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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1926)
H i 4 1 . r i "i i ? 1 1$ r. liSP.l(', oiiiaw lis Large Number Attend Spe cial Services Each After noon and Evening . The Second Coming of CbTlat" mar be In oar own lifetimes, so that those who lire today may. not see the changed called death; ft may be tonight, or It may sat be for a thousand years it la im pious and impudent Ignorance to say when. Bat it la coming, as surely as any truth of the Bible; and He will come in Justice, and majesty. This was the theme of . the Mahood sermon at the First Methodist church, last- night. The whole creation points to the resurrection, said the speaker. The wonders of the dragon fly meta morphosis from grub to brilliant, dazzllag aerial beauty; the oak from the: -brown acorn; " sleep, which is - Incipient; ' death that comes back to ietter life: and ail the -teaching "of , the Bible, point to this fact. And then there Is the historical story, of the ac tual resurrection of Jesus Christ Himself ; a fact -as wedl authen ticated as any other fact In. human history, to Investigate: 'which al . most ineTitabiy leads the honest ;. man to belief.. ;' ;. .. - i The whole. sennonwas a power ful appeal to prepare for the sec- "-' ond coming as if it might be to night; and to he. ready event tranquilly, gladly;' conscious i of a life of helpfulness and fruit- fulness to -the spiritual obligation. Dr. Mahood does not find In the Bible anything to substantiate a current belief that there will be universal peace and goodness to Wisher in , the millennium. , The world agitation t of the past -few years might be a- fitting' setting for tho Last Judgment; it may not come lor ages; bat to be ready is every man's first obligation to his; own soul. The afternoon services begin again today, starting at 2:30 with h sermon' by Dr.JMahood, a health talk for women toy Etta Mahood at 3:30. and Bible study at 7 and sermon at-7.30. The afternoon sermon is on'Tour Great Won ders;" the night sermon is on'The wonderfaLChrIst.V-nreraced by a 20 -minute (Ituatrated talk-. The ening eermoa being es pecially intended for girls,' an ia vitation is expended to all girlaito attend. . , - ,,'. . ; .. . Pomeroy Keene, jewelers never fail to aire you 100. on the dollaft'-Witchei, clocks; pins; ..charms. Stastfard high, , gnwe if stock, in all departments. () v viKiurt TnAA TBiactrf. Store. HIk at Perry fits. Agents for the Easy Washer. Good service and low prices are hringing-an increas ing trade to- w,torv y pit To x 1 They'll have to Hurry Woodbarih Hubbard, Jefferson, 1 Aurora, Stay ten t, and the other 'towns will, have to harry Or Mt Angel will take the palm for the largest acreage of sugar beets. The farmera .there are in terested, and so aro the author! tie of the Mt. -Angel college, and there' are a lot of. people in that section who rhae grown . sugar ht and kmv the methods of culture. And there is enough land In that district suitable for sugar beet growing to take the whole 1500 acres nevt year, am the whole 8000 acres the following year. There t are no . liner lands in the world for sugar beets than those in . the Bwtte creek valley beyond Mt.' Angel. m.,m,, T T kAmA .a'r1,rrr'Sd frfMH Laeioort. t Nfiw TlkVW1iav charge of the', seeowt littea: mitt; which la appToachiny; the time when the wbeelarill begin to go . V-V Dr. Hair. president of the Unt versity of Oregon; . made a good impression,!. J em yesterday, and be mtdf ' five. speeches. He is surely selling1 &la institution tor the people ret Oregon," and at the" same time performing a service to the cause of higher education generally in this state. V t Now that Santa Clans is fn Sa lem to stay and look after the boys and girls till, Christmas time, the holiday trade will be speeded up vevV much; and a' lot of good U mt . .. . i ; - Check them overnight CoMs fhonkt be checked w&Em 24 hours. There way to do it And the same way stbf s them before they devtloo if yw have it ever-ready. Tiiat way is HILL'S a prescrip tion ncrfected by one. ef . the .world's largest laboratories. Ik ttnbitics f vir ol the greatest helps for colds mat modern science has developed. It stops th;cokL checks the fever, opens. the bofcrels and te.theeir system. Anyone who thfeS'if will dopt it' Ualions ave dsn ' set- aJread j& If vctti have a cold, start HILL'S with cut : delay. : No other help compares, At the Theater Today I O : -O . Tlu? Eisinore- Corrlne ! Griffith in ."Syncopating Sue, and '"The Rainmaker," " with Ernest Tor- rence, Wilianv CoUier, Jr., and Georgia Hale. 4 Oregoi 'The Social Highway- man." children of all, ages will get pres ents who might have been over looked otherwise. Fry's Drus Store. 280 N. Com'l. the pioneer- store. Everything for everybody in the drag supply line. with standard goods and quality service always. (. Quality palntirg, both varnish. and laquer work, in our modern equipped paint shop. Washing, greasing; and night service; tire repairs. Wood's Auto Service Co. Arr Attendance That Filled Available Space and Was Brilliant Affair Ladies' night at the Salem Ro tary cfub at the Marion hotel last evening was a brilliant affair, at tended by Rotarians and their wives 'and invited ' guests, 14 a number that filled the large din ing room to capacity, and over. The invocation was by Rev. Fred Taylor. The crowd engaged in club songs and listened, to' or chestral , music, selecUdtti f rom the Portland TelephonW"'quatet, piano, accordion numbelby rnie Reals of Corvallis tire playlet. Evolution," by. 11 McKUleyiHigh Junior High, school boys, and other selections. The address was delivered by Dr. Hall, president of the Univer sity of Oregon. It was his fourth address in SaTem yesterday. Dr. Hall reiterated the theme of gen eral education, and spoke especial ly on, the themes of research and extension work. He told of some of the wonder ful research work that is being done bjrthe, Oregon Agricultural college and the University of pre- Eon. He laid stress ' tjdou .' the great work thatls being done at the University of Oregon medical school in Portland, and especially at the Doernbecker hospital there. under i.tha; dlrect)nj! et, Dr; pilli hunt, 'wile got tfart.' of his early training in Salem. . Every pne hy heard Ur. Hall's address will agree Hbat it ""was a masterful' as well as a pleasing one. The largest attendance in the history of Salem Rotary was recorded. G. W. Day, tires, tubes and ae cassories. Has the Goodyear tires, the standard of the-world. Mr. Day can give you more mileage. Corner Com'l and Chemeketa. () TpDiY WEDNESDAY inn suction CLUB fllllll : E,.....;tfSBm- j Hit I mmmawammlniiBiB iiiiiiMTlffi 111 oil iif BBmmjgBamjaajnBJBa - NteN?s-.;.; , I w $ 4 VS1 fojjg y Gerald Beaumont -i I K' ji - J.a 'irjSmsmmt T""j -jT - s- "IT'" " ' ALSO : rfQD CI 1 111 ' ) 1 ' LATEST NEWS EVENTS L l-rn)l til r'flFr FRANCIS S?ECHT -. Tvlrn VI W j At the Super Symphony Wnrlilxcr Sj f : r3 r 1:.: ' ..- .. : . J. JiJ.LJ,,Jt--J I J Vml I MATINEE lOc - 33c EVENING SOc - 35c - 50c rZTjr 0 linTll : II 1 1 1 1 1 ' COIEEARXY AND STAY C!?!!' 'Z7pil)i j ALL EVENING! 1 1 i I V jjFl HOME for city: DUMP UNSOLVED v i " ' ''" -"' hi. - i,. REKIDKXTS OIWKCT..Tf LOCAT IXC IT XE.1R IHEJI Incinerator Possible Solution for Present iffflrtilt Problem ; The city dump is still without a homeland has little prospect of getting one, a report made by the ways and means committee at last night's city council meeting indicated. The committee asked that the proposition of baying a site in Polk eounty be tabled, as an injunction against the city has been, threatened in case the site is bought. SevefaL other sites have -been investigated,' but none are avail able so far as can be learned Wide publicity, recently given the city (lump's search for; a home is believed to have made the task of finding one more difficult, as ail the people within miles of each proposed site generally protest strongly. An incinerator is thought to be the only solution to Salem's gar bage problem, but nothing will probably be done towards buying one; because of its prohibitive cost, in the face of . Salem's pres ent financial tight place. C. A. Luthy. Reliable Jewelry store. What you are looking for In Jewelry. Where a child can bey as safely as a man or woman. Repairing la all lines. () : "Wardrobe Trunks as l lov as $24.70 and as high as $85. 18-inch Cowhide Hand Bags with leather fining reduced from 18 to $5.9D. Max O. Burea, 173 M. om'i- l' 'l ' ' ' .CITY COUNCIL TALKS All iltoiTV vtufititi iiiniTu rrmiirrnrit rrr ICotitinoe from psCS 1.) . . : 'bjetween Capitol, and tlie Southern Pacific right of Way. ;7 j An rdlnaece segregaUng jthe paving assessment against C. C. Morse and Blanche Morse was al so passed. , Alderman Watson Townsend was appointed by Mayor Giesy as a member of the special- water committee, replacing Gity Attor ney Williams, who resigned from the committee when he became city attorney. ' ; The ways and means, commit, tee was granted permission- to .-'employ an accountant to ar','t city, books'. ' An application, from J Rifle club to use the sec of the city haJ for a'f sub-calibre practice wa to the building commit t power to act. The DeMolay society. .T - ed permlasion-to- pata r, porary sign over State a advertise a play to be $- cember 16. l! ,"r The street commissioi i-r structed to install k st it the;, intersection of Sc ,h and Hoyt streets, at't vt eral, accidents, are sarf ve occurrea, anavwrncn-i s- pecially dangerous bee ol Ur-Big SH 'PRISE children pass fceftet, .; -j rij Alderman W. W. Roscbraugn asked that, the, dry, charter . be amended to -compel .sidewalks to be laid at.tha:tfme the. streets along which they run are paved. Mayor Glesy instructed the street improvement committee to investi gate the matter. , The city recorder was Instruct ed to issue bonds for paving sec tions of Mission and 17th streets, and A. M. Reed and Mr. Browiliag were given permission to bond their properties for paying paving assessments. Charles W. Brant was given permission to install a euro gaso line pump at 494 South Winter., A petition of the Capitol Motor com pany to install two curb pumps in front of its store on North High street was referred to the city planning and zoning commission. J, B Cooler and W. B. Mara an were granted permission to bond their property for paving purposes. Several "petitions for . street lights were referred to the rAm mittee on lights, and a pmi& for a sewer on North 4 th"' wv was referred to the sewer A netition to have on- struct a sidewaiT n Knappa's Place wr " The matter of i j a new defective ,.or(Ion of referred to i the- street ordinance to r' one for vaea Richmond st the city att committee- An a ways a the S'-' made by the 'committee with .act for settling a bill t city ay held against the , ied. oith spoke In behalf of , who owns a house said $ into South street near and against whom the city oaght suit. No action'-ijras "on his speech. .he; city recorder was- instruct AAA LOOK,- THE OLD TIME MINSTRELS Presented by The Fraternal Order of Eagles at . - v. Griuad 1 1 TUESDAY, v' Tfiose old'farrifliar Ballads of other years ; which will bring back happy Memories ': . or tne past. V Ah excellent cast rSalenfs Most Popular Artists ? v 5 ? r - v 7 - . J Reserve; Seats 75c : f ,,,..... General Admission 50cV 1 ed to ask. for -( bids on pipe to be used for standards on the city's new' no parking 'signs, which are expected to be installed soon. Requests or Phiflip Ldtke and D. Samuels' to cut into the city pavement for installing .sewers were granted. A report of the special commit tee on the citx comfort station, recommending that a new Janitor oe employed January l, was adopted. V. I. Wood and Geo. T. Peed, rear estate. 34 State. Farms and city property. They bring buyer and seller together, for the bene fit and profit at both. ("1 C. F. Breithaupt, florist and decorator, 512 State. Phone 380. Flowers, bulbs, floral designs for all occasions. Pioneer and leader in saienu . () HUERTA CLAIMS SUPPORT THOUSANDS OF MEXICANS W1LIJXO TO JOIN RKVOI.T TUCSON, Arls., Dec. 6. (AP) Thousands of mexicans in the United States are willing to cross the. border to Join a revolutionary movement against the Calles gov ernment, Adolfo De La Huerta, former provisional president of IHe'xico asserted today. He follow ed up his Sunday statement that he would lead the revolt, once the antl-Calles forces have captured a border garrison, by declaring that the revolutionary movement Is gaining force In all states of the republic. "If I had arms and ammunition for 500.000 soldiers," De fcar Huer ta said, "I could find that many soldierartoufight against the pres- ftnt government.' he explained that only, the lack of munftlon" has prevented the reyolution 1st from showing; greater strengths y i l " ', -..ft FOliCS! the ThbatiJ n DECEMBER 14 TWO FEATURE PHOTOPLAYS FOR ONE PRICE! TODAY AND TOMORROW Splendifi Service for All, The Salvation Army receives nany requests calling on them for' services, in many different ways The other day Ensign Pitt received one such request from a Presby terian minister in a small Wash ington town, asking if the Army would not assist a poor family in. his community by having a picture taken of their son. and sending it on to the parents. The son is an inmate of a state Institution of this city and the picture will be taken and sent on, of course. Cuip Creek Ten-stamp mill rushed to completion for Music mine, Bohemia district. i- General Markets . 1XVXSTOCK PORTtAXl, Ore. D. . (AP) Cattle and calret slow, wrk ; rt-ceiptt t:i 25. .V value 3,435 (ass tnrouKttj; raiTs so. Eter, icood 8.106$ Sa; medram $7( 8.10; (onmoa SSCqEt; eoiuters 4 cutter ateora 1566; bvifera, xo4 S7. 10 7.35; remir.on and mpdiam f5(f 7.10; cow icood ie.35(fl 6.50; eommoB and medium S4.7a ftre.SS: low cvttcra ai4 eotter art-.75: bulls, coed S.505.50; cnttcra and me dian), canners and Mlesnaa $44.&0; cal-rea, nedim M eanme, milk feds ex cluded S7.50s9.5O; calls and common $5.5O(ff7.50: Tealern, asediura and choice Jf 10 12.50; call and common $610. - Hoga oO t 7ac lower ; receipts o,l7o. 200 throurn). HeaTyweight 250-830 1onnds medium, food a ad choice 10Cq. 11; medivm weirht 200-2oO pounds, com mon, medium, good and choice $1112; lirht welcata 4160-200 sonnds common. medium good and choice $12(al2J25; lent licnts lao-Joo-pounds, common, me diant, food sad choice SI 1.75g 12.25; packing- hajr. rongh and smooth Sdv to.iO; sJaaghter pics vo-lao pounds, me dium,- good and choice $11 (Si 12; feeder and stacker pigs 70-130 pounds, mediam, good and choice ?12fa 13. . (Seft oily noes, and roaating Sirs excluded ia above quotations ) sneep and lambs market at standstill: receipts 2,275. Lambs mediom to choice floKlU; lambe, calls and common 0B. io; yearlins wethers, medium to climco $4(10.75; ewes, common to choice S4 (ru 6; culls 2fe 4. - ' Uutside quotations based on B-st Mount Adams, eastern Oregon and ahni lar type lambs, few valley lambs setting above 11. f GB.AIW i l'OirTIXD. Ore.. Iee. 6. (API- Wheat BBB hard white. Dec, Jan.. S1.37; hard white. BS, Baart, federation, soft white, western white ler., Jan., SI. 35; hard winter Dec, $1.35; northern sprinc, lee.. Jan.. I1J4; western red lec. Jan., $1.32. Oats Xo. 2, 36 pound white feed and gray, lec.. Jan. Barley, -No. 2, 4j pound is w icc, wan. $29. Corn, o. 2 KV shipment Dec, Jan. $36.50. No. 3 EY shipment lec, Jan. $34.50. Millrun-standard lec. Jan. ?2B. MTLK STEADY PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 6. (AP) Milk steady; best churning cream 46c per pound net shippers traeic in zone i. tk. II I.. .. I II.. ,11.1,1 , - . I . , , . . I . 1 1 . . because yoti wiidfinp the greatj You are seated at you pjaBO-tJaying. -dividual tcroch. Ordinary roII-pIaTed : - Yoror mood something of your, very . pianos, lacking this feature, sound me aeif has entered into the music -jour chanicaL The Culbransesv having it, is ; music Your touch, your expression, your responsive, personal, human. It eives ' 1 personality grve color to the melody. you all the enjoyment pfhard playing.' Ia You are expressin. yourself in the most music .W harrayir; wonderful of languages the language of Be sure that the piano you select bcar . music. v the name Gullr-Qsen.?.. For only the l , Nothing can take the place of this just, f1-"1 f?1 Pve you the rnnrirs! . listening cannot compare!; Joyment you nave so often tooged tor. - And now- this deep enjoyment can so ? ; T : ' . ,' easily be yours. .The Gulbransen Regis- A small cash payment wul put' the Gut tering Piano has made it possible. . - brartsen Registering Piano in your home. -Only the Gulbransen has the special Subsequent payments to suit your CQsV patented construction the Registering K yenience. Allowance will be mace for your ''', teaturc--aLich registers exactly your hv ' printpiirnrrtniuknli ' THE f POflAWD !iUSi:ll. L. Lunsford, Mgr - a A i i - Same Price the Nation Over I -1 v Pry as Convenient : . I 1 7 K7BU2BAN S4SO - vsssBTsa.ssu t . . mm Cream At-tiVered Poland 49c per . peu&d.' I milk 4 per eui Ji5 tst. t b. Portland. . . Foallry steadr, itiet; havy hens 256$ 36c ; lirht 1 S Se I9e : springs 2 1 ( 22e ; pekl whit daeka 24c; coterew 1"2: tarkeys tir 30te32c; dressed SS(f 40 pound. Onicn strady; loral 751.25; WalU Wall , t r- .. v -- Potatoes steady, $1.501.65 sack. ' TCGETASXXS ?UatU'UL PORTA.NU, . lre ltet 6. AP -Produew prices opened a boat the same aa last- week, with plenty ( local vege table on, hand of many kindv Sacked vegetavbios are offered mostly S2.5Q to :j.iO- per sack. Brussela aprouta are of fine ttuaiity at 15e per pound. A few stradrUnir . koekleberriea sproata are of fine quality at 15e per pound. A few atrsg?ling huckleberries brine f e per pound. . - - : ' !- ''' HAT - PORTLAND. Or.. Dm. . (AP Hay T ! XJ - kV- r. TODAY AND IT -ai;f75WHsf 11 1 1 111 i MJ7 T aTw y 7 if rr"'- fir t : .. . . 7- - . 7 y . - -7 - ." FEE15 Grand Piano Floor Pattern SEND For Grand liCDfL . . Showing SwoasiMt SSM -OTL. a . . . .... V S Jl wsBiiManiStvv i rsURHt AT tStoQ&St ditfc'lle rst7e'st.df he flS; alfalfa ll.5w 18; eat l. oat andech fK.oOfctlS: straw iiJ.Si per t" tKmt w m tmw : ' ' ' ; e. 1 ' 7" . . ' ... '. .. ... i -.- t i ... : j I 3PORTUAXr.- Ore, . Pec, . (AP)-i Dsiry,zchange; set pricee: Butter, extra 4jc: tndard; - prisw. iirtt 41e: firls-38Ha . ' ' E extra dse; rirsta -sue; pauet e; current receipt 89e; mndersUod 60 'WHEAT tXtZaVtAU catrCAGO. Bc. . Wheat varon teT a atssag course today. December deliver advancing' la price, whereas-later soutt declined. - Vaaettlemeat www- cribe largely to trade comnlwations which ar, resulting frooi sasch wheat bath afloat aa ashore being tied up by lake barrier c Ice. Closing quotatioae w rheat er. irregulan- VkC aet lower to. la. aalwaaee with corn' unchanged to l-4e gain, aa oats S-off t4l-ae3(Va wpa. v.-i j - - - X2-1.J. '-IN WEDNESDAY : i.- .. 5 fT : 355 North HigK Strbct THISf COUPON - 7 ' ' Plaao Hoar Psttces 8pe U i TIIRISSttalsUpriitIodela -"T a. I PiV ' a-lCA - W7 tUA " f I - 1 C.s"oJl.-' Ka'arJ- S7SJ -i III R