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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1926)
- . - :v. .vt. 1 SI ,11 4 ,ltt immiCmmm U VI I f v 0 J q. y i n Crown Flour 49-Lb. Sack DIRECTOR'S DAY SPKCIAL '., $1.99 . - : Grocery Dcpturtiwnt Standard Peas No. 2 Tins ' DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL V. - ...... , . 3 Cans f or 29c f Grocery Department Cream Rolled Oats 10-Lb.Sack DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL Grocery Department Navy Beans 13 Pounds DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL 89c Grocery Depart incut boys Slick ers Boys green slicker coats, corduroy collar with leather strap. Reg. $4.00. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPEOAL $2.98 Basement Water Repelent j ; Pants Men's Rain Test Pants, Can't Bust 'Em or Black Bear Brand. Reg. $3.50 to $4.95. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL $1.98 pf IfiM Q a. Dot. Ml? C fiuDo .v : - .... E HERE PROMPTLY Your Share of These Ladies' Gowns Outing Flannel Single Cotton Ladies' Corsets Silk Hose Infants' Outing Gingham Cotton Batts Extra fine quality Rayon 36-in. otiting flannel Blanket 1 lot of Corsets, all sizes, 1 lot of pure silk Hose. Flannel Blankets 32-in. Kalburnie Ging- 72x90-in. already sewed gown. Reg. $2.49. Here is a bargain not to Large size single Mian- values from $1.00 to $2.50. Full fashioned colors, black . ; . ham, all patterns, fast col- when -opened, will make a nmprnivuprrui pass Up. Reg. 25c. kets in pink, blue or tan For quick disposal and brown, values to $1.95. in PnK an? DIUe Paias- ors. complete comfort, made of DIRECTORS DAY SPKCIAL j SPECIAL plaids. Reg. $1.50. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECXAL "S.SSrJLSSVf " M4 OP4 DlKtLlUKSUAlMtlUL DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL --i rt DIRECTOR S DAY SPECIAL $1.25 18c 98c 49c 98c 29c 21c 95c Boxloom Combing Rubber Aprons Rayon Brassier Dnty. Voile P.0' Tble 9'1 ,cl Ladies' Purses Children's Dresses Pure Silk Radium , Jackets Full size contracting frill In flash only. AU sizes. rSLfi?;1 and Swhite" ValSSto Wonderful bargains. All Children's fancy voile Slips cteS$iS5l'M -A" co,ors-Rts-$129- vSrZS&i 11? size!:"r " co1ors-Valaes to g4,Tg TOtaes- m' x.xWitUA, .' bu.oav.,,. Values .J1.95.vsii:ciu W UIBKm, I)A, sl.Kt,w. JCTOB,AvSrKC,.L $1.25 , 98c 49c 98c $1.25 98c $2.25 SATURDAY Wool Union Suits Men's t)ress French Flannel Boys' Wool Sweaters Boys' Blazer Shirts , Men's Fancy Men's Silk Ties Men's Dress Shirts - Men sheavjr wool Union - - grousers - T I, I Boys' fancy wool Sweat-1 Boys' fine all wool Blaz-1 Silk Hose - I Men's fine four-in-hand I Men's fine Dress Shirts, I Snits. Natural color. All . .Men's fnie all wool dress Men's fine French flan- ers and Pullovers, also Blaz- ers in plaids and fancy col- Men's fine silk and silk also silk and wooL Values imported broadcloth and sizes. Reg. $5.00. j trousers, in JIght or t dark nel Shirts for dress or work. ers. Values to $450. -ors. Values to $5.50. and wool fancy hose. Values to $1.00; other shirts. Values to $4. IkuKt-T,fl'SAX IAI. KmSsffii . Sm bAY SI-KClAI. IinKCTirS IAV XVKCIAI , IHUKCTOK-S IAV ffltoL mORfesi-KClVL I mKCOlt slKViJsi'KClAl. DIRECTOR'S toAYSPKCMI. S3;59 $4.45 : $L98 i $2,49 ' $3.& 59c l-SSgfe - $2.49 Men's Silk Men's Dress Men's Onion Suits Men's Fine . Men's Hose , Men's Sweaters j Men Corduroy i Mfn'",Breech?vi, BbwTies Suspenders . S,&sXstoS ? ru'iH,- i Men's fine silk and silk Men aCwcl Sport . 'TroUWfS bieEi; la boltlo v RegSiar 50c Fine Elastic Web. Reg. 65c lUe o 50 ' ?vkS S iVln ' mUed Hosc- K- I Coals and Sweaters. Valaes ! Sirongly iiade and full Me seat and knee. Keg. ; 29c I? ;39c 1 98c 89c 39c $2.98 $2,98 $3.95 ' .... , . . . . . '.. . - I : : : L.;.-'!.:.... . ' - . Standard Fresh Ranch Eggs DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL 2,pozen 89c Grocery Department Fresh Creamery , Butter DIRECTORS DAY SPECIAL 46c Pounds 90 c Grocery Dep&rtnient Matches Carton of Six Boxes' DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL 19 c Grocer' Department Catsup Rinses Brand DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL Per Bottle 15c Grocery Ifcepartineiit Men's Hats l'lot of Men's fine felt Hats, dark and light colors. All sizes. Values to $5.00. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL $1.98 Basement Ladies' Gaiters . Red- green and tan, Rus sian 4-buckle gaitors. Reg. $4.50. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPKCIAL $2.98 Basement WILL BE THE GREATEST EVENT Since This Stare Was ii in 1 in i I mil i,i 1000 Nbn- e on day 9 A. M This is an event that is designed to demonstrate anew our re markable ability . to give value. ; .1 Is-.:' i: ... rtiseo -m terns SaleSatur SIMON DIRECTOR is the man behind the goods; the man who stands for quality according to price, who is build ihg up good will by fair dealing; who wants his business conducted on the thecry that "the customer is right", if a customer is dissatisfied with his purchase, he can have his money back without questioning; with out argument; cheerfully, and as a matter of course. These arethe principles that are bringing growth to this store; making it more and more of a real depart ment store; living increasingly up to its name, and filling with growing completeness a real need in a city of Salem's size. - Mr. Director aims to have his establishment a real house of welcome, for the people of Salem and the Salem district, where customers may feel at home and find such courteous treatment and fair dealing that they wish to come back, and keep coming back. Good understanding and broad sympathy and a spirit of cooperation mark the atmosphere of Director's Department store, which is forging steadily ahead in its useful business career. PATRICIA ENGLISH DINNERWEAR AT Vt . PRICE Genuine China Cups and Saucers Reg. SOe DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL 25c Basement Men's Knee Boots Black only, extra heavy sole, all sizes, guaranteed. Reg. $4.65. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPKCIAL $2.98 Basement AT. 9 A. M.-Corrie For Wonderful Bargains THE MAN BEHIND THE GObDS SIMON DIRECTOR Photo by Kenaell -Eliis Dolls 1 lot of fancy dressed beautiful imported dolls, large size sleeping dolls. . DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL At Vz Price Basement Children's High, Shoes Children's High Shoes, all leather, calf or patent. Val ues to $3.50. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL $1.45 . Basement Opened. Enamel Trays Children's fancy decorat ed enamel tray for high chair or table. Reg. $1.98. DIRECTOR'S Day special 98c Basement Infants' Shoes One lot of infant's fancy kid shoes, all colors and sizes. Reg. 98c. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL 45c Basement EVERY ITEM A BARGAIN AN UNUSUAL SAVING SATURDAY ONLY FOR to be at ou Don't Forget! Saturday Is Directors Cer Economy -wise men and women never let the op portunity pass to supply their needs at the sav ings offered. EARLY SHOP PERS HAVE BEST CHOICE Ladies' Coats 50 Ladies all wood coats, full lined. Fur collars. Val ues to $20.00. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL $6.95 Basement Boys' Shoes Boys' black, brown and tan shoes and oxfords, all leather. Values to $5.00. DIRECTOR'S DAY' SPKCLVL $2.95 Basement tiffed Bargain Day ASSORTMENTS It r Doprs Saturday Morning Children's Suits Boys. Jersey knit 2-piece Isuit in srreen and tan. Val ues to $6.00. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL $3,98 Men's Umbrellas 7 rib Pargon frame black umbrellas, American taf feta. Reg. 1.50. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL Boys' Slickers Boys' yellow slickers, Sawyer's Frog Brand. Sizes 12-14-16. Reg. $5.00. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL $3.98 Fine Wool Shirts O. D. khaki serge pure wool shirts, chest lined and double elbow. DIRECTOR'S DAY" SPECIAL $3.98 CM Men's Trousers 50 prs. Men's cotton work pants, good and strong dark colors. All sizes. Reg. $2.25. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL $1.49 Basement Ladies' Shoes 200 prs. Peters Diamond Brand Shoes and Oxfords. Values to $5.00. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL $2.49 Basement Would Men's Collars Men's Arrow. Brand semi soft collars. All sizes and styles. Reg. 35c DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL .. i5c Men's Dress Gloves Men's Dress Gloves in tan and gray kid and fine suede gloves. Reg. $4.00. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL $2,98 Khaki Pants Men's heavy khaki pants, all sizes. Reg. $1.95. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL 98c Silk Shirts Men's silk pongee shirts with collar to match. Reg. $4.50. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECL1L $2.98 Men's Shirts l00 Men's dress and blue work shirts. Values 98c t jt $1.50. f DIRECTOR'S DAY SPECIAL 25 c Basement Men's Work Shoes 100 pairs double thick ness sole, solid leather. Reg. $4.00. DIRECTOR'S DAY SPKCIAL $2.29 Basement Be Wise at 9 d'Clbck 1 9 The Store of jGOGD ' Ttufr lZcoiioiny i Can MERCHANDISE at , lie Safclij Pracllced. the LOWEST Prices niiiin i il'f r m i 'n 'r - i 7 t r i i