The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 06, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    a '
AfcibRiB mm
Vested Choir of First
Methodist Church WW
Give Sacred Concert Sunday ,
An interesting musical program
wilt be xiren fa the Tint Method
ist church next Sunday evening i
when the large chorus of sixty-five
Tofces nnder.jthe'Sirectloh of Prof.
E. W.' Hobson will appear . In their
vestments forthe first sacred c6n
cert of the wason. 'Tfot. T.l s.
Roberts will serve aa organist and
cccompantst and Miss Louise Find
ley will be assistant accompanist.
Among the numbers rendered will
be a solo by Ronald Craven and
two numbers by tna male chorus
and, the "Recessional' by the full
chorus., ,JRey. Fred CTayjor, the
pastor will reidthe scripture and
offer the invocation. The full
program follows:
Organ prefude. iV. . . . . . .Selected
Processional Hymn No. 3 S3 . . . .
. .""Onward. Christian Soldiers"
Chorus. - .
Whatfs id. a waffle .to
make it so good ? Snow-
Snpwdrift makes deli-
that -csafi-teKoff-Snowdrift
is SUch a deli
cate good -to -eat
stfcem tfisft'iit inl
jptthfo tha 'fiuallty of
your cooking.
A Sale
; i m ...
Extra stretch ribbed top Holeproof Hosiery in botfi regular knd out sizes
These are reiecta of 1.50 arid 31.75 bualiti63. The laws nr. tlnv rrorta are
so slight'as to be unnotiiekble in most bisest-AJl the
pxtrn tru nn thpsp whir h ravps Hftmincr trouWes.
extra toe on these which saves darning; troubles.
- A
1 r ' V " , ' . , ' ' "" fl
'The Peacemaker". .Male Chorus
Scripture reading Pastor
"The King's Highway" ...
. Shippman Barnes
it. ChOTUS
Invocation and remarks ... Pastor
Offertory solo ' "A , Song of
Thanksgiving' ...... Allitsen
' Rdriaid Craven.
"There Is No Death' . . O'ftarra
Male. Chorus.
Organ solo "Where Dusk Gath
ers Deep" . v . '. . Stebbins
, Prof. T. S. Roberts
Recessional" '. A. Mathews
JJenedictlih : . . . Pastor
Organ Postfude ......... Selected
. . The 4 personnel of the chorus
choir includes: .
Soprano -
Margaret Arnold.
Gladys Barkley.
Marian.: Beckley.
Helen Bridgeman.
Josephine Bfoss.
Ttozehla Bunch.
' Helen Burghardt.
Bessie Cox.
Leone Elliott.
, Ka.therine Everett.
Mary E. Pargo. .
Dorothy .Ferrier.
Louise Findley.
. Edna Ledhtter.
Esther Lisle.
Francis McGilvra.
Hejen. McPJhersbn. ' 1
Esther Palmer.
. Dorotha Pete'rs. . .
Cynfhta Pier.
Maruel Rhinn, ;
Elfzabth Silver.
Aldeane Smith.
Phoebe Smith.
Edna Wenti..
Dorothy Willfams.
Elvira Young. .
. Josephine Zimmerman.
AUA-. ..... .
V venne Cornell.
Vfrgnia' Edwards.
ridth Mffllll .
Mn.;.EWv Hobson.
Helen Hughes..
.Mj3. j, wjcahler. . . ..
Mary Martin.
Edna Milter. f
Marjory Miller.
Mildred. Mills.. A ,
Mildred Snyder,.-. -;.
Jewel Steele, "
of Factory Substandards of
Pure Silk Hosiexy
3 .
(Centet Aisle Main Floor)
Salem's IeAJln2, Pejartment Storey
Elizabeth Vinson.
. -Mifgafet Wood.
Ronald Craven.
Clare Geddes.
. Paul fieddes.
Herbert Hartley.
Walter Iliff.
Weidell Robinson.
Laurence, Schr'elber.
Lester, Smith.
Rotlin Stayner.
Arnold Taylor.
Bass r ;
R. if. Barton.
H. M. Bross.
A. B. Hanson.
. Wflfis Hathaway.
Albert HeTrman.
Walfer ltanfman.
Hobart Kelly.
i'raukf' Lombard.
Tom Maynard.
Hneh Roberts.
T. M. Spricher.
Lfoyii Thorn psbn .
Paul Trueblood.
Special Church Festival
n Arnrlsflce flay, NoVetffber II, be
ttig the "fifth anniversary 6f 'the
dedication 6f St. Paul's Catholic
church In Silverton, special prep,
aratlo'ns are being .made to cele
brate the event. Word has. been
received . that, his grace, .Archbish
op Edward D. Howard, will be
present. Tbfs.rwin.ibe his first
visit to SflveTtOn. Plans for the
day fcre: At 10 lu m. solemn high
mass.' with sermon by the arch
bishop,. and after that he will ad
minister the sacrament of Confor
mation. , , ., .
"At i.Z. o'clock: a. Jiig chicken din
ner win be Served by the.tadies
of the parfsb. The inufc wl be
furnished by, the Mt. Anel Band.
A large attendance is expected
from all the neighboring towns.
Missionary C&hveritton
in Session
The missionary convention of
the Market Street Free Methodist
church will continue in session
through 'Sunday, the conference'
having 'opened on Thursday. To
d ay's Session jvill open at 10
o'clock this morning. ..The eve
hftfgYedtffre fll bea Sfed'ftfcbtf
lecture oh India.
Film at First
Congregational Church '
Sunday evening at 7:15 the eve
ning church service will include
d!esife4. shadl" rAlso-
. ,-" v " -. "
o " o
. ChemeVeta chapter, Danghters
of the Atrfeftcan Revolution. Mrs.
John Orr, 865 b street, hostess.
Delia Phi home-coming lunch
eon. Green Gate tea room at The
Spa. ; -
Woman's Relief Corps. Mc
Cornacfc nalL 2 o'clock.
Willamette university alumni
homecoming luncheon and busi
ness meeting. Marion hotel, 12:15
o'clock. ; .
: fi Sunday.
Sacred Concert. First Metbod
lst jchurcb. 7:30 o'clock. "
Sacred Concert. Leslie Meth
od fst cburch. 7:30 o'clock. ."
' Film at First Congregational
church. "The Enchanted Cottage,"
7rl5 o'clock. .
- Monday
Chapter AB of tbe PEO Sister
hood. Miss L. May Ranch, hos
tess, at Miss Lena Belle Tartar's
studio. - t
.Salem Men's chorus. Grand
theater, $:15 o'clock.
tJunior 'Guild of St Paul's church.
Mrs. William Bell, 145 S. Church
street, hostess, 2:30 o'clock. v
Salem Arts League open meet-
nk,City library.
'Eastern Star Social Afternoon
club. ' Masonic temple. Cards.
thfe.irst 'NSfional; picture, "The
Enchanted Cottage." This Is an
appealing tory, teaching that
beanfy !s of the 'soul, not of the
body. .
The "Enchanted Cottage" brings
ou!t "the fact that genuine love, on
which "happy "borne life is founded,
is based 'hot, on compleixion and
yslcstl Cbmliness, but on beauty
Motor to Eugene
'Tli 4htl Wtn VI R CiAftoM will
m6tor to Eugene today for the
week-end to visit Dr. Scofield's
brother. Dr. J. E. Scofield. Mrs.
Scofleld has 3uBt recently returned
from Castle Rock, Wash., where
she 'was visiting her mother, Mrs.
Fred Bradley.
Cooked o'od Sale and Bazaar
Silver Bell circle No. 3, Neigh
bors of Woodcraft, will sponsor
a bazaar and cooked food sale to
day at the S. P. ticket office on
North Liberty street.
House Guests From Bend
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rragg are
entertaining as their house guests
over (he week-end their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. p.
McLellan of Bend. Mr. and
Mrs. McLellan have been in at
tendance at the livestock show ;in
Portland. I '
- ff.ry MATINEE 35c
TODAY Uj3T aa-"
i I SUNDAY i - 7
fti? J N3r WHAT HE '
Gales Of Lauirhfer!
, Cheers, then Jeers, greeted him! Instead
ji of the ball, he wasi carrying the hat of an
enthusiastic rooterl.p'
death, razzed to dii-traction, fighting his
last stand to be a college hero!
Mirth! Joy! Gladness! And something
else, that sweeps' you off your feet with
enjoyment! ? j -
Vie ktes&L&8m'- "
r ...
Chapter AB, of PEQ- j
Miss L. May Rauch will be hos
tess on Monday afternoon at the
Ftudro of 'Miss" Lena Belfc Tartar
on North "Liberty street for tho
members of Chapter AB nt th
PEO -sisterhood, y Mrsr Gertrude ,1!.
Smith will have charge of a .pro
gram on. "Dialect Poets."
Junior 'Guild WilfMcet ,
The Junior Guild, fit St.- PttiiT.
Episcopal church will meet, at the
home of Mrs. William Ben. 145
S. Cburch "street at' 2 :30 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon. .
. .. -
Kappa Alpha Theta .
Meeting Postponed - V
Instead of meeting today, as
was. first planned, the Kappa Alpha
ThetaT alumnae will meet a week
from today, Saturday, Nov. 13,
at the home of Miss Edith Bra.
Imna Boibes and Malcolm '
MacDonhld Married
in Stockton, Cal.
Of -t interest to their Salem
friends will be the news of the
marriage' of vMiss. Irma,-1, Bowes;
daughter, of Mrs. Irene Bowes,' to
Malcolm MacDonald, son of Mr.
andMrtCAIesnder MatDonard
of Ripley, Ont. The marriage took
place in the Presbyterian church
in Stockton, Cal., with Rev. Ward
Willis Long officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald will
be at home to their friends after
December 1 in Salem Heights.
Willamette University
Literary Societies
Announce Pledges
The four women's literary so
cieties of Willamette university
announce the pledging of the fol
lowing girls:
Philodosian Bonnie Zeller,
Marjory Miller,. Lillian Scott, Hel
en McPherson, Lois Morris. Mary
Elizabeth Randolph, Dorothy Gor
don, Florence Miller, Anna Lauke.
Prances McGilvVa, Virginia Ed
wards, Betty Corskie, Margaret
Hogg, Mildred Cook. Dorothv
Ryan, Gaynelle Beckett. Ruth
Burch. Emily Frazer Brown, Lu
cile Wonderly, Margaret Town
send. Leone Elliott. Alvina Breit
haupt. Dorothy Whipple, Florence
Emmons, Esther Palmer, Mary
Herschberger, Louetta Shutt,
Marie Messeirsmith, Hazel Shutt,
and Helene Price.
Adelante Elizabeth Atkinson,
Katherine Everell, Louretta Fish
er, 'Evelyn Hartung, Beatrice Har
tung. Rose Huston, Joyce Kidder,
Carolyn Lambreth, Florence Pow
er, Cecfle Smith, Inez Smith, Dor
othy Williams, Grace E. White
and Elvira Young.
Chrestomathean Dorothy Tay
lor, Helen Kafoury, Roberta Van
neee, Dorothy ifutchinson, Donna
Tllldesheim. Myrtle Sailings, Orma
'is ...i , , .-
? ;-.'i"X'""
Mclntyre, Theresa , Nanny, Juaoi
Mack and Emma Wohr.
Olionlan - Leah Fanning, Gath
er fne-Barker. Violet Beechtr. Ca-
liatimussen. Sarah Poor ami Isa
iah Warn pier. . -
: . ,
pr. Jtlafy Cttowland
WrHcjF)'am. Chicqgo
The friends of Dr.. Ma ry C. how
land w'ill be Interested, to know
I that she is .tiDJintestab isbed Di
her special ; work in - Chicago. Dr.
Rowland went east the first of the
autumn; season and plans to return-to
Salem again on Decem
ber 20.
-Dr. -Rowland ts -doing post
graduate work at both St. Luke's
and at the Chicago Lying-in hos
pitals. , .. . .
iJotrse 'Guests 'at ' '
Reeder .Home
Mrs. Rachel ReedeV'had as her
house guests on Tueada-y Mr. and
Mrs. Barney. Kropp arid son Mar
tin, and Mrs. Kropp, a sister of
Mr. :Kropp. Before her marriage
Mrs. Kropp was Miss Inetta Walk
er, and made her home with Mrs.
Mrs. Daily Entertains
at Luncheon
Mrs. -Edna L. Daily was hostess
On Friday at a delightfully ap
pointed luncheon on Friday at her
apartment at 175 S. Fourteenth
street. Pink roses were used
about the rooms, while chrysan
themums centered the table.
Atltnd fl yTi who would for-
-Kt '
Th. humdrum ronnd nd
daily, fret.
Tkr-blark chip roett upon tbe
hy. .
TWj bo'snn pipes we mnst
T where npon the sunset Mam
Tee . golden t galleon f
1 -whalm . besieged by tut-
- anous shark.
Dattle with prirateerJnjr
U' '- barqnea ; - - .f
Where n a lone reet : In the
To bleached , Hknll . piards
the treasure che;
Where fierce greg prompt a
i -V flereer greed ' ,
And who aboots tat. boU
late indeed
-r. -Also
' a the.
milhi Gates,. Mej-Jf JItfghes. I
Hughes';- ?fary 'KTgMIinger.
Snyder, Ma'rjorte "Nelson, V
I fiC':TtS-s '---- -- I f
1:45 A .f students
.,' 5 '-' i V K r: CHILDREN -
6:45 m f m0:W ' 25c
v'l i i 1 1 1 1 1 -1 i.- 4 i --w, i v Vr. yr i r v
Sacred, Concert at ; ;
Leslie Mefhotliki CJtiirch X
The cliorus choir ot the Leslie
Methodist" church assisted by Mrs.
Earl Pearcy, vol ist . M iss Cland
ine Gerth. violinist: Miss Mary
McKeo, -reader, ami Lyman Mc
Donald and Leslie Springer vpeai
ists. will -give a concert Sunday
.evening under the direction of
Mrs. Mason Bishop, The follow
ing program will begin ; at- 7:30
o'clock at the . corner, pf -Sonth
commercial and Meyers street:.
Voluntary." bfgan and.r psano
duet, "Ave Maria," Malcolm and
Lena Medler.
Processional "Holy, Holy, Holy"
-Chorus. .
Prayer, by pastor.
Solo, selected Leslie Springer.
Anthem. "The Silent Sea.t'Neid
linger," -Chorus. r i ,
Responsive reading, page 52 -Psalter.
v f 1
Violin solo, "Thais," Massnet
Claudine Gerth. ..''
Solo, "I 'Love a Little Cottage,"
O'Harra Lyman McDonald. :
Offertory and . -announcements.
Solo. "These Are They," trom
"The Holy City" (Gaul)-Mrs.
Pearcy, iv .
Reading, "The Fight of Faith,"
Miss McKee.
Closing anthem, "Who Is Like
Unto Thee" Chorus.
Benediction, by pastor.
(Continued from paf 1.)
when Mills, the former- sexton of
her husband's church, testified
that she had sought him out, when
Where plank or nooe or tnife
The man who masters not hi
fate i i . , .j ' i ',
Where yeUow gold sVmn bright
All splendonrs bnt toe eye
f lore;
Wbere-red- blood .lows ,d
block flag fly
And bold .men live before
they diet
Awayl, .Awayl We . seed bat
High ronrsge and apankr
ing breeze.
The bneeaneera erowd at tbe
- . tail. ,. , ,. ,
See there the black flag-p-
ward aaiil ; , . -.
The bo'enn's wblstle ahrlJla
- again.
Cheer boy,' -we're off the
SpauUh Main I .. r
- r nf.T m JJ ir ,LJ." "
rt- .V: !:,:
m ' y-'.:,f-7 .
rW& ma
I At the theaters Tocj I
U' " ' '
The EUinore Douelai FaJr
banks in "The Black Pirate.."
. Oregon Harold Lloyd in "Thd
Freshman." ,
.Oregon "Three Bad Men"
from the novel "Over the Border
by Herman Whitacker. .
f Capitol. Pictures and Vaude
ville. -';
IHigh Evelyn Brent In "Flame
of the Argentine. ,- ;,
her husband failed to return, home
the previous night, the night ot
the murder. , ;
Mills was asked hundreds of
questions. lie told of last Eeejng
bis wife alive, but did not see. her
before she was buried.. He was
subjected to a severe cross exam-.
inauon about exchanges of letters
between his wife and Mr.. Hall and
certain clippings on the subct.oC
divorce. The defense claimed dis-.
crepancies between Mills, testi
mony ioaay ana mat given in pre
vious examinations
Mills testified that he was opce.
a Shoemaker and owned a sharp
knife and Prosecutor Alexander
Simpson declared that the defense
was attempting to prove Mills" was
guilty of the double killing.-., - .
Mills said that he received $500
from a newspaper for letters, jiald
to have been written by .Mr.- Hall
ti " " " . i U .
. I '
Baker W. s.. Baker Snake
v va a (uivu ailips UV V CiiUxS-U4.
peaches this year,:
r .First Exquisite.
I Color Film. .
t ...
a i j a i w; i -t av
Jtual.iL,ll--Al jH h Jh JaW inV A 4k tV. at aft ka 4 A. aftv 4k A A A 4l iV A A 4. 4sV A 4sV A 4b jV iak sV A A 4k fli A Ih A J A 4kr A R- A A k.av 4V. Mb Ah A- A A.-AA AnaV A.