J 9 Union Boater I HOD CARRIERS AND BUILDINO LA I borers Locsl No- 441, meet Wd, CAPITOL, i TYPOGRAPHICAL CHIO 210 Fresideat. . r iirm; w rstry.-M. D. Pilkenton. IImU a ad Saturday, 8 :0 p. am. CARPENTERS UNION NO, 1065 f Umu Thar. evening. Arthur Tucker, praeideat ; Wm. Pettit. - entirr. Skilled echaaics furnished. Phoaa 179. I HOTEL - AND RESTAURANT EM- ployees local 453, every third Monday, 457 Coart Haxel Pierce, secretary, ; - SALEM UNION .LABEL LEAGUE Meeia at Labor Mall oa eau at presi dent, P.' W. Bears, secretary. Boa 443. Bale!, Ure, Lodije Roster FRATERNAL ORDER OP EAGLES, bm) ntrr Wednesday, Fraternity Mall, 8 hi Willett. See'y. TeL 8B9-K. , s ' KNIjGHTS OP PYTHIAS MEET I A1 Fraternal Hall every Tuesday evening VI ai to re Invited. K. Park Sturgea, CL C? Walter Leaofr, K. tl R. 8. i Pablitbed every morning (eieept Mon day) at. Saba, the capital of Orate. Local . Rates -Vv For Classified Advertising Dally or Eaadsr One tiata Tare timet 1 caata pax word u.t cent pat ward Si time cants par ward 1 no. daily and Sun. to seats per word 4a order ,-ta ear tha mora thaawoa time rate.-Advertieemeat mux, ran.ia eoasecativ issues. No Ai. tskea for then 25c. Adsraa Bun day ONLY charged at a-tint rata. : ,. Advertisements - except Pars oasis aad SiiaationtrWsQt!) will bo takaa over tka t'dlkpUaalitKba 4t ttf aacUa a subscriber to, phone. . ... . Tba Sta4eca?XTjrwfHreeerw-Ivtv tiaomoata at any lima of ta. day or aigbt..'-T. laaur: proper ' elasaifiaeV tiaas.ad ahoald be i before 3 pi an TELEPHONE 28 OB 683 ; - ; i T ADVERTISINd , ,i - i HONEST ADVERTI8Uci Taeao iol ama maat bo kept free from aaytaiaa; of a qaoatioaablo aatoro. Miireproaen tationa wiU not bo tolerated. Iafor matioa ahowiaa; any qneetioaable in tent oa the part at th. adrertiiar ahoald be , reported to tkis' awa paper or tha Salem Ad erab. Money to Loan OS REAL E STATS T. k rotn f Oeer Ladd Bona Baakt AtJTO TOPS BEE U8 TOR TOP AND PAINT WORK O. J. Hull Aato Top aad Paint Shop 207 8. Commercial. 6al6tf ' WATTED-EmpIo3rment .19 YOCNO LADY WITH GENERAL OF fiee experience dearrea peaitn-a. Write Boa 1497 care Wtateaman. - lUdt FOR GARDEN PLOWING,. BASEMEN! dining and team work. Paaae 73P3 FOR RENT 21 FOR RENT -TfOCSES AND APART menu, f L. Wood, 34i StaU 8t. ' -. - . - Slml2tl FOft RENT VACANT LARGE o-ROOM f tJm with ranitea,' f ornaee, : etc. Rent -fy-Lena 3S. Bee 6 Ferrj ttW. Becke A Ilendricka, 189 N High atreet. ? PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14 BY 1 H IM. Wording. "Far Reat," price 10 eeaU each. Btateamaa . Baainoao Office, rronnd floor. ' FOR RENT ApartmenU 23 TWO ROOM FT.TRNI8HED APARTMENT for rent. 2361 HaioU Phone 1938 W. " . - . - r-.v S3B7 T 1 THREE ROOM PURNI8HED, FIRST J r floor with light, water, garage. 412 N. : 2 lot atreet. , -. 2o4 FURNISHED APARTMENT, 1335 STATE - ' ' . ; adao FOR " BEST FURNISHED apartment. -1335. State trt- 4-ROOM 3023t FOR RENT Rooma 2S LARGE FRONT. 1'hunO 33 W.. ROOM. . CLOSE IN. tialO ROOMS SLEEPING AND HOUSEKEEP inf. amgle or caaaUo." 69 5., Liberty Kt. : 5n5 FOR RENT House. 27 4 ROOM HOUSE. PgmNE. 18C9 i. 27 rL i m . , t, , a ,,n . . HOCbE FOR RENT, TELEPHONE J835, or call at 101 N. 13U. 27a7 TWO irp A-HOeMoaWBI-BoOM HOUSES Pkoaa 100. 5fo ?o2tf FOR RENT 5 ROOM - FURNISHED kooaa aad 6-roam aafarniabed avoaaa. GERTRUDE 3. M. PAGE 492 Nerta Cotuga. 27021tf FOR RENT 2-ROOM NEW COTTAGES 2180 Market St. 818.50 Per month See owner, J. A. White 2173 State street. - 27n4tf FOR REXT Farms 29 FOR RENT 10- ACRES WELL IM proved oa pared road, cloae ia. Good bouse and barn, black aoil. only f 2& a month, sea owner. J. A. White. 2173 Wtate street; ' - n8tf WANTED--lJaclUaeoBa 85 FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP meata. Giaaa-Powae Faraltan C. WANTED OATS AND WHEAT FOR ehickea food. Phone 17F2. 83n WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB xarm loans. We bare laverai aptUea tioas oa hand.. Hawkiaa Roberta - lae.. 208 Oregoa Bltig. Sdl4tf FOR SALE 87 FOR SALE ETTENBERG AND TRE bla atrawberry plants, $2.40 per 1000. George E. EUeL Turner, Ore. TeL 834, Aamarilla.. . . 37a4' FOR SALE PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Cheap ; ey tenaa. - lMseount for cash Lan Marly, phone 1915W. . ilnv WALNUTS 23c PER POUND, 20c IS 100 poand kttk Gaiaeae 8I.OO each. Mra. i. 1L Wright. Pbono lril. 87n6 PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14 BY TH IN wordiag. "Knoma Rent," pnee JO eenta oaa.a SUteamaa Business Of flea. fouad floor. - ' PLES ALL VARIETIES. CHEAP -uBaetijr eirriow Ars. . g7al FOR. SALTSTKAWBERY PLANTS --41 una arti Hinai rtt-a.. .a.a u.-.L-tl l - - vast tMi 4oag Htlaa J I iint. from pew aeituitca. .00 per tboasand f. WX', Ucoab, Ura. ,v 3ai jui-otiioa RUilt'E, SIZE 14 BY IN. VrilttmA a mA , . , . !f wds, "Katioa la Bareby Oiraa That Trespassiasr Ia DtrtatiT ForMddna ow Thaao Promisee .Uaor Penalty of Proaeeattoa." Prieo Ifta aaeh or. S for aaa ctiaieamaa !. tjo, balem, Ore $m, - $7aU 87 PIANO FOR SALE: LARGE EASTER . Pinna Msaufactarer t has . - fine piano f her that moat he sold immediately, L 910.00 monthly will handle. If ia- terestad in r eal.jp iano boy writ an at oaee for "particular. D. - F. Wil liams, Fsetory Adjuator. car .Ststee- aiaa Office.- i : ; "- . - i ; S7&5 FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 eeata a bandl. Statesaaaa office, SIS South Commercial fit. 87j22U FOB 8AX& Orsattock 99 PURE ? BRED - -POLAND -- PIGS AJTD aowa. H- M Meed. Phone 8F5. 39n5 FRED -W. LANOE, VETERINARIAN office 52 S. CoAssareiaL Paoao 1198. Rea. Pkoaa 1666. -. m23tf FOR SALE : , ? , ' Good team of work horaeaf ; weisat 1500 pouada. J Color, dark bay; age, about 11 year; with heavy work br aesa. Low price for qoick eale. -W ILLAMETTE VALLEY LUMBER CO. Dallaa, Oretoa. - . - 39al7 . - ; --. : ' t i " . - - ' j;'.-'; VIOOH SAWING K 443. WOOD ' SAWING.- . PHONE tie ' DAY iimea and . 88P2rl areaiara.1 1 Edward Doaeer. t f 4304 LET HAMS SAW YOUR WOOD. PHON1 . 8SQ6-J. , 48QtHP8t CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD 8AWISO. Alaa old aarda. Viabar Broa. Paoa 11. 42il3tf W OOD FOR SALE 43 S SALEM TRANSFER FUEL CO. Local and Long Distaace Hauling Storage and FueL 752 Trade St Phono 629.; . : . . .: i... 43l30a , GOOD OOAL DRY WOOD, PROMPT ' DlSLIVERIES. .' UiLLMAN FUEL CO. . TELEPHONE 1855.. : .-!:,-- . 43iZ9tf Best Qrade of . Wood Dry wood d ft. aad 16-iach. Gtaea wood, 4 ft. and 16-ineb. Large loads coataia 197 eubie feat load ed loose. . ) . Small loads oaaUia 13 S eabU feat load ad laaaa. ; : g r ; Large . loads are tka .cheaper to .bay. Order new aad aara money J Mill wood la oar apeeiarir. . - - - j Prompt delivery and ceaaaaabla price. Fred & Wells 280 Sotk ;Cawk.-i Pbona 1842. ' . . 43al0tf 16-INCH MILU WOOD PER LOAD, 82,75 lt-ia. 2nd fur par load, 94.00; 16 iach old fir per load, 94.50. Prompt delivery. Tel. 2313. Tracy Pael Yard. 1067 D street. ' 43n22tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak aad ash. Pkono 72F2. M. D. May field. 43fl8tf POULTRY AND EGGS 45 BUFF ORPINGTQS COCKERELS FOR sale. 2056-J. r 45nll MISCJELLANEOTJS 51 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE- pairing. Gieae-Powcra Furniture Store. 51s20tl MONET TO LOAN 57 HAVE GOOD $400.00 FIR8T MORT- gaga on Lane county 30 acres for sale to net 8. A. C. Bohrnstedt 147 No. Com'l St., Salem, Oregon. 57031tf 20 YEAR FARM LOANS NO COMMISSION . Iavestigste our new 13-year eitj loan. No paymeata, 1st 9 years. W have many others. FLOYD C. MEYER 134 New Bligh Bldg. . . .: STQLStf BUILDING, LOANS ON SALEM RESI- uence properties repajauie lice rent. Ask ma sbout them. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans Insurance. 147 No. Com'l St., Salem, Oregon. 57031tf MONEY TO LOAN ON SALEM HOM&S, repayable $10, per mouth oa each $10OO borrowed. W. H. GRABENHOR8T CO. 134 Soath Liberty St. 5?a25tf FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5H. F. L. Wool, 841 State St. 57m7tf WANTED LOANS 59 WANTED $1500 ON GILT EDGE 8E- eanty. Gaakille Earle. Real tors. 166 8. Liberty. Phone 2242. &9028tf WANTED: mosey, to loan Private ESTATE. oa REAL W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 S. Liberty .St. 59o26tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 ONE OF THE BEST RESTAURANTS ia Salem. Bp ten did location doing good bu-Jness aad priced right . for qak-k ssle. -' GAS.VLL EARLE, Resltora. 166 8 Liberty. ..v Pbaoa.a2J2. - 61031tf REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY , 02 -I. R. AYNE ! With Socolofsky A Boa. TsL 1519-W. BECKE A HENDRICKS l$r g. Btgh.3 VfTg TeL6. A. X BOHRNSTEDT 14T N. CommoroiaL TeL 577 P. W. GEISER 441 Court. Telephoaa 23' 3 W. G. KRUEGEA 14T K. Com'l, Rm. 1. - TaL 317 JOHN W. OSS New Bligh Bide-. TeL ,2485 GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE -493 . Cotuga. f TaL 116 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 319 N. Liberty, TaL 651 ULRICH A ROBERTS- . 122 N. Commercial. TeL 1854 VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor 147 N. Com'L , - .Pbona 577 - SQUARE DEAL REALTY JC. 8. N at "1. Bank Bldg. : . TeL 470 : WELLS TALLMAM 216 Maaonie Temple, SON TeL '619 MINUTE MOVIES FOB SALE - TArtfrS WITH A "FILH - . ?fTC0T Pl(rK tflo'triJ REMEMBER HIM. -SHEIKL HAZARD H 'SC0RCH4HG SAND-" HERE J HE iSr tiRAHA - fiSHs don Felipe 1 W BLfsCk AtflG ANC argentine cos-) Toms ,he :ns:v AOAAHTCALLEt v UPON HO DO' SOME 1st S ea- iui,aM'j,e ' OF -TVAS PAMPAS" :H 63 Own Your Home ' WE HAVE A CASaBUTEr FOR A fire-room mod era homo with furniture. Moat ba a barfaia for the eaaa. . ,. SALEM REALTY 00. , ; , '4U Bute fit." ,' I "-:. 63aStf INVESTMENTS DON'T WAIT LONO er to inreat ia Salem. - bavo booaea, lota, onsiaeaa property aad tract, for aale botow . the market. In reatisate. Income prepertiee aore to inereaaa- in valua that will net yon 6 to 10 to atart. - Becka 4 Iteadricka, 189 N. High street.- ' 63o31tf -""BARGAINS1 "-' ACREAGE, -r-i $1800, 9500 cash 9.26 acres, 1 acre timber,' balance- cleared, good bottom land, I room hour a 14x18, hog bouae, gocd welL mile to aenoot . .. : .. 9320Q. all cash 35.59 acres,; 5 n oak timber, family orchard, moatly black; aoil,' level, 1 room, hoaae. . fair bam, eoopn, well fenced. F'od water, close to school, r A REAL- C T? ' , r , ' ,lt $4750, A1O0V dows-r. Acres alb cjeax-i ea, g od soil. levaw 6; room saoeera bungalow, Tad bamj eoopn. close, iai -98000, cash 68 acres, feO cleared, 8 timber, rolliac red shot soil. 7 room bungalow, barn, coops, well' fenced,! good well, .n)e to; aebool, good road, 4- miles 'out.-'. ' ' ; : HOUSES 91200, 8300 down,1 balance $25 sad interest monthly 3 room baaae, - close to school aad bus line, N. Salem. 97000 strictly modern 9 room Colon ial home, will accept cheap land suit able for psstnre to tba vslna. $3750, $250 down, balance $35 month ly 5 room strictly modern house. SOHOLOPSKY. A SON. 341 State.. Real Estate, Loana. Insurance ' ' . 63n2U CLOSE IS NEW HOUSE, $3600.00. Trade attractive home, large lot, for mailer boa so or grocery .store. Trade 10-sere trsct for boasa aad lot. Trada 91 acres for boasa aad sot la Salem.' h, ..i ,. , . . , Trada large eorner, 200x236. nortb ' ' aast front. ; , Apartment slots In, trada for good hoaae aad lot. ' ; Wa write Insurance. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 North Cottage. 3021tt If TOO HAVE A BAR GAIN IN PROPERTY LIST, IT WITH US " FOR QUICK RESULTS : Bulgin ;& Bulgin 275, Bute Street SALEM 63-Ddtf FOR SALE SIX-ROOM HOUSE, NEW paper and paint, choice lot, tea blocks oat, a bargain at $2200. Fear-room plastered bungalow, bnilt in kitchen, garage. North Salem, $2200 Eaay terms. , Six-room - house, corner lot, garsge, $1800. easy terms. Large house close, in for rent, furni ture for ssle. t Lease on bop yard, 40 acrea, river bottom land. 100-aere farm, good buildings, 16 acrea hope, $13,000. 40 acres river bottom land, 12 acres hops, $8,000. . 40-acra farm. 30 seres ' alfalfa, mod - era buildings, $12,000. . 44-acre farm, good baildings, close to town, 10 acres orchard. $8500. Take bouse psrt psy. F. L. WOOD GEO.'F. PEED 341 Stste St. . 63031U WE HAVE SEVERAL BUYERS FOR SA lent homes, state your lowest price aad give your best term. 4 Sea oar listing ' oa acreage, homes, lots aad income property.- both here as well aa ia surrounding territory, be fore baying. - We may ssva yon some moaey, aad locate you where yon will feel at home: Among tha assay bar gains we have, how would a 810 acres eastern Oregoa wheat fsrm, with TOO acrea nader plow, suit your fancy. This party will trada for a good sised prone fsrm. SALEM LAND COMPANY Room 141-142 Now Bligh Bldg. Phoaa 1127. . 63023U DESIRABLE CORNER, 7 ROOMS, FULL basement, Oa creak. 1721 Chemeketa. 6305tt SPECIAL 5 seres with good 5-room - bouse some fruit, creek end spring, a good buy for $2oOO, or will exebaaga for house in Salem. 6-rooni new modern borne, garsge. psved street. 94750. Grocery store, good Iocs t ion, $2600. Terms. 4 -room plastered hoase, snap 91075. We, bare some good income Salem property -to exchange for small well improved farms - See THOMASOS . . 240 State Street. . , ' With ChildaA Bee b tel. . 63a4tf 1 TOR SALE: - ' . . Five-room eottaga, baaement, pared atreet. ... Pine big lot, trait trees. East front. Soath Salem.. High aad dry . Cloaa to aebool. a bargain at 93820. . very eas terms. - ; New 4 ana ' 5-roem baagalowa. strictly jaogern, with aa anfinisbed ap- atairs. .Bonus eaiem. niu ana ory. . Pose to-school. Only 94750.00 . and easy terms. Gars re ia iaelnded. "".' New 4-room hoagalow. strictly mod- i am. South Salem, Garage. Cloaa to . scho-LOnly $4,300.00. Easy term a. e Almost aew 4 -room bnngalaw, bese i meat, farnsee, nice lot, Soath Salem. , Oaly 93200. Easy terms, ' . i 90 sere fsrm. Lako Lablsh. Five . acjes of onion, lsnd, seres fina straw i berries, sve pa ion house. A money asset. , w ill aeu fauy. equipped. lO aorea, close in. , 7 acrea af locaa- berries. . Small boasa. - Will trada for otty .property. ? Best located view lot ia Ssleta. No bUl to climb. i , RICH L. REIMANN. Realtor. ' - 147 . Commercial St. Phoaa 865 ' - .. '- 6301Ttf NEW 8 ROOM HOUSE AND GOOD LOT, 6 blacks north of Ladd A Bush Baak. Price $1200. ; Small payment down and oaianee essy terms. - GASKILL A- EARLE,' Realtors. " 166 S. Uberty. - " Phone 2242. . . ! ' : 63028tf ACREAGE -WANTED, FOB GOOD S-t, home cloae in. id' 8-r. home, - South, cement basement. lor small nouse. i- Strictty modera ' home, practically new, ..aorta, o-r. : iirst tioor, 3r. ap stairs . anfinished.: ' Large eorner lot, paved T street garage. Will exchange lor view aorae in B. saiem. BERTHA ZUEHLKE 67.1 X, CspitoLSt. ; . Phone "21CB-J .,f. 63a4tf ?V?SsirS REAL. ESTATI3 63 WOULD YOU FAY $250 CASH FOB A house aad then pay. tha balance like ' rant f - New., five rooms,' ' basement, paved street, furnace, ajoely arranged, most desirable loeatioa fa Soatb An ient. " Phone owner 1748 R. ' 63014U ; : ..-! - ' SPECIAL - ' : - Forty-Cv acres cloaa : to aighway, V : north with 7-roem acaso, lair bara, X . chicken, beakea, - all. in : cultivation. feaeed aad croon fenced with waves - wire, family" fruit, electric light line ' past tba proparty. - aoa-resideat owner. $7000. $1009 will take care of. - . . I XO acres, 3-room kooae. .large barn, family orchard, 5 acres eahivated, 4 mile to schooL Price $150O. easy terms. r ,r-.vl?. 44 acres; abant 10 miles from Salem, fine hay - land. Price $ 1 o00. . easy terms: ' Furnished and 'Unfurnished booses for real. Moaey to loan.. ; MELVIS JOHSSON - Over 20th Century Grocery Store. Pheae 559. ; . .i ; 6303IU f FOB SALE 6R TRADE 10 seres located on .t5ilverton road ..east .. of Salem, 6-roaia . house, barn, . chicken bouse ad fpark. paved road. :jtH4 aorea bearing JCatfUtn wSlneM: will i' trada for .cityt property. Prica $7000. 7 -room house and . birae lot. located est fairgrbarad -froad;; ast serosa frcm , auiea okii saui trade fr aeraaga. Prion 950O01 I i? !r t 110 acre! of iirt iclssa walaat aad filbert or fruit land, sJl ia wheat, good buildings; will exchange for city prop erty. Price $125 per acre. 160-acre farm, SO acres .under culti vation, balance, timber . and pasture, buildings, will trade - far smaller acre age or aity property. Price $65-per acre. . . . .- 302-acre farm located north af Sa lam; 250" acrea Jandea . cultivation, bal ance timber aad pasture, buildings;. will consider, part trade. Price $23,500. a )a-aera - isrm. no aauaings, win trade forrity property. Price $100 per acre. . ' . ' . If yoa want to trade your city prop erty or small aere for a fsrm. sea W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, . ' . Realtors. 134 8. Liberty street. 63 n4 YOUR " OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A WON DERFUL HOME BELOW ACTUAL VALUE:...- - ..- ......'. $9000 Seven-room modera home, eem plete la every detail, liviag room, dining room, three bed ' -rooms, kitchen, breakfast room .aad bath downstairs, two bed rooms Upstairs. Large doable ga rage. EXTRA LARGE GROUNDS ,O.V CREEK SPACE TO BUILD ANOTHER HOME, $1500 aowa - bo la nee -eosy terms. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. W. IL GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors. 134 B. Liberty St.- .Phone 515. 1 1 : ? ' , - " -- aa4 CHOICE LOTrOxlOO. NORTH FRONT, close ort& tepitoi; aosu. siem Realty Co.. 46, State. E. N. Poets, H. W. Barrett. . 63019tf TWO REAL HOMES r Brand new - and strictly modern forced to sell this' week for less than cost. Ideal loesttan. $1500 CASH DOWN Will buy this new stucco home with 6 tsrge rooms. Fireplace, furnace, stationary wash trays, wood lift, nook, all tha built-in 8. Osk floors, large at tie room for two more roomw when finished. Price for this week only $5500. Doable constructed with best material and workmanship.. - . THE OTHER ONE Is a new two story English type 6 rooms. Hardwood floors in fact same ss shove strictly modern in every Srsy an to the minute. Owner says sail. Most sell this week. Price cut to $3800. . Only $1500 down,; both prop erties are under priced at least one thousand dollars each. Too owner'a loss your gam. For Real Home Bargains 8 CHILDS A BECHTEL -Realtors.. 320 State Street. 63n4tf OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK K K K K K K K K K K FOR SALE $2250 5-roem bouse, garage, lights, water, bath.. $300 dowa, balaaee like rent. $125 less for cash. K K k K K K K K W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com St. -Resltor. Pbone 217. K 63n4 K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO 25-ACKE SUBURBAN HOME ALL IN cultlrstion. Bargain $3500: ' Want residence. ' 5-room modera house close fn $3800, exchange for acreage. O-room home, - 8 fine lota. garage near marline, - $3000, for acreage. 7-scre suburDsn, good income buildings, line soil, good location, snap $3600 ; want small residence. Grocery stcre, lease and fixtures. Good 40-acre fsrm close in for rant. See as before investing. PERR1NE A'MARSTE&S . 212 Qray Bldg. 63O30tf $560 WELL SECURED SECOND MOR1- gage will discount $160 to secure cash. 5-room bouse- with modera conven iences, double garage. $2650. Will trad on dowa towa property or large htiuse suitable for apartmeatsx. 5-room new bouse, modern except aasemant. corner lot, psved, ay iy to. Urgei eaeugh , for -two houses, garage, 5-room modern, north. $3500. 5-room stucco on tile, south, view property, aast front, trees, yea ' can not beat this value. $4200. -room new house oa 6. High, aery attractive, $5250. Beautiful Fsinr.ount Hill homo, a 'cry modern lea tare, sgooo. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Resltor. 175 aVfHigh; . 63024U CIjOSE" TO -STATE HOUSE 6-room bungalow; all . on one . floor, 3 bed rooms, bath, fireplace., fall cement ; bssement, pipe furnace, laundry trays lot 44x145. Street paved and cemeat walks in 4 blocks to Capitol building and University. ONLY $4500. Easy . terms. .. . lilTS OP tT " CREEK LOT 50 foot front extends to center af creek. Won't last long at $725. - . -. NORTH FRONT LOT OS D street close to Hish aadJuoior High school. Street paved, cement walks and sewer - in. ONLY $1250. PAVED CORNER NORTH All cement walk and sewer ia. Large enough for two homes. $1100 tskes this if you . act qnicx. Try TRIANGLE REALTY CO- 218 M. Liberty Street ' Phone 651 "HEADUARTERS FOR HOMES" --. - , ' 63a2tf NICE. ROOMY r HOMELIKE PLACE with lots of shade, fiaa f rait, grapes aad nuts, 7-room plastered house. bai ' ment. fireplace, bath. 8 bis lota, en rage aad poultry, house. .Four blocks to street ear. near, new Taxed park achooL-' Will double in value ia abort ' time. 93800 'terms. 849 Rural ave nue. ; W. C. Conner, owner. Statesman ;: ifice. ' 6307tf AND'SPEAKlNG Or; A LLY , RODc . Hl- .- "?rtjsiT WCJ CfrV&H , REAL ESTATE " KUAL. LoiAiLi ANY ONE WITH $10 OR MORE TO spare can invest ia Salem. Wa have i weeat lots within 12 , biecks of post, ;-- officii as law a $125. tfecka A-lien-dricks. 189 X. High Street.,. : 633 Itf PROTECTED LOTS NORTEL IS Dis trict f fine pomes. $475 to $TOO. Becke A .Hendricks, 189 N.. High atreet. ." . Cs'-' - - i 6381tf ONE ACRE aad modera S room bun galow on Pacific highway close to Sa lem. A beautiful aubarbaa home . aad Triced right.' , 8IXf ACBESv -aa Pacifio highway. aCmae inj WiU trada, for Salem reai . denee, ' - ' " .?-'-- - - SIX ROOM HOUSE oa paved street, only $144f.rr- Smalt paymeat. down, bal anee easy terms, . i ""-'i? - PI VE-KOOM plastered hoase aad garsge. Only $-.'K).0 'dowa, balance like rent. Price $2450. .". GOOD SIX-ROOM HOUSE la-North Salem, will trada for , ranch to about $ 5M. ; i - .- SEW FIVE-ROOM,.. BUNGALOW, priced right for raick sale. . A GOOD RAIRY RANCH close to Sa lem for sale or will trader for Salem - peTerty. , . . , ?G, ACRES fine laad'ab-a sacrifice. Will "sell for $2800, $250 down. Bal ance easy terms." - - - See GASKILL A EARLE, - FOB "PROPERIY 166 3. Liberty St. ""Phone 242 ... - V; .Sa2tf LET THAT RENT MONEY BUY . YOU A HOME r Small new houe and big lot, 959 Cash and $10 per month. Price $600. $300 cash and- $10 per month bays a . aice east front let with, small aew house. 'Montana for the. stock raiaer; -320 acres, all clear, rich lsaa, apring water : ed: will trade for clear valley property to $6000. Several houses and apartments for rent.1 - ... And then remember, your auto ia in constant daager of . collision or fire, i insure them. JOSEPH JOHNSON. 408 Oregoa Bldg. t ' - : -- 63n4 FINE NEW HOUSE JUST BEING COM- pleted, double - eoastructed, tally plumbed, bailt-iaa, electric fixtures. four' rooms and - breakfast nook, bath. connecting hsll, closets, with one-half acre ; line geroen la no, , eaonga to . al most1 support a family, located oa pave men just outside eity limits. AU city ' conveniences bat no city taxes. $3200. omati aowa paymeat. osisnce uxa rent, Carle Abrams. 1465 Chemeketa St Phone. 1894-J. 63s26tf BUILT TO -STAY- 3 NEW HOMES. 4 to 7 rooms. Each has furnace, fire place, garage, laundry,, electric water beater, roils, hardwood, fricea 9 SOU , to $6500.- Terms if desired. Becke'A Hentricka, 189 N. High- atreet. 3o31tf FOB SALE OR TRADE " 1 45 -acres, . very hirhly improved. 1 mile from awod little towa and bieb school, on paved road. All under good state oi cultivation wita a a-room modern hoaae; water system, good large barn etc. Terms cash, or may take city, property. . $8500. Store betiding.' large bara and ware hoaae.. . Stock at foods. Located on the Oregon Electric Railway, about 14 mires from Sslem. Will sell on god terms or trade, for city property; ba lem aref erred. Apartment house on - N. Wintes street. Four 3-room spartmenta moat ly famished ; also 10 acre just over the . bridge, in Polk county, with 6-room bungalow all modern, good barn, and lots of fruit.. Will 'exchange these two properties for Canada land. Mti hi acres esst of Salem on good gravel road, very biajnly improved. ; Loganberries, prune, strawberries and ;apples.' Will exchange . for smaller J place or- some good business. $9000, G. W. LAFLAR. - 407 Oregoa Bldg. . " Salem, Oregoa. ,J 63031 GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE f AC'IFIO COAST Wa-have over 8000 properties Sated for exchsnga. Every kind of property, every price, every locstion. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. If a you would Tike to' trade your property , TDDAYr" in la TODAY: t See GASKILL A EARLE, Resltors. ' 166 . 8. Liberty. - Phoaa 2243. 63ml2tt REAL ESTATE TRADES 63 WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR an unincumbered halt section ia Har ney County 1 A. -C. BOHRNSTEDT - Realtor . Loans Insurance - 147 No. Com'L St, Salem, Ore. 65034tf TRADES : $3800 Fine home in Ashland for Sa lem property. . . $2500 Home. 3 lots in Hubbard for alem property. $45p0 Home in Tacoma, Wash., for Salem property. 200 Home in Sslem,. trade for a heme' in Olympia, Waah. - . Salem property for Portland, also Portland for Salem. - Farms for city property. , Also city . property for. farms. To Trsde Your Property " See CHILDS A BECHTEL Realtors. 320 State Street. - 65n4tf ; REAL ESTATE Fsuma 07 OREGON FARMS 'We sail them aad trad them. If 7 want rssalts aad good Bertie, list with as. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. Laaaa Insurance. 147 No. Com'l St. Phoaa 677. " 67s3tf WANT FROM THREE TO 20 ACRES close to Sslem oa good road with com fortable small house. Mast be low r priced and very easy terms. Submit '-tall description. " - ' A. C. BOHRNSTEDT ' Realtor Loana Insurance. 147 No. Com'l St, Salem, Oregoa: - 67031tf SPECIAL BARGAIN 5 acres all in bearing fruit, wonder ful place to baild. Located soath. Price $2500,- $200 down, balaaee - essy terms. - W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. . Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. 67a4 OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO GOOD MINT LAND ' f - " - 168 acres' near Hubbard. 8 Toom house, - basemeat, lightv. , water' system. $8000 cash, bal aaee $10U0 a year sad interest K at 6:' Price $21,000. Halt K .river bottom land. K . K r W. G. KRUEGKR K ,147 N.. Com'l. Telephone 217. i 7n4 OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO rnoiHO acso Dick gave, LCjF THe IDEA OF HAVlNO,, A CtXJB-E. DO HIS DANGER OUS RtDrA2- STUNTS FOR HM , FOR HE IS A FEAR?- . Less and expert hcpse- KJAH MMSELf - DO VfcU :REMErBER this OF DCATH IN OUT WEST ? . CASH PAID FOB FORDS EIKER AUTO - T7ml2tf USED CARS FOR SALE 79 Specials , ATTENTION BARGAXS HUNTERS, ' A4I6sALI AUTO CO. Wiltys'-atBight Beda'a. . '' ' 9 WiUys-Katght Teariaga. ' " 1 WiUya-Kairht Sport avedel toaxiag. 9 CWvelaad Tourings.. Staaebaker Sedan. . Meoa Tearing. - ; - 1 Itaay others to 'choose from, most of - theaa cars have new psist, goad rab-'- ber and racaaditioaed. Ail ara priced low. . t ' " MacDonald Auto Co. L. Cottage aad Ferry. Phoaa 40. - MARMON WHIPPET-- WTLLY8-KNTGHT - OVERLAND . . . 79024tf . : Look . Some- Real. Bargains vFrd toe- truck (good -rubber, stake bdy .... .... ,-......- $130.00 . Ferd Roadster (aew rubber and start er ..... ...4.T.i-t.$i5o.oo . Chervolet Coupe (good rubber) $l50.0O Buick Roadster $ 40.00 Ford -Coupe (starter)..:. -.$108.00 Ford Tourings , (three of them - hav starters) $80.00 to $200.00 We have a complete line of good used cars, which are all priced for . quick sale. These listed above will not . be oa our floor long at the advertised prices. It yea sre lookiac for some rood unused transportation, call as we feel we can-fill year wants. CAflTOL MOTORS INC. Biddy Bishop Phone 2125 A! Rousseau 350 No. High St. 79a7 Attention All Prices Cut Used Car Buyers f Read This Adver tisement Marmon toarina. a real bay. Willys-Knight, sedsn, aew psiat aad rubber 1 3 Willys-Kaight tourings; -.5 2 Overlsnd to a rings. Cleveland tourings. '-"' ' Studebsker sedaa. . - Moon touring. 2 Maxwell tourings. v " ' ' - Overland roadster. , . . Star touring. Dort tuaring. . PRICES FROM $35 TO $1000. Our price's oa the abov listed cars are most reaVonable ever offered be fore, all have been reconditioned,- many asve new psmt and rubber MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage and Ferry St. Phone 409 Open Sundays aad eveninga to p. i MARMON WILLYS-KNIGHT WHIPPET ""OVERLAND. 79n4tf Look These Over Allen $5o $50 $50 Dort Overlsnd MacDonald Auto Co. 79024tf Select and ...Re-' conditioned Used Automobiles Buick, glass enclosure, lata model Master Six. Chevrolet Coupe, good paint, ex cellent shape. Ford Touring ears, splendid of ferings. Essex Touring esr. psint like new, rock bottom price. Clevelsnd, fine condition. Pierce Arrow, ' excellent condi tion, make fina stsge csr. -Ford Coupe, exceptionsl price. Mitchell Touring, good paint, good rubber, bargain. Overland Sedsn, new paint, good rubber, priced right. Nash Touring, Ducco finish, fine shspe. Ford Roadster, bargain. Chevrolet Touring. Hudson Coach, late model, Duco finish. Ford Sedan, new paint, mechsn icslly fine. t Thoroughly clesned as they come in, carefully inspected, put into our shop for repair when needed, is the treat ment accorded ased automobiles taken in trade by this company. .Represent ed fsirly by eur saiesmea and sold for cssh -or n convenient terms, oar used automobiles are creating confidence every day, aad providing fine trsns portatioa for their buyers. , -SEE THEM NOW ,v , F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 865 North Commercial Street. Phoaa 1260. CADILLAC. NASH.'1 ; 7O30tf See Valley Motor , Company's Used Car Lot DON'T MISS IT OS HIGH ST. Cross from oar show room. 1919 and 1920 Fords with starter..$ 85 19.2.1 Forda $95 to . $110 1926 Roadster, aew paint .$335 1920 Sedans, good condition ...$135 1934 Coup '. I $340 1926 Coupe . $465 'Ford Business Is Oood' '79029tf STREET CLEANERS LIGHTED Street cleaners in Portland, Ore., who work at nigbt are now provided with "headlights" . and "tail lights" to protect; them from being run down by. motorist. OVER AME. GOiPlMTb.t j,aj ci rt'i. bvt "TWF y "DfVE. . , ; 111'., WE GET vou r CANT -fe MEMBER iTislScVC AS W PEAR LE AX'S IKIV-I-Mi1 POLITICS & s am sbb) . :- .- .. m iiCLWED BUSINESS DffiECTflnY Of ReUbI Baainem aad Professional Firm Arracsed la ' : Alphabetical Order fop Quick Refereiice AUCTIONEERS :? F,; N. Wood ry .Tba Woodry everybody kaow. Cash paid for ased furniture. Res. aad store 1610 N. Summer St. Telephoaa 5lf II. F. WOODRY A SON, 271 K. COM'L St., xarattara store. Bargains ta furni ture of all kinds. A cent tor Lang ranges, - best. made. ' Aiao auctioneers. - . - .... ) ACCOUNTANT O. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNT ANT AND Aad- iter, 831m Btate. Fhoae 2098-K. - 1 - - al7-36 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS K. D. BARTON EXIDB BATTERIES; Starter aad generator work; 202 Soath mra. BICYCLES AND REP AIRING LLOYD B. BAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI cyelea and repairing, 887 CeMrt. CHISXSE EEhTEDY YICK SO HERB COMPANY. ESTAB- lished. 1908. J. H. Leoag, Mgr. Phone 283. 420 State St. Upstairs. O20tf ' CHTBOPRACTOB DR. H.,B. SCHOFIELD, P. S. C, Oregoa bldg. - Pbone 2194. 828 DR. O. L. SCOTT. TSO. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Phon 828-R. or 67. BSHSTZTCHlH O HEMST1TOHJNG. STAMPING, BUT tons sad ' pleating. Room 10, ver Millers.- Phone 117. EUECTRlCIAsTS FLEENEB ELECTBIU . CO, HOUSE . wa-ing by hoar r eostrsct. Estimstes turni sued, raoa pao tix tjoort at. ' PARK PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST f arm paper send five 'i cent atampa t HjUsa Pacific Homeateaa, Baiem, oregoa, for a three months' trial aabacripUon. Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN -r SEND, Efb-HT TWO- ?eent atampa for apecial three months' trial, tor tha best aad oldest Journal ia the west. The articles aad adver tisements ara of special interest to the poultry breeder of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 311 Com mercial atreet, baiem, oregun. FOB SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mors es fes. Trust Deeds. Contracts, oa house Will net to 30. BECKE A HENDRICKS Bailia? Bldr.. 189 X. High St. JIM FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan oa good farm security. CITY LOANS W sre loaning Pro deatial . Insurance Compsny money on city residence aad business property. at Bk, plus a commission. Hswkins A Roberts, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. ; d-14tf FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreatna, deeorettoaa. v. r. Breithaupt, florist, 12$ N. Liberty Phone 880. - INSURANCE LOANS. REAL-ESTATE -GENERAL IN sursnee. W. W. LAFLAR, 410 Oregon Blg. . Insure Your horn or csr now Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg.. 189 N. High St. LAUNDRIES Jt-tf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The laandry af pure materials. Telephoaa 165. 1264 Broadway. THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY -THE W EIDER LAUNDRY Telephone "25. 263 8. High. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN- dry, Pbone 171. 1856 B atreet. J17tl LADIES' TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN . and women, 474 Court Bt. III III 1 1 II KATTBESSESS MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Casital City Beddinx Co- 1190 North CapitoL Called for aad delivered. AU work rnsranteed. Pbone 19. fl9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM Phon-517-W. COUGH REMEDY MUSIC STORES ?ai GEO. C WILL PIANOS,- PHONO- rraphs. sewing machines, sheet music ' aad aiatta) studies. KepairtBaT phe - raphs aad sewing mschinee, 432. State street, sslem. - - NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM .Agency, Ths Ac. TaL 839. THE" OREGON- STATESMAN. SO CENTS aer month delivered to your home early each moraine. Tel. 33 or 683. NURSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND 8HADE TREES Pearey Bros.. 178 8. Commercial. PAFERHANOINO AND PAINTING rHS. BENNETT. PAINTINO CON tractor, interior deooratiag. Phone 1937-J. 541 MilL e5 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOB HOUSE : . decorating, paperhaaging, tinting, ate. Reliable workman. - - PACKING AND gHXFFTJlO FOB EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING aad shipping, call Stiff's Furniture Stare. Phoae 941. By Ed Wheelan Vt&Kzj ' . -rn see ip VttU CAN KsTrOfc DEARIE VaPCM), FAMff tO-26 Tf1 1 CSt T Pboae 198 Villard J codet 6t- i - FIAJfo TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano taaer. Leave orders WiU'a Maai Stor. THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER, ' NOW at the Portland Music Co, $55 N. High ' Have year piano taaod by.oaa who has had years f experience ia the work. - --. 8a3tf PRINTING FOR STATIONERY JARD6, PAMPH- lets, programs, -faooka or any kind ,c4 printing, call at the- Ststesmaa Prists, ing Departaaaat, 215 8. Commercial. TeL 583. - . PLUMS ING PLUMBLVTV AND GENERAL iEPAIR ' 5 work. Uraber Bros 154 Si Ubsrty" Pbone 550. - - ' ' flptf -rr :.: Radiolas: , Far Every Purpose i Every Pars . All SUadard Sisca tlUdi Tube4 HALIK A EOFF ELECTRICAL . SHOP 837 Court Bt. Phone 48. BEAL ESTATE IF YOU HAVE. PROPERTY TO 'KELlI or if yoa are tebkiag for home, farm, or business property, see ae. BECKE A HENDRICKS ' S .'. i -189 K, High St, Heilig Bldg. ; Jttf REAL ESTATE GROUP INVESTMENTS Close-in income propertr in Salem. 4n- , . . creasing jn Talue 10 to 2t per , cent by abundant comparison.'- : Any amount trom - 10-np; ' " Many pleased td realiie posl-4 bilitie of . nnited. lares t. men t a. .f . HARRIS, Afasoie XJltL2.1u .fr:. .irl.7iu, 44(m second' fiAxry oooor cujj buy Used ucn r clothisa jew-l- ry, Unas, Tools. -Btcrelea. Btdf change,. 624 ..Cammercial, phoaevSiO. WANTED -EVERYTHING 1JL: CLOTH- m, tag and shoes. Beat prices, paid, Capi-. tal Exchange. "842 North Commercial mono 43o8-W.- BBS STOVES AND BT0VB EXPAIEIN0 STOVES. FOB. 8 ALE . REBUILT AND repaired ' by -expert. - All kinds af wov ea wire fane. .Fancy aad pi si. Hap basket and books,. logan hooks, Sslem Fence and ' Stove - Works,' 250 Oouit St. ' . . t r " - . ; : TAXTDE&MIST - t n- TAXIDERMIST SHOP. E. . E., , WIG- gma,' Prop,-1 1145 Horway. Real ' Woodry'a Auctfoa Market. Tel. 8561-W. TRANSFER AND HAUTXNO TRANSFER AND HAULING OF kinda.' Pheaa 72.F2. ' WE MOVEj. STORE AND SHIP HOUSK aora gooas.. usr specialty is ptsao anf furniture moving. .We alaa make-coaa try trips. Wa handle tha beet coal ant wood. Call oa as for prices. Wo giw good messura, good Quality and goN service, Lamer Transfer Co. Pbaaa 93t CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER -'CO. - ' 22t State St, Fhon.- 938. . DistribuUs $ forwarding and storage ur apecislty Get ear rates.- WELL.DRXLLINO EV A. WEST, BT, 6. BOX 103-A. PHOS1 iiuro. t miles east oa usrden mst n n-nwroaaaaast a ' -.-'n ' ' WATXX .1- . :- .'. SALEM WATER," LIGHT A POWER CO tsifice 804 seats -commercial Ht'm per cent discount ea domestic flat rat paid ia advance. No deduction for ah seaea or aay causa aniens water ia aha ' ' ' TRAVEL ' .' Safety - Swiftly , aad Oomfertsbly " in busses of tha Parker Bugs Linaa. . Stages Lesvs f or " , SilvertOB 7 a.. m, II a. m,' p. ta. ; ML Aagel 11 4. sVl p. aa, .1 ; Dallas 7 a. m. 9 a. av, 11:25 a. m- , Palm -CStjr 7 ' a. ra.. 2:10 p. an, i 5:15 p. m. ' ' ' Iadepeadeac 7 . a ,; a." aa i 11:15 a. m., 8:10 p. m, 6:15 a. as. . Sunday only 8:80 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m 11:1$ ta. ' 8:10 p. m, 5:15 j p. am Sunday enly, 7:10 p. m, 8:30 p. aa. - , McMiaaville 8:30 s.a,MI (. a, 6:15 p. as. Newberg 6:80 ai 89,' :10 p. aa " "5:15 p. as.-' " ..-'-;.'-..? .- -.-j : Tillamook 8:30 a. aa, 9:10 p. as. J CaU ,32$ or .696 , for is formation. " - aaatf ' y v : Salem Market j FEED-'': 1 aw-. i-$J y ; No I, wheat,"Whita,i...v.-4. ?'2,, ; Redawheat, .sacked rS.-Z- 'Ll9 f . Oats,' per ba. ttilliaa" .-I..LAJ I -AZf,'. Hy,aata,j retch, per -1.0G .t Bows . , -; ri.i,.,.v071ioi$-wc Top steers , ; 6 1 06 . ' Cow . .. . .. . r ..,,,.,, . 3r.t4H9" Bulla 8W.05.;, r -Spring lambs andef 90 lbs. ' .10 Top .live-veal T.f9 . Dressed veal " ' .16 ' Dressed hega ' 48 POULTRY . , Light hens '. Heavy bens -t Snrlnr . - .1$ ' - .20 , J7(f.t2 . - 5M.04" J8.20J Roosters , Heavy colored frys.. EOCS, BUTTER, BUTTEJLTAT '' - Standards . . -, ' '. "Per ponnd , t .80 6 . 9 atattartav . - . Cream batter VEGETABLES, FRUITS ; VegeUbie beeU, aacksd- .OS inm no uaioaa, doa. . bunchee , -- Celery, dos. banehes 60Q651.10 ' New cabbaga - . , ' .62 , Old potatoes - -$ 1.75 Q 3-40 - New ehhf. - - . MI .02- Local t - ' - - , . L 1.00 . . Local let tace, crate 1.50 Local onions - , - " f First Methodist Meeting: : ' Site Marked by Tablet . JOHNSON CITY, Tenrra (APir Site of the first Methodist confer ences held west of the Appalachain mountains': In eastern Tennessee and: Kentucky; under Francis As bnry, first Methodist bishop1 in -America; has been marked by a lartjD geaqlte bouldr. ; . ; L .. ; The.ntarkeriwas, taken from the bed'of Jlro WatsuRa'river near an ancient. ford wfifch 45ishbpf Afcbury trosscd;asv ar maxla his trlpa trom east i to -west- .Oa: the -front side of jtke-marker-ara chiseled thest wordar rwilliani Nelson's ancie&t home .for '.Method fsta and' Metho dist reaching by Bishop AsburyJ On the reverge side are tha words : SHe of annual conferences, 17S3, 1716 and 1737.", '. . . ' " t i it. 1. '! M 'X A. .' . : ' r S f- ... 1. v.. 1... V. V a '. . v. , v v f . k t t , - - J ,aeae.a, S44 -V .. A.jfc A .m . a...