The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 06, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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. . . ' ' ' THE OREGON STATESAl SAlHl, OJIEGON ' " ' . ' ' ' - i y 5
.. f " - ' - i - - - t . ...... , -. - . , - ... , . . , -
Seek to Build Railroad -
Snellstrom , Brothers have filed
application In the : office of the
public service commission for per
mission to establish a Jogging rail
road ajross a eponty, road la Lane
cor ' ; r- " '-,-' - 'f
Dollar Day t ';0..yyf-U;
Miller's basement-1 today: a
Standard Electric Ranges t
Built by the oldest anfcd largest
nanafacturer of electric heatinc
appliances is the' world. Let us
demonstrate one of these stoves.
Glese-Powers. ; H7
i - . " s -
Special on Ovewsbal-
75 all wool overcoats a" sale at
Thos. Kay Woolen Mill ,Co. .for
IlOfand 112.60. j ,1
Sunday, 8 p. mL, at Otto Ktftt
Biag.. Rev. Cora Kincfennon
Smith, famous Spiritualist lefctor
er. Subject lecturer, t Subject:
"Peter's Version, Automatic Spir
it Writing and Messages. , Music
furnished by Sherman-Clay Music
store; the marvelous Orthophonlc
will entertain you. All welcome.
Father and Son Banquet
The First Baptist church will
hold its Father and Son banquet
tn Tneadav evening.- An attrac
tive program and a fine feed o
good things at 6:30 o'clock. Judge
O. P. Coshow will be the principal
.speaker. Community .singing will
be led by the pastor. Rev. E. H.
Imported Willow Clothes Baskets
SaC only, 8c uiese-r owers.
r -' n8
Dollar Day ! lr- -
Miller's basement' today!
Old-Time Dance Toalgbt
Derby hall. Spears' orchestra.
. . . - ' n6
If Your Auto ,
Has electrical trouble take , it
to Vick Brothers, electrical ex
certs. ' n7
Dr. Verae I Hamilton-
Physician and surgeon ' has lo
cated in. Salem with offices In the
new BllgSi building.' Hours. 10 to
12: 1 to: 7 - to t; Office, phone
2JM. Res phone If fl. ' n-23
Switched Platen Cause Pino-
II. Utigei of Molalla was sent to
the county- Jail yesterday ?as a-result
of. his failure, to pay a 350
fine, assessed by Brasier Small,
justice of the peace, on a charge
of driving a car with switched
license plates. He was arrested
by W. B. Genii.
a t. fivv loon, lu lci cov f ycr w;uw
1 First class real estate security. W.
' II. Grabenhorst & Co.. 134 S. Lib
l crty street. Telephone 515. nT
Dollar Day I ! 2 '
Miller's basement today!
House for Rent
After Dec. 1st. Located at 891
N. Winter. J. A. Remington,
phone 2059-R. n7
Speeder Is Fined
't C. T. Miller of Portland was
: fined 10 by Brazier Small, justice
of the peace, yesterday on a charge
of speeding. He was arrested by
' G. D. Watklns. "
1ck Brothers Give 8-Hour
' Service on battery recharge." n7
Hotel Mari
' -Dollar dinner," served 5:45 to S
tvery evening, , t . . J2tf
. Iieaders Go to Portland
. Ten of. the. leaders of the boys'
i athletic xclassas at the local YMCA
5 accompanied by Bob Board man,'
physical t d lrector, went to Port-
land last night to attend . the
CHOICE of Trsub Genuine
Orange Blossom engage
rmcm and wedding rings is a
" cributa to th Judgment and
-good taste of the wcarcs.'
li7 D Street Telephone J31S
Undsrwood Typewriter Co.
Direct Factory Branca
Bl OoarC St. . - Phoao S83
Typrwrlten Rested, Sold, i.
- Bspalrtd
dal rental rates to Etmdsnts
-saw Iat JwHsts, Oirsst
Mass aaa lAscty.
LADD. & BUSH Bankers
i EstabUahcd 1868 - - . ! ; -"" ; ! -;
General B onions Business
l Office Honrs from
" "
Northwest. , leaders conference.
The conference will last all day
today and end with a trip over the
Colombia - Rlrer highway tomor
row. ,
Dollar Day 1 ! . - - -
- Miller's basement today! :
Furniture Upbolstei y
i And repairing. Glese-Powers
Furniture Co. a2tf
Hare You Diaed and Danced
At Saletn's-new exclusive Hill-
crest- Inn? 'Hoffman's orchestra,
Open until 2 a. m. Fire miles north
ov Pacifie highway. Tel. 35F4. nS
Gym Class Held 'Q7;' -V.
All newsboys l and ! other boys
employed by 'the Capital Journel
had a gymnasium-class Thursday
night at the YMCA. Suctt classes
will be held by the Capital Journal
boys every Thursday night.- They
are sponsored by William Aw Scott.
Complete line t
Monarch - Electric - Range - -at
HamUton's. - mSltf
Fox Terrier Pups -
For sale. Petland,-273 State.
Pioneer Club Meets . "
The Pioneer boys' club of the
First Christian church met last
night. Walter McKee Is leader
of the club. :
Rex Rhine Pari
Will be open all day. Sundays
We clean and , dye alt kinds - of
shoes. Also hats cleaned and
blocked. ,7 , . : n7
Willys-Knigfat, Overland-
Car owners, consult Mr. Gilbert,
mecnanicai .expert, for your re
pairs. MacDonald Auto Co. n7
Sales Convention Hero
Sam J. Luse, district sales man
ager for the Easy Washing' ma
chine, was a Salem visitor " this
week. ' On Tuesday a sales con
vention was held with representa
tives being present from Oregon
City, Eugene and Salem? K. M.
Patton is the local representative,
with headquarters at the Vibbert
& Todd - Electrical company. .
Imported "Willow Clothes Baskets
nSat. only, , 89c: ; Glese-Powers.
T:;" ' ' n6
Battery Dead? ??
Leave car at Vick Br others In
morning when you go to work and
get cat at 5 p. m. Battery fully
charged., ' " n7
Archerd Addresses Lions-
Charles Archerd of this city
spoke at the weekly Lions club
luncheon . Friday noon. He took
the place of Miles McKey, assist
nt attorney general, who was un
able to appear. s ..r
Dollar Day W v-
Miller's basement today!
Special on Overcoats
75 all wool overcoats on sale at
Thos.- Kay Woolen Mill Co. for
$10 and-312.50. n9
Visits in Portland
Miss "Alice Papenfus, secretary
in the office of Bresier Small, Jus
tice of tire peace, is in Portland
today on a vtsit. v " "i '
f4SO Will Bay 500 lbs.
- I American Wonder potatoes, field
run, at Pratum warehouse next
Tuesday or Wed., Nov. 9 and 10
till 7 p. m. Bring sacks, 31 -per
hundred for less than coo lbs. n
At the Bungalow maternity
home, October 29, a son was born
to "Mr. -and - Mrs. J. C. Formick of
2360 E. Nob HilL The son has
been. named Joseph Bennett.
Mectrlc' Heaters, $3.05
Special. Halik & Eoff.
Son Is Born
,A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
L. P. Sullivan of 532 North High
street on Thursday October 28; t
the Bungalow maternity home. He
has been named Andrew Leland.
Standard Electric Ranges '
-Built byr the oldest and largest
n-anufacturer ol electric heating
appliances in the world. Let ua
demonstrate one of these stoves.
Glese-Powers. , . . . . n7
30,000 choice Holland Bulbs
on Sale Friday , to Monday
.Tulip's Hyacinths.-Crocus
Prices , Cut for Quick Sale!
y Good Varieties r
i First Size, Bulbs . . .
4T8 Sonth: Cominercial Street
Half Block South of Ladd
t i
10 au. to S p. taL
' s s i-w .
Visits la San Francisco ?
- John Cary of Brooks left for
San Francisco yesterday to spend
the winter visiting with friends
and. relatives.
Old-Time" Dance Tonight '
J Derby, hall.. Spears' orchestra.
. - . . . - n6
To Stage Demonstration
Troops 2 and 6, Boy Scouts,
will put on demonstrations at the
general council -meeting- Monday
night in the chamber of commerce
auditorium. ;
Dollar Day I !
Miller's basement today!
IJpensea Issued" " -l' H.v'U
? two ': marriage licenses ' were
Issued at the office of the county
clerk yesterday, the first going to
John H. Keller, Jr., of Dallas and
Norma U. Nyhart of AmltT. and
the other tb.Jetfe Adams of. San
Jose; Cal.( and AiU Wynn of Ger-
Boston Ball
Petland, 273 State.
Special Week. Planued
This week will be celebrated by
local churches as National Father
and Son week; The Salem YMCA
is furnishing Special -song books
and speakers to all churches which
desire them. Five or six churches
haye already, taken advantage of
this opportunity." - v--
Dollar Day I I -
Millers basement ' today!
Informal Dinner Held
, Faculty members of the Kimball
School of Theology held an infor
mal dinner last night at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. John M. Canse.
The affair was in the nature of a
get-together party for the faculty.
Special $2.93 Electric Heaters
Hallk& Eoff. n7
Lions Sponsor Scouts
The Salem Lions club has de
cided to act as sponsor of the Sa
lem troop No. 4, Boy Scouts. The
boys and girls' welfare committer
recommended the act in a report
given at the weekly luncheon Fri
Renew Your Insurance
Ore- .Fire Relief Ass'n. Low
rates, prompt payment. Stand ley
& Foley. Agts. nl7
Volleyball Team Plann
Efforts are being made by Frank
Neer;Salem Lion, to have the local
Lions, club -organise a volleyball
team to -play the Kl wants club,
which has a team already organ
ized. . The team practices at the
lMCA gymnasium.
Pedigreed English. Ball Paps
Petland, 273 State. n5
Aurtldh Sale Furniture--
Tuesday, Nov. 9, 1:30 p.
560 Electric St., near South High
and Hoyt streets. ' F. N. Woodry,
Time to Plant Pansy Plants
Darwin tulip bulbs. 'small size
lc each. Petland. 273 State. . n5
Standard Klectric Ranees
v Built .by the oldest and largest
manufacturer of 'electric beating
appliances-in the world. Let us
demonstrate one of these stoves.
Giese-Powers. n7
Dollar Day ! I
Miller a basement today!
JFour Men Arrested
Four young men, thought to be
University of California students
en route to Seattle for the foot
ball game today, were arrested
last night after officers had fol
lowed them into town when it wa3
observed that they were driving
on the wrong Fide of the highway.
One quart of gin was found in the
seat of the car and a jug of wine
was concealed in the back of the
machine'. Charges - Of possession
of intoxicating liquor have been
filed against them and they are
held in the city Jail.
Christmas Cards "
'And you will want some, of
course. See ours before you or
der. Atlas Book Store. - n?
Laborer Wrenches Back
Enrico Rigujtto, 44, of Portland,
a laborer on the new First Nation
al bank building, wrenched his
back while at work yesterday and
was taken to ia local hospital for
Dollar Day ! !
Miller's basement today!
Fitzgerald inCttoUll
J. E. Fitzfferald of Salem was
In Molalla Friday to referee a foot
ban game between the Silverton
and Molalla sigh , schools.
Building Perfiits Issued
Permits for the erection of four
one-story dwellings were Issued
yesterday. Tpose taking out the
permits werej G. - A. Ilillman . at
1910 Maple street $4,000; O. M.
Van Tassel at f 5 , Tamarack,; $3.-
500; Williaii II. Mohr, at 4
North Twentieth, 22,000, and Mrs.
M. M. Keetoa at 530 Cross street.
Bis RednctJcfk Sale o
- I lata, start
ng Tuesday and last-
Ing all week
Larscn's Millinery,
(next to Ulxfc Bakery),
i n2tf
Man Held ff Investigall
- George J
rgenson was locked
up by local toUee : officers Friday
night and Is
being held for inves-
with wwt bakioib soda
apply gently
on o
SAYS:' - --
,t- ..." - . - .
If yon want a classy road
ster see our Maxwell,' with
new Urea,- new paint and- a
that arill satisfy.
Onr 'prlco Is S330.00 i jf
Overtime Parkers Fined 4 ' ;
Ed Peetx. Doris Plenlsie. Dr. J.
O. Matthis. W. A. Liston, William
Hoffman, H. F. Eaton and J. C.
Hammel were fined S I apiece yes
terday on" charges of . overtime
parking.' -g George A. .Ryland and
Kogar. P. XJ. Nielsen were fined
$1 for parking double, and B..P,
snsiey and Max renuenon - lor
parking all night. GeorgeJ Ellis
and Andrew Jairl were", fined. 21
each for rldingbicycles at 'night
without lights. .
On and After Not. 1, 1025
The Black Cat will be open un
til 11:30 p. m. every evening n7
Building Permit Issued -
E. T. Prescott nas .been Issued
a : buuamg permit "o erect 'two
garages at ,3.064 Oak street, esti
mated to cost S500
Reckless Driver Arrested
R. R. Finster was arrested by
local police ' officers on a reckless
driving charge Thursday night
following a crash between. This
car and one'.drlven by J. D. Mc
Feeters. ' . ,
Card of Thanks '
To our many friends and neigh
bors who gave their sympathies
so generously, performed loving
acts of kindness, and contributed
the many floral tributes of love in
our recent bereavement we ex
tend our heartfelt thanks. The
Lathrop Family. n6
Dollar Day I !
Miller's basement today!
Speeders Are Arrested
C. E. Timmie and C: E. Garrett
were arrested by local police offi
cers Thursday night on charges
of speeding. Timmie was fined
$5 in police court yesterday.
Man Held for Possession
William Bollons of Portland
was arrested last night by local
police on charges of possession 2of
Intoxicating liquor and speeding,
after police had followed "his oar
and found him In possession ofl a
flask containing about half a pint
of alleged liquor. )
A one-ton Ford truck belonging
to Mrs. Hunt of Kaiser, which she
left parked with the motor run
ning near the corner of Hunt and
Capitol streets Thursday after
noon, came near causing some
damage when it started to run un
guided down the street. A curve
in the street, however, caused it
to cross the curb, and aftr it had
knocked down some posts, came
to a stop in a large pile of dirt,'
Mrs. Clark Day of 1979 North
Capitol street spent Wednesday
and Thursday in Portlanl.
Orpheus Radio, Built-in Speaker-
Distance and selection of sta
tions with only two dials. Hol
comb Electric store, 2020 N. Cap
itol .street. ' n6
Joe Worth, Fairgrounds and
Tile roads, is able to be about af
ter being confined to his home for
several days as the result of an
E. E. Gamble and family of Salt
Lake City, A. C. Mackarness and
family of Tacoma, and J. E. Chick
and family of Seattle registered
at the Lone Star auto park Thurs
day night.
Hot Barbecue Sandwiches
And light lunches. Hall's gro
cery, 19$4 N. Capitol. ,nS
According to John Williamson,
owner, the newHollywood theater
will be opened on December 15.
The basement to the new store
building which Mr. Williamson is
erecting at the corner of Tile road
and Capitol street, has been com
pleted and construction work will
soon start. t .. j
French More Money Mad
Than U. S. Says Drieser
PARIS ( AP) Th United
States may be a Shylock In the
eyes of some Frenchmen, but' In
the view of one prominent Ameri
can author Paris Is more "money
mad" than New York. ; r ;
Theodore Dreiser told a French
interviewer that Paris la owned by
money.' "i ' '- '.' -It
is even worse than New
York in. that respect," he said." on
his first visit to-Paris since, 1912.
"The old ? intellectual, artistic
Paris has been swallowed uj by a
commercialism more intense even
than ; America's; - i wytl" J Vf 'h
s 'Nor: Is I the evil limited to
France.? There is not a corner of
European soli that Is free from it.
The? t fault - is . partly oursi. We
Americans have been 'showing off
our wealth so ostentatiously." -
America and Europe are -moving
in opposite direcUons-Amer-
IpwajdsJideallanu JEurcpe to-
wardsnateriaIl?JJ?r.ei3?XJiId. ,
Obregon Expected
To Be President
of Mexico A gain
' ' -
Alvaro Obregon t
(Sy Central rrM) , .
gon, former - president - of Mexico,
one-armed general whom , assas
sins' bullets .seem to miss. Is being
swept toward - the : presidency
again. Hailed as the "only Mexi
can strong enough to prevent rev
olutions," Obregon: is-riding on
the top of a tidal wave of enthusi
asm. A constitutional amendment
barring former presidents from
running again is being put aside
by the federal senate and the vari
ous states, through ratification of
an amenment.
It is true a part of the labor
group is supporting Luis G. Mo
rones, minister of Industry, com
merce and labor; but It is believed
that Obregon s followers will be
able to render this opposition in
effectual. Obregon himself has not said he
would make the race. But his en
try into Mexico City recently was
in the nature of a triumph. He is
staying : with President Calles at
Chapultepec castle, the White
House of Mexico.
Douglas Fairbanks Appears
as Buccaneer in Natural
Color Tiim
A roistering tale is "The Black
Pirate." opening today at the Elsi
nore theater, a glorious riot of ad
venture. To the colorful exploits
Douglas Fairbanks and a pirate
crew has been added the most per
fect techni-color yet flashed upon
the screen. Color pictures, no
doubt about it, are here. "The
Black Pirate" proves that it can
heighten, instead of distracting
from, the vividness of a thrill.
Never did more villainous crew
board the peaceful merchantman
than that headed by Douglas Fair
banks, tyith a gay "yo ho" and
a muttered curse, he takes ua
back to the old dark days when
buccaneers sr.Iled the Spanish
Treasure chests in secret hid
ing places, sparkling water and
gray sky, these are the background
for a swash-buckling adventure
story. Then there are alarmus and
excursions and gallant, incredible
And there Is Doug, too, in a
part he must have loved. When
he's not skimmrng up the rigging
he's fighting duels, swimming
through green-blue waters or tak
ing a vessel single handed. That
exploit, of course, is the-very es
sence of Fairbanks. Swarming up
the slippery sides, he is a pirate
crew , in himself. , He does every
one of the -magnificent, uhbelleve
able things that little boys dream
The Freshman' Filled With
; Laughs Opens Three Day
--,- Run Today
- The best test of a man's ability
Asian actor lis - to have him- play
4 something he, really 4s not. ; . t
-That's what Harold Lloyd does
J In. portraying the college boob In
newestjeotoedy if catare. i"The
Freshman,"1 which opens today for
three days-at -the'Oregon theater.
In the 'football ; sequence, ' which
has an Important -bearing "on the
storysLIoyd ri made to appear to
knowlnotliing about the tochnl
of tbd gridiron, hen. as a maitct
Of fact,'; he knows the game well.
During: the :vlast football". Keamn
Lloyd was a frequent attendant of
Pacific Coast games.' j
Lloyd said, "It was one of the
hardest Jobs of my film career to
perform some of the Scenes on the
football field la making Tbe
Freshman. The natural thing, is
to make the right plays, and in
the excitement of the scenes to do
Snap Buys in
Roadsters. Tourings
and Coupes
Will buy a Ford, touring
" Will buy a Chevrolet with
starter and good ' tires
Will buy a Ford roadster,
starter, good tires, some extras
1923 and 1 924 Chevrolet coupe.
completely overhauled,
new paint '
Newton Chovrolet
the wrong thing is contrary to in
stinct. I was out there for laughs.
however although I believe we
have a fairly legitimate football
game in 'The Freshman. '
' Seven months were required to
make "The , FreshmanT which is.
In every way, Harold Lloyd's big
gest production. Jobyna Ralston
is again the comedian's leading
lady, and other leading support is
given by Brooks Benedict, Hazel
Keener, Pat Harmon, Joe Harring
ton and James Anderson. Sam
Taylor and Fred Newmeyer direct
ed "The Freshman" from the story
by Taylor, John Grey, Ted Wilde
and Tim Whelan.
Brower Leonard, at his home
1475 Chemeketa street, Novem
ber 5, age 85. He was a member
of the Silverton GAR post; broth
er of Mrs. Nettie Pooler of Sa
lem, T. B. Leonard of Ritsvillo,
Wash., Mrs. Flora Clark of Salem.
Funeral services will be held from
the Ripdon mortuary Saturday af
ternoon. Nov. 6. at 3 o'clock, with
concluding services at the IOOF
Stanley Robert Wagner died at
a local hospital Nov. 4, ageed 37
years. The body will be forward
ed to Myrtle Point, Or., for fun
eral services and interment. Webb
funeral parlors in charge.
type of refined service is
incorporated in the under
standing, inoughtfulness
and ceremony we offer to
family and friends.
Webb Funeral Parlors
Telephone 120
Perfect Funeral Service
For Less
Licensed Lady Mortleiaa
T70 Chemeketa Dtoeet
Telephone 934
1 1
Diamond and Gasco
m i
Edouard Hemot's BoolO
Used for Score of Opera
PARIS. (AP) The 'LIfe of
Madame Recamier" by former pre
mier Edouard Herrlot, now min
Half hour solos', duets, quartettes and
instrumental music at
First Christian Church
Sunday Evening
; Preceding the Sermon
, Subject morping sermon: The Model Church? .
Evening sermon: "The Ark the Type of the Church
Great .Evangelistic Campaign Now in Progress
E. C. Whitaker, pastor. ; ; Lester Far nam, song leader.
High Grade Furniture and Range .
Tuesday, November 9, 1:30 p. m.
560 Electric St just one block north of Hoyt street and
one-half block east of South High, St.
' 1 overstuffed velour davenport; 1 mahogany Windsor arm
chair; 1 reed library table and rocker; 1 overstuffed craft
rocker; 1 walnut writing desk; 1 mahogany end table; 1 fern
stand; 1 electric floor lamp with silk shade; 1 extra silk shade;
1 parchment shade; 1 William and Mary extension table and 4
leather seated diners; 1 green and orange. breakfast set; 4 piece
Ivory bedroom suite including bed. dresser. 3 glass vanity, chair,
spring and silk floss mattress; 1 high chair; 1 drop head Singer
sewing machine, like new; 1 Hoosier white epamel kitchen cab
inet, like new; 1 6-hole Banquet range, coiled, like new; 1
green 3-6 Simmons 2-inch post bed, coil spring and mattress;
1 green child's bed and mattress; 1 green chiffonier; 1 kitchen
' stool; 1 Columbia refrigerator, like new; 1 Axminster rug 9x12;
1 Axminster rug 8.3x10.6; 1 blue rag rug 9x12; 1 congoleum
rug 8x11; 4 small rag rugs; all draperies and curtains; electric
Eureka carpet sweeper; electric iron; . electric toaster; electric
plate; electric light globes;-home canned fruit, jelly, empty jars,
wash tubs, hip boots, aluminum ware, kitchen ntensils, dishes,
pillows, ironing board, clothes hamper, wringer, lawn mower,
rake, shovels, mops and many other miscellaneous articles
Terms cash.
Ilettklcure and Store 1610 North Summer Street
Cash Paid for Used Furniture
Wednesday, November 10, 1:30 p. m.
Located 1 mile east of Mattress factory, then one-fourth
mile north, then one-half mile east to the fourth house
on right. Follow the arrows from the mattress factory
on Market street to sale.
Farm Machinery, Furniture, Hens, etc
1 14-inch Oliver chilled plow; Z 10-inch Oliver chilled plows;
1 Bradley Hillside plow; 1 5-shove cultivator; 1 11-tooth cul
tivator; 1 double shovel cultivator; 1 single shovel cultivator;.
1 Acme harrow; 1 garden disc harrow; 1 spike tooth harrow;
1 l-horse wagon and box; 1 hack, and ' top buggy; 1 single
harness; 1 hack top; 2 hack poles and neck yokes; 2 sets brake
hangers; 1 set bolster springs; 1 cutting box; 1 Planet Junior
seed drill; 1 Planet Junior hand cultivator; 1 small size cream
separator; caldron kettle; 2 dozen mixed hens; spring cot; 3
beds, springs and mattresses; 1 chest drawers; cammode; Alad
din lamp; clock: walnut library table; 2 writing desks; 2 dining
tables; server; 2 oil stoves and ovens; oil beater; small table;
wash stand; wood heater; 2 churns; bread mixer; sad irons; 2
, rockers; -bookcase and books; electric grill; electric toaster; 2
electric irons; 10-gallon crock; crow bar; scythe and swath;
sickle grinder; 3 pruning knives; gopher guns; mole trap; car
penter tools; forks; rakes; shovels; spade and other miscel
laneous articles. TERMS CASH. ' ....
GEO. S. COOPER, Deceased
Mrs. Geo. 8. Cooper, Administratrix
Auction every Wednesday night at 7:30 at store,
1610 North -Summer Street
Friday, November 12,' 1 p. m.
Located 6 miles north of Salem on the Fairfield Road, on
the J. P. Nolan farm opposite the John Painter farm.
Take River road North of Salem past the Kaiser school
and follow the arrows, -
Horses, Cows, Hogs Machinery
1 bay mare, 5 years old,-' weight 1150 lbs.,' sound and true;
1 bay horse, . 5 years old. weight 1400 lbs., sound and' true;
1 black horse, 5 years old, weight 1300 lbs., sound and true;
1 black horse, 5 years old,-weight 1300 lbs., sound and true;
p. saddle pony; 1 Jersey cow, S years old, fresh 4 months. Hiving
21 lbs.r:l Jersey cow, 5 years old. Just fresh, giving 34 lbs.;
1 Jersey cow. 6 years old, freshen January 28, now milking 19
lbs.; 1 Guernsey cow, 6 years old, freshen February 2, now
milking 23 lbs.; 1 Jersey row, 3 years old, fresh 4 monthit, giv
ing 24 lbs.; all cows are T. B. tested and are A No. 1 cows; 2
sows, Durock and Poland China; 8 7-weeks old pigs; 1 Chester
-White shoat, 175 lbs.; 1 McCormkk mower, 5-foot, like new;
,13 John Deere wagon, like new: 1 hay'rack;' 1 wood rack;
'12-sectIoa harrow, like new; 1 riding attachment for wi.lking
plow; 1: 7-foot crosscut saw; 1 .block and tackle; 1 gasoline
lantern; 2 garbage cans; 1 21-Inch collar; 1 20-inch collar;
I ' 1 9-inch collar: 1 18-inch collar; 1 set heavy work liamesa;
8 White Pekin ducks: - ,: ' " ' .'' '
TERMS CASH If , you haven't the cash, . arrange I h
- , - your banker for 1U -
Mrs. O. J. P. Nolan - ; F. N. WOODIl i
Owner ' - . Auctioneer
'' 'i- . rte.ldcnce and Btoro
. . ', . - 1610 N. Summer; St VZ-z-s
f . t A JTbls 4s the -Woodry -Everybody Knows
auction: 12-Ertv wepxesdat NiGnTiT,flr:S3 at etc::::
ister of" education, has been used
to supply a libretto for an opera.
The music has been' written by
Charles Pons, the composer, who
wrote the music for Cleraenceau's
"Veil of Happiness" when It was
made into an opera.
Auctioneer in Charge
n n