marueesta , Bid.; Baa la aaa Office or 588 Society editor. .106 TKXEFHOHXB: Job Dpartmaat 5M Hewi Department 28 er 108 Circulation Of flea SSS Rntarad at the port .Of fica ia 8aletn, Oreg-n, a ee-road-elesa matter. - " , -. ?' Ommbn' 14, 1020 OOD GRACIOUS AND MERCIFUL "For th Lord your God la gracious and merciful; and will not turn away His (aoe train you. It jo return unto.llixn." 2 Chroni. 30:9. "" . 1 1 ' " 1 ' " 1 : " ' .! - PROFITS FROM SUGAR BEETS "Joseph Brady, local Held representative for the American Sugar company of Chaska, Is this week showing to local beet men the tabu lation maday hl company showing. the results of beet raising at the near by Tictnlty of fet, .Clair, this year, this-being one of he communi ties where the work has been 'followed for a number-of years and is being handled on a scientific and methodical basis. The figures, which are carried out in detail for each of the eight farmers carrying the project forward there, show that from a total of 143.18 acres, or less than a quarter section of'land, these men have produced for their community a total of almost $10,000 within the present year, of which amount $5,945 Is net gain to them after deducting their hired labor and fixed charges for production of the crop. The average tonnage of beets per-acre for the entire St. Claire project is 11.61, while the champion beet raiser of the community secured from his 5 acres an average of more than 14 tons. This man is John A. Kruse, who secured a net profit of 149.91 per acre from his labor, while the arerage for Jill the group was a net profit of $41.52; and $34.15 net profit per attr'was realized by the lowest man in the group." , r The above is from the Herald of St. Peter, Minn., of last week's isatie. : - - ; ; The American Beet "Sufrar company, which owns the factory at GhttSka, Minnesota, has its headquarters at Denver, Colorado. . It owns and . operates seven other factories, at Kocky Ford Lamar and Las Animas, Colo., Chino and Oxnard, Calif., Grand Island, Neb., Mason City, Iowa, and East Grand Forks, Minn. . The contract the company is now offering the farmers in the vicinity of St. Peter, Minn., is identical with the one being offered the' farmers of the Willamette valley by the Utah Idaho Sugar company. That ia. it is a $6 a ton minimum participating contract. The farmer gets $6 a ton on delivery of his beets, and he owns half the sugar. He will receive half the selling price of tire sutfrrless half the selling costs. The farmer also gets the beet jteps: i Th farmers of the Willamette valley will get a contract $1 ar ton higher for 1928, iri case a factory is built here. And the per acre tonnage in the Salem district 6ugito average higher than fourteen and a half. It averaged 17 tons in the Bellingham, Wash.,' district this year, with ah average of 15.6 sugar content And selected land in the$alem district ought to do better than that, in both tonnage and sugar content. According to a news item in the St. Peter Herald, quoted above, giving the terms of the 1927 contract being offered, and the facts .about the opening of the new campaign for acreage, the farmers of that section are more than satisfied with the profits1 and benefits of sugar beet growing. Thi3 is the verdict of every section of the United States dfivoteJ to sugar beets as a major crop. - The farmers of the Willamette valley wH come to be still better satisfied, for they have a section that is well adapted tp sugar fceet growing ; And tnis valley is bound to come to be known in time as ihe sugar bowl of the United States. . . . . r xThe Oregon legislature at its session this winter must careful about indiscriminately getting under the bonds of the irrigation districts that are in difficulties. But it is the duty Of the legislature to attempt to work out a program for the protection of the settlers in those districts. And a thorough - going business handling of the affairs of most of the districts may make them solvent. The state of Oregon can afford to get under, a progressive program in the handling of these matters. -' - l ' - .'Z1 iaanaawaManMaaaaMaanaakaaMjaaBSa , The Statesman has in hand an article describing sugar beet harvesting hear one of the factories1 hi Nebraska. It is - an inspiring description. There is no other industry on the land that gives more inspiring scenes in harvest time. Nor any other that does so much, directly and indirectly, to make -farnung operations profitableand business lively in the cities and towns. It will be a wonderful thing, in the Willamette valley, when harvest is going on for a score and upward of beet sugar factories. It will mean such prosperity as we have scarcely dreamed of. Not on account of the beet sugar indus try alone,. but because of the indirect benefits that will be conferred upon every other industry on the land, and every line of business and every property value in our cities and . 'towns '. ' "VC, "'"; -...,. 1 LISTEN IN - TXTrSOY 1COEHWO '.mi-sn-KOW 4ll). TRomea healtk ' xTiMM i 10. Town Crier. m tMuii Ualpa. , 10:ih-1I:0 KFWV fJ12). Hobw m-W' hoar.-.''. '.j it .i.i ((rt--KOIX (3!9). ! tome tic ariance and eroaoraica talks. nu- TXTESDAT ATTEXHOOK l:0-:00---K fcC a32). Wathr re-t1'- ".". 8xrt-:00- KOIX. Aitusie,' news; 5:13, T1):"T4iti Tinia. S.0O-6.J KF V. TwilieM Mr. TTJEDAT WIGHT f 1 . Xoeat staUoaa e:00-13:00--H;W. CarfH: 7.- dren'a prarrasa; V:3tt, utilttj- kerric; H, 4artioi7al prorram, mnaic br A,:.ri . , JU iulroy atrinfr qortrt: -4U, Kaaia'i's.SM, olt by Cart Kwiw. .ff 1-80 KTBR. - Tcarifct v4d. C:9C :liKOrx. r.Mrga Ol'apnfJ r .:'ai'ir: 7, .antOMtEent sne(ion; , .Ins H. Quimhy pro;ram; :30, parb t ;.- uaii.-h, im;i trent at tba armory, ft . v uC yF'.VV. Twilita honr eon- j.i -J; 7, aaiioemrut nide; OUdys if Uaifnjr 'program; 9, studio 'program; It. orsa rn'Ual. 6-30-3:4 KXU MI). Studio program. 1: ?.Vltt:45 KVR (263). Journal Jaa krt; a : IS. radio rode cl rondHcted t Ashley C. lixoa; 8:15. "Mttnie of . . tiia Matters," coartesy KalpH tchaa- loeh rompsny. t : 1 5-9 : 1 5 K FI F (24a. Orcjiin CongTs 44 T'arnt-T(ahirs: tirant l'rt ml qusrtft; Mrs. Ljdis trrow. .aeeom pnniHt; Olsa liartfiel: Kddi -'and . Freddie Waitil. OXJT8IDE STATION 8 , 1:30 KFI. l-o AniceWs 41. "Mar ray's rrhKtra; 6. atyhtly doinira; :20, talk, 'Human Nature Arruuidl the Wrrld"; 7, Howard Serenade : , Screoa Artists' quartet. K turns Kiirmfl, j-oprano; 9. popular proirram: 10, rlariie aossetl; Sa O'Mallpy r -.Jark, Mello. 'fW Mna Kdwirdt and ntbera. ' 3:30 KPO. Sua Frsnriwo (428). Chit . dren'a pmrsia ; 15, Tow a Crier; : :SO, Lind's; 7,, Seire'a or rberira; H, Uda-Waktrop. trjraaist; 9, mufiic; 10. Jamr." orchestra ; 11. Lonj's orthestra. 5: JO KN'X. Hal.ywood (ST). RMmea's orchestra; 6, Town TattWr":.:.30', Kent orchestra; 7. stntiiw arojerrfut; 10. Ly man's orchestra, n-.i. :0O KFOX Vaost Rei,Z1) Trow- ra . uunlap. orjaatht ; -eJO, KiXtS Concert orch'ra ; 1 ;f0, studio pro rram; 7:30, tmok talk r a, Lone Bearh Municipal hand; iuM Family or chestra and -rga ' recitals H;iX0 vaudcrtua. . . . 6:15 KFSD. Ssn Diero (245) Town . TtpWs; 7, daara nasir and Toes) so Ins; 8. rlatsie honr; 9, Hawaiian mui: 10, Bali' arehestraj :30 KTAB. Oakland 303) Twilit hour; 7. shopping hoar: 3. stamp talk: :!'. KTBA quartet: ireue Miller, pianist. -. :ao' hFSO, L Anstelea 27.1 Rl--ri-k Morrison: 7: tut. tuienl rTanire lints. .:iJ KIIQ. V Spokane (394' "Bea Cohn": 7, studia program;. 40. Loomis' ftrehestra. 1 6:3fl K'OA. lienver (3 221 Farm qaes tion box; S. aurtioa friil(re lesion. 7: OO KOWW. U'alta Walla t2.11 Sertr ire hoar: 8, studio program. 7:15 KTBI. Io Anx.-los (204) Chil dren's protrram : H, uutic. 7:J0 CN'KV, ViBfutrer t 291 X'Mldren's projerara: u, poultry talk; 9, EUa.Dil ey, jianitt: Minnit- llereride. VelliRt ; Winnifrea Taylor, Tet-alist; 10, Belmont orehestra. 7:30 KFAf. Boise ( 24oj hildren's program : , new 1. male qnrtt. 6.00 KFWM, Oakland (;ljti studio program. Auburn The Women's -lub of Auburn will meet on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the borne of Mrs. U Resklns. This will b a busi ness meeting. : , The Autrain Corarannity club will meet at the school house on Friday evening. This will be a business meeting and part of the time will be devoted to the plan ning for Christmas work. .Deduction on ail bats at the Vanity Hat Shoppe. 2 89 Court St. Be sure to see our line of hatff be fore buying. .Latest metal cloth hats just in. () fottee of Intention to Improve Thompson Avenue From the North Line of Center Street to the South 'Line of Frederick Street. Notice is nereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove Thompson avenue from the north line of Center street to the south line of Frederick street, in the City of Salem, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and ad jacent property, except the street and alley intersections, the ex pense of which will be assumed byt the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, construct ing Portland cement concrete cirbs, and paving said, portion of said" street with, a six-inch Port land cement concrete pavement, thirty feet In width, in cccordance with the plans and specifications tterefor which were adopted by the Common Council on Novem ber 15th, 1926, now on file In the office of the city recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described improve ment by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. Oregon. - By order of the Common Coun cil the 15th day of November, 1126. -.. M. POU1USEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof U.Dec. 8, 1926. " . Date of final publication hereof will be Dec. 19, 1928. dl9 Xotice of Intention to Improve Cross Street From the East Line of South 12th Street to the West Line of South 13th Street. Notice Is hereby given that the Common .Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deema it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and Intention to im prove Cross street from the east line of South 12th street to the west line of South 13th street, in the City of Salem, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and ad jacent property, except the street and alley Intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bring ing said portion of said Btreet to the- established grade, construct ing Portland cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a six-inch Port land cement concrete ' pavement, thirty feet In width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council, on Novem ber 15, 1926, now on file In the office of the city recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de clares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described improve ment by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil the 15th day of November, 1926. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is Dec. 8. 1926. . , . Date of final publication hereof will be Dec 19. 1926. dl9 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF APPOINTMKN'T Notice 1 hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion, as administrator of the estate of Frederick Adolph Graffen, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such adminis trator; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly rerlfled, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, 203 Oregon Building. Salem, Marion County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem,- Oregon, this 3rd day of December, 1926.' RONALD C GLOVER,, Administrator of the estate of Frederick Adolph Graffen. de ceased. - - . d714-21-28-J4 XOTICE . Notice Is hereby given that I .have Impounded the following de scribed dogs In compliance with Ordinance No. 1404, to-wit: One large Atrdale dog. male. -- One small black bobtailed dog. One yellow shepherd dog, female. The above described dogs will be killed if not redeemed by owners, on or before December 18, 1926, as pro Tided in a;d Ordinance. , W S." LOW. - , .''trPt Commissioner. December 13? 1926. - dl 8 NOTICE In inmpliance with the provisions of Chapter 118, General Laws of Oregon for.i92iand all subsequent amendments thereto, notice is hereby given that the County. Court of Marion County, Oregon, will be in session at the Court House in the City of Salem, Oregon, in the Court Room thereor, on the.Tth day of December, 1926, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day.iat which time and place opportunity for a full and complete discussion of the estimates of the ameunt of money proposed to be raised "by taxation for the ensuing year will be given any taxpayer, subject to such tax levy when made to be heard in favor of or against any proposed tax levies. The following is an itemized estimate of Marion County's proposed tax levy for each department of County government. County Office or County Offittf, each County improvement, the maintenance of each County building and Institution, the salary -of, each County Of ficer and employees, including those whose salary is fixed by statute. Union Roster HOU CARKIKR9 AND BUILDI-Vd LA Uirar Local No. 441. aaaeta Wad. 8 s, i. n. Call 179 tor man. Item EXPENDITURES Exnenditures and Budcet Allowance for Six Months of 1926 Estimated Expenditures for year 1927 Expenditures for Three Fiscal Years Preceding the Year 192 Expenditures Budget Al In detail lowance In detail Registration and Elections: Salary of Judges and Clerks Election Supplies Rent of Polling Places . . . . . .' . Postage . Registration and Supplies Canvassing Votes , . Drayage Miscellaneous and Emergency Registrars 2.550.00 575.00 350.00 150.00 110.00 50.00 90.00 65.00 60.00 2,696.10 864.61 329.55 77.00 41.00 66.75 114.80 12.55 40.60 3.250.00 1,100.00 400.00 200.00 250.00 250100 150.00 ' 160.00 Detailed Expendltnres for 1925 5.00 1.00 95.00 33.34 Yearly Tetal 1924 Yearly Total 1923 54.00 Total Circuit Court: . Fees of Jurors ; . S . Fees of Witnesses . Salary of Bailiffs Fees of Reporters i ....... Miscellaneous and Emergency Total JuMicv Court: Fees of Justice of the Peace $ Salary and Fees of Constable t Fees of Jurors Fees of Witnesses . . . , Fees of Reporters -Fees-f Sheriff and Chief of Police . Making Jury Lists . -Miscellaneous and Emergency. . ; Official Bonds . . .v . 4,000.00 $ 4.242.96 I 5,750.00 $ Total - 6.000.00 1.500.00 800.00 300.00 400.00 9-.000.00 2.400.00 2.000.00 200.00 850.00 100.00 25.00 50.00 188.00 20.00 3,677.20 440.20 243.00 121.90 1,136.64 3.000.00 750.00 400.00 150.00 200.00 188.34 $ 9.618.45 V S.263.84 7.386.20 1.822.92 558.00 408.95 951.43 5,618.94 $ 4.500.00 S 11,127.50 S 7,t)67.71 $ 6.572-84 956.19 1,348.80 68.80 250.20 24.10 14.00 167.10 20.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 100.00 425.00 60.00 12.50 25.00 94.00 10.00 1.555.05 1,458.41 40.40 539.20 99.95 19.34 30.00 209.56 23.00 Juvenile Court: Salary of Juvenile Court Officer Examinations Traveling Expenses Witnesses, Etc Miscellaneous and Emergency , . Total v.; $ County Court and Commissioners: Expense of County Judge Salary of Jim E. Smith . . Expenses of Jim E. Smith Salary of J. H. Porter . . . Expenses of J. H. Porter . Advertising Telephone and Telegraph Experting Books Miscellaneous Emergency Postage and Stationery . . Total Court House: - Salary of Janitors .... Lights .i .......... "Water Repairs Furniture and Fixtures .... Fuel and Heat Miscellaneous Supplies Tools , . . . . r. . . Miscellaneous and Emergency Improvements (Estimate) .. Insurance for all buildings and contents owned by County, except Cotfnty Road Buildings and their contents Total $ District Attorney: Salary of Deputy District Attorney 1,200.00 Salary of Stenographer ...' 600.00 l Reporter's Fees Printing and Advertising 150.00 Postage and Express , 25.00 Blank Books 10.00 Typewriters and other Machinery, Appliances and Filing Cabinets a 200.00 Telephone and Telegraph 50.00 Stationery and Miscelaneous Supplies 50.00 Livery and Traveling Expenses . ; : t. " 60.00 Legal Blunka . 25.00 Miscellaneous and Emergency . ; 150.00 $ 5,833.00 X 2.839.19 $ 2.916.60 3.974.91 1.140.00 f 570.00 $ 510.00 f 1,000.00 50.00 25.00 100.00. 109.42 60.00 136.45 50.00 25.00 7.00 50.00 48.79 25.00 72.13 $ 1,390.00 S 728.21 635.00 S 1.215.58 S 1,800.00 900.00 900.00 f 1,800.00 75.00 39.05 25.00 45.04 1,000.00 457.50 600.00 829.00 350.00 173.35 100.00 204.35 1,250.00 625.00- 00.60 1,204.50 150.00 64.95 100.00 91.15 1,800.00 883.80 1,050.00 2,169.40 130.00 64.39 62.50 123.45 ' 700.00 235.00 326.00 672.50 1,000.00 1,174.82 11,403.79 200.00 25.00 12.50 15.60 S 8,480.00 4,617.94 $ 3,775.00 $ 18.458.60 $ 2,700.00 $ 1,260.00 $ 1,260.00 S 2.520.00 1,400.00 . 635.35 750.00 1.356.91 400.00 128.19 225.00 . "4.94.97 2,000.00 3,693.99 2,500.00 374.68 750.00 101.69 600.00 1.7S2-33 600.00 271.75 600.00 558.60 160.00 - 88.16 190.04 389.20 400.00 25.00 24.00 50.00 37.17 50.00 147.10 260.00 106.31 125.00 355.83 1,149.88 -. 60.00 267.20 $ 9,849.88 $ 6,222.61 $ 6,085.00 $ 8,180.92 700.00 300.00 29.00 228.40 600.00 300.00 29.21 2.15 71.90 15.00 75.00 12.50 6.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 12.50 75.00 1,200.00 600.00 10.60 62.15 42.26 60.16 17.86 75.15 369.84 Total : County Sheriff: , ; Salary of County Sheriff One Chief Deputy One Deputy , One Deputy , One Deputy (Tax Clerk) . . . . ; One Deputy (Tax Clerk) . . . , Extra Help (Tax Clerk) 530 days $3.75 per Printing and Advertising ..... ...i Postage and Express Blank Books i . , Stationery and Mlscell&nanM SnnnKo. Typewriter and other Machinery and Applla ;. - r uing uaoinets Telephone and Telegraph i.. Livery and Traveling Expenses Legal - Blanks Official Bond Emergency ' . , Miscellaneous 4. day. nces, , Total County Jail : " ' " ' 1 Board of Prisoners . . . ,; . . 'j".;m . . . Supplies and Medical Aid . . . ; Repairs and Improvements . . . . . .. . V . Miscellaneous and Emergency ......... 5 Total '. .J... ........ County Clerk: . ' ' . '7.7- Salary of County Clerk ... $ Salary of Chief Deputy . ; . . . I'. '. . . Salary of Deputy Circuit Court DYpt. . . : Salary of Probate and Cashier Deptv Salary of Bookkeeper .... .1 Salary of Extra Clerk & Reg. & Etec. Clerks (Est.) 1 Salary of Dep. Clerk for4g Tax. Bounties and v Board of Health Matters (Estimate) Printing and Advertising ..... : Postage and Express . . .".'. Blank Books . , t J ...... , 1 Stationery and Misc. Supplies . . Typewriters and other Machinery and "Appliances' Filing Cabinets ... Telephone and Telegraph ..4. . Traveling Expenses Legal Blanks .vr. . . . Official Bond . : . i . . . ... .11!!!! . Emergency and Miscellaneous . .111 2.610.00 S 1.375.66 1,255.00 S 2,438.00 2,000.00 S 1.000.00 $ 1.000.00 I 2.000.00 1,500.00 760.00 750.00 1,600.00 1,500.00 760.00 750.00 1,500.00 1.200.00 600.00 600.00 - 1,200.00 1,380.00- 690.00 690.00 1,380.00 1,320.00. 660.00 660.00 1,290.00 1,987.50 1,226.75 993.75 1,534.63 660.00 437.20 325.00 . 162.20 450.00 415.60 - 225.00 238.56 400.00 322.00 200.00 587.50 250.00 111.04 125.00 159.34 100.04 77.50 50.00 200.00 94.60 100.00 204.97 1,200.00 468.50 600.00 1,149.54 60.00 60.60 25.00 43.67 275.00 137.50 276.00 500.00 23.20 250.00 114.39 400.00 197.70 200.00 249.98 $ 15,362.50 S 7,874.77 $ 7,681.25 $ 13,589.78 6.000.00 $ 3.488.00 2.250.00 5,472.80 100.00 . 49.39 50.00 71.25 200,00 1,254.89 500.00 134.85 150-00 74.70 75.00 19.19 $ 6,460.00 4,866.93 $ 2,875.00 3 5,698.09 v Total , County Assessor: 1" Salary of County Assessor -. One Chief Denutv One Deputy . ' Clerks and Field Deputies . . e-r-w-rCv-lv V. 1.800.00 1.380.00 1.200.00 1.380.00 1,140.00 900.00 675.00 160.00 230100 225.00 ....... ! r .:. - 100.00 140.00 35.00 50.00 35.00 ; 30.00 .. 3 -9.635.00 9 4,851.90 900.00 $ 900.00 1,800.00 690.00 690.00 1,380.00 625.00 600.00 - 1,076.61 660.00 660.00 1,200.00 485.00 662.50 1,040.50 836.38 500.00 665.63 154.88 . 300.00 22?.18 99.15 r 125.00 318.85 94.87 ' 80.00 153.73 186.00 .1,10.00 141.75 95.12- " -100.00 139.09 ... ' - a. ,.... 48 00. . 75.00 7.85 62.55 70.00 103.20 . 7.50 12.50 14.65 4.85 30.00 11.84 17.50 35.00 2.50 10.00 y 35 4.842.50 $ 8.336.22 ......I 1.S00.00 $ .900.00 1.380.00 690.00, 1,380.00 690.00 .6,000.00 3,552.00 900.00 690,00 490.00 - 3,750.00 1.800.00 1.380.00 1.315.00 4,826.61' 10 1.4 2 82.70 9 7,386.75 f 7,756.10 9 8,484.80 6,675.51 $ 1,242.84 9 1,966.86 3 13.595.43 9 13.784.16 9 3.361.87 $ '3.520:60 9 8,848.05 9 8.319.26 CAV1TOL TTPtKIRAPHlCAI. UNION No. 210 Iriiant, O. F. Kana; are- rrtary, il. If. Wlkentaa.' Jsteela a- oad Nataruay. a :uu p. a. Uta Tbura, cvraiaf. llecbart priudot: Wt. fattiu fcrcrrUry. Skltud mechanics f u rt il ed. Phone 179. 4ALKM t'XION. LABEL. I.KAOUE Mets - at- l.a bo r Hall call at prmi dnt. F. W. Saara, awreUry. lios 443. Rafcm. r. -.- Lodge Hosier FRATEHX AL, ORDER OF EAGLES. mts rrery Wodnrsday. FrateraitT Hall. S. M. VHllott, Soe'r. Tat. 88-K- KXIGHTS OF PTTHIAS. MSETS AT Fraternal Hall avary Toesday avcaiDC. Vtaitora wvitd. N. Park Stwrcaa, C. C; -H. R. Bark. K. t K. 8.. Tai. 1319-W. Published mrrj noralar ( xcp Ho day) at Balwa, tKa eaftal of Qrwton Local Rates For Classified Advertising" Oaatima Threa lim Ma times Dally or Saaday 3 easts par word 5 eants per jrard ..8 cents tr word 1 mo. dsllT and Sua. -20 east per word 1b order t ante the atere than oae tins rate, advertisement aaust ran is eensecative issues. Me Ad. taken tor leaa taaa S5c Ada. ran Son day ONLY charged at one-time rata. t, AdTertisemeats . (expt Personala and Sitoattoaa Wanted) will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser ia a subscriber to phone. The Statesman will receive adver tise men ta at any time of the day er aight. To insure proper classifica tions ads. should be la before 7 p. Bt. TELEPHONE S8 OR 688 ADVKRTtSnfO HONKST ADYKRTIHINO These col nmi must be Kept free from anything of a questionable nature. Kiarepreaeaj tationa will not be tolerated. Infor mation showing any questionable lo- -tent on the port of the ad Tor User should he reported to this 'news paper er the. Salem Ad dub. : Money to Loan OH REAL BSTATK t . . T. K. FOBI (Orer Ladd Bash Bank) AUTO TOPS SEE C8 FOR TOPAXD PAINT WORK O. 3. Hun An to Top and Paint Shop. g7 S. Commercial. 6al6tf HELP WANTED Btato 11 WANTED SOME OKE TO CUT OAK . and fir wood on shares. Phone 72F3. ; - lldl2tf HKLP WAXTED Female IS LADIES, WE PAV ?25 HUNDRED guildmg cards. Opportunity for be ginners. No aellintr; addressed envel ope bring particular. Hudson Card, 130 Flat bush Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y. 13dl4 LADIES WE PAY f 26 PER 100 Q Guild Greeting Cards, free .particular for addressed envelope.' Yorkvilla Card. Dept..- KO 864 Lexington Ave, N. Y. 13dl2 WORK. AT HOMIT 6 A DOZEN MA K ing acarfs. Experience unnecessary. No canvassing. ' Particular, for stamp. Linnit Service; Inc., 191, Lynn, Mass. ' . ' I3dl3 WOMEN MAKE MONEY SEWINU T Kungstow aprons, children's dresaes. Materials cut, "instruction furnished. Experience unnecessary. Write Henr) Msnafacturirvs Co., 104 Fifth Avenue. . New. York City.' 13dl2 "T LADIEH MAKK 2.- TO 50 WEEKLY addressing" cards at home; experience unnecessary, 2tf atamp brings full psr tieniau. H. Lichty, New Cattle, Ind. 13dl2 WOMAN WANTED FOR- TRAVELING , POSITION Must be entirely unincumbered, with high achoql .education, between 25 and 40.. Salary, bonus and transportation. Give full information first tetter. F. E. COMPTON CO.. 10OO N, Dearborn St.. Chieay. 13dl2 SALESMEN 15 LIOHTNINO STRANGE BATTERY OOM- pvona. cnarges dischsrgxt batteriea instantly. limiaates old method en tirely. Gallon free to agents. Ford Batteries '86.20. Lightning Co., St. Paul, MinD.-- 15dl2 WANTED AGENT OR REPRESENT A tive. No experieace aecessary, oara 87 to 810 per day. pay every day. Writ now. Field Manager, Rt. 4. Bos 65-A , isdis IF YOU THINK" IN TERMS OF 86.00O . the first, jasr; write :us now.. Strong line for retail stores. Nationally ad vertised. Established .concern. Beat season now -starting -' Liberal weekly , advance to produeer. The Continental Co., 2010 Eud id, . Cleveland, O., Dept. 974. - ...... 15dl2- AGENTS WANTED 17 DIRECT FACTORY AGENT. THIS county 10O store route. - No selling. Just distribute and collect. Exper . ieace unnecessary. Should net aalary 70.00 weekly. Box 25, Statesman. ; i7di2 WANTET--Employinnt 19 CIXyTHINO REMODELED, ANY OAK meat.. Or. bring them. I will show you. Phone 773-J. 19dl5 FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT digging and team work. Pnoae T3 F2. ' . 10ml4tf City Chimney Sweep Satisfaction or No Pay ; 4 Call 9515 : lSjlft FOR RENT 21 FOR KENT HOUSES AND APART -meat. ; F." U : Wood, 841 8ute St. - . .. 21ml2tf FOR RENT -Aiutrtmenta 23 . COZY TWO-ROOM APT. IN MODER'f home. - Closar ia. Phone 469-J aft "S m p. m. -' ... . ... .. 23at LARGE ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT. .1811 Court Street. .. .. 23dll MODERN - 3 ROOM APARTMENT. N. Front. Inquire 127 Union. Adnlta cnly.. - - 23dlS APARTMENT PHONE 2056-J. ; 23J11 rOR iREKT, DUPLEX i ATABTMENT. Ml N. Winter. - 4 SSalOti PLEASANT 3 -ROOM. -FURNISHED . - apartment. 475 N. CoaunerciaL. - 23dl4 FURNISHED APT. FIRST FLOOR. 293 North Summer. : 23dlS FOR RENT Rooms 25 ROOMS m KEiif NEWLY EQUIP . pad at the Alexandria. Phone Mrs. K. A. Bennett, . 153. er 1280. 1030 Cnetneketa. 25nl9tf - FOR RENT House 27 FOR RENT HOUSE. 7 ROOMS AND breakfast room. . Bath, lighta, farnaea, - 12th St. across from supreme eourrt 990.00 per month. ChU 140 9-W. 87418