Ui'lELtlEFlTS I4MIM10 Other. Supporters ?File Vary ing Expense Accounts at : State Office Cyril . G. Brownell expended 914,018.99 In conducting the cam paign of Robert N. Stanfleld, In dependent candidate for United States senator at the recent gen eral .election,' according to his ex pense account tiled in the office of the secretary of state here yes terday.. k , " : . r ? Mr.Brownell -was chairman of :tho "SUnfield-for-Senator" club with neadnartefs In Portland. '.Other expense accounts filed in the state ' department yesterday follow: ; H. Burke, treasurer of the 'As rtoria "Haney-tor-Senator clnb, tn support -of Bert .13. Haney, for United States senator, $137.06; yr. C. Winslow, in " support of Frederick Bteiwer, republican can didate for United States senator, .3129.30; Claude Buchanan, repub lican, for representatiTe for the 10U district. 410; A. A. Reed, democrat, for representative for i the 17th 'district, 40.17; Joseph - N.' SCott, - democrat, for represen tative for the 22nti district, '$ 9 8. 2 4 ; - James Olson, republican, .for representative for the 18th dis trict.' $7.76. . "W. A; Wlest, republican, for 'district attorney of Klamath coun-. iy, $109.90; Kenneth W. Bayne, secretary-treasurer of the Marion County Democratic -central com mittee, $280; George "R. Schenck. chairman of the Lincoln county democratic ; central committee, ;$7; "Mary A. Dean, treasurer of Che ; t)re6n Water Power 'league., in promotion of the water and power constitutional amend ment, $304.69; Dan Kellaher, in Upport of the Oregon water and power amendment, $717.95; C. 10. Bishop, in support of Frederick Stelwer, republican, for United States senator, 112. Cure that cold -and ibat miser able -Reeling - In a Jiffy, Get some Quick Cold Tablets at "Nelson & Hunt, Druggists, on the corner of -Court nd Liberty Sts. Tel, 7. () Stop, look,-and listen to bur ap peal, if you are not absolutely satisfied with your laundry prob lem.. cU 165. Hand work our specialty. (j Dentists Tavor Opening - ?FreeCiinH in Salem i .- - : s ' " J '-, .The regular monthly meeting of the Marion-Polk-Yamhill County Dental society was held Friday -at The Spa. Following the dinner. Dr. Walter H. Brown gstre a Yery instructive talk on :The Health of the "Dentist." An important business meeting followed. After a short discussion on the establishment of . a free clinic, a 'motion was made and c&rried that the clinic be located at the headquarters of the Marion County Child Health Demonstra tion, under the supervision of Dr. Brunk. It was decided that a social- meeting be held next month and that the wives be invited. MELtON BOOSTS TAX -ANTE MOTHER NOTCH - - (CUm4 (root 1.) the, entire surplus, be applied to retirement of the debt. Mr. Mellon replied he didn't feel Ur would be fair 'to take' the Bur "plu -created largely by income tax Bayers j and - apply it on reduction of. the excise taxes, including the automobile and f admission 'dtles It would be difficult, lso, he said, ' to give , the smaller tax . payers Rreater credit because their pay ineats no w'were so small. This plan, he added, also would be pre Judiclal to the other tax payers. , The secretary did hot deny how ever, that he would just as sodn use the surplus toward retirement rtt the public debt, but added that the ' debt, which how stands at about $19,600,000,000.' would be cut' by vsel! over $5 00,00 O.eoo this year.-and he considered this suf fi-, 'With, a surplus of more than $.300,000,000,10 sight for this year and business? conditions, continu ing sound, the suggestion was oli tered that it would be safe to make; a -permanent reduction In taxes. But Mr. Mellon replied that it was ' ttnwiso to ; count : on Certain con tinuance prosperity, "declaring if there was any dlminnation it would "wipe out f the surplus and might necessitate a consequent? in crease In tax rates. Parker Co.. 444 S. Cdtameis -ciai. uon't fall to Bee Parker .ibout repairing your -car. Expert mechanic at your service. All work rnaninlMd ? It's Easy to Stop Coughing IfYoullTake SCHAEFER'S HERBAL COUGH ."SYRUP -. g. - 'V SOLD ONLY AT SCHAEFETTO DRUG STORK : ; & 135 North "Cointricrcial St. jhone 197-- Original Yellow Front "Gabriel Powder. & Supply Co., lumber, building materials, paints, and varnishes, roofing paper. Get prices here and 'make -a 'big sav lug. Office, -175 3. Com'l. ) Hartman Bros. Jewelry Store. Watches, clocks, rings, pins, -diamonds, charms, cut glass, silver-, ware. Standard goods. State at Liberty St. () SOCIETY r (Ctfirtiaaed trm pr 3.) stooped to -the regular grand standing methods to acquire of fice; that as a district judge be had been fair, considerate, sympa thetic, and held the love, respect and esteem of every "lawyer "with whom he had come fn contact. Others present were Dr. Morris of Salem, a nephew of Judge Mc Bride; Clyde Huntley, Internal revenue collector, Portland; Tom Tongue, also of Hillsboro; Gover-n6r-elecf Patterson, Senator Louis Lachmund of Salem, George Put nam of Salem, editor of the Capi tal Journal; William Walton, a banker' of Salem; Ed Bryson, law yer of Eugene; Arthur Clarke, Ralph Bos worth and Claude In galls of CorvaHia. ! After all had spoken briefly in praise of the judge and Mr. Pierce, the judge himself spoke feW words. , He said in his younger days there were ho roads here bUt Indian trails. His father was a doctor, and there were only thre? doctors in the state then. He had accumulated no riches as ordin arily understood, but, he added, "I nave acquired a wealth of friends that I wouldn't exchange for all the wealth you 'could pile up on this table." He pulled from his pocket a letter just received from the Masonic lodge at St. -Helens, congratulating him upon his birthday.- ;He has been a member of the lodge 54 years. Most Inter esting, however, was a letter from an Indian guide with whom the judge has fished and hunted. It was in the Indian language, and the, judge read and interpreted t to the xest of the guests. It ex pressed an humble Indian love and appreciation for his friend. The tables were handsomely decorated,' the centerpiece being a real fish pond with real fish and miniature fishermen sitting on the bank. On the judge's 1 0th birthday there will be two parties to which those present were Invited, George Putnam urging them to come to Salem as his guests, and Al Pierce renewing his invitation for 1927. Interdenominational Missionary Council Will Meet Today The Interdenominational Mis sionary council will meet today at 10 o'clock at the Evangelical chureh, corner of Liberty and Cen ter streets. Alt women interested in missionary JwOrk are invited to attend., A special flag will be given to the missionary society which has the largest per cent of its 'members present. A covered dish luncheon will be served at noon and each attendant is asked to . bring sandwiches, tone covered dish, trttd Individual china and sil ver... rTh& "program, which centers around an exchange of plans for missionary societies," is as follows: 10 . m. Devotional. Mrs. Vera Shattue; Vocal solo, Miss Naomi Phelps; roll call; symposium tin exchange of 'plans for missionary societies, $Irs. Ada Miller, Mrs E. O.-Shepherd, Mrs. J. F. tHrich. Mrs. J. B. Coo ley and Mrs. Js R Femberton;?open discussion, read ing, Mrs. Wl A. Guelfroy ; Our Re sponsibility ' for Rdral Communi- ies, Mrs. Emmons, discussion led jy Mrs. Roy Klein. . 1:30 p. m. Plans for helping he Japanese in Lake Labish dis- rict." Mrs. Johnson; open discus sion; vocal solo, Mrs. Earl Pear ly: reading, Mrs. Hester; foreign indents in Salem, Mrs. George 11. Mden. Teslie Can-Do's Plan Pof'Luck Supper The Leslie .Can;DoH -will spon sor pot-luck .supper dt . -Leslie A'cthodist church Wcdhesdayeve i.lng at 6:3tr o'clock. All members Attd their families are Invited, i-Aeh membor being, asked to bring t covered dish, sandwiches, 'plato, ct:p.and silver lor themselves and family. ! ' .-. Writers' Cliib Tonight Prof, and Mrs. Morton E. Peck will entertain the members of the Writers club , tonight at their home on Court street. OilES PIOGfil . SIBS ATEftPlTOL "Spangles" a Movie of the ' Circus Will Be Presented With Acts Pantages vaudeville and "Span gles," a circus picture, will be fea tured at the Capitol theater today and Wednesday. Margaret and Jean Strain offer a musical act in which the flute and 'other instruments are used. The llary Ann Wells dancers as sisted by Basilikey'Memou will ap pear in -a varied -program of dan-, ces and songs. . Maurice Caracas and Edythe Barker will do dances of the Ar gentine in a brilliant stage set ting. The Three Melvins will go through gymnastics that seem be yond human endurance. Leaps and catches are made that will astonish the audiences. Juggling is an art with Torino Who will present a routine of un usual manipulations. Samuel Totten will play a spe cial musical score during the showing of the film "Spangles" and Viola Vercler Holman, direct or of the Capitol orchestra, will offer a musical feature. . , White House Restaurant, 362 State't St., where hundreds of peo ple prefer to eat. All you want to eat for less than you can eat at home. Quality and service. Ira Ivyjorgeneen, 290 S. High St. Parts for all makes of ears. Best equipped auto accessory store m this section. Prompt and rell- abl service the rule. () Pioneer Trahsfer Man Dies Following Accident H. Whitman Cooper, age 66, died at a local hospital on Sunday, November 14, following an acci dent in which he received serious injuries. He had been a resident of Salem for 37 years and was well known. He operated one of the last horse drawn transfers. On the morning of Armistice Day his transfer was hit by a truck and a runaway ensued. In the runaway he received injuries, which at first were not considered serious, but later proved fatal. His 'grand son who was riding with him was practically unin jured. Hiram W. Cooper was born in Rome, Georgia on October 22, I860, and came to Salem 37 years ago. His wife, Sally Cooper, died in 1894. In 1898 he married tCora Whorley, who died in 1920. He Is survived by three sons, Batty Eliphelet Cooper of Salem, Jeffer son Davis Cooper of Philomath, ami Hiram By ran Cooper of Salt Lake City; and two step sons, Al bert Whorley of Newport and Adrian Whorley of Portland. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2:30 from the First Baptist church with Rev. Ernest H. Shanks in charge. In terment will be In the Odd Fel lows cemetery. The Marlon AutoTn"e rr t Studebaker, the world's greatest automobile value. Operating - cost small. Will last a meuine. -v,. Care. Standard coach $1415. ) , Slate surface roofing applied over your old shingles. We have oVer 200 -Jobn in Salem. Nelson Bros., plumbers, 'sheet metal work, 355 Che m eke fa. f () t C. A. Ju thy., 'Reliable jewelry store.- What you are looking for in Jewelry.- Where a child can bay ffj'sifely a? a man or woman. Your Most Insidious Enemy TVTOTmman aliment so quickly 1 ot surely undermines the constltstkHi schraoic Piles. A most vital nerve center is affected and reflex conditions are transmitted to all other ntrve centers. But science has prevailed over fhU dread icoorge. The Dean treat ments are recognised far and wide as the surest and safest cure known for Piles and othtr1 Cbton Md Rectal dkease. ' Bat to cfimtaate all doutx I win GUAR ANTEE Di WRITING to car your Pile or refund ytme fee Stad NOW fbr iy FREE 10O- PM book of facts. .f , , lOEAN.KD.lnc PORTLAND UrMCU; SEATTLE UrUUt. Or Ok on Bwildmo tmw Buid iimwiniLiM n..ointiu fin SULPHUR IS BEST TO CLEAN UP UGLY, BltOltEtf OUT SKIN -t-OV) VERACff Y f.iA'DE ISSUE H KALL-7.1ILLS CASE ; (Conttased from Page 1.) t the rector. Once, when she ;had described the pain she was suffer ing, she wrote: "Hold me eloae. Nothing -will cure me but that." - "How friendly our Eaaton Ave nue road looks." she said after writing "I get a new message of love every time you take off your hat" Iater she declared she was "so happy I could dance wildly." "No one understands me . but you," she wrote. "Of course I have never shown my true self to others." "Babyklns" was a word appear ing again and again as the read ing went on. "What a muddle we are 'in," was a plaintive note sounded. "You are a true priest and I am your physical Inspira tion," one letter read. "Yousee in me what you teach. Disavowal of claims to, beauty was made in a letter where she said: "I know I am not pretty," referring in the same letter to my 'scrawny skin." A reference to material things read: "If I am not blessed with material things, I have the great est gift of all, my babyklns.'! Mrs. Elsie Barnhardt, a sister of Mrs. Mills testified before the letters were read Into the. record that the choir singer in reply to a protest that she was -unwise in openly showing "her affection for the minister, told her that she did net care who knew It. Mrs. Earnhardt said also that Mrs.y Mills' declared she eared "more for Mr. HalTa little finger than for Jim's whole body." Tbia statement was repeated she said, in the presence of James Mills, the husband. Cross Meat Market. Biggest, busiest and best in Salem. Choic est steaks, bacon, hams, sausage, lard. epgs. milk. Absolutely sani tary. 370 State St () ,0. J. Hull Auto Top & Paint Co. Radiator, fender and body repairing. Artistic painting adds 100 to the appearance of 'your auto. 267 S. Commercial. (J Only the better makes of tires give ultimate satisfaction. Buy the best, which in the end is the cheapest. Malcom's Tire Shop, 205 N. Com'l. Tel. 539. () Wardrobe Trunks as low as $24.70 and as high as 185. 18-inch Cowhide Hand Bags with leather lining reduced from $8 to $5.00. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. () Baker- Superior Electric com pany opens store here. THREE CONVICTS HIDE IN CAVERN SACRAMENTO, Cal., , Nov. , 15.; . (AP) Three of California's noted burglars and -robbers under the leaders hiup of Lee Brennan, eluded guards today at Folsom prison, "Of which they are Inmates, and are believed to be hiding in the underground caverns in t$e lower prison quarry, where they were at Work. Warden . F. 'Smith is matching the craft of Brennan by doubling the guards at every possible exit from the quarry. Brennan, it is believed, is the hope of the trio in breaking the, jinx attending "quarry holdouts" who have been invariably recap tured, usually after untold hard ships and exposure, as they were attempting a desperate dash from their hiding places. ' Brennan was received at Fol som in 1922 after he had success fully escaped from San Quentin prison and in 1924 he hid in the quarry and was scaling the walls in the nearest to a successful at tempt at escape ever made by quarry workers when recaptured. Included in' the trio is Thomas Griffin, known as "The Owl", held by contemporaries as the most no torious bank robber in California fSan Quentin, February 15, lD2ij history. He la serving a term of county 'and Was first received at! from five years to life and was received .'from Fresno county March "1. "1025. William CBrlen, the third member of the squad is serving . a similar ' term for first degree robbery and was received from San Francisco county Feb ruary. 5, 1925. : "Brennan was serving a fifteen year term for burglary in Alameda 1 Today pANTAGEQ J- VAUDEVILLE and MARION WAT Bligh's Capitol Druggist's Daughter ! Gained 6 lbs, in 3D Day Only "Tears Old He Writes After sickness and when chfl. dren are run down, pale and weak,! nothing seems to help so much as" the vitalizing vitamins In McCoy'.! Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets ? Mr. E. H. Alvey, pharnait, 0;i Clinton, III., writes as foMr8: f check to balance account to date Also order for 12 doxen McCOY'S TABLETS. My little girl (7 years old), has Ue measles and was very much run bovn. We start eti her on McCOY?S and she ha gained 6 pounds in thirty: days The other morning - she and h mother overslept and Betty die not have time to cat breakfast be fore going to school. She catn home at noon starving and Baii have to get me up in time' tot breakfast or stop feeding; me "Mc COYSVr 1 Sixty sugar coated tablets fo sixty cents at J. C. Perry, u. j Fry and druggists everywhere Try them for 30 days and If the? do not help yoUr ailing child money back.- Ask for McCoy's. Adv. , Ahy breaking out or skin Irritation ori : face, week or !body is ovcrctwne quickest by applymg-Mctitho-Salphur,' says a noted akin specialist. Because of - its ?fcnn destroying properties, nothing has ever been found to take the place of this sulphur preparation that instantly brings case from the itching, burning and irritation. . 'Wenllio-Sulpljur heals eczema right tip, leaving the skin clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torment or disfigurement.. A little jar "of Rowlcs Mentho-Sulphur may be ob tained itany drug store It is wed like cold Vream. - To frrt Simptt llmS Tkii AdilriUtmtni la ST3NDfir?0IZO CASH STORES BEL edlF ood. Continues All This W eek Youll find just what you like here at this real food store. In canned food ypu will find displayed such items as young tender June peas, refugee stringless beans, red ripe tomatoes, tender sweet gol den bantam corn, asparagus tips, rosebud beets, fancy Hawaiian sliced and grated pineapple, Florida grape fruit, California lemon cling peaches. Really there are hundreds of delicious canned foods spe cially priced for this sale and in addition to all the canned goods values there are other features at this store that bring thousands here to buy. Bakery goods, government inspected meats,, fresh fruit and vegetables, new crop raisins, figs, Oregon prunes, Englishwalnuts, southern sweet potatoes. Oh! There's no eod to the gdod things to be had. Yes, and free delivery right to your kitchen. For delicious hot cakes , -J ; try Crown Hot Cake Flour 2 large packages 47c Pure Cane And Syruy Wlaple Y2 gal. size 4$H Golden Marshinallow Syrup Yz gal. size Quick Cooking Oats Large size package Fisher' Quality Oats 2pkgs.49c No. 10 Bag Cream Rolled Onto H1ARKET Swift's Premium Sliced Bacon Link From Young Tender Porkers Fancy Cuts of Tender Milk Fed Veal Lamb Chops and Legs, of Lamb, youftg and tender Choice Cuts of Young Steer For Steaks, Roasts or Boiling Pure Lard Freshly rendered from inspected .porkers ' 2 lbs. 39c Vegetables Solid Heads Iceberg Lettuce Large Stalks Crisp Tasty Celery Celery Hearts, Spinach, Cauliflower, Ripe Tomatoes, Young 'Carrots, Beets, Turnips, Well Matured Hubbard Squash, Danish Squash, Pumpkins, -solid -heads of Oregon Cabbage SveetPotatoss Are especially nice' this week at 6 lbs. Apples, 'Oranges, Cranberries BAKERY DEPT. These large g olden brown crusted loaves of freshly baked peaQ 2 for 25c The small one pound loaves sell at 3 -for -25c Maple Bars, Dough nuts, Cookies of many kinds fresh daily. Also many kinds of Cakes, .Cookies, Pies, Rolls, Brown Bread, Raisin "Bread, -Rye "Bread ahd French Pastry. Pure C. & H. Cane r 100 lb. sacks Eagle Brand Hard Wheat Flour Fisher' Blend Flour 49 lb. sack 2.15 Crown Unbleached r . Flour $2.10 Jelly Powder . Pure "fruit 'flavor v. - - .... j i. ( f . ,. 3p(cgc. 25 c - 1 . J - Seedless Raisins 41b.pkg.33c Snowdrift Shortening 4 lbs. 89c ?For better service "order" early in the week , There's no charge for delivery , -Phorieryour order if you like. Our numbers 455-456 ! ;. -v v rsft-t. - -; f i ' " 1 41 H i ' , v - - - ' ' " - - ,