, U V i.-xi 1-A-J ill V T 1 1 turner the absence f toe president; Jttrsl. Mr. and. Mrs. M...A. Hill made a trip to PdrlWhd the tmot the vreelc. " . ' , E. : W. Swallow come up iro'nj Oregon ; CltJ ; t,aj Visit the home folks orer Sunday. life youngest son, Francis,, has Jbeen Ji . with pneumonia, trot is inn eh . better. : Mr. Melvin Hipple was a Sa lem visitor,. Thursday. A. R. Baker and family of Port? . land spent the week-end at the parental Baker hbifte. W. T. Jti.cheB adVfanitJy, were Salem' buslrfes visitors Wednes day. .. . "' R. D. Gray erf Salem was calling . In Turner, Snndaj. jWr,Gray had charge of Turner's bank for sev eral vears. Mrs. Levi Webb developed a . tad case Of he"art trouble and has been at the Salem sanitarium for . several days. , " Mrs Scott I'n.risto'n has. been, Jn rortlantf - for two weeks taking ' treatment. for. an injured shoulder. Mr. Fttflston returned from Port land a few diit iko... . . Mrs. Lon Smalt is .spending the week-end at Mafcola with her dan inter, Mrs. L. Roberts an family; V cr w" . The Turner tbwrtewn is re: Joiclngjn that, they havft me, with but one-defeat dariac the. season . Mrs: Sophia Watson" Tunnel ar rived recently from Idaho for visit with her parents. She was accompanied by. her sioall son. Mr. Grahani: the aged father of - Mrs. Emma Moore, passed1, away at the home of his daughter - on .Wedns4ay6!j;last;iweek. Fie daughters were with htm during the list days of bis illness. Mrs. ,W. Jt. Haberiy wag to the Wilard Women's club-last Thursday afternoon". Mrs. J. C Carrie, vie president, presided .in ess A. Geer." It had been the plan of the program committee to have Attfirhey Cute E. ROM 61 SIlter ton speak on "Property Rights of Women,", but owing, to legal mat ters he could not; be present. The ladies were glad to welcome Mrs. Arthur Dahl and Mrs. D. Daven port of Silverton, who were for mer active members of the club. Mrs. William Havernick who broke, her right arm a few weeks ago is able to use it a little. Mrs. Madsen of Silverton Is at the Clarence Sebo home canning for Mrs. Sebo who .has been ill. Mrs. Alice Thompson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Al baugn has been quite ill the past few days. Mrs. Thompson has but recently returned from Portland, where she has been under expert medical attention, much improved. but suffered 4 relapse. Her friends are glad to know she is again on the road to recovery. Mrs., A. A. Geer has been canning for her. ' , The Willard community club held a meeting last Friday at which . time S. B. Haberiy was elected president, Harry Riches, vice president, Frank Bowers, en tertainment chairman and these three are to choose a secretary. Mrs. Charles Riches was .called to Salem Sunday to see her father. who. had been taken suddenly, ill l; Mr. and Mrs , W. J. Haberiy spent the week-end in Corvallis, the guests of,.their daughter, Mild red. who is a junior atOAt". They" witnessed . the football game on Saturday. ,j , . Mrs. Albert erison and little son were visitors at the K. O. Rue home last Monday, iir. and Mrs. :E.( C. Nattzger haje a new radial, which they are" enjoying very much. , j i Inic gtreeterJI here; from pfir bug' helping John Luts eui wodd. The pupils' of pistfict Kdi 13 school had a small program Wed nesday afternodhV 2 ; , Carl Johnson was in hervais Wednesday; 1 Chas. Mendenhall is home from Roseburg where he has been stay- in gdrfng the summer. Carl Johnson is going to top out a lew onions this week. John Lutz was in Salem Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mendenhall and Mr., and Mrs. George Carpen-: ter of Roseburg motored to Port land Saturday. Catherine Xaftzger was a visitor of Mrs. Carl Johnson Sunday afternoon. John Lot called' on Ralph Har per Sunday afternoon. , Mabel Mendenhall was in Sa lem Saturday, evening. Mr. and- Mrs Mac La Fountain and children were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Louie La Fountaine last Sunday. Carl Johnson was at Paul Jones residence Monday morning. Pioneer Roberta day and Wednesday with relatives in! Salem. ; v ' '..,' '. .J. A. Pear son anS f jttnily moved to sOutherh, Oregon Saturday, r ; Reverend and Mrs. J. G llispie of ! Sal4m rf Islted Mr. and Mrs: Julids Zieikie Thursday. Mfs'-'Cal. Thotriaaf and two daughters of Hood Rfver came Frfdaf to rnake ait extended vlstt With Mr. and Mrs. J. p. B'resaler. C. D. Query has Just completed the concrete basement under his store. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pidler of In dependence " spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. B. D. FIdler. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Sharkey of Portland were visitors' of Mr. aind Mrs. G. P-, Sharkey Friday ftfght Dr. and Mrs. A. Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. P. Crumn of Dallas were dinner guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs.' Sharkey. , . Mrs. R. H. Corey of Portland spent part of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Daven port. The poplls of the school will give a Thanksgiving program Wednesday, afternoon at the schoolhouse. Mrs. Forest Edwards went to Dallas Friday to visit her sister. is via 1 1 hi g her son and daughter-in-law, : Mr. ' and Mrs. " George Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shiltz mov ed to Albany the first of the week whef Mr. Shuts is employed. Mrs. 'Kate Landwlng : has re turned home from Portland where she had been visiting her two grariddanghters. ' Auburn Cloverdale Earl Neer was ca'iled to Port land today on business. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Farris of Turner were visiting in Cloverdale Sunday. Mrs. Hugh Roselle of Silverton and her brother W. Spicer were callfrig in Cloverdale Monday. Mrs. Joseph Morris went to Portland Sunday to spend a few days with her daughters. Mrs. Ear! Neer and Mrs. Arthur Kunke spent Tuesday in Turner. Rosedale In to , Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kostenbor der and daughter, are spending a few weeks with friends and rela- jtive in tdah?. . . Mrs. H. . B. Carpenter gave a luncheon Friday afternOQh to the members' of the G. t. club. Those present Were Mrs. Alice Coolidge, Mrs. George Higgins, Mrs. C D. Query, Mrs. S. C. Davenport, Mrs. R., Macklln, Mrs, B. Townsend, Mrs. C. ,W. Schwab, Mrs. Bud StutesmSn. Mrs. N. P. Kugel,1 Mrs. W. V. Johnson, Mrs. G P. Sharkey Mrs. Julius " Zieikie. Mrs. B. D. FIdler and Mrs. J. FIdler. The club will bold the next meeting December 9, at the home of Mrs'. W. ,V. Johnson in Salem. Mrs. j; Fidler of Jefferson Is spendin gthe week with Mr. and Mrs. B.fl. FIdler. Mrs. Fidler came to Salem to attend the wed ding of her grandson. Mervin Fid ler, which took place Thursday. Mrs. Alice Coolidge -spent Tues- Scotts Mills Mr; and Mrs.. Ernest Waibel of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Waibel Sunday. Allan Beilinger has beeri busy hauling his prunes to Salem, mak ing several, trips, a week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Magee were visitors in Portland Wednesday and, Thursday. i Mrs. G. W. Myers and Mrs. S. P Moberg were shopping in Salem Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. Floyd - Shepherd were In Silverton on business Monday. Mn and Mrs. W. T. Hogg and daughter, Doris, were visitors in Salem Saturday. Lorraine accom panied them home, returning to Salm Sunday evening. Mrs. Eliza Hayhe's of Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Cannoy visited Polk county Sunday. Helen McMillan motored Portland last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brownlee returned recently from a visit to Seattle. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sims Sunday, Nov. 14. Fldyd Bates of Albany -was a recent visitor In the community. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bates Were Stinday guests at the Albert Bates home. The Community club will meet riext Friday evening at the school. Mike Panek has sold his prop erty her & to C. C. Birch of Coos county. , Mr. Earls has sold an acre tract on the Auburn road. - Roy Hammer is remodeling his store. D. C. Armstrong and Mr. Dotey have their new dwelling nearly completed. ' Rev. F. B. Culver will preach at Auburn next- Sunday afternoon following the Sunday school, which opens at 2:30 p. m. New comers in the community will be given a cordial welcome. The Hayesville Sunday school district will hold its quarterly con vention at Clear Lake, Sunday, Jan. 2, instead of the reftilar date as the buildings cannot Ve gotten ready sooner. Chas. W. Tady, the district president has the program nearly completed for both seniors and juniors. The Auburn Sunday school is preparing a good Christmas pro gram and service to be given Sun day, Dec. 19. " Friends and neigh bors are cordially invited to be present. Mrs. C. E. Mcllwain, Mrs. Geo. McIIwain and daughter Virginia were Wednesday afternoon callers at II. O. Dunns. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dickson and children of Parkersville were Sun day dinner guests at W. H. Baughmas. Mr. and Mrs. August Woelke accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Stenberg of Silverton. motored to Tillamook on Monday. V. L. Morgan and W. H. Baugh- man attended Mrs. Nolan's sale Friday of last week. North Howell Several people here have colds Mrs. Bernice Summer is quite ill with erysipelas. Dr. Kleinsorge of Silverton is the attending phy sician. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dunn and daughter Blanche were Silverton business callers on Friday. "THE NIGHT CRY" NDW AT ELS NOR E cast also includes De Alvarado and Heinle Cohklih. Rin-Tin-Tin, In the picture- has been fasely accused and persecut ed for plundering flotks rjf sheep, and the Martin; family tries to pro tect him from the wrath of the other shepherds. The dog knows that a condor has been responsible and pursues the bird of prey in vain. Finally, in a thrilling fight with this Vulture, he saveaJie Martin baby from its talonWad vindicates himself..- . Herman Raymakers baa made an excellent production from the tory by Phil Klein and Edward Meagher, telling the homely tale of a pioneer family in swifts dra matic action. "The Night Cry" Is decidely worth while. Rin-Tin-Tin, Wonder Dog Has Film Lead, Shows Last Times Today "The Night Cry," the Warner Brs. classic of the screen playing last times today at the ElsInorev theater, shows Rin-Tin-Tin, the famous dog star, in his biggest and best role, and the picture it self is thrilling and forceful. June Marlowe gives a delightful performance as a pluckly little pi oneer wife, eager to save Rinty, the shepherd dog. from the vil lian, (Gayhe Whitman), John Harron plays her husband; little Mary Miller their baby, and the The Mother Wanted a Rank er, but the Girl took a THIer SEE PAGE 8 MEET "THE FAMILY UPSTAIRS" There is the son, who is just" at the age when he con siders work and disease twin evils to be avoided if pos sible. And Sis, who says what she thinks and thinks a Int. ELSINORE Wednesday and Thanksgiving II I II , li l..llil,iA -I....-.-,.. For C!Mf iMiffi&g What coiild maki a better Christmas gift? Telephone Today for 'Appojntiflent Moderately priced frorii ?5 per dozefi - KENNELL-ELLlS PORTjMTT STilDIOS Sdlem - ' m . - '- m, - m . Eugene Fun and Amusement Playing the Elephant Game WIN A . FORD TOURING CAR OFFERED IN The Statesman's Elephant Puzzle Contest mmmmmmmmmmmmmHmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmm mm or Trie LH;f?rrANT ujt 't The Problem Wliat is the turn total of the figures formiof the elephant as ikown in the picture t Simply add them op to get the solu tion, i nere are no marks, lines or characters in the elephant except firnres These figures range from 2 to 9, each standing a i one. 'I. lie re are no ones or groups of firure such as "23" or 0 a" are distinctly curved while the tails of the Winning Answers Will Receive Frizes as Follow ciphers. There are no 42." The heads of the are There is no trick or illusion of any Now get out your peneil and add. rftraislht or tracticallv so. descriptfon In the chart, add, add. XVeo Charts Those desiring extra charts of the elephant puzile to work on will be supplied with what they require at the Circulation department of the Statesman Publishing Compnny, office 215 Sooth Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon or send a 2c stamp if yon want charts mailed to yon. Subscription Rates Oregon Statesman Daily and Sunday: By carrier 1 month 50c; 1 year $6.00. By mail in Marion and Polk connties. 1 month 50e; 6 months $2.50; 1 year $5.00. Pacific Homestead: S years $1.00; 6 years, $2.00; 7 years $2.50; 15 years $5.00. northwest Poultry Journal: 1 year $1.00; 8 1-2 yearg $2.50; 5 years $5.00. Oregon Teachers-Monthly: 7 months, $2.00; 20 months $2.50; 40 months $5.00. Priie tf yon send in ftww uow auv- $2.50 each or mewat sob icriDtion fori $2.5 and a inew subscrip tion for $2.50 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 15th 16th to 25th to rf yon sentT fn seripnonr ism XI. as ea-eh or your rvsewal1 for' 11.25 and (rrlptfafl Ford Touring ' Car Value $471.31 $200.00 75.0O 50.00 25.00 15.00 12.50 10.00 7.50 5.00 4.00 3.00 $821.31 r,.r If you send in one new sub seription for $1.00 or your renewal f for; $1-00 ; f - $2Q 75.00 . 50.00 25.00 12.50 7.50 6.00 5.00 4.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 $405.00 If yon send in no subscrip tion with your solution $100X0 40.00 20.00 ' 12.50 0.25 8.75 S.0O 2.50 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.00 $204.25 $20.00 15.00 10.00 7.50 5.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.0O .50 $72.50 General Rules The Sutesman PnMishing Company's Elephant PuisTe Con test is open to anybody except regular adult umployes of the Statesman Publishing Company and their immediate families. Contestants may submit as many solutions aa they desire prpTided a payment of one of the amonnta designated in the prise list shall accompany each solution but no contestant will be permitted to win more than one prize. Otiee registered a solution cannot be changed. Remember yon are eligible in this contest whether yon aend In subscriptions or not, however, if you aend in one, two or three subscriptions yon qumtify for the major prise, should yoar eolation be among the winners. The time a solution is received has no bearing upon tts winning ft priie, provided it is received or post-marked not liter than midaigBt of Friday, December 31, 192ft. AJl solutions must be received or bear the postmark not later than this data and hour. Contest closes 12 p. m, Friday. December 81. 1926. Z ease of ties on this passle aa many prizes will be awarded as there are contestants tied before any prizes ars awarded for a less eorrect solution. For example, if five or more persona re tied ea the best solution the first five or more prizes will be reserved, for them and they will be awarded in order of the standing of their solutions of the second puxzle; that ia the best solution wilt be awarded first prise, the next best the second, and the third best the third prize, ete. In ease there are bo tie on the weight of the elephant, no other pvxsle. of course, will be presented and the prizea will be awarded in accordance with the standing of the solutions sent in. There are no objections to several members of one family or household or several friends .working together to obtain so lution. The prizea are awarded for individual effort and it will not bo permissabte for one person to torn in a sedation, then give the answer to someone else, and for the latter to submit it for bis or her own. The Statesman Publishing Company reserves the rignt to reject amy soiation which, it believes has not been submitted under proper conditions. The Statesman Publishing Company also reserves" the right to finally decide all other questions v that may arise and those entering, too contest agree to abide by any and all decisions rendered ythe Statesman Publishing Co. - ' Money paid on subscriptions will bo credited In accordance - with the subscription rata of the publication; ordered. Deciding Ties f 04 U U M 44 M ,1 n s) s (3) if si t ts n 15 SS tt $(S) n ar ?g (g)(5) u as (2) In ease of ties a ' second puzzle, ' like accompanying chart, except larger, will be presented for those tied to solve. The p rob! era - will consist of drawing a continuous e h a i n across the 'chart en circling tho figures in the -circles. If : necessary to elimin ate farther ties the' vittfcfM - will fliM nations changed, win be presented for as many as five more times .after which, should any ties exist, each tying contestant will receive the full amount of any awards tied for. Imrkrtant Fatcts To Remembeaf 'Wnile the amount you pay with a solution of tho puzzle does not have any effect on your winning a prize, it does effect tho amount you" will receive should yon win one of tho prizes, aa" the amount of the cash prise is determined by the amount 'of subscription money sent in. This ia explained 1st' the prize list, which you should study carefully kefore sending; ia you solu tion. Send solutions and Subscriptions to Elephant Contest De partment, Tho Statesman Publishing Company,' Salem, Oregon. Elephant Puzzle Solution Blank Ton may use this blank In aendlno In vm mnfnllm whethae' subscriptions are sent or not or use a sheet of plain white paper. Puzzle Contest Editor,- . , Tho Statesman Publishing Co., Salem, Oregon. Tho toUl of tho figures la tho elephant r r'"' Contestant's . ; " . T tfr Address.. If you want to" qualify for the bigger swrdi tfrltd' tho' .names of year ssbicribers sad amount paid tot anothsY Sheet of S9ta - - . I; I! i X i " 1 -etc t i a. -)