FRIDAY -.MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, ,102G WWII? Salem High:5chooJeam Ex- peeled -to :HaVeTcoub(6 -'::With,HiJlsboro " I05CM Today's football same on Sweet land field between iSalem high school and UUlsboro ihigh school will be no easy .victory for Salem, . J r - 4 - . TT , II ' T At ft . t " I A. ! lie preuiciiou.ui nuuia iiuihiuk- rsuTerai points. Team Realizes It -Must Drill Earnestly to .Win USC Football Game IBMllllWail mm CPS 61 BSTT1E tqn. Salem" coach.. The gam- will syirt tat iS o'clock. T ? i c i , Th HllUboro . team t. has wos games this season from such pow- school. of Portland, Newberg and fticMlnnviHe. Jefferson high school lost to Grant high, school of Port land by about the same margin . as Grant beat the local men early in the season, so the comparative . scores indicate alTjnisboro vic tory. . '- " ,.: ' - ) Comparative scores ddg't couof for much In tms battle, as II trat ington's men hare Improved great ly since the start -of the season, but they do indicate that Hills bo ro will be a little tougher an tagonist than vras anticipated. '" I Salem - Will f starf t the Igame minus three regnlar players, Ol inger, Temple and East, "dinger is stilfe cmt fwith tbsame' injury thatUcepti hjml on? tfias bench last jweek' against ' Corvallte,. .while Tenrpleand Kastjare both -suffer- ' ing from sprained ankles. Hubert Ashby quarterback, will do the punting for the local men in the absence of Temple. He bus been doing well in practice and has .been getting his punts off for as good distances as Temple did; t - 1. s t i Kelly will .do all the field goal kicking that may be needed. He has been getting off some long tnd true place kicks in practice, rnd is expected to place kick as well in a game as Temple could drop kick. All the Salem cripples are ex . pected to be back in the lineup in time for. the game against Eugene on Armistice Day. - The ,B"aieirf starting lineup "will include Adams, right end; Cum roings, -left ,end; Lyons, right tackle;.Irager, left tackle; Fabry, rght guard; Dolby, left guard; Jones, center; Ashby, quarter; Kelly, right. half ;.Bineo, left half, a.nd Backe, full. - s Officials for, the .game include Mike Moran, referee; Fod Maison, umpire, '-and Ralph ason, -head linesman. OREGON AGRICULTURAL. COLLEGE, Corvallis, Ore.,-Nov. 4. iThe football exchange closed last week with O. A. C. stock off The Idaho raid Squad Hit by Injuries on Eve of Championship Game With Northerners which the Aggies staved off by a bare "3 to 0 score wasJargely the eanse. "The Aggies are still on top of the conference heap but twill ; have to .halt the Southern California thundering herd and the University of Oregon squad to maintain this lead. . ;; ' The - Oregon Aggies clash with Southern California- in Portland Armistice day. Iji conJCarative scoring - this year' the- Southern California ' Jrojans have trnn "up fl99 points to 26. for "opponents in six games. , O. tA. . C. has scored 169 to 13 points for opponents in five games. Roth teams have met the University of California, U. S. C. winning 27 to 0 and O. A. C. winning? to 7. If 0.N A. C. beats Southern Cal ifornia the University., of Oregon eleven will be .the only barrier betweenithe Aggies and k he coast pennant: Oregon has been show ing; increasing strength as the sea- son progresses, and by .November 20 when she jmeels : tlve Aggies Will be. a difficult team to beat. If. the Oregon Aggies win all. their remaining games and Stanford university, the conqueror of the thundering herd wins all its games, the O. A. C. team will still lead in. the conference as the. Ag gies play five conference "games to four for Stanford No serious injuries -were sus tained by the Oregon Aggies in the Idaho game. Coach ."Paul J. Schissler is entering the sqnad on an intensive training -in prepara tion for the Southern California contest. .. The men show ;nore' sip in the practices than they did be fore the Idaho contest. The rook team will form opposition for the varsity, using Southern California plays in scrimmage. " r LISTEN IN 11 -o'clock in" the morning --will bo given, over to the alumni. A stud ent play will be given Saturday at the Heiltg 'theater, besides an alumni "get-together. As the game "Saturday will be the only big college game in . the state on that day, a large crowd Is expected . to attend. Willamette university Bearcats will go through their final prep aration tonight for .the '. football game with the College of Puget Sound Saturday afternoon on Sweetland field. Many prepara tions are being made for the game by students and faculty, as this will be the annual homecoming celebration at the college. The squad has been hit -hard by injuries on .the eve of battla. and the backfield has been shot to pieces. McMullen and Long. fullbacks, are both on the injured list, although there is a possibility that one of them may be able to start the game. Clonlnger, halfback, and one of the star ground gainers of the team, is also laid up by an injury, and his doctor has advised against permitting him the play Saturday. In case McMullen or Long will be unable to start, McKenzie will back up the line on the defensive, and Zeller may be used as offense Ive fullback. The rest of the team is in fair condition, and are prepared for ft tough battle. Coach Spec Keene realizes the coming battle will; be a hard one. asr he considers . the CPS Loggers a better team .than Pacific, which the Bearcats beat last week. The team was . brought ' to a fighting peak for the Paclflc game, and Keene is anxious that they do not go into such a slnmp a. almost proved disastrous for; OjAOagainst Idaho last week. s A large program of events com-, mencing Friday night has ; been planned by the students- in con- nection with the homecoming cele bration. The "W" club will hold a banquet .r riday .night at the Gray Belle, at which .Brazier C. Small, justice of the peace, will preside. i Following this -there will be a pep rally at the chapel and a fire works display by the freshman class. Saturday the chapel session at ' . TBIDAY NIGHT 6:00-12 :QO-KW. thaacr concert; 7:3Q. utility erric;,8, weekly meet- ing ol Uta club; 8:30, dance mu- ! by Cote UtElroy's erehestra; 10:80, . frello ot the KOW Boot Owls. 0:00-10:00 KFWV. Benaoa hotel or , cbeatras lircliw' Mlaha Petz; 7, i amusemaat guide; -6, 'Walker fcrotherg' . old-time orchestra; S:30, mn&ical pro- grans. 6:00-10:00 Dinner eeacert by George Iliene concert orchestra; 7, vbat to do and where' to go sngCestiong; 6, stadio program by the 'Ugaan chorua; 8:40, i studio mnaical cmgram; 0. Miacba PeU : orrhrktra and Iris il. Oakley, coutral : tor - - . - -: ," 6:00-7 :30 KT B R. Tourist guide; '6;30, . at adJo program. " 5:3i KtiO, Otkland (3C1). -KGO radio, girls; t, Kms Little Symphony or tcbestra; 6:55, r.ea items, weather re ports and stock quotations. 5:U0 KKI, Ios Angeles (467). Kupene Bisrailus; . nightly doings, travel ' guide, vest pocket period; 6:4$,' AVil- liam R. Crawford; 7, Lob I'arkr ; T:3. iblm Cook and Billie Henderson; N, Aeolian organ recital, Alex Reilly at the. conaole; 9, popular program: 10, JPack- ard ballard hour, J. -Maarice ' Woods, . baritone; Kuth and Oolorea Palethorpe. 6:30 KFO. San fraaeUco (42o). Child ren's program: 6:15. Valtletaar Timer's 'orchestra; 7:10, sports ou the air; i?;2U, Chamber of Commerce talk;. 8, . i Billy Long's rcnestra'; 9, Gene 'James. , orchestra; ' fl:10, book review; 10, Lind'i rchestra. 8:30 K.NX, Hollywood (337), George . itedman's orcfemurs; 6, The Town Tat ! tier; t:15.' travetor; 6:30, At water .. Kent orchestra; 7, studio progTam; 11, Abe Lyman's t'ocoannt Grave orchestra. O:0 Ki'WB, HoUyrood (252). Oinner . concert. rtbeatra-7p0. news; el ' Nierta. aepraae; Kay KeUorg and Bill : ; Hatch, violin and piano: lharly Wl man. Chevy Cbae ercheUra; 9, Julias Phillips, tenor: Peggy Mathews, blues: ". Araaad Oirold. aererdipa; Kill .Hatch : and his orchestra; 10, 'ww i Edward - Nevis, baritone; Charley Vcllmsn, Bill ' llatch and bia orchestra." ' :O0 KMTK. 'Hollywood (370. An i nouncemeat.- naus; 6:45, vacation I days; 7, 'tloaaeo" with 'Gayrord Wit ahire; 7;30, musical n-roeraray . Cos V ; snopolitsa trio; 9, special musical pro- .i cram; 10, Kalph Jlarkey and his Mu : Sical Keys. - tr :U0 KFQZ, Hollywwod (226). Melody Three and Norma-Foas. soloint: H. Hel- ' wya Harris program; . Kddie Miller's ' lixie Boys. lora Looaard.JPercy Ash and Howard-(Blue) fStevenaon; 10, Iea asa sviown nana. . 0:O0 KFWI. San Francisco (2501. Ia , verne Rickett, blues. aceomBanied by - Ionna Kichin; 6:30, studio program; M, nen i.ipison, popniar j naiiaa: :.iu, ! 'WriUhire'sf "tonaeo : 41. studio Tro- '.; t gram, Jo Tetwiler, narilone, Letitia r'awrett, soprano. Floyd li. Hayes, ten , or; lu. Jack Crawford a orchestra; II, Paul Kelt's Trovstnre orchestra. 6:00-KTOX. .Lon Beach (2.12). Organ i i THE BIG DANCE HALL In NORTH PAULAS Opens Saturday Night November 6 Floor Space 5000 Square Feet Jusic by Iaufmari,3 Hornets reciul nyowariInl.'ipr:2e,-KN ceneart MCkTe&trar fi'.SO . tnnbr- 7. 1 etudia program: S. Losr 'Brack sauniei- ' pal band, announcements; 9:15, varied program; 10, Klks frolic, 6:00 KJR, Seattle 424)v 'Time signals, ; weainer reports, markets, news; 8:3", stutticj programs; 10, time signals. llREDfEfPiHEAT I , ) iSIOESlteHE! The heat of ;Vqd j&eppers takes .the "ouch" from a sore, lame back. It ean not. hurt ryou and; it certainly tads the -torture at -onee. 1 , Vnen you are suffering so you can hardly set around, just try Bed Pep per Rub, and you will have the juickest TeNef known. Nothing baa uob eonce&traicd, penetrating beat as red peppers. . . - . - - Just as soon as you apply "Rod Pepper Rub yott will "feel ibe tingling bet la three coSniitca it warma Um ore spot tbroiban4 thxapgb.' Pain ana sorraie? "are .gonfc ; j k. air irv: Hmnmai 9rvm' m ?i ' vf Rowle3?l Tapper Rab. Be ure to get be genuine, vritb.the same Bowles . A , A, is)k .4hefk. J&V aVJfc A. sA, s-...v .em. 4mwla..Aii s. a. h- ,.1..- VA1.UES. For a Three-Day Selling Event 1 VEGETABLES: AND r?RUIT Nice Stocjc of Table Carrots, 7 4bs. ...... ,Good Burbank Potatoes, 12 lbs....:...: By sack, lb. .....:........... Good GraUe Apples ;by box....: :.C'l'..-C: . Good Quality of Lemons, aoz. . . :. ...... ,10c 25c 9c Good Quality Creamery Butter, lb.: 45c 4 lb. package New Crop Raisins ...35c Gdod Quality Pjnk Salmon ...... y ...1 j5c 4 lb. pail Pennant Compoundf 72c 1 large bottle Sunkist Catsup... 19c 12 pz. Royal Baking Powder..:..... .35c Fresh Lot Bacon Squares, lb.... 25c 2 cans of Oval Tin Sardines... 25c Jolly Time Pop Corn, 3 lbs 25c '( 3 cans Campbell's Tomato Soup 25c Lower prices on Outing, Woolen Dress Goods, Indian Head, yard i.' 35c Good quality of men's long sleeve, ankle length Uniops ;voc This is-a special 'from our regular price $1.3 5 FOR BETTER VALUES - n G II V 1 - 254 NORTH COMIMERCIAL: ,eVJ "- ' f -'- " - - a,. ,- i. - nv-;- - i i " ' 1.- -if; : WSC Grid Team and Coach .Suffer IMystenous Malady PULLMAN. Wash., Nov'".'4. (AP) -With a strange malady declared to resemble- influenza and ptomaine , poisoning, four Washington state college tootball blayers were ordered to bed this morning by Trainer Bohra. Coach "Babe Ilollingberry also Js ill. but with the University pf Idaho game two days away, he has re fused to give up direction of the team. VIEW QQB!QRAX1g?.SX; ! The ' utnomabTJtIlkle3"cor pordtion with headquarters .In Portland, . has .been ; incorporated by .Nelson A. Frost, Jr., 'Leo enson and Ernest Bushell. The capital stock is $1000. ' . ' j REAL KSTATK TURNOVERS Recent sales reported by F. L. Wood arid George F. Reed, real estate dealer- include a SO acre tract with modern buildings, a rvirt nf the C O Rpt farm. to S. B. Stater of Michigan; a mod-' ern residence on Saginaw street to G. "W. Carroll of 'Rietereall; an acre tract on the Portland road to Roy Nash; a lot on Broadway to Vicar Kron and a lot in Church mere to X. F. Brown. A TI.TRTi A V ,elr.I,A J . Card Tables ,98 These Are Regular $3.25 Values Mahogany finished wood with dark green leatherette tops. See them m our windows. Many other wonderful bargains in our basement . Department By To CALIFORNIA PICKWICK STAGES 30 HOURS TO SAN FRANCISCO Through Reclining Chair Car Service Four .Scbedmleej ach .Day With Stop Over Privilege Leaving the Terminal Hotel 5 :20 A. M., 120 P. Jt, 7;IVaL, 1:25 A. M. One Way JlQund Trip SAN FRANCISCO .$150 .$30.00 One Way Round Trip LOS ANGEJE3 -$275 450.00 For Information Call At TERMINAL HOTEL or Phone 696 134 N. Liberty t. Free Delivery We Solicit Monthly -' Charge Accounts Phones 1885-6i7 Prompt Service National Canned The new pack of canned goods of the various kinds is now in stock And to bring this fact closelv to your attention the National Canners association with the cooperation of the wholesaler and the retailer are makinrtfine -displays .a.nd, quotirpecial prices for a period of .ten days. T ' .- ' ; . . 7 Del Monte Qa It is indeed a pleasure to present a full line of,theIruitsrniveetables.unde.the Del Monte 3rand. They have been gathered from the world's best gardens and orchards and every item is a quality, product.' 's ; " ' During the sale we wall give one can fCree with. Mozenither in straight dozens orryou may take three of .four Jiinds;and areti canjfi:ee. I Stoqk your pantrxith a good as sortment as it will surely make .the ovosk ofplanning3your daily menus much easier. Del Monte Fruits Apricots, unpeeled Apricots, peeled -Peaches, .yellow lree Peaches, fellow ;fCling Peaches, sliced........!! .......... Peaches, Melba halves Pears, Bartlett Cherries, -Royal , Ann. Grapes, Muscat ... Plums, DeluUce Strawberries Raspberries Ioganberries ..... Fruits for Salad, .la?ge Fruits -for-. Salad, medium Pineapple, .large, sliced Pineapple, large, isquats, 2 for... ...... Pineapple, sliced, l's, 2 for Pineapple, crushed, l's, .S5c :.ioc ..35c ..35c 35c .35c ..40c 45c 10c" ...30 c, ..40c. .30c :50c ...40c1. ..30c. ..v45e ...35c ...15c Del 'Monte Vegetables Ckirn, Minnesota Crosby.:....: Tomatoes, Solid "Pack...." Tornatoauce, 3 for..... Spinach - Sauerkraut f. . Pumpkin ....... String Beans .:..... : :Peas,'Tiny ........ ,..:......;:.....:..:.:.. ;Peas,..Yery small-..-... ,.2 . Peas, , very small, . 2 ,for..wJ . -Peas, -medium Asparagus, large stalks.L.:...:.:..:. Asparagus,trhedium tips, square Asparagus, saljadpoints-.-l .Asparagus, .picnic size, i2 f or... Sweet Potatoes Dill Pickles . ...........:.:: -Small Red eets ...20c ..:.20c .25c ...ilOc .15c .....Oc ........25c .....-25c ':20c .u.40c fins'40c ,30c :30c ,130c Remember That You -Get One Can Free Vith DpMn ' American ClubJVegetablear -Libby's Fruits Peaches, Yellow Cling -35c : Peaches, sliced .35c Peaches, Prince's Finest., .......35c; Apricots .'. .35c Pineapple, 2V's 30c Pineapple, 2's 28c " Pineapple, crushed, l's .....15c:: Grape Pruit, Dromedary 30c! P. S. Blueberries 40c Canned Fish Libby's Tall Salmon . 35c! Maple Leaf 1 lb. Flats .45c Maple '.Leaf V2 lb. Flats......... .30ct Warrenton Minced Clams, talL ...:30c Dunbar Cove Oysters 20c- Dunbar -Dry Pack Shrimp :.20c Golden Bantam Corn . ,25c Country Gentleman -White Corn 20c Cut String Beans . . : ..-25c .Refugee Whole Bean3...:.:........30f Smajl Refugee Beans ;.i....U..L.U-.40c Tiny Refugee Peans Hr. J....jI5c Succotash ...... ..l.i25c Small Champion Peas.:......:.......i135c Early June Peas ... L.LL-25c Rosebud Beets .:: ..3Pc imported Vegetables -Mushrooms, buttons Mushrooms, Stems and Pieces.....0c Mixed Vegetables, for salad....-30c Belgium Peas ..i...;.30c French String Beans 1 . .0c Spanish Pimentos . JLOc and 20c ONE CAN FREE WITH AN ASSORTED DOZEN DURINP THIS CANNED pOODS SALE OLNY R0STE1N & GREEliB MEN'S LEATHER OATS Real Ilorsehide, Good Quality, .Well Made, sRelts.or Not Special Good Values RAINTEST CLOTHES 10 oz. Oiled Canvas Raintest Pants 10 oz. Oiled Canvas Raihtest Stac.Shirts Just the thing for the man who is but in "the rain all j MACKINAWS, BLAZERS AND LOGGERS' SHIRTS AH Wool, Oregon Goods. Big Selection,' New Stock Reasonable Prices MEN'S WOOL OVERSHIRTS $5.00, $3.50, 3a00, $2.00 NEW SWEATERS All Wool, Beautiful Goods, Big Assortment Low Prices ' K YOUNG MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS 324.50, S2(00a $160 j - - MEN'S ALL VO;OL-SUlTS l . S40.00, 35.00ff$29.50r$24.50 Real Goo3 talulsW Extra Size 'Clothes for Big Men " Lnaerwear . ... ;np 10 size Oversliirts . . ... '. :np to size 20 Sock ......... . . up to size IS OveralL ' . . . . . . . .op to ctze 52 Pants , i . . . , . v . . .Bp to size 54 Salts . . . pp to size 50 Guaranteed Shoes foriMeri andBoy8:4cDst;little7inbre 4han the unreliable kfndV We Ido not kee.pxheap shoes 246 NORTH COMMERCIAU STREET YOUR )LD fHEATER TAKEN IN ON A NEW A Small Payment WiUDeUver A New 1 Heater Balance Easy Payments Now iis . the .time to -provide a iheateror :he winter. : Our stock includes all typfohetjfstoViei as -well as Ke ney :-t3rpe circxulatbr or aHrurnel A circulator -will, sheat ybiir home and e u Ia,coriM9ei on jyi ;VW M4U. a.. t,-jr AUg& UI'pilV.C(J,l,VLl. - i w We tlo 'hayt a r 'compietebvr Jandirons, HFir sets -aiid screens. -Make your; selection: now'::. V ' - :t ' 't -1 v- - 1 ' , . . F m , Tr. jisv " 1 H lmf 1 trrl it i Mi m -.-i M"JaV , aSM a.,,. V - " r I A,,. . A A A A" AAA