t ..'..(.iW w ., -f..i.- li.'w .i- - ' C..; TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7," 192G: ' TOE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON L1M8U0I ; i.- D0 SCfOL fore the robbers succeeded In opening the safes but so methodi cally and quietly did they work that late theatre goers in the downtown district beard no i sound of the blasts. . ' Post was present also. -. Following the address' Capitol Post No. 9 elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: Lyle Dunsmoof, commander; Walter Kirk, vice-commanderr Raymond Bassett, adjutant; Jacob Fuhrer, finance officer: ; H. A. will continue tn office until the first night in January when the new officers will be Installed. Work of University Three- FIVE WORKMEN KILLED Brown: chaplain; wth. Paui, ,tA- !i!w!4.; n i , ; ' : sergeant-at-arms; Lloyd Demarest. - ; Tells Chamber .Tbe state, university serves In tnree ways;' Dr. Afnodld Dennett Hall, president of the University! uf Oregon,? told; ; members of the! ' Salem. chamber of commerce' at j Its noon -luncheon Monday. These hways- are te dute, He develop program of research, and to ex- Um its- work among people who do not atteftd the college. ;i Rttdestlen a-an lrfsirrance for j Uio, futace; and, forthat reanon a sound larr-fttnieal wai the purpose jcftfwl frjrHaU in an appeal for dtUHonal f.gnds.to.jcarry on the university's work, ' To dd-1t4 work veH the'nhlver sity must have the best men avail able for It faculty, Div Hall naid. 21CCIDKXT OCCURS AS MKX VS 1XA HIGH; EXPL.OSIVK B. PENNSGROVE, XL, Dec. 6. (AP An ' explosion of 2800 pounds of powder at the Carney's Point plant of tbe Da post- Powder company today killed five work men find injured others, none of them seriously. . . . . ' . . The accident occurred . when William M. TondeU. A first class operator in , charge of the other four men w bo were killed, as a crew of helpers, was unloading the 64800 pounds- of powder at the dry house. Since -all the men imme diately concerned were 'killed, the cause of the explosion is not known. , . ;. . A rougu estimate of the prop erty damage made by official of aced it as about historian; King Bartlett.l Morris ilaee, Byron Wright, P.. I. Quifen berry. Ernest Bonesteele. execu tive committeemen. '" ; After the election commander- elect Lyle Dimsmoor was called upon to KDoak and he impressed all with his quiet, yet enthusiastic manner. Adjutant-elect . Bassett also spoke briefly concerning the work of the coming year. The officer of Post No. 9 for the year 192feWVIc MacKen tle, commander; I. W Lewis, vice commander. Karl Hinges, adjutant Prank Durbin, Jr., chaplain; Lyle Dunsmoor! historian; Jacob Fuhr er. finance "officer; "Donnegan Wiggens, sergeant-at-arms. They : n rich & Roberts, realtors, 122 V. Commercial St.. know property values and make for you profit able lnvHtmints.lwnr both - sava and make yon money. (JJ TRAPPER GETS BEQUEST II Kit MAX VCXJKL It KM KM BK US CAKCADH MOUXTAIX CillDE .EUGENE, Dec 6. (AP) Geo. 11. Moody, trapper and guide, of a McKenzie Bridge. 55 miles east of. Eugene. Is to receive 110,000 tin cash and a hunting lodge in the1 lid I Ul WIC V. "HI J UJ U bU0 Bfc-T a bequest, in the will of Herman O. Vogel, millionaire of Los An geles, who died in Innbruck,1 Aus tria, last month and whose will was admitted to probate in Los Angeles. Saturday, r .., . For the past several years Mr. Vogel has been an autumn visitor in the Cascades on hunting trips and Moody -has been his packer and guide. In 1918 Vogel built a hunting cabin on Elk lake and Moody" had the contract for this building, this being the beginning of his association with the Los Angeles millionaire. White House Restaurant, 362 State St.. where hundreds of peo ple prefer tu eat. All you want to nat for less than you can eat i home. Quality and service. () denee from.. Texas ; few weeks ago and opened an office for the practice of medicine. He was re leased on bail pending the arrival o fthe Texas sheriff. ' SHERIFF HOLDS DOCTOR FOILMKK RESIDENT OF TK.YAM RELEASED OX BAIL 'DALLAS Dr. J. R dence, was arrested yesterday Sheriff Hooker upou request of the. Burns Detective Agency of Portland and a telegraphic warrant-from Sheriff Baker of Edin burgh, Texas. Dfv Jacobson came to Indepen- PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. C--(AP) Dr. Jacobson is wanted on embezzlement charges, according to W. L. Priest of the Burns De tective Agency here. It is alleged that he brought approximately $300 worth of furniture to Oregon on which he had a mortgage in Texas. pilot of the "Norge" on the dir igible's flight over the north pole, arrived here today with a black eye and a novel alibi to account for it. ' "I got it while demonstrating the principles of the heavier than air machines, and-proved that the dirigible - 13 safer." the ' general laughed. In New York.-he said, he fell, out of his hotel bed. and struck Lis eye on a chair. ' A. If. Moore. Z33 X. High St. apartments, and store where you can get high quality furniture ant furnishings for every room in your house. , () Ore.. Dec. 6. f AP) Jacobson of Indepen- AIRMAN HAS BLACK EYE by FELL OUT OF RED AXD. HIT CHAIR, SAYS XOBILE CHICAGO. Dec. 6. AP). General Umberto -Nobile, Italian COUNTRY HAS GOOD YEAR CHAMBER OF COMMKKCT: TO MEET IX HOXOLVLU day convention of the Western di-vision-ofthe organization which u6 11 AOS " - j Honolulu was selected today for the mid-year meeting of the association next year. f NEW .nCORPQRATlONS COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo.. Dec. 6. (AP). American busi ness and industry Is closing its books for 1926 without the threat or fear of stress or strain which business has. learned are the sig nals of impending danger. John V. p'Leary, of Chicago, president of the chamber of commerce of the United States, told more than 400 delegates tonight at a three- o; v r- - o The Foaside Snug Harbor com pany with capital stock of ?fD) frOO and headquarters In Port hWd. has been incorporated by K J. Jaeger, n. j. Cress and Fred A Schlick. '. Other articles filod in the state corporation department yesterday follow: 4 National Automobile club. Port land. $",000; James S. Reed. G L. Goodcll and Ormond Rankin. A P. Warner Estate. Pilot Rock 120,000; Edmund D. Warner, Edna Jlentrer and Archie S. Warner. T ' - Acme -Metal Works, Portland. $20,000; C. C. Hansen. John Bos trom and T. A. Newholnu and Jo get them it must be able to the company pli con! pete on falfly even "terms with $25,000. : other colleges- aa4' universities. viTiiu" h. Biur-viiiudk inei: n t -t no v e . . capiHrweaitli,. touTth J state St. 'High quality Jewelry. iiiverwara - and diamonds. The gold standard of values. Once a uyer alwayp a cuntoiner. 1 ' ' r ,lapercaplla "Income,- and is also ! near Hie op fh faumber of ' auto ioobilexpec&pUa aa4 in miles of good roads."-Dr. Hail said. In Tiew of. this,, it seems possible to pay enough money to Insure a good Stat university.! : Some .of. tka-rrltieism of mod ern ed n-tloa ? 1AV valid.r Dtr 4 iali Welievi-si Ih.tjbaj Jthere.isoonuch ; inemoff dramming.. y V"1000 : mK trained in haults,ol Intelligent behavldr,r he ,ald,., ,J JV e .must V tep them worfcina onjrreal. prphlems to de- Veloif'A'habH bftfitlcaf ranalysis. . " But thi, Is hjtt the Whole prob lem- we are faced with the, snir Itual .'ahfr Emotional phases fo It also; f We must conserre the splen- ' did altruism of modern youth and - uirect- it tn the right . way we Vfinnt Vtt1f If l Mi kanu nf j rt&ponsiiUity for ublie'weifare." 6nra. House Drug Store Brr . quality, low prices, friend ship give. Increasing j patronage. Old utomerR advise friends to tyyle h era. High and Court. ( ) ' Bouesteei M9tor Co.. 474 S, Cora'l. hatf the Dodge automobile ; Tor yod All steel body. Lasts a i lifetime: Ak Dodge owners. Th 1 FORMlrV WILLAMETTE i" GIRL 01ESIH SOUTH i Word-'lias been received here of the. deathot1 Helen "Rose edlar. : I wife 6f Jphh II. Medlar of Los Angeles oh Saturday. December 4. it She was well known in this com- j munuj -ana 'especially ia nniiu I ctte university Circles. - 'She and : , her husband graduated from the h local, institution In t920 " She is A PUvU0d by'lirr husband and one daughter, Rarbara; a brother and or ; ' :' - We are- ft ate d istributors tor i tbe Vlkinr tires and tubes. Mal- , com'. Tire Company has the tires. Drive in. . Corner Court and Com- znerclal streets. ; () 1 . Kasb Furniture Co. takes vthe lead wtth-. low prices on chairs, rockers, tbles. wood and- steel " beds, snrines. mattresses. . Saves t WIND TAKES LIFE TOLL r- - - ' - fell IPS PlU'J VP OX EASTERN ; . CtAT DURING STORM iyon ?5r. 21 W. Com'l t NBW YORK, Dec. . (AP- Teoplc of -the northeastern utatcn jand eastern .Canada loday pald or- f tunes to break . the hold of . the S enow and wind storm which swept in. trom-th Korttv Atlantic cuus- . ihg eleven deaths in New England. V New York state-end JCew ..Jersey. f and "wfokrog.setea schooners bff l the Nova; Scotia and New Bruns- S. -wick coasu 1 . --.- Crewa.of the-Vessels which were teaten to jMecfcs .by the storm ap- parently. fared better than inland 'k Tictlms tl the Jv snow and wind. ! ince . no seafarers were reported H as having tost their lives. Fishing I fleets ;nffred ""heavily and . the storm. crippled, shipping at several Dorts. . Fourteen, steamers were a Icebound ia the. St. Lawrence river :jlier (jBebec.'7-' ".-.' , i Cobbs A Mitcheir Co., lumber and building materials for every purpose. Get estimates, look at quality off material,: then you will order.: Jli s. 12th St. r () SmltanE: WStklns ftr tire serv Ice at a ;ldwer cost. Vulcanising and retreading: tube repairing. If you hate tire trouble Just, call 44. Corner Court a.ad High Sta. : ..() THREE.uSARES BLASTED YOUTHFVL' RORDKRS OBTAIN V-" LOOT -FROM STORE ST.- PACL. Dec. 6. (AP) Fifty , thousand dollars was .the loot obtained by three youthful safeblo wers 5 who early . . today blasted opn three jsafes in , a de partment" store here 'after work ing Tor four hours. " ' Enteritlg tbe .store, through a fourth story window from the roof of anothCrr building, the robbers captured Jio watchmen, hand cu f f ed on of them to an lroa . -"ort. post .and forced the other t.j " accompany them about the auUl in'g ; hourly to register his calls on the burglar alarm boxes. Their loot was SSS.too la cash and flMOQ la bonds. mm . 4 Last Times Today t dantageC 1 VAUDEVILLE 6 MIGHTY ACTS 6 Now Play ing FRANK VAN HOVEN The Di7zj -Mad Magician . ' JOCK McKAY; The Funny Scotchman i JOE GRIFFIN The Irish .4 Tenor -E: & Harks Revue . Sonic mMtl Dnce JOHNSON & BAKERj; Hats & Boxes ROBIN and. , . HOOD Salem's Greau-t Kntcrtaituneiat Capitol ! Orchestra TOTTEft ; ; at the. ' .Wurlitier . PA XT AGES . CIRCUIT PIUCI-S Matineo . j '. Kvenins ' Children XOc 1 Adults - - ooe Adults - - eoe I ChUdrea - S3c O. Krueger, realtor, progres si ve, fair, equitable. Growing eitj and country make possible buv i nat wtii- make you good money Complete listings,., 147 N. Com'l. V 'O . .. . ' () . i , . rJSMOOR ELECTED TO HEAD POST I. S '' -" "ii '"''- '-',r i 1 .1111 1 I ., ,.. nAl I ' State . ' Commander '. Arthur I Murphy Speaks on "Value of Comradeship" Capitol Post No. 9 of tbe Amer ican' Legion ' held the regular monthly -meeting last night and elected officers for the ensuing year in addition to hearing a splendid address by State Com mander Arthur. Murphy. , An exceptionally large number were present for this meeting and many visitors from other heigh- boring.iowns were to be noticed in the gathering. . The centra thesne of the ad dress- by Commander Murphy, night well have been - "Value of i Comradeship," 'In as much as he4' stressed tils particular function of the American Legions ,He said that .membership" Jh "this organi- ration did not call for medals, but just an honorable discharge from the service. The American Legion was open to all and he launched an appeal to alt ex-servlc men to linerup with, 'this body of men. Commander ; Murphy; congratu; ! lated Capitol Post No. 9 upon the excellent membership showing. the drum corps" anil their achieve-; inents. and the "many civic, activi ties- they have been interested in. He 'asks for the unselfish coopera- t Ion of every 'American Legion man and urged even better work along hospitalisation lines. . State Chaplain A'. C ' Bailey of Dallas was present and spoke briefly concerning the work of the American Legion-and 4he part he desired' to" play in this work. Com mander. Tracy. Savery of Dallas. - 0 - i , - Eey FURNITURE foi- GIFTS Pay for Thm Next Year hTJ Upholstered Living t: .i Dignity Beauty A Style Revtie Distinguish "Birchfield " ; Up holstered Furniture FnimitiuiiPe of 1927 Upholstered Furniture odels and Fabrics '4 V 3 .: y-mm ,as L-jsagt -v )ll f m. 1 f r ' Ifts -,v fi.Tu- rbectacle of Color andGrace That Proclaims the Trend of ( Modern Furniture Fashion A Gift of "Birchfield" Upholstered Furniture For the Whole Family to Enjoy on Christ mas Day and For Years to Come. "Rirchfiftlir Furniture stands the test of,hard wear Upholstered furniture which Achieves a new level of lxriutYVtncwdeCTee fashlioned it with an eye to corrcctneHsUhouette jind Iriodeligllt h. i(Jedi4edly. tbind of fmrpiture , i Vf which one can say cqBscielaUoasly; ''Tere'ismri hiadeJ" J:: r loiirc i lonima irnaranrppn in pvpfv r piii- iinr d is. i-oim i 111 Ltiinti. . VU ' S V-1V. a. w-y a. -..-w w. vy ' . There are "Birchfield" patterns to surprise and delight home fihrnishers of utterly different needs and tastes -and there is a. price range so wide as. tp meet every demand Below Are Representative V; :? FINE MOHAIR DAVENPORTS "AVTth Shaped backs and flaring arms -carved legs and decorative tassels. Choice of plain or figured Mohairs and fine. brocade lO Cft reverses on cushions .,. - .....r... vlX7eOU , " - , $15 Cash $2.50 Week -.f.-.c li I JACQUARD VELOUR DAVENPORTS lues Featured for the Week TAILORED MOHAIR DAVENPORTS Exceptional pieces with tailored front panels on arms, high, shaped backs, carved legs and pretty tassels. Of fered in. plain or brocades, Aft ftfl Mohairs with brocade reverse on .cjUshions v1tUU. ' f.Vi.w . -V' i$20-Cash--$3 Week ' -- MOHAIR KIDNEY DAVENPORTS i. f With spring backs and spring filled, loose cushionscats. fHjlcction of Jacquards. Fitted with carved legs and ' " decorative tassels ".i-...r-r.........'.. 1 $10 Cash--$2.56WeekV Offered in gootl $85.50 The newest in the "Birchfield' line. Kidney style with serpentine front, shaped back and high, sloping arms. Offered in high quality plain and figured Mohairs" with smart brocade reverses I17n fii " on cushions $25Cash $4 Week 'BIRCHFIELD" UPHOLSTERED FURNITUR LD ONLY BY GlESE-POWERS IN SALEM " IJ.V - ( Your t Old Furniture Taken . . in Elxchange on the New Li i . You Select WERS mpamj WE CHARGE NO '.-INTEREST 3f t 0- i Loges - soe I Loges. 73c Six charge wtre.cxjiped , be- 1 A t