The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 16, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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Mr. Collins Visits Parents :
Mr. Nellie Derbr Collins, who
Is employed In the Multnomah
county assessor's office at Port
land, Tlslted her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank N. Derby of this city,
over the week-end.
Medical Society Meets
The Marion-Polk-Yamhill Medi
Vpciety will hold its regular
meeting at the Gray Belle Tuesday
right at 7 o'clock. Dr. W. F. Pat
rick of Portland and Dr. W. W.
Allen ot Mill City will be the
principal speakers. Dr. J. Back
strand and Dr.. D. It, Ross of Sa
lem will lead discussions. Dr. B.
I. Steeves will give some remarks
in memoriam.
Dr. Verne L. Hamilton
Physician and surgeon baa , lo
cated in Salem with office In the
'he 23 Ugh building.; Houra 10 to
xSi'tto '.5; 7 to I. Office phone
iZiC Res. phone 1461.' n-23
Account Approved
v Final account of the estate of
Arthur Kemmerich was approved
and accepted by an. order of the
county court Monday. ,
Administrator Appointed
- Batty. Cooper has been appoint
ed administrator of the estate of
the late H. W. Cooper by an or
der of the county court.
Speeders Are Fined
Arthur weedorf and Kola Me-
Clellan were lined $5 each in po
lice court yesterday on charges, of
speeding.' 'A. C. Crawford was
fined $1 for failing to stop at a
through street intersection. ..
Triangle Realty Co. Hoe Moyed
To 421 Court St.; ground floor,
next to Moore's Music House. nl6
Alc Money for Scouts "
Fred Thielsen. president of the
local Boy Scout council, asked the
chamber of commerce to support
the financial drive for 13,000, in
a speech at "the noon luncheon.
The drive will begin Friday.
Christmas Special i ' -
Excursions ' to Kurbpe - of all
steamship . Ilaes.' Salem Travel
Agency. 175 8. High. nl6
Hrotherhood to Meet
The Men's Brotherhood society
of the Presbyterian church will
meet at the YMC A Wednesday eve
ning at 6r?0 e'clock for the an
neal Father and Son day banquet,
A crowd of '400 persons Is ex
pected. ' .'.-: ,y" . .,
Iladio Headquarters, 173 8. High
Radio sets, parts, poles, acces
sories. service.1 call J 92 5." nl6
Discontinued jSirniturei on Sale
Mi!. I- Stiff Furniture Co. See
window display. ... : v. i ni6
Multnomah 'Assessors Here
to. S.'11nekft1y;enle( deputy; T.
R. Maguigah. chief-deputy of the
l-.nit dpnartment: and Mrs. Nelle
Derby Collins,1" deputy of the land
department, all from the Multno-
taah county assessor office,- rep
resented the county -. before the
- state tax commission at its annual
bearing November 12 and 13.
Play Practice, Begins ,
The cast for the play. "A Full
Kmme. which is to be staged by
tbe De Molay on December 16.
wll begin their regular practice
at once. They will make use ot a
room in the city hall. .
Chicken ' Dinner, 50c
At Knight Memorial church.
Tuesday evening, Nor. 16th, at
5:30. ::,ii..;S' .nl6
Ititchles Visit Dayte
J. V. Ritchie, local agent for
the Oregon Electric railway, spent
Sunday in Dayton visiting his
daughter. Mr. Ritchie's family
accompanied him.
Solbercs Move to Salem
Olaf Solberg, with his wife and
two sons, former residents of Ore
gon City, -hare come to this city
to .Jive. Mr. Solberg la ln the
floor sanding ; business here.
We Have Added Fifty-
All wool overcoats to our line on
sale at 112.50, and have just re
ceived several hew lots of the
latest models In coats of the bet
ter grade. We can save -you money
on all grades. Thos. Kay Woolen
Mill Co. nl6
Furniture XTpholstery
And repairing. . Glese-Powers
Furniture Co. a2tf
Building Permits Issued
A building- permit was issued
yesterday to D. L, Road to erect
one-story dwelling at 1250 N.
21st street, estimated to cost
$2400. -W. A. Bond was Issued
a permit to repair a rie-story
dwelling at 805 North Sixteenth
street, estimated to cost $500.
Arrived, Jhe latest
Forty, minutes on one; record.
Phonographs arrived yesterday at
George ;C. Will's music store.
when you have 40 minutes, come
in and hear theae new, wonderful
and better phonographs. ; nl6
Barred Rock Pullets for Sale
12 Barod Rock pullets at $1.50
each. Phone 1094. n!7
Gill Preaches Sermon-
Oliver GUI, student at Kimball
bckooi oi m neoiogy,. ueni io oner
wood Sunday to preach at tbe
Methodist church there in tbe ab
sence of Rev. C. A. Pickering, the
regular pastor. Rev. Pickering .is
also a student at Kimball.
J w o no:
We have a 1024 F.ord tour
ing with several extras, 85
new rubber, new top and
perfect running motor for
9200.00. This car has run
but very little and is a snap
at tho price.
The House That Service Built
"Tandldatefor; district attorney ef
Multnomah county, $48.25; Ben-
jamin.'B. Goodman, in behalf of
AsnbjC Dickson democrat, can
didal lp?.'lrcuit judge 'V. of the
tourtTfc Judicial -district, depart-
meffroS, $131.34: James B.
KiaRlgsn,- treasurer "Dickson for
Judge "committee, in behalf of
Ashby Dickson, democratic candi
date 'for circuit Judge for fourth
judicial district, department No.
8. $445.27.
Bertha J. Beck, secretary of
state grange, in support of grange
income tax measure. $700; J. M-
Hutson. secretary of Oregon Mo
tor association, in opposition to
measure No. 324-325, motor bus
and truck bill, $6205. 76; Oscar
T. Olsen. secretary treasurer Ore
gon Retail Cigar dealers associa
tion, in opposition to cigarette
and tobacco tax bill, $2412.32;
James II. Foster, age 15 years.
jdied in a local hospital on Mop
day, Nov. 15. Body is at Webb's
funeral parlors and ann jnncriaent
will, be made later of funeral.
C- S. Harting'treasurer' fish con-'
serration committee in relation to
fish wheel, trap and seine and! gill
net bin. $5381 32;.George E. Wa
ters, in opposition to cigarette and
tobacco tax Sill, $287.80: Floyd
D. Moone, executive secretary
Eastern Oregon " Normal school
and Bettejr Teacher Training com
mittee in "support of Eastern Ore
gon normal school bill, $4439.51.
Large Number Attend Serv
ices and Dinner at St. t
1 Paul's Church
"America for Christ", was the
motto of the "Woman's Home Mis
sionary society of -the Methodist
Episcopal church, used by Rev.
Fred C. Taylor in the annual
thank-offering service in the First
, t,.rkr..i tATldtrr- The subjecb ofhe wrmon
Trustworthy As a Child
Instinct. Children like Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound. It
tastes good and makes them feel
good. It is exactly the kind of a
license Obtained ' 4 !' '
. Carl- Bartruff of ?Z4 6 North
Fourth streets papermill worker,
and Martha Ammann of route S
obtained marriage license at the
oftice of the county fclerk yester
day. -
Will Pay Cash
For used piano. Write box 727,
Statesman. ' n!8
give for feverish, bronchial colds.
distressing, alarming night coughs
croupiness. and during whooping
cough. Ah Indiana father says:
"It is the .best remedy for a bad
cold, croup, coughing and throat
trouble that we ever had in the
home." No substitute is as good
as Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound. Try it. Sold at Capital
Drug Store. nlo
'.-4 "
Couple Married f
Kit E. Dweak of Portland and
Eunice Trusty of Salem were mar
ried by Judge J. T. Hunt yester
day after obtaining a marriage
license from the county clerk.
County Opens Itids .. .
The county court yesterday
opened bids for the cutting of 275
cords of wood on the county farm
ord awarded. the xontra,ct to O.
J. Smith at $1.50 per-cord for
four-foot. wood and $2.25 for 16
inch woodl The.fnells used to
J-.ei county buildings and Insti-
; 'I ' X Jt-
Hut He "Felt No Better,
For That." A man from Ne
brasak tells this:., "For three
nights I was kept awake by aboth
ersome . persistent cough, and so
were others of the family; and I
felt bo better for that. . The' very
first doses of .Foley's Honey nd
Tar relieved me and fn" two days
time my cough was entirely gone."
Think of the -saving of distress to
himself and- others had he taken
, Foley's -Honey and Tar Compound
. at the start. It pays to keep it
on hand. The. large family size is
a real economical buy. Ask for it.
'Sold at Capital Xrug Store. nl6
Bedroom Suites and Odd Pieces
tlreatly. reduced to make room
for new stock. H. L. Stiff Furni
ture Co. nl6
Traffic Offenders Arrested
Henry Stalk of rojite 8 was ar
rested Sunday by local police ?on
charges of speeding and- driving
without a drIvers"Tf censer DTU
Glines ot Corvallis Is charged with
driving with four persons in the
front seat, i R. D.Wylle is charg
ed with driving with an opert cut
eut. C. C Whitenackis charged
with falling to stop at a through
street Intersection.
l'oulseh Visits PortlantI
Mark Poulsen. police judge and
city recorder, spent the week-end
ia Portland.
: Bedroom Suites- and Odd Pieces
Greatly reduced to make room
for new stock. H. L. Stiff Furni
ture Co. i.' i ' nl6
,MIh Stoneman H
: Miss Altbea Stoneman ofVBend,
' iwho has: been school nursiig di-
! rector ia that city, has come to
Salem to spnda month with the
I t Marion county child health dem-
; Jonstration nursing department;
- 'She will act as nurse in the Sil-
Tverton district.
Phono 727
mp . . ... ..
Underwood Typewriter Co.
Direct Factory Branch
510 Court 8U' Phone 263
Typewritersjtented, Sold,
- . Repaired
Special rental rates to Students
m ii MSI - wm aw
f"HC)lE ofTraub CScnuine
Orang B'-ossota engage
ment andjwedding rings is m
tribute to the udgment and
good taste oi the wearer.
aaar VmX 3vln
Renew Your Insuram
Ore. Fire Relief Ass'n. Low
rates, prompt payment. Standley
& Folev. Aarts. - ' nl7
We Have Added Fiftj
All wool overcoats to our line on
sale at $12.50, and have just re
ceived several new lots of the
latest models in coats of the bet
ter grade. We can save you money
on all grades. Thos. Kay Woolen
Mill Co. nl6
New Cluh Planned
A new Pioneer club for boys wijl
Jbe formed at a meeting tonight at
the Knight Memorial Congrega
tional church. Walter McCune
and E. L.. Powell will be the lead
ers. A meeting was held yester-
dry to prepare plans for the new
club, at which 1 2 boys were pres
Malinda A. Williamson, age 8
years, died Monday, Nov. 15, at
M, E. Pastor Stresses Work John Humphrey of 1285 South
Donp hv W H M S in 'the lHi?h strPt- Survived by her
uonc oy vv, n, m, o. m M.!. I d nte Mr Jonn HumDhrcyi
on, Perry W. Jones of Portland,
and a son, J. L. Williamson of
Richmond. Cal. Funeral services
will be held Tuesday at 2 p. m.
from the Webb funeral parlors.
llov,, Whitaker officiating. Inter
ment in City View cemetery.
United States
was "Home-Land Religion" ana
the texts used were "Go home to
thy friends and tell them how
great things the Lord hath done.
and "Ye shall be my witnesses in
Jerusalem and in all Judea
"The : work of . Christianizing
America is carried on by the W.
H. M. S. through its educational
centers, training schools, orphan
ages, homes, settlement centers,
hospitals, nurseries and missions,
in many of . our cities" and Tron
Catherine- Hasson, age 76; died
in this city Nov. 14. Survived by
Herbert Thomas Hasson. The re-
i mains are in charge of the Salem
mortuary and funeral announce
ments will be made later.
H. Whitman Cooper, age 66
died at a local hospital on Nov
14. He had been a resident of
Salem for the past 3 7 years. He
'is survived by three sons, Batty
Eliphelet Cooper of Salem, Jef
ferson Davis Cooper of Philomath,
Hiram Byran Cooper of Salt Lake
Motor to Pertland
- Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Jarman and
txjyal Warner of this city motored
to Portland over the week-end.
CJomplcte lJne, of
Monarch Electric Ranges at
Hamilton's. 21tf
Will Trade Piano or Organ
For wood. Tallman Piano store.
395 S. 12th. nl6
Stolz's Car Stolen
W. L. Stolz lost his automobile
by theft Sunday for the second
time in the last few weeks.. . The
car was recovered by local police
soon after the theft was reported.
Nurse Vfcit Hero-
Miss Cora Baertsch and Miss
Natalie Markowitz, nurses from
the Douglas county dental unit
at Roseburg, were in this city
Monday to study the work of the
Marion county child health dem
Bote! Marlon , -
Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8
very evening. J2tf
Cleaning Shops Sold ;.
P.. L. Fahnlander, owner or the
Salem Cleaners and Dyers and the
Cush and Carry Cleaners,, has sold
out to Foreman Brothers. Fahn
lander will go to Minot. N.' D., to
visit' relatives.' ; for ; the .neit f ew
wrens, r . u.
If oppe Is Jailed
Alfred Heppe pleaded guilty
tsterday in justice court to a
charge of larceny. He was placed
in jail and his case continued for
Throua-h the South Seas
Hawaii. Fiji. Cook, Society Is
lands to New Zealand, 70 days
All llrst class. Smalt party sail
Ins Jan. 12. Salem Travel Ag
ency. 175 S. High. Phone 534
- . r nl
Boyt Is Arrested -
Nick Boyt of Independence en
tered a plea - of guilty in- justice
court here yesterday to a charge
of permitting a minor -to operate
a motor vehicle. His ease was
continued for sentence.;" Boyt was
arrested by A.' G. 'Duncan. ?
O. Dyer of Eugene was brought
into Justice ciurt here yesterday
charged with speeding His case
was contiaued. uyer was arrest
ed by G. p Watkins.
: . --i'V"
Ten-Day Sentence .
James B. Fleming was sen ten c
rd to 10 days in jail in police
court, yesterday on a charge of
ci unTcenness. ' X
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1863 j ' . '.
General Bankin's Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 8 p, m-
Discontinued Furniture on Sale-
At H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. See
window display. nl6
Traffic Offenders Finel
Webster G. Ross was fined $5
In police court yesterday for fail
ing to have his lights adjusted
Jr. It. Woodry, tieorge A. Fleming
ton, G. Cooper, Jim Patterson, R.
L. Houck and K. Hartley were
fined $1 each for parking over
Notice! Building Laborers-
No. 441, 'attend special meeting
Wednesday, Nov. 17. nl7
SiK-clal Services Planned-
Special services will be held .all
this week at the Jason Lee and
First Methodist churches in cel
frration of "Fellowship Week" for
Willamette university students
Special programs will also be held
ai the chapel services of the uni
versity this week.
Dr. Canse Leaves
Dr. John M. Canse, president of
Kimball college, has gone to Port
land where he will spend two or
three days in the interests of the
New Location
v Triangle Realty Co. now located
in ground floor offices at 421
Court St., across from Stiff's. nl6
Social Is Held '
. Members pf the Methodist and
Evangelical churches ' at Brooks
held g joint social Friday evening
at the home of Mrs. M. L. Jones
similar affair Is planned for next
Saturday evening.
.. . . o.nj 1 . 1.
cnurcn inis anernoon ai i.ov wim
interment in Odd Fellows ceme
tery. Terwilliger funeral home
has charge of the arrangements.
Jl. O. Wilkinson died at a local
hospital on November 15 at the
age of :!1 years. The body is at
announcements later.
Funeral services for Cecelia M
Fabra will- be - held Wednesday
Nov. 1 7, from the Webb chapel
at 2 p. Jtim Rev Tuny officiating
with interment in City View ceme
Citv: two steDsons. Albert Whor
said. Dr. Taylor in relating hey 0f Newport and Adrian Whor-
the program of the society ;u the jfcy of Portland. Funeral services
snbiect of "Home-Land RetigtoTi." I will be held at the First Baptist
The society has 459,970 members
in its auxiliaries and last year col
lected $3,239,475 for Its work.
Its two institutions in the Oregon
conference that are receiving its
pccial support are the Methodist
old people's home in Salem and.
the settlement center in Portland Lbb's funeral parlors. Funesal
The need of a practical a&a
vital religion in America, that is
dynamic and fruitful, is apparent
on every hand," said Mr. Taylor
'For many years we viewedlwith
concern the coming of ssjgany
Immigrants to fAmericanaid
that we had to ChristianizeMhe
foreigners or they would paganize
us. We were told that the Budd
hists " were, building temnles In
America and the Mohammedans
were calling their devotees to
prayer and we thought the. prea
ing need was "more work among
the bo ncnnlp But now we believe
that we must more ruiiy vnris
tianize ourselves before -we ca
hope to Christianize others. Th$
home life in America must he
Christianized and our children
and youth must be saved to Christ
and his church, and civic, right
eousness must De more iuy estab
lished and practiced. Modern cus
toms and fashions are robbing the
American, woman of her hrlstiaa
modesty. The divorce evil . i
threatening our American home.'
Sabbath desecration and pernici
ous pleasure are affecting our
high ideals. Home-land religion
that is Christian through aod-
through is the greatest' need of
America .today.'-?- ;
6f conduct and dealing, with
better thoughtfulness Ln all
our relationships, these
mark the character of this
Webb's Funeral Parlors
Telephone 120
James and Douglas Whitellne
of Klamath Falls spent Sunday
in this city. , "
J. A. Jones ot Dallas spent the
week-end in -this city. . i
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Wilkes of
Tillamook were in this city Sun
day. '
Daniel Butler and George Da-
non were recent visitors in this
city. - They are residents of Cor-
Dan Dvtreaux of Eugene sent
the wek-erd in this city.
G. W. Kennet; of Eugene was a
weekend visitor.
K. M. Pronty of Klamath Falls
spent Sunday In this city.
. Mr. and,Mrs. W M. Booker, of
Detroit were in this city over the
. epk-end. " '
, M. K Van Horn of Dallas Was
n .this city Jsterday, . '
Otto Zimmerman was jn this
city Monday. HU home is in Me
numa. ,
Health hint: Never try to-Hbve
a train off the track with an auto
mobile. . : V " "
I A sign once nsed ln an old New
England notel has recently -been
nnearthed. Among Jthe "Rules of
This Tavern" is one which reads:
"No boots to " be - worn -ia bed."
No hotel has such a! rule ; today.
Se we dq enlarge our llbertles.i
" , . "- s h . s
In addition to flivvers, "radio
Sets have attained high: rattk as
farm equipment., - C ' . V-
SILVKRTON, Nov. 15. (Spe
. . . - i
ciai.; At ten ociucs suim.
fortunately just between showers,
the procession from the priests
residence to the church, started
In the following order: The cross
bearer, the American flag, the
confirmation class, thirty In num
ber, the clergy followed by Hiss
Grace Archbishop Howard, and
lastly the members of the Holy
Name Society. Arriving at the
church. Solemn High Mass was
sung. Rev. B. V. Kelley of Port
land acted as celebrant, assisted
by Rev. F. H. Scherbring as dea
con, ana uev. r. v. jveenan ot aa-
em as sub-deacon, and Rev. Jos.
Orth of Jervais.'as master of cerer
monies! Other priests present in
the sanetuary were Rev. Domlniip
O. S. B. of Mt. Angel. Rev. J. R.
Buck of Salem, Rev. Chas. Kraus
of St. Louis, Rev. J. F. Scherbring
of Silverton. Rev. John Dubis of
Woodburn . arrived later in the
After the Mass Archbishop How
ard delivered an impressive ser-
mon. In clear and persuasive
terms he developed the subject of
the need of religious training in
conjunction with secular training
After the sermon he administered
the Sacrament of Confirmation
An unexpectedly large number of
non-Catholics, as well as Catholics
attended the service. Every avail
able bit of seating and standing
space in the church and the cor
ridors outside was filled.
After the services a very elab
orate chicken dinner was served
by the ladif-s of the parish, about
three hundred and twenty guests
participating and-all of that num
ber were unanimous in praise of
tbe cooks.
The afternoon was full of thrills
and jest for the large crowd which
attended the bazaar and sale. At
8 p. m. the booths and stands were
all emptied. Only the country
store which had been so well sup
plied by the various business
houses of Silverton, and friends
elsewhere, retained a very limited
, Milton Milton Box company
has grown from $4000' plant In
1913 to $100,000 investment dd
ing $600,000 business in 1726.
and a payroll of $2000 a week.
...... a.
Traffic cop-1936: "Tell H tehe
judge! Tou was doing. 200 miles
right in a cloud." .
Bits For Breakfast
Hurrah for the doughboys! ,'
m -V N
Leave it to the American Le
They have taken over the band
concerts and tbe comfort stations.
Now we are on our way defi
nitely towards a great beetsugar
industry in the Willamette valley.
We are adding a sugar cult.
We will keep on keeping on in this
field. .",
Private Izzy Murphy" and'As-
sociation vaudeville; at the Elsi-
nore Saturday and Sunday. Con
stance Talmadge in "The Dutchess
of Buffalo" begins today. Coming
to the Oregon, No. 3 of the big
series. "The Last Frontier," by
Wm. Boyd, the man who took the
lead in "The Volga Boatman.
Commences Saturday.
Scofleld CThiropractie Offices
(: f
- ? s J .. r
Now Take
There are only a few
people who do not real- .
ize the value of accu-
racy in Health methods .
Ta,keyour chiroprac
tic adjustment accord
ing to the Neurocalo-
meter and get the best
results. : ; . -,
Neurocalometerinclud- -V
ed in by health service. -
"'The PestHn Chiropractic?'
3 Oregon Bids.
5000 Lbs. of Walnut JVIeats
Will Pay 40c lb.
345 State Street
Republican Committee Ex
pends $33,288.50 for State
and County Men
Perfect Funeral Serrlce
- : , Fo.r Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Ghemeketa Street
Telephoae- 9B4
fcv sroaSti I P
iiooa ; uiver- construction o
new high school building progress
fng rapidly. It will be one of the
finest and best equipped schools
In state. ; In line with promoting
the use of home products, speri
(ications were drawn favoring
Oregon made materials The lum
ber bill alone, orer half-million
feeti was all specified finest, qual
ity Douglas fir. Morrill & Stur
geon lu niber i company, a -wholesale
lumber company of Portland,
was tho successful . bidder for , this
entire lumber bill In open rompe
tlon with he 'retail yarda in ihe
ftood River district.- "Every public
building - utilize every' possible
Oregon product.
Silverton St. Johns .and Trin
ity Lutheran churches, consolidate,;
Lotus L. Langley, treasurer of
"Haney for Senator" club, in sup-1
port, oi isert n. iianey, aemocan. j
for United States senator at the
recent general election, expended
$21,920.64, according ttf a state
ment filed in the office of the sep
retary of stale here Saturday j;" '
Willis K. Clark, treasure Jet
the Oregon republican state ..cen
tral committee in support of .state
and county republican candidates,
spent a total of J33.288.50.
, Other expense accounts filed in
the state department today fol
low: John S. Hodgin. democrat,
for representative in congress, for
the second congressional district.
$43; Henry J. Bean, republican,"
for Justice of the state supreme
court. $150; O. A. Von SchriltJE,
democrat, for state labor commis
sioner, $354.26; Clyde T. Spooner-,
democrat, for public service com
tnlHsioner; $234.35; Ray R". Wfse
carver, democrat, for state sena
tor for 10th district. $63.50.
E. C. Presbye. democrat, for
state senator for the 20th district
$554 5 ; E. Robinson, -democrat
for representative for tbe: 18th
district. $51.40; Charles 'T." Siev
ers, republican; for representative
for the 16th district $21.05; Glenn
Fabrlck, .democrat; for represen
tative" forthe elgthth district
$75; W. M. Duncan, democrat, for
district attorney of Klamath coun
ty. $221.15; Julius Cohn. in be
helf of . StanlejrIjf .'a. ., rep nJbllcaji
t - - -
YOU.J WrrJjjl
. . AXD.iZ "
Diamond and Gasco
Prjeparing for our move to 325 Court St.
2ft II
o clear out all our odds and ends of dinnerware and
glassware at away less than regular price. It is an oppor
tunity just Jaef ore your plans for Thanksgiving Day to - - -secure
a small set or some matchings for your present r'v;
pattern for less. The sets have been made up to suit, the - i
bungalow home and may be added to from the odd pieces ' l
on sale for less. - - :
New merchandise arriving daily.' Select your Xmas presents now. Small
"payment'down will hold any item selected. Watch our windows and ads.
135 North' liberty Street ' , , Phone 67
New Location After January 1 325Court Street ;
l. :
. . A AAA.
. m. .