THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON I OCAL EllN ?BME - ? 1 ' - Dance Friday Xigiit A dance, sponsored by the Sa lem Business and Professional Women's club, will be siren in Daja:hall Friday evening. A five phyQrcbestra will furnish music n?fLtn new n W-fashloned dancUwlll be on the program. Everyone is invited. OxarkA Radio Tone, distance and selectivity. Hp ar It. Write or phone for dem onstration. Waters Brothers, 135 S. 17th. Phones 1810-W, 401. n2 Elks to Receive Returns Salem Elks , will be able to hear the election returns hot off the wire tonight. The figures will come into the lodge over a special leased wire and will be received by an operator on duty in the building. - - Becher Trombone, '. Easy terms. Portland Co., 355 N. High street. Music n3 B. P. O. E. Entertainment An Ellison White attraction will f be the feature of the entertain- I ment at the local lodge of Elks J Thursday night after the. regular meeting of the lodge. Waffles All the new kinds. The Spa. lOtf Cars Collide at Crossing . A minor accident occurred yes terday afternoon at the corner of Ferry .and, Commercial streets when a car bearing WasWng'ton license No." lo;2? collided with an Oregon car. No serious dam age toeither car wa done., Fnrnltare Upholsters, And' repairing. Giese-Powera Furniture Co. - .. a2tf Dakota (Ma ito t; - ThMaet vneetUe'0 HheVNortb. Dakota club will be he)d on Wed nesday evening at 6 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -George L. Cumroings at 1396 North . Fourth street, with Mrs. Lydia-'Hobba as hostess. All members and for mer residents of North or South Dakota are invited and are asked to bring a family supper. Boxing, Salem Armory Wednesday, Nov. 3, 8:30 p. m. Bobby Clark. Salem vs. Young "Villa, Portland,, 10 three-minute founds. Russell Green, Salem, vs. Jack West, Portland. 6 three minute rounds. " Snappy prelimin aries. 2 Kftrnpe From Asjiuiu Howard Reifanyder, 23, escaped from the state hospital Sunday by letting himself down from a sec- j story window with sheets as- picking the lock on me win- f JV He was committed from the feoble minded school in 192$. Hotel Marion Dollar' dinner, served 5:45 to 8 very evening: J2tf Motorist Fined - Harry -Crawford of I4nnton en tered a plea, of guilty to a charge of driving a motor vehicle with Ira prosper lights, and paid a fine of $10 in justice court. Dr." Verne L. Hamilton Physician and surgeon has lo cated in Salem, with offices in the new Bllgh building. Hour 10 to 12: 1 to 5;. 7 to.9. Office phone 2394. Res. ohone 1461. n-23 Driver Arrostr - W. R. Lyons of Portland, ar rested for reckless driving, posted a $50 bail bond to insure his ap pearance in the justice court. Piano for Sale- Large eastern piano manufac turer-has finemano here that must, be sold , im med Lately, " $10 nonthlv .will handle. If interested Interested in. r eat : piano buy, -writ re M; once for' Particulars. It. F.'WinfamsV factory adjust6r. arv.Sta teaman office. n5 Driver Pai s -Fit ' HLTDTxatfrdr' Cratrtree paid a fin4'6f $ 10 1 for driving a motor vehicle with Improper license plates in. the justice court yester day. He was arrested by Edward Turrish. Election Returns Capitol theater tonight. n2 Mm. Maude Thompson Dies- Mrs. Edgar D. Thompson of 211 Madison street.. Oregon City, died WOOD WOOD TRACY'S FUEL YARD 107 D Btrwt Telephone Mil UndcrwootfTypcwritcr Co. l Dtract Factory Branch J19 Ooart St. . - Phono I R paired SieclaJ rental rata to Btadentt LADD & BUSH Bankers Established 1868 General Banian? Business Office Ztoara from 10a.ia.to8 p; u" A,. on October, 23, leaving a husband and five children. The children are Mrs. ' Marietta. Grimes, Mrs. Blanche Bartges, and David. Scott and. Howard Thompson. In ad dition, Mrs. Thompson leaves si half-sisters, Mrs. Ivy Strong. Mrs. Delia Simmons. Mrs. Joe Wheat man, Mrs. Jane Strong, Mrs. Vida Bowers, Miss Arvilla Woodworth, and a step-mother, Mrs. B. M. Woodworth. Pantage Vaudeville And election returns at Capitol theater tonight. n2 Anto Driver Pleads E. W. Wilson of Salem, charged with reckless driving in the jus tice court yesterday, entered a plea of guilty and the case has been continued for sentence. He was arrested by J. J. McMahon. Watch for the Opening Of the big dance hall in North Dallas. n2 Montana Driver Fined J. A. Proctor of Kalispel, Mont., pleaded guilty to a charge of reck less driving in the justice court yesterday and was fined $40. He was arrested by J. J. McMahon, state traffic jofficer. Refinlsh Your Car With DQPont "Duco" at the only authorized station in the city, 219 State .street. n3 Stage Driver Arrested E. J. Allen 6f Wittier, Cal., was arrested by" 'J; J. " McMahon for speeding a' stage and his case has been continued for trial until Nov. 4. On and ,Af ter 'ov. ,tt il 926 - The Black-Cat will be open un til lltSO p.-ia. every evening. s7 License Obtained Earl Martin of Silverton- and Margaret German also of Silver ton obtained a marriage license at the office of the county elerk yes terday. Rev. Cora Kincannoit Smith Famous medium, see her at New Salem hotel 9 . m., 10 p. m. Meeting, Wednesday, 3rd, 7:45 p. m. at Otto Klett bldg., corner Lib erty and Ferry Sts. Everybody welcome. n2 Gun Club to Meet The Salem Rod and Gun club will meet tonight in the chamber of commerce rooms. Plans will be made for a turkey shoot to be held some time prior to Thanks giving. ' Complete Line of Monarch Electric Ranges at Hamilton's. a21tf McKey to Address Lion . Miles McKey, assistant attorney general and member of the local Lions club, will address the club at its weekly luncheon Friday on The . Officers' Reserve Corps." Leonard Cbadwick will sing seve ral solos. Rev. Martin Fereshe tian wilt be chairman of the day. Electric Sandwiches. All the new kinds. The Spa. oietf Invitations Received Members of the Salem Lions club have received an invitation from the Portland den to attend a dinner dance to be given by the Portland auxiliary soon. Rig Redaction Sale on Hats, starting Tuesday and last ing all week. Larsen's Millinery. (next to Dixie Bakery). Ta2tf Siren Cauwt Excitement- Officers at the state penitenti ary triad out a new siren Sunday and .a., scare immediately, began in the city that some convicts had escaped.' They are still safely locked Tip, however. The Big Dance Hall ' In North Dallas has floor space of over. 400 square feet. n3 Joint Lnneheon Planned' - -'A joint luncheon of the Cor vallis and Salem Rotary clubs will be held here November 10. James Beatty, district governor, will be a guest. Salem Roy Initiated George Adams of this city has been initiated into the Soils club at OAC. ' The club is composed of upper class agricultural students Car Thief Is Caught Leo Lawson was arrested Sun day night for stealing an automo bile from Emit W. Stripling. He Is also charged with having stolen CHOICE of Traub Genuine Orange Blossom engage ment ahd wedding rings is a tribute to the Judgment and good caste of the wearer. nABTilAJf BBOfl. a car owned by Alxrt Cr Baker, which was stolen Saturday night and later recovered. Lawgon es caped from the . state training school here a year ago. Election Returns Tonight At the Capitol theater. n2 Divorce- Granted Pearl Burkhardt obtained a di vorce decree from Henry Burk hardt by an order of the circuit court yesterday. She Is awarded $25 a month for the support of a minor child. $200 Brunswick And records, $65, $5 a month. The Portland Music Co., 355 N. High St. n3 ' ' Complaint Filed Ernest E. Parker filed a com plaint for divorce against Jennie F. Parker in the circuit court yes terday, alleging desertion. Ozarka Radio Tone, distance and selectivity. Hear it. Write or phone for dem onstration. Waters Brothers. 135 S. 17th. Phones 1810-W, 401. n2 Motorist Fined L. L. Jory of Salem was fined $10 in justice court yesterday af ter he had entered a plea of guilty to a charge of operating a motor vehicle with improper lights. To Give Flection Returns Election returns will be an nounced at the local YMCA to night' as they are received over radio. . The Spa Is Now Serving- All the new electric sandwiches. Over forty kinds. ol6t? Open Plan ned The YMCA will hold open house Saturday to all members of the Pioneer; Friendly Indian and Com rade boys' clubs in the city. They will be admitted free to the gym nasium, swimming pool and other facilities. It is planned to make such events a weekly occurrence. Buescher Saxophone, SI lim it's a dandy. Easy terms. Port land Music Co., 355 N. High St. n3 Shingling Bee to be Held A shingling bee will be held at the Methodist church at Brooks on Wednesday. Members of the congregation will, turn out to put new shingles on the roof of the parsonage. Ladies will furnish -a dinner afterwards. i.. Xew Ola-is to Begin .A new class in citizenship will begin at the local YMCA next Saturday night. Such classes have been meeting with extraordinary success this year, and have had a large attendance. Watch for the Opening Of the big hall in North Dallas. Modern in every way. nz Dr.' Canse Plans Trip Dr. John M. Canse, president of Kimball School of Theology, will attend meetings of the southern district of the Methodist church the rest of this week, in company with S. J. Cheney, district super intendent. A program of strong addresses has been prepared by Mr. Cheney. They will be at Med- ford tonight. Eugene tomorrow, and Marshfield Thursday. Stradivara Console- Practically new, will sacrifice for $80. Arthur Tapman. route 5, box 112-B. Tel., 81F13. n2 Hillsboro Pastor Visits- Rev. Lester Poor, pastor of the Methodist church at Hillsboro, and his: wife, were visitors in this city yesterdayt They visited their children. Sara and George, stud ents at Willamette university, and also Dr. John M. Canse. Waffles- Served all hours. The Spa. ol6tf Man Hurt In Accident- George Breckenridge suffered several fractured ribs when the car he was driving was hit by an other one at Brooks and forced into the ditch, being completely demolished. The other car was driven by W. R. Lyons, who was attempting to pass a third car when he hit Breckenridge. The latter was taken to a local hos pital for treatment. Centralia Visitors Here- Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Carrier of Centrallat Wash., were in this city Monday to visit their daugh ter Viola, a student a Willam ette university. Mr. fCarrier Is secretary of the Centralia Build ing & Loan association jand presi dent of the Klwanis club there. Overtime "Parkers Fined Joseph H. Albert and a person named Sipprell were fined 11 each in police court yesterday on over time parking charges. :" Twin Daughters Born Mr. and Mrs.-Edward M. Weller of this city are the parents of two twin daughters, born at their home - Sunday afternoon. The girls have been named Mary Eliz abeth and Martha Elisabeth. Both mother and children are reported to be doing well. Old Flag Pole Gone The old flag pole on the court house lawn, just east of the War Mothers' memorial, has been cut down - and will be replaced by a new and better one. The new one is being put up by troop C of the Boy Scouts, who plan to have It ready tor Armistice day. Radio Headquarters, 173 8. High Tel. 1935. New 5-tube Crosley set, completely equipped, $100. '"...' " i ,- - v: n2 Basketball Manager i -. T" : Word has reached Salem of the Br)(ox))lC MOUU SAYS: We have a complete line of good used cars that will give real satisfaction for less money than you can drive the old car for. Look them over and see for yourself. appointment of Harold Socolofsky to varsity basketball manager by the University of Oregon executive committee. Socolofsky is enrolled in the school of business adminis tration, is a member of the men's glee club and assistant manager of football. He is a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. O VISITORS REPORTED f IN SALEM I Mrs. Frank-Adleman, a resident of Gervals, is in a local hospital following an operation. P. J. Gallagher of Portland was in this city Snnday. Ervin O. Koser of Silverton is a visitor in this city. E. J. Allen of Woodburn was in this city Monday. James Stewart of Corvallis spent Monday in this city. Harvey Heath of this city spent the week-end in Oregon City. H. A. Haakerson, Mill City res ident, was in this city Monday. Lloyd Larson of Silverton was in Salem Monday. H. Sharp of Portland was in this city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Morgan, resi dents of Portland, are visiting in his city. Nora Green of Portland was a visitor in this city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jett Blackburn of Marshfield are visitors in Salem Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Biles of Pen dleton spent Saturday night in this city. Sophie Allen of Portland Is a visitor in Salem. M. C. Weatherford of Roseburg is a visitor in this city. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Murphy and Mrs. W. L. Jackson, residents of Albany, were in this city Friday Bradley Ewers of Portland was in this city on business Friday Mrs. G. H . Meeker of North Bend -was in this city Saturday, Amanda Mathews of Shaw was a Salem visitor several days--dur ing the past week. OFFICIALS SEE UNUSUAL HEAVY VOTE FOR STATE (Continued from pag 1.) There are several measures, too, which are calculated " to attract voters to the polls. Among- these are the two state income tax meas ures, the bus and truck bill, the hydro-electric measure, the tith ing bill and the fish wheel bill. The agricultural district is ' sup posed to be backing one of the in come tax measures; the bus ope rators have been active against the stage bill; the housewives hydro measure has received oppo sition, and sportsmen have risen up against the tithing measure. Besides these, there is the to bacco tax measure which all the tobacco dealers are opposing, and the lower Columbia fishermen are planning to turn out to support the fish bill, intended to put the fish wlieels jand other fixed gear out of business. There are local contests which are expected to bring out a large vote, such 'as the debate in Tilla mook "county1 over county judge, and the particularly active cam paigns in Jackson, Douglas and Klamath counties. - A new house of sixty represent atives is to be elected tomorrow and there are approximately 15 state senators to be named. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 1. (AP) Bankruptcy of a Cali fornia candidate who was financ ing his own rae for associate justice of the state supreme court today furnished an impromptu side light on the subject of cam paign expenses on the Pacific coast, where senatorial slush fund investigations last week roiled the political waters of Washington and Oregon before storming on into Arizona. The candidate, D. L. Thorp bury, San Francisco attorney, was declared an involuntary .bankrupt in United States, district court af ter action brought by creditors He advertised his candidacy ex tensively throughout the state, and failed for $35,000. Otherwise the chief develop ments of the day before tomor row's general election consisted chiefly in the customary and con tradictory predictions of opposing camps. In Utah the oratorical guns boomed up to the last hour of the campaign,, with Senator Reed Smoot, republican, and Ashby Snow, his democratic opponent. making final efforts to reach rot ers. All three Idaho senatorial candidates, 'Senator Frank R Gooding, republican, John F. Nu gent, democrat, and H. F. Sam uels, progressive, likewise .' were busy at mass meetings, and candi dates for state offices also had election-eve speaking ' . engage ments. i Fair weather seemed likely In Oregon tomorrow, and this cou- fpled with' keen interest in a three- cornered senatorial contest - and the governorship fight between Walter M. .Pierce, democrat In cumbent. I. L. Patterson, republi can, and H. H. Stallard. independ ent, led election officials to ex pect an unusually heavy vote. Republicans continued to ex press confidence , in victory for Frederick W. Steiwer over R. N. Stanfield, running as an independ ent, and who was defeated by Steiwer for the republican nomi nation in the primary, and Bert Haney, democratic former mem ber or the shpping board. The democratic press made no sweep ing claims of victory for Haney, but said the vote of Multnomah county, which includes Portland, would be the deciding factor. In .Washington the supporters of Senator Wesley L. Jones, re publican, and his democratic op ponent, A. Scott Bullitt, who has the emphatic disapproval of the Anti-Saloon league, were mili tantly confident of success, and all indications pointed to a close vote. Republicans in California rest ed on their oars, beliering the re election of Senator Samuel M. Shortridge and the election of the state ticket headed by C. C. Young was a foregone conclusion. Party headquarters estimated Short ridge and Young would win over their democratic opponents, John B. Elliott and Justus S. Wardell. by pluralities of 300,000. Demo cratic leaders declined to accept this prognostication, but content ed themselves with much small er pluralities in their predictions of victory. With the republicans staunchly behind Frederick W. Steiwer for United States senator, and defying any rumored break in the party as the result of the candidacy of Rob ert N. Stanfield, independent, de feated by Steiwer for the- republi can nomination in the primaries. the party leaders predicted tonight a sweeping victory for their candi date. ' . Bert Haney, democrat, former member of the shipping board, brought his strong campaign for United States senator to a close today amid assurances of his party followers that he would tarry the democratic banner to victory to morrow. In the gubernatorial race. Gov ernor Walter M. Pierce, democrat, wound up his campaign tonight at Pendleton, his-home district, with a large rallyl He has confined his campaign activities largely to the agricultural districts. I.. L. Patterson, republican, of Eola, Polk county, Pierce"s. oppon ent, and classed, too. with Pierce, as a "dirt farmer," has made his .. principal bid for votes in the rural sections. If. H. Stallard, independent, and he third candidate for the govern or's chair, basea nis campaign principally on an attack on Gov ernor Pierce's administration. COSTLY FINERY TAKEN FROM SECRET TRUNK ' (Continued Iron pagsl.) Semple McPhcrson's." They were locked tonight in the district 'attorney's personal safe. Employes of a Glendale cleaa ng establishment were the first witnesses called ly tne district attorneys investigators toaay as they began tracing the rest of the 67 items of the list of the trunk's cements. A. B. Fanst, manager, and Miss Lois McCoy, a clerk in the cleaning establishment, identi fied the laundry mark on a dress of blue and white corduroy found in the Ormiston trunk, as corre sponding to that on a dress left at the shop No. 13, 1026. by Miss Emma Schaeffer, Mrs. McPherson's secretary, together with four other gowns.' Neither "were able to iden tify the'dress from memory. Keyes today received a report that Miss Erma. RayboId,,a clerk in a Los' Angeles store, sold a red cape to Mrs. McPherson early this year. Search for the clerk was btgun at once to determine wheth er she can identify a red cape found in the trunk as the one sh sold to the evangelist. LOS ANGELES. Cal., Nov. 1. (AP) The blue trunk of mystery said to be the property of Ken neth G. Ormiston, and alleged to contain annarel belonging to Aimee Semple McPherson, accus ed evangelist, spilled an array of costly finery into already cluttered records of the case when It was onened on its arrival from New York late today. Silks and brilliants, ..evening gowns of cloth, of gold and silver. snake skin slippers and filmy neg tigees, gorgeous pajamas and fur trimmed wraps said by the pros ecution to belong to the religious head of the half million dollar temple, poured from the trunk as the district attorney's investiga tors opened it for inspection. Sixty-seven pieces of women's wearing apparel and nicknacks were counted in the glittering pile. The officials inventoried the en tire shimmering shipment seized in New York and sent here under bond. Then they announced that here' was the last link needed to connect the evangelist to a sojourn last Ma'y In a Carmet bungalow with . Ormiston, fugitive co-de lUEAD COLDS in apoonsnhaU vapors; ' apply (rawly op nostxila, V VAPORUD Q r IT MiOimm Jar U4 TmH 1 v?H .M v'-.-- :; - , VVl I tJteiz ,: fax-. - hi-: h s ( .-jy-f :j Scene from "My Official Wife," at Elsinore fendant in the criminal conspiracy- case. The trunk, says the prosecution, left Pasadena May 6 and was re packed in the east by the fugitive Ormiston with the clothing of his companion in the cottage at Car mel. Several articles. District At torney Keyes asserted, could be identified as the property of the evangelist, whose preliminary hearing is expected to close Wed nesday. Following is the list of its con tents as given out by the district attorney's office. Green dress; blue evening gown trimmed with pink, red and gold; cerise gown with blue Bilk now- ers; white silk dressing gown wun blue silk flowers; gold beaded evening gown with tag "Imported by Bullocks" (Los Angeles); black beaded evening gown; sil ver beaded scarf; blue dressing robe trimmed with embroidery; silver sash; gold fillet; embroid ered table cover; lace trimmed bath towel; black cape lined with white; purple Chinese kimona; dark blue serge dress vwitb cape; black velvet hoop skirt; black sat in slippers; snake skin) slippers; pink evening gown trimmed with gold and silver; pale green even ing gown; pink satin slippers; crepe de chine gown; pink night gown; tan slip; orange scarf; coat with fur collar; silk umbrella; black velvet sleeveless gown with red trimmings; motoring gown; perfume case; beach silk hose; blue serge dress, two piece;" em broidered white slip; flesh silk brassiere; pink silk bloomers; peach night gown: pink night gown; pink boudoir cap; tan vel vet gown; lace - morning gown; black silk slip: orchid slip; black lace shawl; pleated dress slip; lace boudoir cap; lavender em broidered night gown; lace hair band with ostrich feathers; sil ver slippers! green hose; salmon chemise; fur jabot; pajamas; two piece chemise and bloomers; morning gown of peach; blue and grey silk gown ; purple dressing gown; two rhinestone hair orna ments; pink silk gown trimmed with rhinestones and pearls; pink night gown lace trimmed; pink slip; purple, embroidered sash; grey coat. with cape attache. The arrival of the trnnk which traveled under guard and a $5000 bond from New York, was preced ed today by presentation in court of briefs in the McPherson pre liminary hearing, in which the de fense asserted that the evangelist had done no wrong by telling her stry of -kidnaping and the prose cution charged "religious fakery." District Attorney Keyes and his aides in their brief declared that the integrity of the judiciary had been attacked when Mrs. McPher son used a superior court judge of Los Angeles county and a former superior judge of Monterey coun ty as dupes in her alleged plot to manufacture evidence and defeat justice. , ' ., ' "In the name of what the peo ple hold sacred, namely, religion," said the document, the-evangelist, heT mother, Mrs. Minnie .Kennedy, and Ormiston had combined . to substantiate a "monstrous, blas phemous hoax" in first announc ing that the religious leader had been drowned at the beach May 18 last, then having her hide in a Carmel cottage and finally having her reappear at Douglas, Arizona June 23 with a dramatic tale of kidnaping and imprisonment for ransom. FREXCH DO MUCH HUNTING Three million hunting permits were delivered throughout France for the present season, at 200 francs each. A large percentage were Issued to workmen. Seofield Chfropract ic Offices SALEM - ALB AN If - EUGEKE CHIROPRACTIC For Kidney Trouble Patients who have been affected testify v: Consultation , Free OIL SCQFIELD 'The Vest in Chiropractic?? 328 Oregon Bldg. Salem ' NORTH SALEM NEWS ITEMS By SEAN LOBATJGH Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Slater and Mr. and Mrs. Berry of Kalispel. Mont., were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hall of 1064 North Capitol street Monday. They were en route to Los Angeles. Practically all the forms have been removed from concrete in the new Williamson theater build ing, and floors are being laid in the mezzanine 'floor and in the apartments. Miss Lillian Schroeder of Par rish junior high school will ad dress ' the church school officers and teachers of Jason Iee Meth orfift church this evening. H. E. Coates fchd son of Cali fornia. F. L. Doores of California and M. V. Harbison of Illinois reg istered their cars at the Lope Star auto park Sunday evening. -E. C. Ballinger of the Lone Star auto park was a visitor in kMc Minnvflle on Sunday. The high school Epworth League of Jason Lee Methodist church will present an entertainment on Wednesday night which will be called "An Evening of Myster " A small admission will be charged. STATE WITNESS TAKEN AWAY AS TRIAL NEARS (Continued from page I.) Astoria. Long -Island, another state's witness, could not bj lo cated. First to go on trial will be Mrs.' Hall and her brothers, Willie and Henry Stevens. Their cousin, Henry Carpender, will be tried last. Mrs. Hall, the first of the four to be charged with the crime, is at liberty under $40,000 bonds. The others' have been confined in the county jail. HORSES DIE IN BLAZE MAIN HABX OF LIMA DRIVING PARK DESTROYED LIMA, Ohio,. Nov. 1. (AP Ten .harness 'race horses were turned to death here tonight when a $75,000 fire destroyed the main Darn at the Lima Driving park. Mrs. Cook Says Gas Made Her Nervous "For years I had gas on the stomach and was nervous. Adler- lka has done more enod than Anything" (signed) Lela Cook. ON'E spoonful Adlerika removes GAS and often brings surprising, relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Don't waste time with pills or tablets but let Adlerika give your bowels a REAL cleansing, bringing out matter you neveT thought .was in your system! J. C. Perry, Drug gist, 115 S. Commercial St. -Adv. PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION PORTLAND, OCT. 30 TO NOV. 6 $2.00 Portland and Return Oregon Electric Railway Tickets on sale October 28th to November 6th inclusive... Return Limit November. 8 Nov. 2 and 3 only $1.50 for round trip good for return Nov. 4 You'll enjoy this, the world's greatest Livestock Expo sition. Under one roof are 10 acres of exhibits. ' The world's champion livestock will be shown. Manufactur ers and land products show. Dairy products show. Horse Show Nightly Except Sunday, and - Matinees Thursday, Friday and Saturday O. E. Ry. Trains Uave Salem at 7:10 a. 10:10 a. m, 1 :05 p. m.; 4:00 p. m.; 5:30 p. 8:20 p. m. PHONE 727 L. F. Knowlton, Trav. Pass. Agt. rPortland v . ; - . J W: RITCHIE - i ; Agent , ' . 13 USEtiCMS Snap Buys in FORDS -CHEVROLETS : OVERLANDS Roadsters, Tourings and Coupes 7 . 2 $50.00 Will buy a Ford touring $75.00 - Will buy a Chevrolet with starter and good tires $iobx)(T7 Will buy a Ford roadster, ' starter, good tires, some extras 102.1 and 1024 Chevrolet coupe, completely overhauled, new paint ;- Newton Chovrolet Company KLAMATII FALLS.. -r' 11,000 volt power line being built into Keno district. 1 OBITUARY ' Strom Ol Strom, agrd 22. Ort. 3J. II 1 nrrlTl bjr bis-parents kn& a ' broth-, rr at Tahnlah Indian restrvatioa in Wash ioictaiu 'Tht AmAr wll h forwarded, to thr reservation for burial by tba Rigrion & Sou mortuary. . , S Cain vr.-.'J m,!T Steven Aaron Culp, aeed 7, dSed at local BpUl Not. 1, Hrf it sncf ived by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fir a Culp of 1'ortland. The remains will b. forward ed to Portland for burial by RijJon b Son mortuary. . . -.1 ,v ' arnolft Ada I..- Arnold, aged IS rears, died at a local hospital Not. 1. Tho body is at the Webb Kunerat Parlors., Funeral ar ranrements IVer. FUNERALS Stephen Richards died at a lwal hos- . pital on Oct 31. at tba age of 69 year. The body will be shipped to Portland by the Webb Foneral Parlors for funaral irvk- and interment. k , v Winifred Mnllar, 38. died at a local hospital Oct. 29. Klie is snnriTed br her hnhand. W." J. Muller and thre children, Ha.yle and Marion, all of Portland; br father. K. O. Otafcses. and two brother. Wayburn and Harold, aits of Portland. The body waa shipped to Portland for funeral service and burial by WabV funeral parlors.. . j . E. Irwin died at his home. 265 N. 21st .St.. Oct. 31. t the age of 73. years. Ho is survived- by his widow, Mary O.: three daughter. Mrs. Paul Valerius of BoUinic hsm. Wash..1 Mrs. C7V. Borart of Le banon and . Mrs. William Walck of Van couver. Wash.; twa sons. Moss T. and T. C, both of SaJetn: two brothers Harvey and Buck of Knoxvillo, Tenn.. and four liters, Mrs; James. Beeler. Mrs. Gibson '.Sharp, Mr. . Alfred Onsley at4 Mr. Oeorse SuoderVr. all of Rnozvijlo, and It rrandcbildren. Paneral services will is MdWrtmiif afternoon at 2 o'clock at Webb a fnneral parlors with interment in Jason Leo cemetery. Conscientious :',.,, Service for rich or poor with all the dignitv, simplicity and tact of "a. well organized; long - honored institution. . ;;...n:-.: . Webb's Funeral Parlors . Telephone 120 " TERWIIXIGERS 4 Perfect Funeral . Service ''-- For Leas '' Licenced Lady Mortician r TTO Chemeketa Street ,-,-,3j Telepboae ; 934 , . . i ,. - Via 1 ia 44 a i ' A A A