The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 24, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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    '' .' i
' IVlMui Daily Ksaap
' " SIS Hoala Oacsorejl 8L, b Oregaa
. .-'..J I. ....
Bi J. Hendrieaa . . . , . Manager
fredl J. Toosa - KaMfftHg-EdiMT
Irl S. MeBherry - - City E4ita -Parker
Brania - - - TalerrepB Kditer
Aadraa Banca Boeiety fcaitor
Ta JttaoeiataA Press U aarloalvaly enlitlod ta taa aaa for anbueadaa af all aewa
lrpUkk rreditod I it or not is. nrdiled ia taia aaaar aa4 alaa the Iaat
aewa aofciishea heroin. - , ,
' 'v."-.-v bushtess orriCES: .....
Jiaa galley 138 Wereeeter Blil, Partial, Ora. .
Xaaaaaa a. Clark. Ca, New Vara, 129-130. W. Slat St.; Cateag. JCaraaette Bldg.;
Baaiaeet Offiea or 883
Society Editor ..1(X
lfewa Department
lateroa at tka Past Of fie ia Salem.
FINISH THE Wnn if "Ra tlrnnr
fear not. nor b dlamayed for th
-v. . v r
Kflth thee; lie will H6t ritil thefenor forsake theet "
! . . ; . NOT-TRUE TO TYPE J
'Trio - f iv momKora -rf Via flrn
object to the employment of a
type; not true to the national
Oregon type- - . .
For the national Grange
through congress ; the act : that
tjje expenditure of government
and counties and school districts of the country in promoting
and carrying on industrial education and training and experi
mentation r
' ; And the 25 agents in the 36
all owe their appointment and
ties of the various counties.'
-The Grange stands for boys'
out the nation, and m the state
acrenti; have rlone And dnincr
, - - , . . -
iniiuence m Keeping mis spinr.
vThe spirit of helpfulness and
boys and girls in the rural homes
"The spirit that tends to keep the young people. on the
farms, and gives them gainful
There is nothing more important than this. If the boys
ana srirw are not to De Kent on
.u .1 u :-n.
t" w tut; ijcupic in vuv
Herbert Hoover says the time
of feeding our teeming" and increasing population will be a
pressing one and it is not very
: In order to be true to type,
sentt every member of the Grange in Marion county, to. the
il - I 1 '
iiiuiiici s &uu ttuu s.
be wholehearted! in favor of the
The William Jennings Bryan
lnnntul tha Amarlxan ftotf
avusi,wu ms; s.u.&. .
A Jew donated the flagstaff.
a ru!; ji:..-j
viu ict
A negro veteran of the late
drew-the flag to the top of the
Ten thousand friendly
looked on.
-In this manner did Port Huron, Mich. celebrate Armistice
day, under the guidance of Pastor Brady of the First Meth-
odist Episcopal church. Portland NewS.
Jim Smith, Marion county
made the triD from Salem to" ChamDoecr in his car in an hour
anda quarter. Ed; Dupuis, whose stage station in old Cham-
poeg stood at the end of De Grasse street, as an inducement
to people to patronize his line
-j , .
nave Deen some cnanges -in
53,000 people have already visited Champoeg park since the
fin-t of January of this year.
historic spot stands. therethe
vote that decided for the Oregon Country allegiance to the!
fi j i j
oittis aim ouipcs, iiBicau oi
General Markets
. i" PORTLAND. Or, - Nor. 23. (AP-)
Callio a lid rslvrs. bag, shp a ad lambs
aauiinallr steady; no rocoipta. Ilnrs:
alaagkter pica -90-13A" paad medium,
cood aad ckoira $11-50.
: ' . " ' PKODUCE ' "
1 rORTLAXD. Not. ,. AP) Milk
i'eady; beat churning cream 44 $ 4 He
per pound net shipper" track ia sane 1.
Cream deJirered Portland 4fi(48e- per
pound. Raw milk 4per oant 3.2
esrt f. e. b. Portland. , w'
Poultry ateady ; . fceary hens 28(CS7
itht 19-v 20e- springs JifrnJ-le; pakin
vhHa.-dnrk 24e; colored l620e; tark
eys lira 3; dressed 4J43e prnnd.
.Onions steady; lixal 73!. Walla
Walla OertI.
i .Petatoea ateady; tl.S0t?$1.75 sack.
- PORTLAND. Ori-fior 3 AP
Trading- improved aa tha local market
with soma holiday -demand. Oraagea ara
Boring rapidly bat at a eaaaiderabla ro
d action oa .tha larger aisea. which pra
daminata at this time. The craaherry
market H practically demoralised with
3 par 1o about tha ton for western
roek. Tne supply is linerai ana tne
atoek ia showing early deterioratiOB.
- ORAIir - ' - 1
i ; POBTLANn. Nor. 23 AP ) Wheat
fids: BBB, hsrd white. HW,.B3 Batrt.
Norember. December. Jaaaary 31.35;
Federation, Norember; 'JVeemher, Jan a-'
a nr. g 1.34 ; aott white, woatora,- white.
Nor em her. Jeeember , Jannarr. .l.85t
kard winter, Nrvember, IVcember, Jann
ary, $1.34; "Northern spring.' Nutt- ei,
lvrrmber, Jaanary, gl.33; western red.
Norember. lecember. Jaaaary, $ 1.32.
Oata : No. 2. 36 pound while, faed, and
gray, November. December, Jaaaary gs3.
e barley: K. 3, 45 poaad BW, Novem
ber. Doeembor, Janaary,, ft28.5 - t r
Cora: Ko. 8, Y.Y ahipmeat'fioTember
3U Oeeember,-Jaaaary S5. No, 3 t:Y
I saipmeat. Iioceaiber 833.. . . . . - f ...
Millraa: standard, November. Decern.
j Wt, $240; Jaaaary 2i
rORTtJtND. Or, Nov. 23. (AP
, Hay paring prices: Eastern treroa tim
othy 8206(22: ditto valley IT fJ) 170;
rheat 813; alfalfa 817.50(18: oat hay
$13; oat and vetch gl4.oO3 15; straw
7y7a per tan. Selling prieea 83
ton more. . . , -. -v
Or., Nar.
' " " ........ iy
Maaaay y -,)-. 5
W. H. Hsndereea - Cirealattoa Maaager
Kalph H. Klctiiag Advertising Mtuin
Frisk Jaakoski - '.- - Maaager Jab Dept.
E. A. Raotea - LJvaetoek Editor
W.-C. Coaaer - Paul try ILditor
Job Departnseat S8s
IS or lOf, Cironiatiea Of fie 683
Orr a. aa teewad-elaaa matter.
24. 1026
smt nf wnnA orinra anil Tr It I
Lord -God. even my God. will be
- j - .j 1
- rrra in fatnnrt rAnnfir wrin I
" I
cbunty agent are not true to!
type, nor conforming to the
lobbied the &nith-Lever act
became the law authorizing
money in assisting the states
T "
counties of Oregon almost
retention to the Grange activi
- . -
arid girls club work, through-
of, Oregon, and the county
mow than anv nther nne
.o , .... . j
useful training among the
occupations there.
tne iarms. in larcrer numoers.
wwua nu tiucaj
is coming when the problem
far distant.
and to the calling they repre-
" "-. "as
J r it ....Li 1
uuftiuci ut Lxicut, uuBiu w
camDaiam for a countv aeent
- al I
chapter of the Ku KIux Klan
". ". " "
. .. r... .. . :
u- .jjMnn l
war handled- the ropes that
Americans and Canadians
commissioner, the other day,
advertised in big black letters,
Champoeg to Salem. There
me mean umes isy tne -way,
. lne Memorial that marks a
spot where was taken the
ui- ' ... ,.
me erauiem oi , tne riusn
;- - .
Dairy Exchanre, net prices: Butter ex-
tras; atandarda 4,1 Vc; prima firsts 40c;
firsts 37 H. ,, - "
Krgs: extras 48c; firsts "43c; pallets
33c; current receipts 41c; aadersiaed 29c
BOSTON. M.. Xor. 23. fAP
Practically all of the Texas faU clip" wool
is reported to Pa ia tha. bands .of dealers.
eiiner aa tneir owat pnrcaaaea or aa con
signment, -l he price jac-ted to mills is
33 ta 34 cen'a X tha ttrease, estimated at
mj to 8a seats, clean basin. Hmall Quan
tities are reported to Jtarn been so 14 aa
the basis of these I i cures. -
- WHEAT ' '
CHICAGO. Nov. , od. ZAP r Rail
strike possibilities ia Canada, toretber
wua ear movement restrict tons bow en-
f"reed on one Canadian line, led to. rawer 1
pricea here today - for wheat. -Chk-aao
eioaiaa ajowtationa on -wheat were anset-
tled 7 8 to 1 S-8 cents net lower, corn
finished 1 1-8 cents off to 1-8 cent up
ana at i-b to 3 s renta down;.
?:; LISTEN IN " ;
KOIN, 319 11 a. at. la book, women's
. prorrioi, music. 3 to 4, news items,
- mnsic. 5:15 to 8, childrea'a program.
t T, deathman hotel pipe- organ, re-
. citaL . 7 to 7:4., amoAement-jrattle. . g.
, to 10, KOIN radio plsyera ander the
- direction of Jeaa Macanley, presantiag
'Sevea Keya to Baldpste.'" , vv . -
KOWi 492 TjISS to 7:1ft 'a,-avi vj-M.
C. A. sett iag-ap exercasra to la U,
Town Crier. . S to 7, dinner program.
7:80 to 7:45, utility service. 7; 45, to 8
- teetara. 8 to 10. vaudeville prorram.
KFON. 232 Lonjr Beach, Cat. Srtova
pe m.. coacert orchestra, 8 (0 7, orgaa
: recital, concert ..orchestra.- traretocae.
7 to 8. dance orchestra, to 9, baad.
concert, 9 to 10, uladio program. 10
to 11, masicaL classical program. -KFWO,
.211, Avalon. CaL 8 to
m.. chimes. ' :S0 to 7:30, St. Cath
erine hotel concert orchestra,- 7 :i0 to
9, band concert aad re-broadcast pra-
KF8D. S4, Saa Diego, CaT 0 1 p. m,
, dinner program ' 7 to 7:30, plana ra
eital. : " -
KOAO. CorvaTIta. ; Ore 280 T:15 fi. "m..
colleciate sperta. review. 7:30, "Pivots
aad Ntopa,'' Coach K. II. Harer. 7:4&,
Uncle Loa South-worth aad Ilia Vio
lin," Professor J. B. lloraer, 8, lira.
- Tlarry B. Casick, contralto: Lillian
Jeffreys Petri! ia piano - antogj fcio
(uunit fey jergumo ilseVeaut. ,
KWH!.-.fuiUnan. Ykaaa., 34a r:SH to
- p. at. Evelja Eparlia, violin; Mtrfant
Amandieri, piano; l-iwyd Mou, tenor:
-Prepartag tka Farm for Winter.'
' T.eonard Hegaaaer, extenaioa specialist
in toils aaa riw: i-'"Mw .-m Mmr
Wiwi,'; F. W. Clearer, assistant pra-
fesserof fonoaiir : "Problems t'-
eet-d Wits fln Orcharding." Profes
sor Morris, i bortecnltaraJ department ;
"Reforming th? Criminal ia : tee
Prison,.' Ur. 'V. Taster.-.-? '
KPO, 4286:30 to 6:i: p. m.. ehiMrea's
program. a:3 to 7, piiatea- eafe or
chestra;, i ? - to 7-.S, KtiraoBt hotel
eonert orchestra. 8 to 9, elaasical
prarrsm. 0 to; lOntudio praeram. lu
la 11. 8tata orrhtra. -'
KFWI. 25 -6 ta 7:3 p. m.. dinner pro
gram. " t. H :?.. Ktadio program. H:s'
ta lO. Tom Ca'n weekly aeettat. 10
to 12, II Trovatore daiiee orehetra.
K'RC, 2 5:30 to 6:30 p. m . Sfae anA
hi gan?. :SO ojr30, diaaer pro-
Kram. M to t, little Hymppoar orrh--
tra, 9 to 1, ftadvo prorram. IB to
12, Ralcofiarfes Uneo orr hefttra. ' '
KfiO. 31 3:30 to 6 p. ai "For 1-
im." 6 to ?. dinaer procrant 8 to
HtSO. farm Dtamm I', S. donartwm
of aaTirnhnrr. Caiiforaia Faria ' Kodio
t-oaiwil and ! rua Ihiirr fmiiifil.
:3f W) , roaeert trhetr. 8, ad-
dre for farmers.
KLX. 508 :3i to 1 p. eoncert tir-
; hetra. 7 to 7:30. aew bml,-.t.
8 to 9, edttrattonal pracraat. B to 10,
pnecial pros-ram. " ;
XTAB. 2o 5 t p. w . raildrea'a pro
rram. 8 to "lu. lasieal roeal and ia-
.jhtraneBtal -ororraak :
KFC8. 256 S p. m.. aaered songs and
choir music. . -
KFOA. 451 8:15 to 8:S0 p- m..-toarist
9 to 10:30, stadio pro-
It, 381 Sj40 to B p. stork qurta-
ttons. 6 to 6.-30, nwt items, an
Bnnremeiia. 6:30 to 7:8. organ r
eital. 9 to II. dance prorram.
KOMO, 306 6 to 7 p. m., dinner pro
rram. 8:45 to 9, National Farm Radio
'nneil. -
KIIQ. 394, Spokane, Wash. 9 to 7 p. m..
dinner prcraai- 7 to n. stadio pro
rram. ft. to . ronoert orchestra. 9 to
KOWff, 285. Walla Walla. Wash.. 9 to
I "J p. ., varied xtaitto program and
dnnee ntosir.
Xotlcf of Intention r Improve
South Nineteenth Street From
the ' .North Line . of t Bellevue
Street to the orth Line of Ie
Notice fa bereb-y given that the
Common Council f the city of
Und expedient and hereby declare
purpose and intention to lm-
I na.nA Oa...K Vt.tAAAMiU CaAA
j u v c miutu a iiicLccuiii tin m.
rrom the npfth line of Bellevue
Street to the north line of Lee
Street, in the City -of ''Salem. Ore
gon,, at the expense of the abutting
and adjacent "property, except the
street and alley intersections, the
expense of which will be assumed
ly the City of Salem, Oregon, by
portion of aid street
to tn estanmnea graae, con-
structing Portland cement con
crete curbs, and navine said nor
on of said street with a six inch
t'ortiann cement concrete pave
ment, twenty-four feet in width,
in accordance with the plans and
specifications therefor which were
adopted by the Common Council,
on November 15, 1926, now on
fllA In Ihs nffifa nf tha ritv Tt-l
. . . . J r
eoraer, ana wnicn are hereby re-
rerred to and made a Dart hereof,
vwfiii uiuu vuuutu iitsrtjujr uts-
flares its purpose and intention to
make the above described fm-
nesiVAmont and Id.ntink SA
Street ImnroTement nnartmnt
of the City of Salem. Oreeon.
r the 1 5th day of November,
pnm crv r"! t a
' Date of. xirst pubUcafion hereof
November 21, 1926.
Date of final Dublication hereof
win be December 3, 1926. d3
Notice of - Intrntion to Improve
North Fifteenth Street Front the
North Line of Court Street to
the South Line of Chemeketa
Notice is hereby given that the
Common council of the city of
aaiem, tjregon, aeems it necessary
and expedient and hereby declares
its purpose and intention to lm
the north 1Irie of "Cou;t street to
tfce south line of Chemeketa
g0n, at the expepse of the abutting
ana aajacent-property, except tha
expense of which win be assumed
b th,e Cii Salem. Oregon, by
aa ts5 'O fvri ttifii a a. t DliTI
to the established grade, con
Trbs? S5
tion of said street with a six inch
Sm7 iTiuS'.i
cordance with the plans and peci-
iicauons inereior- wnicn were
adopted, by the Common Council
ion November 15, ; 19Z6, now on
me in iub oiure ui mo viiy Re
corder, and 'which are hereby re
ferred to and jnade a part hereof
The Common Council hereby de
clares Its purpose and Intention to
make the above described lm
provement by and through the
fVK P81S.0EN7
4 WORLD V01AI)"7
dft . ti" V S
Coprlaht, II Jt. lor-Ufa
- c--. wr tfa. a
J :fj IK'
L - k
wW. Z- .... x I
1 . -V, V
me.- ". .... ''
;si r : vif,
: ' -
Relief ' workers' clearing np the ruins of a school house and residences at the hamlet of La
Plata, Maryland, where a cyclone claimed IS lives and injured a score. The school collapsed on
the -students, who comprised the majority of victims. Upper view shows complete destruction of
a house next to school; lower view, ruins of the school.
Street Improvement Department
of the C.ity of Salem, Oregon.
By order of the Common Conn
fiil the 15th day of November,
M. POULSEN, City Recorder.
Date of first publication hereof
Is November 21, 19 26.
Date of final publication hereof
will be December 3. 1926. d3
Notice of Intention to- Improve
South Capitol Street From the
South Line of Mill Street to the
North Mne -of .-Bellevxie Street.
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of tire City of
Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary
and expedient and hereby declares
its purpose and intention to Im
prove South Capitol Street from
the south line of Mill Street to the
north line of Bellevue Street, in
the City of Salem, Oregon, at the
expense of the abutting and adja
cent property, except the street
and alley intersections, the ex
pense of which will be assumed -by
the City ot Salem. Oregon, by
bringing said portion of said street
to the established grade., con
structing Portland cement con-i
crete enrns, ana paving, sata por
tion of said street with a six incn
Portland cement concrete pave-i
ment, thirty feet in width, -in acJ
copdance with the plans and speci
fications therefor which were
adopted by the Common Council)
on November 15, 1926,. now. "Obj
file in the. of rice of the Cfty Ite
corder, and which are hereby r-i
rerred to and. made a part hereof.
The Common Council hereby Q
clares its purpose and intention to
make the above described im
provement by and through, the
Street Improvement Department
of the City of Salem. Oregon. t
By order of the Common Coun
cil the 15th day of November.
M. POULSEN, City Recorder.
. Date of first publication hereof
Is November 21. 1926..
Dale of final publication hereof
wilrfte December-3. 1926. d3
- i
Horton Road " TOck, . I crusher
finds ore carrying $18"0 gold per
ton. ' .v- .
THE world often calls him the tuc
A ceaaful nun, and prints his histon
In Who i Who. f . .
' Be gives his family everything he
need but himaeli. In the -wild rusa -o
uodera living he has literally abduae
kat responsibility as a Dad r
He b a really Urge calibrrd man b
bai become wrapped tip in his work an
til . almost forgets be is a lather at al
- "Perhaps when profit fs . dead n
broUsaJaood is an established (act
' lass coavmtsriLJ geueraUon will seize tbv
- greatest of all oppoituaKies and fatbar
wu concern themselves w;ta tnetr sons
There b raxhy a preoccupied latLet
.who wakes tin to laU to the fact-tha
. the "went tklng ::ut money 'is; that, iv
Not aU the homeless hoys in Ameiirj
live in the slums. Y
It b"a great service to such me j t
' help them discover that It is" theft privi
lege to be more than a Sanu CLtuf L
thav own boys. . "-."T".-
To vbom does your borgo . t
1 -" "Yes, my. Dad was a dne mui. bvt t
ararr Aarga htm," wua -a ecrvt lir
trouhla. , JV
Sadlcata, Oaavar. Colo.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly ap
pointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for the County
of Marion, as administratrix of the
estate of It. M. Cammack, de
ceased, and that she has duly
qualified as such administratrix;
all persons having claims against
the estate of said decedent are
hereby notified to present the
same, duly verified, to me, at the
office of Ronald C. Glover, my at
torney, 2Q3 Oregon Building. Sa
lem, Marion County, Oregon, with
in six months from the date of
this' notice.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
10th day of November,. 1926.
Administratrix of the estate of
R. M. -Cammack, deceased.
Attorney for administratrix, Sa
lem, Oregon-. nl0-17-24-dl-8
. Cobhs & . Mitchell. Co.. lumber
and bpilding materials for every
purpose. Get estimates, look at
quality of material, then you will
order. 349 S. 12th St. ()
Work begins on Baker-Halfway
highway, eliminating miles of
dangerous road.
Ladies' and Children's Knit Underwear
Barginsf to clean upC ' - r
Long sleeves ankle length :
Ladies' Wool Union Suits; White '
Regular $3.50 Now 1.90 .
Ladies' Wool Union Suits, Crey
I RegulaV $3.25N6wI$la75 : r
Ladies' Union Suits, $2.00 reg., now $1.25
Ladies' Union Suits. $1.50 r eg., now 85c
, f - - ; -3 : : :
Ladies' 2 Piece Underwear
25c. 50c, 75c, $l.t)0
Children's Wool Union Suits, long sleeves,
ankle length, sizes 10 to 16, sale price $1.25
Children's Heavy Cotton Union Suits 75c
36-inch ; v 27-inch
Outing Flannel Outing Flannel
Yard 15c Yard 12fe
I.., 3 Ib4 Stitched: . . 2Vi lb. 72x80
Cotton Batte Cotton Batts
; ,; ; $1.00 , 95c,
v -'72x84 Nashua .White : S 66x80 Part Wool
Blankets 1 ' Blankets
Striped Borders $5 Values - Pretty Plaids 4 V lbs.
'J- Now $3.65 Pair . $4.50 Pair
, $2.50 All White . . ; Grey and. Tan
Blankets . Blankets
r.::r Pair $1.69 Pair $1.75
: : ' V"-s'. r
240 and 246 North'
A basket social will follow a
program which will be given at
the Pratum school Tuesday eve
ning. The congregation of the Memor
ial church will, meet with the con
gregation of the Methodist church
for a union Thanksgiving meeting
at the Methodist church Thursday
morning at 1D.-30. Rev. De Yoe
of Salem will deliver the address.
Friday evening the Loyal Work
ers Bible class will hold its month
ly meeting and class social.
Next Sunday evening- a repre
sentative of the" Methodist hospital
at Marshfield will speak here.
Rev. John" Franz and family,
have the pleasure of entertaining
at their home the -father of Mr.
Franz who is visiting from Min
neapolis. '
Potato- buyers from- far and
near are getting their potatoes at
the-Pratum warehouse.
D. H7 Mosher, Merchant Tailor,
is turning out the nobbiest and
best fitting tailor made suits to
measure. 100 business and pro
fessional men buy of Mosher. (
Commercial : Street
"A Full;H6use,,?t6"Be'Pre7
sentecT'at Capitor . on"
Evening of Dec. 16 '
"" . Bs 1 1 Lihpw .
That "a smile on the lip fs
worth two tears In the eye," was
the opinion of the De Molajr boys
when they chose "A Full House."
rapid-fire situation comedy writ
ten by Fred Jackson' that ran a
full year at the Longacre theater
in New Pork, for their dramatic
offering this year. -
Members of the cast have been
working hard during the past
week and are already on the" sec
ond act. Through the courtesy of
Frank Bligh, of Bligh's Capitol
fheatery -where "A Full House1
will be presented on the night of
December .16, rehearsals of the
play are being held frequentry on
the stage In the old BTigh theater.
Here the amateur Thespians are
able to get the proper atmosphere
or regular stage rehearsals and
get the strangeness of stage sur
roundings worn off. t
Mr. Used Car Buyer: - Have you
seen the real buys at the Capitol
Motors incorporated? See Biddy
Bishop, 350 N. High St. Tele
phones 2125 and 2126. . ()
DOORN, Holland, Nov. 23.
fAPi Tramnine about, the rain
soaked grounds of Doorn house
l a $ed CdT .
SEVEN out of ten who buy the Packard Six
trade in lower priced cars that have been
driven but a year or two We buy these
used cars at a fair price and then sell them without -profit.
.Every used car, no matter how low its price, is
sold with the hope that it will lead the purchaser to '
become a regular customer for used or new cars. -
Examples of Our
Packard 1926 Touring
Excellent mechanical con
dition, . new Duca point,
new car warranty on this
one . St ISO
Hudson Coach Late model,-
rubber 90 nevM
new paint, A real buy
at ..... . .... S475
Dodge Business Man's
Coupe Rebuilt, new
paint. You cannot beat
it at S4SS5
Several Ford Tourings, SK-if
priced from S35 to ' f 200
A. C. "Bfcldy" Bishop ; Al. J. Roussean
350 No. High St. . .
"-la' ; Because of their great heal value
2, Because theyVare clean ; ;
t?- Because they are odorless
Castle Cale and Rock Springs Lump Coal tt A rf A
fr. a ton ; ' ' " ' 5 14. 5U
Also Bucoda.Ftirnace Coal
fi?r, ajton.
All Fuel
F&t Prompt 'ESoHyory
-:" -. r" I
" , .-' T"
tf : ; "
JP-LAnqEn Traisfer antl Storcge
443 SouthiJberty Street Salem, Oregon
before "-lie had "recovered fully"
from a cold dating back a week,
the former German Emperor ac
quired fnrt her affliction and is
confined to bed with what la var
iously described as rheumatism
or a severe attack of lumbago.
Every movement is painful,
though apparently there is ho im
mediate danger from the effects
of the fresh chill following upon
an earlier one.' Princess Hermine,
however, is anxious about the pos
sibility of complications and is
keeping her husband .under clos.
observation t -
The doctor in attendance refj-V
es to disclose the exact nature;,?
the former emperor's complaiiA.
1 Pearified "Fossil Ten Inches
Long Believed Perfect In 1
t Every Detail -V : V
fossil fish, believed to be two m'l
lion years old and belonging to the
oldest known fish family, the
ganoidei, has been brought to light
by the chisel of a stone cutter in
a yard herel
The , fish,-which was petrified,
was found in a block ot limestone.
It was ten Inches long and perfect
in every Hetail, even showing the
color of the flesh and the scales.
Differing from other specimens of
the ganoid family the fossil is
rather round and stubby.
Astoria Ten ocean vessels load
here during first weejc In Novem
ber. Used Car Offerings,
Oldsmobile "6" poach
-New rubber, rebuilt, real
low cost .transportation,
only ...... v - S80O
Oldsmobile 4 Pass. Coupe
This car '. has been re
built,, in our shop, has
new paint ........ S4 73
Oldsmobile "6" Four '
Late model, looks and
runs like .new. . A give
away at .... S300