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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1926)
THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8, 1026 SKIISCiOL i am i title s. . .. Local Team ExDected' .to it..-lll-i i i t rr-t e t-t'AVO lvprii.i inn in I U'V t ; , ' ' Prospects Show Sn football championship will! bo claimed - this Tear bv Salem sigh school.' ontaide of. the terri tory covered by Rameit won, be cause nr . tne tart mat mere are mix undefeated teams in the utate ana me oniy wir to aecine a mate football championship would be ta.bave each one of them play the others. . Such an elimination tour nament i , mamresuy impossinie, bo It . naturally follows that an Oregon utate tharaplonshlp Is also hnposiilbliv - - - - Players oh this year's team who 111 probably not be seen again la a Sletn hUch school football Buit tire Olinger. Adams, Cnm miags attd Hamiiton. ends; Drag er, tackle; Cast, Dolby and Fabry, guards"; Lyons, ' center; ' Temple and Kelly, halfbacks; Ashby, quar rrr. The oaly Jettermen who will be left for next ywtr are Backe, full; Jglaco, half: Bowne.' "center, and pacs. tackle. Homer Lyons, this year's center, may be back also. hn ttm tacn fit Ihlnn It would bpptfar that Ralem will rntf Into 1 1 . .... Coach Hahtlogton. Is not worried. Tor backflcld material he will have baike, Blaco, Kelson. R. Kelly, Ktpihgef and others. f The line noxt year is expected t? be the tlrlef source of difficulty. Tfomer Lyons will probably play t renter if he return, with Howne t$4 Jones as tackles. -i A few other prospects are Ho- Tiier Smith, a natural, tackle; J ' Temnle.' Crosby and several un- fj-led prosbwts at guard. De Lisle, tiiesy and Schwabbauer are pos sible ends. - A At ShipldFy't'ilto ladles of Salem have satisfied themselves that they ran get the Jinl, fall and win .ier, rrot:ka,jruata and dretas ever shown in ibis, city . . t'j . Roller "miCZtiiim: at th Dream land Rln."Tneaday. Jtiday and Hal nrdsy 'from 7:30 to I0:3Q y ra.i Ladle admltttld ' free Uen- flemen 10c fikaciag lie. ) Capital Bargain. HOOse, Capital Am- irfi. rm ruih,, A ,. nrnrk. . i D fflABj. niku t 'vu . . lng. Thret- lB ne Bargain .center of jSaleni ,Thiusahds of bargains. H. SteJnbock. center. , f Conference Not Expected to Atlopt-Valve Ball This 4 1 r)5ays Hager' V ' O R E Q O N AGRICULTURAL qOLLEr.EtLCorTallis., Dec. 8. 2hanges."ip pasketball rules for the coming season will not affect the playing the coast to any great Xtenti '4a-ihe.r opinion of Coach Bob Hager.; Aggie cage mentor The rule -staling that a diameter be drawn" li h center parallel, to tha end lines- to denote tne pan of the cirele -belonging to each lumper may be left dut. as far as Pacific coast conference basketball In concerned, according to Coach flayer. ' ' - '"Requirements for air pressure of 13 poxtnds for the ball may be CiUAily enforced if the conference . c&upis va:5valte ball instead of a lace on." remarked the Orange coach.. 'The valve ball In its pres ent state is net entirely satisfac tory "as it often leaks air. The ikrtallle substance on. cover de cidedly. affects the dribble and also tbc suape of the ball. The con- - ft-rency may adopt a ball at its tneetlng this week in Portland, but if Is doubtful if the valve ball will lit adopted." "concluded Coach Ha- Were are the changes in basket ball rules for 1926-27: uRule 1, section 3 A diameter Do You Enjoy Motoring? I You can if your cat runs' well. , Change of oil and ; t;gaod: lubrication ; will keep it run- , ' riing ;welL . ." -, C. . Monroe S. Cheek - Complete Automotive . . Lobrloation , COCRT AT CAPITOL . . '. : Telephone 229.1 is to be drawn in the center circle parallel to the end lines; : Rule 4, section An air! pres sure of 13 pounds is recommended as a satisfactory Inflation for the ball. . This applies to the valvf ball which permits the uw "of an air gauge. ' - , Rule . section If an injury takes place while the ball is in play, the officials are to withhold their whittles nntil a play has been completed.; ' ;'. Rule . section 7 The umpire in given authority to disqualify players for flagrant unsportsman like conduct. ' ' ' r , ' ' Rule S, section 5 Kach center player shall stand with both feet or or inside his half of the center circle. Rule 11, section 1 "Time out" shall not be granted for a substi tution or at the revest of a cap tain, after the bait la in position for one or more free throws. Such tlme out" may be granted be tween .the calling or the foul and taking it to -the free throw line, but not thereafter until the throw or throws have been taken; where upon the old rule governs. In case of free throws awarded to both teams "time . out" , may be granted while the ball is .being taken from one free throw line to the other. Rule li. section 6 If two or more, free throws are awarded to',,, there must be organIc the same team, at least one of which is for the personal foul, the ball is in play if the last free throw Is missed. Rule 15. section 13 (a) If a player is fouled In the act of throwing for goal, the goal counts if made. The clause, "if the ball has left the player's hands when the whistle blows for the foul" is eliminated! Rule lVWtion 11 (a) Cen ter ball instead of nearer free throw line. TO HAVE CHAR6E OF BI6 USED CAR SALE George Kenneth of Eugene to, Be With MacDonald Clearance Sale . George Kenneth of Eugene is r.ow In.Kalem, to take charge as prompter of the big used car sale of the MacDonald Auto company, starting fct 9 o'clock this morning. This, sale is being held for the purpose of disposing of a stock of $15,000 worth of accumulated used cars, mostly taken in ex change in sales of new cars. Mr. Kenneth and Mr. MacDon ald expect to make a clean sweep, as they do not intend to let a lit tle matter of price or terms stand in the way,. In clearing the field for future bnsiness. 1 ' ' The Midget Meat Market nerer fails to give you the-finest meats and fish. There ia but one place in Salem to get the finest fish. The Midget Market has it for yon. () The . Cherry City Baking : Co.'a bread, plea and cake, are of high est quality. One of Oregon' most sanitary bakeries. Visit it. Worth hile. A Salem show place. ( Walter H. Zosel. automobile 'ires, tabes and accessories. Vul canizing that holds. High. quality, -tuperlor servtce. A trial makes a custom., 198 a Com'l () LATE SPORTS PORTLAND.' i Ore.. Dec. ,7. (AP Leo Loraski, Aberdeen light' heavyweight, battered and lunched his way to a seven round knockout victory over Harry Dil lon, "Winnipeg, in a' scheduled ten round main event here tonight. The Aberdeen battler had the best of every round and " In the sixth sent his adversary to the floor from a volley of vicious rights and lefts to the stomach." Dillon arose after the count of nine and all but floored Lomski ith a wild i haymaker, c The seventh had hardly opened - when Lomski, with a well timed right connected with Dillon's chin and followed with a short left jab that sent Harry. to the canvas for the fatal count. SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec. 7. (AP) Chuck Hellman. bantam weight of Portland, won an un popular decision orer Beany "Kid" Carter of Phoenix, Arizona, in six rounds here tonight; FRESNO, Cal.. Dec. 7. (AP) Iidel La - Barba, r flyweight champion of the world, piled np an early lead and increased it in suc ceeding rounds to take a ten round decision of Deloa Williams of New Orleans here tonight Eiker Anto Co.. Ferry at . Lib erty st Autos stored, and bought nd aold. Cars washed day and night. Low prices and service will make long friends. ' () Special as long aa they last oody powder and bath salts only c regular 75e each.- These make wonderful Chrtstmaa pres ents. Crown Drug. 3S2 State. () ' Hartman Bros. Jewelry Sore. Watches, clocks,, rings, ptns." dia monds, charms, cut glass, silver ware. Standard ; goods. State at Liberty St. . The only newspaper printed in Tombstone, county sent of Cochise county, Arizona,. la called th "Epl- DEMPSEY RELATES ,! P0I11IIS1Y New York Americarv 'Adds Chapter to Plots Voven Around Heavyweight r NEW YORK, Dec. 7. AP) -The New York American tonight added another chapter to the story of "poinon plots" woven about the figure of Jack Dempsey. who lost his heavyweight boxing title, to Gene Tunney In the Sesqui-Cen-tennial ring at Philadelphia. Dempsey told its representative in Los Angeles, the American says that' he believed he was pois oned before the contest and that his suspicions were confirmed by a - physician who examined him the day after he lost the cham pionship. The physician was not named. "I don't know what happened, nor how it happened." the paper quotes Dempsey as saying. "I do know that I was in such an alarm ing condition that I called a doc tor the rtav ftr ttio fifht lwaa disorder." Dempsey then explained the pa per says, that he refused thk. doc tor admission after he arrived, fearing that the public might think the former champion was "trying to frame an alibi'," but that another physician who stitched the wound Tunney opened over Dempsey's eye said "There were strong symptoms of poison. Tex Itlckard, promoter, was afraid Tunney would not be able to go through with the match. Dempsey is quoted as saying. "Tunney got sick flying here from Stroudsburg. Do me a favor and don't stop him to fast. Let him stay three or four rounds. This is the greatest crowd we ever had and I want to give them a run for their money," Dempsey said Rickard told him. "I almost had to laugh In his face. He was worrying about the wrong man as t was so weak When I reached the arena that I almost fell getting out of an automobile," Dempsey is quoted as saying. Cure that cold and that miser able feeling in a jiffy. Get some Quick Cold Tablets at Nelson A Hunt. Druggists. Ontbe corner of Court and Liberty Sts. Tel. 7. () Cross Meat Market. Biggest, ousiest and best in Salem. Cbolc- ?8t steaks, .bacon, hams, sausare. 'ard. eggs. milk. Absolutely aani- arvi S70 State St. () Excess of ' Politeness.. I i Mars Present Day Bout ..... ;.,. :- i NBWs YORK Dec. 7. f AP) There will he no more handshak ing -to. interrupt, the braising bus iness of fistenffing iq New York state. rings.' the state Athletic com mission decided today. Holding that the "manly art" of purameling has been marred by an excess of politeness,, the board issued an edict t hat boxers here after -must stick strictly to the task of cuffing without courtesies. Referees will warn all contestants that only two handshakes will be permitted, one before the thump ers go forth to battle, the other after the business has been fin ished.' Parker & Co., 444 S. Commer claL . Don't fail to see Parker about repairing your car. Expert mechanics at your service. All ork guaranteed () General Markets LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Oi., !. 7. (AP) Cattle ad ealrrs ! to 50e lover: receipt 85. (24 through) Mrrrii. good SHtrtfl.25; medium S?6tg; heifers, good 7(7.25; common nd medium $5(t7: row good f 6 (d 6.50 ; rommon and me dium $4.50(j'6;" low rutters and eatter S2l 4.50; bulla good S4.50M 7.25 ; ealrw medium to rhriee. milk feda excluded $7 Pi 9; culls and rommon f5&7; vealero. medium and ehoice ?9(glU; call and romnmn S3.5)fr? 9. Hog steady; no receipt. Parking no. roBjcn ana amootn .73 1U..SO. Mheep and lamba steady; no receipts. i earung wetners, medium to enoice SB 10.50. . .. PRODUCE - PORTLAND,- Or.. ltr. 7. (AP) Milk steady; hst chnrnina: rmarn lit per pound art shipper' trsric in soa I. vTrsm arilrrrnt -Portland 49c per ponnd Kaw milk (4 per rent) 2.25 cwt f. b Portland. Poaltry stead?; hearr hens SS6726e;' lift-ht 119; spring 2l(a23c: broiler S5to2f,r; pekin while durks 24r; col ored t20e; turkeys lira 30 W 32c; dressed 33r40 pound. ' Uniqas steady; hiral 75cSt.2S; Walla Walla iHci ft. Potatoes 1.50&1.63 sack, steady. I ' f : GRAIH ' ' . PORTLAND." re.. ee. 7. (kTY Wkeat.bida: BBB hard white, hard whit. B.H, Basrt. federation, soft white, western whito Dw, Jan. SI.3.r,; hard winter. Urr.., Jan. fl.84; northern aprinf le-., Jan l.33; western red. I)c., Jan. L3l. Oata So. 2. 3 pnd white feod and ray Dee.. Jan., $34. SO. ' - Com, Xo. 2 EV shipment Dee, Janl 38.50. . .No. 3 Y shipment. I., aZ $34.50. r- ilU,rBa' UbH f23.50; Jan. : - , ; .- : - : HAT -PORTLAXD. Or.. Dee. 7. (AP)- Hay taring' priees: Ksstera Orema tim othy -0a2i; ditto Hey $.7fer 17.50; bea $13; a If s Ha $17.50 18; cat hay I3; and veteh 14.50613; straw br7.a0 per ton. ; Selling priroa 3 a ton more. : HOPS 8TEADT XEW fOKK. Dec. , 7. (AP) Ktsd orsted aftples oierr aruae steady; aprt- atronji peaches qniet; heps steady. ' - WHXAT XEXEGTIZJUt ' ' CHICAGO, Dec. WAP)-Cbane that k-e blorkades holding grain back would he brakes) cav a Uto downward dant .to wheat-, values today. Prices. h weer, for Deeember delirery of wheat. wer tightened jip at tisaen to a level with My. .The wheat market fiUhef irrer nlar at T-Se net derliae to advanee; r-t-rrt !-2i-o'S-; op tni OaLf l-6r'l-e ' oif. .,: ! -,- -- (weight title from Mickey Walker last May. ' ' 1 Ills opponent in a 10-roond no- decision fight will he Joe Slmon- ich.- miner from Butte, Montana, wtuwe chief claim to distinction In the east was a recent hard fongbt match against Walker, during which the western fighter scored a first knockdown. 11. L. Stiff Furniture Co.. lead ers In complete home furnishings! priced to make yoa the owner. The store that studies your every need and la ready to meet It. ab solutely. I J ; Hare your favorite negative en larged at Patton's Book Store by Melgaard. the artist. Kodak fin ishing in all its branches. Quality work only. () D. il. Mosher, Mercnant Tailor, is turning out the nobbiest and best fitting tailor made suits to measure. 100 business and pro fessional men buy of Mosher. (! Cooley-Pearson Team Defeat De Molay Five Showing much Improved form, the Cooley-Pearson quintet won its first city league game from the De Molays Monday night 27 to 13. Gregg. Gibson and Nash proved the strong parts of the Cooley ma chine. Gregg was high point man with eight markers. The Improved, showing of the Cooleys was due to teamwork caused "by practice, while the De Molays lost chiefly because each man tried to play the whole game. The Commercial Book Store has everything yon need In books and stationery and supplies for the school, office or home at the low est possible prices. ( Gabriel Powder & Supply Co.. lumber, building materials, paints. nd varnishes, roofing paper. Get. prices here and make a big sav ing. Office. 175 S. Com 'I. () Slate surface roofing- applied orer yonr old ihingles. We have, iver 200 Job In Salem. Nelson Bros., plumbers, sheet metal work, 355 Chemeketa. () LIQUOR EVIDENCE STIRS : COURT AT GREEN TRIAL (Continued Irons page 1.) that Colonel Green, before pocketr fng the container, had scratched off the label. Charlton also testified that on another occasion when Colonel tireen naa neiped nimseif to a quantity of confiscated liauor he had remarked "It's a shame to de stroy good liquor" and that "ther are lota of sick persons in the city who ought to have liquor." Col onel Green, the witness asserted, invariably explained that the UqJ ST. was for a ".sick friend" and at he sometimes carried the liq uor in his pockets.and sometimes In a email grip. Charlton caused a mild 'stir "in the crowded courtroom when he testified that Colonel Green had instructed him to ""save ' all good liquor for me "and put if on the lower shelf of the vault."" i If It comes from na It will please yon because it Is. so wholesome and good. Better Yet Bread made by Better Yet Baking Co.. 26 North CommercfaL ) The Dixie Bakery leads on high class breads, pies ' cookies and fancy baked supplies of every Mad. Best by test. Ask old cus tomers 439 Court St. - () Phone V CONSUL PROBES FIGHT BATTLE WITH LABORERS IS HELD EXAGGERATED CHICAGO, Dec. 7, CAP) An international aspect was given a gunfight here today in which a Mexican railroad track laborer was killed, another wounded and a policeman was fatally shot. . Luis Lupian. Mexican consul started an investigation of reports ad expressed belief the police re ports concerning the fight were exaggerated. Police who went to the box car home of the laborers said they were exposed to volleys of pistol fire when they attempted to arrest one of the laborers on a charge of accosting a woman. More than 50 police answered a call for reserves, after Patrolman L. J. Stahl was killed and a fel low officer. Charles Kolwltz, was wounded. A. If. Moore. 2S3 N. High St. apartments, and store where yoa can get high quality furniture and furnishings for every room in your honse. () CHARGES NON-SUPPORT TWO MINOR CHILDREN NOW CARED FOR 11Y STATE VA charge of non-support was filed in justice court here yester day against Bert Blickseth by Nellie Blickseth, his divorced wife, who alleges that he has failed to provide for their two minor chil dren. Bail was set at $1000 and Blickseth is in Jail, having failed to produce it. The hearing on his case will probably be this afternoon, accord ing to Brazier Small, justice of the peace. Nellie Blickseth has remarried since leaving Blickseth, but has since separated from her second husband, he said, and the two children at present are cared for by the county. .Pomeroy & Keene. jewelers, never fail to give you 100 on the dollar. Watches, clocks, pins, charms. Standard high grade 4tock in all departments. () 'JAPANESE SHIP WRECKED TOKYO, Dec. 8. (AP) The Japanese owned Nykk freighter Aauka Maru went on the rocks in a V8tormoff Oshima, Wakayama prefecture, last night. The crew landed safely but it is believed the vessel is a complete loss. Most of the cargo, however, was dis charged at Yokohama. Salvagers have been summoned. Prepare a harmless and effective gargle by dissolving two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" in four table spoonfuls of water. Gargle throat thoroughly. Repeat in two hours if necessary. Be sure you use only the genu ine Bayer Aspirin, marked with the Bayer Cross, which can be had In tin boxes of twelve tablets for few cents. Adv. OaMamd Aspirin Gargle in SoreThroat or Tonsilitis Youjcfoh't have to understand the inner workings pf a car to be sure of getting real value heretr . . . Our aim is not merely to sell a Used' Car . . . but rather to satisfy . t ' ,.. See our list of Used Cars 1 in the Classified Ads. 1841 280 South High THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUILT THREE CARS STOLEN THEFTS XAID TO EXCESSIVE NUMBER OP TRANSIENTS An exeesslve number of tran sients in town fecently are thought by local police to account for the theft of three automobiles and one tire from a fourth caa here yester day. The first car to be stolen was a Chevrolet touring, license number 144-208, stolen from near the paper mill yesterday morninff. It was owned by Bessie Hisel. The thieves next struck - last night when they took the Chevro let touring car owned by Virgil E. Starr from where it was parked on Church street, and also took a CTC balloon tire from a Ford car owned by M. G. Smith, parked next to Starr's machine. The third car stolen was a Nash coach, owned by the Klrkwood Motor company, stolen from State street. Vibbert tc Todd Electrle Store. High at Ferry St. Agent for the Easy" Washer. Good service and low prices are hringing-an increas ing trade to tltis store. () Fry's Drag Store. 280 N. Com'l, the pioneer store. Everything for everybody in the drag supply line, with standard goods and quality e rrice at ways. ( ) ENGINEERS ELECT SCHWAB NEW YORK. Dec. 7. (AP) Charles M. Schwab, chairman of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, today was elected president of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for the coming year. Quality painting, both varnish and laquer work, in our modern equipped paint shop. Washing, greasing and night service; tire repairs. Wood's Auto Service Co. MRS. BOWMAN RETURNS SILVERTON. Dec. 7 (Special) Mrs. George Bowman has re turned from Washington where she has been visiting her mother. For Spasmodic Coughing and Burning, Tickling Throat. Take SCHAEFER'S " HERBAL COUGH SYRUP SOLD ONLY AT SCHAEFER'Q DRUG STORE 135 North Commercial St. Phone 197 Original Yellow Front The Penslar Store PIANO BUYERS OUTSIDE OF SALEM There's a; Big Factory Sale of World Famous Kimball Pianos in Salem Combined Factories W. W. Kimball Piano Co. Cooperating with - Moore's Music House in This Gigantic SALE NOW A piano of worfd famed make at a much lower price than you expect This sale offers so much in money saving once or write fof price list Only 10 of these $425 values to be sold at present prices Now $267 Beautiful Baby Grand ifs from Kimball Factories Now $575 Bis stock piano benches. Ideal benches, ideal CI C ClQ Xmas. gifts p ID and -4)10 A player piano that brings real music to your home. Big reductions this shIq $363, $387, $437, etc. Tell us how much time you need to pay write us or come in - - Everything in Music RADIO HEADQUART- SAXOPHONES, VIO- ERS, PHONOGRAPHS, LINS, BANJOS, RECORDS, SHEET DRUMS, MUSIC ETC Remember Only These Big Factory Savings MOORE'S MUSIC HOUSE 400-415 Court Rtroc, Salem, Oregon W KL IS Wltb Every One of These Special for This Christmas Season feffeattoptt.. (SBCtt G2 Ann - is filled with Gifts for All THIS is the most remarkable oiler ivr marl rn n wahmor marKine The most superb washer of the great ABC Double to' the brim and overflowing with Christmas gifts enough for family (and all FREE to you) may Se had" for only a trifling sum paid iow and such small deferred chat you'll never miss the The World Famous W (S fhis is decidedly the best built and moothest running machine made, ts washing speed is greater and leansing action cleaner. It, is as .entle with clothes as human hands vouldbe." : everlasting . solid , copper tub. Abs olute silence in operation. No oiling ecessary. Danger proof and virtu Ily trouble proof built to last a fetime. , Tome in now and see this marvel asher demonstrated. Get full par- j xulars of this remarkable Christmas ' ifer today. la to th opening of two new store, we have opening for fteveral neat appearing men not afraid of work and willing to follow last run ion h. Call before 1 1 a. m. at Salem Hardware Co., rail for Mr. ItarkMr. v -Electric Service Co., . With Salem Hardware Co. ISO X. Commercial - Phoae .'173 oJTl ome in at Free Bench - VjT5l IS VA TUDFUt OF GIFTS ABC Christmas Washers Fastest Washing Cleanest Washing Safest . Washing Small Floor Space No Oiling Big Capacity Low Wringer Low all time A filled a whole amounts money. .Water LuujjS ' a. '