The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 06, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    "SAfUP.lSA Y.- MOANING .-NOVESICER' crrea'
' 't?-JkHct ' j , ? " 1 r-i'ff'j '
was read by Chairman Dekebach,
and which , allowed . that; the, ciy
coutdvpay as, bJgbv as .$j,i30,312,
. 'oc thewater 1 property.and with.
Estimates of f ntore revenue based
on the actnal Income of the com
i y tor the year 1925, whjch was
-173,637. meet its .bonded obliga
tions and come ont without an ex
tra turdea to ;tne' taxpayer. , . f
Tlie History oT It, .
The present irfdferiierir lb ma"ke
the water company-the property
of the citv of Salem :was started
by afayor 3o'h'ri?6 CiesV bvVr-'aS
year ago. The engineering .ftrm
of. Stevens and Koon HraA hired by
the city at a cotrof ft$00 to ap
praise, the property and did bo;
netting Arigure of. ITeO.AfHK- JSr-nSt-WJUard
wa"a.wVed.lar,the Sa
lem4 Water, Light Power com
pany tS evaluate the property -and
his figure was $120O,OO0. It was
then agreed by 1!toh parties, he
etty dnd the company, t'6-Tputahe
matter of apprajteajIntbandfi
of a th'ffd engineer ana.TrvNew
n s engaged at a'coSt'of 500
, ' Mr. Newell, working with Mr.
Stevens andif?. Willard.arffved
at thVlrlgure" of "J72.6"00. The
detailed report, of these engineers
5 U given ieiwithJtf r V: 'J
. W T&e .oie i toT C6ntntioa ; '-.
JFekcWef bane of contention vat
jthe meeting last night was wheth
er the caramlttee'df 2s ibouid ko
on record as favbrfrig the - pur-
, chase; of the water $rpJertyat the
price set by - 'they engineers. , or
. ahould not g& on record at aft.
' ChATrmatf 'DeeeD'aeh'made " tile
opinion of tire substantial 'element
of thecit la a maW meeUne.Aug.
10, l325,.wai that. the-lty should
. own Its own waterworks; and thati
the4 utmost has. fceen 'dene to : get
a competent f and -unbiased, ap
pTalsal-otth'e fa!r market value of
He. stated ithat tne mayor le. de
pending en' the committee to snake
1 some1-definite recommendation re-
gardfn'r the !proi&osea' purchase.
": Mf,;t)ekeba'eh did . not believe the
cbfcrmiftee " would, be doing ' Its
C tff by '..the pHLfor 'to pass the
matr oyer 'to f lie city council
' wfthout taking some advisory ac
tlon. r
, , After the commftfeeb'dnriAn-
imously. agreed to accept the re--V
port or. the engineers; Mr. flreetf
: t baum moved that ft be Submitted
i to tle"chy coittclf itboui takWg'
Report on salea 3&CirjafcHf'.oiiatri Water, Light & Power
Company by board of Appraisal, September 17, 1926.- 2 ,
.V- :" " ' Portta OregoniSepteniberfl7, 1826.
To the Hen,bribl Mayor nd .Cly Council ian Che: iSAleni 'Wiifer1.
. :Wgbe. bdlP0wer'Cortanf.VS4lWOregonenqemen: ' v, - i
t PrtUat Jhstruction, et te undesigned, tetint as a Board'
of- AppralsaJ' submit below buf report on the fat value of the witfer
works property of the Salem, Water, Light and Power Company for
purposes of AretA thfeaty-of &alem, , v f . ,
.-' ReproductfoncoVf-lessde'pfeciation. " rf'.
In arriving at a fair sales value we first found the cost of jepro-ducing-
the property .in -Vtflcondttita And: a price for lalbr Arid ma
$d ".olM: 5J? I92..whleb? la fleaignated. herein As reptoduc-tfon-coswess-depreclatlpn.
r,Tbe: equities involved required that eef
tatn' deduxtloiis be made from tnat reproducUon-cost-less-depreela-tlon
in order to arrive at, a fair sales value. These deductions win
be more fully explained, later.---'- , . . .$y
The following tablA ls"'A sumniary of reproduction-cost-less-de-preciation
as heretofore defjnedr - ,3
' Rproductfwu Cot tss rVerrecUtlon
, , (as of March
Item :
Ofgantatlbn r . . .
Water Power Hlgbts
Water Rlgbts;at Source;-
Landa erwned in' fee simple.
EaifenYenf 6h' Minto . Island '.
Other easMeiia',.'?r,';
Ruttgmr.;Ak(f structures ,
SteAm," Trydraulfc and erectrfc
' equipment
Distrfbtftlon - iyslfem
CenerAl equipment " ....
jjtoTe .y,v?..
Paving over mains.
Engineering. - superintendence, legal. , taxes,
t Interest ad miscellaneous ex'peAseA during ,
construttlon t. .'. f
Development expense
i V
" Fair Rales Vainer In determining a fair sales, value for purchase by
rt'e elfy of SaTem. it was agreed that three Items in the above tAbW
required some ad justmentin prder.tor arrive at a figure that is just
and equitable. These leVn were .therefore modified asXollows; ,
Paving Over Mains 972,000. While it is necessary to include this
item 1a a reproductien-cost-less-depreciatlon; It doenot fotlow that it
is ah element of fair sales value since little or no part of this sum was
. aettfAlly spent by the comnany.. Nevertheless it Is nracticaUy. certain
tha( . the compaatfj has been put to
ment ot pipe unea nneaa or wnat woma otnerwise De required on
account of tfie city's rapid paving program during recent years. The
: anm of $16,000 was tbersfore substituted: in lieu of this item. v
Easement oA SUnto Mr f 23,000. In bder to reproduce this item
It fmixBi Udtt1'rr''eoei:ciie inn IndJca(eaj Nelreless bne-ftf tb
otrjhfs jnnn W4s; agreed rpon as an eqnltable portion thatr ihould
. ippeaxln fair sales value. , ..; j - ..
1 JeveloimMt"Cost S7O.0OO. Renroductlo?' reaufre rthat this Anm
be Included, but there was evidence. to, the effect that one-half of this
amount had been amortized during tne past 13 years or operation
under publie service, regulation. . I 1 '
Ma'kTnfi!' lib fbfeVotnxc'Adfu8tmenfs fhsfbllowlne resutsr
Reproduction-Cost-Less-Depreciation ...','...: ;, . . -44q2,9d6
Deduction for ,',
.-"PAvtog, over, 3nains,
rtaseuent,on Mfnto Bar. . ,
Development cost.
. Xid'itl6nafifor .' 'm
Co?t due to city's paving program. .$ 16,00$
Equitable portion of easement on- Mlnto Bar t ,. -5,000,-f - .
- Unamortlxe'd portion of development cost ; 35,090c .T 6,0d
' . . ,We therefore submit the-m
: onable compensation, to Je paia
bf the Salem Water, Light and.
: works purposes, aa of March 31,
t A' tubawjueni trams et' tff the property be made '16 ttb?e cltyj we
recommend that the net actual ' cost "6t , used and " useful' additions,
i ijcludtBtorwtdplarit and equipment Ipstaned.tretWfea.Marth-Sil,
: 1926. and the date of transfer be added to that. sum". Vv ' ' ,
-( . " J:' ', I ' Respectfully submitted
- .. . ; . ( Signed )- -.: U-'- A 4 1'
i -
. v-; i
'ea3ftctef fc' to
is narks, iierrinan.
rTeircnr' ana woodworm, uouora row ; niiiunuxia,
sonie advfsory' action "
. After the committee had uhan-Iniously-
Agreed . to accept the : re
port of the engineers, Mr. ' Oreen
ba'nni inoTed that it be submitted
4o the city ,'counciu with; the rec
bmmenttaxfbn that it be voted on
By tn'e people. was pointed
out that this would amount to do
ing? exactly nothing, since the re-'
port la - already,' made to the city
council and th iralhihase can no(
be made, ttnUl voted by the beo.
ple. It was then moved td table
31. 1926)
As De
pr eclated
f , 2.000
' C
8 5.0 So
i-. -, kit
37.56 3
, 10
8 5000
. 8.742
. . . f :;
$1,002,115 2699,996
r.'fiV, . . .$1,228,115 $902,996
some extra exptenTOInrihe.replace-
, - ' iti.-Vfe r
..$ 72,0 00, 's
. ' ) .r AAA'
... ; 70,080
ot $792,000 as the Jast, ua resis-
oy tne city or Salem for- tne property
Power Co., used and useful forrwAter
1926.. '-i"l:'v -'f'sf
; J. C STEVENS -1?':'": A
-ERNEST C: willarYj' - V-;
' 1 . f
- r
:V. ;
. - !-.'
ntfht - Tdp row ; Waddefl; Betts,
Asnoy ana-Assisiant voacn
the Qreenbaum. motion; for 20,
days. Thtawas carried with sev
en dissenting, .
Wanted Further Light
A. A! Lee. Dr.JW. B. Morse, anaf
Dr. Steeves all insisted that, they
were; not familiar enough with the
detailed report of the engineers to
register, an opinion last night. Dr.
Steeves believed that much of the
equipment of the water company,
especially the mains, is out of con
dition and will soon be obsolete.
He said the city would not do well
to pay for equipment that it would
immediately have to replace. Mr.
Decebach said that this factor was
taken- care; of in the. report of the
engineers, and he felt, that they
were the most competent ones to
judge.- !' . j.
August Huckesteiri suggested
that a committee go to the water
company and see what, figure they
would accept. He reviewed an
a.ttemct to our chase the water
property 12 years Ago which was
frustrated by a mayoral veto. At
that time, Mr. HUckestein. said,
engineers appraised the property
at. $422,000 and after some, negp-
tiationa the water company agreed
to accept a considerably lower fig-;
ure. Mr. Deckebach believed ,It
would' be foolish for the city . fo
quibble over a price after an ap
praisal hAd been made by expert
Mr." Greenbaum said that the
committee should submit some
unAnlmous 'report, to the city
council, but Dr. - Morse said that
he believed in a divided commit
tee and "let 'em scrap it ont." He
stated that, he bad learned only
three daya- ago that he was to
serve onthe committee and that
consequently, he needed more time
to form, an onln ion. , - . .w-,. ,.
Baaed oa Reprodnclhg Cost ;.
JJt 1UD mWI l VI L m CDMB.p 101-
ens, .WillArd and Newell fixing. si
fairs price for ttee-water company's
property At ,f7?2,0e0. fA bAsed if
the co'et ot 'reproducing, that prop
erty on March 31. 19 26. It Is
understood that to this sum. must
be added the cost of Improvements
put in by the water company since
that . date, to . secure - a fair . pur
chase price at the present time.,
Avowed belief In. the general
principle of municipal "ownership
of public water systems, wm ex
pressed by several of . the commit-
teemetf,: notably Mr. Deckeback
and Mr. Huckesteip-V , ; J i
Other members of the commit
tee of 25 hot heretofore mentioned
are- Hal - D. Patton, T. M. "Batrl
Geo. ;Vri: Thompson, Byrdn ; Her-
rick.' 'Eugene " GrabenhorstJ, Geo.
Grabenhbrst, - ,Geo. Wehderoth,
Harry .WJ Hawkins. Geo. F Vloc,
T. A. Lfvesler. Carl Enrstrom. W.
l: Staiey. .Geo. C. Will Martin
Townsend and Dan j. ry.
rinn'ilfonsf'Sets ni77w ! i
i PaceWhile on ;Va&trqn
The vAcatiobs of kings are Creh-
Luoui aff Air ft that pt-AlfOnBo
XIII of Spain may be taken as An
Sports of all , klnds public f eV
tlvals and social functions take op
so mucbf $1. bis jime thewoAdpr
here is when Ire finds acnanee to
eat Arid ileep. i Those who wisb t
see ta eating generally .Await" j A
chance to catch, bim either on: tne
way to or on the wAy from torn
f Thorougbbreai, now riclng.
which Alfonso baa been endeavojr-
mg to popularize in epain eventu
allv to talte the nlace of buU f ichi
fnrJis.VClft: to, tfer- bis -favorite cl
vereloa: sfteryacbting,-Tbe king
- qulre6V3fctP,abUc kertt!-
if i
- Hb Hartley; Zeller.Kobertsbrrr, Coach "Spec" .Keene, Rhodes.
kxiu. riuuuuie ruw. fmiyvi.,' ampuii, t4Aiv.w, jro.iv, vvritil5c...fv"vNT,,:..-.-.
luuuiiw u, uciKovtA, ncmj
V6l IE
W0 BY SEEM ill
Final Score 21. to,3, -Visitors
Draw First Blood With
Place Kick ,
Salem high school crushed the
Hillsboro football team by a 21
to 3 score yesterday afternoon in
a hard-fought battle. The-size of
the score does not indicate the
ferocity . arid desperation with
which the game was carried on.
Both teams . . acted more like
wildcats than human beings, and
and one from.tiillsborb caused thehoa mmos ?f thf Hillsboro
ejection of both men from the
Hillsboro. scored first by a field
goal near the end of the first quar
ter, but tbe red arid black: team
came back arid shoved over a
touchdown in each of tbe other
three quarters, the Salem back-
fleld men ripping huge holes In
their opponents' line time after
Salem l33t an opportunity to
score early In the first quarter, af
ter Cummings bad recovered a
blocked punt oh the Salem 35,
Ashby and Kelly carried tne ball
to the Hillsboro 20 in three plays.
where Johnson. Hillsboro fullback,
intercepted A pass by, Ashby and
returned me pan ergrit yards.
Thwalte circled right' end for
10 yards. Rushlow passed' 20
yards to Schoeler, who ran 10
more before he was downed. Again
Thwaite circled right end. carry
ing tbe ball 15 yards to the Salem
25 yard line. w Schulmerich crash
ed-through right -tackle .for , five
yards. Two more plays failed to
gain, so Johnson booted a place
kick from the - 25-yard marker
shortly before the first period was
ended. . - ; .- ;
Salem fought hard .throughout
the second period, looking for a
chance to score. Her first oppor
tunity came aftera pass by Johrit
son had been intercepted Jn the
Hillsboro. 40. ..
. Backe arid Kelly maOe, about
eight yards on two line . plunges.
Ashby broke through , the 'line and
rn 15 yards to the Hillsboro 15.
Backe made five more. Ashby
plunged jJhrorigTi. felt tackle ifor
seven yards arid first down ori the
Hillsbdrp. ..eight,. . He 'jRgtf tedUtae
balUa?,ri on. the nex play and
squirmed through fir seven more
yards to the Hlflsborb one-yard
line. ' - ' ,- ; - . ;
Backe ..crashed through for , a
touchdown on the next plAy. Keriy
converged the try for pbint, in'ak
in the score "7 'to" 3 for r SaI em!
The hAlf ended soon afterwards .;
" An 'cicfiarige of punts soon af
ter play Was resumed gave Salem
the ball onthe Hillsboro 35.
Three plays brought a gain of only
flj0 JArds, bo Kelly attempted i X
place kck from the 35 yard line
that ; went wide. , . ' . ,
V-Johnson punted only 20 yards'
tfrthe Salem 4J, from where Keljy
.went around right erid 11 yards 6n
a cxiss-cross play. . The Hillsboro
line Held, and iAsbby punted to tne
Hillsboro seven-yard liuev n.?r .
Johnson ' Dunted I tot the Hills
boro 3 5, Ashby jeturnlbg tbe balf
six yards. , Ashby and Kelly made
eight ryards , apiece on ,tjfb Dlays.
Baxke bit the line. fo. seven yards
and . Kelly carried the ball ; toni
more on the jaext play, tri gain first
down .on the HtllsboTO three.
i B eke and Ashby failed to gabi
grpuna on two plays, puV,thCtliXrd
plunge; by Kelly brpnht'.lhe all
within bneoot of tbe gbaUr Kelty
cied it i'fij fewti
-- -f v-
- mi .
- - . .
! .-
: - t
. :r
1 1
. Ml
ni yj-, yia.wr-,.' nywi
try for point, making the score 1 1
tc 3 for Salsm.
Hriishoro carried the ball to the
Sa.iem'12 soon .aftir tfre ftnat
period started, making big gains
qn end runs by Tbwaite and line
bucks by Schulmerich. A 15-yard
penalty for holding, .killed the
chance for a touchdown however,
and an attempted place kick by
Johnson went only to the -12-yard
Une -
Salem's? rial touchdown - came
late in the fourth period, after
Fabry bad recovered a furnbl'e by
Johnson on thj Hillsboro 30.
Blaco made, six yards through
left" ta'ekle. Ashby tore through
the. right side Of the line for 11
more to the. Hillsboro 12. Plunges
by . Blaco . and . . Kelly made only
three yards, bu Ashby got. away
on the net play and , dashed
team before heing downed one
foot from the goal.
. Kelly carried theball over on
the next pfay and cenvefted the
try fdr P6int. The game ended 18
seconds' after the next kfekoff.
.... Reese
.. Bagley
Adams ....
Lyons '
Drager ....
-C. .
.... LT-R
..... Rushlow
.... . Thwaite
F ...
Backe ' F Johnson
Scoring: - Touchdowns, Kelly
2. Backe. Field goaf, Johnson:
point after touchdown. KeUy 3.
Score by quarters'; -
Salem 0 7 7 7 21
Hillsboro ......... 30 0 0; 3
Substitutions: Safem Hamil
ton for CuiAmings; , DeLisIe for
Adams'; Browne for Lyons; N'elsbh
for Backe. . Hillsboro: Hate for
Reese; McMannum for Thwaite;
Hartrampf for Tubloa; Thwaite
for McMannum? McMaTmum for
Baigfey; G. Norton for ThwAfte.
.if. ,
Two Games of Coast Confer
erice Scheduled j n North
for This Afie'rnoon-
. Prombtly at 2 o'clock this -af
ternoon the annual homecomlngJ
game at wmamette university
will begfn on ffweetrand field, with
the fast, nowerf ul college of? Pa
get Sound Loggers as. opponents..
With both teams tied' fdr the
Northwest cpnferedce ; lead"ership,
thts . game.,ULotilxeJimJ7
nale one orr the 0 theL ; I . i i r
. Coath Cjlyde WsJHnbJbard of Xh J
Uoiiege oz.fuget. Bound ;ts itiring
pag u squad, of 21 ;ninfrpjm Ta
comi wltn hlirilVi-Irm'"ream -plava
a somewbAt JsimilAr.isysfe'm.-. of
football to that used by the Bear
cats, both .coacbfia-havrng learned
their football At2Kesa2rrtostftu'-ffoii;OACj'A1vlC;':-
. GiuihAnifATterbei Atfd Ta
um, fullback-Jrett I'm atojtonVc
ol trfferfslv poWef In: the College
of Paget; Sound attaefcr TAtom! Is
called a second "Redt Grange- "By
tiC Puget Sound 1 iri. ? . Gflllbari
ia:. alfagt man' Aritf An accurate
passer- ,-4 ,y." a ,
FrAnlt Wilson; .haifbAel;, does
most J ot tbA ticking and also
tfiraws ifAsies for tbeteAfatrie
Hs said lobist-- genuine' tripfe
i threat. titaairaA-he cacjrry th
i b4a 50fikliVel .-1 lii
r-t TECf. T " f ootbATl AeAAbn la
-1 o :
" -i'f -' '
. ft ;
. J. t.
. . . I .- r I
i. s
Lang;. --JwigMonr;; AicMulJm,
wv, vyr '
amette university fn mAn'y years.
The victory over Pacific is , the
chief feather in the team's cap' so
far, and . the .men are anxious , to
keep up this winning streak by
winning today.
The. 'tentative smarting lineup is
As follows: .. ,
C. P. S.
. Garnero
Mum ford . .
Rhodes . . .
McKenzie .
Hartley . . .
Jungblom .
Clonlnger .
French . '.'
McMulIeri -
. REL.
. RTL .
. LGR. '., .... Milled
. ;ltr.
. .RHL.
. .LHR.
. . .F ,
. Bfear
. , Booth
. .Wilson
. TAtrim
-Mike Mbran, referee;
C. V. Ruzek, , umpire; Fod Mason,
head linesman. ' " ' ' .J
(AP)TTFar western football elev
ens, rapidly nearlng the end of a
stormy seasonal campaign, center
their attack in the north tomorrow
where two coast conference games
And an intersect !6nal encounter
combine to form the gridiron dish.
Tbe lure of ri?rth pitted against
south, epiced, with rivalry, dating
back over years of athletic compe
tition, served to "override the
knowledge of earlier defeats as
California and Washington pre
pared for their' annual classic at
Seattle. Thex tiuskies with one
defeat marring their seasonal rec
ord, were favored to overcome
California, already . reeling under
four successive setbacks.
Almost the entire"' student body
and a fair sized chunk of ' Pull
mall's citizenry paufed a'ctoss tie
border : line .into Moscow to see
Vashington State college and. Id
aho clash in their 28th annual
gridiron tilt. .. .
The speedy Ft. Mary's College
squad, conqueror of California'.
laid siege tonight at the strong-4
bold of -the BuIMogs of Gbrizag
university. Undefeated thus far
and compared, ii strength, with
Any team' on5 lie cbas,"the Saints
were favored, to overcome their
Spokane rivals fin one of the rtbst
interesting intert-ectional contests
this year. - ' ' -- - ;
Ha'vlrig disposed of tfrilversft
bf Sputnerri California', last Week
the. Cardinals of Stanford! 'turned
thefr ttentfon ( to theinvadlng
LZl'd -J- - ''
i)SX-l W IcgaLblaStfaf ijmrtcd to tos;t nttr hvs,ixttsa j -WnsactTqns.r
We tsA-r fiaVii fist th t Arm a'tA sre TAftrtrm frrr stc hi? " -
I. '-IbLitenai Contet'of e?Roid Noti4 tvlll forr Assfn-.1
H-PRj Iortffagn Mortise ftfttaft Qtrfttaflm ptc&s, Afcstractf crn3, t
gill S,;lild1nff'Cori"tractt Promjss6fy Noffei, Ittstansitnt Notes,- -Gerterr
Lease, Pow6r tit Attorney Prfcift Bobkand Pads, Seal Re
; i IpH-lJ3 ThWe.fonzis at carefully prepa-fd fdr the taatts afld
- J-TTOS cs! Pncen forms ranges from 4 cents to-16 cents apiece,
3 rl)Qroxa254to-50cents k
ii, f
v i
-1 . -
kX3 ,
1 Jit
-Assistant to a c, n
v-rv -v t
threat presented by the University
Of -Santa Claras Little difficulty
was expected by Cdach" Warner In
sefidifig Sarita CIatA home on the
snort jerid of the 'score.' J,' '.
The game Is not of conference
bearing. , '
The Turner football team dter
feated the Parrish junior high
schoor teAm ot tbls city by A sool'e
of -26 t6' 0. The Tdrner eggre-;
gattotf- plAyed a good defeufeive
arid-offerislve: game. A 60-yArd.ruri
was a feature -ofthis game.-' Tut
ner will meet Gervais at home ori
November 11.
K-.f. 11 , T. - . 1
Sutberlin rLocal cannery;, paid.
$35,000 wages for 196 season. ?.
"'7 November 6
Floor S$&;:5600gqi&
r N11T j
' .1 f I, Sill
iecKO oc nenanciu ,
first ArieeV of
t tli'at : "arfe
to made tx order, forms.
OTrariTf?Tk axrr rnn.o attc ttxt
AilU A' 7X UiVUU
EflSTfiii'J GlllUlfiKJ ;
' SP0TL1G!
HSrvafd Team Slpt Favor--
lies UVCI ri iiivJcuJii ' f
, 'ers th Contesti -
Thc :battle tit the Tiger and Crim
son holds- the spotlight in the"'
eastern jfridtron-sectprtomorro?r.
Most of jthe Other, eontenders for
eastern1 honors, among thenv eTtit
uhbeateH arrays will take ttrttttrs
ratTfer eaay ' in anticipation- of
harder closing tests. -'
Jlarvardlbecauseof her sensa- '
tional npwaftf. march. af tef. a. rocky
strt," t aa been j esiabnjbed...':a
slight faVbrite-oyer Princetoin
the 1 opening;.lash. hi ' the,'.J926
Vpi? three' series, bu t -analysis Tot
he rirki prospects ;re'veal!S tjittle -to
choose between themi Toe.Tig
ers. while tbey -hare i been more
errsttTcthaja. Harvard, bare greater
experience And. if be is in shape,
the "TeacMng Individual of- the
threat af frayVtb'e elnsfve back
field, JateSlagle. - ' ' ' '.
Other .ancjentfoeg renewing
their tomorrow are : Pennsylvania
and' FeAtf S&tfeWest yirginlit and!
PiftsbiiriEh., 'WesWari " and Wll- '
1 HamsfiForlmm an4 Hbly Cross.' :
eraily at.the toprpf ;the.. eastern
title conendIn list; all hive cam
"Paratively toy-test. The Mid- -dies
face West Virginia. Westeyan, I
West-Point tackles Franklfn and :
Marshall 'aYid UrownCopposes Nor -
Bonfires Welcome Home -Alumnt
CHICAGO,! Nov. 5.-iCAP-
Bonfires Hfted . their, flames be
fore homecoming crowds on four
campuses" wliere 'Western confer
ence football elevens were "cam p
ed". ' ' ', ' ' v';,
-''North western rekindled the f Ir
of old rlvAlry.again&t Purdue, nn
nsnally significant this season be
cause both teams aspire to "big tea
honqrg. ;The long shadows throwa
by Iowa's bonfire omened to old
gold followers .til;forture for the
invading Minnesotans.. jChieago'a
blaze lifted tp the . autumn sky
maroon petitions for victory., oven
.-Notre Dame. . jion-confereAce
school; piled fuel on a conflagra
tfon w'bTcR tokened welcdme - to
alumii returned to see In'dlan'
routed. - . ' . . .
i "'Elmira UrilonliTgii
to have new gymnasium. ,
ax trit 'ik
All Kinds'
: Legal
- 1
1 1
-13 oar o w
. e- Lcaa pun Iintj.
.,m J.. jKA,j-4plkw 0 0 & ,400.j..
- ,