The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 24, 1926, Page 10, Image 10

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J5ig Meeting to Be Held in
Portland Soon for Minis-
'rtefs and Laymen
PORTLAND. Or. (Special.)
Fifteen hundred Methodist laymen
and ministers will be 'brought to
gether in Portland on December
9 and 10 for a state wide council,
according to' an . announcement
made'liere by ptshop William O.
Snepafd In charge of the Pacific
Northwest area; Erery Methodist
Episcopal church fn the state is
to send Its pastor and a group of
laymen as delegates.' '
Men of ltttemational repute are
announced as speakers on the two
day program by Dr. "Bert; Edward
Smith of- Chieagd, secretary of
men's work for the denomination.
who has opened up a headquarters
offlceTtelre"frdur which" the conn
ell work will be directed.
"I hate ' 'laxrded Colonel ' Ray
mond Robins, who Is one of the
biggest' speakers on the "American
platform, Dr. Smith announced
to the executive committee haTing
pre-couhcn ArrlBg em e b t s la
charge; He will gird two ad
dresses,' onir on The. Outlawry of
War,'nd the other 'onThe Social
Gospel W Jesnk.' ; Hugh Dodson
of Saskatchewan, a great temper
ance leader of Canada," will speak
on 'The Failure of the Canadian
Liquor System. : Dr. Lorenzo H.
King due 6f the greatest' negro
orators In America; ' Will ?glVe His
great ' address '' On 'Methodism's
Ministry id the Kegro RaeeV Dr.
.- t-t,- -ra;" '! tv.;
4 -
I- tr
executive- secretary "of. the- inter
racial- commission, will give his
niasterf ut address od "Chrlstianlz-
tag Rrfce Relationships: ?'
17e are also' going .'to .hare E.
Dow Bancroft, a retired Ohio i
farmer, who has spoken In almost
all or our men's cdriTentldns on
'God's Substitutes for Man's Fin
ancial DriTesf Ralph Connor who
Is. known" the jworld "over tor his
writings, will also' be one one of
our headline speakers.
Present day conditions in Ger
many and Switzerland will be de
scribed by Bishop John L. NueKl
sen, who has charge ot Methodist
work in those nations., His sub
ject 'twill be The Missionary Chal
lenge of Europe. Bishop H. Les
ter Smith 'of Helena. Mont., will
discuss 'The Church and Evan
gelism," and Dr. John W. Lang
dale, superintendent of Methodist
work in the Brooklyn district will
speak on 'A Man's ; Religion in
19 2 1. Dr. E. Gtty Cutshall, pres
ident of Iliff , School of Theology,
of Denver, Colo., will make an ad
dress on 'The Teaching Task ' of
the Church.' '
Four leaders in business, educa
tional and public life in the Paci
fic northwest are to be picked
within the next .few days to par
ticipate in a 'symposium on "The
World's Need of God.
f The board ot education of the
denomination, of which Dr. Smith
Wardrobe Trunks as low as
S 24.79 and as high as $85. 18-inch
Cowhide Hand Bags with leather
lining reduced from $8 to $5.90.
MaxO. Bnren. 179 N. Com'l. ()
There's a good reason, for our
meats being fresh! They're fresh
because we keep them fresh. We
I do not handle old meats. Buy at
Hunt & Shaller Market and be
. .
saie: 1
Answering an insistent demand
batitini!,rwell appointed four
fiyc'jassenger body on the smooth
and rimible 'Essex chassis, the Sedan is
nowlbeihg sKowa fo? tne first
' economical service
It has individuality n line, color and r. ' . , . ,. f
r- - j r-, -j f , , The cost is but little jnore than for
fimngs. It is unusually comfortable any fon than for some
unK arrangement, upnoi- four cylinder closed cars. It is much
is comparable ih texture and
with that used in costliest cars.
Thirty Minute Ride Will
lOpO outh Commercial y-
I 5 -
io, oMututB , secretary, , was com
missioned by the last general con-
ference ;to ; lead i a , nation-wide
men's movement. Dr. Smith came
to: -Portland directly from J New
York City to set np the . Oregon
session. ' Two thousand five hun
dred Methodist 'men attended' the
New York council he reports.' ' ,
- The aim ef this great council
is to relate Methodist manhood,
both clergy; and laity, in a large
way, to the present day Christian
(ask; to put upon the hearts of
the people such causes as the re
ligions training of childhood, the
Christianizing of 7 home life, the
overthrow of the war system, the
enforcement of law, the changing
missionary situation, present day
race problems and" other vital
causes; and to discover andJ de
velop leadership for the intensive
cultivation of men's work in every
local church! ' ; '. ;
The council has no financial ob
jective, and no philanthropic or
missionary cause to be allowed to
present its financial problems; No
collections are' to be received, ad
mission to the sessions being lim
ited to the registered' delegates.
Delegates unable to attend all
sessions will be granted the priv
ilege of transfering their badge to
a friend. Registration will not be
limited to Methodist men,- It was
announced, although the only ef
fort to register men will be" In
Methodist circles.
O. V. Badley of Portland is
chairman of the registration com
mittee. Dr. A. L. Howarth, super
intendent of the Portland district,
is chairman of the executive com
mittee, and Ernest W. Peterson
Is secretary. Dr. ji O. Van Winkle
of Jefferson, president of the Ore
gon Conference Laymen's associa
tion, is associate chairman.
Blscbop Shepard has directed a
personal letter to every Methodist
for a No car, regardless of cost, rides any
easier. None! is
in" traffic. TSssex
reliabld It has
time. Passis and body
less than you
cylinder Sedan.
church in Oregon-in which be de
Bribes the'coencil as "a most' am
bitious undertaking," and the iro4
grati as "wtU w6rth going a long
distance to hear." ' ' .'" .'
y This council,!, he declares,
"should begin a great revival i of
interest in all" religious and church
matters In the Pacific northwest:
The council has 'no financial goal.
The aim is solely evangelistic,
educational, Inspirational and organizational-
The council should
help vitarTze our churches."
If it comes from us it will please
you because it is so wholesome and
good.' Better Yet Bread made by
Better Yet Baking Co., 2 64 North
Commercial. )
Nash Furniture Co. takes the
lead with " low prices on chairs,
rockers, tables, wood and steel
beds, springs, mattresses. Saves
you 25. 219 N. Com'l ()
Gordon Gillis Bound Oyer
To County Grand Jury
Gordon Gillis, charged with
smuggling tools into the Marion
county Jail with intent of aiding a
prisoner to escape, waived prelim
inary hearing in Justice court here
yesterday and was bound over to
the grand Jury. No ball was post
ed by Gillis, so he is incarcerated
in Jail.
Roller skating at the Dream
land Rink. Tuesday, Friday and
Saturday from 7:30 to 10:30 "p.
m. Ladles admitted free. Gen
tlemen 10c. Skating 25c. ()
Have your favorite negative en
larged at Patton's Book Store by
Melgaard, the artist. Kodak fin
ishing in all its branches. Quality
work only. ()
more easily handled
is nimble, quiet and
fine car qualities in
that assure long,
will pay fpr any six
v f
Win You"
IepHonq 1987i
Students and i Faculty 1 of
: Kimball School Plan to '
Attend Meetings -
The students and. faculty of
Kimball school of theology have
arranged to attend in a body the
Oregon state men's council of the
Methodist church to be held In
Portland December 8, 9 and 10, it
was announced, yesterday by Dr.
John M. Canse, president. Dr. D.
H. Leech,: superintendent of the
Salem district of the church. Is
also making arrangements to have
a large delegation of men from
each Methodist church in the city
attend the conference!
Bishop W. O. Shepard of the
Portland area of the Methodist
church will preside at "the meet
ing, whose purpose will be to tell
the problems facing the m.en of
the church and' awaken them to
their responsibilities.
The men's : department of the
church's national board ot educa
tion is cooperating in the man
agement of the conference under
the' leadership of Bert Edward
Smith, general secretary.
Fifteen speakers, all nationally
prominent, have been obtained to
lead the discussions1' and give ad
dresses. They include, among
others, Ralph Connor, famous Au
thor, Raymond Robins well known
lecturer, Dr. Lorenzo King, con
sidered the leading negro lecturer
and editor of the country; Bishop
F. O. B. Detroit
plus roar mxcU tax
4 -
John Neulsen of Zurich,- Switzer
land; John W, Lahgdale of Brook
lyn. N.Y.. E.' Dow Bancroft,' Ohio
business man;' and Will W. Alex
ander of Atlanta, Ca,, who "will
discuss inter-racial relations. '
Members of?, other fienomina
t Ions, "both ministers and laymen,
'are welcome to attend the confer
ence, Dr, Canse announced.
Hartman Bros." Jewelry S'ore.
Watches, clocks, rings."' ptns, dia
monds, charms, cut glass, silver
ware. Standard goods. State at
Liberty St. ' ; ; ()
W. G. Krueger, realtor, progres
sive", iair, equitable. Growing city
and country ' make possible buys
that will make you good money:
Complete listings. 147 N. Com'l.
Virginia Valli Has Lead in
Comedy of Average Am
erican Household
"The Family Upstairs," a fast
moving comedy which rings with
truth and unfolds a tale of the
average American household,
opens today at the Elsinore thea
ter and will play through Thurs
day. The picture, which Is a Fox pro
duction, presents in a vivid man-
Desiring their adver
tising under a partic
ular department or
section should make
their arrangements
. Phone
Should immediately, communicate with Martin
Should communicate immediately with Martin Advertising Service. Phonei
23, regarding news stories and community;, articles desired in this edition
ner types of people with whom al
most everyone Is familiar-There
Is the: girl, a cashier in a market,
played by Virginia Vallie, who has
reached the age of twenty-one and
who is without asteady" or even
a "once-lri-a-while. And when a
great Move comes into her life, it
Is almost wrecked by her mother.
The girl's sweetheart is played by
Allan Simpson. A touching climax
brought tears to the eyes of many.
J Farrell MacDonaid, who
jumped into the front ranks of
character actors by his portrayal
of Corporal Casey in "The Iron
Horse," plays the part of the girl's
father in "The Family Upstairs."
His' characterization in this photo
play is one of the finest seen on
the screen in months. His comedy
Bfr'0p HOT &Ah8lC Mr l,f& -JfeoTCcf
II ybujt font. bvjAW&r-tfyCM
Ihsnrance of All Kinds TeL 181
Hellig Theater Lobby 189 N. High
Under the Direction of
Directors of Profitable. Advertising
Professional Directory Section
kWhicK .Will Be a Permanent RecoVo!
scenes are superb. V -
Others in the cast are Lillian
Elliott, who plays the part of En
ma Heller, the girl's mother; Ed
ward !- Pi el. Jr,' who : portrays the
jobless brother with a leaning t o
ward dancing; Cecille Evans, play
ing Mademoiselle Clarice; a mod
iste, and Jacqueline Wells, in the
role of 'the younger sister who is
frankness personified. '
'' ' L. "A. Scheeler Auto Wrecking
Co.; oldest In the Willamette -val
ley. New and used parts tfl
13 1f fl
equipment. Low prices and
service here. 1085 N. Com
Slate surface rooflhg; applied
over your old shingles. We have
over 200 jobs in Salem. Kelson
Bros., plumbers, sheet ; xnetal
work. 355 Chemeketa. ()
of the
Year-end Edition
of the
Advertising Service)
..... i .
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