TOE OREGON STATESMAN,: SALSH, -OREGON : FRIDAY HORNING, OCTOBER 29, 1926 I! f r m Union Roster HOD CARRIERS AND ; BUILDING . LA-1h-ir Loci No. 441, moots. Wed. a. Call 17V Kr CAPITOL TTPOQ RAPHICAIi "UNION o Z l o rrMm - - w . l n PilkMta. Vttti WJi - - - ' ead (Saturday 9;QQ.P; m:&, .si, CARPENTKRS'i I'SIOM KO. IMS Meets Than. evening. Arthur Tuekr, president: Wu Pettit, secretary. V Skilled fceebaaie furnished. Phoee 179. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT EM ployee local 452. every third Monday, 457 Court Hasel Picree. secretary. , SALEM UNION LABEL LEAGUE Meet t Labor Hall eaU of presi dent. P. W. Sears, secretary, Bex 443. Salem, Ore. , i - Lodge Roster MATERNAL ORDER OP EAGLES. meet very Wedaeiday. Fraternity Bail. 8. M. Willett, Sec'y. Tel. 889 R. .- KNIGHTS OF PTTHIA8 MEETS A3 Fraternal Halt every Tuesday evening. Visitor invited. N. Park Starges, C CT; Walter Lenon, K. of R. 8. QTfct (Oregon Dtatrfimn Pablished every meraing (except nf on day) at Salem, the capital of Oregon. Local Rates For Classified; Advertising Dally or Sunday One time . ,'.. Three time .2 end per ward cent par word Six time 8 NH per word 1 mo. daily and 8un..20 cent per word In order to earn the more than one time rate advertisement mast ma ia consecutive issue. No Ad taken for imi Una t5e. Ad ran Sanday ONLY charred at one-time rate. - ,-. . , - t . Advertisements (except Poteenan and SitaatioB Wanted), wilt bo taken over the telephone It the advertiser i a subscriber to phone. The Statesman will receive adver tiaemeats at any time of the day or aight. To insure proper elaaaifiea tiona ad should be ia before 7 p. m. TELEPHOXE 33 OR BRST t , Money to Ijoan i" ON REAL ESTATE T. K. FORD (Over Lsdd Bash. Bank) ADVERTISING HONEST ADVERTISING Thesa eol nm most be kept free from anything of s questionable nature. Misrepresea tat ions will not be tolerated. Infor mation showing aay questionable in tent ea the part of tbo advertiser should be reported to this aowa- paper or the Ralem Ad ehie. AUTO TOPS , . k O BEE US FOR TOP AND PAINT .WORK. O. J. Hull Aato Top aad Paint Shop. 267 8. Commercial, 5al6tf HELP WAXTK1) Female 18 ; i . - WANTED -MIDDLEAGED OR ELDER ly woman to work in Biro country home for beard and room. Small wage. Box 27, care Statesman. . I3026tt WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER ON farm close to Bend. Ore., by widower wth-rhildrea. Widow preferred, one pJaoea not object to children. Good liK.X"vj-)d fair waves paid. Addreaa box 7-M. H. A.. Hend. Ore. 1809 VAXTET Employment 10 WANTED GEKERAL-HOUSEWORK Of work. by day or hour. Phone 1411-M. lO30 FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT digging and team work. Phone 72F2. 19ml4tf FOR RENT 21 1 LARGE APARTMENT WITH KITCH enette, . all nicely famished. 175 fci. 14th. ; 21031 FOR -RENT HOUSES AND APART uients. F L. Wood. 841 Stat St. aimiztr PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14 BY tH IN. woraing, "tor Kent, price 19 cent each. , Statesman Uu sines -Office, (round floor. FOR RENT.. . :. ..' Building ia Tillamook. Oregoa, cen trally I or led suitable for auto wreck ing establishment no business of the kind iu the city, cheap rent. Write Ai C. Everon, Realtor, at Tillamook. Oreeyin. 'S'OltO FOR RENT Apartmeatk . 23 MODERN 3-ROOM F4.'RNISUED, DOWN tsirs private balk aad heat. 1133 Court St. ' v , .'- , ., . 230tf MODERN 3 ROO. FTRNISHED APARtH ment. Electric, rsage. Close. t Stat house. 1064 Oak; SU: Phone 109. 23G39 3 KOOM 3 FCR5l?HET -APARTMENT. First floor. .1835 - Center St. Phone 073-Rj f.;-r;c:A S...89 2 ROOM AND KITCHENETTE," $29 -A month. Close in t5i Marion. 23O30 FOR RENT FURNISHED aartmeat 1S35 State SU 4-ROOM 23023U I ItOOM BUNGALOW.' $25., ' PARRISH addition furnished apartments. 411 X. Summer $ 15 $( . Pbooe - J 3029 FOR RENTfiooni . ;. 23 OOMS APARTMENT, 160 UNION - - 2 W30' FOR RENT Hotue 27 OU RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL 8J.-..00. Will lease,. .W. A. Liston. 307- Oregon Bldg. 27031 llOirsK FOR RH5T. TELEPHONE r2. orcall at 161 N 13th. 27o3l H K RENT 3-HOOM FCRNIKHED COT tage 370 S. 19ft. Inquire 896 H. 10ta. ; - . 27o3i TWO 5 ROOM. ONE J ROOM HOUSEb Phne 1004. , , ' . $7o2tf Foil RKNT--ROOkVURNlKHKD aouse , 5 rwNs en furnished house : .GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE ' 4:i3 North CetUssv : S7031U JivjiEi 7 room iiorsK, CIXJSK "faV""" 174 U afh-r 5 n'rlocb. or - pj" 1 '- .r.?..-.:'.7!031' Flilt KtCNT-BMANt KKW .MOUKK.V I'.ur r.,iu , beng.tow; front and bad pr-hes. fsmare, parsgn under con Hra.Kn. jun off North Oltl. i. vinniiy ,.f ew liaeH -m.iltV $30.00 !!!"" , 2074 McCoy, phwno wne - - 7 K.3 - . ' I7Q.I!) I WANTED TO RENT : t would like--to -lease : koom hou. cI'.k to paper mill for a year. V wth privilege : ta7S Vi-. ?g.irw' Head. ' r , 3HJ- WANTEliUaljjuiext na ' 83 rURMTURB PACKINO. : FOB, B1UP aients, Uieae-Pewer FaraHure Ca.' . $6a20U WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loan. W have Several ennlic. iion o . i,,Bj. Howkin a iiebort r5?2 5.' ; $5di4ti 87 FRE6JI CIDER,,.. PURE AND CLEAN, for Hallowe'en, SO cents gsllon. Bring container. ' 849 Rdral avenue. 37031 APPLES ALL VARIETIES. Bennett. Fairriew JLvi ; CHEAP. : 8714 FOB SALE CADILLAC, 7 PASSENGER sedan. Ia.. . fin .,. conditio a. , Paono 1163-J. Mr. Gen. Roger., i 37031 FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 cents a handle. Stateamltt office, 214 South Commercial St. 97j23tf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14 BT TH IX. wording. -Roons to Rent," pri 10 coat each. Slates taa Basinets Office, ground floor. . j . . : TRESPASS NOTICE. SIZE 14 BT IN. Printed ea rood 10-ouneo eanvea, bear ing tbo words, "Notice Ia Hereby Given That Trespassing; I Strictly Forbidden on These Premises Under Penalty of Prosecution " Prieo 15e each or 3 for 25c Statesman Pan. Co- Salem. Ore-f- , . - - 37atf FOR SAlX-IArtmtock 89 PURE BRED p6LAND' PIUS - AND sows. H. M. Mead. ' Phone 8F5. 39n3 SHOATS FOR SALE W. H. SCHARF. Phono 91F15. - . , . 89031 FRED W. LANGE, .VETERINARIAN - ffico 529 S. Commercial. Phone 1198. Re. Phono 1666. 39m33tf AVOOD SAWING 42 WOOp SAW ING, i PHONE 976 DAY times and - 88F3 evenings. Edward Deneer. . '4204 LET H.AMS SAW YOUR WOOD. PHONE 2506-J. .. - . . 420SV1927 CITT AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. -Also old board. Fisher Bros. Phono 1819. " 42J13tf WOOD FOR SALE 43 SALEM TRANSFER A FUEL CO. Local and Long Distsnce Hanling. Storage- and FaeL 752 Trade St. Phono 529. 43sS0tf good coal dry wood, prompt . Deliveries. . hillmav fuel co. telephone 1855. r' :-- f 4i29tf Best Qrade of Wood ' Dry wood 4 ft. and 16-icch. Greea wood, 4 ft. and 16-inch. Large loads contaiu 197 cubic feet load "t ed Joose.'-' - 'i ' ft f Small load, contain 128 ecbtc feet load ed loose, i ' ; Largo load sre the cheaper to biy. Order now and -save -uneneyK Mill wood i our specialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. - Fred E. Wells 280 South Cbureh. Phono 1543. 43al0tf 16-INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD, 2.7S 16-ia. 2nd fir per load, $4.00; 16 inch old fir per load, $4.50. Prompt delivery. Tel. 2813. Tracy Fuel Yard. 1067 -D ttreet. ... , 43n22tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH ak aad ask. Phono 72F2. M. D. May, field. - - . 43fl8tg MISCELLANEOUS 51 FURNITUHE UPHOLSTERING AND RE pairing. Gieso-Power Furniture Store. 5iaotf LOST AND FOUND 63 FOUND POLICE DOG. OWNER- CALL 1460 Market St.; ; Salem. S3Q29 MONEY TO LOAN 57 20 YEAR FARM LOANS NO COMMISSION Investigate our new 13-year eirj loan. No payments, 1st 8 years. W have many others. FLOYD C. MEYER 124 New Bligh Bldg. 57013U FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5Vs. F- L. Wood, 341 Stste St. . 57m7tf MONEY TO LOAN ON SALEM HOMES, repayable $10, per month on each $1000 borrowed. W. H. GRABEXHORST CO. 134 South Liberty St. S7s25tf WANTED LOAJC8 59 WANTED $150O ON GILT EDGE SE eurity. Gaskille A Earle, Realtors, 166 8. Liberty. Phone 2242. 59028tf WANTED: Private money v. to loan on REAL ESTATE. - i. : W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 59o26tf REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY 62 J & PAYNE WitbSocolofsky' Son. Tel. 1519-W. BKCKE A HENDRJCK8 189 S.. High. . Tel. 169. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Commercial, v TeL $77 CHILDS BECHTEL 820 SUte St. ' Tel. 1727 P. W. GEISER 441 Court, t- Telephone 232 1 W. G. KBCEGER ; -14TK. Com'l. fin. 1. Tel 317 - - - JOHN W. ORR ' " !- S New Bligh Bldg. i . ... . TeL S4$5l GERTRUDE J. M. PAOB . -.493-. Nc Cottge-F-i.-Te,.41'- TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 318 N. Liberty. ULRICH'sV KOBERTS ' 'J-. 122 X. CemmeeiaL - v -Tel. M54 U VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor . 147 N. Com'L 1 ; . Phone 577 v . SQUARE DEAL REALTY U. S. Nst'l Bank Bldg, , Tel. 470 WELLS TALLM-VS- SON 2 16 Mascnie Temple. TeL 618 REAL ESTATE S3 WOULD YOU PAY $250 CASH FOB A house aad then pay the ' balance like rentf t New, five rooms, basement, paved street, furnace, nicely arranged, most desirable location ia South a ' lent. Phone owner 1748-B, 3014tf FOR S.VLE 5-ROOM COTTAGE MOD . - era except heat. ' East front. ' Garage. Near achool. $3009. with $200 cah, . $30 -per month including- Interest. W. A. Li.ton. 307-8 Oregon Bldg; - 63031 MINUTE MOVIES LOTTATALEHT W; A ONE- REELEFEV 4 TAKlMCr : t NO J.r ' - FOB SALE 3 WE HAVE SEVERAL BUYERS FOR SA - lem home, ttata 7ar lowest price and giya yonr. beat term. ;"-.... ... Sea- our listings oa aereare: aoaies, lota aad . income property, both- here as well as in nrroaadiag territory, be fore Vsyiagv " Wo may save yea Some money, and locate yon wkera yon, -will feel at kome. Among., tka many bar ' gain w kave, bow woald an $40 acre . eastern Oregon wheat farm, witk 709 acre under plow, aait year fancy. This party will trade for a good aisod prune . farm. . SALEM LAND COMPANY Boom 141-142 Kw Bligk Bldti Phono 1127. - t t 63023tf FOR SALE THREE-ROOM HOUSE nearly new, plastered, paved street. . Close in. $1500. - Fonr-room house six blocks . oat $2200. , . . . . Fonr-room bungalow atrictly mod- arnt oak floors, paved' street, $3650, Choice lot- Mar State Hon, good apartment site, $3000. Will tak a bon in trade.,., P. L. Wood, Geo. Y. Pood. 841 State St. . 63019tf FOR SALE: . Five-room eottaga bssement. psved street. Fine bijf lot. fruit trees.: Esst front. Soutk Salem. High and dry. CIom to school. A bargain at $2850. Very easy terms. Mew.,-4 . aad 5-room bnngalows. strtcUy modern, with an unfinished up stairs. Soatk Salem. High and dry. Closa- to school. , Only $4750.00 aad easy terms. Garaga ia included, i New 4-room bungalow, strictly mod ern.' Sonth Salem, -Garaga. Closa to school. Only $4,300.00. Easy term. Almost new 4-room bnngaiow, - base ment, furnace, nice lot. South Salem. Only $3200. Easy terms. ' 80 aero farm. Lake Labish. Fire acres of anion land, 8 acres fina straw berries, new onion bouse. A money maker. Will tell (ally equipped. L 10 acre, eloao la. 7 acre of logan berries. Small bona. Will trade for city property. Boat located view lot in Salem. ' No hill to climb. RICH L. REIMANK, Realtor. 147 N. Commercial St. , Phone 65 s I 317tf DESIRABLE CORNER, 7 ROOMS, FULL basement. On creek, 1721 Chemeketa. 6305tf MODERN 5-ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW aad garage. S. Salem $4209, easy terms. Bsrgsia in Filling .station and.-Tosi-denae aad several acrea of land on Pacific highway. - Good . 5-room house, garage, good location. $2900. easy terms. 40-aere farm close in. fruit. bldgsM paved road, fine soil, some timber, creek and weU take, city property. t . 12Q-acre equipped dairy ranch, cow feed, tractor, fowls, machinery. Take residence. . , , . - Money to Wan. 'PERRISB MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg, 63O0tf FINE NEW HOUSE JUST BEING COM pleted, double constructed, fnlly plumbed, built-in. electric fixtures, four rooms and breakfast nook, batk, connecting' halL closets, with one-half acre fine, garden land, enough to al most support a family, located en pave ment just outside, city limits. All city conveniences but .no city taxes, $3200. Small down payment, balance like rent. Carle Abrsms, 1465 Chemeketa ' - St. Phono 1894-J. - 6326tf $560 WELL SECURED SECOND MORT gsge will discount $160 to seeure cash. 5-room - house with modern conven iences, double garage, $2650. Will trade on down town property er large house suitable for apartments. 5-room new bouse, modern except basement, corner lot, psved, 50 by 140. large enongh for two houses, garage. $2500. . 5-room modern, north, $3500. 5- reom stucco on tile, aouth, view property, east front, trees, yon can not beat this value. $4200. 6- roora new house on . High, very attractive, 8.V250. Beautiful Fairmount Hill home, erery modern feature, $8000. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor. 175 S. High. 63024tf TWO OF THE BEST Close in 4uys. , That 'we have been able to find for a long time. A dandy good home has 8 rooms. Priee $3700, - good terms. The other one ia a fine 6-rvom bungalow, bssement furnace, all on one floor. Street and alley paved. Price only 84000 or with furniture S4500, good terms. ' " . If yon wih to buy, aell, trade any .kind of property. See-CHILDS BECHTEL" Realtors. 320 State street. 63029tf LOTS LOTS LOTS $275 For an east front lot in N. Sa lem, one block' to bus line " Terms.-- j - $375 For a lot on N. 4th, paving paid, easy terms.' $700 Fine lot on N. 23rd St., paving paid. Easy term. $650 For a lot 50x125 on Jefferson 8t., between Summer and Cap ital. . $625 For an east front lot 5214x128 ea N. 14th St.. easy terms. Many othera to choose from. MELVIN JOHNSON, Over 20th Century Store Phone 559. 63023tf IF YOU ARE REGULARLY EMPLOYED sou ai a note i your own on easy moathly payments yon can immediate ly mov into a new modern four-room buagalaW. doable construction, built ins, f front and" back porches, fuit base ment,; furnace, garage, paved street, one block to cor.. North Capitol and Fairgrounds, 2075 .McCoy, Phone owner 233 f-R. f ;; 3N3 CLOSE . IN NEW HOUSE, $3600.00. Trade attractive home, large lot, for smaller kouae or grocery store. Trade 10-acre 'tract for noose and lot. Trade 31 acres ror hen and tot in Salem. : Trade large corner, 300x23ft, north east front. Apartment - close - in, trade for food houae and lot. . . . ,- We write Insurance. . e GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE Y v 493 North Cottage. 6302 ltf OKKKKKKKJCICKKKKKKKKKKKK'- K ' . K K f LOTS t ., X K . K K $425 bttys lot on Market St. K K Paving paid. ! ACT QUICK. " K K ' $250 buys 1 good lot on 16th' K K St., near Bellevue. K.' K 2 tots in N. Salem, near school. K K - Price $750. -Paving paid. " K K North Cottage St., lot. Price K K $62-5 and soaime paring. K K Close in lot on N. Church. A ' K K REAL BARGAIN. Paving paid, - K K .. Price. $120J. cash. , - . K K JC K KRCKGER., Realtor. K K : 147 N. om'J 8t. Phone 217., K K ' - ; .. t- 63X130 K OKKKKKKKKKKKKktKKKKKKKO ::' jt.n vsaaB it wufil ix rnri) .--. -sl - -tak . a s DISTRICT NtU) YORK. WHV , WARtOONICA ; JflWAT DO REAL ESTATE OFF;: : X RpNT- VJNDROTANp ! ! w 63 NEW 3-ROOM HOUSE AND GOOD LOT. 6 blocks north of Lsdd Bash Bank. Price $1200.' Small payment down and balaace easy term. i ? . i OA&XILL A EARLE, Realtors.: 166 S. Liberty, i -t -Phone 2242. -, .-. l-i-.:-- . i- - - - , - Z 63023U I HAVE -A- -WELL ' LOCATED 8-BOOM bense which with bet little expense eaa be made intv a- duplex apartment or a modern -type ' resideaee. Only $3200.00; $200.00 cash will handle. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT . L ..1 . Realtor Loans Insurance , v 117 So. Com'L Si-. Salem, ore., .. 03O24tf CONTBY , HOME," 1 MILES FROM : Salem. Excellent view .. property. 6 ' rooma, Hre place, basement, hardwood floors, cement perch .east front.. Fruit and flowers. Double ' construction. Partly furnished.) $8000. K. B. Kegel, 175 S. High St. . 63024tf SACRIFICE ON 6-KOOM CEILED house. East - Saleta. - Just off State St. Furnished, $360 cash. $2560.00. K. B. Kegel, Realtor, 175 S. High St. .,.,. . 63U24tf NICE. ROOMY " HOMELIKE ' PLACE ' with lot ef shade, fin fruit, . grape i aad nuts, 7-room plastered house, base ment, fireplace, bath. 8 big lota, ga . t rage aad poultry house. ' Four block ' to street ear, near new Taxed park echol. Will double tn value in short time. $3800 terms, 849 Rural ave nue. W. C. Conner, owner. Statesman office. 6307tf ALMOST NEW MASTER SIX BCICK aedan to trade for good Iota in. Salem or will trade in as first payment on new bungalow. 1 acre and modern 5-room bungalow on Pacific highway close to Salem. A beautiful suburban home and priced right. - - - : 5-aere tract close ia on highway. $300 per 'acre.- 6 acrea oa Pacific highway. Close in. Will trade for Salem residence. . 6-room houae - on paved street -only $1400. Small payment down. Balance easy terms 8-room plastered house and gr age Cement walk. All tor $2300. V 5-room. plastered houae and garage. Only 9200 down, balance like rent. Price $2450. : . Art A. needlecraft shop doing a good business. Owner leaving town. Will sell at a .sacrifice. Good A-rtxim house in North Salem will trade for ranch to about $4500. New 5-room bungalow. Modern. Priced right, for quick sale. A good dairy ranck close to Salem for sale . or, ,ViU trade for Salem prop erty. , , tn - One - Hu thW 5 best i 00-sere ranebea in valley fojsf isle or will trade for Salem propexvy l ' , ; A bargeia--&-aere tract, close to school aad carlinev 5-room houae, elec tric lights,' family orchard, at $3000. See -GASKILTj" A EARLE FOR PROPERTY" - - 166 S.Xiberty St. ' Phone 3242 ' - . 63029tf CHOICE LOT. 50X100, NORTH FRONT, close North Capitol; $650. Salem Realty. Co.. 463- State. E. N. Peeta, H. W. Barrett. 6SO!9tf for Sale or trade 45 acres, very highly improved, 1 mile from- good little town and high school, on psved road. All under gO' d stste of cultivstion with a 5-room modern house; water system, good largo barn etc. - Terms H cah or may take city property. $8500. Store building, large barn and, ware house. Stock of goods. Located on the Oregoa Electric Railway, about 14 miles from Salem. Will self on good terms or trade for city . property; Sa lem preferred. . . : Apartment house on N. Winter street Four 3-room apartments most ly furnished; also 10 acres just over the bridge in Polk county, with 6-room bungalow all modern, good barn, and lots of fruit. Will exchange these two properties for Canada land. 26 H acrea east of Salem on good gTavel road, very highly improved. Loganberries, prune, strawberries and apples. Will exchange for smaller place or some good business. $9000. G. W. LAFLAR, , 407 Oregon Bldg. Salem, Oregon. 63031 LOTS LOTS LOTS $ 2,25 down. 50x124, 2 blocks to achool, S. Sslera. $ 275 . cash, 50x135, N. Salem. $ 300 $23 down, -$10 monthly. 50x118, No Salem. $ 750 2 Iota en graveled street. $ . 45tt Pavement paid. S, Salem. 600 'Soot , location, . Salem. $'70- i - cash, 50x145. east .front good locality. $2000 All .cash, ,46x161, pavement, 2 - large walnuts, close in. Let us build you a house, small down payment. ,f SOCOLOFSKY k SON. 341 State. ' Real. Estate. Loans, Insurance. 6302?tf FOR SALE OR TRADE -EQUITY IN 10 improved acrea. W. J. Wright. Rt. .4, Box- 113-B. 6302S GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST - We have over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every priee. every location. We eaa match - yonr e change EXACTLY. If yen would -like- to - trade year - property TODAY, come in. TODAY. See OASK1I.L A EARLE, Realtor. 166 S. Liberty. Phone 2242. 63ml2tf GET OUT OF THE RUT GET A BUSl ness of yxmr own. Be your awn "Boss". Her are a few of the many established business opportunities -we .have to offer: MANUFACTURING AND WnOLE SALE Pope far, food pr duet. Right for Marlon M, Polk counties. Machin ery, stock and' Equipment $2000. Er terms . to right sporty. Consider, apn ' trade. - i . 4 " 1 CAMP GBOUSD SERVICE "8TA-V TION Store,, stock and fixture, ttw, ing quarters, furnirhed cottages, show era, community kitchen, 4 acre grofnd Will take Salem home' aa part pay ee main Pacific highway. Price $5250. ment. - ( ' REPAIR; GARAGE TWO GAS PUMPS Tools, stock and accessories i in good town. Price 84500. Will ex change for: home 1n Salem or 'other town or small acreage.' ' " -' t . GROCERY AN1 CONFECTIONER V i Living quarter,; fine b cation. A , real opportunity. Priee $4200., Ex change for good city or suburban home or first mortgageea.- . . -j. v ' FOR LADIES ONLY Well .estab lished, hemstitching. - pleating, and needlework ' shop. Splendid income, low rent. Get this bow and reap the extra holiday business. All machinery, equipment end stock. Only $2I0O. - Terms. ; .- If you wsnt to BUY, SELL, er TRADE a business, See. Try. TRIANGLE REALVY CO. - -218 N. Liberty Street,, Phone-651 ' - "Bnsiaesa -Headqnirters1' i h :" . ' .r :C r" 63029K r ia? tt-j Tfi i : lUJST J law I I k lata ; AV a.-es-ms J bsn REAL ESTATE - , STAR CP . rW2?C0OK!E5 UORK VJDRSE. mt I. .ii j I iv 4 its a. I " TWAN .t, Ml VtXJAH. sit 1 ' L -. IP1 1 If I ' .11 cri in (I ItA . in1 ftm- 63 . FALL BARGAINS IN GOOD FARMS ;, i. AND CITY PROPERTY -; 100 acres : east of Sstem, well im proveJ. On a good raid. A real bar- gam at $115 per acre. . Will take, in -reaideaee in ralem, : Are yon looking for n nice little homo in a -choice -district I On a corner lot with shade and fruit trees. A nice sen porch. Special price of $3200. The complete -stock and -equipment In a goad garage with two. gaa pnmpa to trade .or a .small acreage.- -Will .- atroto. .. - ''. A new fully, modern -bungalow lor $3500. . Can use Soldiers' i Bonus Loaa on-K. ' , .... .Two new concrete 4 room nungaiow In' Stockton. CaL to trade for houses in Salem. - Prieo $2500 each. . Two new bungalows ia Los Angelea rented for $60. per month to trade for acrea ze near Salem - A party wishes to borrow $5000 on a fine 40-acro dairy ranch with a mderf 0-rcom bungalow and good barn, all electrically enipped. ULRICH -It ROBERTS. Realtors . 122 N. um'l 1st. Phono 1354. " ' . 63n2 REAL ESTATE TRADES 63 SPECIAL 5 arret with 5-room house, some fruit, fine spring, some tools and nrnilnra . I, ...... n f.. e Ail .trade for houae, in, Salem aame Valne.4 uroeery store on good corner lot, pared street and ear line, good location, stock, fixtures and building for $2690. Terms We have a good income Salem prop erty to trade for a farm. Meat be on rood road and have good improvements. -We. have a new modern 5-rocm house to trade for a cheap house with 2 or 3 lots. . THOMASON 331 State street. 65031 WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR , , an unincumbered half section in Har ney County t . - A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loan Insurance 147 No. Com'l. St., Salem, Ore. C5034tf REAL ESTATE Farms 67 . Good Farm Bays Independence District Dairy Farm, $17,500.00 -700 acre Lincoln county stock farm, fully stocked and equipped, $15,000.00. 60 ecrea Turner-Anmsville district, 2 silos aad pleaty of buildings, $7,000.00. A- C. BOHRNSTEDT, Realtor Loans Insurance 147 Ho. Com'l. St. Salem, Ore. 67ol7tf BEST BUYS Small and large tracts and farms. One acre snap. $ 600 One acre fronting on pared road. About 400 feet rear and with facing the rail road tract. $3500 With good terms, buys a fine chicken ranoh, 5 - acrea best of soil and location. $3100 Beautiful acre tract on Pa , cific highway north on fine cor ner, both roads paved. Snap. $60Q0 Fine farm. 33 acres, paved road only 5 mile Salem. $7000 Fine 70-acre farm half cultiva ted, balance timber and pasture, good bldgs., fine for a dairy . proposition. $18,000 Bays one of the best farms on Howell Prairie 120-acre. Will divide. To buy, sell or exchange property. See CHILDS A BECHTEL Realtors, 320 State street. 67029tf SMALL ACREAGE ON EASY TERMS $750 Fine acre tract netr city limits ' South, all in bearing cherries. , $30 down, balance $10 per month. $800 Nearly one half acre on main Pacific highway north. $55 down balance $10 per month. $1550 Fire acres, best of soil, located one mile from city limits east on Asylum road. $100 down, bal ance $10 per month. Get yours ; now, only two left. Let U Write Your Fire Insurance W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Real tort 134 S. Liberty St. 67o28 OREGON FARMS We sell ahem and trade them. If yon want result and good ertice, list witk n. . VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. insurance. 147,Ko. Com'l St. Phone 677. $726tf 3 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 77 CASH, PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTO ; 77ml2tf LSED CARS FOR SALE 79 -See Valley Motor Company's '-Used Car Lot DON'T MISS IT ON HIGH ST. Cross from our show room. 1919 and 1920 Fords with starter..? 85 1921 Fords $95 to $110 1926Readter.. new paint $335 1920 Sedans, good condition ... $135 1924 Coupe $340 1926 Coupe .-.$465 'Rord Business. Is Good 79029tf ApKARD. i . ; OLDSMOBlLtj. Used Car Specials . Chevrolet Coupe. , Ford- Roadster ' - KorP Roadster. , Oldsmobile DeLux Touring. Maekafd SportTTourtngr . son Coach.. -' Dodge Bu sin esr Coupe. , Jewett -Touring. ' "Oldsmobile Cooch. - . j "Never before has ourtatock ef good ased car been" so complete we have y, -rood running automobiles a low a 0. Come in aad look them over be- lore yon buy. ... , . .t Capitol' Motors Inc. X , 350 K. High SU Biddy 'Bishop'. - A 1. 1 Rousseau. PACKARD. OllDSMOBILK. . -. . . ...t 79n3 Reconditioned Fords 1920 Models-, starter type. . Ten never saw used Fords fur so cheap a price. . ; '. ; . New ia the time to bay when pricee are way down. j Tudor Sedans u ' $100 to $150 ui Wo have a need 192$ Roadster.' Valley Motor Co. riajcqs. Oregon. ... 7dl6tf A .TWD marrihs, 1 ; SAvee wuy , - v ' -w" . - - . . REAL ESTATE " 1 " V 1 an I ' . 7T . , tells -he-Rah rSrn USED CARS FOR SALE 70 FOR SALE -DODGE DELIVERY truck. . For particulars ' call at 311 N. Com'l St, v 79N3 Look Tliese Over Allen Dort Overland 5a $50 $50 MacDonald Auto Co. 79024U Bonesteele Used Car Lot 2-ton Republic track completely over hauled,, new solid tires, good cab, new paint a ...$750 Late model Ford truck, pneumatic tires, closed cab, starter, generator, Kuxtell, Stromberg carbureter A-l shape -. .' .$300 Samson truck. good tires, gt od abape .. $150 Apex one ton, five good pneumatic tires, good, cab, starter, electric lights, good ahape $325 1 ton Republic. . pneumatic tires, good cab, stake body, $450. 1924 Dodge panel delivery, A-l con dition, new heavy, duty tires. Looks like a new car. ... ..$675 Wo have severs! Dodge ton screen deliveries for $150 to $200. Bonesteele Motor Co. Used car lot. Center and Commercial. 79031 Specials ATTENTION BARGAIN HUNTERS Mae DONALD AUTO CO.' Willys Knight Sedan. 3 Willys-Knight Tourings. 1 Wi!!y-Knift-ht Sport model touring. 2 Cleveland Tourings. Studebaker Sedan. Moon Touring. Many others to choose from, most of these cars have new paint, good rub ber and reconditioned. All are priced low. MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage aad Ferry. Phone 499. MARMON WILLYS-KNIGHT WHIPPET OVERLAND 79024tf Best Time To Buy Used Automobiles Chevrolet Coupe. Overland Sedan, new paint. Buick 5-Pasaenger. Star Coupe, look like new. Chevrolet Touring, new paint. Jewett Coupe, excellent shape. Baby Overland. Essex i Coach, used only few month. Essex Touring, cheap. Cleveland, good running shape. Pierce - Arrow Touring, rubber and condition good. Ford Coupe. Ford Touring. Oldsmobile Sedan, fin condi tion. Nash Touring. Ford Roadster. Cadillac Sedan, 7 passenger. Duraat Touring.. Ford Sedan, new paint, late model. Hudson Coach, attractive price. Yon ean rely on nsed car purchased after they have been reconditioned. These esr have in many instances been thoroughly tested and will please you in appearsnce and price. It will be worth while to look them over. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 865 North CommereitI Street Phone 1260 CADILLAC NASH 790ol7tf h We Sell You Service Not a Repair Bill 1925 Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Two spot lights, good tires. Runs like new ...a.... $225 1925 Overland 6 Coach, in A-l shape. Looks and runs like a new car. Had the best of care $750 1920 Studebaker Special 6 Touring, paint real good, tires fair, motor good. Many thousands of milea left in this car , , $385 1924 Star Touring, Lew paint, motor just overhauled. Tires almost new .$365 1925 Hupmobile 4 Touring, balloon tires, disk wheels, Duco paint, In best of condition $890 SNAP 1923 Cleveland 6 Sport Roadster, one of the snappiest roads ters in the city at $450 1925 Star Touriug balloon tires, good spare, many extras $485 A good Buick, 6 Touring, good tires and v paint . ......:..$ 125 1922 Ford Touring, just out of paint shop, la the beat of shape $160 Another Ford at $185. One at $65. Delivery at $260. One with . a box ia rear $73. . A one ton Ford : truck at ,; ... $350 We bjve a couple good enclosed cars on hand, owned by private party, that are real buys. Come in, see them. If you wish a good winter car. Open evenings and Sunday. Term on trade. .. Certified Public Motor Car Market 255 N. Church. Phone 885-882 79n2 DAIRY PORTLAND, Oct. 36. f AP) Dairy Exchange net prices: Butter extras 40 He; standards 40c; prime , firsts 3e; firsts 36c. Eggs extras -48c; Tints 45c ; pullets 35c; current receipts 45; und.rsixed 24. Med ford has 2590 .telephones and 2 7 9 4 electric ligttt connec tions. - . ; . PaciH? coast ports shipped 27, 359 bushels of. wheat in past three months. - i - . , ' AH didnt ou -. v ..... . . ..... .- . n CLASSinED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Of ReUavblA-BosJjaeew ad Professional Firms Arranged in vf f Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference . AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry - The Woodry everybody known. : Cask paid for nsed furniture. ' " Res. and store 1610 N. Summer St. Telephone 511 H. F. WOODRY A SON, 271 N. COM'L SU, furniture store. Bargaia in furni ture of all kinds. . Agent for Laag range a, best made.- Also auctioneers. ACCOUNTANT G. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor. 331 hi SUte. Phone 3098-R. aJ7-26 BAREST AND EXXCTRICIANS R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES. Starter aad generator work; 202 Soatk Hirh. Phone 198 COURT ST. JOE WILOAM9 BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD K. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA Bi cycle and repairing, 887 Court. CHINESE REMEDY YICK SO HERB COMPANY. E8TAB lishod 1908. - J. H. Leong. Mgr. Phone 283. 429 State St. Upstairs. O20tf CHXBOFRACTOK DR. H. B. SCHOFIELD, P. S. 82$ Oregon bldg. Phone 2194. DR. O. I- SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 155 N. High. Phono 828-R. or 87. i l i iii i ii l a- l HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING, - STAMPING, BUT ton nnd pleating. Room 10, over Millets. Phone 117. EIJSCTRICIANS FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by honr or contract. Eatisaatee furnished. Pboaa 980 171 Court St. FARM FAPEK IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST . farm paper send five 2 cent stamps to "t the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three mouths' trial, subscription. Mention this ad. POCLTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three month trial for the best and oldest Journal in the west. The article and adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeder of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 311 Com mercial atreet, SSlem, Oregon. FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gagee. Trust Deeds, Contracts, on houses Will net to 80. BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg.. 189 N. High St, Jltf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to losn on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money on city residences and business property, at 5 V4 plus a commission. Hawkins A Roberts, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. d-14tf FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, decorations. C. F. Breithaupt, floriat, 123 N. . Liberty. Phone 880. - INSURANCE LOANS, REAL ESTATE, GENERAL IN sursnce. W. W. LAFLAR, 410 Oregon Bldg. Insure ; Tour home or car now Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg.. 189 N. High St. Jt-tf ItATXNDSIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of pure materials." Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway.' THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE. W EIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 35. 263 8. Hih. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. Phone 171. 1356 B street. j!7tf LADIES' TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN end women. 474 Conrt St. MATTRESSES S MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co., 1190 North CapitoL Called for aad delivered. - All work guaranteed. Phono 19. - f!9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MTJSI0 STOKES GEO. a WILL PIANOS, PHONO graphs, sawing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Repairing phono raphs and aewing machines, 432 State street. Salem. NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency, The Ace. TeL 939. THE OREGON 8TATE8MAN, 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early each morning. Tel. 33 or 683. XTXRSEXT STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearey Bros.. 178 S. Commercial. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTING "CON tractor, interior decorating. Phone 137-J, 4l -Mill.- - - ' e PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhangiag, tinting, etc Kenaoie workman. t - PACKINO AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and shipping, eall Etitf's Furniture - Store.' Phone 941. f - ;; By Ed Wheelan HAI:530NlCA KINSSLlry!? MA1P,WAS A busky -dumb-doj5a 135 st: DIDN'T WANTTo- H i . SPOL MAH VACATION : - . . . a-XI m A r " t ..?' V !' t ... : S3"'- ; ' PIANO TOTTERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PUho ., tuaer. Leave orders -WiU'a Mnaie Store. THOMAS PFAY, PIANO TUNER, NOW at the Portland Masic Co $55 N. High Have your piano tuned by one who haa had years of experience In the work. - - - - SaStt PEINTINO rOR STATIONERY, CARDS, PAMPH lets, pro grans, book or any kind of printing, call at the Statesman- Print' St ing - Department. 315 8. Commercial. 583. . PLTJMBINO PLUMBING AND GENERAL BEPAIH work.- Graber Bros-, 154 8, Liberty Pboae 550. f!9tf BASIO ? -1 Radiolas: , v tot Every Purpose - Every Purse ! All Standard Site " ' 'ot Radio Tube . " . '. - . . . ... T .'. t HALIK EOFF. ELECTRICAL SHOP 337 Court St. Phono 483. BEAT. .ESTATE . IP YOU HAVE PROPERTY -TO SELU or u yoa are l.oxmg zor o. oome, xarna, or bnainesa property, eo ua. . - " BECKE it HENDRtCKS' ' - . 189 N. High St, Heilig Bldg. . 18U REAL GROUP INVESTMENTS -Close-in income property in Salem. '.In creasing in value 10 to-20 per cent ; by abundant comparison. Any amount ' from - $190 tip. Many pleased to realise possi bilities of united lnrestments. HARRIS Mavsonlc-Blds. K v ; Tel. 7&g.,S4fJ - , - SEOOND-ANT GOODS . 1 . BUY USEI. MEN'S 47LOTHING. JEWEV ry, unns. Tools, Bicycles. - btar r. x change, $24 N. Commercial, 4hone $56. - , 013 WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH- inr and shoes. Best prices paid. Capi tal Exchange. 842 North Commercial' Phone -1368-W. . - . STOVES AND STOVE REPAIEINO , STOVES FOB BALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. - All kind of wov en wire fence. Fane aad plain. Hop baskets and hooks,- logs a hooks, Salem Pence and Store Work. 350 Court St. - - , ' " . TAXIDERMIST . ; - TAXIDERMIST SHOP. E. . WIG-. gins. Prop., " 1145 Norwsy. -' Near Woodry' Auction Market. Tel. 2261-W. TRANSFER AST HAUXXXG TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALt Kind, jfnon list, t , ' . , : , . WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSK noia goo a a. vur specialty i piaao.anc furniture moving. We alao make coun try trip. - We handle the beat coal n wood. Cnll on n for price.' We giw . good measure, 1 good quality - aad gxmf service. Larmer Trsfsfer Co. Phone 931 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 224 State. St. ; Phone 933. Distributing forwarding -..and - storage our- specialty. tiet onr rates. WELL PRTT.LTNQ R. A. WEST, BT. 6, BOX 103-A. PHOS1 liorj. a miles east on -sreea rosi. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWEB CO. Office 804 Soutb tnrcmarcisl tfc.Tef per cent diseoaat en domestic flat rK paid in advance. Na deduction tor Sh seneo or eny cause unless water ia abut on your premises. ' "TRAVEL Safely Swiftly and. Comfortably in busses of the Parker Stage' Lines.' Stages Lesve for - -. - Silverton 7 a. m 11 a..m S p. m. . Mt. Angel 11 a. mi, 5 p. m. - i Dallas 7 a. 11:25 a. m. Falls City 7 a. aw. 2:10 p.v su, :15 p. m. , Independence 7 a . m, 9 a. ta '. 11:15 a. m.. 8:19 p. m 5:15 a. m. , Sunday only 9:30 p. na. Monmouth 7 a. m., 11:15 ev m. . 3 j 10 p. m 5:15 p. m. Sunday only,. i ixv p. m-, o;au p. McMinnville 8:30 i a. m., 2:10 p. ka4 6:15 n, at.. - Newberg 1:30 I. n, 8:10 p. an- 5:15 p. m. ' - - - - .'- -. Tillamook 8 ;S0 -a., an.. 3:10 . im. Call 222 or $96 for 'Information. , w- I 1 General Zlarke-ti , , ..JbllUlUba , -; PORTLiSb,. Ore, Oct. 28 (AP) Cattle .and calves 'steady; receipt. 20. lldga aotninelry. steady : receipts 825,- (2 direct.) . Sheep and . lamba steady; re ceipts 420-.- 200 through.) "- i -f:-. . i . . PBODTJ0B )f-' '-' ' : ' PORTLAND. . Ore., Oct. 28. LAP-- ' Milk unchanged, best churning cream 42 -tJ43e per pound net shipper track in ton 1. Cream ' delivered Portland e, per pound. Raw milk (4 per cent) $2.35 ewt. f. o. b. Portland. Poultry .steady, heavy bene 35Q2Rc; light 16e; springs 2lti 2 5c; pekin white ' duck 24c: colored 15jf 17c; turkeys live 32(a34e; dressed 43 Of 44c. Onions slow; 751.10; Walla Walla ' 90e(l; potatoes steady $1.50 (a 1.75 GRAIN. ---- - 1 PORTLAND. Ore Oct. ' 38. AP) Wheat BBB, hard white, Oet. Nov. $1.39, Dec $1.40;. 11 W. BS. Ilaart, federation, aft white, western white, Oct.. Nov . $1.88; Dec. $L4; hard winter tet. . Nov., $1.38; Dee. $1.39; northern spring Oct, 5u, Dec $1.35: western red OcU Nov Dec. $1.34 - . , ' Oat, No. 2. 36 pound white, feed and gray. Oct., Nov, Dec $32.30. Baric. No. 15, 43 pound BW. Oct, -Nov. Dec. $28.50. ' ' Corn, No.. '3 EY shipment, Oct- Nov. $36. . ' ' ' ' -Millmn standard Oct. $34.50; Nov. Iec. 225, - - : r - i . ... .' . , r-. -. c .HAT -.-' ,'-.'.:;. , . PflUTI-AND. Oct.: 2.--( AP)Hsy buviiig prires: Katern Oregon timotiiy $2022; ditto valley $lrlT.50; chem 18;:aifalfa $17.50(418; oat hay $13; fat and vetch t t.iof 13i htm w $ "t -7.59 t-r ton. . Seliia g prices $2 a toa . , ;:y-i-K": :, ; ": WHEAT- i - ' ; , - CHICAGO. OcL 21. Whipsaw riien of r wheat- vaiutMk today kept, trade'a o" the Jump.-- ieiler. ' however, had an a't vantage. nwt of the "time, prosoeels sii pearMig brisbt for juic k aeMlewx-M 'f lb Uritish coat atrike. - After .sniuiy swipgs within I rin(c of 'Jr, wheat rtot-ed tterrous at the same as cterlr'a fimch to h lower; corn 4' t 1 l ee and eota at I ihidi t Vt'c oft. ' ' WOOi - BOSTON, Ort. 2S. sP)-r-Offewns of fin. and medium territory wools 1st bad a little wore free sale, bet tbo mar ket generally .is rasher quiet, fine wools in original bags having .had a fairly" steady tall at around- $l.0l-I; scoured- basis. ' Price witbia tbie range, however, are more difficult to ob tain. Medium wools seem to hold their ground mors- firmly thaa the finer grades. 56's and 50' in particular. The more limited stock of these grade may partly account for Jkeir strength. 7-Jt? :r v.