- h- ' T tT "T-? : : " . j . ... ... ... .... ...... : ; . - . . Hi Rimrn piiit iiinpn aiiit tor" 01 rn no h DLfllvUtn GUI I FILED AGAINST Twin Sister pf State's Wit ness Bases Action on "Miss X" Statement EVANGEL'S 'RADIO HIT Complaint Closes. .Witb Direct - Chiyg Thai "Aimee Semple Mcpherson Occupied Car- met Cottage ' LOS ANGELES. CaL, Nor..$. (AP) The Examiner says Airaee Semple McPherson sad her moth er, Mrs. Minnie Kennedy, were made defendants In a 1.000,000 salt charging slander ' tiled, here today by .Mrs J Virla Kimball of dakland, twin sister ofLMrs. Lor raine Wiseman-Sielaff, co-defend ant with the Angelas Temple- lead ers to criminal conspiracy charges. The suit Is based on statements said to harp been made by the evangelist and ; her mother during and prior to the preliminary hear ing of the, criminal conspiracy case of the : two church leaders and Mrs. Wiseman and in which Mrs. Kimball is alleged to have been named by, them as the "Miss X" who occupied - a ' cottage at Carmel and Kenneth G. Ormiston, fugitive radio man. ' - ' ; When , Mrs. "Wiseman first ap peared and made statements that It was her sister who was at Car mel wits Ormiston. the suit alleges she was hired and coached to do. so by the, evangelist and her mother. Mrs. Kimball's action nets forth that "she Is the only sister o? Mrs. Wiseman, - i. -"..: . On numerous': occasions, the mDlalht in the snlt continue. Mrs.. McPherson and her mother hate Btated tt several persona and hav.breadcast over the. radio that Mrs. Kimball was the woman who was with Ormiston In Carmel from May 19 to JJ; ;Ths two have charged that 'Mrs? Kimball posed with Ormiston as "Mr. and Mrs. George"McIntyfe,? the "suit de clares, and various witnesses were Introduced . at the preliminary hearing to testify that she was "Miss X." The prosecution at the hearing, which resulted in the three de fendants being held for trial on the conspiracy charges, contended tbsttj Mrs. McPherson, . herself, was the woman of the Carmel cot tage episode. All of the, charges connecting her with the Carmel affair are untrue. Mrs.-Kimball declares in her suit, stating that at the time the "certain Miss X" affidavit was signed la Salinas and of which she was identified by the evangelist's witnesses as the signer, she was at her home la Oakland with her five children. Of, the, $1,000,000 damages ask ed in the suit. $509,000 ai listed s Injury to the plaintiff thiocgh the world-wide publicity by news- 1 ?ontiand ps(a 4.) BRUSSELS PL ANS . ;1lOYAL WELCOME CATBOLC RELtaiOVS CERE MONY WILL BE BRIEF Wirefess Messages Indicate Bel .San Party EnJojiBR Home, ward Voyage BRUSSELS, Nov. 6. (AP) Belgium's capital today was put ting the finishing touches on Its preparations to give a truly royal welcome to Us newly-wed Crown Prince Leopold -and his bride, Princess t Astrid of Sweden, who for Wednesday's religious cere- .mony, .' - ; "A wireless message was receiv- ed this afternoon from the steam ship Marie Jose and reported that the. Belgian royal family including rrince Leopold, was enjoying the or age heme ward. ; i Princess Astrid' who is travel Mg to Belgium with her parents. left Malmoe yesterday aboard the Swedish cruisfr Pjigia. f Wednesday's religious marriage ceremony wh& follows upon the civil j ceremony performed in AtAi.lrtlAlk - . J . 111 . vwiKnuua vu. luurouay. "in oe . unci.- Acivraiuz 10 . ueooir.- in is is due to the .fact that it will he a mied marriage.- Leopold being a Roman- Catholic and Princess Astrid a i. Protestant." There will be n celebration of mass with a formal benediction afterward? ' Instead, the couple will merely pxenaage the usual marriage vows pucr wnich there will be a brief TUPLE HEAD ' .-- HORSE, ELECTRIC, AUTO What New Method of Trans- ,i portationY Next ' i.im 1 1,1 11 r I : 'Time. l) witnesses " m a n'y , changes. ' , .' " Methods of transportation I have - undergone a period ; of ; transition. A few years ago the horse drawn ; ear ras - 4 common sight and a great con venience. In a short time the horse was relegated to otheg . duties and the red electric street cars clanged . their way noisily along the city's thor oughfares. 4 ' i .A few years and the; doom of the street cars came. - Only f a few remain and they too will sooa be f discarded, making room- f or - more up-to-date methods, The tracks. . land marks of Salem, are being re moved. Old timers miss them, 'Large ? gray t busses ; gllda quietly along the streets These modernized, means of transportation t- occupy . - the stage - today. What nextf Changes in the past lead one to believe that they, may giro way before long. to more con vient and efficient methods.' Time witnesses many changes. TAX CUT CAUSES OFFICIAL FLURRY DEMOCRATS CLAIM MOVE HAS 1 ' '' POLITICAL PHASE Treasury Department Surprised by Statement 1 Issued From ! White House WASHINGTON. Nov. 6. (AP) The sudden declaration of Pres ident Coolidge for a refund of ten or twelve per cent ' of this year's income taxes caused a scratching of: heads today both at the treas ury and at the capitol. Surprised .treasury officials dis creetly suggested that the presi dent's proposal be accomplished through a credit on income taxes to be paid next year, rather than through a straight-out refund at this time. :-.;tv" - Btiuatiy - surprised '"democrat's; suspecting that Mr. Coolidge was trying "to take the political play awar from them, called the pres ident's action , a - subterfuge to avoid a general tax reduction until 1928, and give the republican party an issue. Surprised also, but cautious in his utterances. Senator- Reed Snoot of Utah, chairman of the finance committee, whose ears pick up the slightest mention ef taxation or tariff, said he thought (Continued on pje 4.) COUNCIL TO ASSEMBLE INFORMAL MEETING MONDAY TO DISCUSS BUDGET An informal meeting of the city council will be held Monday night to consider data gathered by the ways and mea'ns committee for the 1927 budget. No definite steps to ward the next budget have yet been taken, a meeting of the ways and means committee Thursday night having been called to as semble and consider preliminary reports of department heads. ; The council will meet Monday with mayor-elect T. A. Livesley and with. Harry Hawkins, and By-; ron Brunk, councilmen-elect, who hare been invited to attend the meeting. The data o be assembled Mon day night will be used as a foun dation for working out the bud get committee, consisting of the council and an equal number of citizens, to be held next week. REBELS GAIN CONTROL EL BLUFF AND BLUEFIELDS IX NEUTRAL ZONE ? MANAGUA, Nicaragua, No.;. (AP) The liberal revolutionar ies, waging war against the gov ernment, captured San Juan Del Norte yesterday,- the garrison of 100 withdrawing. The east coast of Nicaragua ;with the exception of the neutral zone of El Bluff and Blucf ields. is in control of the revolutionaries. ' ' ' . C '. "T " ' SOVIET AIDS MINERS MOSCOW Nor. .. (AP) Another contribution of $250,000 for the relief, of the striking Brit ish coal miners has been dispatch ed to England by the central coun cil of the soviet labor union. This brings the total of Russian trade union contributions to more than $5,000,000. - 1 , NEW' OPERA NAMED ' BERLIN, Not.' (AP) "Tu randot," the posthumus opera of the -'.lale&acbmoV PuccfhXwas given herq for the first timo to- GO CITY UH1UJI HALL GIVES IIP. Agents Stage Raid as Clerks yaiting for Clock to 7 't Mark High Noon WET GOODS IN LOCKERS Clerk - Fired f on October 13 Be mains Working at Desk In Cook Coanty Dispensing Bottled Goods CHICAGO. Nov. 6.. AP) .Three hundred employes of Cook county, waiting iforf the clock in the tax . extension offices of the county clerk to - mark high; noon and the end of their' week. jump ed J from their desks tea minutes ahead of time today when a dozen prohibition agents raided - the room ' and , extracted Irora 1 three lockers which line.the-walla, nine pints of brandy and . bourbon whiskey. 1 ti, ... The agents invaded the city and county building, which houses the mayor's office, a dozen courts and scores of municipal and 'county departments, and, posted guards ati' every exit from the. long room occupied by the. tax "extension de partment. ' : . . ; Then after ransacking every locker and finding the liquor caches, they arrested. Arthur Mc Veidy, for 16 years a clerk in the office. William Dessow, a special assessment clerk, board of local improvements and Fred Harer kamp. a former clork who had beep discharged three weeks ago. Agents said they had purchased liquor from all three and charged that their lockers had; served as a source of supply for , the thirsty allvover the block square build- ' In the midst of the' raid, with the corridors Outside : jammed by city hall employes who had beard the news and girl clerks in the tax. off ice climbing on lockers to watch the procedure. County Clerk (Robert M. Sweitser appear ed in the room, discovered what was responsible for the turmoil and expressed great surprise. Then he ordered the clerks to lend cooperation to the raiders and began an inquiry of his own to find out why Haverktfmp was still at the desk from which he was dismissed October 15. When the raid was finished, the agents wandered casually through other offices, but made no arrests. They said they found in some offices, however, broken bottles, . Indicating that news of (Continued en pafe 2.) YEP, HE SEEMS LIQUO SUPPLY tSALEM. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 1926 MARION ANDPOLK HONEY. SUPERIOR BEEKEEPERS TO HOLD CON VENTION AT DALLAS-'' Joint Exhibit Attracts Much In terest as Pacific International Livestock Exposition ; The Marion and Polk county beekeepers have again demon strated the- superiority' of-; the honey made in this region by tak ing four first prizes out of nine against a field of exhibitors: from Colorado, Washington, and other parts of Oregon at the Pacific International Livestock exposition at Portland. , . 4 , : H. M. Mead of Salem, president of the Pone county Beekeepers as sociation, had charge of the. ex hibit, which' was entered -jointly by Marlon and Polk county ex hibitors and which 1 formed , -one-sixth of the total honey on display. - Hans Rehb won the first prize for vetch extracted honey; B, I. Ferguson took first honors -with fire weed comb honey; Mrs. M. R. Black won the blue ribbon fpr clover comb honey, and H, M. Mead took first prize on extracted clover honey. ; Mr. York, editor of Bees ad Honey, judged the entries. 5? Plans are rapidly nearing com pletion for the program of tthe Oregon State Beekeepers, associa tion whose annual convention -will be held at Dallas on December 2, 3 and 4. AMERICAN LEGION PLANS GALA DAY SPECIAL PROGRAM PLANNED AS PART OF ENTERTAINMENT Engene High to Meet Salem High in Classic Football Game 'in Afternoon The American Legion PostNo. 9 . of this city has completed-the plans for the . proper celebration on Armistice day, .November 1J.. For the last tew weeks commit tees, have, been Verybtuiy, atte.nCi' ing to the details and' they report everything ready. - C : ?' According to the present plans there will be" something doing every minute of the day. Arrange ments have been made with . the theaters of the city to cooperate with the American Legion. In ad dition three dances are scheduled for the dancing fans. In the after noon a football game between Eu gene high school and Salem high school furnishes the special at traction. At 10 a. m. the parade will move along the main streets of the city. Many floats are being planned. for the parade and the committee will present a silver cup to the best decorated float. AH civic and industrial organizations are urged to enter floats. Some (Continaad on pag 8.) TO BE HOLDING UP THE DRY LAWAGENTS OUSTED BY CHIEF DRY FRONT 5 -ANDREWS MANIFESTO PHRAS ED IN DIRECT TERMS ' Enforcement Officer . "Must, Not Stop AatomobUes Without . Reason. ' ' ' ' .; WASHINGTON Nov. 6W(A?) -An object lesson In lawful law enforcement was set before the eyes of the prohibition army today by its commander In chief. Major General Andrews. Explaining ' why the names of four of his officers will appear no longer, on roDs, tie listed "Frankness," and "Straight For wardness," as qualities to be cul tivated by prohibition agents, and described "threatening and insult ing methods" as something that will not be tolerated. The manifesto was phrased in terms direct enough to be remin iscent of the general's army days in France. It was addressed to the field forces of prohibition thq country over, and it contained a definite order that agents "must not 'Stop automobiles except for unquestionable reasons indicating that the car is engaged in illicit (Continued on pig 2.) STORM RAGES ON HOOD LARGE TREES BLOWN ACROSS MOUNTAIN LOOP ROAD SANDY, Ore., Nov. 6. (AP). A terrific storm raged all the way around Mount Hood about noon today, according to reports from various points between here and Hood River on the loop road. Reports from Zigzag ranger sta tion said the storm lasted an hour and a half and that the hail was heavy. Other reports from gov ernment camp said the wind de veloped into a gale and that large trees were blown across the road. Hail fell heavily at Swim dur ing the gale, and near Hood Jtiver the storm was heavy enough to do considerable' damage. SHIP CHANGE PLANNED DOLLAR. WN TO MAKE CALI FORNIA PORT OF CALL SAN FRANCISCO, Nor. 6. (AP) A re-arrangement of the trans-Pacific service of the Dollar Steamship company whereby the vessels which now have Seattle as their sole port on the west coast will touch at San Francisco, and Los Angeles will be made a port of call, will be inaugurated on January 4, the company announc ed today. SIX PERSONS KILLED LAPIZ, Bolivia, Nor. 6. (AP) Six persons were killed when a Junker airplane fell near Santa Cruz, Bolivia, today. The dead include the pilot and mechanic and Emilio Antelo. Bolivian consul at Arica. ENTIRE PARTY DOUE OF PEACE SLiOOTHS OVER RIFT IH PARTY Self Styled Representative of Henry" Ford Ousted' Fromnrain QUEEN DINES WITH HILL Princess Ileana aad Prince Nich olas Race in Cars to Attend W'ashingtoik-Caltfornia Grid Game QUEEN MARIE'S SPECIAL AT SEATTLE, Not. . (AP) -The storm cloud that has hovered over Queen Jdarie ' for several days passed away tonight with the de parture of Samuel Hill, eccentric millionaire who has been Marie's host on the western part of her trip, and the expulsion from the train of a reported representative of the Henry Ford Motor com At 'the same time it was offi-Jr dally denied that Queen Markr was confined to her bed by illner ana mat pians ior ine remainr. of her tour had been cha The queen spent a' tiring late this afternoon retired private car to rest for a few before attending a dinner guest of Mr. Hill. A call upon the queen William1 D." Klrkpatrick w the queen while he wa Red Cross worker, led to. that she was under a p care. The man who from the train on order 7 John, H. Carroll, off ici her majesty is J. A Ayf York.- The Colonel's lowed published stor Ayres as, saying thaf BpehdlngT'nearly nat dollars to provide ty for the royal party, af himself" was loaning members "of . the e In a statement (Contiauad ei FILE EXPENSJ CANDIDATES TUBE SHOW J. S. Magladi was defeated state senator f I Tuesday's ' ef 169.29 in co palgn. accorai count xuea Friday. MrH lican. Other exi day follow! Sam H. didate for first dstri Grover GJ represent trict, 141 ilemocra the 2l8t' FOUR' COM3f Tb? gon d durint 4, acc herel aceide' were' i mecha land, man,' I Fishen -ptj during: to the I coa&peni firms ai roectedl from pu; not' subj the comf v.uil - : M.VNY , X iron ;wj Thal2 homecoming close last r.. Tcception at the Theta Al Never Can theatre.'- . A largo cro, former studec oyer' the seeji graduate days. were but Uttla Jact.Uiat a ;".crqi.. Loggers defeated I day 1 J 1 uniTerflity Bcarca a a tM , , . . ; INFORMATION PLEASE .. " " " . 1 4Turm. Backward. Oh Timer " Vatil .We Know of 185 i , Some queer questions are ' sometimes', put to . City Re- corder Mark Poulsen but j he received -: a , request tors infor mation yesterday, that he says stumps him. He would hare to be . a historian or an en : cyclopedia . to 1 answer It. ' he 'says. ""v; " A- man named Dr, William . Atwood in Walla Walla Wash. ' . sent the letter containing the ; question. What he wanted to. know was whether a -- man named Purvine Atwood lived or owned real estate on what is bow, the city of Portland between the years 1849" and 1353. " . Judge Po ulsen says he may bo.an old timer, but 1S53 Is a little too far back for him. -. Come . on, pioneers, and let'a see who can answer the ques tion.. ' s ; WITNESS RELATES HISTORY OF BRIBE FORMER NEW JERSET TROOT PRICE FIVE CENTS 0R1L SCHOOL - i ITSPLiii Recommend Appropriation of $175,000 for New Construction $750,000 for normals: New Building Voted for Monmontl. ' and New Equipment for Ash land. Plans to Go Before : Budget fymratagtra Appropriations that aggfegatd S750.00Q for the construction ol new state normal school building? during ' the r biennial beginnins January,' 1. !' 1927,- were . recor" monded by the board of rer of the state normal scho' meeting held here ye" endatlons no,J EEEI El 1