TOU OJICGOI? GTATZCLIAN, 3ALT11, OIinGON WEDNESDAY UORNIKO, NOVEMBER. 24; i!02G Vv .1 7 was ii mm of IDE Cillllll WEST Funeral Here Today of Worran Who Went West pvered Wagon Mary Lowe, aged : 72; died at 1340 Madison street, November 21. She la survived by, tkree daughters. Mrs. W. Henderson of Salem, Mrs. H. .Maltby of Sas katchewan, and Mrs. George Mann of Winnipeg; son, JohiC f Winni peg, two sisters, Mrs. E. Ferris of San Fernando, Cal.;"n4 Mrs.',Re becca Reed of Saskatchewan, Fu neral Wednesday, November 24, at 2 p. m. from the Webb-funeral parlors. Rev. Thomas Acheson of ficiating. Interment m city view cemetery. The above funeral notice ap-, peared in The Statesman of yes terday morning. Mrs. Lowe came from Portland: to Salem six years ago. She went from Moose Jaw, Canada, to Port land, and from Winnipeg to Moose Jaw. She was born at Kincardine, Ontario. Canada, Her father was a native of Scotlnd, -andjier moth er was born in Pennsylvania. She lived at Kincardine till she was 18. when she was married to Dav id Lowe, and they went west to Winnipeg with an ox team and a covered wagon, fcy way. of . St, Paul, before any railroads "were built in the Canadian west. Tney settled in the Canadian west. Ttoey 10 miles from the international boundary, and near Grand Forks, North Dakota, They carried on large farming operations there;' till 20 years ago, when they sold out and went to Winnipeg. They had financial reverses there. .Mrs Lowe went to live with her daugh ter, Mrs. W. H. Henderson, " and was from that time till her death the Henderson house- Lowe went to live with at Menominee, Wis., with them.: Mrs. Lowe was a member or tne Methodist church from girlhood, excepting for the time the home was at Union Point, when she was affiliated with the '"' Presbyterian church. She was a good woman and will be missed in the Hender son household, especially by her daughter, Mrs. Henderson, from whom she was -never parted till death overtook her. Mr. Henderson is the circula tion manager of The Statesman publications, which position he has h'd since the family came to Salertfc: Saving theretofore occupir ed slmJJar positions at Moose Jaw, Winnipeg and Portland. The Opera House Drag Store. Service, quality, low prices, friend ship give Increasing patronage. Old customers advise friends to trade here. High and Court. () Z jr member of V fAold. Mr. his people ?Vand Is still F. E. Shafer's Harness and Leather Goods Store. 170 S. Com'l Suit cases, valises, portfolios, brief cases, gloves and mittens. Large stock. The pioneer store. . ( ) goon irons EDI1THH SYSTEM Says Oregon Stand Second to Arkansas in Back wardness of Work A Mf '-' Mm nil Vi ml ry i At tlifc Tieatera ToCay o o The Rlstaore Yaadeville nd The Family Upstaaa." Oregon - William Boyd, Mar guerite De La Motte, J. Farreli McDonald, . Jack Hoxie. Mitchell Lewis, Gladys Brock well in "The Last Frontier" by Courteny Riley Cooper. Bligli's Capitol Theatre "Her Big Night," starring Laura La Plant. Bligh Theatre Hoot Gibson in 'The Phantom Bullet." XUts Fo Greakf aat Thanksgiving tomorrow - W And do you feel that way? i V V The campaign tor beet sugar acreage is to be carried on all over the valley, and with a view to winding it up quickly. . That will mean a beet sugar factory here in-19 28, Jto cost a million and a half dollars. W mm mm " Looks like a big building year for Salem next year, but a bigger one begins to loom up for 1928. S S f Marion county is doing a good work in making Champoeg park more accessible. That is an asset which will increase in value for all the years of the future. Y Old Champoeg had great dreams of becoming rftity in the old days: Who says those dreams may not still come true, in some future time! The .beekeepers of Polk county deserve credit for bringing the state convention to Dallas, for the last three days of next week,; It will help to point the way lo a coming great industry in this sec tion. m S Annual apple slogan number of The Statesman tomorrow. The apple industry of the old days started in this section, and there was big money in the fruit, ship- Gabriel Powder & Supply Co.. lumber, building materials, paints. and varnishes, roofing paper. Get prices here and make a big sav ing. Office. 175 S. Com'l. () Parker & Co., 444 S. Commer cial. Don't fail to see Parker about repairing your car. Expert mechanics at your service. - All ,work guaranteed- () 44 "Oregon's present, system of Kchooi support is a disgrace to our intellect," says Professor P. I. Spencer of the Oregdn normal school at Monmouth In a speech before the Salem Klwanis club at' its weekly luncheon in the Marlon hotel yesterday. The speech was called "A Business View of Edu cation." v. Oregon stands second only to Arkansas in educational back wardness, Mr. Spencer stated, and it has lost $3,000,000 in the last seven years solely" because of children who have been retarded needlessly in the schools. "Salem teaches' salaries espe- ially are so low that they cause plenty of bad advertising for this lUv throughout th state." Mr. Iencer continued. The best teachers turned out in h Oregon Normal school all go io California, he said, ' because they get double the salaries that they do In Oregon. They also get letter salaries In mosf other states than they do in Oregon. Oregon as a state spends 154 million dollars a year for high ways but not a cent for public schools, he said. All the school funds come out of local or county taxes. .; Education is 'the only variable nuanSy by which the condition nf mtai can be bettered, he said. and Le this reason the money s;entvon education is about the moat Important of all public ex UNSERVED FINES ALWAYS PAYABLE AT $2 PER DAY (Continued from page 1.) and then tendered the court $301 in payment of the remaining por tion of the fine and costs and de manded that he be released from custody. He maintained that the 102 days served. should be applied to his fine at the rate of 32 per day, or a total of S 20 4. Upon his release being denied. Murphy filed habeas eorpns pro ceedings in the Linn county cir cuit court. ' The court refused to grant the writ and Murphy was remanded to the custody of the sheriff to serve out the unpaid portion of his fine. Murphy then appealed, his case to the supreme court. Chief Justice McBride and Jus tice Coshow concurred in the pre dominating opinion, while Justice Burnett dissented: Other opinions handed down by ned to California and other points, tne supreme court today follow: I This is a good apple country; for ueorge Meicner vs uewitc tn-it,. vinHc ,- ttai th rt ueu', .""7 , OI" juniuionwn egt perfection, here, and apples George Rossman affirmed. Henry T. Hill vs E. O. Wilson, appellant; appeal from Union county; appeal from order setting aside and vacating former order of the court. Opinion by Justice Bean. Judge Percy R. Kelly re versed. ' L. A. Stoop, appellant, vs Unit ed States National bank X La Grande; appeal from Union' coun ty; action to recover money. Opin ion by Jusflce Coshow, Judge J. W. Knowles afTIrmed. Rettift Hunt vs Wallowa Vallev Improvement district No. 1,'appel- QLD SANTA CLAUS WANTS iant; appeal irom wauowa coun- DC.. iiCDDV PURIQTMAQ tr: suit to enioin defendant fromlntAL MtnHI UnnlOliyiHO flawine water from irrigation can-L (Continue from pmga 1.) al into Prairie creek. Opinion by q; justice uosnow. juage j. vv. Knowles affirmed. Susana M. Findley Templeton, by Charles Findley, her -guardian. vs W. H. Holllnshead and others, appellant; appeal from Deschutes county; suit to Tecover property Opinion by Justice Brown. Judge T. E. Duffy affirmed. State of Oregon ex rel, Dorothy Riggs vs Walter Mackey, appel lant; appeal from, Wallpwaconn ty; appeal from conviction for statutory offense. . Opinion by Justice Belt, Judge S. W. Knowles affirmed. Security Savings and Trust company, administrator of estate of Robert" Henry Thompson, de ceased, plaintiff and respondent, vs Clarence H. Gilbert and Robert Henry Thompson, minor, defend ants and appellants, and First Federal Trust company, defend ant and respondent; appeal from Multnomah county; suit to quiet title. Opinion by Chief Justice MeBride. Judge Robert Morrow affirmed. T. J. Carrico, appellant, vs Crystal District Improvement com pany. et al; appeal from Malheur county; suit to quiet title. Opin ion by Justice Burnett. Judge Dalton Biggs reversed. Petition for. rehearing allowed in Demas vs First National bank of Baker. Petitions for rehearing denied in State vs Walker, in relation to Leon Edmundson and in State vs Eaton and Flowers. William J. Cooper of Gresham admitted permanently to bar. -O, built for the Arctic. Reindeer I jhaYe profcably tramped 'aH around the north pole that Peary discov ered, for the last thousand years; and they never thAasht a thing abort it. It's home for the rein deer. Bat they're coming here for a change. Coming early, too. so that you can see and enjoy them, and be reminded that Santa Clans is everybody's friend and that he wants to find a few who have somehow been lost off his list. . Maybe you know some of these little folks, who have been ill or oat of a job, or their folks have been ill and out of luck. Some times when a fellow moves around, Santa loses his address, and cant find the poor child to remember him. But vou can heln a lot. Too can write down the name and slip it to Santa Claus, or you can walk up and whisper it in his ear. He'll be tickled to death to have you do it. He's looking for you and your kindness, as much as he is for the poor kid he has somehow lost. He's trying to make this an easy and happy Christmas, by get ting it all ready in good time. Isn't' It perfectly lawful tor . folks to talk about Christmas joy, and get so tired and nervous that they kick the cat and scold the dog amd don't -half feed a feller and don't sympathize with all his little trou bles? It sure is! Perfectly aw ful! Why, sometimes you'd think that getting ready for Christmas is as nervous as going to have a leg eat off. or to go to Jail. This year Santa t;taus will say: "Ha, ha, children, we're going to start it In good time this year and have all the fun there can possibly be: The way to be happy is to start in right now, and that's what we're doing. My deer and I are on the Job to get you started SAVE "WARETS" KEEP BOWELS REGULAR He fills out every cor ner of tne Arctic, weatner ana snow and moss and summer mos quitoes and all. Why, he was MD SHIP GOLDS No headache, sour stomach, bad cold or constipation by morning Get a 10-cent box. Colds whether in the head or any part of the body are quickly overcome by ' urging the liver to action and keeping the bowels free of poison. Take Cascarets to-night and you will wake np with a clear head and no doubt you will won der what became of your cold. Cascarets work while you sleep; they cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undi gested food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter and poison from the bowels. Remember the quickest way to get rid of colds is one or two Cas carets at bight to cleanse the sys tem. Get a 10-cent box at any drug store. Don't forget the chil dren. They relish this Candy Cathartic and It Js often all that is needed to drive a cold from their little systems. Adv. with 9 imuaJDronir We cant'Uy t with yoa all the tune, nut we JJL-gtv y gooa boost for " happyland, ' and then well trot on to the next place to Start them, too." They'll be here about " the first week in December. You can read a little more about them..' every day. i But yoa cah.'praetiCGrwp-EtAf being happy, - and t Meatfly, 24 good .to those "who 'might; be Iort J. gotten or"lost if you don't help. mm? Bottle of SEll 49c Box of 12 15c ASPIRIN TABLETS When Puretest Aspirin Tablets are taken for the relief of pain, you can depend on their quick action; they are usually dis solved within 30 seconds. These tablets are made from the high est quality of pure, true aspirin. We recommend the purchase of the bottle of 100 tablets be cause Puretest Aspirin Tablets have so many uses that it is wise to have a supply handy. J. C. PERRY DRUG STORE qm jleaXJL Stan TODAY AND THANKSGIVING DAY SPECIAL TIiT A TT T TTK TTfl VAUPEVI Mfea' i JJtmmu. n Tiff" ATTRACTION AND MccrrficanosD V3 11 1 upyd iscuss cd.bmOyinAn enca Army and Outiivp Store. Biggest 'jargains in clotbinx. shoes, unaer "t'nr. hoslerv. gloves, valises and MiH cases. The working man's i'ore. 18S N. Commercial. I'l F. L. Wood and Geo. F. Peed r-al estate. 344 State. Farms and Hy property. They hrinr buyer and sIer together, for the bene- ut and profit of both. . I Wc are state distributors tor I'lip Vlklnp ttro and tnheft- Mal- "mii Tire Com nan has . the tires. Drive Ua--CUirnefcCourt ndCom- First National Bank, the bank of friendship and helpfulness in timex of need t Interest paid on time deposit: 1 acconntj and watch your money grow. im) ! ' 1 The Dixie Bakery leads on high 1 class breads, pies cookies and fancy baked supplies of - every kind. Best by test. Ask old cus tomers. 429' Court. St., - () LOutse-THt-CLOcn DAUGKTCH-SHC' 3 TVCKTV-ONtVANO won a svfjnrtiar. PA'.MCLLER. HCGcrsNcrm nslGATAl!l 3 -ii i rONC'OP-PA'S" WAS! -TMC SON- A DnUQ-STORf COVB0 HT TMNMS VOQK ISA otsEAse ano cxxsimJ WANT Tw TATCH AM MAS C11C - W IWm OMXiirmt-SMf Ss-wcr PWfS TO KEEP VOU AVAKE HK,XVOm0 Tut CMMtUESBOM Cure that cold -and that miser able feeling in a jiffy., Get some Quick Cold Tablets at Nelson ft Hunt, Druggists, on the corner 01 Court and Liberty Sta. Tel. 7. (") FRIDAY ONLY 5 ACTS ASSOCIATION VAUDEVILLE And Lewis S. Stone Percy Marmorit Alma Rubens Raymond Griffith Eileen Percy - -William V.Mong , "FINE CLOTHES Shows at 1 ST0O - 7)00 and 9: OO THE 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiiiiiirr -- i j 1 t 11 fL tA A Show for theiWlwieBajily . , tA VU.j5- News ( Vfr-r jj More Fun TTmi a 3 Ring Circus ! - JJ 1 Matinee 10c - 35c - Evening 20c - 35c - 50c 1 , ' ; .Ini . , . '.. , V v Jl , , . V ,. . -. . -. ' I . ; S ' ' - 0... I KM CHf, t as S On On Every Article in the Store Real Values Look Thorn Over Shirts, values to 2.50 .$1.95 All new numbers just received today. Silk and wool hose fjr Tl.e value DDC Ladies -Slickers- All t . Colors . . . Shirts, $3.00 Valaes .$2.95 $25 25 Off on all Vassar Underwear,. 1 Lisle, Wool, Silk, and Wool Union Suits White Ruff Neck Sweaters Blazers, a 1 Regular valaes to 18.06 $6.35 wool $3.95 Rayon" Scarfs Silk $1.00 Silk Ti?3 - and Knits $135 .... 89c -4 Ladies Silk and Wool Hose, $1.19 Pair One lot of Odd Hats Dress CA CI 5 Values to AC PanU . . Vvv $7.00 $CfVD All Pajamas Greatly Slip over .' n f" REDUCED Sweaters ..... $0Od 7 r rs ; 1 A. Any Suit Overcoat $5 Down, Balance 10 payments BUY NOW FOR HIS CHRISTMAS AND SAVE AL. KRAUSE The Store With the Fountain 385 State 1 1 rs i i i ti i i i i i i i i fm i m i i ii i i i mm m mtm mui i I' Pay After Christma For Your Thanksgiving Rogers "1847" Silverware . Take a Set for Fifty Cents Pay After Christmas The sketch shows the famous "1847" Silver plate in the new Treasure Chest containing the "Pieces of Eight" which is another way of saying "eight pieces' of everything.' All the knives have hollow handles and stainless steel blades and every piece is guaranteed for fifty years. The treasure chest and all the silver, may be had for Forty Nine Fiftyr and on the Burnett' Budget Plan. ..." Take a set for Fifty Cents 1 : ; Pay after Christmas $1 a week Community Plate - All -You Need One Dollar Down Twenty nine piece sets of the famous Community Plate at the lowest cash price but on the Burnett Budget Plan. Nationally advertised and sold at $34.25 a set. ' v - ' Take a set for a' dollar Pay after Christmas $1 a week f Holms ' and ' Edwards Super ' Plate-One' Dollar Down The famous Holmes" and Edwards Silver, plate (each piece inlaid with solid silver , where it wears) . Twenty six .piece sets ' arc presented on a lovely serving tray for $31.25 and on Burnett terms... Take a set f on a dollar - ; s ; Pay after Christmas 41 a week. EURNE'FBROS. "457 State SV Come for any Good SilV Openyour account S to match any Wanted pattern Take aH you nccll er Christmas : : aerclal greets, r . -. Sfl