' i .11. - JE a mvw x. v .chorus of the Castle Square Gran Opera company,- for-: the purpose of obUUHiAC aoBW-lyjojrteo'ge of. 'opera and !:a production. He af terwards latofcht piano end voice 'in a small town tn Kansas. Tiring of teaehinjc. W tleclJol frt&irn ,to ltaMnr'af fNeosio. -ITalfci. Kaavi: there be ffiefc-ijfc n-a-; ! id e w hiclr rwiaered-iim a crlp- sple f oV life. He has"JaJe wrexal (physical saerlfhws.-iir rde i&Te cord sonKs of the American In dians. His aecoml.sarloua. injury was In ' 19 1 ir between tne and Cheyenne IwHan. reservation i i Montana.- . . f During his fconvalesfcenc he wrote many compositions: his first composition." wtaifeh was accepted by the Theodore Presser company, was entitled "A Prayer." White visiting his ; brother, who was physician among the Indians oa the Crow reservation in Montana, he became interested In, the cere monies and songs of 'the Indiana, realizing that there ws nuicb splendid thematic material in the songs of the red man,? he" begaa to write them down land lo record them on phonographic f reoorda. I'd to date he has recorded bun dieds of Indian songs 'and his re- f from about 30 Indian, tribes in North America. i-tlM? gave the Smithsonian Institstc. several hun dred of these records;-aiso i.nua her of them were sent to jnuaeums abroad, and he has contributed a number . of Ubes to the'New Mex ico Museum. To date, he is rep rBntd in th Theodore Presser catalogue with nearly a hundred harmonized. ; - compositions. - the . 1 - M l I I. kw- .11 .J ieeoraea'irorn Americans inautns. He is author o fpun . cycles and nna mnc(nl 1 rimStj Ilia ltinct har. S 1 t j FAmBANKS '2iJ - lf F?iyi ' ''''' ' " ' 1 j4' . "' i r 77z-rrr . : fsr s.: J vt,w-r j , liy 1 ttmmu - '-, i 11 ' 11- "J " "j j. ular- composition; la "Bjr tfca Wat- 4r ; of- MlnBetopka." !.4 hfatwjp ; Wortiwf (lass -The Willing Workers class of Ithe First , ChriaUajfc church, will hold the regular business and so-i friar meetlnifoji WerrbeMar.Ntrt.' 3. at 2:3(r-oclock at the home &t Mrs,. CAi Lewis, 224 North Fif teenth street. Assistant hostesses Keday wahbe Mrs. Clifford Bowa. Mrti E.MLrJ Reauey and Mrs. C. N. Ttuggles.-1 v' si 'I (LW. Dayr tires, tubes and ac cessories. "Has the Goodyear tires. the standard of the world. Mr.. Day can tire you more mileage. I QornerfCetnl. and Cfcetneketa. () The Midget Meat .Market never tails to give you the' finest meats a ad- flab .Tbere.is but one olaoe Nrf Salem to get the finest fish. ThV MWiet Marnet baa it for you. ( l The Marlon Automobile Co. The Studebaker.a the world's greatest Automobile Value. Operating cost small. Will jast a lifetime, with care. Standard coach 11415. ) The. Dixie Bakery leads on high t class breads; ' pies, cookies and faticT: aked supplies of every kin. uert, DyMcsii ask oia customer.. .3 Opurt st; () S r -u-1. v 1 TJlrieh & Roberts, realtors, 122, n: Commercial St.. know property hvaJues,an4 wake for you profit-; able investment. Will both save; and jtnaka yoa money. (?) Changing flat tire win ruin, youn pleaaursiidi3pualtion anfl dirty your clothe. Let Malcons Tire Shop ahoV yoa a Use of good reliable tire. 20ft N. Com'L ) Qnljt the Best! Our patrons will' bear this out. We serve only the best in meats and poultry. Hunt ft Shaller, 2C3 North Com mercial. : () Marion county has 2.S00.0 00,-. 000 feet standing ' merchantable timber ' ' ir Ads Bring Results ' 3 Lew Mishler, mechanic at the. Salem Automo.bile Com pany, had 425 pullets for sale. P I c He put an ad in the Classified Columns of The States man and ordered it run for a week. The next day he came into the office and ordered the -4". , ' . ' ' '.,-- - 1 ad out stating that he had sold all of the pullets and that he was being bothered with others answering the adver tisement. This is just one of the many testimonials received every day of the results from Classified Ads. If you have something to sell or exchange, or if you want tp buy something :U3E JTHpl ClSS jFJED i COUSINS " OF THIS PAPER "1' " .. . ' ' TELEPHONE 23 OR 583 - . - wi w-m - m mm -www " ri m m-mwx- - t - " . onnmi n- PTHD.Ttn DUUIVI M uiHiilLU Corpus ChristiXkirges $30 000 to Experience anil Says Well Spenf ' CORrUS CUniSri, Texas. iThJs f & town that nald 30.000 for a boom and then" deliberately killed, the" boom. But th cewest drt' in the country" has' charged the 380.000 up to valuable' ex perience and thinks the money well-spent. Early in September Corpus Christi, which nestles beside , the Gulf of Mexico, became Uncle Sam'a' latest port of entry, ami thereby got right down to busi ness of living': ' Six months before j. ttat- event, however, it waft among the boom lest spots on the Ameri can continent, all because an en terprising chamber of commerce had gone out In,' the highways and byways and iavlted. 'everybody far and near to come settle, in Cor pus. The chamber of commerce last winter spent 330,000 on an ad-, vertising campaign to bring new residents to the city. About the time the paid invitations got well under way messages began to pour in from "high' powered and wide-awake real estate' agents,"' and many of the agents soon fol lowed their messages in person. ' ' Almost, before the city knew vhat was happening, it was in Today AX EXCELLED PHOTOPLAY I! ! ' 1 ' . OA i At H4.0 TXlieaterav TodAjt I The TOliwr--C6htrfly -Tearle. Irene Rich in "My Official Wife.' Oregon .."Three Bad Men" from tKr- sorel - 0.ver - the Biirder' by Herman Whitacker. ji r 1 I, the. midst of - an effervescent, real estate stimulation. . The town was inundated with, wild-eyed boom era. Staid citizens who had never .before" thought of the thing called real estate Began to talk it ana breathe, it. The hotel lobbies looked like a stock market on a busy day, as real estate was traded by a nod' of the head, or a tense voiced shout. Soon the saner heads saw h& it was mostly talk aad paper tral-j in g ana wnac tney naa wantea 105 $S0,000 was buildings and"per- itanent residents. So they turned tii'to.head off the boc-:. The chamber or commerce be gan sending telegrams.' end letters! to head off somo of tbe prospective citixensv' There was boom in Corpus; Corpus didn't want a boom- and didn't intend to -have one.' The botrm-was stoppedl It lasted about two months and a half, and in- that time RalpjiJ Bradford, secretary, of the cham Ler of commerce, estimated that $8,000,000 worth of property was exchanged. The -town got down to actual building. Two hundred houses- and business buildings have been under construction the past summer, and in one month building permits reached 3320,000 wnicn was conamerea good ior a town of 25,000. The population increased 5,000 in 10 months.' Thursday eoaiisTffloi Lawyer by Profession and Considered One of the Noisest in Court PARIS, Nov. 2. (AP) Cama rad' Berthon Is considered one of the noisest Communist deputies in the chamber. He also is one of the richest. A lawyer by profes sion, he has appeared at some of the most important trials. When acting on behalf of a very rich woman, sping her husband, a Siamese Prince for 2.006,000 francs as a settlement after di vorce, one of Berthon's constitu- At Popular Prices a 1 n 1 .u 11 ptj r-. !hTt:::i!2:-!f'::t:Hi' 1 ut a. j 4 We" Use .Your Credit !:t::ir.3ilJ!Ia- X. IW. at 'r ti i-it . r -r i 1 ill i r 1 -" r j . I ::;:"i:Hu:::Ut"B::i . Nit J6 l 1 1 t 1 t Tt r a - - - l-r'rfr-i 1 lOi I'-- --a-"-.I-.- ris ents happened to Ite in, the audi ejicdroom. . During Ja suspension etc proceedlni. -he; ' apprOaclwd '.depaety: . j -.J" .. ok are aot on the ievel.'Saidi wort mat In the imetluKH for th -ai. you excite hs asain;-e tlui'boMreeoia" ah yo come herej in court and fight Youth and naif for-their money." Pomeroy & Keene, jeweleTS, never fail to give- you 100 01$ me dollar. Watcne. clocks, pins enarms. standard high gradei siock in an aepertmentSj () U, A. Scheelar An to Wrecking w Oldest m tba Willamette val -Now una uCu oarts and eqaioment. Low prices and quality service nere. 1086 is. Coal. () First National Bank the bank of friendship and helpfulness la time of need. Interest paid on time deposit?. Open an account and watch your money grow. () Tin mmmmmmmmmm I M i i iM li II ' " 'i i li T' 1 I Felt Base Ruigs ,-n am Perfect and All have made a wonderful to you at unheard ot prices, only on present stock on hand . -, i .' - 324 Room Ve cannot use manufacturers name and Perfect 6 feet by 9 feet 7.6 feet by 9 feet 9 feet by 9 feet 9 tet oy lOJSJFeet 9 feet by 12 feet Yard Goods Perfect Felt Base Floor Covering, 53c yard GrIESE-POWERg 'Jurniture Compamir 111:0 VV I A umn SUA'ERTON, Oft,- Nov. 2. (Special.) Bessie Brown; the three year otftanhr'oTMrv and Mrs. Grover BrowTt d1ed early this iuorniQK a rexnlt of lmrns re ceived Sunday evening while play ing with a" jack-o-lantero;- SIIOWKR HKM IX SIM'ETiTOX SILVKRTON; -;r.. Nov. 2 (Special.) Miss Nova Baumgart- : AFTER EVERY-MEAt.'jl always fresh )r lh its sealed ( wrapper 1$real peppermint flavor 08 Gools New Merchandise buy and here we pass it Felt BsLse Rugs e Floor Covering in this ad, but all goods are 1st Merchandise - - ' 1 $5.45 6.55 75 S.45 9.85 ntr. the daughter of Mrs. Georgd Brazier, ,wsl the. inspiration of a miscellaneous shower given. at-br, mother's home Sunday evening. if iss Bait mga r nerSr'marr iage t a Wllliaml;Oarver w'lH he Utf-Sveat of the winter. . - F.iker. Auto Co.; Ferry at Lib erty Ft. "Auto stored; and bought and sold. Cars washed day and nigbt. Low prices anLervice will make long frieadaC . r- ) along jrrade ' 3 - I 1 1 7 ... We Charge No Interest