THE OUKaQN'Si'A'iKSAiANrSALi.Airuui.uU.V t t I 3- FOR It F1XT A pmrt mem ta 23 Vl KSiKlIF-U APAETMF.NT. 2 ROOMS and kitchenette 1130 Oak. 23al I OR RENT. DUPLEX p.l N. Winter APARTMENT, , s 33atOtf FURNISHED APARTMENT 1335 STATE ; - : i 4 tuft RKNT I APARTMENT. I SLEEP- iz roow, 4'ts N. , Cottage. N chit drtn. 23a2S' ruK RKNT FURNISHED. 4 -ROOM apartment. 1335 State Et. 33Q23U FOR KEXT- Rooms 23 KO i M FOR K ENT GOOD DOWN-Hi4i- room, open .fireplace. Phone FOR RKNT House. 27 MOOF.KN lushed. PI V-K-ROOM 2sQ S. 23rd. HOUSE FDR 27nl7 SIX RiXIM I oration. MODERN HOUSE, GOOD Phone 1852-M. 271 SIX ROOM lll(.'8K, 318.00. 1SO.C1RE 4:k N. 2 1st. Phone 1231-M. 27nl7 FOR RENT SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, furnished or unfurnished, s Close in. Raoaable. Call 38 or 1187 J. 27nl7 I'oR RENT ON SHARES FURNISHED home. G7i a. istn. tan evenings ; . 27ul6 KOR RENT W-KOO.M MUUKKS ilUL'SK, paved atreel. garage. ion I'heniek eta St. ' Call Wednesday Nov. 17 only. 27nl7 4 ROOM HOUSE. CALL. 1704 PERRY m. 27nl7 Ki; RENT MODERN S-KOOM BUN 'jlow, furnished. , $4.0 month to right party. See CHILDS BECHTEL, Realtors 820 state Street 2714t FOR RENT Farms 29 KAKM FOR RENT NEAR SALEM. E. A. Khuten. Phone 1748-R. 2tnl8 FOR RENT Fine farm, 157 acre. 30 acre need ed, good buildings. Ideal stock or dairy .'arm. Stock and implements (or sale, r or particulars see ' CHILD ft BECHTEL. Realtors 320 State Street 29nl4tf WANTED TO RKNT 81- WANTED TO KENT FIVE ROOM modem lioiie. SALEM KKALTI.lXl. 404 Stat Phone 1004 31nl2tf SWAPS 83 WILL TRAIE PIANO OR ORGAN FOR o il. i simian nana eiurr, jj. r. 12th. ' ' 3:inl W A N T K I) M lrl Lauieo na 8S Wll.l. I'AY CASH FOR SAKE. 'nx 727 Statr.nian. WRITK a.'.nlit C1HI1I t . I SKIIVICEABLE ROW BO,.T 16 I ici-t lung. Phone 1245. .ijnlti- WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANO. Writ llux 727 StateHinaa. .' a.inlft riKXITCRK PACklNO rUK BrUP meats, Uieea-Puwsr ' Euraltnre Co. . . - SSaaOW WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB farm loans. W have several appttcn tioaa oa hand. Hawkina Koborta Inc. 305 Or roe ft t MAdl4t FOR SALE 87 SECOND 'HAND ELECTRIC WASHINU nufjiine. Ousranteed machines. V ib- A.Todd, 1U1 iwHigh. a7nl7 Vrini RLNTED CARDS, SIZE 14 BY 7H1N. wording. Rooms to Rent, ' price JO esnts earn. Siaiesmaat Business Office, jtreaad floor. 1'OTATOKR FOR SALE: 5e PER hAth, snd $..15 and $1.5. 1005 N. Hroau way. 37ul FOR SALE OAK COUNTERS, gllOn caieH. ' mirrors, ete. Coffey Studio, 2i4 X., Com'l. St. , ' 8T2 WALNCtS. CUT FLOWERS, PLANTS and shrubs at 1952 Court. 8716 TRESPASS NOTICE. SIZE 14 BY 0 IN. Printed good 10-oasoo eanvan, hear ing the words. "Notice la Hereby Otven That Trespassing la Strmtly rorbidUen on These Premise - Unaer PenaHv of Frosecation.' Priey 15a aaeh or 3 for aitaiosmaB) j-ud. vnv, pa tern, uro - - --. - .. -if a 7 an OR BALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 coata a handle. Btatesman office, Z 15 South Commercial St. 7j2tt I-X)R SALE LJTMtock 1 89 CtHJD . HORHE, I hone 73F.1. $20. Rt. 6, Bos 84. 3 9n 18 TWO FRESH COWS. . sey. Phone ttart.' HALF GCERN . - " 3nl 4TKKD W. LANUE, VETERINARIAN office 52 S CommerciaL Phone 1198 Kes. Phono lBO. ' . , Sm2atl " FOR SALE Coed team of ' work bones, weltTht , - 1500 pounds. Color, dark bay; age. about 11 years; with heavy work har ness. Uv price for quick sale. - WILLAMETTE VALLEY LUMBER CO. JDaJasJrenJnTJ WOOD SAWING 42 LET IIAM8 SAW YOUR WOOD. PHONI 2508 J. ' . 41O8-1017 CITY, AND COUNTRY WOOD BAWINO Alao eld boarda. rUker Bros. Phona JW19. 42 I at! WOOD FOR SALE 48 JB-IXCH BLOCKWOOD X75 load. 4 ivada $14. dry alab wood $4.50 load dry fir any length. , Chaa. Christen en. Phone 143. - 43nl6tf ivALEM TRANSFER FUEL CO. Los. a I and Long Distance Hauling Storage and FueL IS'd Trad tit Pbenex 538. 43s30P UOOD COAL DRY WOOD, PROMPT DELIVERIES. JirLLMATf FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. , V . ' ', - - 4j29t Best Q rade of Woqj3 Dry wood 4 f and lft-ineb.- -" reen wood, 4 ft. en 16-ineh.,' i.srge loads contain 197 cubic feet" mad eii foone. ' - - : J. -" tmall loads contain 128 cobic feet load ed loose. Large loa3s "are '"the cleaper " to" buy rder now and save money. Mill wood ia our;peialty. t I'r- mpt delivery and reaaonabte' price. Fred E..We 20 Saiith ChurtnV, tPbone. Ia4, - v . ," . 43a I Off CH MfLL WOOD FEB LOAD. $"2.7. . 16 in. 2nd fir' ner lead.- $4.00. 18 v tnc' nek eld fir bee load. 84.50. Prom ot delivery. TeL 831$. Tracy Fuel Yard i7 D street. 43u22tf 18-INCH OLD Fl RSKCOXD GROWTH oak and ask. Phone 73F2. M, D. May- field. IOULTRY "AND' EGGS 4i FOll SALE BARRED ROCK PULITTS and Rhode Island Red an B'ae' Mi norca hens. Flakes Petmnd, 213 State. - ' - ' ' - .-45ald FEW WHITE MIXORCA8 HENS AND P"'" for sale. Phone 83F15. 45nT MIc?CELI.ANEOlTS 'J 51 FCRMITfTRK ITPnOLSTERINO JIND BR pairing. (iieae-Powera'-irurnitnre tttare. . , : .,,:' - - T" AK20U IfONKT"- TO IAX . - or StS.Ooo TO iXi AX ON CITY PROPERTY. Sums to suit. . 1731 rare BUUtnat. .-, FARM LOANS L1FR INSURANCE COMPANY MONEY We after yon.i Very low interest rate. prompt; a lamination. Ijtiu-k closing ( ' loan. Liberal, repayment privilege. Cha. .Hudkiat, Room It over Millers' Store, Hal-, Ore. Phone '. : 57albtf RESIDENCE AND APARTMENT BC1LD ing loan at low rate, repayable like . rent and canceled it yen die. Ak about them. : A. C. BOURN 8TEDT. . "... ' Realtor, - Loana, Insurance. 14T No. Com'l St., Salem. Ore. ' 67n7tf MONEY TO LOAM ON SALEM HOMES, repayable $10. per month on each 1000 borrowed.' W. H. OKAbKNHORST CO. 184 Soitth Mrt St. 72.Str rKDERAL FARM LOANS F. U Wood. 34 1 tttato eit. 57oi7tf WAXTED LOANS 59 - WASTED: Private anon? to loaa oa REAL EST AT K. . W. II. GRABENHORST CO. , '134 8. Uherty St. i ; SOn5f BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 01 PARTNER WANTfcD IN MY PET store. Some capital required. K. B. Flake. 873 Slate. MlnlH REAL. ESTATE DIRECTORY 2 J. R. PAYNE Tel. 1519 -W. Salem, Ore. BECKE ft HENDR1CK8 189 S. High. . Tel. 169. A. C. BOHRN8TEDT 147 N. Commercial. Tel. 577 P. W. QEISER Telephon 23' 3 441 Court. W. Q. KRCEOEB 147 N. Com'l, En. 1. TeL 317 JOHN W. ORB New Bligk Bldg. Tel. S48S GERTRUDE J. M. PAOB 492 N. Cottsg. Tel. linn TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St Tel. 31 CI. RICH a ROBERTS 122 N. Ceui inert lal. Tel. 1394 VICTOR SCHNEIDER, ResrHor 147 N. Com'l. Plum 577 SWOARE DEAL REALTY D. 8. Nat'l Baak Bldg. Tel. 470 WELLS TAL1.MAN A SON 316 Mas, nie Temple. Tel. 818 REAL ESTATE 3 Own Your Home THE SALEM REALTY. XO. 402 STATE ST, HAS FOR SALE One good three-room house for $1100. One good four-room house 'or $150O. One good five-room hmiMt for $1750 Terms on sll (i.'inlltf LKASZ OR CALK New attractive little bungalow, 4 rooms and nook, fireplace, furnace, garage. Rents for $:l:t.M) per months. Sdl price $3600, t.alsnce easy terms. Rent can he applied en purchase price. Near the new linen mills. Another new 5-rooin bnnjralow nesr the new linen mills, less than 2 blocks, from the new theatre and htores. There is a garage, furnace, fireplace, all for $30 per month, or fur sale at $3500. balance easy tcrtnv BULG1N & BCLOIX 275 State 63nl4tf DAROA1N. -Seycn-room modern house, large garage, 'ruit and walnut trees, three hitn. vrell, windmill and tank; atso city water. A rest borne for ' $3566. " '. " " A 44 ACRE FARM sll under cultivation,' good ' buildings, eleetrie lights and wa ter system. Eleven acres cherry r rliard. two large hen houses. ,t rinse e $200 per acre and o will take part city property or cheaper farm. Thhs i an A-l farm located etoe to Indepenil-ent-e. NICE. THREE ROOM bungalow, plaster ed, close- in 011 paved street. $1500, . easy terms. GOOD 64 ACRE FARM for sale (j trade. One of the beet 400 acre farma ii. Polk county, u.odcin buildings, fine location for nale cheap; or trade for smaller farm or business property.' F.: 1 VD, GEO. F. PKKD, J. ... 341 i State St. . t3nl4t" SOME OF OUR MANY BARGAINS A beautiful country home near Sa . Jem. Fully modern, new house, fruit, nuts, . Jbearing. A bargain at $5,250. Will consider Salem property in ex changer. A nicety furnished modem house for sale. Good location, 6 room, $4000. Terms. For . rent cr sale. New 5-room house.. Very reasonable. Will trade. Choice -21 seres , adjoining goot town. Good 6 room house. I'r'ce $5500. .Will trade for hone in Salem. 10O aere farm east of Salem. In crops. Price $115 per acre. We bave several apartment for rent. ' t-l.RK'Il k ROBERTS, Realtora 122 N. Com l. Phone 1354 i i :in 1 H BUILT TO STAY-3 NEW HOMES. 4 to 7 rooms. Each has furnace, fire place, garage, laundry, eleetrie water heater, coils, hardwood; Pneea $4200 to $5500. Terms if desired. Beeke 4k lleadricka.n89 N. High street. 63o31tf LOW PRICED HOUSE BARGAINS $2700 $150 rash, 5 rtoms and bath, Fairmouat bill. $2H00 $200 cash. 5 rooms and bath, east froatr paved street, garage, fruit and walnut trees, on bus line, close to school. $3000 $150! cask and assume -paving, 7 " rooms and bath, full - basement, hearing fruit, close to school and car. $3150 Vi rash. 7 rooms and bath, full basement, east front, paved street garage, close to school and car. $3200 $141)0 cash, 5 rooms, bath and sleeping. porch, paved street, gar age, 3 -lots, close to all schools, n bus line. $3250 $500 cash, 5 rooms, bath ' and sleeping porch, basement, plaster , ed, gsrage. hearing fruit trees, .place in. good condition. $3250 -$ V)0 caefl,. 4 rooms, bath. fnll . . -basement, paved street, close in, excellent investment proposition, good, location f r garage or gro cery store. SOCOLOKSKY ft SON. 34 1 State Kt.l MINUTE MOVIES yoGcrsTtOB LtS T -VITUS BURG rOA , LJAAVID . CRACKPOT JF .jjfc- -V ; V x t rrrf V I ' ARDENT CjOLFER , invtrsTsi PHOSPHORS S ?OLF BALL FOR N16HT PtAVtHfi- r ALSO , PATENTED HEAD LVSHT AND TAIL UGHT FOR NOCTURNAL GOLFERS - ' FOLKS SAV THAT DAVID IS JUST AS, - APP;aS At HE. HAD 600D - SEN SE"w A f tut , A Uood Buy in Salem Home" i ' 1 Most sell S-room maiirra, well locat ed, home, -paring iaid, walking dis tance, close to achuoU. Price $2750 or fahttO all 'famished.- Terms. Lota on paved streets, a gof d Tilling station site. ' Rce Us For Home . VICTOR FlOllSElDER, Realtor Loans lauranee 147 No. Commercial St.' ' ; -1 ' 6.1nl4lf FOR BEST BARGAINS IV SALEM CITY HOMES. VACANT. lAtTA. C HOICK SUBCRBAN , ACREAKE JloMKS OR good dairy and grain ' fatana at fair price and go. d terms, see n.- Wo have an estenaWa list of over 200 city and farm properties (r fcala and exchange. Pleas submit year inquiries and, offerings to n at ve can likxly match your want satiafarterity. We are adding more properties to our for sale rnd ex-iantc list everv day. 8e WEI.Lt TAI.LMAN WIN 21 MeMtaw : Trmpie, Ph-ne ft ; r.3nt NEW MVfATION OUR BUSINESS lb growing. WHY 'Satisfied Service". WANTED ti room modern ' home that will accept Soldier's Ian. We have several client t who wish to Bat their loaa. - TitlANOLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court St. (j round Floor. " 3nietf FOR SALE , Jewelry etock. tools and fistnres. Good location, $3,000 will handle. Grocery store, corner location, doing good business. It will pay to investi gate this proposition. 35.41 arren g.tod mint land, water available for irrigation. Price $75 per aere. Tt-rnu. l'h oe 1714-W. 63a 14t SMALL IXSTALLMENT ACREAGE BUYS $ 20 dewn and balance $10 per month buys 26 acres of first eloas walnut, filbert or fruit soil located close to Shaw, all cultivated land. Price $1600, interest 6. $ 10 down and balance $10 per month buys lb acres near Skyline orch ards. Price, $1250. $100 down and halaru-e $10 per month hays 5 acres located south of Sa lem, close in, some fine 'timber. Price 1254. $.",00 d wn and l.a'aace terms buys 5 acres locateiLclose to Salem Heights store. several acres of cherries. Price $1500. $100 down and balance $0 per month buys 5 acres of fine dark, rich prairie soil, all cultivated. Price $1550, interest t','t $ 50 down and balance $10 per month -buys 5 acres all cultivated on the Garden road, just east of the Swe gle school. Price $1500. $ 50 dewa and balsnce $10 per month buys 4 acres located east of Salem, not far from Swcgle school. Price $1000. $ 50 down and balance $10 per month buys an acre all in bearing cher ries located south of Salem, just outside city limits. J'rice M00, in terest 6. $ 25 down and balance terms bnys 2 acres not far from the fair grounds. Price '$875. interest 6',i. $ 25 ikwn and balance $7.50 per mnnOi buys a block of- land containing eight lots 50 by 100 feet each. Prire BOO, interest -Cc. $ 25 down and batanre $10 per month buys a fine building site on the Pacific highway located' north. Price $fl0(l, interest If it is a small installment- acreage that you are looking for, see VV. U. GRABKNIIORST as CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. t:inlt 80 acres 12 miles oast of Cottage Grove. 4 room house, barn, family or chard. 4 mile to school, 3 miles to high choL $1000 mortgage. What have you to exchange for the equity. 9 room home, large corner lot. naved street, 5 bedrooms, extra plumbing, shade1 and fruit trees. 7 room home, plastered, garage, pav ed street, fruit, $2,050; $500 will handle. BERTH Zt'EHLKK. 671 K. Capitol St. Phone 2 166-J 63nlUf EINE-iliW-4tOUSK-JU8T BEING COM pleted. 1 double constructed, fully plumbed, built-ins,, electric fixtures, fear rooms and breakfast nook, bath, connecting ball, closets, with one-half acre fine garden land, enough to al most support a family, located n pave men just outside city limits. All city conveniences but no city -taxes. $320o Small down psyment, balance like rent. Carle Abrams, . 1405 Chemeketo. St Phone 1894-J. ' C3s26tt LOOK AT THESE A good ranch 101 acres, 40 acres under cultivation,- balance brush' on pavement near .Jeff ersew. new chicken house. 20xH0, good seven-room house, good hnrfl and outbuildings, price $10o per acre. : Mtitgef4.fHMr. -- Trade cHity for Kalept property and assume .Good - flat in ; Vancouver Wash., $7.5oo. mortgage !.700. "Want going chicken ransii and- will hssnme. Set us foe fire insurance. JONES ft KIRK PATRICK U. S. Hank Bldg. Phc ne 910. ' 63nl8 WHY PAY RENT . New 4 -room bungalow, garage, paved St.. 30D0. Will take small acreage. New 7 -room all modern English type Bungalow close in, $5750, easy terms. Large lot N. Salem new bldg., 1 by 32 ft. $6oO easy terms. "New 4 room stucco bungalow $2500, raI t'rnjs or" take car. y: 3 suburban homes for residences. PERRtNR -MARSTKKS 2t2 Gray Bldg; 83nlltf SOMETHINO THAT DOES NOT HAPPEN .EVERY DAY A bunch of lots in north Salem reg ular price $ 850. reduced te move quick to $1000. A big square 8-room nouse. 4 rooms down, 4 rooms up. gn.d -condition out side, plastered inside, needs reisirs. A mortgage took it for $2000. for cash yon can get it fo r $1800 with an ex tra lot to bo t. rf lOO acres god pasture land ad joining the, Sactiam fish hatchery fac ing the paved highway on one side and near the Santiam on the other. Fishing, 4-room house and barn. Thia tJ1600P a',0 For c"n l The above are cash deals Only. P. W. GEISER 441 Court St. Phone 2312.. . 63nlltf WE HAVE MOVED TO THE GROUND location at 421 Coort street, so that we can serve you belter. NEARLY NEW BUNGALOW 4 rooms and bran k fast nook, fireplace, Dntch kiichen. full cement ,basemeht, furaace. laundry trays, garage, paved street, cement walks and drive. Thia is : a weltr built home -ana" has every convenience. OXLY $3780, KA8V TERMS. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court St. ; OrVtnnd Floor. . . t - 63nltf RKA I, ESTATE UM&URG. SWlTZ. " . . AT THE ANNUAL. rlEET m OT-THE AMALGAMAT ED ORDER CT CHEESE RESOLUTION IS AtOf"lEt If AVOWING BGGZft AND BETTER HOlfei W 5WISS CMEEStrS, ALSO A NATiCyH AL C44CE5E VMEEKTb BE KNOVvN AS "CHEESE. WEEK" . t IS - T'-v ( LOSE IN HOUSES 6 room keen, targe tot f700. tl-rooaa bouse, basement, furnace, throe garage $4600. . Apt. haueo all fwmished fSAOA. -Apt. haaaa. all furnished $ld.OOO. -room house, $2 luy. . 10 .acres. s room nease. bar, S -12007. '-.." - - i. A- 3 . acres all 4 te fralt. 8 -room house.- basement. $54HK. 7 . r li t on alley north front $3000. iS ' I.t auvrth frosit $23541. - ' We write fire and auto insurance. OERTRUDF. J. M. PAGE, Realtor ' - 492 N. Cottage St. 3ntf INVKSTMKNTS--lHiN'T WAIT ' liONH- er tw-iVCTt in Salem.- vVe have I houses, lots, bnsinesa property and tracts for sale blw the markrt. In vestigate. Income properties sure-tot lucrease ia .value that wilt net yeas t lo t to start Beeke Hendricks. -189 N. High street.' 3e3lU NICKV . ROOMY HOMELIKE PLACE with lota of shade, fine fruit, grape and nata, 7-room plastered house, hase meat, fireplace, bath. 3 big low, ga- rage and poultry house. our blocks to street car. neai new Tuxedo park. erbl.- Will doable in value in abort time. $3800 terms. t,49 Rural ave nue. W. C. Conner, cwner. Statesman office. 307rf LOTS LOTS Buy now and double yonr money by next spring. We have some real choice resident s.tes, priced right. $ 4(H) N. 4th, paving paid. ' - - $ 550 2rd St paving paid, 2 lota for - $1050. $ 150 Lot in Brooklyn addition. $2000 Two fine lots Fairuiount Ad. $ 250 Fine b t Marlon St 700 te. Winter, paving paid. $1250 Close in N. Winter, snap. $1250 Fine 5 lots. N. Church. For Best Buys in Lots See CHILDS k BECHTEL Ral ors. 320 State St. 63nl6t( PROTECTED LOTS NORTH IN Dis trict of fine homea. $475 to $700. Becke Hendricks, 189 N. High atrert. C3o31tf ANY ONE WITH $10 OR MORE TO spare can invest in Ealem. We have decent lots within 12 blocks of seat off ice as low as $125. siecke 4t Hen dricks. 189 N. High Street. t,3e3 tf FOR TWO OLD PEOPLE OR FOR AS two we have a house just finished that will make yonr dreams eme true. Let us shew you. Some Morning Side tracts have a street on both sides. When you buy one tract you can build two homes on it. Terms $.25 cash $15 per month-. We desigu, build and help finance the home. - Bring in your trades for Silvertnn and Portland. We have a branch of fice each place. P. W. GEISEU 441 Court St. Phone 2312. CSalltf BEST BUYS IN HOMES P.cautiful home. Court St., $7000. Beautiful new up-to-date bungalow. 6-room. bct residential district of the city, (Trice cut to 5r)O0, only $1500 cash down. Close in m item bungalow, a rooms one block of high school. Price cut to $42o wi'h fu.niture, $1500. terms. $1000 il-room plastered house. $ l.'t.iO 4 room plastered house. -$70o a room house, garage. For Komea See CHILDS BECHTKL, Realtors 820 State Street tiUnltit' FOR SALE LOTS, LOTS. LOTS i . $950 buys a close in lot on Division street. $1100 buys a close in lot on n rth Liberty street; terms. $1200 buys a 'ine creek lot. close in; terms. $500 buys a fine lot on Rural ave nue; $25 down. $10 per month. $500 bnys two fine lots on south 12th strict, $10 down If it ia a lot that you are ! okiug for aee W. n. GRABENHORST ft CO., Realtors 63010 3 acres Salem Heights beautiful place, trees, creek, some bearing wal nuts and eherries.. $1800. 68 acres, alwjut 16 acres fruit and berries,, good, improvements.-, ail. .SPder cultivation except one acre timber. $7500.. Will take city property part payment. i h acre; close in, new house,, priced right at $4200. Will exchange for property in Texas or Oklahoma. 638 acres, one ef the finest t-ck farms in Polk county. 200 acres in cultivation. 4 M. saw timber, creek, spring and well. 4 barns, cood ten room hense, near school, $30,000. ' WlJfXIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor . 175 S. Hizh Street . 63nl4tf ' LOOK - - A. fine "itle farm of 20 acres, most all cultivated, good G room house, me fnrit $4oX, -wiif exchange for Salem property. 2-acre jhome close., in, a snap for a few days, $3600. Nice new home 'en paved street, price $3000, will trade for close in tract, will pay some cash difference. 6-roma- - pmstered bouse, good location. $1011 down; 5 room cottage. $20O. Apt. house clear te trade for. small farm. If you bave anything te trade, see THOMASON. 320 State St. With Childs ft Bechtel. 63ul6tf gbjsate8t trading organization on the pacific coast We have over 30O0 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property every price, every location. We can match yonr exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODAY. 8e K GASK ILL ft EARLK. Realtors. IM S. Liberty. Phone 2242. y 63ml2tf " SPECtAL $4800 for a modern 6-room stucco bun J. galew, garage, paved street, ete. . . -$750 will, handle. $3500, for a modern 4 ro-tn stucco bun galow, garage, paved street. $200 will hsndre. $2400. for ' a 6 room cottage H block from .'Stste ' street. $200 will handle. $4600 for a 6 room modern English style bungalow. Teems. $2750 for a 6 r om furnished home, large lot. $300 down. 9 600 for-a' bungalow 16x20, lights, wa . tor and toilet. $50 down. Money to loan on city property. MELV1N JOHNSOX 109 S. Commercial St. Phone 558 8Snl4 KKKKKKKK KKKEKK KKKKKKKK K Strictly modern home erni pletely furnished located at 555 N. 20th St. Prire $500 $500 cash, balsnce -monthly. K K K K K K K X For GOOD VALUES see V KKUGKH Realtor - 147 X. Com'l St. ; Phone 117 KKKKKKKK KKKK'KK KKKKKKKK 5ESlKtN-3. HU&E MAMMAL IS FX30ND',WArAEt -ASHORE DURlHfr STDR'MSO STORES ARE CLOSED r CHt0OLECMSEJ AMD EVERVBOO HAS A NrVHALE Op REAL. ESTATE rtFL. ESTATE DnMRABI.E CORNER OS MILL CREElw. 1721 t hi-meketa. ti3nl4tf NEW HOMES FOR SALE $5700 new modem room horn ocatel " a paved - near ParriaJt " arhdul, $2,tMo - raah. balance '.- terms. .- . $4000 new 4 room home, modern ia ev-ery- way located, on D street near 15th. - 3tH dbwn and balance easy terms. Will be ready to oeropy ea days. e-oo new 4 room modern home with j - oreasiast noon, garage, basanieat. furnaee. fireplace, oak floors axd - finished stairway to larse attic. . Paved street, lot 56x105. $.VhI down, balance easy terms. $5500 new 5 room modern koine, with large attic, located on Saginav. - ,Wlf -s cash, la:anr lrra. $4040 nw 4 room Kngash style home w.h nodt. Htodern in every -d-tii. Lncnled on 1 7th street near t en ter, f .loo down liilanrr fjr terms $3ftftO pumVib 5 nusii home -ith base ment, furtia.' and fireulare gar ase, paved street, immediate pos session. $lr,00 rash and balance easy terms at B LET US WRITE VOL'Tt FIRE INSURANCE W. If. CR VBENHORKT CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 . 63nl6 REAL ESTATE TRADES 63 ONE OF THE VERY. 51 EST SMALL dairy ranches consisting of 22 acres and located on Pacific highway, very well improved, s.ocked and equipped, with crop all in. for $5500 and will take some pr perty in exchange. Bet tee look thi up as it is a real bargain. See SALEM REALTY CO. No. 4.:2 Mate St. 6.nl4tf WILL TRADE ..75 acres of goodland, 50 acres in cultivation. 0 acre Ijike LabUh Beav erdam land, (rood 7 -room house. Wilt take Silverton. Salem or Portland propery ia trade up to $8000.00. 5 J acres. Haxelgreen district, 6 acres strawberries. 2 acres loganberries. 2 acres orchard, 7-room house, electric light, water system, bsth, toilet, etc. Want 5 acres close in. What have you f RICH L. KITIMANN. Realtor. 14 N. Commercial &'. Salem, Ore. Phone 865. . r..rinHtf REAL ESTATE Farms C7 "We Specialize in Oregon Farms' Yi u will find our farma all priced right, some less than their value and We will prove that they are good buys. Some irrigated. Suited for berries. fruit, flax, grain, mint, truck or Kiul- try. Some wonderful stock and dairy farms: also trader. VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor. Loans Insurance 147 No. Com'l. St. 6?nl4tf REAL ESTATF, Suburban 69 WALNUT AND FILBERT LAND 1., trarts of five acres up. Some trees just beginning to bear. On paved high way, 1.'. minutes from Salem A. C. P.OHKXSTKDT U.iltor, l.nars. Insurance. 147 No. Com'l St., Salem, Ore. 69nl ltf AUTOMOBILES WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FOliOS E1KEK AUTO 77ml2tf USED CARS FOR SALE 79 lf2:i DODGE TOURING IN BEST OK condition, looks and runs like a new car. Ford Roadster, delivery box on rear, $411. Foril Touring car. $40. Chevrolet Touring, starter, top, bat tery, tires aud motor gO"d. $75. Several Late Model Coupes and Sedans. NEWTON CHEVROLET C4. Opposite City Hall. Tel. 1000. - . 79nl6tf - Big - Fat Juicy Turkey w'lji every used autnmcbile sold before Tbaiiksxrving - Day, Nov. 25th, 1926. . Hudson sedan, 1 passenger, beautiful upholstery, new paint, fonr extra tires. Hudson coach in excellent shape. Gardner touring car with new Duco , Jjnish. good shape. - " Oldsiaobiltt sedan, looks like new. excellent rubber. . j. Willys-Knight roadster, onr" new tire, mechanically g" od; California top Ford touring, new paint, good rubber Chevrolet S-iort teuviniT, dandy buy. Ford touring "$U5. Ruirk 4 touring, bargain. Overland seden, new paint, fine tires. Star coupe, newly painted and in good shape. Ford sedan, late model, finished in Duco, overhauled. Essex at low price. Ford roadster. Jewett sedan Nash cars refintshed in Duco. A fine TURKEY' will be given to the purchaser of every used auto mobile sold by this company, be tween this date and Thsoktgiving day, November 23th, 1926. These splendid offerings will be appre-- eiateil by the m st diwriminating used car buyer. Many ot the au tomobiles have been thoroughly overhauled and reconditioned and a number include new Duco- 'iuish appLed by our own expert who does no other kind of painting. Avail y.inraelf of this opportunity to obtain a fine used automobile and a TURKEY for Thaukagiving. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 North Commercial Street Phone 1260 CADILLAC NASH "After We Sell We Serve" 79nl4tf Valley Motor Co.'s Every-day Bargains Always Price Right. Tudor Sedans, $115 to $150. Why not ride in comfort. Trade the old bus with its trouble some flapping curtains for one of' these. Tourings with starter $85 to $100. These have been recon ditioned but are not guaran teed. 1926 Conpe $465 l3t Coupe $340 Doth f these cars bear the Ford guarantee Triangle. Ford Business Is Good Tfn7tf PACHSHUiSD, ? HERRTCvNNlCK , riOTED SCIENTIST' . Discovers mew SERUrA FOR TALLEN ARCHES WHICH WILL NO DOBT rKOVC A BOON TO FLAT- - - l he ask-Afhv twl 1 FOOTED HUMANlTy .1 AH. MATED CArroq.ri I A POPULAR - LOUD . SPEAKER. rEn OAR.H FOR HALE T We Sell You Service AND NOT A REPAIR BILL ' Hartey Davidson. 1945 Motorcycle.' Many extras .., i, ... $225 Maxwell Tearing. .1924, in nice shape, new paint i..; ....$475 Maxwell 4 pa. Conpe, new paint, valves ground $595 Star Townng. 1925. late, balloon tires, run 8ooO miles . $550 Overland Champion. 1924-1925. owned by private party . w $40U Ford Touring, good paint, motor 8d' $185 Chevrolet T nrmg, 192-1, just o..t f paint shop, valves ground, bear ings taken up $295 Velie Touring, 1920, Duco paint n otor O.-n.. $28.'i llupiaol.ile Touring. 1923 model. balloon tires fSOC IUl!in Touring, 1925, 4-wheel brakes , 885 Tbr- go d sedans, ready to go and the price is O. K. 1 t-on ford Trues- ..- $35o OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY Certified Public Motor Car Market Phone 885 and 882 S55 X. Church. ?9nl8 Do You Remember Last week's Ttuick ad They went fast- Price right cir belter We Now Have: 1 CADILLAC SEDAN P e r f e c t shape real bargain. 1 MAXWELL SEDAN. 1 1m.1GE TOURING. 2 DOiHiK COUPES.. These Jrs Are All i'rirrd Below .Market Otto J. Wilson 3H8 X. Commercial Salem, Oregon 79nl" Attention ALL PRICES CUT USED CAR BUYERS READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT Marmon touring, a real buy. W ili Knight aedan. new paint and rubber J Willys-Knight tourings 2 Overland tourings. 2 Cleveland touriiijra. Studebaker sedan Moon tennng. 2 Maxwell tourings. Overland roadster. Star touring. Drt touring. PRICES KKOM $35 TO $1000. Our price's on the above listed cars are most reasonable ever oiieied u fore, all have been reconditioned, many bave new paint and rubber MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage and Ferry Sts. Phone 4-10 Open Sundays and evenings to 8 p. m. MARMON WILLYS-KNIGHT WHIPPET OVERLAND. In4tf PACKARD OLDSMORII.K Two of the Best MR. USED CAR BUYER Packard 226 five-pass, sedan. Packard 126 five-pass. Touring (Sport.) Dudge Rsainess Coupe (good rubber new paiut.) Hudson Coach A-l, Rubber, lot of extras. Oldsmobile DeLuxe Touring, late model, excellent condition. Oakland T' urine, late series, lot of extras, gooil rubber. Chevrolet C,-npe, a lot of real value here. Ford Coupes, Roadsters and Tour ings, we have several of these. Xever before have we had such a complete line of good used cars, and prices so reasonable. Come in look them over and get our prices. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Capitol Motors Inc. Biddy llishop. Al. Roosseau. ; PHONE 2125 350 Xo. High St. TWO OF THE BEST PACKARD. OL DEMOB ILK. 79n9tf GOOD'WILL OAKLAND SAYS: It is easy to cet what you want in a good, used car by following our sug gest .on. Trade your 'car 'in on a slightly used Pentiae coach or coupe. The dif ference you will pay will be less than the upkeep on your old car. - Our 1924 Oakland glass enclosure will giv.e you. Sedan satisfaction. Yon. will be surprised' at the little differ ence mi price between yonr car and this Oakland enclosure. . -If yonr Car need overhauling, trade il in on our completely reconditioned 192.1 Gardner t uring. It may cost you less "than a repair job. There is comfort, economy and satVs 'action. iu our 1924 Overland sedan. Your, .touring car plus' small payments "'enable you 'to- drive in pleasure the year around. A smooth running- Maxwell roadster with a new snort paint j h, new tirn.. is better than buying paiut, tires and repairs for your car. You will make, money by trading your car in on our reconditioned 1924 Ford coupe. See our 1921 model tudor F-rd se dan, new paint. 95 new rubber, motor completely overhauled, jret our price difference between, your car and this - one. Our pjint department is putting out a 1926 Ford roadster in a two tone sp rt job. . We welcome trade-ins sf any kind. -. , We have several other cars that will perhaps suit yod better than, what you are now driving. VlCK BROTHER -"The House That Service Bailt" Phone 1841 280 High St 7nl6 PROTEST TAX VALUATIONS Representatives of the Coos Bay Water company, Northern Pacific Railroad company and the K. P. Timber company, with holdings in Columbia and Clatsop counties, appeared before the state tax commission here Monday and pro tested against their valuations for the year 1926. The tax levy for the year 1927 will; be based on the 1926 property valuations. : -, yo . t'A .iitf M I .. ., ' .-. . L-eT-'- It- : yZrJ I f -T fk ' I CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Of RrlUhle BsmIbm sukI rrfestnlostjU Ftrma Amd la) Alphabetical Order for' Quirk Refereaoe ATJCTIONEEXa F. N. Woodry The Wpodry everybody known. Cask' paid for ased furniture. Boa. end store 1610 N. Summer St. Telephone &11 II. F. WOODRY ft SOX. 271 N. CO L St.. furniture store. Bargains in furni ture of all kinda. -Agent for Lang raagee, beat made. - Also anrtioaeera. t ACCOUNTANT U. Kb. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Aad . iter. 331 Va State. Phone 2098 R. - - a!7-'26 BATTKBT AND ELECTBICIAHB B. D. BARTON EX1DK BATTERIES. Starter and generator work; 202 Booth High. Wiimso Phone 19$ COURT ST. JOE "WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA, Bl- ryrlrs and repairing. 37 Court. CHINESE REMEDY YICK SO HERB COMPANY. ESTA fi nished 1908. i. H. Leong, Mgr. Phone 283. 420 Stat St. Upstairs. Oaotl CHZBOFBACTOB DR. H. B. SCOFIELD. P. S. Oregsm bldg. Phone 2194. C, 828 DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Phone 828 K. or 87. HEhtSTTTCHTNO HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING, BUT tons and pleating. Room 10, ever Millers. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS PLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSr wiring by hour or contract. Estimate furnished. Phone 980 171 Court St FARM FAPEB IF YOU WANT TO 0KT THE BEST farm paper send five 2 cent stsmps to the Pacific Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a three m ntba' trial subscription Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND tfGHT TWO cent stsmps for special three months' trial for the beat and oldest Joarna. in the west. The articles and ndver tisemeuts are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com tnercia! street, Salem. Oregon. POR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. Trust Deeds. Contracts, oa nouses Will pet 6 to 30. BECKE ft HENDRICKS Hailig Bldg-. 189 N. High EL iltf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money on city residences and business property, at 04',t, plus a commission. Hawkins ft Roberts, Inc., 205 Oregon building. d-14tf FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, dece rat !. C. F Breitkaupt, florist, 512 State St. Pbone 880. IN SUB AN CB LOANS, REAL ESTATE, -GENERAL 1K atirauee. W. W. J.AFL-AB, 410- Orsgoi. Bldg. ..... ' Insure Yonr home or tar- now - Phone 111- v . BECKE ft-HENDRICKS iieuig mug.. i,B.N. nign st. jt-tf LAUNDRTES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Th$ laundry 'of .pure materials." Telephone . 65, . ' , Broadway. THE NEW 8ALEM-LAUNDRY THE ".W'ElDER ".UAUNDRY Telephone 5. . - -3C3 S. High.. TRY .THE HOME WET WASH LAUN-dry,- Phone 171, IgGtt-t street. 17tf LADrxi . TAIXmXJHO D. H. KOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN and women. 474 Oonrt St. MATTKESSESS MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co.. 1190 North CapitoL Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed.. Phone 19. f!9tf HEDI0AX. FOUNTAIN - BALM COUGH BXMIDY Phone 5I7-W. KUSIO STORES GEO. C. ' WILL PIANOS. PHOXO grspbs, sewing maeaiaes, sheet, music and , piano studies. - Kepsinag pheno- . raphs and sewing msckines, 432 Stste street, Salem. BXWSPAPE&S THB PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency, The Ace. Tel.. 939. THE "OREGON 8TATE8M AN. 50 CENTS per month delivered te yonr home early each morning. Tel. 33 or 583. . NTJBSEBT STOCK . FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros.. 178 S. Commercial. rAFEBHAVODfO AND PATNTINO PHONE , GLENN ADAMS FOR HOU8K decorating, psperhaaging.. tinting, etc 'Reliable workman,- . ' -' - : - j in mil i mil in anaiwcii n iuujjh pacxxvo Airs sHTPrara FOR EXPERT FURNITURE . PACKING nnd shipping.- call ' Cliff's ' Furniture Store. Phone 941.' .TtAJTO TV71TE88 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders WiU'a Music Store. By Ed Wheeliui PICK-UfXtAY COULD M?VE THE EREAl VbUR WJIHfJ? J-JAKE, wC-: yESsANDl WISH COULD MWE.THE ZOU6H VtoUR' FATHER USED TO' MAKE - V OLDfl SM fol4) GlOC, 1 r -kcm tftn 4h- 1 PIANO TUNES THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER, NOW at the Portland Maaie Co, $51 N. High Have year piano tuad by one who ha , had yeare ef experience In the. work. BaStf rRIMTTMO FOR STATIONERY, CARDS. FAB PH. lets, programs, books or any kied ot printing, emll et the Statesman Priat iug Is pan meat, jii a, Vwssaaerctnl. Tel. ant. : FLUhtBTJSO ', PLUMBINO AND GENERAL REPAlIt work. Ore her Brntw, 154 ' 8. Liberty Phone S50. - ' v - flWtt BADIO Radiolas ' Fo Every Parpeee Every Pnrss All SUadard Slsos et Radio Tshea HALIK ft EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP 337 Court St. Pbone 488. REAL ESTATE IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SKLL or if you are looking for home, tarns, or business property, see as. BECK E ft HENDRICKS . ' 189 N. High St.. Heilig Bldg. JStt REAL GROUP INVESTMENTS Cloae-in income property In Salem.- In creasing in value. 10 to 20 per cent by abundant comparison. Any amount from $100 , bp. Many pleased to . realise pottxi bilitlea of united investments. HARRIS, MaMmlc Bldg..: Tel. 218, 2440J- SECOND HAND GOODS BUY USED MEN'S CVOTHING, JEWEL. ry, uuna. Tools, uteyeiea. star .t cbange, 324 N. Oemmereiat. phone S56. s O. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH iox and shoes. Boat price paid. Cpt tai Exchange. -34i North CwsaaiercieA Phone 13etVW. STOVES AND STOVB REFAlKINa STOVES FOB SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. . All kind of wov en wire fence, fancy and plain. Hop baskeia and hooka, logan hooka, Salem Fence and Stove Works, 254) Cvaft St. n i i TAXIDEMCST TAXIDERMIST SHOP. F.. E. W lo gins. Prop.. 1143 Norway. Neat Woodry's Auction Market. Tel. 2261 Vf. TTmrrawe TEANXFEE AND HAULING TRANSFER AND HAULING OF A La, kinds. r"B ae 72 P3. WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSB hold goods. Our specialty is piano mat furniture moving. We also make, eoaai try trips. W handle the best coal aid wood. Call oa as for pneea. We giw. good measare, good quality nnd- sel service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone Wt CAPITAL CITY TRANSFEB).CXJ. 324 State St. , Pbone 934. Dslributing forwardmf and storage og specially . Get our rates. -" - WELZ. SBXXUMd B. ' At.., WEST,' RT"- BOX 103-Al TOO tit 1 1 OFS,- 2 miW st errden -nd SALEM. AVltE'K, tlQHT POWER c Office i so Booth: CnavbssreHal St. Tel jny cent diacoant-eo dweatle f let pkid in ndVinee,' Kd -deddetfant for ah scare 4- any tanaeVnUse etaur is 'yah s. Safvdy-'--,-8sft'i4'Conrrortahly .in .bussed of th, rrlSf Linee. ' Stage, Leave, tofrrl . . - . , , . feifvert-in 7 sr ta ll t7 I pnm. .hasttHll esn,,.p,pnv -.D.lla7 h. ni.. 9 a. jns. 1L:2 a. m, 1 Falls -Olty--T. k.'Vns"tV0.ei. . nt In4ephdhee-n7 S-4S 1. gu ll:sV ). nt S:ie p. tpi 5tl a. as. punoay onty ;U'p(-n. th T a. mTljtXi ' ev nv -nt, :ll p. inw Sunday only, vUIe 1:1 a,iss. 3;l0 p. as. m onmoe o- 8flO p.H v V hfeMmdvUIe 5:15- .-am. ' Newbergw 8:30,n.' au .:10 p., av, 5:i5 p. m. Tniamook 8:30 n. m 2:10 p. m. Call 333 or - 696 for information. . . d28tf STATE .WARDS INCREASE ' OF lS8TlTtTKXS '' " .- - ''. -.mi it - - . - OLYMPIA, : Wash.V Not. 15. (AP)-Cennns 6f 13 iitste Institu tions including- hospitals for th tpgane, the blind and deaf, old soldiers, homes, .boys' and girln. training achoola od the state pen Herniary, by tbe- department of Idieinesa control odny, showed ft total of 7371 Inmates for the 12 Liontha epdlq'g.afpL.30 This is an Increase qt 543 , over, the -census ot 19 . 'ry j ,v ; There is. an average yearly, in crease of 25 ; 'said -Director O. L Olsen. -: . '1 i v - . Mr.. Slater, is huildtnc new , ben house on the Beat-farm whch he recently; purchased.. We un derstand that be Intends to go into ; the chicken ; business rather ex-' tengiyely.: ' f, v- - 's Mr. AOenby hay traded his farm for : "large "shieep .rshcli near Klamath 'Falls arjd r. be ' expects to move hJs f amily 'to 'atem soon. . -jMr. CHfferJoee rt73 North Commercial 'has, ' pnrclaased the prager ,farm iiv TPrfngie district and tH tqove on tQ the. place soon with his family, ; i-i f Mr., T,' E. MeelHf and 7. M. Co burn d rove to Can by Sunday. ? - Miss Erpie "Meeks of O. A.J C. spent the week end with home foIXS. ;:';'-,;' .,-- ; Mr. Alexander has repainted his ''.fi' " - . : -';-. ' Mrs. Ida Stewart, who Is recov ering fr'om the effect of recent accident,' entertained quite a num ber oxsllers Bundayx . The sttendance at Prtngle Sun day school last jgundaywas St...' ; X;. '". . U . mi ' ", '. :.' -c ( .The Britbh House bf CommoBS Is well provided with 1 tnediral members nd ealj fora doctor In certain Jo-bring, a. number c? .IL- Ps to their feeLT v v i A .1 i t - i ( ii 1 1 ,' " -fri 4 AAAA ' '"ji . A V 4 A ft A A V. -V.KS. sdh. A 1 L...,a,,a,s,.s,4ka itvim 4 uttntttttnttH4J1nUiil):;;;;i l i V 5 i J; J i 2 f ) I kA