A;Faithful AUy, of JSmta Claw It i - - -. -. i .- -if . u Air-E Go Round Other Noreltici, Too If it's Something new in Toys, we have it! For ex ample, this great Air-E Go- Round, at, - wr ill I rC J BX Ready To Assume Xhristms Work '11 jj W 0L0IWIW1 BY CHUHCHIEADEB Appears in Greek of Common . People Says Dr, Sander of Michigan i , KN ARBOR. Mich,- (AP) Aii ancient scholar, probably the leader f a church, vaa writer or ,c&pyist of the earliest fragment of the text of the Bible "known to ex ist,! believes Henry "A. Sanders of the 'classical language department of the University of Michigan. .Dr. Sanders has spent two years Working-over the bit q? browner papj'ms, the most ' cherished item of, f he; large papyri, collection of t$e( University of Michigan. It Is: written in the Greek of the tpnjmon people, says Dr. Sanders, thua distinguishing it from the Tleiuxe city editions" of the com plete Bibles of Antioch, Alexan 'nia and Cesserea. in which the tihe penmanship of "the fclerk or cpy 1st was the, observed, charae t4rfetic. It has at the end of each f&u&se little : mark above the ' Ifne. This Dr. -Sanders cohptrues tl havanboea for-the direction pi tho mmitAn th. church to shd'v the phrasing. -It Is the orily-ptmc-tuation observed. The date8 'of writing of tho fragment Is placed "in third ceiitury of the century preceding that in which Hhe eitx elltloha were copied, he" texts ft part ot Matthew, telling of the "fast supper arid the betrayal N)f Jesus Christ. It came-ilnto'thft posses . sion or the university two ; years ago through tbe -activities i4of Its Near East Research organization. The flrjst wriUng ot the Bible was in ti Greek or tne common people. Dr. Sanders '. declares," as It was among the common people speaking and writing Greek that the taita had its first followers. It was written from 50 to 90 A. D. and he places the time of collec tion at before 158 A. D. Later the faith appealed to the educated Greeks and the copyings of the men of education is in a better hand writing and with corrections in the language. The late third or .fourth century witnessed the copying of the Bible for show pur poses, in what Dr. Sanders calls the "deluxe city editions" in towns like Antioch and Alexan dria. It is from these copies that the King James and other editions of the Bible hare been made uj, he says. "In general," says Dr. Sanders, "the earliest known fragment of tne Bible establishes the correct cess of the earliest translations iato the oW Latin, and the old Syrian ' latigagea : as this .earliest bit of scholastic Greek differs less ia meaning " with ttem 'tfian "with -the fourth century copyings into Creek." ing at last the aesthetic ideals of its 'owner. -own-cars ot Jade. Roadsters of cafePau-lait and crimson. Se dans of orchid and sable. The colors of the lagoons in Venice at mid-day. The myriad golden browns and copper-reds and brown-yellows of the autumn leaves. Greens of the spring brookside and rich scarlets that vision poppies and sunsets. Outside along the Champs Eyl sees the changing kaleidoscope thrills with its. never-ending stream of harmonies. The haute monde and the demt monde In whirling squadrons of satisfying color rolling past upon, 'the smooth pavements like a flashing. mountain torrent at the" end of a rainbow. And here and there soft punctuations of wine color and black the Paris taxicabs, for wine color and black is proper In a Paris taxi. One night I attended a great function at the opera. The Pag eant of Transportation! Here the brilliant hues worn by the crowd were like a gorgeous Spanish shawl as I gazed down upon it from one ot the, little balconies overlooking the grand staircase J Gbne are the gloomy simplicities of the past. All was life and col or. The opera foyers, never so full of all the ravishments ot sheer beauty as now. were su tf iclent for the, artist even, without the opera itself. The president's guard was there at attention, with their drawn sa bres' and gilded helmets gleaming. Inside, along the horseshoe, the boxes looked liked veritable bas kets of flowers hung along the walls. So filled, were they with beautiful women, their gowns of orchid, peach, Rose de Versailles, Saint Germaine green, glacier or cloth-of-gold, being accented by the dark notes of the evening clothes worn by their1 escorts. 'Yes, the age of Color is'indeed here! Now, whatever our ' na tionality, our estate or time of life; we can dare to express our color individuality,, each in his own way; in,jour homes, our fur niture, our automobiles and our selves. - ? PARIS ABLAZE WITH GORGEOUS COLORING Each. Individual To Express Himself irva Special Shade . PARIS The hunter's moon hangs low over the Place Ven dome, and in the gardens of the Tuillerles the : fallen leaves rustle underfoot. Autumn is in the air . . and the Automobile Salon id on. All Paris is color mad! At the Grand Palais, where the motor car creations of the great manu facturers stand In rows like the king's guard upon parade, there are glints of burnt orange, and "the dull rich warmth of maroons; taking their place, in the color harmonies of the whole and giving forth a note like ihe muffled Bound of a convent bell.. ' Never before Jiach -a spectacle. Ionger the dead ; harmony of ombre hues. Here fs beauty, and life and soothing satisfactions for the eye, studied from natuTO her self an deliriously reproduced In endless, and' ever changing strbtle-. tics. The m'otor car Is expross- . MOVIE SIDELIGHTS (By The Asociated Press) "Now look Jealousl"" command ed a director of a young actor he was testing in a close-up. The young actor tried tils best; he, looked pained, disgusted, angry, but the facial expression of jeal ousy eluded him.. 'I guess you cant do It," grumbled 4 the direc-? tor, He called anolheractor. fJ The discomforted: youth sank into a chair and watched his rival step in front of the camera. 'After a moment the director turned to the youth in the chair. "That's it!" he crted.: Hold that expres sion !r Ant he grabbed theiyouth and; forced him in front ,o the Tens. The life of movie performers has its disagreeable features One of them is the long ' waits they sometimes must endure? Ijefoi-e, they are called' into action. Some read magazines, but most of the cast either talk in groups or sit idly by while watting j their turn in tne scenes mat are being snot. One noted star had three days of it. waiting to be momentarily call ed. Persons in waiters' attire being served" by " waitresses was an odd sight at Junch time in the Para mount cafe at the Long Island studio during the filming of a re cent t picture. Some of the cast had the role of waiters in the play. In the secret rooms of a.Lime--house dive set planned ingeniously for, many successive lighting and camera angles, long 'shots,f semi closeup and closeups were made' of six different characters without stopping the camera, which is be lieved to be a record. ' By means of special .equipment and camera the finished "shots" of 220 feet' Is unbroken. If 'made- by the or dinary 'methods, it would have been 'cut in "from eleven io thirty parts. : When fires occurred recently In the studios of Gloria Swanson and Charlie Chaplin, camera men roade"&h6t3" ' of the blazes forJ possible use in future productions. I ; WORLD'S ! LARGEST CHAIN ! DEPARTMENT STORE ORGAN 1Z A WW 7 I II VW, r 1 - f 1 1 11 .1 1 tion w ; Yt VATOV-WDE NSTITUTIOhl- v A VWr yvc DEPABTMENT STORES 160 North Liberty StreetSalem RELIABLE QUALITY GOODS ; 'ALWAYS a AT LOWER PRICES Toy Autdo In Many Stylas What boy doesn't like :an auto Toy ? We show snappy cars 'which they'll like,, priced, 23c to 1.49 Christmas! The most happy day of all the year when lTiend ones gather together and give tokens of their affection. The material worth of the .present is nothing; the moughtfulness means all. . ;r- . , In this Store are hundreds of suggestions for useful, pleasing, afcl economical Gifts. If you can t think what presents you want to buy, look fluoilthis Store! You are sure to see articles which are just what you want! i l mm mm Site Always Wants Sillf Mose ! iTieTristms Gift that's Sure ,To Be the Most Appreciated f What do you want for Christ mas ? i tThat's a foolisK question to ask her. She wants Silk Hose, of Icourse i She always needs them and she never could have too inany,f ' v ' .Hor beauty and For jarear. she wants our Hose! Out Qualities Especially Fine Our, Silk Hose are the kind you buy again for they prove successful" ffomverysterad bodlooks, and value. " Y It will be a Merry 'Christmas if you gire iSilk Hose. Priced, the pair, here Of Pweweat Vogues" and Youf New Hat Cuy It Hee -1 m .There's no use talking we simply Vave the Hats I Therea our inexplicable style which radiates from each model. Velvet "and metal , cloth combinations ' and other new styles,, price $3.98 Silk Scarfs For Chris tmaa I I iFor a girl or woman, a "-coidrful.v thoughtful gift on the Christmas tree. In sille fabrics and gay col "ofs. 98c to $2.98 Leather Bgs for Gifts! 'Our Assortment Means Success Leather Purses are necessary complements, to a wom an's wardrobe. Why riot choose an exceptionally hand- some one tor her tor at hristmas gift? Ours4rc in the new est shapes and colors withfreally splendid fittings. Priced, " 98c to 1 Silk Bandeaux r Holiday Boxes Smart little Silk Ban ' deaux, a thoroughly proper gift to a girl or woman. All lacy and shimmering with silk. Boxed in holiday style, priced 59c to $1.49 Silk Undies ( For girls and women. Beau tiful silk underthings at low-price $2.98 Stationery Beautifully Boxed mk. ' 1 l I, L ;-m .ft MtflRY ClfT Good taste in Christ J mas gifts is exemplified ; by a box of nice station ery. Ours, priced, U25c to Q8c " , 1 Wan11Ma.cs . Tor Wornen Padded sole, spring heel, cut-out collar. 98c Collar Attached '"all SMrta Rayon-stripe broadcloths and madras and fast color "Vat" dyed fancy and plain broadcloths; collar attached and. neckband styles. $ 1-98 For Mim,, A Silk Tie What could be more satis factory for a Christmas gift than one of these ties, in a holiday gift box 'with greeting card attached. Mogadors, satins, twills and moires, in ; the newest stripes and figures. Colorful combina tions. Big values at 49c iib $li9 ur core in or - lowbw mom Our Christmas Assortment Is In Readiness Dolls are tbe precious privilege b girlboodl Memories of childhood are for little girls memories of "Doll Babies M That's why Dolls are the very most appreciated gift for girls. Our new assortments are sure to meet your greatest expectatibns. , Every Type ofJDoll Each Beautiful There are walking dolls, talking dolls, even crying dolls, baby dolls, and every kind anyone could possibly want. Our moderate prices range from Leather Case For Travel Here is the ideal gift for the man! A leather case outfitted with dental, clothes brushing, hair, and manicure needs. Everything! Priced $5.90 Men's Slippers Durable ami Comfortable Leather tops, soles and. heels. Priced low 'at $1.98 to $2,98 Men's Hose For Gifts Silk anjjj rayon jiixed, checks, plaids, plain colors 49c Men's Blanket Bathrobes i, Cut 'full, long and roomy. Very comfortable. ' ' 49c At Our "Economy Prices -i Before the colder weather sets in, it's the time to buy Blankets I We are showing; "Very attractive assortment in cotton and l0ol and 'in all-wool blankets in the newest plaids and other patterns. Most moderately prfced, trW pair," i hi il