i U tiM$EMEWS-kN 'k1nrA to b Formed- - Cnmrad bAYs rlab will - be. ft formed at the Methodist church ut west saiem nexi we. i v toys have already signmeu mew Intention tb Join. No leader has vet been i)iKInted. . ThI w 111 be the fitth CVjmrade club to be or- Kanized in?Uhm. Dinner' Today-1 -' At The Spa. $1. 25 Ranter Kupplle. Anderson' Sporting Good store, 1C7 N. Commercial. n5 j . Independent Oaroea Krliednled ... f The Ull-Sur basketball team if will play the Oregon Journal five In an independent basketball ram e I at the ,YMCA fcymnajuum Friday fat 2 o'clock. Other teams mat ii HiH play there Friday if they can 1 lul games are me r-uKi-. i 00-pound team, and th.ucicy h lZ-pouna aggregaiion. i net 1 ersr another 125-pound quin- i, nave cnaneutru -u.; -for a game at 3 o'clock. , V ' ... " - -.ThanksglvinR Dinner t-. At the Marlon. J1.25: from 5:45 to 8 p. -m. served n25 V When In -Trouble - t Call ton your doctor, banker) or garageman. fore you are an; trouble, with Sjandley Foley. lawyer. But be 1NSURE n2 r Parkin Offenders Fined f Persons fined $1 apiece In po lice' court yesterday on charges of overtime parking or double park ing were John Caughell, L E.Ab ble. C. E. Wagner and J. C. Nor- ' ' Complete Une of ' . 1 Monarch Electric Ran at Hamiltoa'a. alltf "Eat Your Thanksgiving Dinner r At Minto's Chicken Roost. Roast t goose or turkey, 1 plate. n25 -Cherry City Vursery " ppened their sales yard op Vposite the post office on State St. I"-e carry a full line of fruit and -VA trees. R. W, Mathis. prop. n2H Thanksgiving Menu "' t'Of the Gray Belle on the'Soel ety page. n2S Taii ' aZJW VLtLn An.h7, w m r?h i q ' r H. Grabenhorst & Co., 135 S. Lib-,. erty street. n25 Schools Cle for Holiday- , The , public '- schools of fialeni closed i their doors yesterday for the remainder of the week, thus allowing h-bdents and teachers to visit thir own homes over the f v holiday period. -- Dance Special t Thanksgiving dance Thursday night. Happy Hour hall. North Dallas. . n25 Clinic, at Woodburn . . The regular health center ex- niainatlon of children at the Wood- t .burn local health council was held t? yesterday afternoon under the di- f rection of, Mrs.-H. -Overton, chair- , man of tbe eenter there. The f f. jpaminatlon wm attended by Dr. j.stel la Ford War net . ve i'on Reserved. Your Plate 1 At Minto's Chicken Roost for your Thanksgiving dinner? n25 To Speak or- Haxel Green Dr. Ksiella Ford Warner of the county health service will apeak at the community club meeting at the Hazel Green school district to morrow evening ; en the work of the department. " ..' ' " r f n . Wlieh in Trouble f ; Call on your -doctor, - lawyer. banker or garage man. But be fore ( you are in trouble," INSURE with standley & Foley. , n27 : DEAF HEIR with the tiay IlUle Gem Ear Phone can be worn with out Headband. V? -" Smallest hearing devicew The wonder of theage. -vBy use of radio principles, ecientifieally perfected, . Insuring clear jposi-. tiv hearing at i home, -churchy theatre., and radio, ali these pleasures can be yours. ... CALL VOn VRKK TEST Ask for .booklet , ' - ..- jr,. c PERRY V-' S. Cora'L m. Salem. Ore. . Authorized Distrlbutora The. Personal Writing Machine ? Typewriter Exchange 1 V-THOS'ROEN - ; Pltowe tUil-, 421 ConrtrSalew Underwood Typewriter Co. Dlraet Factory Branch 019 Court St. , Phone 33 ., Typewriter! Rented Sold. Spelt rental rat to StadenU X LADD St BUSH, Bahlcers If - 7) -: Established 1868 tlerieral Banking Business ; Office nom from 10 . m. t wL ' 4 'W ' A ? Marriage Licence Insurd ; A marriage license was Issued yeeCerday to John D. Srhaokman, employe of the paper mill, and Edith' Larson also of this eity. Fat at the CJray I telle - Thanksgiving menu on Society page of this paper. ! ' n25 Ljlle Fih Pfiwurrrr A demurrer was filed in circuit court yesterday la tn ease of B. A. Lytle and others against Sarah L. Hulen and others, by the plin ti(T. Dance .Special - ! Thanksgiving dance Thursday night. Happy Hour hall. North Dallas. jt . n25 Leave for Seattle Mr. and Mrs: E. E. Bergman ana son Howard or mis city leu for Seattle yesterday for a visit over tne Holidays. The Spa Serves a wonderful dinner to n2f. day for ?t. Judge at St ay ton County Judge Hunt was called to Stayton yesterday afternoon on business. Septic Tank- Ready , to install, - proper, size. See Oregon Gravel Co. Tel. 18 a. ' ' n25 Keckman Dlvwce Granted Julius II. Beck man Was granted a divorce yesterday from Martha Beckman in the circuit court. rOc .Turkey Dinner- Served at the "Argo Thanksgiv ing day from 12 o'clock until 4 p. m. Will not serve dinner in the evening., ' .n25 Voorhees File Salt Suit was filed yesterday against Andrus Roy and others for set tlement of a land I matter by the Voorhees company.' Torkey Dinner, OOc With all the trimmings. 11 to 2 and 4 to 9. Tables for ladles The Lunch Box, 181 S. Liberty. n25 TrafFhv Offender Fined George J. Harms' was fined 15 Pnrbrick was arrested oir a charge Jot driving with four persons in the . ; Dr. Marshall, Osteopathic Physician and surgeon. b25 Mrs. White in Portlanl Mrs. Nona White and her daughter, Zelpha White, have gone to Portland to .spend JThanksgiv lng. ' - . , Get Your One-Dial At water-Kent Radio before the Christmas rush. Some three-dial sets, $100 complete. Vick Bros.. 280 S. High street. d2 fclAnkcts Reported Stolen W. J. Kirk. 985 South High street. has t. reported at police headquarters that -three Indian blankets and one ' army blanket were stolen from his car parked in front of his house. See The Gray Belle Menu On the Society page of this pa per., - -: nz5 Building Permits Issued ; S. B. Bsleman was issued a per mit to erect a one-story dwelling at 1510 North Nineteenth street. estimated to cost $2200. Wil liam A. Bond was' issued four per mits, ait for the .erection of one- story dwellings. ' One is at 1453 B street, estimated to cost $3500. The other three are at 815, 825 and .835 - North Sixteenth street. each estimated to -cost $3,000. Good Furnace and Heater- Wood, large load. $5. Phone 154 2. Fred E. Wells. : n25 Special Meeting Planned, The Americas Legion will have a special meeting and Thanksgiv ing services tonight. The Salva tion Army will be presented with the cup it won by having the best float la the Armistice day parsrae. - ; OR- TM FORMATION ABOUT RAILROAD TRIPS Phone 727 OREGON a ELECTRIC OHOICE of Traub Genuine V Orange Bloesom engafe ment and wedding rings U a tribute to the Judgment and good taste of the wearer. O-RTllAJf BBO&V caam Deal : Jeweler. . '.- , , ; -, ifr if - tern. ";-j-mt 1 J j ISP BRIEF Nnrses WUI Meet- ? I - A meeting of the Salem ; nurses who belong to the Oregon State Nurses' association will be held at the Gray Belle tomorrow after noon. Miss Dorothy Whlpp and Miss Nell Coppoca: are In charge of the program. - Turkey Dinner, COc . With all the trimmings, 11 to 2 and 4 to 9. Tables for ladies. The Lunch Box, 1S1 S. Liberty. n25 . (ioose Chase . A flop, a. splash, and It was on its way up State street, one big goose, with its would-be possessor jaard ,in pursuit. Between cars, across the street , and finally re trieved. Some one had saved the day and a happy ramily Is to enjoy the feathery victim today;. Plant Walnut Tree If interested in fruit, nut, orna mental trees, shrubbery, rpses. etc. see us. Capital City Nursery Co., 1050 N. Capitol St. n25 Luncheon Is Cancelel The -regular weekly .luncheon of the Marlon-Polk county realty board, scheduled for this boon, will not be held because of the' Thanksgiving holiday. Dragers In Medford Mr. and Mrs W. F. Drager have gone to Medford where they will spend Thanksgiving as the guests of their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Frey. Faritltare Upholstery And repairing. Glese-Powera furniture Co. altf PouLsen on Trip- Mark Poulsen, police judge and I cnjr recuruer, uas gon&.io . speua Thanksgiving with friends in the Puget Sound district in Washing ton. Closed Tluinksgivlng Dajr- The Salem Restaurant. n25 Bishops Visit l'ort land- Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bishop spent Tuesday in Portland. U. G. Ship ley was another Portland visitor I Ull JUCTUttJ. I . n r.. i I To Stag or Not o nf a I Questionnaires are being mailed I to all members of the Salem Cher-1 rians to determine whether they want to invite women to the an nual banquet. Initiations and crowning of the new King Bing at -the Hotel Marion tbe evening of January 4. Last year no wom en, were invited. Get l'onr Ono-Dlal ittwat(r.Krat Radio before the Christmas rusn. some tnree-oiai Bets, iwu complete. Vick Bros., 280 S. High I street. . d2l '-' ;. Tickets for Lieurance Concert Grand, Dec. 2, now bon sale at Geo. C. Will Music, Sherman-Clay, and by all members of the- Busi ness and Professional Women's club. n26 Moore Estate in Court Ed Moore filed a suit in circuit court yesterday against Crawford W. Moore and others for .settle ment tff the estate of Manley R.I Moore. IMV9rce Suit Filed A divorce suit was filed with the county clerk yesterday by Eva E. Manning against Cecil R. Man ning. The plaintiff alleges cruel anal Inhuman treatment on tbe part of the defendant. Property Suit Filed - Suit was filed yesterday in cir cuit court by John Kirchner against Ivan F. Brown for settle ment of property, rights. " Divorce Suit FHwl Nellie wagner filed a suit yes terday 'for divorce from William Wagner, alleging cruel and in human treatment. Will Visit in Beaverton Dr. J. D. McCormick of the Kimball School of Theology, ac companied by his son -Kenneth, has gone to Beaverton, Or., to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with his sister, Mrs. W. A. De Whuxst. Fine- Arts lias Campaign . All University of Oregon stud ents and friends who wish to as sist In the campaign for a new fine arts building there are asked to phone 627 or call at the Bligh -tuilding Saturday, Nov, 27. Dr. McCormick Plans Trip Dr. J..D. McCormick of Kimball school of Theology will be in Ab- ucru, T, ,cu. nit UCJIL WC& IQ give lectures on the' New Testa ment before a standard school of religious 'education to' be held there, v Dr. McCormick will preach in the First Methodist church at Aberdeen Sunday. . Comrade Club Fleets Officers were elected by the Comrade boys club of the First Presbyterian church at its meet ing of the year last night. ' Harold Colgan was chosen president; rtusseii augneea, vice president; Dick . Weatherf ord, secretary; Ed ward Siegmund. treasurer; Ralph Purvtae,., comrade or the keys; Den Siegmund, comrade- ot the colors, and Edwin Johnson, ath letic manager. EIGHT INDEPENDENT COLLEGES TO MEET V (CDtiae4 trvm p-K ) alon. 9 o'clock, " ? : ' Report of committee on college accounting.- Report of. committee on resolutions. Report on confer ence scholarships. Election of of ficers. 10:30 o'clock. ; r - . Luncheon, of deans, li o'clock. faJCOXQ Says: We hare m 1020 Star coap ter that 1mm been over hauled and is in perfect con d it ion. This is a fine look iug job and Ih a Knap at .V4.i.H. DEC OS o The llouae That Service Baill LAWYERS CLASH OVER HALL-MILLS WITNESS (Continued from pace I.) The state's objection was based on the fact that the witness is not a defendant in the present trial, although under indictment with the other defendants, Mrs. Fran ces Stevens Hall, widow of the slain clergyman, and her broth ers, Henry and Willie Stevens. Another point stressed by the state was that Mrs. Gibson did not place Carpender at the scene in her direct testimony, but under cross examination. Insistence by the defense that the testimony is competent includ ed a claim that the fact that Car pender had been identified by a state witness "as one of the men at the scene of the double killing left an ' opportunity for him to show a divergence in the story by vi. The" Jury was sent from the room during the somewhat heated discussion of the lawyers. Car pender had heard only a few questions when his examination was suspended to give the lawyers the floor. He had said that he was not at the murder scene, as stated by Mrs. Gibson, and had not been in the home of his cous in. Mrs. Hall, for several months nrior to the death of her husband. Tho .lafoneo ant 99 witnPKHfS to the stand during the day, ex- elusive of Willie Stevens, who be- gan testifying yesterday and cora- pleted his testimony in seven min- jutes today. All of the defense witnesses to day were used to attack testimony of the state. Mrs. Hall, the minister's widow is expected to , testify Friday or Saturday. REFUSES FINAL APPROVAL nc TCVT DHnV PflklTDAPT Ur 1 1 A I DUUft UUNItiAUl (Continued from Page i.) fv " ;;. I western publishing c o m p a n y (would take over any new, unused material in oooKKeeping wnicn was owned by the board at the cioae or me scnooi year, ai tne "?lJc " "' the board. ernl Publishing company would give one new complete text for two second hand texts complete, no matter what condition the sec; ond hand or used texts were in Any new texts unused which were owned by the hoard would be ex changed on an even basis, that is one new complete Twentieth Cen tury .text,. foY one new complete text of any other bookkeeping sys- tern." P. J. Gallagher, Portland attor ney, was in Salem today confer ring with' Mr. Turner and other officials in connection with a com plaint he is now preparing attack ing the textbook adoptions auth orized at a meeting of the state textbook commission held here early in November. Jt will be charged iy Mr. Gal lagher that the textbook commis sion is not constituted according to law, and that members of the commission did,- not give proper consideration to the selection -of the textbooks adopted at the re cent meeting. Mr. Gallagher in dicated that the complaint would contain other charges which he was not at liberty to discuss at this time. CHILDREN'S NURSE RESUMES . 0 V HER DUTIES PraUet Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham. Vegetable Compound for some tinu and I would no be without it i. the house. As I am a children': nurse; I have tt be on my feet t great deal an your medicin has helped :mt wonderfully.' 1 was hardly able to do. my bouse work when I be gan, taking: it and now 1 am a strong and well woman, able to do all that and gc out nursing besides. I -have alsc used the Sanative Wash and fouuc It beneficial.' i-Mas. Gertecdk- L. Stewait, 103 Davis SL, Green field, Mass. - - , Yhtablm for Weakne i V--"I ha,ve' found Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound a valu able medicine for weakness. Mas. J. A Pietsch, Box 397, Lancaster, Pa. : Hundreds of letters like these are received by -the Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn. Mass., from gratefai women ; who say that their health has Improved since taking Lydia IS. r riakhjua'B Vegetable Compound. . RICHARDS OBTAINS DRAW WITH FISHER Oakland Fighter Has Slight Edge in Fast Main Event .at Armory By Fit Kit A.MtlttS Eddie Richards. Portland wel ter weight, earned a draw with the rough aud Lough Bud Fisiieroi oamand. calv in the main event of last night's card at the armory 1 tie vote was 2 to 1 by the Judges in favor of a draw, the other vote going to Fiher. Judges were Iie- leree ;-Dubs" Mulkey. Fred Wil liams and Harry Levy. Fisher had the edge in the opin ion of many of the fans. Both men Showed about equal offensive defensive tactics kept Richards irom landing many punches on his oody at any time during the 10 rounds. The aged Fisher showed all the speed and agility of a younger man, and managed to dodge most ot the rushes or his younzer od- ponent, who bored in with a will whenever, he thought he saw an opening. Tua openings generally were not there, however, as Fish er succeded in blocking most of the attacks before they got started. The fight started out slowly. neither man doing much in the first'three rounds except to try to urge; the other into leading. Rich ards started out, in the fourth and made several wild rushes at Fish er, but the Wild Boar of the Oak land tules came right back at him with a will and for a time they socked each other lustily. The action lagged again in the fifth and sixth rounds, neither man being willing to take many chances. Richards changed his tactics somewhat in the seventh when he started talking to Fisher, appar ently trying to make him mad. These tactics didn't work at all however, as the veteran Californ- ian wasn't bothered a bit. Richards finally talked so much that he made h;melf ansry and Fisher took advantage of it to Land a few good jolts to the face. He continued these tactics in the eighth round. Richards kept up his vocal barrage, but Fisher kept a calm and collected manner while he pounded away at Rich ards face and body. Richards decided he couldn't make Fisher angry, and was get ting the worst of the argument, so He settled back to work in the last two rounds and kept at it so well I - VVa "V " T I that he managed to earn himself tberaw decision The draw was popular with the j jrrowd. vvho put in most of the I time "during the fight yelling for i more action Ruksell Greene of Salem lost a . af TOllnd decision to Young Dexter or Portland in tne six I . . .. , -.. a I round seiui-imot. vi i wrm. inn k - game battle all the way. but his opponent was a little too cle'er 7-T FUXEPAiS Laae- Morley, Jr., one-year-old ?on of Mr. and,3irs. Lane Money of Salem, died, Tuesday evening, Nov. 23. FuneTal services win ne held at 3 d. m. Thursday after- j noon-with Rev. E.- II. Shanks of- I ficiating. IMMACULATE Clear through, our estab lishment with interiors so sunny, uplifting and com forting that'jt lightens sad ness to enter within. Webba Funeral Parlors 'Telephone 120 i TERWIIXIGERS i Perfect Funeral Service I For Less Ueenied Lady Mortician T70 Chemeketa Street TeJepbo 7(34 j EAT YOUR Thanksgiving Dinner -;-! ! At the I - - ' Valley Grill - i I TODAY v Roast Turkey Dressing . Cranberry Sauce Ripe Olives Celery Hearts Shrimp Salad VALLEY CiRILL 146 S. Commercial for him. --.. Greene went down for the count of nine in the secoud round and again in, the fitxth, just before lhe fight, ended.-. In between the put up a ftiff battle, absorbing much punishment;-without apparently oeing seriously damaged. ; After Dexter floored him fu the sixth, however, he had a hard time coming back and was hanging on at the bell. 1 lie first rounds of the special event failed to show much credit to Kid ffaibraith of Coquille. The lads weighed in at 137 and 128. i Shprp. Salem painter, held up more than his end in the first tw turns and Galbraith won a round chorus of boos from' the crowd. In the third round the Coquille lad put on steam and sailed into Sharp, landing straight lefts to the body with napty rights to the head. Sharp was down twice, the second being a vain effort to re cover before Referee Mulkey made the count. One of the best fights of the evening was that between Lioren Watts, yfid Kid Hoggerhide. both of Salem. These boys met at 1C5 pounds and provided plenty of ac tion, both wasting much energy. In the fourth round young Watts eclipsed the more flashy Hogger hide and had him sagging, knock ing him all over the ring until the bell saved Hoggerhide. The decision went to Watts. The second preliminary found Red Witcraf t and Salem Kid Brown plunging at eacli other with little effect. Witcraft who Your Cough Will Leave You Quickly Once you ttart taking Foley's Money and Tar Compound Coughs and throat irritations, nervous hacking, hard racking bronchial coughs, and lingering "flu" coughs yield to its influence and are quickly eSaced. Made by our own 6pecial process, it combines the curative influence of pure Pin Tar with other healing ingredients, and the mollifying demulcent effect of clear Honey. It is a boon to those who suffer from troublesome night coughing. A fine dependable medicine Remember the name FOLEY'S HONEYandTAR COMPOUND Sold at Capitol Drag Store FRIDAY ONLY 1 5 ACTS And Lewis S. Stone Percy Marmont Alma Rubens Raymond Griffith Eileen Percy William V. Mong In "FINE CLOTHES" Shows at . 2:00 - 7:0O and 9:00 THE ELSINORE E!ia2Ketts UTAH COAL .Diamond and Gasco BRIQUETS X mssm ve- wifui- not I 1 SCRATCH YOUR I f FURNITURE. I v-e WILL - a i DO IT Vk. hails from Stayton, did all the heavy work. The bount endetj In & draw. . n Young York, 120 pounds and Johnny Walker, 1S? pound, were the youngsters who opened the batch of bouts. Both are resident's of Salem and fought well after Referee Mulkey advised them lo get busy. Walker earned his. de cision by coming to life after York had t-tung him into action. Telephone Directories OuEFirst of December Xew telephone directories to the number of nbout TOoO will be ready for distribution in Salem ! December 1. The directories are printed twice a year and contain the revised list of numbers and subscribers. The classified sec tion of the books, which contains over 100 pages, is being printed last and the books will be bound the first of the week. LOST Boston Bull Dog Lost, Strayed or Stolen: Registered Number 2481. Phone 1031-M. Reward FARMER'S WAREHOUSE Paul Traglio, Prop. GRAIN, FEED AND SEED Free Delivery to any part of the city. QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION Telephone 28 HEALTH LECTURES FOR WOMEN By Miss Etta Mahbod Wednesday and Friday 3:30 P. M. 3:30 P. M. at the First Methodist Church These Lectures Are Free Every Woman Invited DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY . Lieurance loncert "Ember 2 i jp-mLiL-l " - " " " ' Kdna Wool ley, Soprano Hotel THANKSGIVING DINNER - Citrus or Merry Widow Cocktail Cream De Vollaile Aux Pois Consomme Puritan Celery- Hearts Mixed Olives Olympia Oyster Pattie a la Cardinal Thanksgiving Sherbet ! y 1 Grilled Breast of Capon a la Maryland . Roast Oregon Turkey, Chestnut Dressing. - - and Cranberry Jelly Roast Domestic Goose with Spiced Fig " Roast Prime Rib of Beef, Yorkshire Pudding Whipped Cream Potatoes Sweet Potato a la Uctoria Brussel Sprouts Beurr Baker Hubbard Squash New Creation Salad " Special 4-Layer Brick Ice Cream with Silver Cake Hot Mince Pie Huckleberry or Fresh Pumpkin.Pie English Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce ' Imported Swiss Cheese Cluster Raisins -Demi - - ..Served from 5:&5 to 8 p. m. -.v . $L25 Plate r:; " Mrs. Elbern Sims ' and Mrs Clyde Whitman were visitors li Ani n lVwtluirn - - ' . i t . E."L. Pennington of Newport i a visitor in this city. A . SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 5en9- 5trattonr Porters The ELSINORE nnrnin tucatdt Thurlow Lieurance Original Indian Melodies Edna Woolley , Soprano , - . The greatest singing in terpreter ; of America's Nature Music. . Concert for Children at 4 in the afternoon ' Music Store. Moore's Music Store, Sherman Clay Music Store. Portland Mnsic Store and by all members of tbe Business and Professional Women's Club under whose ausnicea the concert In e-lvon Marion - Long Branch Crackers ; Tasse Mixed Nuts mm I -.