The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 24, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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igiitehs nu
Fisher in Excellent Condition,
Has Over 300 . Ring
Engagements -,
Willamette Valley tight fans
will tonight have a special dish
of 32 . rounds of snappy, glove
slinging awaiting them at the Ar
mory when the gong Bounds at 8
The star boutsters will be Bud
Fisher, of vOakland Cal., and Ed
die Richards of Portland. These
big boys will startle the scales at
182 pounds and at the close of
training are both in condition fori
a hard mill. - . i V V 1
: ? Richards may be . Portland's
favorite and has been making
quite a fuss in his efforts to get
a championship title for his weight
but, Rod, Fisher has made quite a
fey 'friends in Salem daring ,his
stay here and there are quite a few
who 'predict that he will at least
hold Richards if he does pot punch
hint through the ropes. .
' fud has handled & few hot po
tatoes himself during his 15
years of battling. Of the 300
fights he has heard the gong on,
may be mentioned defeats of Bat
tling Ortega and Sailor Needham.
Ortega "was grated the world's
hardest fighting Mexican and was
credited as being a real general
of, the squared ropes. -
In the concluding workouts at
the Armory last night, Al Sharp,
Qo1m ra ntmy Ann8i1 in fuk In
'good condition- for his affair with
:the Manilla Tiger, of Portland, In
eight fights at San Francisco, and
jother coast points. Sharp is cred
ited with four knock-outs, one de
cision, two draws with one loss on
a technical knock-out.
Of preliminaries' No- 4 and 5,
larry Plant reports, that Loren
atts and Kid Hoggerhide as well
s - ilea witcrait ana iua. prown
attempts for fame.and glory.
I If a partner can be secured for
Sim, Johnnie Walker, 18, a Salem
lad, wilt be presented to the fight
prowd for his first appearance un
per the big light. Jlmmle Moore,
pf Stayton has agreed to meet
Walker at 137 pounds.,, ;
s. Tonight's events will be refer
red by Dubs Mulkey.'who is well
known ' here as a fair and square
arbiter of the rules of canvas and
Slove. Judges will be Cuyler Van
atten, local contractor and John
nv' former sheriff of Polk county.
rubberized canvas from flurry
ing: mo. -r'-'f :.(:- ;'
- The Army and Nayy teams, play
ing their first football game in
mid-America, are to arrive here
Thursday. . ; I .
The navy squad will be billeted
at the Hotel Windemere, on the
south shore of Lake Michigan, and
none of them may. receive tele
phone calls, guests or mail with
out the-coach's approvals Nor
may they contaminate their
throats with" lake waterthey'll
bring their own, bottled, from Annapolis.
Tba Salem Hdw. Co., most pro
gressive. Every accommodation
zlven to those In need of best
hardware supplies. Work and pros
perity Jhe motto. 120 N. Coml ()
Poutiac Six still sweeping to
Vard unchallenged leadership:
pandau sedan 895 f. o. b. factory,
iasy to pay on General Motors
lime payment plan, Vlck Bros. t)
Vrmy and Navy Football
Draws i housands to
Windy City
G W. Day, tires; tubes and ac
cessories. Has the Goodyear tires,
the standard of the world, Mr.
nay can give you more mileage.
Corner Com'l and Chemeketa. (
Ira W. Jorgensen, 130 S. High
St. Parts for all makes of cars.
Best equipped auto accessory store
in this section. Prompt and rell
abl service the rulft. (
Interest Focused on Unbeat
en Team of Brown That
Plays Colgate
CHICAGO. Not. 22. (AP)
he 2.970,000 Chicagoans who
annot get tickets to the Army-
iTary football game at Soldiers'
eld Saturday jointed the. lucky
0,000 today in preparations for
3celvlng the city's military guests.
I Thirty thousand Is a generous
3tlmate of Chicago's share of the
.00,000 who will see the game, for
aly 40,000 seats were available
jy the general -public after the
-?rrlce contingents got -their
ares and a good many of these
ent to members of congress and
persons out of Chicago. ." ; :
Even the sod of the gridiron on
hich.the teams will tangle had
s faee lifted for the occasion, and
was protected today by a huge
'!; For .
Spasmodic Coughing
" and ' . " " "
i Irritated Throat
i . ; '. . .'
Sold only at
135 North Commercial. St.
Phone 197 - - ;.
Orisinal Yellow Front
The Penslar ' Store: -
NEW YORK, Nov. 23. (AP)
Lighting the gridiron sky in a
farewell flash of ancient rivalry,
old foes of the- eastern football
arena will battle in five colorful
closing games Thursday.
With the midwesti claiming the
Army-Navy classic, for he first
time, football followers in the
east will see the campaign virtu
ally ended in Thanksgiving day
struggles , between Columbia and
Syracuse, Pennsylvania and Cor
nell, Pittsburgh and Peen State,
West Virginia and Washington
and Jefferson, Brown and Colgate. :
Another pair of traditional rivals
meet Saturday when Holy Cross
clashes with Boston College.
Interest will be focused in the
attempt of unbeaten Brown to
smash through Colgate for a rec
ord of 10 straight victories and a
strong claim on eastern as well as
national honors.
Paper Company Leads With
Two Victories, DeMolay
and DeHarports Next 5
Commercial Jjeaguc Standings
..r-p, : ,. V W. Lt. Pet,
Paper Company .'.4 ; 0 1.000
De Molay, ... . 1 0 1.000
De Harports . ,..101.000
Salem Navigation 0 1 .000
U. S. Bankers .... 0 1 .00
Cooley-Pearson . . 0 2 .000
Johnny Tramhitas of Portland
foaled Johnny Jordan of jTacoma.
CLEVELAND, Nov. 23, (AP)
Babe Herman of New York de
feated Benny Bass, of Philadel
phia,' Jtn. the main bont of a box
ing show here tonight! Herman
received the referee's decision af
ter 12 rounds. Basis weighed
126 3-4 pounds and. .Herman
128 3-4. Herman, wielding a
heavy right, outfought Bass and
took the decision by a substantial
margin. ; ;.' -
23. (AP) Tiny Herman, Port
land. Ore., heavy weight., knocked
out Earl Ritchie in the third round
of a scheduled ten round fight
here tonight.
Tim y Callahan of Portland
knocked out Cal Herman in the,
second round of the semi-windup.
Two games will be played to
night at the YMCA gymnasium in
the commercial basketball league.
The De Molays and De Harports
will meet at 8:30 o'clock and the
U. S. Bankers will play the Salem
Navigation team at 9:30. j
A hot battle is expected in the
De Molay-De Harport game. Neith
er team has been defeated and
both are strong aggregations. The
De Harport team is composed of
the same players who made up a
team in last year's league and
have a smooth-working machine.
The De . Molays. showed plenty
of speed and accuracy in hitting
the basket in -their first game last
week and are- doped to mate an
even battle of the game tonight.
Cross Meat. Market. Biggest,
busiest and best In Salem. Choic
est steaks, bacon, hams, sausage,
lard. eggs. milk. Absolutely sani
tary. 370 State. St. ()
The Man's Shop saves you a ten
dollar bill on every quality suit.
Shirts, hats, ties, collars. High
grade clothing, perfect fitting.
Ions wearing. 416 State ()
Green Concludes Work,
Ready for Dexter Bouf
- Russ cfeen, Salem fist trader,
will tonight undergo one of the
sternest tests of his 12 months'
active fighting -when he meets
Young Dexter in the semi-final
at the armory.
" Although" Just past 18 years of
age, Green has developed a slug
ging style that has earned him
nine knockouts in 11 tights. He
has only lost one. bout, that being
a technical knockout to Shadow
Gretx about a year ago.
. Green has been receiving a stiff
routine of training at the hands
of Bill Kilpatrlck who predicts
that Green will continue to con
vince the fans that he is on the
road to better and bigger fights
and lots of them.
Green and Dexter will weigh In
at about 12 S pounds: -
The Hamilton Furniture Com
pany has added, a toy department
to their stock. Many new things
in "toys to gladden the hearts of
the little folks. 340 Court St. ()
Edward D. Smith will present
And a Company " of Dis-T
tinguished Players in the
Delightful Comedy.
, By W. Somerset Maughan
i (Author of "Rain") .
Beautiful Gowns. Handsome
: Scenic Investiture '
Prices oOc - $1.10 - $1.65
; - I $2.20 -$2.75'
stars MOXDAY. NOV. 20. .
3Iail orders now.
Douehton & Sherwln. Hard
ware. 286 N. Com'l St. Hardware
Builders Supplies, Paints. Varn
ishes. Give us a call, you'll find
our prices reasonable. ()
Special as long as ' they last
body powder and bath salts only
69c. regular .- 75c each. These
make wonderful Christmas pres
ents. Crown Drug. 332 State. ()
PORTLAND, Nov. 23. (AP)
A 10-round fight between George
Godfrey of New York and Bear.
cat Wright, Omaha, was stopped
in the tenth round by the referee
here tonight and called, "no con-
Ralph Gruman, referee, made a
statement from the ring in which
he said he had disqualified God
frey for not trying. He made no
mention of Wright's status. Both
men are negro heavyweights. ,
When Gruman stopped the fight
in the tenth round Godfrey, in
the opinion of newspaper men,
had outpointed his opponent in
every period but the eighth, slap
ping him with light lefts and
rights to the face and head and
sinking a score, or more of hard.
smashes to the body for the first
five rounds." : - ' v
The semi-windup on the .bill
ended a few seconds after .the bell
for the opening round when
SPOKANE, . Not. 2 3.- ( AP )
Orville Darr, Spokane light heavy
weight won a six round decision
over, Joe Starr, Toronto, in the
main event of the Spokane Athle
tic club bouts here tonight.
Sam Bernstein, San Diego, won
a technical knockout-over Ralph
Moore, Eugene, Ore., lightweight,
in the fifth round.
SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 2.
(AP) Wildcat Carter, Everett
negro feather weight, and Benny
Kid Carter, Phoenix, Arizona,
went six whirlwind rounds to a
draw in the main event of a smok
er here tonight.
Seek Protection Against
Selling Worthless Stock
David H. Jennings of Indiana,
secretary of the national associa
tion of securities commissioners,
has written a letter -to W. E.
Crews, corporation commissioner
for the state of Oregon, request
ing any information that would
result in placing the sale of stocks
and securities on a more satisfac
tory basis.
Mr. Jennings is a member of
the legislative committee of the
national association which is now
preparing proposed federal laws
protecting the public against the
purchase of worthless securities.
Chiloquin $75,000 in new
buildings already assured, to re
place burned section.
Aggies Ready for Game
i WftH Marquette Eleven
i MILWAUKEE, Wis. Nov.' 2s!
r (AP) rTwenty-five strong, the
Oregon Aggie football- squad in
vaded Milwaukee tonight, for
Thursday's; intersectional game
with" the Marquette university
Jule Carlson, guard on the Ore
gon aggregation learned on the
train this afternoon that his
mother had . died in The Dalles,
Ore., today.
The Aggies one of the heaviest
teams Oregon,, has ever produced
had 30 minute workout today at
St. Paul, and Wabasha, Minn., and
Portage, Wis. They will drill to
morrow, at the Marquette stadium.
Several changes were' made in
the Marquette lineup today, -as
Coach Frank Murray put his team
through an offensive dummy
Eiker Auto Co.. Ferry at Lib
erty St. Autos stored, and bought
and sold. Cars washed day and
nigb.t. Low prices and service will
make long friends. , ()
Loving Cup Awarded Local
Salvation Army for Float
, A silver loving cjf will be
awarded the Salvation Army by
the American Legion for the ex
cellent float entered in the Armis
tice day parade. The presentation
to . the Army will take place at
the special Thanksgiving services
Thursday' evening.
(C'outinued from page 1.) .
lem this week in one hour and 15
minutes and kept within the
speed limit.
Items of News
Ernest Horn, who took a slide
from the roof of Dolph Jette's
house and then fell 15 feet upon
a pile of lumber, is in a serious
but not a dangerous condition.
Cecil Smith, who was called
home on account of the death of
his brother,' Arthur, has returned
niiiciiESTEns PILLS
i iRItbaa. TiktMXkn Bar V
f miltitt Ami
SdIT fa CM icr
InaiUi bnn, aaaicd attfc Bias
Ktbboa. Tkitfcir Bar
rr va nimld Ask fnv
Clfl-t HFSTltKS BIAatOin
muv ruusMttHnumi
MBMSnBtltlMia, Bar Mw I
sou ar naucGuxs trurtuu
Paul Traglio, Prop.
Grain, Feed and Seed. Free Delivery
to any part of the city.
Quotations, oiV Application.
y,r;PIiohe 28;;' ' - "":
after i& 'Enhminomiizo Bininna
5 A Real After Dinner Pleasure
? Tune in after the Thanksgiving dinner. After you have eaten well let
"77 goocT digestion rait upon your meal with the aid of good music. The air
- will; be full of, sweet melody, and oratory, for the broadcasting -stations
V will put on their best programs. Will you be prepared? Have you your set
" itll 'installed, arid ready? If not, come to us and see how well we can
; .serve you. , - " :
Call us up we'll have a set delivered to your Kprne -demonstrated to
you absolutely free of charge., We also give yo'u the benefit of our deferred
' payment plan. .' . " " . - t :
. 7 We are dealers for the Fada and RCA Radio Sets, both well known for
remarkable clearness in '"receiving." " ; " "t - - j
' ' .'.;.! . ... ...V
'The Stc- "Tth the Frfe'Adly Spirit",'
to;QAC, : rthisris hia last year
there. . Hts sister,- Mabel, did not
return.' and will remain with , her
rather, waiter Smith baa return
ed to hia place - with th -Irwfn-
Hodson company. Portland. Ar
thur Smith, the young 'man who
-was killed -was a former OAC
student, and an artist of ability.
Ha chose- a farmer'a llf e , Instead
4t tfnArtI-V;:vfs.f.4 .i .5-.
-FrajiX'Osburi Js gettlnff out
the poiea for .the: extension of the
eleetric light " 41ne through- this
Sectionl" ' : . .-T1.- -" -
- Pifty-threeV: theusand' peoale
visited Champoeg park atnee ivn-
uary 1. i. -
' (The Statesman is Indebted tor
the above to Albert Toiler, care
taker of the Champoeg park.)
, ... -.: -'- -Vi-.-.v ( ..i .r - - .-u. - : ar . ? ;,V. b'- - . . v k
. kk . - .1...' . ' V S, , - ' ' t J" S
". '." 'CONTENTMENT ; n'
' 1 '
-,; ...... . ,t., , ,...,,.,. .
No other cigarette suits the taste of, so many millions CameU alone ci
satisfy the desire for all thatV best in a cigarette,, for CaineL
are made of the choice
v - can he found nowhere w ; "' " ' -
Camels .express contentment, for they never tire the taste; nor leave a
cigaretty after-taste. Strike a'match to a Camel and you lignt;
" . the best that's made. I . .vV-:''''--vt':'V'i
Because,, of this superb f quality, there has never been a cigarette popu-'
- larity thatcoyd-compare'
-world. . . . Preference with smokers has made TCamel theniost !
- ' favored cigarette of all time.U vrt iK ; '"--:-rb: V I
Mn camels you iciu discover your nnest smoking pleasure in the world's
: choicest tobaccos, perfectly; Let us mtrbdiice you
- now 10 uie miiues. menowcsi smoke man ever made .
"Uave a Camel!"
.1;,. .- r - i