The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 06, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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Tfie iOregon Statesman
Ihm Dsily Except Monday y
SIS Somth Commaralal St, 8U, Oregtm
R. J. Handrieka -Frad
J. Toaaa
Irt S. MeSherry -Park
. Adr4BmBeh
Maaagiag-Editer :
- - City Editor
Telegraph Editor
Shirty Editor
- W. H. Headeraoa
v Ralph H. Kletciag
v Prank Jaakoaki- -.
E. A. Rhotca ,
W, C. Conaar -
- Otrealatto Mtitcu
AdTertiainC Mifr
: Mnuet Vk Drat.
. Uveatock Editor
. - . - Faaltry Eaitor
- yrnit or THB ASSOCIATED FEES - f.
r Aiaefatod PrM to elWal entitle to ts for publication nil nava
Cirpateh erditad to rt ar ao ikerarua hmiim b 1114 plax . w
rwa pliabad aarala. . - -. ';:"';- - " " -
Bvnmi orrzczst
Jamvaa Katlay, 3 War-aater Bldf, Portland, Ore.
tiMti Y. Clark Ca, New York, 128 138 W. .lt St.: CMcaf. HaroaaMa BMf.;
Baalaaaa Offiea tl or S3
tUciety Editor 0S
mEFBOSXl!,' '
" Job Department 581
K ews Department 23 ar 108 Circaiatiea Office 583,
EaUred at the Past Of flea is Salera, Orr a. u aeeead-elaaa auUtor.
November O, 1026 '
' HONOR THE LORD "Give thanks onto the Lord, call upon Him.
make knows His deeds among all the people. Sing unto Him, sing
psalms unto Him. talk ye of all His wondrous works. 1 Chron
1618. 5. v: "
In 912, (is that the proper date?), fourteen years ago,
.t Salem voted on the question of the municipal ownership of
' the city water works, and carried it :
. . The price being about half the present price agreed to by
: the board of, appraisal But the value of the' property has
; grown in'that time to the' present agreed figure; by -the cost'
of additional mains and machinery etc., etc., as shown in the
1 figures upon which the board of appraisal made its iindings
These fimires (and facts explaining them) make up a thick
book,., which will now be intensively studied by the specia
committee provided for by the committee of business meniat
its meeting last evening the committee named by the mayor
.about a year ago to help get a valuation of the property on
which to submit the question. to the voters of . the city. " ".
- . The matter was defeated by the veto of the then mayor
5 (Louis Lachmund) of the ordinance providing for the sale of
: the necessary bonds to raise the money to make the purchase
authorized by the people . . ? ; -
, ' A veto that came very near being overturned by a two-
thirds vote of the city council. ' . 1 y:
Had that veto been overridden, the city would now be
' much further along on its way to a water system adequate
for the needs of a much larger Salem, which is coming.
Now there must be (and will be) full publicity, with al
the facts and figures before the people, with every one given
a chance to say his say
"And city ownership of the water works will be carried
. again ; and by a proportionately larger majority, for the need
is greater now than it was then ; and Salem is a more pro-
gressive city than it was then.
Texas Awaits Murder Trial of Ft Worth Pastor
-rt . ...... - . . . lV -. - - . . V . .-ae. - . a- trfia--. -ar a-j-
erating income for the year, end-j tire them would require an annual
' - aag
I finp- Siip pN
x' ' "i '1- "' r-i'
- f H 1 rZ-
1 Mm I fIBfi ' i ii i t i mi in i ' in in n n mtttm
All Texas, as well as neighboring states, are interested in the murder trial of the Rev. J.
Frank Norris, Ft. Worth pastor, who goes on trial November 1 for the murder of D. E. Chipps,
wealthy lumberman. Chipps was shot down a- he entered Rev. Norris' study to protest against
some of the pulpit preachings of the minister. Accompanying photo shows the First Baptist
church of Ft. Worth, where Rev. Norris was tha pastor, the interior of the courtroom where
Norris will stand trial, and the principals in the case. Judge Hosey will hear the case. Mrs.
Chipps, widow of the victim, and Mrs. Norris, wife of Rev. Norris, both will be important wit
nesses, . '
ing December 3 1. 19 Z6. II s oper
ated w upon the basis '-as shown,
would hare been. S73.C37. This'.
therefore. Is a conservative -state-'
ment of. the total. reTenue which
the City of Salem ean expect to
receive if the. plant is operated
by them, and if the present rates
are not changed. - ...
The compau'y hashown an in
crease in us gross revenue iroin
year to year, averaging about,, 9
per cent per year over the . past
five years, and there 1s no reason
why such an increase should not
continue, but rather than estimate
what the future mar hold forth. I
have used only the net income for
the year 1925. r ' - '
I have considered that the City
of Salem, In purchasing this plant,
will assume the existing bond
issue, amounting to $330,000 of C
per cent bonds, due July 1. 1937,
and issue bonds for the balance
of the purchase price, which would
necessitate a bond Issue of $462.
000 as of March 31, 192$, not in
cluding the additions from that
date to the date of the transfer of
the property. These additional
bonds will undoubtedly, or at least
in my opinion they should be, of a
serial nature, but In my caicuia
Hon I have used as a basis a sink
inr fnnd issue, as it is easier of
calculation, and the total cost tc
the community over the period or
the life of the bonds would not b
greatly different than if they were
serial bonds. . .. .;
The financial standing of the
City of Salem is excellent, ana
there Is no doubt, but wnat, nasea
upon the present market, the city
will, be able to, sell its securities
for the purchase of; this property
upon approximately a 4.70 per cent
basis, and if the securities soia
were to be retired through a sink
ing fund-based upon a thirty-year
life, the annual . requirements ior
this sinking fund wonm ne, ii tne
funds were invested In securities S
with interest compounaea at me
rate of 4 per cent per year, 1.78
per cent.
Therefore, the , annual charges
which the City of Salem wouia
have to pay, in case they purchase
and operate the property of the
company, would be as follows:
$330,000 at 6 per cent $19,800
$562,000 at 4.70 per cent.. 21,714
Sinking Fund
$462,000 at 1.78 per cent- 8,224
, "rphe prune growers of the Willamette valley realize that
something must be done in 'the wayof 'securi tUr prices
, and markets or, many of the orchards wilLTi4ve;to, be aban-
doned.- Many tons of the fruit remained 'Unpicked this fall.
Tp this end the federal department of commerce will send
'-one of its cooperative marketing specialists to Salem to help
irt organizing Oregon and Washington into a cooperative sell
; ing association. Work will start at once, and it is hoped and
expected that the prune growers of both states will give the
v organization solid backing."
The paragraph quoted above is from a current bulletin
from the office of State Market Agent Spence
t' - And it is important news.
If the Oregon prune industry is toie stabilized on a basis
. that' will give profitable returns to the growers, it must be
;-, organized V
; , There must be ways provided so that the growers will be
? ; able to keep up their orchards ; to take care of their fruit' with
' sufficient dryers; to get advances for harvesting, and to have
, something left over f of the use ofheir land and for taxes,
besides something for their own work. 1
; 1 These things cannot be guaranteed with Calif ornia prunes
selling two cents a pound higher than Oregon prunes. They
are not worth it. They are not worth any more. In fact,
there is a great public preferring or that will prefer the Ore
gon tart-sweet prune to the California sweet prune, f l v
f And a little advertising and a lot of good merchandising
will put our prunes on an equality in price with the California
product, if -not higher.
t " Then we must have our growers given help in changing
over partly to the large sweet prune, like the Noble French,
so that Oregon prunes of the sweet kind will sell atthe same
price as the highest priced California prunes.
of pumping; with the sale of pow
er on the way down, to help keep
p the interest payments.
'-' .- - mm . a ;
"The Black Pirate" is on at the
Elslnpre; some-thing different in
color pictures; the technicolor, ,
" V ' "a "a S ' ' r
The prune men of . Oregon are
getting into action with a- view to
cooperation. That's the stuff.
That is the only way to stabilize
theprune Industry, .Without or
ganization, the prune industry
woold be in a bad way, with a
worse future. ,
The Prun-Port proposition is
going over nicely, according to
those "in the' know," and Salem
Is to have another factory; one
that may become a great institu
tion, with large profits, and hol
lering up the prune industry.
, . The growth of the poultry industrylin the last: fifteen
; years has been amazing. TJoday it is one of the big agricul-
. tural industries of the nation. The United States department
9f agriculture states there are 400,000,000 chickens in the
United States at the present time. To give one an idea , of
: , the immensity, some one has figured out that, in sinjrle file
' this population would inake a procession 100,000 miles long
and the eggs laid from the hens in a year, if laid end to end
would reach from the earth to the moon and back aeain.
. ?. . The Salem district is -each year adding a larger quota to
' this 100,000 mile procession, and to this ribbon that would
reach to the moon and back - - -
" And must keep on keeping on. . . ; ; - I
Poultry goes with everything on the farm, from filberts
and brush fruits to cows and swine. There is no danger o
k too big a boom in the poultry industry in thi3 district, and
there is already a very fair sized boom on.
Bits For Breakfast
' Full publicity .-- -
With all the farts and flgU
. And with 'evrjr. ope k'vrn : a
iChauce ti say his say.- That is
what we are to have on the ques
tion of 4Vity -ownership of the
- water works.. And then the vote
or h people will bo all but unan
linous in lavor of tho propoaitloa.
. . -, s "i
Z'uhn- rs45ny- firsueat
ravor of it.; The big one, however
Ip. the? ability of the city, to bor
rtiw money at a lower rale thanl
i an ue oitiained oy a private eom
Paayjsnd the fact thatf loyns may
we reiunlnl. carrying on to, com
ing generations sorue of the cost
of improvements oil a major scale
that could not Ira undertaken' by
private companies . . 1 :.-
Thus larger main May be put
in. with a view to the city
growth. And we may look for
ward f to f mountain 'supply
lrtjaght An -by.-iyavitaUeh. instead
J. tJ amh, living ar 68.4 North
Sixteenth street, received ; a1 glad
surnrise on Wednesday whent'h
answered! the door bell and found
Elmer ard Rynier .Brown of Jlall
ey, Idaho. They were boyhood
friends wtom he had not seen for
50 years. In Valparaiso. IndL. 50
years ago the Brown and Unruh
boys were able to give Huck Finn
and Tom Sawyer pointers in mat
ters of clan loyalty and resource
ful support In time of trouble.
With these tried and trpe- sup
porters at -handy-Mr. Unfuh 'an
nounces he is able to cope wlh
aryone. A' son of Mr. Brown'came
with. - him and is hearing: things
aboujt his father-, he never ans-
pected beforell - l,,
(Continued from page 1.)
pay rates sumcient ioiaKe care
of the depreciation on. the prop
erty, and at the-.same time to set
aside a sufficient amount to retire
the bond issues.- -
Accordingly, In my calculations.
I have not included any annual al
lowance for depreciation, but I
have taken into consideration the
retirement of these bonds wheX
they become due. - r
It will be noted that I have
included an item of expense for
taxes, amounting to $8,260. The
total taxes paid by the company
for the year 1925 was $19,661.
but included in the total amount
were the following items which
would not be an obligation of the
City of Salem:
Federal income tax $ 4,680
Federal tax (other. than in- n
come) ....:.'....'.,.". 4ti
Corporation tax 220
Filing fee. 200
State and county-tax&f. 5.S80
ana I have therefore included all
of these levies In my items of ex-
;. It will be noted that the net op-
deposit larger than would be prac-
cable. and it , would probably be
more feasible to issue , refunding
bonds for the existing issue at the
time they .became due. . The total
annual charges as shown above,
wW amount to f$r738Y and'the
net operating income shown for
the year 1925, was $73,637, leav
ing' balance of $23,899. "
In other words, it tne property
be taken over by the city, and op
erated as it is now being operated,
without any reduction in the pres
ent rate schedule, and not taking
Into consideration any increase in
revenue-daeto the growth of the
mmmnnitr. v which increase has
averaged over recent years approx
imately 9 per cent year, the in
come will be sufficient to pay, the
Interest on the outstanding bonds.
and also the interest and sinking
fond or retirement charges on the
additional bonds necessary for the
ourchase of the plant, and in ad
ditlon. there will be t balance of
123.SS9. This balance would be
sufficient to pay jthe interest and
sinking fund or retirement charg
es on an additional bond. Issue of
Expressing this In another. way,.
the city could afford to pay $1,
130,812 for the property and bus
iness of the company, and' the
income would be sufficient, to take
care of all the charges
I hope that the above statement
will give you the necessary data
and I shonld be pleased to furnish
any additional Information ' you
may desire. Yours very truly;
rC?onsultlng Engineer.'
Noted 'Explorer
Goes to London
Dr.' Roy Chapman ' Andrews,
'famous explorer, photographed
1 as he ails fromNew York. He
a 'to 'lecture .before -the Royal
Geographic and Asiatic societies,
iqndon. ..-. , ; . : '.. . . , .. ;
Total : $49,738
If will be noted that no amount
has been set up in the above table
for a sinking tund.for the. $.3. 3.0V
000 of 6 per cent bonds due in
1937. These bonds have 11 years
to run, and a sinking fund to re-
Have it ready , to check your
One should keep on hand at all
times the maximum help for a cold.
If you take it at the first sneeze, not
one cold m ten .will get started. If
you take it promptly when the cold
develops, it will check the cold in 24
The best help ever evolved for a
cold is called HILL'S. It was devel
oped in one of the world's largest lab-
m a m m 4k. m tek.
ot moaern aiscov- mrmM nrn
plete that we paid $1,000,000 for it.
. ' HILL'S does all things at once. It
checks the cold, stops the fever, opens
the bowels, eliminates the poisons and
tones the entire system. After using,
one generally feels much better than
before the cold began. :
If yott.have a cold, start HILL'S
promptly. Every hour of delay brings
new. injury. Don't rely on any lesser
P-m22c he,P When you
once ns HILL'S
iTITfllf It y never for-
cries. It has proved WtOUfUW JVUiJIUlHL Et the r way
itsel f so efficient, Sr ; to de with a
so quick, so com- CeiBWBssoSrp wiiapertraii coid. -
- ) - I, a ai - . t
; ; .
!r : j
" - . - : r - . - ' r , i..r. V
- ' - - j - -
, j Ba b y's Picture' I
j- . . -
Reedsport -"'Outgolng'carload
sh ipments 1 of many classes of
goods,' denote good business. '
Included in the above amount
of taxes wast $5 to cover the fac
tory. Inspection fee, which. I have
also included in my expense.
It Is true that the city of Salem
would not pay any taxes upon 'its
plant, but they would be deprived
of the revenue which is now re
ceived from taxes by the company,
which, however, is less than-one-third
of the amount which I have
included: The balance of the
amount included is marie up of
county scjiool and library, and
special school tax levies, all of
which I have included, as they
are levies in which the citizens pf
Salem are particularly interested,
and if the revenue is not obtained
from the- taxes paid by the com
pany, then it must be made up in
some other way. probably byad
ditional taxes paid by the citizens,
Queen Marie's Son Tests Auto
- - z
N, -- ; -1 n ,' , y v.
y . L -pru
- . - - -
y While In Paris Prince Carol of Rumania, who. reports ''sayia
soon; to-be restored to the. right of succession to the Humanlaa
throne, which he1 recently renounced, put 'a new gearless and clutch
less automobile to a lest, lis is shown hero at the wheel of the
new car,which la" the invention of M. Constantincsco, who- is pic
tured seated -beside the prinrev Vs . r v i -. ;J
as the Supreme
! i
, - .
-i 4 -i
I :s
All your friends and relatives will cherish a picture
of the baby.'V : . l , , y
It's something they can keep through the years. It's
such fun to compare photographs taken at different stages
Everybody loves the little fellow I JThey'd like noth
ing better than to possess a splendid likeness of him! .
of his growth and devel&t' y "
Come in and see about it today -
j"- ry v';-
. .
T-y. s ; -
Portrait Studio
-f-"V; V-.'
4 2 9 V Or e g on Building
a f,-ie. .
. ft.
m 4a. A A. AAA A a i