nsnirrnmi ..LIJ UJIDilLIUIILL ason Opens With Game at .IcMinnville, Two Letter I Men Returned . ,-ILL.UfKTTK UNIVERSITY JIASKKTIlAt.li RCHKDUL.K Annary 7 Unfleld at Mc I Mlnnvllle. anuary fr-Lln field at Salem. Intlary 21 Pacific Uoivers- -. : Ity at Forest Ofwr. inuary 27 Whilmaawat Sa-v " lend. -fi,..0 nuaryi 28 Whitman at. Sat ' lent, ' i . jf-sitiiii i -..i: -bruary 4-r-CPS ;tTacoma I ( ten ta tire ). v' , ebruary 10- College of Ida "f Tio at Salem. H'fe ebruary 1 1 College , o Jda ' - bo, at Salem. ebruary 16 College of Pu- Ret' Sound at Salem.' t : ebruary 25 Pacific Univers ity 'at Salem. ; - alera basketball fans will have Jaance to watch. the WWatnette persity Bearcats in action seven es ob .the home floor this sea- . according to the team's north- kt conference schedule as drawn at the conference meeting in htland last Friday. rhg team opens at McMinnville kuary .7 against Linfield col a and eturn No games have been scheduled the week-end of January 14-15. Y tentatlv ram a arainst the lege of Paget Sound has "been anged for February 4 in Ta-aa.- The trip . north LwlU . be jde , in "" rase another game can arranged.fpt.the following day linst some independent team, jn case this cannot be done the e will -be played on: the same k-end when CPS" plays here roar v" "v " -,. , he conference season will end inst Pacific university, here en ruary 25. No pre-seasop games e been .scheduled yet, accord- to Leslie Sparks, graduate nagery and there is little pros- t of having any, because of initial reason.. The squad has been cut to 14 n- and. will be further pruned m. - The material" is not extra id, according to Sparks, who has n coaching the team while ach Spec, Keene was busy with tball. : :, i - , Duly two lettermen are back ch field and Hartley. Men show ; .well, in practice so Tfar , are Ildel, TWedIe, - AshbjF and uck.-.jTba last two are'fresh n, but arf expected to make the ber classmen travel fast to bold fir positions. : .Ilallk & Eoff Electric Shop, 337 urt St. , Everything electric. ra motors and fixtures and sup- es to i wiring. Get prices and k at complete stock. () Buy at Director's and save. 3 20 n's all wool suits 19.95 in I1 tor's Downstairs Store. 32.60 nanta II 12 SO alickor Hts 31.59: COc toe rubbers 19c DM1RAL R0BIS0N TELLS r OIL LEASE DEALINGS Continued from page 1.) . . ... kse. He permitted Roberts to Srrect from - the official record he had., said about a navy lck exchange he agreed that he ght have taken a different at ude had he known at the time (OO.OOB Jwhile Fan wa"in the telnet.! Once he fafrty Bhouted his questioner that he ifas not kind' to trim his sails and make i testimony fit expediency. iThe engagement lasted most of a day; and while it was at its light the , government's special unsel received word of another 'ljor victory in another quarter, holding the action of the lower jarts, a supreme court ruling Tew out, the protests of Fall and itry E- Sinclair against their in to tment for criminal conspiracy d. ordered, them to trial, Kob ts said he would ask for a trial ite immediately following ' the Inclusion of the present hearing, obably in January.' : 1 - - - In many ways the two' cases run rtllel; 'Fall and Sinclair must a Jury as an outgrowth of the yard . of the Teapot. Dome lease Sinclair oil Interests, just as r J, f 1 f Novel Macicbn ' ' Goes On Mad Way J ..... . . ; r ". ; Frank Van'Hovea, 1he iriad magician," who continue to ' fail in his trick for the great "enjoy ment. of Pantages .audiences. At the Capitol theater now,. - v , Fall and Doheny now are on trial as a result of the Elk Hills lease to Doheny's Pan-American .jCoral pany. In the Fall-Doheny case t&4 government hinges its hope ofcon viction on the $100,000. In the Fall-Sinclair case if will hinge on allegations or tne passage or a smaller sum between the princi pais-' : Because of the time taken up in the questioning of Uobison, Secre tary Wilbur of . the navy depart ment did not. testify today and Frank J. Hogan, chief Of the de fense attorneys, said he might not . i (iuaiii liiauciu j ' - - " the two schools wilV,pJayJ?,.caIled l n- .Hpgan originally game at Salem January! subpoenaed theecretary to ex- w. i. ,1 .. 1 I nlfein U'hV hn had a mr1 Rnhiin plain why, he had Warned Robison not to disclose " confidential do far -mation" to the Jury, but the de fense ckUf declared "hewas. well satisfied with, the admiral's testi mony and might let the matter rest there. - " New sweaters! A large ship ment, lust in. New patterns. Tie w shades In the, popular pullover and coat styles. Scotch Woolen Mills. ) Hensy XS. Miller? 184 S.Com'l St., where most people prefer to get their auto parts for all makes of cars. - Trade here and make savings on all auto parts. . ( ) Marathon Channel Swim Draws Many Contestants LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Dec. CAP) Between 300 and 500 en tries have been received for" the 325.000 Wrigley marathon chan nel swim to take place next month between the California, mainland And Santa Catalina Island Oscar RIecnow, t member of the com jnittee In charge -of thi event said today,. . r, ; ' In the neighborhood of 750 long distance natators are expected 'to be entered in the e vent by Janu ary 5 when the entries close. Acclimated ornamental nursery stock, evergreens..; rose bushes fruit and shade trees at Pear cy Bros, in season. We have our own nurseries. 178 S. Onro'L ! Mr. Used Car Ttuyer; Have you seen the resl bnys at the Caoifol Motors Incorporated? Sea Biddy Bishop, 35ft N. High '''"St. Tele phones 2 2S and 21 2. " ( PRlJtCl-8 AS "DOPESTEIt" LONDON. (AP) Princess Mary, warmly wrapped in heavy coat trimmed with ponyskln, was an interested spectator at the autumn racing gallops. When she saw Soiarlo, she remark' edth'at it seemed impossible touch a beauti ful creature could be beaten. Her words were not prophetic, how ever, forSSlaf io wasj&bsed "out in theibigace-l J ry? I Tyler's Big Z Cold Capsules will cure your cold. If you don't be lieve it try it for yourself. Tyler's Is the only place to get them, 157 S. Com'L , A) Pontiac Six ct:ii sweeping to ward unchallenged, leadership. Landau sedan 3895 f. o. b. factory. Easy to pay on General Motors time payment plan. VIck Bras. ( Reduction on all hats at the Vanity Hat Shoppe, 487 Court St. Be sure -to see our line of hats be- f fore buying. Latest'' metal cloth BABYS COLDS Ijjl aro soon Mnippd in the bnd" mJ without "doe in r" by use of 02KLS VA ro RUB , dSS 4 fOisje - 73 fros . i tYfa J J. SAY 0CavL - BECKS ft ITKXD RICKS j-s -mrawntw-or AIT JOnfli TeL 181 Heillg Theater Lobby 133 N. nigh ' FOOTBALL SCHEDULE FOB 1927 Willamette to Have Four i Games at Home, Eight : Teams on Bearcat List. ; Northwest Conference Football 8 Schedule for Willamette I October 1 Washington at Seattle. October 8 Albany college and Monmouth normal at Salem (doubleheader). October lS.-rCPS at Tacoma. October 22 College of Idaho ""'. at Salem. ;; , '. October 29 Open. November 5 -Pacific universi ty at Salem or Portland. . November 11 Linfield at "Salem. " November 24 Whitman at Walla Walla. Willamette university's 1927 .Northwest conference football schedule as arranged last Friday, is said to be the best one the uni versity has ever had, and Coaeh Spec Keene is well satisfied. Eacn conference team will be played during the season, besides three pre-season games. No fur ther changes will be made in the schedule, according to - Keene, as October 29, t!ie only open date will be needed for rest. Three and perhaps four games are scheduled . for the home field. Including the doubleheader con test on October 8. The game with Pacific university,' scheduled for November "5 at Salem, may be played in the stadium at Portland, according to Coach Keene. There is considerable agitation for having-this done, as a large crowd would probably turn out in Port iahL Capital CUy cooperative Cream, ery. Milk, cream, buttermilk. The Buttercup butter has no equal: Oold standard of perfection. 137 3. Com'l. Phone 299. () O J. Hull Auto Top & Paint o Radiator fender snd body -epalrlng. Artistic painting adds 00 to the sppearar.ee of your into. 2S7 S. Commercial. () Silverton National Guard Defeats Salem Team 13-0 ..The Silverton national guard team will play the Corvallis Na tional guard team Christmas day for the valley championship in football as the result of a 13 to 0 victory over the Salem team on the Silverton' field Sunday after noon. The game was quite interesting from the side lines and furnished a great number of thrills, although the, wet field slowed the game up considerable. The. first half was scoreless. The first Silverton touchdown - resulted from a line plunge by. Cramer from Salem's eigbt-yard line where the ball was obtalned'by a blocked Salem punt. A forward pass scored the goal point. The second touchdown was from a 30-yard right end run by Kircher. The defeat was a surprise to local fans who were rating Salem for the valley championship. V' 14 us r -v IKD Ma f - LATE SPORTS j ASTORIA, Ore., Dec. C. (AP)i -Jack Nash, Kelso, Wash., won a decision from Jimmy Anderson of i Astoria, ' In a featherweight bout which .topped the boxing commission card here tonight. The first four cantos of the bout were about even with Nash taking a lead in the closing rounds. ' In the semi-final Nick Theadous of Astoria, 150 pounder, knocked out Bud Davis of Portland in the second round of their scheduled I six 'round go. In another six rounder Tom Johnson, 150, of Olympia, won the palm from Billy Welch of Astoria in a hotly fought melee. - FORT WORTH. Texas. Dec 6. -(AP) Pinky Mitchell, Milwau kee, former junior welterweight champion, boxed a 10 round no decision bout with Clyde Hull, an aspiring young welterweight from Faith, S. D., here tonight. Mitch ell displayed at rare intervals a flash of the form which led him to the heights of his division of the fighting game. But Hull took the fight to the former champion and showed willingness to mix at all times. PERTY AM BOY, N. J., Dec. 6. (AP). Abe Attel Goldstein, former world bantamweight cham pion, celebrated his return to the ring tonight with a newspaper de cision over San Sanchez, Mexican bantamweight title cia'mant, in 10 rounds. Goldstein dropped Sanchez twice for counts of nine in the last round. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Dec. 6. (AP) Harry Kahn of Milwaukee outpointed Billy DrakoDf Ger many in an eight round bout here tonight. They, are welterweights. Drako styles himself champion of Germany. " PITTSBURGH, Pa.. Dec. . (AP). Pete Zivic won a referee's decision over Tim Dresler in eight rounds here tonight. Both are local featherweights. Chas. K. Spauldirg Logging Co., lumber and building materials. The best costs no more than In terior grades. Go to the big Sa lem factory and save money. () The Man's Shop saves you a ten dollar bill on every quality suit. Shirts, hats, ties, collars. High erade clothing, perfect fitting, long wearing. 416 State () The Marion Automobile Co. The tudebafcer. the world's greatest tutomobile value. Operating cost mall. Will last a lifetimes with eare. Standard coach 31415. () ROYALIST DUCHESS ACTIVE i PARIS. (AP) The Duchess of. -Guise, wife of the new preten der, to the French throne, has spent "some weeks In Paris visiting the leading royalist families and giving receptions for .royalist sup porter's. The French republic has looked, on with equanimity and has not Interfered. H ; ' ' j. Doughtbn & Sherwin. Hard ware. 286 N4 Com'l St. Hardware Builders' -Supplies. Paints. Vtnn fahes. Give us a call, you'll find our prices reasonable. () Graveling 19.3 miles John DayJ highway. Ironside to Unity, will cost 375,230. ! 71 ' are ms Marion and : by ErjW. PetttohB Co.,- 365 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET SALEM, OREGON This advertisement is published to correct an error in t Display Ad for Nash Automobiles which appeared inT Oregon Statesman issue of Sunday, December 5, nam! another firm as local distributor.7 it "Social HighwaymanMiSwift ? Amusing Comedy With Three Star Players The , Oregon theater is featur ing a Warner picture today and Wednesday, and a mighty excit- ing and amusing production it is. with one real highwayman dis guised as a medicine man and two false highwaymen trying to cap ture, the real robber in a series of riotous adventures. - "The S o e 1 a I Highwayman. written by Darryl Francis Zanuck and directed V by Willliam Beau dine, , tells how, a young reporter, fired from his paperjTgoes in a hot fury to hunt the highwayman in directly responsible for his losing his Job. He meets up with a med icine nan,, really the robber in dis guise, "a. a moment of brav ado .ann the Df ?s that he himself is handif. In proof of forced to hold up . '-adster, and the ts to his bung . -Ing'ehe is the o eld up Monte s and later his l. :... an a-pps pretty. dr, ling methc daring woiii Carlo. They outwit the' aci- the bandit '- exciting Tlevore, iding i -Her 'ng in a series C thriiis. John Patrick, 1; Montague Love pla roles in this gay co of robbers and roma&v roadsters and breathtal ':s between convicts and; gtiards, and all three gi, I Hant performances. The exc supporting cast includes fit. Simpson, George Pearce, "! I- Cowan. James Gordon. , Fra Brownlee. Fred Kelsey and Char-1 les Hill Mailes. : 4j; The Peerless Bakery. 170 N.'4 Commercial. Sanitary, up to date. Prompt delivery. Bakers for those who appreciate the best. Increas ing patrons tell the tale. () 1924 Ford coupe, in fine shape, an excellent buy for 3275. We would be glad to show you this car. Telephone 220 or call at Otto J. Wilson's garage, 388 Nofth Commercial. - () FLOODED AREAS SEEK RELIEF OF SOME SORT (Continued from page 1.) tigation they will report at an other -mass meeting of the resi dents. The., whole affair has arisen from the fact that the heary rains backed up the sewers, and to gether with freshet streams caused. the entire district to be come, flooded so that people were unable , to enter basements, yards and t streets without wading through from a foot to several feet of water. An indignation meeting was held Friday in the chamber of commerce rooms, the present action resulting. " Stpp. lootc. and listen-to our ap-' seal. If you are not absolutely satisfied with your laundry problem.- call 165. Hand work our specialty. () n . The Hamilton Furniture Com- nan has added a tow dnarr.mnt to their stock. Many new thing in toys to gladden the hearts of the little folks. 340 Court St. () tomo in BMUELOVE 1 AT. ORE e tributed Polk Counties 1 LISTEN IN J TUESDAY ;, : 9 :4i t :30 KG W. - M91). VTwaea - fc4lth rei; 10. Toa Crier, kose- ie:ee-ll:O0-KFWT (!U). Hae . wife's huar. 1 1:06-1 2 ;00 KOIX - (319). Domestie tteirnre and bane efoom; Ulkfc, ? i' - TOESDAT ATTEKXOOK 12:O0-5:tKl KKKC imt. Weather Tf Mrt; 4 Binif. 1:30-:30 KTltK 23). Muiic 2:00-3:00 KUW. Womea'k matiaee. 3:00-6:00 KOIN. ilui,H-, new; Topny Tur Tinm. 5:00-6:00 KPWV. TwilUe hnor. TUESOAT KIOHT 6:00-6:30 KTBtt. Tourikt juid. 6:00-12:00 KUW.- Concert trio; 7. chil dren's pro gram from KtOA; 7:30, utility service; 7:45, educational pro gram, mnsie; 9:30, bridge lcMin ; 10. Keois'a orchestra, oio by Curt Kreroer. 6:00-12 rf)0 KOIX. Genrge Ol'sene. ton crt i org niit; 7, amitsenioat ue--jrettons; 7:30. Mamie's I'lmoa, isevea ' orchestra; , laa H. Quimby program; 9:13, punch by punch description oi tBa'.Xiaiq event at the -Armory; 10,. tiertmoTHih'a orchestra. 6:00-I2:0 Kl'WV. Organ recital; 7. amnsemeat guide; ,- Helen -Csples Jones' progrsm; 9 studio program; 11, orgsa fcecitsl. 7:15-10:43 KFJK (268). Journal Jun iors; 8:15. radio code class conducted by Ashley C. Itfxoa; 9il5, Jsusic of the Masters, courtesy of the Kalph Schneeloch company. - i" ' , 8:15-9:15 KPIV (248). School program. 3:30 Kt'I. l-o Angeles (467). ""sy's orchextra; 6, nightly doings; 6:30, liarry Knabenshue. baritone; talk en human nature; 7, Howard's uality Ser enade!; S, Screen Artists quartet; 9, semi-elassical ' program; 10, Azure Music club. -,.:iO Kl'O. San Francisco (428). Chil dren's hour; 6:30, Land's orchestra; 7, Seiger's orchestra; 8, Cda Waldrop, organist; 9, Kl'O trio. Uypny and Marta Harmony team and others; 10, Jamea' orchestra. 5:3i KXX, Hollywood (337). Redman's orchestra; 6,. Town Tattler; 6:38. At water Kent orchestra ; 7, studio, pro gram; 10, Lymin'i orchestra. 5:40 KJR. Seattle (384). Oeneral news nerrice; 6:30, studio program; 10, time signals. 6:15 KOMO, Seattle (306). Lerienne's concert orchestra ; 7 :45, Town Topics and Bible students' program ; solos. 6:30 KlfSO. Loa Angeles (275). I'ro- . (rsm arranged by Koderick Morrisoa; I i 7 :30, services by student evangelists. l0fCUQ, .Spokane (304). "Ben ota.,'' ; 7, studio program; 46, lioomis.' trden orchestra. KTAB, Oakland (303). Twilite -r: s,-stamp talk; :io, m au qur-'-, t, Romany trio and Indian legends. . , KOA, Denver (322). Farm ques- Linn K. radio hridre lesson. I - T5.aO KFfcD. San Diego (246). Dance iisi vocal solos; 8, classic hour; 9, "iawaiian music. . 7:(r KOWW, Walla Walla (285). Serr- us hour; 8, atndio program. 7:15--KTBI, I-oa Angeles (294). Chil dren program; 8, Citadel band. 7:30 CXRV. Vancouver (291). Chil dran a period; 8, poultry talk; 9, song Nasi) leads the world In motor car values. Beautiful display of new models at the F. W. Petty iohn Q0.. 365 N. Com'l. () There's a good reason for our i meats peing fresh! They're fresh because we keep them fresh. We do not (handle old meats. Buy at Hunt & Shaller Market and be safe. () m ECZEMA y RIGHT UP IS SULPHUR A; fiery, overc Sulpl Bccar ies, I .bring; and' i leaves ' Its andd: trout! Rowle good i cream. FcrFr. 598 M. ig out of the skin, eves eczema, can be quickly applying a little Mentbo- : a noted skin specialist. germ destroying proper- ur preparation instantly m skm irritation, soothes ?' eczema right up and 1 clear and smooth. .'a to relieve the torment Tit.. Sufferers from skin V get a little jar of ;0-Sulphur from any and use it like a cold ' - It ail Tkit Advtrtiumtut ti niARMACAL CO.. Inc. New York, N. Y. i ' -5-. --TSV5-;. BANK ASKS CITY " FOR SEWER COST RILL OF f 1 PRESKXTKD TO CITV COlX(3lL Architect llepveseiitatfte Calls V&f Sewer SjTiteni ; Criminal The First" National bank - last night presented tbe city, council with a bill of $1120.55 to cover the cost of building a sewer from the bank's new buiftiirg down Liberty street to conneetTwith.fhe city sewer oa Ferry street. C. For rester, representing the architect for the new building, presented the bank's argument to the- coun cil., -v . The sewer1-conditions' In that part of the city are a crime and a shame, Mr. Forrester claimed in his talk. The city had refused to pay for installing .the sewer from the bank to the Perry street sew er itself,' and (hat it Vould have adequate drainage. The bank built the sewer, but Mr. Forrester said that rains last Sunday caused the sewer refuse and water to back up into the bank's basement, causing such a stench that chloride of lime had to be used before the men could go to work on the building. . The bank's bill and the request for compensation from the city were referred to the sewer com mittee by the council. Buster Brown Shoe Store. High class, stylish looking, comfort giving, long wearing shoes for the least money. Come and ' be cop" vinced. 125 NY Com'l. () Sm-iJiKfield--Post office re ceipts for quarter show six per cent gain over last year. ,( S. 0. S. Means You Can r. See Our No. 2 In A Series - - - , Remember in No. 1 of this series we promised you could .See Our Service even before you made-jcojUact with us? You can! For, in anticipation of your telephone call, our years of experience and all our facilities have been utilized to secure the best of quality coal and with price a secondary consideration .... Because, while to get things really cheap does not necessarily mean paying the highest price, it does mean paying the price of the highest quality. . And the results of these efforts in buying, coa.1 you SEE in the results you get from burning it. ' H I LLMAN FUEL CO. Our Telephone Number: One - Eight - Five - Five C. & C. BARGAIN Prices Hold Good Long as Advertised Items Last Pound 45c Coffee for Bright Satin Finish Candy, lb. ... ..... Good Grade of New : Oregon Walnuts, Jb. 20c Fancy Maine Corn 5U5 inYt Hope Muslin, yard 36 inch Fast Color ';;' OO Colored Indian Head, yard....:.......ij OOC 36 inch Black : . . " )Kn Sattine, yard . . ..J. a.Jt. $4.50 Men's All Wool C4? C H Blazers ;. .., v 3 " P. Q. A. Men's Part Wool CI Union Suits, regular $2.50 .:. vl O 25c Crepe Lingerie, popular shades, yard Fresh Large Size Standard v ' Ranch Eggs, dozen ..... ...... Slightly Undersize1 Fresh Ranch Eggs, "dozen . 7 lbs. of ' SweetJPotatoes . . Kneedit Snowy White Compound, lb. Large Size Sunkist Lemons, dozen . Phillips Big 4 .? ; Pancake Flour, package - FOR BETTER VALUES u V&V ; FAIJi KILLS ?0MAN SEATTLE, Dee, e.. ( AP). While vweesing the bac& uoreh of her home here today. Mrs. Isabel Alrle, 71, .-was- killed, when ; she feU off.. It, striking .her, - bead .on the pavement. j. . ; J : ; . ' When 3Tgz3 ' . - I . . v f On Take p a Laxative to work off the Cold snd toi fortify, the system against ! Grip, Influenza and other' Cold. Ihe Safe and Iroven Remedy. -- Price 30c - The box bears this aignature act STO TUESD for Wednesday or?a (wnnm RE AY 1I. Crop ... 39 c 17c 21c I5c 15c 19c 39 c 15c 27c" 10c . STORE r'ir 254 North' Commercial V V t&m mm