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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1926)
HOUSE-LEADER WORRIES ABOUT STATE EXPENSE (Continued from ps 1.) ; - - ... . . . - members Suggesting that they think the matter oTer. The more the members study this problem before we assemble at Salem,', the better off they urill be,- When a session opens there la invariably a rush and confusion,, and there Is so much work to give atten tion to that there is little time, for. study, - - - . - . , . "There 4s so' much wanted," Mr. Carkin said, "and so little money available. There is a new normal Hchool voted, which must be financed. The Ashland normal Is asking for more buildings. The state institutions, such as the pen- " No help Wee tins One. help .has proved itself to mil lion. as the utmost, for a cold. It is so efficient, so quick and complete that we paid $1,000,000 or it That way is II ILL'S It combines in .one tablet the best helps, science knows.. It stops the cold in 24 hoars, checks the fever, opens the bowels, then tones the en tire, system, . Ijn't depend pa lesser help, and don't delay, See bow things change overnight when yu take HILL'S. - U Smlfr fUiV. Price 39c CtmVJtlJUHflfJE Itentiary and hospitals, ; want Jin-" provementsr " There are always demands for more armories. The state certainly,- needs- an .office building, as It ' cannot now house all of its activities at the state house. There is a .demand for such a' biiilding to be located i in Salem, and some think one should be in Portland, too." MrriDarkih'ls a member of the tax investigation committee which has met frequently 'during the past 18 months and . with several colleagues on i the committee he will visit California, in December to study the taxation system there. The result of the committee's work is to be submitted to the legisla ture. T . . The state budget commission yesterday approved tentatively ap propriations - aggregating $ 1,1 3 6. 247, for the operation and. expen aiorf of the Oregon state hospital during the : two year blennlnm starting January 1, 1927, The re commendations of the budget com mission will go before the legisla ture for final consideration. The appropriations include $130,000 for the erection of a nurses home and $70,000 for an industrial building. Both struc tures would be located on state hospital property. The nurses home would contain 100 rooms and would release to patients as many bed' in the hospital build ing. - The industrial building was ap proved by the 1925 legislature, but the measure carrying the ap propriation was vetoed by Gov ernor Pierce because of the de pleted condition of the state treas ury. Officials said: the' erection of this building would prove econ-i omy In the operation of the hos pital. V!::.feH:f;-r": : The budget commission elimin ated a proposed expenditure of $16,955 for a boiler house at the hospital farm J A summary of the appropria tions recommended by the budget commission follow! Salaries and vaees $381,609, general expenses $19,600, operat ing, expenses $398,031, mainten ance expense $88,354 and capital outlay $264,608. Included In the capital outlay Items are two greenhouses to cost $10,035 and a morgue and chapel to cost $5930. . : J :; The Midget Meat Market never falls to give you the finest meats and fteh. There Is but one place in Salem to get the finest fish. The Midget Market has it for you. () . Henry O Miller 184 S. Com'l St., where most people prefer to get their auto parts for all makes of cars. Trade here and make savings on all auto parts, () New sweaters! A large ship ment ins, in. Xew patterns, new shade in the popular pullover aif" coat styles. Scotch Woolen Mills. Halik & Eoff Electric Shop. 337 Court St. Everything electric, from motors and fixtures and sup plies to wiring:. Get prices and look at complete stock. () SvORLD'S LAlUiEST CHAIN "DEPARTMENT STORE , OKU AIM 1ZAT1UN WW) ? RATION-WIDE PJ INSTITUTION- r xjEPAimteNX 5torSs 160 North Liberty Street,fSalerril0 RELIABLE QUALITY GOODS ALWAYS AT LOWER PRICES SlCiislaMi Our For Ev&y Dollar' Yoti Spsnd Here Idea of Value-Giving U, to Give a Full, Overflowing 100 Cents' Wortb for EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND HERE. If We Ran So-Called "Sales" We Could Not Do That. If We Bought for One Stcre, We Could Not Do It Either. There Is ' Tremendous Force ixi Buying Goods - if (f. 7 , for 745 live, Active Stores. . at if Lead ingModesInHats For Stylish Women and' Misses The Winter Season for Millin ery is just under way, and you have ample time to select a new Hat which is a winner I iSfcln large and small modes, silk with trimmings of .jiowcrs, metai ciqtn, ornaments, or other most accept able and new adornment . Our , '-World of Value ! New colors and black. . For women 'and, misses . A Fine Brassiere For a Full Figure Boning at the front I Elastic at the side! A i Brassiere which a medium j or stout rfigure will find ' comfortable- Priced, each, r 59c ( Felt Hats Styles for Girls TilFor school "wear, the Ur unbeatable Hat! ing ui sty; good in quali- 98c v t Our Lady-Lyke Corsets For Every Type of Figure "What a lovely figure 1" probably means only a wet corseted figure probably a Lady-Lyke corseted woman' New Styles in Corset-Brassieres We show a large range of excellent -styles for all the various types. In cluding the popular Corset-Brassiere, Of.course, our. prices are noted! lower! 9Sc to S4.9S 4 1 OurFuU-FsKion For Women and Misses A Triumph In Values Ho oe ' if? r- . At.this. price, a; fuft-fashtoned hbie Is quite an accomplishment especial- ; ; ly wheri?itytwoVensof sxllc :) thread" J:withba nbfe,V thread' fori -. strength J A complete range of colors! 'v-einforced heel and toe. The pair. , J m Union Suits Women and Misses Knitted underwear . in warm, durable qualities in . a variety of- styles. Of course, you will find bur prices lower. Dont wait ' , too long to buy these t 98c MXNARY PLANS REVISED FARM RELIEF MEASURE Uootiaued troofc pa g 1.) ' Ing for the first time In connec tion with inch legislation. The president would JiaTe a free hand in naming the board,' the members of which would devote their whole time to the business at a salarjr, ofSlO.OOO a year. , Senator , McXary has received assurances of the support of other members of the senate and house in his demand for farm relief leg islation, at the coming session. Senator Capper, republican, Kan Has, said today that congress should immediately adopt the Mc-Nary-Haugen or some similar plan while Representative Dickenson, republican, Iowa, a house agricul tural spokesman, saw a way to re lieve the farmers through the sur plus in the treasury. "I believe tfie agricultural forces of the west and south would be stronger than ever for the Mc-Xary-Haugen bill, for low prices for farm products are causing more talk than ever before." Sen ator Capper asserted, adding that the farmers were keenly interested in development of inland water ways 'to provide cheaper transpor tation. Disapproving the administration proposal for a tax credit. Repre sentative Dickenson said existent of the treasury surplus would stop one of , the principal arguments against: farm relief, namely that revenues would not - permit the necessary expenditures. He predicted the political fu ture of any party would be in jeopardy if it did not favor con sistently a plan to aid both the farmers and business. ; The Salem Hdw. Co., meat pro gressive. Every accommodation siven to those in need of best hardware supplies. Work and pros perity the motto. 120 N. Com! () Ulrich & Roberts, realtors. 122 .V. Commercial St.. Know property values and make for you profit able investments.. Will both save and make you money. () injured. 1 He was unable to ascer tain the cause "of the explosion. The theory-was that. the blast was due to short circuit between here and Hood River suddenly throw ing the entire load on the White River plant, one turbine of which already was out of commission. The force of the explosion was so tremendous that the roof of the building was blown off. The whole plant was flooded. Damage ;will run into thousands of dollars. The plant is owned by the Pacific Power-& Light company and is lo cated near Tygh valley. There has been considerable trouble with short circuits the past few days since the snow be gan falling. BLAST WRECKS PLANT THK D.XM.KS PU'XGKD IVTO DARKNESS IIY EXPLOSION THE DALLES. Ore.. Nov. 2 2. (AP). The White River power plant. 34 miles south of this city, was wrecked by a mysterious ex plosion at 5 o'clock tonight, and The Dalles was plunged into dark ness. Thomas Coberth, plant superin tendent, was in the building at the time, but managed to escape un A. H. Moore, 2.33 N. High St. apartments, and store where, you can get high quality furniture and furnishings for. every room in your house. ) Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co., lumber and building materials. The best costs no more than in ferior grades. Go to the big Sa lem factory and save money. () Pontiac Six still sweeping to ward unchallenged leadership Landau sedan $S5 f. o. b. factory. Easy to pay on General Motors time payment plan. Vick Bros. () Salem Hunters Return ; From Trip to Arlington A 'Very successful hunting trip at Arlington was enjoyed by Carl Webb, F. G. Myers. Dr. Grover Bellinger and Dr. John Evans of this city, who returned Sunday. The party left Salem Thursday and while gone bagged 74 geese and, in a jack rabbit drive, killed 65 rabbits in one hour. The party spent their vacation on the ranch and game preserve of E. M. Hulden. brother-in-law of Mr. Myers. They report five inches of snow in the vicinity of Arlington. BONDS SELL IN SALEM Oregon district interest bonds in the amount of $53,550 were sold here yesterday to Morris, Mather company of Chicago, at a premium of S55. The interest rat on the bonds ranges from 4 4 to 4 per cent. Money derived CO RE THROAT - Gargl with warm salt watr t&r then apply over throat M 0 vz V VAfoRUB Otmr IT MJIiom Jar C f YmmHy from the sale of the bonds will be used In paying-interest on-the ob ligations of the several .irrigation projects under state-Jurisdiction. 1924 Buick. Four wheel brakes, new rubber, perfect - mechanical shape. One of . our guaranteed used Buicks. Otto J. Wilson, 3S8 N. Com'l. Tel. 220. () Portland Portland Electric Power company spends $7500 to Improve Bull Run power fAnt. Especially Selected For Thanksgiving Day! . SEE PAGE MEET' "THE FAMILY UPSTAIRS" You will enjoy this very human comedy drama of American home life. THE ELSINORE Tomorrow and Thursday - WA ' i y FREE : TURKEY fe-N. WITH EVERY - Memo .Room mie EXCEPTING CONTRACT MERCHANDISE Sold Between Now and Thanksgiving C7 We will give a 12 pound Turkey absolutely Free with every dining room suite (excepting contract merchandise) sold between now and Thanksgiving. Buy your dining room sujte during this sale and get your Thanksgiving turkey free. Below are listed two exceptional good values in dining room suites. A BEAUTIFUL Walnut Suite (Similar to cut) This beautiful 8 piece walnut dining room suite would be a pleasing addition to any home. Consists of table, 5 side chairs, 1 carver and buffet. See this value in our window at $195.00, - A UNIQUE 8 Piece Suite (Similar to cut) This 8 jiiece walnut suite con sists of table, buffet, 5 side chairs and jcarver with blue leather seats. This is a won derful value and can be bought on easy terms. See it in our window. "Thanksgiving Sale of Housewares You have only today and tomorrow to take advantage I of our special values in kitchenware, glassware and ! dinnerware. j ,- -ii I,- , . J ;.. t D In Our Display Advertisements ! Saturday j The phrase 'Excepting Contract Merchandise" was ! omitted through error. Contract merchandise is sold j at a universal price and wlil not permit of discounts. I Come in before Thanksgivingwell be glad to show you the latest in diners and parlor diners. YoU will be pleased with both our complete stock and our low prices. ' u Use Our Deferredf raymcntPlan way iTtij fW iimir (Vsm 5 Floors of Real Values (. -The Store With the Friendly Spirit ' 3 -t ,,.