The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 03, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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.',EE 13 Fffl .; : i;
j Ul ltl.II 111 IUUUW
. iJ : . ,
Woman Says Ormiston's
": Carmel Companion Was
a ."Religious Woman"
LS ANGELES,' Cal., Not. 2.
, AP) A new witness who says
' 'Jshe talked wftis ,the mystery "wo
man "who occupied - cottage ; at
armel with. Kenneth : G. Ormis
lon, fugitive radio man, today en
; t?red the Almee Semple McPher
. ion" caseY when letter was re
ceived by District ; Attorney Asa
'feteyes from Miss Alice U. Amncr.
'-pr. of Oakland. She is expected
'-ipwvide the pivotal evidence in
the solution of the evangelist's
mysterions disappearance.
t Miss Atnmercr. In her letter to
Uw authorities, declared that ' the
.woman who accapied the . Carmel
.pottage last May was "a religions
woman."..' '$he enclosed a book
lvea her hy the woman. -
The aathOritles maintain that
Ormiston's companion - was Mrs.
Wcfherson. The ; Oakland ' wlt
n letter rikdar,v, ..;
? "I spent two weeks in Carmel
:1t May and while oat walking
, slipped and felt. - 'A woman came
bt ot is hOttse there and helped
jno pick fcfr the Tontehts of my
itnhlty ease and while I rested " '
While We hid a pleasant chat. She
"asked me if I belonged to a
church. I said ."No" and she said
X ought to be a Christian ,
"She spOke -adrnfringly-of the
Wine silk dress X wore and said
, blue was her favorite color. 1 Sho
naked me to wait a moment and
brought out a book saying it
;would be helpful to me."
"I took ' the . book , and opened
it to loolc at the first page. There
, was some writing but before I
could at what it was she quickly
took the book from my hands and
fore out the page saying I did not
meed that, :., - 'v-
F "1' thought no more of the mat
ter until a few days ago when I
was again ? In Carmel for the
week-end 'before leaving for my
tome in Oakland, I spoke about a
lady giving me a religious book
when toy aunt' said sho believed
the place where I fell was in front
of the Benedict cottage (the house
" TMrector's Department Store is
building up a reputation tor guar
anteed merchandise; conducting
a real department store; making
steady progress, too. (
. Tyler's BUT Z Cold Capsules wiU
cure your cold. If you don't be
lieve it try tt for yourself. Tyler's
is ther only place to get them, 157
8-Cota1 ; - K
- Buster Brown Saoa Store, fftgh
class, stylish locking, comfort gTv
fnr. long wearing aboea for- the
least money. Coma an be eonrtne
d. . 12 i N. Com'L )
In guying the Best
And this is particularly true
la foods. la 1 ; the" stores
' Operated Tbjr ... the TJNlTKD
(over 10O of them) quality
Is never sacrificed to make
a' low 'price, Quality is al-
' ways paramount. ' Low prices .
are 'the natural result of
i tremendous buying for, the
largest chain of grocery
stores la Oregon cash sell
Ing nd the willingness to
accept many small profits
. ratatfr than a few large ones.
Pure'40 grairt Cider Vin
egar, per flit'
Gallon .:.;.:.... o C
. ' y
Peaches heaty
Solid Pack Tomatoes 15 c;
can , ,
dozen .
r - ......
KeW Honey
per frame ..
. Van 'Camp's Beans Cmed,
;ium) OCr
;3 cans fJ w
; Fancy Coconut
t syrup,
per can ........
Chocolate Bon
Bons, pound.;..rI
Standard Egs
dozen ................
"Tenminar Flour, a high
;jrrade Patent hardwheat
flour, ,t- made from the
choicest Blue-' 1A
stem wheat...... 11
. - ' ; .
Phone 1-2-6
-r -33 X. Commercial St', i
II : ' . 1 '. - .- '
ZTT'Y J of raf kin$picr
rented by Ormiaton).; After sup
per wb walked orertHere and
sure' enough that was the place..- '
' - "1 would ! hot be r a witness In
this affair for the world and don't
want this book. 1 don't see that
It is Of any' use 16 you except to
show that the woman in that cot
tare on that Sunday in last May
was a religions 'woman. Anyway,
at my aunt's suggestion I am Send
ing the book to you. Respectful
ly, ' ' '
"Alice tt.'AmmererV -
The book. sent to Keyes by Miss
Ammerer was entitled ''The Di
vine; Plan of i the Ages for Bible
Students." lit showed, investiga
tors said, that the first leaf Vhad
been 'torn out.-. ". --. - " .
The district attorney ordered
investigators to leavo for Oakland
at once to interview the new wit
ness. -' They were to - take with
them photographs of the Angelns
Temple evangelist. .
LOS ANGELES, Car.,-Nov; 2.
( AP) The Almee Semple Mc
pherson ease, relegated tq the
background by elections, simmer
ed down to 'a study in baggage
today." - - - -
While District " Attorney Asa
Keyes and his aides ploughed their
way through more than thTee score
pieces 6f feminine finery take
from a trunk VMcfc arrived yes
terday from New York, in an ef
fort to find clews," word came from
Oakland of still r another trunk
which was said to contain as the
first is alleged to contain, clothing
owned by the Angelns Temple pas
tor. - - - . '
The information, fro'in District
Attorney Warren, of Oakland was
that he was in touch with a wom
an who had .knowledge of gar
ments bought: by Mrs. Mcpherson
in Lbs Angeles which d& vot tany
with those found in the blue trunk
shipped here from the east.
Despite the fact that the sises
of expensive shoes found- in the
Ifew York trunk did not corre
spond to the sise usually bought
by the evangelist, Keyes reiterated
that he had sufficient evidence
from the luggage to prove tliat
Mrs. Mcpherson was the woman
who spent 16 days in a Carmel cot
tage last May with her former
radio operator, Kenneth G. Ormls-
ton, fugitive co-defendant in the
case. -
Tomorrow final arguments will
be heard in the preliminary hear
ing of Mrs. McPherSort, Tier moth
er, Mrs. Minnie Kennedy, and Mrs.
Lorraine WJseman-Sielaff, the lat
ter a defendant and state witness
as -arell. - Today the two women
leaders of Angelus Temple spent
a quiet day at the beach and came
in later to mark thetr ballots at
the precinct polling booth in the
shadow of the $500,000 edifice
where they hold their revival
Love Dramas anci Wild West
Shows v Draw Biggest ;
Audiences in Nippon
TOKYO, Nov. 3. ( AP) Pop
ularity of the American moving
picture is a problem for: the Jap
anese producers and theatre own
ers. -. . i--;,-- x ,;. . ,::y;; .
Their efforts to win the public
away from the forefgn-made films
thus far has met with but little
success, although the native pro
ducers are continuing' their cam
paign for the bomb-made Variety.
Picture . makers -' hero released
36,735,000 feet of ' Japatt-tnade
film last year. During thu same
time 13,236,000 feet of pictures
was imported mostly from Amer
ica, v - :
Love dramas, comedies and
westerns" are- the American
films most popular in Japdtt.' 'But
at the game time the Japanese
public likes its own films depict
ing important historical events of
Nip&on. These' productions are
devoid of any humor whatever and
usually 'consist of scene after
scene of gory drama.
The American films shown in
Japan are generally understood
by the Oriental "fans" to truly
represent: life as -it is lived in the
United States. That there are no
real picturesque "wild west cow
boys and "bad men" of the fron
tier type, as shown by the import
ed films, would not be believed by
the natives who nightly flock to
the theatres. . "Society" : dramas
as Well as "westerns" cause the
Japanese to smile and wonder at
the "absurd" doings of the "fun
ny Americans."
But the picture theatre business
apparently is good in Japan right
now. Official figures disclose that
some 4,400,000 feet of film are
shown to the audiences dally. Ev
ery, theatre has its interlocutor
who. perched in front on a special
ly constructed dais, reads the sab-
titles loudly and also describes, at
times, the action "of the play for
the benefit of th6s"e frho may not
Gabriel powder & Snhniv tin .
lumber, building materials, paints,
and varnishes, roofing paper. Get
prices nere and make a hig sav
ing. Office, 175 S. Com'L ()
Smith Watkrns for tire serv
ice at a lower cost. Vnlcanizlnc
and retreading.; tube repairing, if
you have tire trouble just call 44.
Corner Court and High Sts. ()
What do you need In the hard
ware line- Mechanics' tools, house
hold goods and cutlery, anything
ybu wish. Quality at a low price.
Square Deal Hdw., 220 N. CemT.
; , , ;
Astnd First Swedish;
Queen tq ftufe Belgium
: BRUSSELS. (AP) The Duke
of Brabant, who Is about to marry
Princess Astrld Of Sweden, will be
Belgium's fourth king, if he lives
to succeed his "distinguished fath
er. "And the Swedish princess win
be the first Scandinavian queen of
little Belgium. King Albert Is the
third king : who has sat on the
Belgian throne.
' Leopold I, the king of Belgium,
was originally married to Princess
Charlotte of Great Britain. Bat
that was before he became king.
The wife who shared the throne
with him was Louise, eldest daugh
ter Of Louis Philippe, king of
France. Leopold II was married
to .Maria Henrietta Archduchess
of Austria, and King Albert mar
ried Elizabeth, daughter of Duke
Karl .Theodore, of Bavaria. . -
the' election ot .State Senator W.
H.-Adams, his democratic oppon
ent. . '
1 GENESQ, N. Nov! 2. (AP)
United States Senator James Wads
orth. Jr.. at 1:10 ' o'clock H his
mornTng conceded "the election of
( AP J The story of the shooting
vi- -AZ- of. teffl convicts In the publie
supreme court Justice Robert F.
Wagner. Issuing a statement ex
tending congratulations to : the
(Ceatiaoed (rem -prngm 1.)
In "Pennsylvania, had a comfort
able majority, but Prank L. Smith,
named for the Senate by Illinois
republfcahs. was -faced with par
ing away dowristate, a heavy ma-
JoHfy roiled np fn Chiwego by
George U. Brennap, nls deOcraflc
opponent. The Smith managers
professed confidence in the out
SenMtor Butler was the only re
publican senatorial nominee to be
endorsed publicly by President
CeoHdce rho iourneyed to North
amptOn ahd cast his vote there
for his friend and "party leader.
Back fa the White House last
night the -president listened for a
while to the returns but went to
bed before he had heard the out
come in his home state.
BOSTON, Nor. 2 (AP) Sen
atbr William M. Butler late to
night conceded the election -of
David I. Walsh, democrat, to suc
ceed him in the United States
senate4. ' " -:
Senator Butler Issued the fol
lowing statement:
It is apparent that my Oppon-
fnt hM Wn elected. 1 "have en
joyed my' two years in thO 'Senate
very much and am very grateful
to all those who have helped me
in the campaign.".
TOPEKA, Kahs., Nov. 2 AP)
-Senator Charles Curtis, republl
can Iloor leader in tne unuea
States senate, was returned to of
fice today by the voters of Kansas,
DALLAS, Tex.. Nov. 2 (AP)
The entire democratic " state
ticket, headed by Dan Moody for
governor, has been elected in
iNTJIANAPOLlS, Ind., Nov. 2.
(AP). Indiana's two republican
Senators. James E. Watson, 'and
Arthur tt. ' Robinson, may barely
fetaln their seats in the upper
house of congress, incomplete re
turns from today's election indi
When ' appro xihiately ofl'e-thfrd
bf the returns hkd 'been tabulated
Watson had a majority of 15,217
over Albert 6tump, his democratic
opponent, Robinson had a major
ity ot 16,404 over Evans Woollen
democrat. Returns from 1,167 out
of 3,545 precincts gave WatsOn
189.25S" atid Stamp J7,041. The
vote from 1163 precincts "gave
Robinson 187,261- and Woollen
170.857. .
No Headache; Sour'. StmSkCli,
Bad Cola or uonstipauon
i - by mbrniTtg , :
Ge't a" 1 0-cent boi now, ; v
. Furred Tongue, Bad Colds. Jn-
ligestion.:. Sallow Skiir and Miser
ble Headaches come from a tor
old liver and .cloffzed tbowels."
whicjbi cause .your stomach to be
coma filled with undigested food,
which Sours and ferments . like
garbage In a Will barrel fThat
tho first step to untold misery
tndigcsttotr, f onl gases bad breath.
yeuow skin; - mental 'tears;, every
thing that 1 horrible and nauseat
ing. - A Carcaret to-night will give
yonr rdnstipatcd bowels a thor-s
ough cleansing and straighten yon
out by-mornings They work while
you r slee-a v 1 0-centf box from
your, driisgist wilti keep you feel
ing good for months. Millions 'of
men an d women tako a Cascaret
now'and then to iceeO kheir stom
ach.", liver nd -bowels Uegulatool;.:,;Vn Vsed tTa.r Buyrr: Ilsve yen
Esea xuo rcai nuys at tne capitoi
V.oion Ineorporsrtrmrt 'f co t11y
DENVER. COlO.. Kov. 2. ( AP
-The. Denver POs"t,t whicTi spon
sored former . Qorernorf 0,;K
Shroup, republican, for governor,
at 1 0 ;J 0 , o'clock tonight conceded
and never . know, a mferatle no
ment. 6rgct"thechiMrca
their little insides need a good,
V fleirry O. MtUervist S. Com:
St..,, where "most people IweferVlO
gt their anto wins Ter all makes
of cars,; Trade nere and make
savings tm ail auto parts. ' f(
; have the hiat you want at
the price you want. to pay. . Many
new pa i terns ana reit natacotne in
daily. Tho Vanity JHat -Shop, the
puce to buy te Beth Ilat,. . (
i'liliop, 350 N. inch St. Tele
CHICAGO, Nov. 2. (AP) Re
fusing to concede the defeat of
George E. jrehnan, : democratic
candidate for United States sen
ator, Edwkrd J. Kelly, his man
ager, said that "the final result
is to be determined Only by tho
official count."
shot oovri?;?2jj
1 -.glanced over tne typo casually,
' then reachod over ; the. consul's
desk, picked up. a revolver lying
there and shot his own brains
outV. . . .;
: " - ' "' , '
iioxDURAs Authorities cap
(AP) Lieutenant Governor C. C
Young, wnoSe .election as govern
or of. California was conceded to
night by bis 'democratic oppdneht,
issued the following statement:
"I' am naturally Very much
pleased and gratified to be pro
moted by the people of California
to the highest state office within
their gift; Those of us who have
been engaged in the present cam
paign are now only concerned with
the site of the majority. We trust
that this majority will be suffi
cient to cause California to ititnd
out as a banner republican state.
square at Caiba Honduras and the
..- t ...... -.
suicide of onsfof.the United States
consulate was related today, by
members ot the crew of the Vac
caro; brothers fruft chtp' Amapala
which docked here. r
An American destroyer yester
day, was ordered from Blusflelds,
Nic to Honduras at the request
ot the American consulate at Cei-
ba. :
Members of the Amapala's crew
said that ten of the 200 convicts
who": escaped, taking - three ma
chine, guns, were captured by au
thorities lined up in the square at
Ceiba and shot one after the other.
Any-of the conVicls caught 'are
immediately executed they said.
"The leader surrendered to the
American consul',, one member
said "and pleaded for just trial at
the hands of any authorized tri
bunal. . The consul wired to Wash
ington and received an answer di
recting him to turn the convict
United States Senator Wesley L.
Jones snatched the lead from A.
Scott Bullitt, democratic candidate
for his office tonight when re
turns had been tabulated for 685
of the 249? precincts in the state.
Jones had 45,285 and Bullitt
(AP) Justus Wardell, wet can
dldate. democrat, for, governor of
California, -tonight admitted his
defeat in a telegram congratulat
ing his republican opponent. C. C.
Young. w "Heartiest congratula
tions'," said the message, "you are
entitled to the sincere support of
every loyal Call f or n Ian "
A pre-Thanksgivihg turkey
shoot will be held by the Salem
Rod and G un club within the next
twO weeks, probably 'oh; November
21, it was decided , at a meeting
last night in the chamber of com
merce rooms, at which a large
number of the members were
n resent. ' ' '
Plans are also laid for a mer
chandise or ham and bacon shoot
to be held November 14. The pro
gram for the turkey shoot will be
announced later, together with, the
exact date.
"It has been repotted that
Chinese pheasants were liberated
on a private game reserve sear
nere," said ur. o. is. Jfrime, a
leading member of the club; fol
lowing the meeting, "but' tonight
at the meeting nothing was
brought up as evidence that such
was the case.
"It . was proved that all birds
liberated in this section of the
valley were not turned loose with
in three miles of any private game
Telephone 165, Capital City
Laundry. The , laundry of pure
materials. We give special atten
tion to an home laundry work.
Telephone and we will. call., 't)
'Cross Meat Market. ' Biggest,
busiest and best in Salem. Choic
est steaks, bacon, bams, sausage.
lard, eggs, milk. Absolutely sani
tary. 370 State St. : ()
Cobbs Mitchell Co.. lumber
and bulldiaa materials for, everj
purpose. Get estimates, loojt at
Quality of material, thn yon will
order. 349 S. 12th St. , ()
s . . i .
1 " V -
The car stolen Tuesday night
from Fred Landes of Portland
was recovered by local police: yes-
terdsy where the thief had aban
doned it. Jewelry valued at 12000
in .the car had not been touched
although the thief had taken sev
eral candy samples.
The car was stolen from. Liberty
street late Tuesday and found yes
terday morning at the Fourteenth
street , playground. Someone had
sat on" the case containing' the
jewelry and crushed it, but ap
parently had not seen the eon
tents. '. ',
Landes, who had spent a sleep
less night, was so relieved that he
left candy and cigars at police
SfLVERTON," Nor. 2. (Speciai
tp The. StatestanA new steel
bridge is being placed over the
4 Abfaua on tho' Sflverfoh'-Wood-
bitrti highway,: three milek north
of iIverton. : , :J - :r '
THeJold ldgewksone -ot the
danger traps of the" highway 'and
the' cauie" of many an ' accident.
1 tie irlghway ts not ielosed" dttriric
the Irtifldlng'aa the old bridgf! has
been moved over and arranged so
an to take care of the traffic to
twecn Silvertotf and Jttti'f,
00143! BEACIti-Stato highway
board may let contract (or Rogue
A; H. llfoofe 233 N. High St.
apartments, and store where yon
can get, high quality furniture and
fnrnishlhgs for every room In
your house. . . ()
P. I. Wood and Geo. P. Peed,
real estate, 344 State, Farms. and
city property. ? They bring buyer
and seller together, for the bene
fit and profit ot both. ()
.A special downtown ticket sale
for the : Wlllam'ette-C. P. S. . foot
ball game Saturday will ; be held
this morning by Willamette stud
ents. The town has been divided
among the four classes, who will
attempt to. sell 3.000 tickets among
the business men- of the city.
A further effort Is being made
through the Salem Business Wen's
leagues to have the stores ; close
Saturday afternoon between 2 and
3:30 o'clock for the game. Spec
Keene. football coach, spoke at
chanel yesterday to Urge a special
over to the Honduran authorities. J effort to sell as many tickets as
"Wiien tne. wire came tne con- possiDie.
as "a bombshell" to the prosecu
tion, -and declaring that the state
"now hasn't a leg to .stand on; the
case is all orer." : He aaid any
county' but Tarrant would suit
Mm.- v . "-. -
"dne of the weighty considera
tions in the judge's decision was
the response of prospective jurors
to the judge's questions as to now
many of them had formed opin
ions. About 80 per cent of the
veniremen held up their hands,
and when the! judge asked how
many did not have a fixed opinion
only a few put up their hands.
(CanUaaed iron pag 1.)
director of medical service at the
local health demonstration . unit,
and Dr. Estill Brunk, Ot the dental
unit, will both be speakers at the
luncheon, and tr. "Brunk will also
speak id the afternoon on the com
munity dental program.
Other speakers at the nurses'
meeting will be Mrs.' Caroline
Dieck. president of the Portland
nursing association, and Miss Lou
ise Schneider, who took her field
wbrk as a student public health
nurse with the ; Marion county
cTJid health demonstration last
Bprrag-. xaus j&cnneider Is now , .
with the Portland "health servif Jr.
Her subject .will be "The Nurse
an Educational Propagandist,- . .
fl i,
Lr U U
Ycsir Host lnsiii:us
NO humin aliment &6 qcUy
xr strrely cndsrrnhics ths
constitution as chronic Piles, A most
vital nerve center is affected and renex
conditions arc transmUUd To all other
serve centers. Bat science has prevailed
over this dread scourge. The Dean tresf
ssents are Tccosnixed far and wide as
surest and safest core known for Tiles
Stad tA4f CbfckB 'and Rectal tSxse. rt
clmMxte all docrt I rl
rt -iW NOW tor my FTi IM-
T' SS bsokm nm.
To encourage midweek buying we are offering many features to the advantage
of the buyer in the way of specials. Our object in doing this is to give. better
seryice to our customers and at the same time better the working condition of oulr
own Then. Saturday, every one knows, is a day of rush and hurry sometimes
it's most impossible to give the kind of service we wish to give jyou. When it's
convenient for you order early in the week or Friday if you like. Just phone,
we'll deliver right to your kitchen.
vi -
Market Day Tender Sweet Rnii'nrl
,w - . . Sugar Cured RrCdU
RaiSinS ii r Fresh Ftom the Oven
Mams i
41b- Trimxnedofaii.un.iu, 3 loaves 25c
fvS-4 fat and skin ,
330 Half or whole mht& MSQt
Oregon IVIilk Pe lb. 36c 2 lbs. 45c
4 Tail can. pure Ldrrj Cheese
35c in Bulk 2 lbs. 57 c
2 lbs. 29c Special ,
Mellow Blend - ' . ,
CoffOb EagleBrand StGalfQ
f I, Flour 2 lbs. 37c
3 IbS. $1 .05' 49 lb. Sack 10 LblCin Golden
Snow bnft Sjruri
Shortening , Fisher Biend 65c
4 lb. Pails FlbtSi' 5 Lb. 4Can Golden
3e 4? ib. sack Syrup
- 02.O9 35c
3Pure Cahe .. -V ' rT. ; - . : '
No. 10 Bag Cream Sliced
Rolled Oats Pinoopple
10 lb' yj -T' 2 Large Can,
63b 47c ..
' ' ' r -v Sweet Ground ' A .
. M - ' IN o. 10 Sack
Uem Nut - ChOCOlatO -Fre,hly Ground
luiorparino iicwi. Fori no
- ':&fi&&o;,- , ijor ,c . . . 59c .
r v v- . " . tr- V,.
. .
I -1.L1L.
Rlrer rljse, Vm : .