The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 06, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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Dr. Galpin Goes to Europe
;and Does Not Find Peas
ants in Hovels -
Living standards of some Euro
,pean farmers are better than are
found In certain localities in the
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;Bishops twenty-two-fifty department.
! IVJens ahd young men's suits and over
coats in cassimercs and worsted "ma
terials . Newest styles and patterns.
A Special Department
K IB ST. Kk MlvlWWii (KM
I tm m m 3kx, jp i js
United States, reports. -Dr. C.V'
Galpin of the department of agri
culture,, who. has just .returned
from a study of farm -life abroad
"The common -idea .thatfEuro
peaa farmers live in hovels in pov
erty' is no longer accurate." Dr
Galpin saysv "Conditions -are bad
in some cases, -as they are in some
cases' in the ' United States, .but
there is a great number of farm
ers abroad whose living standards
are comparable with what we have
in this country." -
Dr. Galpin's observations were
made on the basis of comparison
all 'the newest creations
with conditions 30 years ago when
he made a similar .study of Euro
pean farm, living standards. Ho
visited 13 countries-, in hi survey,
and obtainedfirst-hand .informa
tion of - living conditions on all
types .of , farms.. . ,
V"Eropean, farmers.,, he : said,
"are becoming consumers of more
and better goods. .They are de
manding : greater economic, recog
nitlon and are calling for reforms
through . legislation the same as
farmers In this country. They are
adopting cooperation, and making
it secure by special efforts in edu
Type of
This store possesses all of the ad
vantages that come from a larger
volume of sales from specialized
knowledge v of the retail clothing
business and the tremendous buy
ing power which enables us to buy
for less.
Our stocks- today are more com
plete, more varieai of better qual
ity and greater value than ever
before. It could not be otherwise
with -a buying power as large as
Bishop's Washougal
8 U IT S
Men's and
We know every
goes into these
means to you.
That' is why we can place the
broadest sort of guarantee back
of these suits. We've personally,
selected the fabrics, for strength,
we have personally planned their
making for. durability. These fab
rics are made in our own mills and
cost a little more to make, but , we
are satisfied with little profit so
that we can be sure of big value.
Bishop's the Home of Hart Schaff
ner and Marx, all of the world's finest
woolens and America's foremost tail
oring is represented; in these suits.
in Sweaters in our windows
cation of the- adult farm popula
tion. t . ' ' ; . -
.."There is a large number ot
new and Jbetter farm houses. Ths
farm 'people of Europe re de
termtnetf to hare more things arid
to live more comfortably. Farm
women in some countries no long
er do the heavier farm-work. Pub
lic opinion prevails Ja hese coun
tries that agriculture gains in the
long' run where the farm women
does, not have to do a 'woman's
day's work and a - man's work
The advanced view now held
Young Men's
Pair. Pants
inch of yarn that
suits and what it
of the - economic importance of
European farmers. Dr. Calpin said,
was manifest at the first interna
tional conference on the improve
icenlof rural life, at Brussels last
summer.. Thirty leading rural
men. and women from. 11 European
nations attended the conference,
in, addition to the American dele
gates. " .A
' ' (OoBtinl from p( 1.)
it was estimated would be collect
ed. It was estimated in June that
the surplus for this fiscal year,
ending next. June 30, would onl
amount to $185,000,000.
-Since the opening of this fiscal
year however, there have been
many signs -pointing to a. much
larger surplus than was estimated
and only a month ago Senator
Simmons of North Carolina,
spokesman for senate democrats
on state legislation,, demanded an
immediate tax cut of $500,000,
000. Corporation taxes Jiave account
ed mainly for the increase in tax
receipts over estimates, although
Individual returns also have been
higher than was counted on. Con
gress ordered a heavy cut in the
individual income taxes last
spring, but despite this, the re
ceipts were greater than a year
ago when the higher rates pre
vailed. Although individual in
come rates were reduced by con
gress, it increased corporation lev
ies from 12 to 13 per cent to
offset the repeal of the capital
stock tax.
In the first four months of this
fiscal year, income tax receipts
totaled SS80.211.540, compared
with $4 69,617,000 received in that
period a year ago. Miscellaneous
taxes which would not share in
the proposed refund, however,
hav amounted to only $230,165,-
000 for the first four months this
year, compared with $343,930,000
collected a year ago.
Indications Point to Still
Higher Totals in Follow
ing Months
October exports . from the port
of Portland reached the record to
tal of $10,789,792, a substantial
increase over the September fig
ure of $9,668,798. A large part
of the October figure represents
wheat shipments, which totaled
5,166,235 bushels valued at $7,-
General cargo exports during
the month, made up; chiefly of
fresh apples, dried and canned
fruits, and other 'products of Ore
gon and Washington farm lands
moving, directly to foreign mar
kets, totaled $2,764,181.
Indications are that exports
during November and 'December
will be high and that a round to
tal of $70,000,000 for the year.
1926, a record amount, will be
Surveys Indicate Surplus of
2 to 4 Million Bales at
Present Time
Cotton is keening close com
pany with apples these days as a
crop in which over production is
great and therefore prices weak.
Government surveys indicates 2 to
4 million bales more than the
world's markets can normally ab
sorb at prices netting grower a
reasonable return. A slump " of
around $500,000,000 in the pur
chasing power of the south is said
to be inevitable. . with resultins
disastrous effect on other indus
tries in the cotton belt.
At a meeting in Memphis of
govornors of states, heads of cor
porations, bankers, U. S, senators,
and business men on Oct. 12, a
resolution was passed demanding
that 4 million bales be held in
storage, this enterprise to be fi
nanced by1 the Federal Interme
diate land banks.
Lrftst week in the south was de
clared "acreage reduction week'"
and a drive was made for a 25
reduction in cotton acreage for
next season. It is expected that
growers who fall to make exnens
es this year will automatically be
compelled to reduce plantings
next year.
Business men of the south, are
holding out hope that the fact that
cotton is cheap will cause it to
enter Into many industries in
which: its use is imDOBsible excent
at low prices,, thus-taking car 61
much of the surplus. j
British Saddlers Art
Aided by U. S. Demand
LONDON., Thanks to the- de-
1 mand ' from the United States for
bits, pur and. bridles, the "tori-
ner" or saddlers art is not yet dead
in England. : : "
Speaking at the livery dinner of
tbc Loriner's company, Daniel
Hone-aaid the chief lorincr at
Walsall toldf him that the people
of. the United States: insisted' on
having English loTged loriner's
work at . any price, despite the
1.10 TO 20 IS
. , . .
Housewives May Effect Big
Saving: Buying .Tinned
Goods. by the Case
The housewife should t, keep In
mind the dates November 1 ; to
20 which mark National Canned
Foods week. It is important to
her because of the many excellent
bargains In , prepared foods that
will be offered during that time.
One of J the " best of economies is
buying in : bulk, and during this
time cases of canned foods will be
sold at big reductions. Take the
opportunity to stock up on staples
and also to make the acquaintance
of such canned foods as you may
not have tried. If you don't care
to buy an entire case of .one kind
of food, the grocer will sell brok
en cases, combining, several foods,
giving-you, the. advantage of the
reduction-on the case.
Spinach Rich in Minerals
The adult as well as the grow
ing child should eat plenty - of
Bpinach. It contains an unusually
high percentage' of mineral salts,
particularly Iodine. It is the lack
of iodine, throat specialists say,
which is one of, the prime causes
of goitre. Spinach, too, is a tonic
food for t he .digestive tract and is
known among the French peasant
ry as "the poor man's broom" for
its cleansing qualities. All the
nuisance of washing and cutting
is done, plus even the preliminary
boiling, when spinach is bought
in canned form. -With good seas-
oning, the housewife can make
dishes of infinite variety with
canned spinach. When heating it,
be sure-that the liquor from the
can cooks almost entirely away,
for valuable minerals are dissolv
ed tin the water. When It cooks
away, these minerals stay in the
food and aren't poured down the
drain with the water.
Pumpkin Pie
There are two ways of making
pumpkin pies. You will probably
want to try, both of them during
the Thanksgiving season, though
prepared pumpkin is available at
any time of the year and you may
just as well have pumpkin pie for
Easter or Fourth of July. One
way of making it is the old fash
ioned way, fairly strong in flavor.
Heat a cup of milk, two cups of
canned pumpkin, one cup of sugar,
a half cup of molasses, two tea
spoons of. cinnamon, a teaspoon
each of ginger and salt, and a half
teaspoon each of nutmeg and all
spice. Pour on two slightly beaten
eggs and fill the baked crust. Heat
ing the ingredients before adding
them to the egg keeps the crust
from becoming soaked. This
quantity makes two pies.
Of more delicate flavor, and
equally good, is the filling made
with a cup and a half of canned
pumpkin, two-thirds of a cup of
white sugar, one teaspoon of nut
meg, grated, a half teaspoon salt,
two slightly leaten eggs and two
cups of milk. If you like your
filling very rich, use' part cream.
Tuna Fishing
Tuna fishing is an exciting sport
even when done as a regular Job.
The "albacore" as the tuna was
first named, is a swift and power
ful swimmer, hard to catch, and
efforts to take it in nets have so
far tailed. The fishermen go out
between June and September and
when a school of albacore is
found, begin throwing handfuls ot
small fish overboard. la -a few
minutesftthe albacore becomes so
excited that they will leap up to
catch the little fish. Immediately
the fishermen drop baited hooks,
hauling in the albacore as fast as
they can. The fish are cleaned
immediately to keep their flesh
white. At. the cannery they are
cooked whole by steam and their
natural oil, which .is not appetis
ing, is cooked off. Olive oil is
added and that Is the way we
know tuna fish as it comes canned.
The demand .1 so heavy that the
supply is usually har'd to keep up.
A group of young people enjoyr
ed a progressive dinner on Satur
day evening, October 30. After,
the dinner a pirty was held at the
Cole home.
Miss Helen McMillan visited
her sister who lives near Eugene,
last Sunday. '
Mrs. W. H.Adrain of Spring
field was a Sunday visitor at the
home of her ucle, T. D. Trick.
The Birthday club met Friday
evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Campbell, '
; The... funera service for Ralph
M. Cammack was held Tuesday af
ternoon from tlie.Hosedale church.
Rev. Mr. C A.fliadley'of Portland
jiad clmrgc otthe service, with the
help of Rev. ir. Clyde Thomas,
of Salem, and Mrs. Wood, of Jort-
Thousands Live on Canals
Begause of Home Shortage
- - - hi in. n ' .
life and - home ;life are often ne
ahd the same here, where a short
age,- of - houses has- forced thous
ands - of families 'ta live on r th
canals. a -' : ; "
The number ot barge homes in
Amsterdam . iJ constantly increas
ing despite the protests of iiolders
of i residence property - alon g the
canals. ' , ' ' - -
, Astoria;
ty gives 13-acre sits
a tnip and Taper
Locally Wheat? Weafc; . Ex
1 -pected to Be influenced .
: By Big Markets "
' Eggs' are bringing more money
here than in Portland this week,
an abnormal condition - consider
ing that the price usually cuts the
Portland price " by about 2 cents
a dozen. The market is weak, re
flecting, the condition of the Port
land market v where e California
storage egg, are being offered for
the first time In years, at thosame
time that Portland and Seattle
storage imeni&re' trying to unload
their cooler stock " on the Califor
nia trade.
Locally wheat is still weak but
Is expected soon to feel the effect
of higher prices' In' the big mar
kets owing to a betterment in the
freight rate, situation.
Salem Markets Wholesale
1 ; Wheat; -No. 1 white $1.23; No.
1 red 11.20.,
Oats: , No. 2 white ,45c bu.;
No. 2 grey: 4 5c to 48c bu.
Barley: No. 1 white $30 to $32
Hay: Clover $14 to $15 ton;
grai $15
Eggs: s Fresh standard white
48c:- fresh standard extras 46c
mediums 40c; - standard pullets
Poultry: Hens light 16c heavy
22c: friers 22c, heavy springs 18c.
Turkeys: 40c dressed, 30c to
32c live; capons 2c to 3c less.
Ducks: Colored 16c, white Pe-
kin 20c.
Geese: Live 15c.
Butter: Prints 46c, - cartons
47c, butterfat 44c. v
Meat: Top , hogs 13gc; sows
10c 10; top steers 5c6;
cows 2c4c; bulls 3c5c:
1926 lambs, 86 lbs. and under,
10c; 86 lbs. 9c10; top live
veal, 7c9; dressed veal 16c;
dressed pigs 18c; top veal 16c."
Vegetables and fruits: Sacked
vegetables, beets, 3c; turnips 2c
2 rutabagas, 3c; onions, car
rots and beets 40c 80 dozen
bunches; celery, 60c85c1.10;
new cabbage 2c; potatoes $1.75
2.50; local tomatoes $1 box; local
onions lc; local lettuce $1.50
General Markets
PARTf.lVD tlr . Vnr! ' S f API
Hilk steady: ietfc chaining rm 2 (if
44c; per pound net shippers' track, in
Zona 1. Creaa delivered Portland 44-(rv
4 Be per pound Haw milk (4) S2.25
cwt. fob Portland. ,
Poultry steady; haery hie 25 28:
Iit-ht 16; springs 21 25: Pekin whita
ducka 24: colored ia&cxT; turiteys iiva
32Stf34,i draaaed, 4245 pound
Unions quiet; local; wail
: Ull 906ii.OO: notatoea firmer:
1.506ls75 aack.
POBTLAXD. Or.--,-5. lAP
Cattle and calves' nominally steady; re
ceipts 40; through.
Uoj-a nominally steady ; receipts 125.
Skaep and lambs nominally steady j bo
PORTLAXIV Pre, Xov, S. (APi -
Dairy ExcUange. net priees: liutter -ex-
cesrs extras 47: firsta 4.; pullet 36 1
current receipts 43; under ailed S.
tras 41. standards 40; prima firsts 39;
firsts 37. j
Wheat BOB. hard white. BS. Baart. Not.
Dec. $1.36; Federation ."o. 1 .Ui ; Jen.
91.36: soft white Nov. lee. S1.36; west
ern white; hard winter. Sor. 1.3.,fc
lec. fl.36; northern spring Nov. Dor,
$1.34; western red Nov. S1.33. ieo-
Oats. .e. 2. 36 poand wkite feed and
gray Nov. Dec. $33.00.
Uarley. - 2, 4a pound UW, Nov.
Dec. $28.50.
Corn. No. 2 EY shipment. Nov. Dee.
$35.00: No. n KY shipment Dee. $33.00
MUlrun. standard Aov. 12 4.50. Dec
BOSTON. Nov. S. (XP Montana
wools of all sradea are uovinc within
recently quoted ranges. Th finer gradea
re receiving the bulk f the call. Half
blood SO' a have- had . aalea thai figured
about $1.02 1.85 aeoored basis. Fine
terrrtory Freneh combingr is selling ' at
$1.05 and slightly stronger. Offerings
of graded fine strictly com bin a are avail-
V '9 4 "11 dTif. V
. . C B.
Inspected i
Steusloff Bros. Marlie
Corner Cocrt and Liberty
Our rjnilar Prices of Bread. J
1 Vi lb. loaf, 13c, ? for 25c;
j Cookies, Z dozen for '
Butter Horns 6,fo ; ." - . y . ; ' -
Apple Turnovers, t ny 25c
Calces, all varieties ... j - .. ,,,..15c c?.to 5Cs
V Doughnuts, Cinnamon Rolls, Tea Sticks and Buns,
. Pica ',. ...... U 10c &r.d 25c
1 Milk, Bread, French and Bye Bread; 3 Isavesl-ZSs
: Vc Serve Coffca tu:d Lruasl:;3
bl t 1.10 1 1.12. Hhonjh f,:
kouii re lira t UtciP rectnt seJlu
price f 1.15, : e!ea bsi- He din.
laie ara ct(T at 9 ,ceuw. .
. . . . ' . . hay
PORTI-AXD. Ore.. Stir. APJ-.
llf huyins price: V '
KMUern Oregon inntly'$20.O22.(Vi 1
ditto Taller 1 T.mtry 17.a; la.tx
alfalfa ,17-30G18.00; nat kay li.0O;
and fetch 11.50M1S.OV; atraw ;7.00
7.50 pet ton. 4 BvUine : price 2 tj
". I
SEW YORK. No.i5. Ar Ek.pJ
fated applea quiet.-" rtTiat stpady.' Utv
roiw 5t&12. : Apricots and p-cb,
firm. Haisiaa mr deauaud ; hop Hcwi, ;
r - 1 1 ' ')
. .h . WHEAT?
CHICAGO., Xar. 5. fvVP) Trtf J
bUcit. kLcui. .rust reported deTaloyin; j;
Arerntin. brought ,abo6t ' a late iwrl
tread i whea vataea tday. : "Clocitf
quoutiona acre for hft wrre firm t;
tho aaaia as yesterday's.' fiaikh to i
jugner, earn to o w, aut
'. Mr. Slater ' who : has parcbasec"
the C. C. vBest home wiu take po
session soon. The CL-CBest fair
ily will teore to Salem. ? r'
'!; Earl Meeksl .who Is Tlsfting E t
home folks fora-few days boast'
that hesaw-Queen .Marie-in Port?
land Wednesday. V t
A delegation ; from Prinjgle at
tended the-, It. V. Cammack funer
al Tuesday.'
Pringle Sunday school i folks
will attend the Bed Hill dtrict
Sunday school convention Nor. 7
at Liberty.
Mrt Wilson moTed into their
new house this week. , 5
C. F.ates and family are pre
paring 'itormove to, their ; new
home netar Tillamook. This fam
ily will ibe missed by the people
of this Yflcinlty. .
H. 1 Stewart attended the
state Sunday school convention it
Salem Thursday -
You might jpst as
as not
Here you , can ;, get.
G o dd Meat . at ' a
very low price.
Pure Lard. oiu. J
own make, lb. 20c-
Pork Roasts, lb. 23c
"Where a Dollar
; Does Its Duty"
173 Sj Commercial
Telephone 1 42 1
Phono 1523
1 lb. loaf 9c, Z for.
mmt of r,
i tay. . .
.jftv Jfc. 4k Jtk-. .k- JGk. jBV Jfc jttk..4t.JKk-. &i .-"
eormyi43 targs. salnj$ it. V