The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 25, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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FAST GAME. 22-18
- - - r
beMqlays Lose"irt -'Hard
Struggle; : Bankers -Win1"
. ?":'(Fr6m Navigators w
- "T OemaiareuJ Lttfiit StaAa'liifs '
1 Vfarprarta ....
Vapar Mill
Da. V'r -
--W. H"iIVt.
,2, - 1 .
1 ft l.tMrfk
1 I ..".lift
.... r .- ,inni
eiea .-Vavifatias 0 2 .rrftO
Itie ielIarpou Ducks nosed out
the DfMolays 22 to- lvlat night
on tin- YMCA floor in the rlofeet
and most hard fought .game, yet
played In the Commercial league.
I TM U. Si Dank defeaied-th Sa
lem Navigation ronipany2l to ID
lit thi other game last night.
Tne-Deltarport started out in
the 'first half like a whirlwind,
rnnniqg up 11 points to 5 for the
DeMoUys. The DeMolays sent In
jBeesher as a substitute In the last
quarter ana be rang no four
baskets, making -the score 19 to
20. Ttl& Dellarports added another
basket in the final minute. John
Shafer played a strong game on
defffe . , ",, : - . '-.t
The, Bankers had an easy time
mlnfiiag from the Salem Navira-
jtlon JMnipany They led at the half
18 to C' Soot t was the big star.
frceeranting for 14 petals himself.
Lineup: " V-i '
inker '
Kalcm , Xav.
F, Larsen 2
.F. Bacon 7
C . Lleske 1
. G ........ . Mason
rones f2'r. !:
:otf f 4 . ; .
,ucn- -...
Cewton Q..... RandaU 4
flrpX;r 8.... .8. Larsen 1
I, Ketley . . 4S-. . , . . . . Turner
Referee Louis Anderson.
jpcflarport DeMoIay
RIarfcS., ; .P. . . P. Sharer f.
belfarport 8 .. F. ....... . Wbh
itt'1aK,C t;... Beehcler t
farerpan 2 V. . .ti Gamble 2
r. sSater . .' . . .fj . ... ... .Wood
T K.... Titirraston
. . . fit . . i.'. . . .S. . . . Karonry 2
nWeree'IoHia Amleriuin.
7 --
lUttTj C. Milier, 184 S. Com'l
St.. w here-moat neonto nrefer to
get iheJf auto, parts for all makes
pf cars. Trade here and make
aTiffrs; op all-auto parts. . ()
Hfcllk ArEoff Electric Shop, 337
pont , St. T -Everything electric.
ronx motors and fixtures and sup
plies.' to wiring., Get t prices and
look at -complete stock. ()
,- 6 -r-r 1 ;
Qaality painting, both varnish
ndjtjyiner. work, in 01r modern
quipped paint shop. Washing,
ceasing-and, night service: tire
epus, .-Wod Ato Service Co.
; . M I -
iLht :3rogensen;:l0'S. High
L narta for ail makes of cars.
tewtti'''rt,4 auto Accessory store
l V.if section'. J Prompt and relJ
I rrirr the' .ywl i t
;. ; . ... . , -
. ' . .... . - .
rnry Eleven Leaves in Spe
cial Train Amid Salvo
of Cadet Cheers
WEHT POINT, N. Y.. Not. 24
V4 Army ' football " players
k:Td advancing upon Chicago to-
g?l4 'n; a 'special train which
ok;: the Btruad.' its coaches and
!iirvr4iJi. ot nesi roiDi late
la taf teraoian. They" are due In
e mid-west city tomorrow "after
oir.for their annual service bat-
against Navy on Saturday.
f Ah hour devoted to brushing np
I tllker Auto Co.. Kerry at Llb
tyvSt .Autos atored. and bought
id sold, t CAre washed day and
rht..Low prices and service will,
iV long -friends. - -!
The Marion Automobile Co. The
j d shaker, the. world's greatest
to Mobile value. ' Operating cost
air Wtil last a lifetime, wltb
Ver Standard coach $141 S ()
. , n
1 A Shipley's tlx ladles of Salem
; jy satisfied themselves that they
ih g?t the finest fall and win-
r irocKS, coats aoa aresses ever
j pint in this city.
Acclimated ornamental nursery
: ck. evergreens rose, bushes.
and shade trees at Pearey
o In season. We have our own
i r-rlea. 171 S.t Com'L -J ' . -
; dnifrsingl Rub- soothing.
; raunj it, jacooa uu rigm mto
your sore sun, acn
,mg joints, and re
lief - comes . instant
ly. St. Jacobs Oil
is a harmless rhen
matism liniment
which never disap
points and' cannot
burn the skin.. '
Get a 35 cent tot
lle of St. : Jacobs
03- at any . drug
Store, -and in a mo
ment you'll be free
fraoapam, soreness
and ' stiflF nesav ' :- la
vse for tS years for
rhennsatisra. 1 sciat
1 .
special playa, signals and kicking
constituted the final practice. The
men then bbarded the train 'un
der a. salvo f of cheers from ,1203
cadets, who fwitl ; follow the team
Into the west tomorrow.5 V
BALTIMORE, j Mdf S'ov.24.
APJ Navy'a grid squad, 4 8
Mroog. left here; tonight for Chi
cago. Two special trains carried
the players, the- coaching, staff,
headed byCoacti Navy Bill" In
gram, rubera, cheer leaders" and
a delegation of twenty five mid
shipmen. . -- I , ' .
The Navy team will be hastened
to Soldiers, Field on its' arrival
for a short workout ar3 thence to
a Sonfh Shore fcotel Saturday it
will rn h final paces at
the University of Chicago stadiun.
The Army eleven will be taken to
South Shore Country club., where
It will practice; both tomorrow
a mr Friday. , f
Special as long as they last
body powder and bath salts only
9e. regular 7!c each. These
make wanderfnl Christmas 'pres
ents. Crowjj Drug. 3 2 2. State. (
Roller sktfn at, te Dream
land RInk.!Tueidav. Friday and
Saturday from 7:20 to 10:30 p.
m. Ladies admitted fre. Gen
tlemen 10c Skating 25c. ()
Have your favorite negative en
larred at Pat ton's Book Store by
Melgaard, the artist. Kodak fin
ishing in all its branches. Quality
work only. .()
. Reduction -on 4 all hats nt the
Vanity Hat Shoppe, 487 Court St.
Be sure to see our line of hats be
fore buying. Latent metal doth
hats Just In. ()
BERKEIJ;Y. Cal.. Nov. 24. '
(API Clarence M. "Nibs" Price,
head football coach at the Uni
versity .-of California, wound up
his 1926 gridiron season today by
selecting first and second all-coa-st
elevens. Stanford, coast confer
ence champion, and University of
Southern California each landed
four men on the first team. The
selections follow:
First Team
Walker. -S'anferrf ....-i ,
liadicro. I'. S. C
Hibi.a, t'SC.
Ihxon. Ort-goa Ajtfie
Taylor, C8C-
Ship, Stanford
Btnoourt, St Mary'....
1 ia t lormsn. Vashinitin ...
Kar. VC.....
Hyland. Ktanford....
Rogue, Stanford
- Seecnd Team
Shiokor. Stanford
Quart -rba'k
. Fallback
trankiati, bt. Mary ...Knt
( eltria.. California, ;., . Tarkle
Ponlwra. -"Wanford ...Tackle
Kramer, Waihinirtua. Stat Gnard
NiMranderx fmtiimmi.i-....-t...--... .tard
rrarach, rSf i ...Center
eekefc Tabinirtptt SttaQaaHerback
Kelly. Montana. Halfback
l.nbr. .Oreton A$0flf.r.:.'.t.:. -Halfback
."V-kulnsericb, . Oreyffn Agfie., ...... rollback
The' Man's. Shop aves you a ten
dollar bill on every quality suit.
Shirts, bats, ties, collars. High
an-adis. fJothing; : perfect fitting,
lone wearing. 416 Stata-. (
Meet the most widely disaissd&ij in Anaica
LOUtSC - THE CLDCR 4 " PA" MCLLCR J MA HeTLLERa . "UM -TMt som- a Q amnaii -Nf rvwea
DAUGHTCn SHC'S 4VOOR. FVKPA - 4 ONE OP "PA'S cowboTU Daudhtcr- smI Wu
v llJlJh. fr-H VlfIlA VAIJJrAiiAN t-uakoilhzxihald k ).
J j A ShW fr the WI?olc ai,y! '
NEW YORK. Nov. 24. ( API
The Thanksgiving: day football
feast In the east promises to be
as Mimpliioiis as ever,. Five choice
gridiron rilshe. all life lily seas
oned with . tradition and flavored
with keen competition are ready
to be served. -f'i: : : -
The choicest of tomorrow's en
frees ,N the battle of the Brown
Rear to turn back the threat of
Colgate, keep his slate clean and
thereby clinch an outstanding
claim to sectional as well as na
tional championship honors. Ttf la
the most significant item of the
holiday menu but from the point
of view of color and traditional in
terest it bold- no advantage over
such outstanding contests as Penn
sylvania - Cornell. Pennsylvania
State-Pittsburgh; Syracuse-Columbia
and Washington and Jefferson
West Virginia.
Cold Beach New steam laun
dry installs additional machinery.
Ulrich it. Roberts, realtors. 122
V. Commercial ?t know property
values and tr.ake for you profit
able Investments. Will lothsave
and make yon money. (
Chas. K. Spaiildine Igi;tn? Co.,
lumber and building materials.
The best ols no more than In
ferior rrades. Ho to the h!g Sc
lera factors sryl av reoney. ()
Tyler's Big Z Cold Capsules will
cure your cold' If you don't be
lieve It try it for yourself. Tyler's
is the only place to get them, 157
S. Com!. ()
Douehton A Sherwtn. Hard
ware. 28 8 N. Corn l St. Hardware
Builders Supplies. Paints. Varn
ishes. Give us a call, you'll find
our oriels reasonable. (! i
Woman Files Complaint
Of Assault and Battery
Minnie Kasberg has filed a com
plaint in justice court alleging
that James Wagner committed as
sault and battery on her person
last Saturday in Salem Heights,
where both reside. Wagner plead
not guilty yesterday afternoon and
the case. has been continued.
Wagner also has something to
say about the matter. His version
is that he did not hit her, but that
Minnie herself hit him with a wet
glove and other articles. The
cause of the argument is un
known. Minnie cannot talk Kne-
SHitltslC so her account is not very
The Salem Hdw. Co , most pro
gressive. , Every accommodation
given to those in need of beat
hardware supplies. Work and pros
perity the motto. 120 N. Com'l ()
Pontlac Six still sweeping to
ward unchallenged leadership.
Landau sedan $895 f. o. b. factory.
Easy to pay on General Motors
time payment plan. Vick Bros. ()
; More Fun Than a 3 Ring Circus!
' ; ' &-
Richard Barthelraess. noted for
the rersaUlity and charm of Bis
many Characterizations dn the
.serf en. ha found. a vehicle worthy
of his talents In "VThe Amateur
Gentleman," which ls playing t
the Oregon theater. He appears ta
splendid advantage in the colorful
role of Barnabas Beverly Bafty
and looks amazingly well in the
costumes of the Beaif Urummel
period. f 1 !
I The story, produced by Inspira
tion. Pictures for First National
under the direction of Sydney, Ol
cott, Is from the pen of . Jeffery
Farnol. It deals with the. IteKency
periol in England " and contains
nimirrniu ihrilltiier &n1 dramatic
high lights which are intensified
by the harmony and realism of the
settings. '
, Dorothy Dunbar, who is consid
ered a screen "find" is very beau?
'iful as Lady CleOne Meredith,
while an exceptional cast appears
in suport of Bartbelmess. Tb
cat Includes' Gardner James,
whose portrayal ofBarrymalne la
noteworthy; Nigel Barrie. Johri
MiHan. Brandon Hurst Herbert
Grimwood. Billie. Bennett. GIno
Corrado. J. Edwards Davis and
Sidney de Cray. ,
For Sidney Olcott. director of
meny si-ren classics, such as
Monsieur neaucaire " "Little Old
New York." "The Humming Bird"
and "The Green Goddess." "The
Amateur -Gentleman" is another
laurel and one of the most note
worthy, The Hamilton Furniture Com
pany has added a toy department
to their stock.- Many new things
in toys to gladden the hearts of
the little folks. 340 Court St. ()
G. W. Day, ttres. tubes and ac
sKories. Has the Goodyear tires,
the standard of the world Mr.
Day can give you more mileage.
Corner Com'l and Chemeketa. ()
y to end
The $1,000,000 Way
Colds can be ended in 24 hours. Or
checked before they develop if this
method is used promptly.
The way is HILL'S, a, prescription
perfected by one of the world's larg
est laboratories. 1 It is quick, efficient
and complete. It is so well-proved
that we paid $1,000,000 for it.
HILL'S does all things at once. It
checks the cold, stops the fever, opens
the bowels and tones the entire system.
Millions have come to employ it. Go
get it and learn what it docs. .
Be Sara IfajgLgS
fflSCMft A QDHflHE
CAVJMmxJs with portrait
i Governor Pierce authorized the
extradition of Mrs. Ruth Carroll
who is wanted at Vancouver.
Wash., on a charge of second de
gree assault in connection with
the alleged brutal treatment of
her step-granddaughter. Dorothy
Tefferteller. Mrs. aCrroll is in
Jail in Portland. .:
It was alleged; that Mrs. Carroll
struck her step grand-daughter
with heavy sticks of wood, and
held her face against a heated
stove. The alleged crime was dis
covered November 3 of this year
and the child later was placed in
care of humane society officials.
Lester Wood, an officer from
Vancouver, and Mrs. Wood will
accompany Mrs. Carroll 'to Van
couver.,. v The child .was said to be nine
years of age.
Salem fight fans turned out but
poorly last night for one of the
best cards ever presented in ' Sa
lem. The bad weather prevented
many from being present. Boxing
commission officials congratulated
Manager Plant for the quality of
.all events on the schedule.
.Portland visitors and Salem
followers who attended the fights
at Portland Tuesday night are em
phatic in the assertion that the
Salem bouts were generally of
belter quality than those held in
the Rose city.
Among many out-of-town at
tendants at the Armory bouts last
night was, "Doc" L. C. Eastman,
of Silverton.
The next fif;ht card at the Ar
mory will probably present a
? A
i 5
- 4
t .
f '
change of schedule. fc Also there
will be an unusual match for the
final bout. - ,
Cross Meat Market. Rlgrtwst.
htisirwt and best in Saleru Choic
est steaks. -bacon, hams.sausagi.
tard. ergs. milk. Absolutely sani
tary. 37d State St. (
PORTLAND. Or.. Nov. 24jiU
(AP) George Godfrey and B
cat Wright, negro heavyweight
boxers were fined $500 each by
the Portland boxing commission
When that body met tonight to in
vestigate yesterday's headline bont
In which the twrmen figured. The
two fighters were waved from the
ring in the 10th round of their
scheduled 10 round match and the
affair called "no contest."
Shouldn't KxLst
It is a pity to suffer with any
kind of rheumatism or gout on
earth. That Trunk's Prescription
has been beneficial in the treat
ment jit rheumatism, gout, lum
bago, sciatica and neuritis is a
well known fact, for instance, a
prominent Pacific Coast Druggist
says: "From reports we have had
on Trunk's .Prescription we are
confident of its merits In recom
mending it." This prescription
does not contain any mercury,
salicylate soda, oil wintergreen
nor narcotics., but combines in
gredients of potency designed to
throw off any kind of rheumatism
in the' human body. Trunk's
Prescription does not depress the
heart nor ruin the-stomach, and
no dieting Is required to make it
effective. Superior Liver Medicine
and Uric Acid Solvent; a splendid
prescription. Sold and recom
mended by 4. C. Perry, Druggist,
115 S. Commercial. Adv.
$hy & start1
I fi. ViVevS. . :- -;-"v,-- .inn mi a . , i J
Satisfactory starting in snappy
weather' steady flow of power
mileage! You want all of these
every motorist seeks them.
Asscx:iated Winter Gasoline
is "geared'' to give you just that.
It is purposely distilled so as to
possess a distinctive chain of boiL
ingfointe. That gives Associated
its prompt starting and clean,
complete combustion the
qualities that insure the "start,
stride and finish"of good gasoline.
If youhavent been using Associ
ated, ask some driver, who does.
s I
-i - . . r: ' - . ' - v
Sustained Quality Pro dacis
10c -35c
And Tony
'31 Y OWN PAL"
For sale at all Company
. stations and at the beat
independent dealer,
r i
A. ' V .
a . ft
' ,
Matinee 10c -35c Evenins 20c - 35c - 50c NeWS
I,' III T.,,1 ,1. I '.I Ill ' ", Milium ' '
ica, neuralgia, lam
0 waaitrf
Ar. I 1 H. i . ... . ,,,, ,
t . h Mi n 1 1 1 ! if f - ffrrvj.-rff.: .iz , M i , . . M s ; . f , j ; ? v ; j J m f f
f r : ?t t ttf ft f
-v v