THE OREGON STATESMAN SALEM. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, OQTOBER. 24,-1926 ome a irir JHL JUL i .V '. ." 1 I i.; i' it ' . . fc,. ,' . l 1 f . I t ' I III KM. . : Mitch baa been said about the - fire room house and its practicability. To prov that bne is practical we show here a bouse' that contains enough foom to be. large and. with, the lesser expense, oX a small bouse. The exterior design is one that is most adaptable and pop ular on the coast and inland cities. This design being . in stucco will fit into almost any landscape as a homey and cheerful residence. . The French doors opening to the pergola covered terrace makes a very . comfortable appearance as well as, useful. Being influenced by the Eng lish cottage it does not take on the characteristic squareness of the rooms which Is most un derab)e. One will notice in glancing, .over the floor plan that all the rooms are . large and airy. The bath room at tbe side between the two bed rooms is accessible from either bedroom milking a rery con venient arrangement. There ; is an ample amount of cupboard, space in the kitch en, and this room -is large enough should a built-in table be desired. : ' To dining room is very conveniently arrang ed in the rear of the house giving privacy as well 'as cpmfort. The fireplace located on the front side of the house and near the entrance. Is attractive from bofa' interior and ' exterior, allowing a nook beside which can be placed either books or a seat. Onextra room may, be added In attic if desired, and with a small amount of work in plantings and shrubbery arrangements this could be made an attractive home. . v Therjs 1924 square feet of floor area in this home. Plans SPAULDING Salem, Oregon EVANGELISTIC TOLL OOSPXL A8SEMSLT Old YMCA building corner Commercial and Chenveketa-rKvangelist H. Hansen of Kelso. Wash., assbUad by Roy C. Ceggu-, son of thU city Km take charge of the new mission work recently opened up her. Many people of Salem are ac quainted with KvangeKst Hansen and will welcom bis return to Salem and labor among -them. He is an able speaker, preaching tha full Uospel at the Son ul Cod in the power and demonstration of tha Spirit. Thin work in evangelistic iu character with it main, purpose that of bringing tho oR atory of to eroaa of CalTry to ths multitudes rt. on init wMen lt In sin. aiek in body. r in need.- that they mifcht lenrn to know Jesus Christ tn the power of salvation and heaUns nd to, sxuuaur to tU wiUrinjc nd nnedjr. 11 yon aro tired of sin, sick. In body. Wiaeonrage in nwntwesa. di gnsted' with hypocrisy, come, Jesus will tneet your- case, tlhristisn singers and Workers invited to cooperate. Meetings Week nights. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Katurdayi at 7:4.1; Sundays, afternoons B :UO, evenings 7:45. Sunday school at P. n.; FULL GOSPEL MISSION 137 Stat. Bajph D. Bullock, pastor, Har ry J. Morriss. assUtaat pactor. Sarviees 8 and T .'80 p. m. Sanday school 2 p. . ' Bible atudy and evangelistic meet ing Wednesday. Thursday and Saturday night at 7:43. , W are living in the moat momenta on a time of tho history of th world and Ood's word is sure guide I . 'Vxnlr 1 Evening, 7 3 O-r-Prmiitization, "Story of Ruth. T r " 15 younsr ladies in costume. Violin solo 'Negrt Spir ritual." (White), Mrs. Helen Seiltg-O'NeilL -Vocals solo, "These Are They," (Gaul). r Mrs; Earl Pearcy.: - Sermon.'Ruth's Choice.? Pastor; Xi: Morning, 1 lOQermon,, '01d Wine in iNew Bottles Pastor. 4 . Solo, "Consider and, Hear Me," WoolVar) Mrs. R. H, Robertson. . - " ' ' - r .; ,lReT. Ernest II. Shanks, Pastor - . Plan Number 506 Five Room Cottage Proves Popular 3V- and Specifications Furnished chasm! Idib61eI Ecmtm. 7 oo u-- t-o- I - LOGGING CO. Telephone 1830 thru tho mate of world-wide events and conditions of today. Come and let the Lord Jesus Cbrist prepare you for tho great climax which is just ahead. ' FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL Corner Church and State, F. C. Taylor, D.D. Margaret K. Sutherland, director Religious F.ducatioa. Services 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: "The Radiance of Religion." and "A Summer Pilcrimage," Miss Mary K. Findley p. m. Anhtem: "Arisl Up! O Men of Ood." T. Noble. Solo, "Open th Gates of tho Temple." Sung by Ronald CTaven. Sun day school :( n. m.. H. V. Shank, su perintendent. Cnrversity Epworth Leagu topic, "Ijife a Trust. Jennie lilly, leader: First 'hrch Lea rue, le Hns ton, leader; Intermediate League, Ksther Cook, leader. Supervisors. Miss Ksther Fnamee, Miaa Elvira Tottag. Monday evening 8 o clock Men s Club will meet for the first dinner of the year. The speakers for the evening will define the merits and demerits of th Amendments to be votod on at the coining election. Thursday evening: tha Stat Parent Teacher Association will be addressed by Dr. Norman V. Coleman, president of Reed College, Portland and by Dr. tlarl Gregg Money, president of Willamette Univer aity. Snnday will be featured as Re opening day at first chnrch, the service being held for tho first tin in tho ntwly decorated auditonnin.' The floral decor at ions will bat of roses, in harmony with tke pradomrnating coloring- in the audi torium. There wifi be reception f mem bers, especially for the University stu- t 1 1111 ' ' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - , - LIBERTY AND MARION STHKTS " 7 i By dents who wish to join the church to an Affiliate Membership. Junior church wilt meet at 11 a. m. Following tho Junior church services there will be a short story hour especially for the benetit 01 tne and girls wnose, parems are in i-w ree fer church service. FXKST COKOEEOATI0KAI. Center nd Uberty, Charles K. Ward, pastor. Service 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. SemMa, tepiea: "Repentance and Forgiveness, and "Malting Good. Special numbers by the qaartet at both services. Snnday school Ifi . m-. M" MeCallister, superyitandent. Thursday 7:10 p. in., mid-week prayer meeting and Bible stndy, the latter being the Letter of Paul t the Romans. Fellowship "up per and addresses by interesting speakers at-the Knight Memorial church Tuesday evening. The Sunday evening theiVi will be illustrated by the fila rendition of Freeman. Tilden' a story: "Th Customary Two Weeks." THOMAS 8. FOBS MEMORIAL If. B. Wee Raletn, F. L. CnnneU, ptor. .Services 11 a. m.. and 7:80 p. nt. Ser mon topic, "A Case of Bines." Sunday school :45, Dl C. Sehennv apintenUnt. Kpworth League at 6:30. Prayer meet ing Thursday 7:38. A Rally Day pro ra will be. give by th children f the Sunday school at 11 o'clock. Th Jim tor will be in charge of th evening ser vice. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Center and High, K. C. Whitaker, pnn tor. Vivian O. Whisler, assistant pastor. Iervicea 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Ser mon topics: "What the itoy Did With His Lunch." and "The Quartet That Raised th T?nf " Morning, Lyman Mc Donald wiUsing, "The Pilgrims of the Night," Parke. Kvening, Mrt.: Frtrger ald will sing, "Like As a Father"- John Prindle Scott. Snnday school 9:45 a. m., E. C. Whitaker, superintendent. Young Deooles' meeting 6:30 Senior Christian kndeavor. Intermediate Endeavor will be led by Mildred Crabtree. Special ma sic. Topic.: "Lessons from Oreat Ath letcs." ' Ureat Rally Thursday night, our mid-week service, hundred or mors per cent. GLAD TIDISOS 10SSX09 ' 343 Court St., C. S. Johnson, paetro. Services 3 and 7:30 p. m. Sanday school 2 i. m.. S. Berkey. snnerintendent. Week day services, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Hall will be open Thursday afternoon for prayer and waiting upon the Lord. L B. S. A. Meet every Sunday in : Derby Bldg, Court and High, hour IS to 13 a. as, and H to 9 n. m. -AJ I interested in Bi- ble study, cordially inVit4. Funral ser vices in Salem -and vicinity conducted tmm of charge by: local Bible" el.. Phone 14S0W, -V-.- v I'ifrjt'- r FIRST EVAKGXLicAI. ; Center and Liberty. .Rer. B. CnlW, nastor. Snnday achoel 9:43. Tho tOn superintendent. Morning service II a.; m. Evangelical League of C. U. e:S, Anna Mile., prndeat j ttnnJev Mavee. Header. Kvening aervif 7:30, Rev. Lyle Willard ef Monmouth will preach at both aervKft. Th Por, Rev. J. B. Cnlver. wh has 'been attendiap Ceneral confer ene nt Williamspert, Pa th -past month expects to be hone em time during th week end will be in hi pulpit Sunday. Oct. 31. Mid week prayer aervic Thurs day evening 7 :ao. f CHRJSTIAJr AHT MISSIOWART - v :.; AXIJAVC2 v i. B. Moore -vivaI phrvy In the Grand theatre. X. High and .Court. 8n day afternoon . D;73ier wHU speak oa th -Subject "T 8ptisnl;o th iloly Spirit." Seme open at J!:4S. .even ing 7::io, J r Moot win from the subject, "The State of. she JSool After Death. There w.ll be services every, evening tfirongbou , the week at 30. Monday evenin a speeisi ericr. subject: "Buried Alive in the Vokohama Earthquake, m. ua jars, jnoore win dress in. lull Japanese restoms. I here will alio be a Kpecial number by the Tab ernacle choir, direct by Edith. M. Clark. Monday evening, J addition to trie focal orchestra, the orchestra of -tne interde nominational church ol Atoeny win be present and render a special instrumental number. Sunday se hcol will be held in the Tabernacle, 65 Ferry St., Sunday at 1 :.. THE SALVATION AEHT 241 State. Today: program- begins ith holiness meeting at 11 a. m., to which all axe invited. Sumday school 2:30 p. m.. contest in full swing. ouug neoDle. 5:30. topic: "Who Knows Beat. ' Old time rally Sunday evening, commenc ing at 8. Oonpel gerrioen for tne pnouc On TBCfday, Thidy and Saturday, at 8 p. m. Cnj-pi, ciaeu class on Wednes day, 7:30 p. m. A friendly welcome to the whosoever. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First cbtirch. corner Liberty and Che- nieketa. Sunday morntnir services at 11, Sunday evening services at S. Subject of lesson sermon. "Probation After Death." Wednesday evening W.stiniuJu meeting at 8. Sunday school sessions convene at 9-.V.0 and 11 a. m. Reading rcom 209 -.Masonic Temple. opn daily from 11 to vr except Sundays and hol idays; Sunday afternoon from to r. every evening except Wednesday and Sunday from 7:30 to -9. FIRST SPIRITUAL The 'First Spiritualist church of Sa lem, will hold services at their hall (over Miller's More) this Sunday evening, Oct. 24th, at 7:30 o'clock. Airs. I.a Valley of Portland will be speaker and m-sage hearer. The public is cordially invited to the meeting. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS Corner Washington and Commercial St. Sunday school Ul o'clock . Meet ing for worship 11 o'clock. A deputation team from Pacific College will have charge "1 tne service. I'rayer meeting Ihursdav 7:30. KNIGHT MEMORIAL 19th and Ferry, If. C. Stover, Donald J. Allison, organist. pastor. Snnday school at 10 a. m., C. C. Ifarris, sn p-mi tendent. Rally Day service following the Sunday school. Senior and Intermediate Christian Kndeavor at :-r p. in. Kv.-n ing service at 7:U0. Kvening anthem by the vested choir, "The Lord Jiet nelh , ' ' ( Heyser.) Sermon subjects will be, "Tlie ReverenXjrfind," and "The Spirit In the Wheels."- Midweek services Thursday evening at 7:30. JASON LEE MEMORIAL North, Winter street at Jefferson ave.. Take the Ihisk to Summer and Jefferson Ave., then one block west, Thomas Aclie son, pastor. Bev. Bert Thompson and Mrs. A. M. Gentry, helpers, in charge of the Junior church. The public will be welcomed at the' following services on the coming Lord's day. Church school - 9 :4. a. m. Seven separate departments and classes for all ages. Harry Carpenter, superintendent. Public worship 11 a. m. A. M. Sherwood, from Kiltson & White Chautauqua Co., will bring .a stirring mes sage on "Christian Business Methods in Church Finance." Junior church will meet down stairs at Wiis hour. Young peopfa welcomed. Three, chapters of the Kpworth League meet at G:30 p. m , for devotional services. They welcome stran gers. Public worship at 7 :30. Pastors theme, "A 20th Century View of Con version." I nvite your friends lo come with you. Church night program Thurs day 7:30 p. m. UVXTARIA Cottage and Chemeketa, Martin Freshe tian, pastor. Services 11 a. m. Sermon topic, "The Ponte del Veoeio The Thres hold of Two Ages.'' Mrs. Martin Fereshe tian, contralto soloist of Ih'e etinrrft will stng by request, "The Public," by Van de Water. Sunday school 10 a. m., grad ed instruction. The Emerson club will study "Spiritual Laws," one of Emer son's essays on. Thursday evening at 6. Critical study followed by discussion. Re-opening Day wilt be observed at the First Methodist church next Sunday after n month's work in redecorating and beau tifying the church auditorium. The larg est chorus f singers in the history of the church consisting of 75 voice has been organised by Prof. W. W. Hobeotr for the regular church work. The anthem on Sunday will be "Rise Cp, O Men of God" by Noble. Ronald Craven wiU sing, "Open the Gates of the Temple." Rev. Fred C. Taylor, the pastor will de liver the re opening sermon. In the even ing. Miss Mary E. Findley will speak o "A Summer PiTgrimafce. Miss' Findley was the Director of Religions education for three years in First church and has recently returned from a trip to the Holy land. LESLIE METHODIST EPISCOPAL S. ComoTjial and Myers, J. Willard DeYoe, pastor. Services 11 a. m ana 7:30 p. m. Sermon topic. "My Re deemer Liveth," and "Before Pharaoh." The chorua will sin. Mrs, W. J. Lin, foot will sing morning offertory. Rev. and. Mrs. DeYoe duet evening. Sunday school 9:4A, E. A. Rhoten, superintendent. The two Kpworth Leagues will meet at 6:30. On Thursday evening at 7:30 week day services, subject; "Blessedness of Forgiveness." Read Psalm 32. FIRST PRBSBTTERIAM On Church St.. between Chemeketa and Center, Norman Kendall Tully, D.D. Mrs. Rosa M. T. Hester, assistant pastor. Services 10:45 a. fa., and 7-3ti p. m. Sermon topics, "As for Me I Will Pray." and "Joshua the Optimist." Sunday school 9:30 a. H. E. Barrett, superin tendent. 5 p. tn., Advance Intermediate aoriat hour; 6: 30 p. m.. Young peoples' meetings. MILL STREBT METHODIST 15th and Mill St, Patrik DahUn. pas tor. Services 11, m., and 7 :30 p. m. In the evening a vocal solo will h ren dered by Mrs. England. Snnday school B :45 a. tn.. Miss Esther Eriekson, superin tendent. Prayer meeting and choir prac tice on Thursday nt 7:30 and S:XO re spectively. You aro all cordially invited to our services. COURT STREET CHRISTIAN Court and X. 17th, K. L. Putnam, pas tor. Junior pastor, Mrs. R. L. Putnam. Services 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. ra. ' Ser mon topics: "Why I Am a Christian.'' and "Excuse Me." Music furnished by Mrs. Joy Turner Moses' orchestra for the Bible school. Special music and choir at regular services. Sunday school 9:45 a. ro., E. W. Cooley, s u peris tendent. Vol unteers will visit shut-ins in afternoon. Junior and Young People Kadehvor at 6:30. Interesting meeting for young folks. Adult prayer neetina S : SO. Vol unteer meeting Tuesday 7:30 p. m.- Choir practice 7:30 p. ra., Wednesday, r-peetal called meeting of church Thursday g p. m. Hallowe en social Friday evening at the church. There wiH be n evangelistic aerviees during the week a previously announced. Tonight's services closes our Evangelistic crusade. We welcome alt to these' services. ST. PAXIL'S (Episcopal) Church St. at Chemeketa, Rev. H. Duncan Chambers, Rector. Holy Eneh ariat at -7:30 . m. .Morning prayer at 11 a. m. Men and boys service at. 3 :.'( p. m. Evening prayer at 7:30 p. m. Thel vested choir will sing at the 11 a ad 7 :30 p. m., services. -, The TeDenm will be by Shilling and the offertory and anthems will- be "Forreee With she' 1j,rA " . wl ' T IV. 1 -.-it 1. Ukli ers. Church school at :45 pV'tc. Thia days services will conclude the Mnstoo and ti is hoped that many will hewr 'Arch-s deacon Webber at .some at - the-services. Monday evening at 7:30 the rector will take up lectures aad discussions as to ny . interest created daring th Mission and in preparation for th Holy Bit of ronttrmation. r" fc Liberty and Marion. Services 11 ju as. Md 7:30 m. Sermon tojJicsv'Old win in sew Bottles. ' ana Tbs story of Rath." dramatisation by Wrf WO. Girls. Morning anthem, "Holy fepinvj eaitnrtu uove, ,' atstter. solo. "Con " and Hear . Me." Wooller. Rv. H. Kohvt son. Evening anthem. "Even Me," r-bet ley, nolo,5 "The Are -They." Gaol, Mrs Ent resrer.- .8jd choi n:i Ed SqhuDke. superintendent. The Itap tiR TatOR Peoples Society at 6 ::;-p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday vetting 7 :'-M to M:SO. UNITED BRETHHEN Castle Chapel, 17th and Nebraska Ave., Vf. 'X. Btodrett. pastor. Services 11 a. in., and7:-t" p. m. Sermon topics: " 'Stewahip'' and Kvsne)intic. Sun day school K B. in.. 1. t.- Wells. snir intendent. Young jmsi)I' met-lins 6:45 Willie IKunigan. preiit-nt. Prayer m"t injf Thursday evening - at 7:30, Incites Aid Wednesday, ail day. CHEJCEKETA STREET EVANGELICAL Corner of t'hemrketa aJid X. 17th. tl. K. F.rskinr. jvator. Services H . m.. and 7:30 p. u;. Sermon topics: "False Con ception of ChrUi,'' and Shining' C hris tians. This is tlie Sunday on which we undertake each to do our share in giving; for the suoport of our Forei"i work. Sunday school 10 a. m., O. B. Strsus b a u g h. nnrintenlf nt. .vaneii-al League of ChrTan Kndeavor at i -30. Adelaide Erskine, leader. Training class Wednesday evening at 6:45. to be Uo--ed by choir practice at 7 :30. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 7:30. CHURCH OF GOB 1346 X. Church, J. .1. Gillespie, pastor. Services II ui.. and 7:30 p. ui. Ser mon topics: 'The Assembling of Cod s People,'1 und Evangelistic. Sunday scliool JO a. ui., Mrs. Walter Barkus, superin tendent. Young peoples' meeting ti:4.". Subject: "The Harvest Time." Miss Fath er Ualin, leader. Regular weekly prayer service Wednesday " evening at 7 ::(. Teachers meeting Friday evening at 7 :'! at i:w. .. I'hurch St. FREE METHODIST Market and W'inicr. .1. T. Taylor. pas- tor. Services II a. in., and 7 :4" p. ui. Sunday school H:t"i a. iu.. Hr. V'. S. Schufl. superint-ndeiit. Vouug jieoples IBeeiiiii' i::;i p. m.. Kmory tiooib . presi dent. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. ui. NAZARXNE 10th and Mari..n, C. II., and Mrs. Hop kins, iastors. Services 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. us. Sermon topics: "tiratitude and Ingratitude,'- and "A Seekiug Sa viour." Spet ial singing at both services on tiunday. Sunday school 9:45 a. m.t Prank Litwiller, superintendent. Senior young peoples' meeting l::Hi p. m., topic, "Characteristics of a Christian.'' Clar ence Lilwiller, leader. Junior Christi-in Kndeavor (i:4." p. m.. Mrs. Thomas Nunne naker, leafier. Wednesday evening at 7::ti) iraer and praise meeting in charge ' f the yonng people. Mrs. Hopkins will pteaj'h Sunday morning. 'l"he pastor will preacfi Sitmlay evening. ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC Corner ChcmuWeta, and ottage. Rev. J. H. Buck, p'listor. Services 8, 10 a. ra., and 3 p. in. High mass at H a. m., chil dren's Hi a. m.. tieuediction at :i p. m. Sermon topic. "Church and State," at 8 a. m. Sermon for children at 1(1 a. m. Snnday school t-atnrday at 3 p. m. Week day KervK-es at 7 a. in., Wednes day and Friday at . in Academy on Sat urday at 7. A change in order of masses will be tried o mmennng this morniug. The high mass and sermon will he at 8 auil tlia children's mass at 10. CENTER STREET METHODIST 13lh and t'entcr. A. F. Hilmrr, pastor. Scrvk-ew 1 1 a. in., and p. m. Sermon topics, "A Friends Prayer tor Me," and "'Paul's Second Missionary .Joiirnev.'' Sunday school at 1 0 a. in.." II. II. c'ral !a.p. superintendent. Kpworth' i.e:isue ai 7:1.1, H. II. Grallap. ItnoVr. PARENT-TEACHERS COMING TO SALEM ( Continued from- sage 1.) a theater party at the Elsinore, 6 o'clock. Thursday, Oct. 2S. Conferences. 8-9:20 a. m. Business session. Accredited delegates will be seated in the cen ter of the auditorium, 9:30. Action on proposed amend ments. Election of state treasurer and district vice presidents. Report of state fair work for 1936 Mrs. C. E. Wenderoth, Sa- )ein, chairman. Community singing. 10:15. Address, "The New Test," Prof. T. H. Gentle, Monmouth Normal school. 10:20. Public text books, auspices of legislative committee, Mrs. L. L. Baker, Portland? chairman. Speak er, Mr. C. H. Rice, city superinten dent of schools, Portland, 10:40. Department of education. Mrs J. F. Risley, Milwaukie, chairman. 11 o'clock. Address, "Teacher Training, Miss Julia Spooner, Portland, 11:20. Symposium, in charge of the Pre-school and Ktndergarten as sociation, 11:40. Speaker, Miss Eva White, pri mary supervisor State Normal school. Ashland. Report for service shop, Mrs. D B. Kelly, chairman. 12 noon. Adjournment for luncheon. 12:15. Call to order, 1:30- p. m. ueport or committee on ways and means. Mrs. D. B. Kelly, chairman. Presentation of pledge to the Doernbecher haspital. Mrs. H. M rogue, v nairman or special conv raittee. 1:45. Department of home "service, d rector, Mrs. J. F. Hill, Portland, chairman, 2 o'clolk. Community singing, led by Mrs. Earl Pearcy, 2:30. Report of radio committee-- Mrs. H. L.. Miller. Portland, chair-: man, 2:35. Council repots by presidents, 2:40. Address. "How the Libraries May Help," Miss Cornelia Marvin, state librarian. Salem, 3:40. Complimentary tea-hostess, trie Salem Woman's club. 4:00. Organ recital. Prof. T. S. Rob erts, 7:45. Address. Dr. Norman F. Cole marif president of Reed college., Portland; subject: "The Outlook for Education in Social Hygiene." Music, S:00. Address, Dr. Carl Greg Doney, president of Willamette univers ity, Salem. Music. 8:30. Friday Octebe 2 Conferences, 8-t:20, a. m. Call to order, 9:30. Report of resolutions commit tee. Mrs. C. W. Havhurst. Port land, chairman, 9:45. AddTess, Dr. George H. Brown. dliv-ior oi Marlon county health demonstration. Subject: "The New Age of the Child". 10:30. Report on conferences; unfin ished business, 10:4 5. Auto trip to state institutions. Host, the Citv of Salem, 1:00. The following have been ap pointed by the Marion County Council of Parent-Teacher associ ations and the executive commit tee of the Oregon Congress of Parents" and Teachers to act as chairman of the various commit tees required. General chairman-Mr. O. v. White. Stayton. President of Mar ion County Council. Registration , Mrs. John T. Hoblitt, Silverton dnd Mrs. W. S. Belt, Portland. Credentials Mrs. Clande Stev enson, Salem and Mrs. B. I. El liott. Portland. Transportation Dr. J. O. Ma- this. Salem and Mrs. P. J. Entler, Portland. Music -Mrs. La Moine R. Clark Salem. Motor Squad Mr. ohn II. Qmch,SalerB. Resolutions Mrs. C. W. Hay- hurst, Portland. Conferences Mrs. R. Mc- Gready, Salem. Fortlaftd. Deeorations Mrs. W. E. An- dersort, Salem, president of Salem Floral society. Repectiou Mrs. Avis White,' Salem. State Officers The state officers, all but one Portland woman, are as follows: President, Mrs. W. W. Gabriel, Portland; vice president. Mrs. Louis Dodge, Ashland; cor. sec., Mrs. F. B. Merry, Portland; rec. sec, Mrs. Lillie D. Thomas, Port land; treasurer, Mrs. Paul H. Wy man, Portland; historian, Mrs. W. J. HaWklns-, Portland. The directors are: Mrs-. D. B. Kellev. Portland: Mr. J. F. Rise ly, Milwaukie; Mrs. E. W. A!en, Eugene; Mrs. . F. Hill, Portland; Mrs. G. J. Perkins, Portland; Mrs. B. R. Kester. Oontario. Among the special rules an nounced for the convention is one limiting department reports to five minutes each with allowance for discussion and quietness. An other is that only ten resolutions in addition to those for courtesies will be allowed. Besides the various department conferences, the president of the congress will hold a special coun- (Continued on page ,) 1 o I. Salem Markets FEED No. 1, wheat, white f 1.28 Red, wheat, sacked 1.25 Oats, per bn . .48 Hay, oats, vetch, per ton 14.00 FORK, MUTTON, AND BRET Top hogs - .13 Sows .. 10 10 Top steers 5.0 Cows 2$.04H Bulls -. 3(0-05 Hpring lambs, under 90 lbs .10 Top veal 7.09 Dressed veal - .16 Dressed hog - .18 POTJLTRT Light hens HcaTy hens Spring Heo&ten Heavy colored frya .15 iJ0 1T0.23 .... 5(rj.08 ....18.S0 EGOS. BUTTER, BUTTERTAT Standards .40 Per pound .. .2-4 ButterCat .48 Cream butter .48 VEGETABLES, FRUITS Vegetable beets, sacked .03 Onions, don. bunches 4069.80 Celery, do. - benches 6085$i.lo New cabbage . .02 Old pots toes ; Sl.7SCp2.50 New cabbage - " .02 liocal tomatoes l.oo Local lettuce, crate 1.50 I, oca I onions . .014 "DOLLAR SENSE" A dollar spent toward the payment for a home in creases in value as the years roll by. ' i A dollar paid for rent is gone forever. How do you spend YOUR dollars? BULGIN & ; s BULGIN 273 state-Street lBriilders 1 of Homes' Union Roster HOD. XARRiKRS. AND "RUlIiDIrtO LA borers Local 441, moot a. Wed. p. ui. Call 179 for men. CAPITOL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION No. 210 Preaident. O. . Evans; see retary. M. D. Pilkenton. hteeta sec -ond Saturday, 3:00 p. m. CARPENTERS UNION NO. 1065 Meets Thura. evening. Arthur TnckeVf president; Wra. Pettis, secretary. Skilled mechanics fnruUhed. Phonnf 1T8. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT :Kd ployeea local 452, every third Monday, 457 Court Hazel Pierce, secretary. BALEis UNION LABEL. LEAGUE ' Meets at Lahor'Hall.on call ol ?rel dent. W. Sear, secretary. Boa 443, Salem, Ore. Lodge Hosier FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES, meet every 'Wednesday, SVaternUy Hall, 8. M. Willett, Sec'y. Tel. 88S-R. KNIGHTS OF PYTH1A8 MEETS. AT Fraternal Halt every Tuesday evening. Vlsitora invited. N. Park Stnrgea, C C; Walter Lesion. , K. of K. t (Jrtgoii-wL3trSCL3n Published every-morning (except Mon day) at a!em, the capital of Oregon. Local Rates -For Classified Advertising Daily or Snnday One time 2 cents per word Three times 5 cents per word Six times 8 cents, per word 1 mo. daily and Sun. .20 cents per word In order to earn the more than one ' time rate, advertisement must run in consecutive issues. No Ad taken for less than 25c. Ads run Sunday ONIvY charged at one-time rate. Advertisements (except Personals and Situations Wanted) will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser ia a .subscriber to phone. The Statesman will receive adver tisements at any time of the day or night. To insure proper classifica tions ada should be in before 7 p. m. TKT.KPHONF, 23 OR 583 Money to Loan ON REAL ESTATE T. K. FORD '(Over Ladd A Bush Bank) i ADVKRTISING HONEST ADVERTISING These col ems must be kept free from anything of a questionable nature. Misrepresen tations will not be tolerated. Infor mation showing any questionable in tent on the part of the advertiser should be reported to this news paper or the Salem Ad club. AUTO TOPS SEE US FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK. O. J. Holl Auto Top and Paint Shop. 267 S. Commercial. 5al6tf HELP WANTED Male 11 tVANTED FARMKR, FARMER'S bON or msnat once or soon as harvest is over to travel in country. Steady work. Good profits. McCONNON COMPANY, Dept. 296, Winona. Minn. 11024 HELP WANTED Female 13 EARN $15 DAILY Sell 10 colored SLICKERS Al $4.95, write for FREE SALES OUT FIT. 815 Exchange Bid., Portland. Ore. 13024 General Markets LIVESTOCK snsri ivn ft.. 9 1 .f T Today ' s receipt cattle 105. Receipts for week (approximate) Cattle 2.175: calves 315: hogs 6,235: sheep 3.100. Cattle Compared with- week ago: Steers steady; she stock steady to 25c higher: halls 25 to 50e lower; ealvee and vealers steady; week's balk prices: .Medium quality beef steers u.o0(; odd bead 7.75; off quality down to ffl; cows and heifers $4.75(gi6.6.; odd bead heifers f6.75((7: cows in loads up tJ $6.25; cutters $4.50 down; bulls $4.25 (nj $5; odd head $.5.23; calves mostly $7 8;. odd head (9; Testers $1011; s few at $12; off quality down to $5.50, and under; limited movement of light steers to coantry at $6.50ftc6.75; mostly $6.50. Hags compaTed with week ago: Killing classes mostly steady; feeders' 50c high er, balk light botchers for week l.i5(cj 14.35; a few at 1 4.50; weigHder botch ers $14 down; heavies $12.5013.75; packing sows life 11. .SO; feeders 14.25q 14.50; mostly $14.50; sheep nominally steady with week airo; best handy weight lambs qnotable tip to $12; but very few arriving of quality to heat $11 and 11.5-0; 'yearlings quoted' up to $10.75; ewes $6. PRODUCE . PORTLAND, Ore, Oct.' 23. (AP)- Milk: Fats 2e lower; best ' churning cream 42 43c per pound net shippers' track in aone 1. Cream delivered Port land 44c per pound. Raw miUc 4 per cent. $2.45 ewt. f. o. b. Portland. Poultry ateady; heavy hens 2525; light loc; springs 2lM23e; pekia-whits ducks S4c; colored 15i$7e; turkeya live 32rr34; dressed 43(44c nound. tlliions steady; local 7ef$1.10: Walla Walla VOcsi. Potatoes ateady; $1.50Q1.75 saek ORAXK POKTLAND, Ore.. . Oot AP Wheat BBB. hard white Oct Nov. $1.42; Dee. $1.43; HW, BH. Baart, federation, soft white, western white, Oct. $1.41; Nov Jee. $1.42: hard winter. it. Dee. $1.4 1; northern spring, western red vci., jot., iec. si. .is. Osv S. 2, 3 pound white feed and gray Oct., Nov. Dee. $32.50. Barley, No. 2. 45 pound BW Oct., Nov., Dec. $28.50. , Corn, t No. 2, EY shrpnteat Oct. Nov.. 30.75: .Oee. $3. No. 3 Y shipment MUirsn standard OcA'Sot.. lee. $23. PORTiaNri, Ore., Oct. 23. (AP) Hay buying price: Eastern Oregon tim othy $206422; ditto, -valley $17(17.50; cheat $18; arfalfa $1T.501S; oat' hay '; nay ost and etch $14.50 I.lo;' straw $7 (7.50 per ton. Selling yncee t son more. , WHEAT ' CHICAGO. Oct. 23 f API Xntwtth stsndinr that wheat touched at nn V highest, price yet this season, B' whest as a wnoie sveraged lower. Selling to realise profits was much in evidence, and unofficial Canadian crop reports proved to .be less bullish, than was ex pected. Closing quotations on wheat were weak,- a t to 1 l-8e net lower; corn 5-8 t 1 l-se off ; oats t 3-8c decline to l-4c advance, and provisions varying irons 2o gain to s setback of 7a. ; ie i spotty and more qniet, -the' vetume Of bosineas-i, deddedTy smaller with s number of cescerns. Fin tpnitOTies' are in fair dmsnd. Ohio and Australian merinos, however, lack the strength and breadth- w4 recent weeks. Foreign msr-' keta sre .holding qaite.firnt' in suite of wenngsr st races-s4es in Ans (rsra; accord isg to prrrste cables her. ' - . . - ' i - . ; A arf rereala himself , by hla telephone TOlee. san Jo&a Kelhr. switchboard opemior at' oa ef I laaea'a Wert mu8: HELI WANTED Female l s WftltK IT- HOME $6 A HO.KS M ".K ing scarfv . Kxtwience unnecAr ."o canvassini. I'artieiilars fnr m sn-n Liniiit, SEioe I m-.. 191, I.nn. .hla S25.-TO .VJ WKKKLY KASY ATlli3j jj Kprience nnnecessry. ,sia,(v iB"f Write -juik. dun'l n.ii:." vB." .close stamp. Be convinced. rt m l0s Aageles. t.lif. . , t:iii-.4' AlMHiK.SK -KXVKlAsPKS AT HOVlTTTx spar time. Karn 15.0( t :!.".., wectry. Experience onnecessrj. UraiU." er tc t'oJii Ouincy 'street, !. trr.ti. Chicago. " " - t'ojt SAX.ESMEX is i.iuirrxixo. straxuk 4i.ttkry com. - ItH'XU. Charges discharged- batteries ; instantly. 'Eliminates -old method n "t.rely. ' Gallon free te "agents. Ford Batteries 6.20. Lightning Co.. St. Paul, Mian. 1"0' WANTKD SALESMAN WITH CAR - Mast have selling experience in tome line. - Gatkill A Eerie, Realtors, itid S. Liberty St. Phono 2242. 150I6tt SALESMAN. ENERGRTIC, TO IIASDLK -high rlasa I'me of advertising eslendara and novelties for Pacific Coast huue. Oar targe stock oa hand places yon in position, to work now closing late buy ers and working ap prospect list fur " new season opening Dec. 26th. Must - have -ante. &tate reference A'. a. Walsh. 55 Mission St-, Ran Francisco. 150J4 AGENTS WAXTEH 17 TAKE ORDERS FOR GUARANTEED) Bed ' Spreads. Every woman buys,' nit eompeition, outfit free. HOUSEHOLD. SUPPLY, 1603 Michigan, Chicago. . -t lJt24 BIO KXPANSIOX CAMPAIOW FREH Prerarnsos.- double your sales.' Sales' men V"1 ted quick, introducing popular ' fashionable, arch-support shoes. rls to measure. Infest styles. . Bargain, Prices. Every woman buye. Liberal cash, eommissions and bonusea to pro ducers. Full selrrnjr' kit, furnished wit It actual shoes. . Write quick Style Arch. Dept. 111. Cincinnati. 17024 DIRECT 'FACTORY AOENT, THI3 county 100 store route. - No-sellisg, Just distribnto and -collect. Exrter Jenee unnecessary. Should net fcalary $70.(MI weekly. MAX C. VRABKL. ' Mgr.. Oonsales. Tevast " 1 7QJ4 WANTED Employment 19 WANT CONTRACT TO CLEAR LAND. Have tractor for plowing. Phone --794. , T 19027. FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT " digging snd team work. Phone lir"-. 19ml4tf FOR RENT 21 MODERN HOME, FURNACE HEAT. 1 large apartment with kitchenette, all nicely furnished. 175 8. 14th. 21027 FOR RENT HOUSES AND APART ments. F L. Wood, 341 Stats St. Slml2tl PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 BT 7V4 IN. Wording "For Rent," pries 10 centn each. Statesman Business Office, ground floor. CHEAPER RENT NEW STORE BDIU. ing 25x60. Good location. 8. Com mercial street, $60. Berke A Hen dricks, 18 N. High street. 21027 1 1 T 1 . FOR RENT Apartment 23 FOR RENT 5- ROOM FLAT. RANGES furnished. Close in at 666 Ferry street. VACANT $35. Becke A Hen dricks, .189 N. High street. 33U27 FOR RENT FURNISHED - 4-RUOM. spartmeBt. 1335 State tt. 23U23tf. FOR -ENT 3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment. Adults only. 4441 Union St. ' .. - 23027- APARTMENT 9N GROUND FLOOR. Prtvsts hath. Heat. S7S Marion. 23024 2 OR 8-ROOM FURNISHED - APART nest. 565 N. High. Call 39H 11 87-X. 2302t FOR RENT Rooms 25 ROOMS APARTMENT, 16 VNION 23030 PLEASANT, "WELL FURNISHED ROOM. 15TO Court. 1'hono 1150-W. 25020' FOR RENT PLEASANT ROOM IN NEW home for gentleman. Phone 747-w . 25024. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, CLOSE IN. Phone 585-W: 25024 FOR RENT LARG E FRONT ROOM. close in. With or without garage. Phone 2090-R. ...... 25024 . F"OR RENT LARGE FURNISHED room with fireplace and kitchenette joining. . Light and water. Price $15 per month. At 549 N. Capitol St. I ' . . .- 25Q24 FOR RENT Houses 27 BOUSE FOR RENT, TELEPHONE 1825 e Call s 161 N. 13th. 27024 6 ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IN. MOSTLY' furnished. Inquire 1185 Marion. I'hone 1911. - 27U27 TWO 5-ROOM, ONB 1-EOOM HOUSES Phons 1004. 27o2tf FOR RENT 4-ROOM BUNGALOW with' furnace, fireplace,! Murphy bed. Garage. A cosy home, $J5.u. !eo : Stegner, 275 State St. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. 27024'" FOR RENT 5-ROOM FURNISHED house snd 5-roora unfurnished boase. GERTRUDE J. il. PAGE 492 North Cottage. - 27021tf FOR RENT BRAND SEW MODKRV four room, bungalow, front and hk porches, furnace, garage nnder coti srrnction, just off North Capital, m vicinity of new linen . milts, $;to.00 a month. - 2075 McCoy, phone out. 2337 K. - 27tK! tOR RENT UNit-RXISHED HOUSES 5- r. snd hath, on pavement, sad bal line, $25. ' 7- r. modern. ' on pavement, $H0. New 5-r. cottage, modern, $25. 6- r. nook, bath, new and fully rand, em. East front, $45. H-r.-bath, fireplace, garage, $35. . $?r. nook, bath, life place, basement and trays furnace, garage. $15 or far nished $55. S-r.psrtly modem, garata and shed. f2o. 4 New. fine new, 2t-r. convenient. B base me at , snd trays, modern except far Bare- Garage, near schools, 1 block to hus, $30, would lesse. ' St. partly mod era. $25. 5-r. bath, fireplsre, gsrsffe, oh ha$ Iiner near school, $30 ... .. . , FURNISHED BOUSES ,;- -r. bsth goyd location, n"i. Psrtly fornisked. 90. , L 8- r. strictly modern, $75. .- -N , ' 5 water and Ugh ta, partly Ii7- mished, garage and shed. $20. FrNISHEDAPARTMENTS ' :. " -3 r. snd -sleeping porch, heat and' water, f-umished, $45. -r. light, water and garage,- 2". ' . 3-r. newly - cleaned snd aeeora-id, bath. Bjkt, ttr! heat, phone ;S. , TjjarnOTsirxr apartments . . i 6-r, modem close is, $25. r 8-r. Lghfc wster, garage. $18. ; t,S-r." Bsodera. - A blocks to SU Jfonse. fJ5. - : SOCOIXJFSKT, 4X State. Real stst Loan lusarance. ."ITASTETi T6 RENT SI kv anted s or eRoojf V tSl19' sloie tt u -Bex 39P ei024. s 1 I 1 3