did mm OF FEDERAL ROAD S x ' Escape Injury as Plane Dives 500 Feet Into River Plan Is to Improve Total Mileage Federal Aid High-: ways in 2 Years WASHINGTON, Hot. S An ad dition of 3,33$ miles has been made to the Federal Aid High jy system, during the year ending Sept. 23. according' to tbe Ameri can Road Builder Association. -The total mileage under the sys tem approved by the United States Bureau of Public Road bow totals 182:135 miles. ' : Of tbe total 18 2.13 S miles, ap proximately 140,090 miles have already-been Improved ta ma de gree, with, appropriations totalling 11&0.00,000 available for 1938 and" 19 construction the Associa tion said. , To secure full --benefit of ' the : i 5 0. 0 0 0.0 0 ft. a ppropr tatloh tba states' must make an addition al investment In their Vederal Aid roads of approximately 9190,903, 000. . , . r ij. 'Charlff "Upbm, Managing Director of the American Road Builders' -Association, considered an authority on national highway . problems, . predicted tbe comple tion of mileage w He said. portion of the roads already com pleted will blT'lea outgrown by traffic and need further Improve ment by that time! . l Plans to carry .ou t the eonstrujs tioa or th'e remaining 4 2,1 3 S miles Included in, the . Federal Aid sf as' urged" by "the Bureau'pf Slle Roads will be discussed." t Congress at Chicago du:r loads Week, Ja Mr,TpbaTTv f j t- - . "V t z t-:.i ..tsergx. -Kicaarq jooo :ana:m passenger, rri . w uuam , KuwrB tncoun wrea s wrm www; J . flying over Boston that. they won't forget in a b fry J -When- the ' motor of their plane went dead I Sergt. Cobb successfully guided bis Diane Into th Charles rirer.' lust missing the, Massachusetts I'h nrseiit Federal Aid .general hospital a he did so. ' The plane Ianded.ii?most perpendicularly In the river and both Sefgt. iKiH iZSliZt v Cobb and Prtr.-Ritteniod crawled out of the coctpit end perched on a win? until rescued. The 7:7ZZ HpUnfla aboresung tn. paries river alterdrofr. ; . . youth JBO Wg irEABAiI -IROPTO KRE8-0 Heiil) VT4 -" t "J- z " " . ' !Ai Wib his teant larglng be hind by one. point In a game with Central High at buluth today, Jo leph j-jaskt, of the - Central ' .oX.nejIor, Wis., t kick Vd pounced down 6b iherwrong auto mobile. Some months ago an agent was dismissed in New Or leans because be arrested a man and woman for having a plat flask of liquor in their car and then compelled them to drive to a court more than 150 miles away for hearing. One of the much re peated stories among government officials here in the capital tells how a very high judicial officer. driving back into Washington af-, ter a fishing trip, was stopped by prohibtion agnts who searched hla ilAanitS hie rvpiifAoto anil Vtund nothing. Vfienerar Andrews said today bis rse in the latest strong-arm was calculated to set an le that would protect from atment the humblest citizen with tbe most powerful of the, government. whole incident. In all its ars, shows a serious lack rmity with our instrue- l general policy for the f law enforcement," said order to bis field offic- Se deputy administrator deplorable lack of lead- sense o( responsibility, rmore. durine the in- Vwas far from exhlbjt lities of frankness and Vardness which should 'an .officer in our V . 1 V . itv ii a i i II I nHLU IP WET GOODS from pac 1.1 peen widely circii- its 'proceeded -to ie beverage " dis- itnd protective :tbe street from seized 14 cases . cases of cham- a. (AP) Chinese from every Orien tal quarter in California- shuffled into San Fraricfsco -"today iy through Chinatown's narrowest al ley, gathered around actable at the Chinese Peace society and de clared the tong war'w'.ifh' has cost 26 lives since July 1, at an end. u COMKDIAX RECOVKR.H DETROIT. . Nov. 6. (AP) Frank Ttnney, " noted comedian, stricken -here recently with pneu monia and nervous .prostration; will be able- to.leave the hospital within a few days, his physician r Dr. Leo Dretzka. announced to night. Tinney will go to a sani tarium to recuperate. TAX IJKX FILKI) LOS ANGELES, Nov. C. An income tax lien of $64 90. said to be the amount due the government on his income for 1924, was filed against the estate of Rudolph Val entino, film star who died recent ly in the east. NEW INVENTION SAVES MILLIONS jCEASKS Nov. . A Lamp That Barns 94 Air A new oil lamp that gives an amazingly brilliant, soft, white light, even better than gas or elec tricity, has been tested by the U. S. Government and 35 leading universities and found to be su perior; to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns without odor, smoke or noike no pumping up. is simple, clean, safe. Burns 94 air and 6 common kerosene (coal oil). The Inventor, V. M. Johnson, li North Union Afe.. Portland, Ore., is offering to send a lamp on lft days' FREE trial, or even to give one FREE to the first nser in each locality who will .help him introduce it. Write him today for full particulars. Also ask him to explain how you can get the agency, and without experience or money make $250 to $500 per month. Adv. Q rt .3 like beihg does notr' J r. ;fcvery day : moneyi lost. I ty, through' ay )my to aclver- !.st-r eatnnrr : V.': 5tarBthe Ad la 583 , - jf - K - ' I . - " - ' , 1 5- 4 H ERRIM CASTS DRY VOTE SHERIFF ELECT OPPOSED TO ALL BOOTLEGGERS JIERR1N. I1U Nov. (AP). Turbulent WillUunson- county. In jwhk-b I the 1 Illinois national guard has a s roving rendezvous with law ' and . order. ..took the pledge 4igiUn this week, '.".''Final returns today. from Tues day ,eI-tIon"iaiow: tbats. Will iam Hon voted dry. on the, Volstead ref- erenduia, cast a. pi lira lily sfor. rrank'lZ SnUth.T The' senatorial r-andidate endorsed by the Anti Salon""1eagtie. 'and elecled a re publican sheriff " dedicated to the : proposition' thatalli iMrtilleggers are. created equally -obnoxious. . . v. jlJ ' - - t Oregon counties and one Washing ton county corerlag taxes due tbem from the former: Oregon and California railroad land grant, the interior . departments announced today that a special unit of the general land office has been as signed work" on the claims. Claims of twelve counties in Oregon, arnon nting to $ 4 .0 1 0,0 0 0 have been filed. Springfield will vote on $75.ftftft bonds for,a new Willamette river bridge. sHH! , Kikrr Auto iUt.. rry at .Mb-J riy mi. Autos stureo. ana oougnt and snld. CTars washed dayand nighty UK prices and service will make long friends. -- ( OREGON CLAIMS - FILED IjAXD OFPtCK iStCXS -SPECIAL UNIT FOR WORK WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. (AP) -In an effort'to eipediate the ad justment of Claims of eighteen MOSDAV and Tt'ESDAV hlh;hs CAPITOL XWP' T 0 D Balcony 25c Main Floor 35c Children 10c W ! ( "lit. OREGON ; DONT MISS: The sword and dagger duel on the ands! The sllttlnK of the rich galleon's sails! -The powder - monkey's train - - around the helpless' victim! The - new lender's woolne ot the fair captive! The Rlack Pirate R made ,to Jtralk hU own plank! " The battle on the fatet mercltant man! The battle royal on the doomed ship! i ' ' '- pas fPv j?ai" N 0 Advent nre for the men- Heart throbs, for the women , ..Joyous u. entert alnmen.t "jfor ' 1 " -' " . " everybody . .'.;.' -C. ; - AdulU 50c jStudents5c Children 25c Time a n d C a re Are two requisites necessary to produce - - . ' -" t photographs of distinction, therefore we " urge you to have a sitting now for your. Christmas portraits. " cr ' . '.--'" - . . . . . . ' ' - - i. -".:,' ' - Moderately priced from $6.00 per dozen and up. ',.' ''jr , "... - '-; '.S.- Vjl. r' 1 ": . - " i.. ' . v 'Mf'ii - ' ' .' - ' KENNELL-ELLIS STUDIO 429 Qreffon RIdff. -J Telephone 939 .. N 0 .Wj T 0 D : A