THE OEEGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON 5 TUESDAY-MORNING, NOVEMBER 16; 1926 -' Flags .will laaaad Daily Ixxwpt Itaaday by TUS TATXMAK TJBUSHXXa COMPAJTY SIS Seats CenaMKUt St, Salaaa. Orafoa '' t 1 . 1 1 . ,1 BW. Haieka . - - - Maaaca tr4 J. Toa' Xanatiaa'-Eito' rt . JtcivoOTTT - - - - - city editor Parkar Braaia - AadtM Baneh Hocietr Editor W. H. ni4mi CVrealatWa Mmtw Ralph H. Klatsiag ; Aaarttsiar Maaacar Frank Ja.koski - Maaacar 3 oh Uapt. K. . RlMtM - UMtk Bdivaa W. C. Gaaaar . - Faaltry Mitar -i - xsiou or TBi itiocuno nm ' -' TV. Aaaaciataa1 Praaa la aseloaWal? aatittad to tha a, for uMieatlaa f all im aTraateaa eraita tt er aot tkarwia ci eitd La this papar as 4 aiaa u KMsai faaaat KaMar. B9 WaivaaUr Btdg.. Parthad, Or. theaaa K. IWk Co, N. York, 1ZS-13S W. Slat St.: Chteafa, Maranatt BM.; Baataaaa Orfle4s at 58 TEZJSPBOKZfr, Joa Daparfenaat . Kawi Dapartmaat 33 ar 10S Circa Uttoa Offic.H3 -383 I : tara4 at tha Pat Offiea la 8tin, Orfa, aa aeaat-laM matur. 1 8 station cab drive up to the. door A nUn sprang from It and ran up the 5 steps..,;: :f:i::f v.v i 'Uiif f Thaf8 Clif! Roberta gasped. "Peter, be must be, bunting for me!"' ' - :" ! "Ow," said Tfggy, , with deep feeling. . J Warned by the tumult' of ,the chained dogs, Scott, also, bad seen Nixon's approach, and had sent bis wife and daughter upstairs on the pretext that Clif was com ing, to discuss important, business wftb, him. Suspecting ' all v walls. b4werer,;eyent his; own. of 'aurj'cu. lar.propertiesV" he1a4 n.o.rfancS' !- A not !m tvltlirii t Tt a tM 'wKat I- 'Tne:, campaign for a minimum of 1000 acres of-suwirlwrht Ai 'roTfi 'utarmv-intcr. i oetts to be groytn In the Willamette valley this year, to be Tiew with thia young man., There v shipped to the Bellingham factofyi preliminary to 8000 acres f,oe he intercepted the aM who , ' next year, for a $2,000,000 factory here, is to go forward at came to answer the beisenVer. . once r t ''f back to he kitchen, and 'opened ! Wblcrmeanl thaVt ?V?2r ,s4"-rim1' unf"nV l.jiiT' rtT tnT i! ,, J w:i'u6'u ing the haggard man without. - induct ry a the Willamette valley is on its way 1 ; weii, cut f ? ; A . development that wilt do more for dairying- and general ..l8 Robefta here" Nixon 1 live stock breeding than could be done by any other one thing, moved as if to enter, but" the ' and that will in many other ways push our industries on the other's huge bulk fined the door- ; land and the growth of our1 cities and towns steadily and sub- war. ; StantlaUy.T;' Tt-V'" .fH1 K r. ' ? "That name Is never mentioned TlW-beet sufitr industry will heh every other industry. my bouse," seott said, scowling. 1 and detract f rom notoe -.. . -;-:- I "if you're got to use n. we n step . JL'IIAPTKR TWKXTV-FIVB . ; r; Saturday morning he and Rob erta, somewhat depressed in spirit WBtAhlnK .rom-' their - hiUtpp for 1 her, ; That's , what sne cameoyer sigiis of ScotVs'departBre.'Baw tbel ior to marry me," , f AVUAf IS MAN?-i-"Who in I. O Lord God, and what is mine bouse, that Then basi "reught me hitherto." I Chron. 17Jl. T- "' ' - ,y " - " 1 1 ' " 1 ' ' f ONOUR W : i said you , were going - to marry her?- ;tr " '3 was and; am, wben I, find win fact th ftfrMiro HAvntml tn hwt crrowinfr will not nnlvlout on tne rrace. And keep your n' k miisA fmm U if AA tkA I voice down. Celia's not well and 1 I--- 1 . ; 1,7 IX: "V. " . " v 'r. I don't want her fiicited nor my wife acreage tonnage of all other crops. It will promote rotation ; I either. But if youe cme :up it wilt induce irrigation; it will make for clean cultivation. It I here." he added, ciostne the door will but to work jyvhat wil amount to an armjf of county J and leadior ;the way to the outer ageftts in the shape of field men in beet growing 1 1 ase op tn terrace, -with any wea .7- Men-who will show bur farmers how to make more out! f interfering in a family-matter f hlr l.n f Ahl !n oi,o-o i- Kcvof trm-urhn tr H,,f in oil rttViavl T Well; 'you'd' better ' not, ' that's Industries On the land. J . ; - This development is by far the most important that could be uhdertaken at the- present. time. s Beets will help flax : . :They will help every other crop. . . - , IN FOUR YEARS "(Portland Journal.) 4 i f ' -' ;'toBe bonds were burned in the' small city of Canby last month. Thr,WSre J$S00Cf ;VortabtihVm".-VTlMyr'reprented the last of the c)ty'4JbO&ded Indebtedness resulting from, the purchase of tke.Molalla Eleciflc company by the city. four, years ago. . '; .'"Canby now owns- and operates Us own light and power plant. In, hmr years the plant has paid for itseJf.Jn addition it has earned ?5be more than has been spent In that time on extensions, meters aad otner improTemeats.: And here is part of a dispatch from vanby: siV jCity; officials say-Canbr is in better fkiancial condition today tha'a.eTer before, and with the electric light and power, plant paid forfjinds from .this "source may be used in removing the small debt" on -the water plant, also municipally owned.' " t i 4r - -"i years: 6f municipal 'opera tlonln Cabby has. given that City It jjwn light aad, power plan , bought ind paid' for- it has provided ImproVeiQents wblch cost i7E00, and ft is now going to pay off the Indebtedness on 4he water plant. . Thereafter, Can by will hare cheap light and -power and perhaps further '.rerenues- for constructive pur oses. ". . '. ' '-?":y "Would private development and operation have done as well for .faabyrr,f :.y "':--'-''- - :;t - all. ; I naven t. your arralrs are none of my business. I've come to find Roberta, Where is she?" ' 'Scott studied him keenly 'Tlon't you" "know?"' .' "I do not. But I'm going to.' Nixon made no attempt to conceal his anger. What have yeu done With her?" "Not a thing. Clif. I haven't seen her.. Ha vo you?" No. ihe's disappeared. - Her father, ehuckled. . "Called your bluff, did she? Thought you " 'Hmphh That isn't the-rstory she told -wbenashe got here. She said vs&eTd come to get some cli ent named Mrs. Miles, and was going to sail again with this wom an today. ; "What? Then you haye seen her?" , "Not I!" Scott repeated the de tective's report, ending witb Rob erta's disappearance at the Penn sylvaniaStation and the failure of. Washington detectives to iden 1 1 If y her there. "So if you da find nen let me. Know, win youT ne continued. . "If she; hasn't sailed today; T'.want'to knowwbere she is and what: she's up to. Have you anyT" 1de;;.whor;the -"man was who met her at the Grand Central and tonV neiTtA tufteh?V- . es'Hltotwtta frowning per blexdiyV 'At least No. I don't know-Who he- is, but I sent him with a message for her. I was to meet' her myself and we were to be married at once" "Had she agreed to that?" her father Interrupted. "Certainly. It was all arranged by letter and cable. At the last moment my secretary called me on' long distance and told me director's meeting had been called -but I needn't explain that to you." He 'shot an irate glance at Scott.- who- smiled, still not per ceiving that one of bis chickens had returned to its roost in prov erbial manner. "I had to hustle like the deuce to catch a train that would get me home in time for the meeting, and I also had to get word to Roberta, because she was to wait-for me'atthe station in caj!e I was delayed. J hadn't ex pected to get here until tbat morn ing was afraid a messenger boy wouldn't find her. but at the ferry I saw a good looking young chap - tall, brown hair, erar eyes, well dressed gentleman " Scott nodded. "That's the man Ever see him before?" -. ''NeVer. But I explained enQUgh of the. situation and described Roberta, without using any names -not even my own. He promised to ... find her, and to tell her to let me know where she was and tbat I'd be back InTtwo- or three days. This is the first assurance I've had that , anybody met -her;: Of course, it'e possible that- when he got there he- found, he knew her. I can't see any other.' explanation of their Roing $o .-lunch ; together." Neither, man suspected that the usually uncanny Roberta had ar rived penniless. "I got back Wed nesday, expecting to find a note from her at the. club, telling me where she was,, but there wasn't word. I've been to every hotel In New York, and she. , Isn't there. None of her friends knew that she wasjJn town, ,1've, telephoned a dozen or more - of them. ; Now, where is she?''4- , - . it up." said Scott. I (To be continued.) ' SCHOOL CHILDREN PRESENT TRIBUTE Eiker Auto Co., Ferry at Lib erty St. Autos stored, and bought and sold. Cars washed day and night. Lw prices and service will make long friends. () Mr. Used Car Huyer; Have you seen the real buys at the Capitol Motors Incorporated? See Biddy Bishop, 350 N. High St. Tele phones 2125 and 2126. () Ulrich & Roberts, realtors. 122 N". Commercial St., know property values and make for - you profit able investments. Will both save and make. you money. (' Pontiac Six still sweeping to ward unchallenged leadership tjindau sedan $895 f. o. b. tactory Rasy to pay on General Motors time payment plan. Vick Bros. (J Today PANTAGEG VAUDEVILLE, and SIMPLE FUNERAL RITES TO MARK CAXXOX FUNERAL Vice Prmklent to Head Men of Stale Who Gather to Attend Service DANVILLE, 111., Nov. 15. (AP) With all the simplicity ol his Quaker 'heritage, Joseph . G. Cannon's body will be borne to the grave tomorrow as that of a pri vate citizen:' " . - Not even a flag will cover the casket of the. man who served for 12 years In the national house ol representatives and for eight years as its speaker. ' ' ' The men of state, headed by Vice President Charles G. Dawes, who will come In, numbers to pay final tribute, will' attend the serv ices as friends and co-workers, and not as envoys of the 'government he served. 'although the rice presi dent will come as representative ofj President cooimge." , The body ef Uncle 5 Joe rested for the last time tonight In the turreted room in- the Cannon home where, - In years gone i by, - bis friends gathered as neighbors' or as political counsellors. v- VT"', Tomorrow at S.'o'clock, the cas ket will, be carried between lines of Boy Scouts 'to the First Metho dist church across Vermillion street. There Rev. T. K-r Ewing, Cannon's pastor and his wife's be fore her deatb. will liken, the life of Ihe political soldier to that of the Apostle Paul. The former, speaker's favorite phrase- of his, later years, Tthe goodness' and mercy, of God." wlU be In toned above- the coffin;5 and there will be two hymns and ' a prayer.. No formal eulogies will Bligh's Capitol $20 Cash for a Name We Want a Name for Our Cafe (Which was formerly known as the Oyster Loaf) 428 Court Street . And offer the following prizes for the best names submitted: FIRST CHOICE 913.00 SECOND CHOICE 9 3.00 We are closing November 22, 23, 24 to remodel the cafe and want to open the 25th with a new name. RULES: Bring or mail your names. Con test opens with this announce ment and closes November 22 at 5 p. m. In case more than two submit the winning name prizes will be divided equally. Contest is open to young and old so get busy. Address all names to Contest Judges,' 428 Court street, Salem, Oregon. R. G. Henderson E. C. Mennls mark.-, the ceremony. adorn the church.- . - r J-' . -- The body will be Interred In the family .plot in Spring Hill cemetery-beside that of Mrs Cannon, while chimes In the First Presby terian church knell 'Nearer, My God, to Thee." One of the hundreds of floral tributes whlchcame today to tha Cannon home was from the 8900 school children of Danville, all of whom knew Uncle Joe as one who often walked among them, pypry school child from kindergaJi to high school gave a penny, toward the tribute. " " " -. -. You can buy your meat here In perfect confidence: Don't worry about the cost, we'll keep that within reasonable bounds. Hunt & Shaller Market, 263 N. Com'!. ' .-. .- , . . ? .!) . . FRANK a,CHELEY; : - Sa,f KETtN0 KT W EVtKf NEED, H HAS HO NEED OF A PROGRAM N0. 4 TUe SWELLED: HEADED D4H a the vernacular of boydom. be the wise-cur aad. therefore, bopp- Iess.v He needs r.j information. m gestfoas or help from anyone on any subjecL He wit a boy once himself (eons ago) and he knows all-the trkl.i of the trade. He know Sov like book, but bis son has his number I He is positively, absolutely , certain, beyond any shadow .of a doubt, that h son is O. K. in every particular; extra ordinary, thoroughly well provided for from every angle, and. ran know no need for look who his Dddy isl All boy organizations are entirely su perfluous and undesirable. AH boy gangs are bad aid daagerous. All boy activity a wate of time and money, and quite unnecessary. Yet H is invariably the son of such a Dad .wbo, know more algebra than his mother, more religion than his father and more worldly wisdom than both of them-put together, and when he art into trouble, rastead 'of going to In "wise" parent, he looks up a real man who is still human, understanding and sympathetic. s- - -i - ' ,He doesnt understand that building boys b better than mending men. iCopyrtf ht, Ittl. BT-Lf Syndlcata. Danvar. Colo. 4 -i-t A 1 Discontinued BEDROO S OITE The. above froni the Portland Journal is copied for the J more general information of the people of Salem : ( To show the successful operation of city owned plants , - . For, under ood management they are nearly always sue-; I ccssfulf where they are kept out of politics and where there a 4 I . . I. i i i " . . . I l n Hi i rVQT JITiT 1 n I MTV onn o rrt-tii rr rn hAhmrl f hAm . - I The writer does not believe it Would be good business for? i Salem to undertake the ownership and operation of "a muni- J cipaUy.QWjied light and power plant at this time ; perhaps not at any future time. : I rr But it would'certainly be good business for Salem to under-1 take1' the ownership and operation of the city water works. It ; .W.9.U.W result in better sserviceiand at no expense to the general lr Haxpayers.;-.x; . : ; f Vi" The better Rprviee rrimino from ffi fart rfiot tVia olfv .or J secure money at lower rates than a private" corporation, and carT. therefore fbuiki larger mains and otherwise anticipate r .future growth : ; - ; ; .1 Looking to coming generations to bear part of the loadi ODDS AND ENDS DRESSERS, BEDS, CHIFFONIERS, ETC. We must reduce our stock of bedroom suites by at least fifteen complete suites. Prices have been reduced to such a level that makes them the best purchase for you we have ever offered. An excellent opportunity for you to secure your' Xmas purchases in these lines. Look them over and save' many dollars. U 1! ! t t i i , which is right, as well as good business. I i 1 EDITORIALS O THE PEOPLE All rrapadaM far this sapart aet atvct .b aigaaa taa writer, nt a. vritlea mm aaa aid at tha pap aaiy. a4 shauM at ba teacar ihaa tse wania. . , i From a. Rubberneck . Editor of the Statesman: r"" - ? Please Mr. Editor, may I have "tirpaca In ybur paper Just to regis yter a kick I have, felt anxious to , 'get oat of my system ever since t -ytstfda"y" forenoon? - - i '();. Yoo see, yesterday was "Arrois '; t ice Day'? and I, along with quite a lot of other. guys,; went to towa fas we thought 1 to see the parade and hear-the speaking.' Well, ft rained and rained some more, but that ''didn't cause any cussing as I noticed, and the only thing I did heir any real bad language about 'V was, when I parked myself .On. the K side'waU along with a hundred or ' two ther. folks jast: across the K street from. the dlplngsla front o tne courts, nouse ana - in :i : be weather, begun to. enjoy, the V Ignf of the IglonyslJheIn- y dU it boys and beys from tb trala v .laa scbooCand others. Thpcak- - inghid Just started -when along i.tafiV a flock r Ford and 'other ' '.insects n the flivver' class and, cawin'g op"to the', rurb,'. quietly t par Si CtT, themselves between .the ' sidewalk folks and w bat was tak - ''.lag bltce tcrosa thti street, that ' tins off all licht gad pleasure for ? ."those of.tis who wtr ; fortaoat fenocgh not to own a gas wagon we could ue. to block any one's pleasure In an event that was sup-: posed to be free to everybody. Along with many others, I left; the show was spoiled for us and quite a few of us wondered where ! the police and the special traffic cops had gone In out of the wet. that such a thing was allowed. It reminded me of that old fable about, the 'dog in the manner that Wuldn't eat the hay and wouldn't let the stock eat It that could. The folks In the closed Fords could neither see ndr henr a thing, but they kept the aldej- wais: ouncn jromr enjoying any thing except the rain. J ; Thank you! I got rid of THAT and feel ranch better now. One of the Rubber Necks.! Salem, Not. 12. 192$. 4 Piece Green Suite ;n enamel suit e consisting c chiffonier and bench, drawers all solid mahogany lined. Was $160. Now i A-beautiful 4 piece light green enamel suite consisting of vanity, bed, AO r E3 m.JM w . 4 Piece Two Totte Walnut j Suite - ? A very attractive 4 piece, two tone walnut edixm gfpUp consisting of bow end bed, 3 mirror vanity, chiffonier and bench. Must be seen to be appreciated, M 1 O flfi was 1136.50, now I . I..: iiii J T ,v " IX H. Mosher. Merchant. Tailor; is turning out the nobbiest and best llttiag tailor made suits ho mcanure.;leo: business and ptn. tessionatmen buy of Jdobcr - (i Mli tr. If Wood arid Ceo. K.vrcTd. ! real estaie. S4I State. Farms and city property. .Th.ey Jbrinsc .,bute. a nd "seller tmetbf. 'for the ben- fJt sad profit of botn. , -'! ' . 1 ; 4 Piece Ivory Suite 4 piece Ivory group, one of bur finest sets. Extra large vanity, large chifferctte, solid panel bed.". -Was $198.50. Now..?..; fJIJ. mm $124.75 -1 Another 4 Piece Walnut Suite A very fine 4 piece suite, full length vanity bed, chiffonier, bench. Lined drawers, finest construction, was $ 152.50; Now.......!; $107.75 Icave yonr; magazine subscrip- j tions at ratton't Hook Store nwfcj rates w quick service' delivery anaranteed,iThey will take ear of .your magazine troubles. i l:Jl J Peduetion on-' all hau at the Vanity Ht Sheppe. 28J CcmU fit. Be sure to see our line of hats be- f orv buHng. Lavte9t,-metal .cloth j bat3 Just la. ( "Ivory 'DresseraCKfitSOT plate CI C QC mirrors .. . y 1JUD ' Ivory Dressers J 16x24 mirrors $16.25: IforjrDrcaWors. 22x28 ml ! i See Our v. Windows 4 : The -Store With the Friendly Spirit Terms As Usual -Miii $17.50 Ash uressers "w w up , Several odd s ; and ends consisting vof . beds," dressers,; van , itiesVetcV af grcktly ' reduced prices,;.J ftAaa aVitst aV k a aVat aV at A A A A AAAAAAA.AaAaAAAAA.AAA hAaaaAAj 3i l1.m A A -A JhA. jk-4V.