The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 24, 1926, Page 7, Image 7

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Audited Bunch
Cooperation of all Salem Is
V -mt nil in' Yitn Tttn
Sate on Saturday
One of the most legitimate fund
raisins enterprises ever launched
in Salem trill take place all day
Saturday of this week when tags
will be sold to raise as much as
possible of the 1 1,0 00 pledge to
the new Fine Arts building at Eu
gene which Salem has made.
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith will act
as general chairman of the tag
distribution. Her assistants will
be Mrs. Asabel Bush and Mrs.
Fritz Slade. In charge of the
prize committee are Mrs. Chester
fox, chairman; Mrs. T. A. Lives
ley, Mrs. Curtis Cross and Mrs.
Karl Steiwer.
Mrs. F. D. Thlelsen, Mrs. Frank
Spears and Mfg. Sam Kozer are
in charge of the printing, while
publicity for the sale Is being
managed by Mrs. W. H. Burghardt
Jr., and Mrs. W. Connell Dyer.
Generous assistance is expected
from the school children of the
city. In the high school Miss
Merle McKelvey, Miss Edith
Bragg. Mrs. .Brazier Small and
Miss Mabel Robertson will sponsor
the tag distribution. A Parrish
Junior high school Miss Edith
Pierce will be in charge and at
McKink-y, Miss Myrtle Pelker.-
'American Legion Auxiliary
Bridge Party at
Demarest Home
T he first fn a series of benefit
bridge parties which the American
Legion auxiliary is sponsoring this
season took place on Monday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. ' Lloyd
Demarest. Hostesses wlh Mrs.
Demarest were Mrs. Paul S. Bur
risf Mrs. Allan Cleveland and Mrs.
John J. Bottle.
Baskets of red chrysanthemums
were used in decorating the rooms.
Mrs. Albert Gragg won the first
prize of the evening, while the
second prize went to Mrs. S. J.
Those playing at the tables were
Mrs. J. H. Brady. Mrs. Richard A.
Meyer, Mrs. Cyril Nadon. Mrs. W.
E." Vincent, Mrs. Erwin W. Lewis,
Mrs. Miles McKey, Mrs. ChaUner
George, Mrs. K. E. Hinges, Mrs.
feed Rowland, Mrs. H. H. Bond,
kin. King Bartlett, Mrs. Jesse
George, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg. Mrs.
Willard H. Wirti, Mrs. Van Wied
er, Mrs. H. G. Malson, Mrs. C. K.
Jennings, Mrs. S. J. Ostrander,
Mrs. R. E. McQuire, Mrs. Albert
T." Anderson, Mrs. C. L. Newman,
Mrs. Earl Paulsens - Mrs. Earl E.
Bflrrh and thn Tinstpaapa Mr
Demarest, Mrs. Burris, Mrs. Rot
tle andNMrs. Cleveland.
Pre-Thanksgiving General
Aid Meeting Held Monday
The General Aid society of the
First Methodist church met on
Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
for the regular November meet
ing. The group met early this
week on account of both the
Thanksgiving holiday and the
church revival campaign.
Officers of the aid society this
year are: President, Mrs. H. II.
Vandevort; vice president, Mrs. I
L. Mc Adams; treasurer, Mrs. H.
M. Dufkhelmerr secretary, Mrs
Crant Day, and corresponding sec
retary, Mrs. Ronald Glover.
Financial reports . of Interest
were given during the afternoon
At the recent rummage. sale a total
of S271 was cleared. During the
past conference year the aid so
ciety made $1500. Social feat
ures sponsored by the organiza
tion during the 'past month haye
been the 6 o'clock club supper and
the Father and Son banquet.
The work of painting the steeple
and the woodwork of the church,
as well a's the cleaning and re
laying or the rugs, .was wont .ior
which this able 'group of women
were responsible.
During the month of December
the South East circle will have
charge of the pulpit decorations
During the social and refresh
ment hour the Lucy Ann Lee
ladies were in charge. Mrs. F. A.
1-egge, president of the circle.
acted as tea room chairman. Tel
low chrysanthemums were used
among decorations s featuring the
Thanksgiving season. Those on
the committee with Mrs. Legge in
huies Mrs. Laban Steeves. Mrs.
Mary Boeschen, Mrs. d. K. Hayncs
and Mrs. II. L Standley.
Brush College District
Sponsors "Aeroplane
Trip" Bazaar
.1 A unique program was enjoyed
ky the Brush College community
Tist Friday evening at the school
when ja successful "aeroplane
trip' bazaar was sponsored which
yielded 137.65. .
At the Japanese booth, which
was in charge of two girls, tea and
wafers were BerredU A dance with
O. J. Hull Anta Ton A Paint
Co. Radiator, fender and body
repairing. Artist lo painting aa as
100 to the appearance of your
auio. -zfT S. Commercial.- tJ
Mr.' H. p. stith. mUlinery.
Most beautiful hats In Salem; all
Bhapes and colors; full stock from
f i '1IJ. -f M ? I . -, . - i :
rose-colored balloons was a feat-
The booth' of Ireland, decked
with shamrocks, was in charge of
Katie Crawl and Velma Wolk. At
tHis "stop" a duet, "Wearing of
the Green," was featured.
At the French booth cakes and
candies were served. Here May
Munsonand Theresa Singer sang
NO, Sir, No."
At the booth of Holland. Dutch
scenes were outstandingly attrac
tive, from the windmill to the
wooden shoes. Rosie Crawl and
Nina Tansy danced a Dutch folk-
At the Spanish booth a Romeo
and Juliet tableau scene was en
acted and "Juantta" was sune.
Nina Park and Irene Olsen pre
sided at this point in the journey.
David Steiner and Alden Olsen
were vendors of popcorn and pea
nuts at the African stand.
Thurlow Lieurance Will
Appear in Salem a Week
From Thursday at Grand
The Salem Business and Profes
sional Women's club is sponsoring
a notable attraction, the appear
ance in Salem on Thursday, Dec.
2, of- Thurlow Lieurance.
Concerning the charms of the
program the San Bernardino Daily
Sun writes as follows:
'An Informal party," Thurlow
Lieurance called his program lait
evening In his introduction. And
his guests wished to stay late.
They exhibited an absorbed inter
est, an extraordinary interest,
which increased with every num
ber of the rare program and would
have evidently appreciated hear
ing more and more, any number
of the' 8,000 or more compositions
which his study of the First Amer
icans and their music and love of
nature has inspired bis genius to
accomplish. In his love of nature
and cultivation of fellowship with
his brothers of the various Indian
tribes of the west, Mr; Lieurance
found the wisdom to interpret and
develop musically, and put into
the most fascinating melodies, the
feelings, the romance, the senti
ments, the longings which the lan
guage of the Indian was not sub
tle, or tender or expressive enough
to convey. Mr. Lieurance thinks
there is beauty enough in. the
traditions and primitive music of
a single tribe, to furnish material
for a lifetime of study and com
position, but he , seems to. have
found time to know much of all,
for though the thoughtless may
consider that their language is a
unit among the tribes, Mr. Lieu
rance called attention last night
to the fact that there is as much
difference between the language
of the Cheyennes and the Iroquois
as between Greek and Spanish,
and between the themes of their
music, as between the theme of
"The Two Grenadiers" and the
classic "O Sole Mio."
Mr. Lieurance has a wonderful
exponent of his beautiful compo
sitions in his charming wife, Edna
Woolley, who is a singer of most
artistic training, possessing the
foundation in a beautiful voice of
lovely quality and range, and so
thoroughly sympathetic in the
einging roles, there is no scenery
of waterfalls in the background,
singing pines or bright blue sky
needed. Her voice, acting and
costumes all supply It to the "in
ward eye." ' Wlstf ulness are in her
notes, and tender beauty and dra
matic fire when needed.
With Mr. Lieurance at the pi
ano, playing his melodious com
position with inspired touch, and
the flute obbligato and solos so
splendidly supplied by the talent
ed young artist,. Miss Virginia
Hicks, the illusion and charm were
perfect. Mrs. Lieurance sings
equally .well standing or sitting
cross-legged on the floor in. Indian
fashion. She wears the different
costumes of the different tribes
with equal grace and becoming
W. R. C. Ladies' Aid
The Ladies Aid society of the
Woman's Relief corps will meet
on Friday, instead of on Thurs
day, fne Thanksgiving holiday, at
the Fairgrounds building for an
all-day meeting. The members
will work on articles for the ba
zaar which will be given at the
Giese-Powera store on December
11. ;
At the meeting on Friday a cov
ered dish luncheon will be served
at noon.
Mr ; and Mrs. McCaU
Entertain at Dinner
Dinner guests on Monday eve-
nl, t (ha tlntriA rf f. and Hfra
W. F. McCali were Mrs. A. L. Oli
ver. Mariorfe Oliver. Beryl Oil
ver and M. C. Petteys. Pink and
whita chrysanthemums were at
tractive in the rooms and on the
dinner table
A radio program broadcasted
from Denver. - was the feature of
the evening.
"White 'House Restaurant, 362
State St.. where hundreds of peo
ple prefer to eat. All yon want to
eat for less: than you can eat at
home. Quality had service. (
H. T. Love, . the jeweler,: 33 &
State SU - High quality Jewelry,
silverware and diamonds. The
Coclal Calendar
- Today
Barbara Frletchie tent. Daugh
ters of Veterans. Woman's clnb
house. 8 o'clock. .
' Friday
Barbara Frletchie Sewing club.
Mrs. Joseph Bach, 450 S. 25th St.,
7 to 10 o'clock.
Social Afternoon - club of the
Eastern Star. Masonic Temple.
Sewing and a program.
Conover auxiliary of First Pres
byterian church. Mrs. C." A." Park
WRC Ladies Aid society. All-
day meeting. Fairgrounds.
Past Matrons' association. Mrs.
W. F. McCali, hostess, 8 o'clock.
Three-Link club pot-luck sup
per. IOOF hall, 6:30 o'clock.
Saturday .
"Tag Day" for Fine Arts Build
ing fund.
Cooked food sale. Auxiliary of
Ladies' Patriarch Militant Giese-
Powers window.
McElroy Trio in concert at Wal ¬
ler Hall. Auspices Salem Mac
Dowell club. Address on music
and literature by Dr. H. C. Kohler.
Waller Hall, 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Wenderoth Is Hostess
for Highland Study Club
Mrs. Cecil Wenderoth entertain
ed members of the Highland Study
club at her home earlier in the
month. The club lessons are on
the subject of county government.
Papers were read by Mrs. Rose
Oglesby and Mrs. Mayme Cooper
on the geography and history of
Marion county. The hostess, as
sisted by her mother, Mrs. Batts,
served dainty refreshments after
the business hour.
Those enjoying the afternoon
were Mesdames Butts, Mayme
Cooper, Rose Evans, Frank Fox,
Mary Duffy, Florence Pugh, Do
lores McCarthy, Eleanor Fox, Rose
Oglesby, Ada Alkire, Cecil Wende
roth and Vida Stapleton.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Locke
Celebrate Silver
Vedding Anniversary
The silver wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Locke was
celebrated on Sunday evening,
Nov: 21, at their home. A lovely
gift in silver was presented to the
celebrants by their guests.
In the group were 14 of those
who were present at the 15th an
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. - Locke
a decade ago.
Chrysanthemums, marigolds and
yellow lighted tapers adorned the
table where covers were placed
for Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Griffith,
Mr. and Mrs. Wi H. Dancy, Dr.
and Mrs. H. H. Olinger, Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Baker, Mr. and Mrs,
A. S. Hussey, Mr. and Mrs. Homer
H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William
Walton and Mr. and Mrs. Locke.
Amperette Club Enrolls
New Members
At a meeting of the Amperette
club on Monday evening at the
home of Mrs. WllliamVMerriott at
1825 South Thirteenth street,
Mrs. Mason Bishop, Mrs. Ellsworth
Hartwell, Mrs. J. C. Price, Mrs. C.
A. Koehler and Mrs. C. J. Baira
were enrolled as new members.!' f
Plans were made for the next
meeting of the Club which will be
The Cherry City Baking Co.'s
bread, pies and cake are of high
est quality. One of Oregon's most
sanitary bakeries. Visit it. Worth
while. A Salem show place. (
C. A. Luthy. Reliable jewelry
store.. What you, are looking for
In Jewelry. .Where a child can buy
as safely as a man or woman.
Repairing in all lines. ()
'Her Big Night Now
t vc
f, . :
i. i
Laura La
a Christmas, party on Dec. 17, at
the home of Mrs. Rentchelor at
1185 Madison street.
Past Matrons' Association
Will Meet at McCali Home
Mrs. W. F. McCali, Mrs. Al
Steiner and Mrs. Emma Murphy
Brown will be hostesses on Fri
day evening for a meeting of the
Past Matrons' association of the
Eastern Star. A "travel party"
will be the feature of the even
ing. Mrs. Clifford Is Visitor
Mrs. J. M. Clafford of Portland
was a visitor one day last week in
Three-Link Club
Pot-Luck Supper
The Three-L,lns: club win noia
a pot-luck supper on Friday at
6:30 o'clock at the IOOF hall.
All Rebekahs are invited to come
and bring their families.
Barbara Frietchie
Sewing Club
The Barbara Frietchie Sewing
club will hold a special meeting
on Friday evening from 7 to 10,
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Joseph
Each, 450 South 25th street. On
account of illness, Mrs. George E.
Miller is unable to have the club
at this time as was planned.
Cooked Food Sale
The auxiliary of the Ladies' Pa
triarch Militant will hold a cooked
food sale on Saturday, Nov. 27,
in the Giese-Powers window.
Lamports- Sail for Europe
Mr., and Mrs. Frederick Lam
port will sail this morning from
New York, on, the.Berengaria for
a several months' tour of Europe.
This is . the same ship on which
Queen Marie and her royal party
will sail.
Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs.
Lamport were formally presented
to President Coolldge by Senator
Capital Ciiy cooperative Cream,
ery. Milk, cream, buttermilk. The
Buttercup butter has no equal.
Gold standard of perfection. 137
S. Com'l. Phone 299. ()
Walter H. Zosel. automobile
tires, tubes and accessories. Vul
canizing that holds. High quality,
superior service. A trial makes a
customer. 198 S. Com'l. ()
everybody; benefits
.-.;' -. ' '- . ' . . ;
"Of all the branches'of agricultural enterprise, dairying'-is the
most important stabilizing factor In the total income of: farm
ers." With a "continuous demand. . . . . .a perishable product
impossible ta ' corner,. .". .prices uniform from year, to year
... ...the" farmer runs -no risk. (James E. Boyle, Cornell
University). , . '. ' . A
And Mr.-Boyle might add, "is a great-help In making other
branches of farming earn more." . '
The United States National consistently urged the addition of j
dairying to every farm. We are glad to note this endorsement i
of our attitude by so eminent an authority. "
United States
National Hank
Salem. Oregon.
Playing atlCapitol
"J- -
Plan te
Hazel Green
The community club will meet
Friday evening at the schoolhouse
A representative from Marion
County Child Health Demonstra
tion will .speak. There will be .a
playlet, music and readings by
local talent.
Albert Van Cleave and wife of
Woodburn visited'Unele John Van
Cleave Sunday.
An intermediate Christian En
deavor society was organized by
the Rev. Meishon. The following
officers were elected: president,
Iola Luckey; vice president, Helen
Davis; secretary, LaRoy Van
Cleave; treasurer, Guy Allen
Looney; corresponding secretary,
Ernest Luckey.
Jacob Goodbart of Turner was a
week-end guest at N. P. William
sons'. Rudolph Wacken has returned
A smooth rich evenness
of sugar and shorten
ing is the beginning of
all wisdom in the art
of cake -making. For
this reason you'll ap
preciate Snowdrift as a
shortening. It is already
so creamy that you
have to do very little
crushing, beating and
other culinary manoeu
verings to make a yel-vety-smbth
from the hospital. ,-,t- - . .
-Joseph Zelinskl. i family
pent Sunday In Portland.?:
1 ' Jirs. SaraJfc Morgan - o .' Molalla
is with her brother, John Van
Cleave; who is seriously ill.
Halda Stripling ' visited Mrs.
Wilson of Salem Sunday.
- Mr.' Ware .'from Montana has
purchased knd moved on th'e prop
erty known as the Cardier farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Hermen and child
ren were . -visitors at Mrs. Her
man's sister, Mrs. N. P. William
son, Frank Van Cleave has returned
to Spokane 'Washington. He was
called here by the serious illness
or his father, John S. Van Cleave.
Mrs.. Sims of Salem visited Mrs.
C. A. Kobow and Miss Carolyn
Mr.' and Mrs. John McCorkle
and son-in-law and daughter. Mr.
and Mrs. John Qrophyof Salem
called on G.' G. Looney Thursday
Frank Johnson Jr., had a de
lightful birthday party.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunlgan
Sr., spent Sunday with relatives at
MiU City.
Richard Tue has returned from
Clem Wolf's children have been
Mr. and Mrs. Falst and son spent
Sunday in Portland.
Mrs. ,W. G. Davis spent the
week-end in Salem with her
mother, Mrs; Kirkpartic,' who has
been seriously ill.
B. C. Zelinskl and Edgar John
son made a trip to Aurora.
Capital Bargain House. Capital
Tire Mfg. Co;; Mike's Auto Wreck
ing. Three in one.' Bargain' center
of Salem, Thousands of bargains.
H. Stelnbock, 215 Center. ( )
Medford Peart and apples
shipped and stored here total
2401 cars. '
Is 7 I
OF; ALL' GIFTS -.the one that receives the leartiest
welcome is that of lingerie and the new, modes are more
alluring than ever. 1 " -: ;
crepe dechines fe glove silk r '
' Teddys ..........; .3J8 Vests .....;V. .fl.OS
Gowns 94.48 Bloomers f3.48
Stepins .$3.48 JJ4;v' Dansette .345
&l&te -iuarikfet.:codifl.uiivi .. wT w. 1, ........ .4
1516.197 distributed to, counties mick Lumber cdmpany.
agumenUng state ruhds. - - - Lane county assessed valuation
SC HelensSO-acre Hawley ad-jtt f39493,?95.
1 w n
$2.00 Portland and Return
' , ' Via :' "
Tickets on sale November 23 to 25th
Return Limit November 29th
Eugene $3.10 Albany $1.00
Corvallis $1.50
Corresponding1 low round trip fares
between all other O. E.' Ry points
O. E. Trains leave Salem for Portland at
7:10 a. m.; 10:10 a.m.; 1:05 p. m.; 4:00 p.m.;
5;30 p. m.; 8:20 p. m. .- ,
For Eugene, Corvallis an Albany at
10:00 a. m.; 12:55 p.m.; 4:15 p.m.; 8:10 p. m.
J. W. RITCHIE, Agent
L. F. Knowlton, Trav. Psgr. Agt. " Phone 727
Engraved cards are not expensive, as some
people think. We have a complete line of beauti
ful artistic cards at the most reasonable prices.
We will be glad to show you our display.
The Commercial Book Store
169 North Commercial St.
. Bloomers . . i...'..;.. . . .9lJn
Teddys . ; . .f lS
................ ,c. I vow. .......... mi.w
.....fl.98 "'itirC' Gowns S.05
t$Mh& PaJama Suits i . .f345
Americas Orm
"which tomalre-'finw-eelectionSi
fold standard of alnesr'-Oncea
" jl