The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 29, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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Or Regulars Kept on Side- Cardinals Board Train Los
fines; way not sian Angeies xo Meei i rojans
Against Corvallis. Saturday. .
?oTm VUk AThAtl' MTk.k I CT A Vrrttf TTXM VTCT CTW PqI
S the football nme against Cor- Oct. 28. (AP) It was' a conii-
tUs high school on S wee tland I dent band of Cardinals that head-
Id Saturday afternoon at 2 led sooth tonight for their game
ln1r:wlll ki niluli! Sitiinlir sllh Ilia Tn1m nf lh
led tvr the possible. loss of lour I University, of Southern California.
string players through in-1 Erery-nian on the Stanford squad
He.." In spite of this, the team was of the same miner, that is.
in. the best of spirits and Is re- they will retnni' victorious from
redid make a battle out of the the Ls Angeles encounter.;
mtv -'' -. - ' . i i a year ago tne uaramais were
Oliagcr, cndJsJaid up with an Ulated for defeat by most football
Jured knee, as la East, guard, truics, out wnen tne game was a
mjpie,-halfback dropklcker and matter of history the scoreboard
nten has a case of water on the I read: Stanford 13 IT, S.? C. 9.
ee. while Homer Lyons, center. I his ract, coupiea wun an increas-
an Inlnred knee. ling strengtn, na given tne- reel-
Tin rt of the men r In their shirt team an assurance that even
st condition-of the season, how- knowledge that Southern Callfor-
er. and the seirond team has etv-ima nas one. oi me mosi powenui
I w - ...-. -
.prpmlse ,of. ability In recent eievena mits nistory cannot over-
raetiM sessions. In 10 minutes 1 come. V -: ' '
coacn Jfop vvarner nas woraea
out a defensive formation which
Stanford supporters believe will
cause the Trojans no end of worry.
In addition, he has a galaxy of
back field stars comparing favor
ably to that of U. S. C.
aid of Divine Power these objects
will be accomplished." -
The' reports of the day con
vened kindergarten work, with
Mrs. G. M. G lines of Portland con
ducting the session ; reports from
the department of education with
Mrs. J. P. Itisley of Portland the
director; the acceptance of the
Doernbecher Hospital pledge; a
talk by Mrs. Mozelle Hair of the
University of Oregon extension de
partment; a talk by Miss Helen
Cowgill of Corvallis on boys and
Sirls club work; and a recom
mendation from Mrs. Mabel
Arundel Harris of Portland on
standards In literature.
The educational dinner at the
Gray Belle was largely attended.
Mrs. La Moine R. Clark, repre
senting the Salem teachers, gave
the formal welcome. Mrs. Lien,
president of the .Portland grade
teachers: association gave as her
response "New Methods in Teach
ing." Said Mrs. uien. "We have
children, not books, to teach, the
three L's of labor, love, and life,
instead of the three It's."
C. A. Howard of Marshfield.
spoke on the ' scientific method
which resorts to psychology. Mil
dred Starrett gave consideration
of "The Teachers Load." George
P. Eisman of the Portland school
board, declared we ' belittle the
teaching '-: profession bjr . Our ; in-
Lsignifieant pay, in some instances'
scarcely more than " that offered
unskilled laborers.
J. O. McLaughlin of Corvallis
spoke on "Finances" and gave a
plea for the Eastern Oregon nor
mal school. "Politicians," he de
clare! . "are the greatest foes ofj
education." j
J. C. Nelson, principal of , the j
Salem high school, declared that
"effective teaching is up to the
teacher is not dependent upon
the curriculum."
i Miss Delia Rush, president of
the Lincoln high school in Pen
dleton protested the lack of edu
cational facilities in the eastern
part of the state which comprises
two thirds of all Oregon.
Miss Phoebe McAdams chose
"Growth" as her subject, one dealt
with from the viewpoint of the
teacher. $ Mr. Cox, of , the boy'a
training school, emphasized the
necessity of a skillful program in
socializing the boy in the post-Institution
Special music was furnished at
the church last night by Professor
T. S. Roberts, Miss Neva Cooley,
Miss Josephine Albert, and Claude
Stevenson, all of. whom were
called upon for encores. -
Dr. Coleman, -the first speaker
on the program last night, dealt
with a difficult subject, but dealt
with it well. The urgency of sex
instruction " In our educational
system was the theme of a thor
oughly worthwhile address. Dr.
Coleman is president of the Ore
gon Social Hygiene society. As a
final recommendation this author
itative spokesman declared him
self in favor 1 of the laboratory
method to make clear this phase
of ed ucational Instruction."
Dr. Doney, who gave the second
address of the evening, in a con
sideration of "The Type of Teach
er I Should Like to Have Fof My
Child, struck, in the words of
the state president, Mrs. W. W.
Gabriel, a very tender, a- very
beautiful. a very responsive
chord. "We are Interested in the
things which have possibilities
a child can be trained Infinitely
. . in either direction," said Dr.
Doney in his introduction, devel
oping the theme that "the conta
gion of personality is the import
ant thing after all." The signifi
cant thing about the teacher- is
that she it Is who virtually selects
the circumstances in which . the
cilid Is to be a participant. For
this reason. Dr.. Doney assumes
that the teacher who is essential
ly fine must have "a great self to
touch the ever-expanding self of
the child. A r ....
Mrs.VW. w. Gabriel, state presi
dent, made a publie expression of
appreciation, in behalf .of the del
egates, to the hostess city UCy
night. '
, The convention will close today. -
play against Parrish junior high
hool they managed to 'pile up
I Out of the. four injured men, all
re expected to start the game ex
hpt possibly dinger: -. How. long
hey wilt last, however, is a mat
;r of conjecture..
I The. Corvallis high school team
'lis year Is reported to be a strong
'ne, In spite , of an early season
xen 11 pounds more per man than
The Dixie Bakery leads on hign
class breads, pies; cookies and
fane: aked supplies of every kind.
Best by test. Ask old customers.
439 Court St. , r ()
he Salem forward wall, while the
t- .1 - 1 . . . m -.
i.-jit-iu ou pipiiiy pi speea. l no
r m nlsct hnsU,Af nna tt lha Kaal
tickers;! the winamette valley. Pfose. Get estimates, look at
f The local te4m Is anxious to win of material then you will
he ramer as a vlctorv Tr Po order. 349 S. 12tl, St. ()
allis will leave .Eugene high
cnooi i as the only obstacle be
ween salem and the Willamette
alley championship
I Two other xames besides th
corvallis and Eugene contests re
paln on the Salem schedufe. They
ire against HHlsboro . and The
I Tentative arrangements have
bee made fof a Thanksgiving day
Cobbs & Mitchell Co , lumber
and building materials for every
The Pontiae Six is outselling
because it is Built to Outlast. 1U
displays unfailing sturdiness and
dependability. See it on display
at Vic k Bros. ()
same here between. alem and
ommerce high school of Port-
and. -The Commerce ' manaee-
nehf has sent word that the team
ill come here brovided the sched
ule cah be arranged to permit it.
(Cob tinned from ps 1.)
Of j
i wugmon ? ft : shefwln. Hard
ware, 286.N. Com'l. Rt; Hardware
Hiiilders Supplies, Patnta. Varn
ishes. Give ns a call; yooll find
our prices reasonable ()
' I.- ..: " i 'I i .
Komeroy .& Keeae, jewelers, j
neveriau io give you 100 on
the dollar. ' watches, clocks, pins,
charms. : Standard high s grade
biock in an dwrtmots. ()
. -r..---" ? :
- A H. Moore' 1-35 N. Ilish St.
apartments and store where you
can ei aign quality rurniture and
furnishings for every room in
yourf holme. . ()
ident, by Mrs, Louis Dodge
Ashland, state vice president.
If resolutions which will cbme
before the house this morning are
adopted, the next state convention
will not be until 1928. If the
resolution to make the state con
ference 'bienennial is accepted, dis
trict conventions on alternate
years will - be automatically pro
vided. Due to the pressure of
business yesterday the election of
the state treasurer was deferred
until today.
Yesterday afternoon, in order
to alternate social and business
aspeets, the Salem Woman's club
entertained the , convention. , del
egates at tea.,.. .
Momentum was added to the
free text book agitation, which is
one of the leading legislative con
siderations of the convention by
C. II. Rice's address on "Public
Text Books." Mr. Rice, city su
perintendent of Portland public
schools briefly summarized the
arguments for and against state or
district owned books, concluding
with outstanding arguments for
the Innovation. Plans are already
underway for the introduction of
a "free text-book" bill at.the next
session of the legislature.
Professor T. H Gentle of the
Oregon State Normal school at
Monmouth also - spoke yesterday
morning, his choice. of subject be
ing a plea for the use of the" ob
jective tests in the schools in- lieu
of the antiquated essay .type. Ac
cording to the new method, the
pupil is required to answer sim
ply by cheeking in a choice of
answers, or hv the filliner In of
hDCCia I ram 10 Larrv Sill- blanks, insuring uniformity.
tiemsto horestUroveTor T V,:. Vni
Annual Battle . ... , of PoHland who. In dealing
with the topic, "Teacher Train
The continual string of in- ing," declared that "the day of
Juries and illness that has follow- the amateur, immature teacher Is
od. the Willamette university foot- Passed"; that at leasCtwo years of
JT. LctWocHl and Geo. F. Peed,
real estate, 344 state. Farms and
city property. They bring buyer
and seller together, for the bene
fit, and, profit of both. ; . ()
For students going away to
school ;we are showing a large se
lection of traveling bags., trunks.
hat .boxes and fitted cases. Dis
count' prices to students this
month. Hamilton's. , ()
injuries jun
ball team all through the present
season is not letting up any. re
ports Coach Spec Keene. About
eight of his men are not expected
to be in condition to start the Pa
rifle same.
-The latest additions to the Bear
tats hospital list are Bennett,
halfback; who has several boils.
MeKeniie. Mort, Propp. Best, and
formal training, in addition to the
high school course, should be re
quired. Miss Spooner advised the
substitution of Teachers' colleges
for nomal schools.
"We have all got to re-study
history with our children," Miss
Cornelia Marvin, state librarian,
told the assembly yesterday after
noon, so decidedly have we sub-
Sehofiel guards, who are li'outitituted the new for the old 1. e.
with; either injured ankles or I the study of motives and out-
shoulders. Crainer. end. who has I com8- n place of rulers and
an' injured shoulder, and Hartley, I events. "Our whole educational
tackle, who has an infected fincer. 1 system is an effort to democratize
Out of this list. Hartley is the I elture," ; Miss Marvin further
only one who has much chance of J stated and our best, if not only,
appearing in .the lineuo aeainst I ens through books. The
Practically all the guards on the j
sqaad are included on the list of
injuries, so Keene has r quite a
problem in determining who can
play in this position Saturday.
Someone may have to be shifted
out of their regular positions to
fill. the holes.
: tA . large number of students i
bare signed up for a special train
tlvfct wilr leave SaTem Saturday S
morning at 9:30 o'clock for Forest:
Grove, where the game will , be
played. ; . '
-t F E. Sbafer's Harness and
leather Goods Store. 170 S. Com'l.
Suit cases, valises, portfolios, brief
canes, gloves and mittens. ' Large
Ktock. ; The pioneer store." . (.)
? - 1 1 u -
; rTh Commercial Book Store has
everything you need in books and
stationery and supplies for the
school, office or home at the low-
eat possible prices. . ()
"W. G.' Krucger, realtor, prorres-
iic, fair, equitable. Growing city
v and country make possible buyi
that will "make you good money.
Complete listings. .141 N. Coral.
Cross Meat Market. Eirteit,
trsiest and best in Saleta. Choic
rst itetEj, bacon, hams, sausage,
ersrs, milk. Ataolutely eani
t : 7. -3 7 0 .Ut. CU z - A9)
I ; ri
kft: CRY"
1 .. wL.l M.H cewx.
A-tl frrfwuko far Ai
tiV5iiii" mKti"
Mineral. Not Narcotic
ti5 sSSrr 1
MOTHER 1 Fletcher's Castoria is a
pteasant, harmless substitute fdr Castor
Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and
Soothing Syrups, especially prepared for
Infants in arms and Children all ages.
It lias been in use for more than 30
years to safely relieve
Constipation Wind Colic
' Flatulence To Sweeten Stomach
Diarrhea Regulate Bowels
Aids in the assimilation of Food, pro
moting QKeridncsstar7iit
Natural Sleep without Opiates V
-0 '
To avoid imitations always look for the signature of aTTcJuA
Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it.
Low Prices Previi
Men's All Wool Blazer Sweaters
We. recently received a double shipment of Blazers.
These Blazers usually retail at $5.50. In order to reduce
stock we price at
Men's Medium Heavy Union Suits, long sleeve, ankle
! length.; Worth considerably more. QO
for a special OC
.Genuine Goat Hair Men's Socks; M A A
. ...
westward development promises
"to bring the greatest possible de
velopment to the Pacific Rim,'
Miss Marvin predicted and it be
hooves the adnlt ', to pursue his
education to the end. ;
: The business of the; morning
Had to do .wfTh the reading of
proposed amendments. The body
declined to eliminate that section
of Article of the by-laws which
states "We-believe that with the
' H. T. Love, the jeweler. 335
State St. v High quality jewelry,
silverware and diamonds. The
gold standard of values: Once a
buyer always a customer. ()
Hart man Bros.! Jewelry Sfore
Watches, clocks, rings, pins, dia-
monas,. charms, cot' glass, silver
ware. Standard goods. State at
Uberty St. ()
wararone Trunks as : low as
924.70 and as high as 185. 18 Inch
Cowhide Hand Bags with leather
lining reduced from $8 to I&.90.
Max Ov Buren 17s N. Com'l. )
i oniy the Best! Our patrons
wjU bear this out' We serve only
tne best in tneaw and poultry.
lltint & Shaller. 813 North Com-i
mercial.v ., .:v..i
.:W have the hat you want at
the price yon want to pay. Many
new pattern ana rait hats come in
daily.,; The Vanity Hat Shop, the
Pis-e to tray tli9t!ta. Uat, , ()
at 35c; 3 pairs for
36-inch Colored Indian Head;
Per yard J. r -
Good Grade 36-inch Outings
Per yard
You know their quality; if nek, ask your
neighbor. . In service weight silk
Fiber Silks; various shades.
Per pair .... -
Children's Black, Cordova; fine ribbed
KNEEDSIT, the better vegetable shortening;
specially priced, per pound : 1 ......
Tomatoes, '
2 large cans , ;
Peas, - :-: ' ; -':
2 cans for ........ : i.
Corn, ;
2 cans for 1
Ramona Blend Flour :
at .......;i ..... " .
2 Fruit Cakes ;
r----; 1- ,
IArgo or Gloss Starch i ;
Large Bunches Fresh Turnips, ; " .
per, bunch :.:....
. For Real Values atAll Times
35 c
25 c
254 North Cciaraerclal
iTn Russia Calf
Blucher Oxfords
Built for fall and
winter service
Many styles to choose from
Imported Scotch
Grain Tan Calf
Heavy double soles
for winter service
Nothing Better
for Wear
Priced at only
Tan and Black Calf
""- A -
Blucher OxfordsT
Heavy and medium
weights for dress or
street wear
See these splendid tuuhbers
The Best Only at 3 Prices $5, $6, $7 Nothing Over
Just Received!
Another Shipment of
; Parlor
p liiiiiii
This is a Small Furnace . placed above the floor.
The entire country is talking about this wonderful
new heating system. Can be installed in a few
minutes and does the work of several stoves.
It Is Set Above the Floor
Heats several connecting rooms or an entire small
home properly arranged.
Supplied in several colors. Finish is vitreous por
celain enamel as easily kept clean as your fur
No room heater ever made can do the work of a furnace. The parlor fur
nace heats by the furnace method of moist air circulation.
Be sure to see it before you buy '
I I I N R E T -S
j. '.-"'''''
We offeryou a fine selection of plaid cotton blankets at
prices that will please the most thrifty buyer.
for 'the best
-; 'Stoves ; ,
; and
- v -Clrculalora-
The Store With the Frieadlj Spirit
. for
-.Heater.. J
- V
- Il