The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 21, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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Marketing Bureau Sends
Mah at?Request of Sen- .
ator-McNaryifor Help ,
- - Immediate organization of the
prune growers I of !. Oregon and
Washington to tho jend that their
product may be marketed through
coofjeratlve raothotils. will be un
dertaken by a representative of
the'bnreaaof cooperative market-
lng,' " federal department of com
roerce,vwbo is to make his head
quarters In" Salerai f
"This waa'announced here yes
terday' by. Senator ;T. L. McNary,
following! receipt of a telegram
frojn Secretary of Agriculture Jar-dlp-,
'-It was aid thatSenator
MtNfy,isome,!tiiriei ago requested
tkjvl ;ja? representative of the de
partment be enttO Salem, '
Yn his reqoestj for the assign
ment ot "the official to Salem, Sen-
- ator McNary pointed out that the
prune Industry had suffered' ma
terially5 as a result' of marketing
conditions and that the growers
were in need of immediate relief.
""f he name of the- of ficial to be
sent here was not contained in
the? telegram received by Senator
McNary. v " fi- -
:.-y- "" -
Stiff Furniture CO;, lead
prs in complete home furnishings,
. priced -to make; you .the owner.
The store that studies your every
need and ia ready to meet it, ab-
solatelyr r J 4' ;V-" -
-A.'Ii Moore, 33 N. High St.
- a partineiilft, and slore where you
can get high quality furniture and
furnishings for every room In
your house; -'. - -rv
Coffin West tservaiaf l PM'liii-'
lips. Sublimity; C. H. Work, Mill
Clry f iloytf t T Reyndfdsv! Falr-
K r on n ri s : A 1 1 n e M Qu I n n . Donald ?
A. Webb.1 West-Silverton: W.
J Anlbel, Salem- No. t 8 Ralph
lover. Salem. No.' -&:' John T.
Jones, 'Jefferson: " Alice ' Endlong.
Salem No. : 4 ; Carrie Schiilthess.
Silver Falls; Rffie W: Ounlap. Sa
Ipto Ko. 14; James Darby Sr., Vie-'
idi Point; F. -J.-fLafky, Salem No.
IT; Carl D. Runner, Englewood;
James WJ Fruit, Brooks; Kather
ine Barnard!, Salem-No. 12; Cur
tic Coleman,' Cham poefe; J. La
FblletV Quinaby;-' A. A. Keeife,
Salem No. 10. i " "
KB 1
New' Sweaters; i A large ship
ment Jntt, fa: New patterns," new
shades In the popular pullover
and coat styles. . Scotch Woolan
Mills. - t . ()
County Clerk Announces
rList for Jury service
The list of those called for jury
duty for the November term of the
circuit court wasj released yester
day '.afternoon by U.. G. Boyer,
county clerk. The list "follows:
h. W. Potter ) Yringle ; F. L.
Wflklnson, Salem Nbj 7 i Narcisse
Taylor, Macleay; C M. Hall, Wa
conda; A. R. Oakes, Salem No. 14;
K4G.' Becked Salem No. 9; H. C.
Ptfgh; Salem No. ; 5: W. Leslie
Waltman, North,1 Howell; Claude
C. White; Salem N'o. 12; F. B.
Crabenhorst, Salem Nol, 18; R. H.
1 Murray, East Hubbard; Edmond
ATI doubt as to result is re-
Jr moved when you come to
me lor treatment for Piles and other
Rectal and Colon ailments.. Not only do l
thousands of farmer patients m all parts
M th Wert ttc tb certainty T my celebrated
treatments, bat I WILL CUARANTEB IN
TURN YOUR FEE. Remember, there fa m
fcaptl operation, no snntirhrrtc, no confine
My treatments are tntid. eootMna and
. auickly coectr. Tney restore
ttc&lth and vteor. Read of the
unit I mil caret m toy sew loo.
age Book, which will be sent
yon FKEfi ope reoocM.
VK "
OIVA DEAf4. MO.lnc
fORTLANO Cf etxs: Seattle ornccs:
Or Dean Buitjirto ilNrfWonMnf
Director's -Department Store Is
building np a reputation for guar
anteed merchandise; conducting
a:, real department store; making
steady progress., too, ()
Fall hats and a new line of
felts, $3.95 to $4.95, and the ex
clusive Pri8Cilla Dean children's
hats at the Salem Variety Store,
295 North Commercial. ()
f '. ; ; -
! C. F. Breithaupt, florist and
decorator,. 123 N. Liberty. Phone
380. Flowers, bulbs, floral de
signs - for all occasions. Pioneer
and leader in Salem. ()
2 1925 Buick Standard Sedan-
looks and runs, like new. . Don't
fall to see this before you buy a
car. Otto J.' Wilson, 388 North
r : " t i'. I -3
The scheduled football game
for Saturday between Multnomah
club and Willamette' University
was called off :by ' the clob man
agement- yesterday " morning, as
the team ' has disbanded for the
season, 'discouraged by reverses It
received at the hands of OAC and
Gonzaga. No game has been
scheduled. by Coach Spec Keene to
replace-it, as all efforts be made
have' failed. -
Immediately on learning of the
cancellation, Coach Keene began
attempting ' to schedule a game
Vfth ahy team ; he i could get. but
found that there is no team in the
state of Oregon, apparently, that
is: willing to ; give - Willamette a
game. ' .--''!
A call was Bent to OAC to find
if 'the reserves or the Rook team
would play the Bearcats,- but they
wouldn't come.- Keene then tried
to get a scrimmage session with
the OAC varsRy. but that attempt
also -failed. Keene says he will
keep trying,-as the -team needs the
practice badly, but has little hope
of success 'In such- an eleventh
hour case. ' ' ; .;
The Multnomah runout ' came
out of a clear sky, as not even
rumors had' been "received of the?
proposed disbandment. The game
had' been regularly scheduled, the
'Galloping GhostJ and Other
College Players Hold Keal
G Fid Game
Red Grange, idol of a million
football fans, makes his screen
debut In a surprisingly convincing
and likeable manner In the Great
er F B. O. production, "One Min
ute to Play," which played yester
day at the Elsitoore, has-"been
transferred to tho Oregon today
to permit the Moroni Olsen play
ers 4.0 pot on "Dear Brutus" at the
Elsinor theater tonight. . ' '
Grange Is not '6nly the peer of
gridiron heroes, and shows it in
the fodt ball sequences, btft has a
charming screen personality and
is a really excellentJ,actor as well.
The picture is, of course, based
on football, and 'carries the "Illini
Flash" through his riotou3 en
trance into college, his difficulties
with parental orders on "one hatiC
and college loyalty on the other,
to a brilliant and thrilling climax
in which his marvelous genius for
making spectacular runs is empha
sized to great effect. A delight
ful romance, and plenty of com
edy are added and welcome features.
O. J. Hull- Auto Top & Paint
Co. Radiator, fender and body
repairing. Artistic painting adds
100 to the appearance of yoar
auio. zb7 is. commercial. ()
The Man's Shop saves you a ten
dollar bill on every quality suit
Shirts, hats, ties, collars. High
grade clothing, perfect fitting.
long wearing. 416 State ()
Mrs. H. P. StithJ millinery.
Most beautiful hats in Salem; all
shapes and colors;-full stock from
which to make fine selections.
Best-quality. 333 State St. ()
Nash leads the world' in motor
car values. Beautiful display of
new-models at the F. W. Petty
John Co., 35 N. Com'l. . ()
Ira W. Jorgensev; 190 S High
St. Parts for all makes of ears
Best equipped aoto accessory store
in this section. Prompt and reli
able service the rule. ()
- . a . . ATMMAW .... , .
Goats i
A new shipment just ar
rived, some sett trimmed
and some with! fur collar
, and cliffy
: Special
$95. '
Double blankets with at-
tractive borders, size 6G, ;V
. bylu.r A good value
z Special
100 pair cf tatent leatlicr
and tan trimmed Pumps,
. Cuban and Jow heels.
$2.39 .
check collar and cuffs A'
, . novelty pockets
A . ; 1 - A
. : : Satisfaction Guaranteed : : , ' i
Coach Keene Savs
Needs Practice, Endeav-
ors to becure boniest
ni5Jiagement had
printed posters and sent them out,
and -had . made 1 all the .arrange
ments, and is now" left balding the
sack- . '" I-. "
. The effect or this1 cancellation
Is "hard on the teanv'as .it 'makes
a three weeks . rest since the
Washington game." with the 'neir
contest one of the most Import
ant conference games.' against Pa
cific next Saturday.
The team-needs the practice it
can get only:by playing some con
ference game early in the season,
so 'the men can jbe in good playing
ronditioa for the conference open-
1 The Oregon and Washington
games were too uneven to give
the men this training, so it now
has to start the season without
the confidence gained by playing
some team, of approximately its
pwtl strength. ' :" ' ;-'5';V-
i Tie sqiiad has become further
handicapped by Injuries. Crainor,
flashy ' backfield man from" West
Linn, is out with torn muscles' in
his hip. He m'ay be back in shape
for the Pacific game if the Injury
bealts fast" enough! Sandb'erg "is
out for the season with an injured
knee. The knee is so bad that he
can only navigate wtih the aid of
, In case no game can be ar
ranged for Saturday, the team will
go through scrimmage, and prob
ably go to Portland in the after
noon to watch, the Whitman-Pacific
1 The Bake-Rite Bakerv. Bosv
every day supplying best homes
with, bakerv eooda of all kinds:
baked in a kitchen as clean as
your own.1 315 State St. ()
What do yen neeS in the hard-
ware line. Mechanics' tools, house
hold goods and cutlery, anything
yeu wish. Quality at a low price.
Square Deal Hdw., 220 N: Com'l.
Pomeroy & . Keene. Jewelers.
never fall to give you 100 on
the dollar. Watches, clocks, pins,
charms. Standard high grade
stock in all departments. ()
We have the bat you want at
the price yon want to pay. Many
new patterns and felt hats come in
dally. The Vanity -Hat Shop,-the
place to buy the Beth Hat. ()
General" Markets
Catrl nd flv.,- nl"T " lawib Bomi
5 i - -ninaHf lady: r-Ipt ISO;
"' - : ToS5ht' ' '" or-.. iw. ao.c.PV
Milk steady: tix chutni)t rrram 4 4r pr-r
poBu4 i n- hipii' trk m low- 1.
I romn -livrrfl Porl In nl 46 pfr pwiiil.
kw milk ',) 2.21 -wt. t. o. b. Port
Unit. ' ' !
Fitlrr. stlJy: hSTT henn S(nZ&ei
rwhi !&: irins 2lflf2.r- tfcin whit
daf&st 246? 25f : rolord 156t1r: lnrfcey
-326t 84p : dr -( 43r44r. twob.-I.
Otiioim M early, lorl 75rC $1.10;- Wla
Wails Offfi; muiom ft.50l.7S.r
: ,n it. j-
' i . GRAIN - , I .
PORTI.AXn. Or.. Oft. 20. (AP j
Wht BBB. hrd white, HW. B8; Baartj
()(.. Xot.. Vre. $1.41; FedcraHon. Mft!
whiw, lrra whit Oft., Not. DeJ
$1.40; hift winter. Ort Nor., IW.. $1.39";
Norlh-" Sprlnc. western rut,1 Ort.i Jfr.;
Dee. $1.38.
t ' Oat. So. 2. 36 pound white, feed and
gray, et.. -orH lee. $32.30.
Brf-.'Xo. 2, 45 pound BW, Oct., Nor.
Dee. $28.30.
- Com, Xo 2 EY shipment, Oct.. Xot.
$36.30. So. 8 EY ahipment. Iec. $34j
Millmn. standard. Oct., Xor., Dee. $23.
f ' HAT
; PORTLAXD, . Ore., Oet. 20 (API-
Hay buying prices: Eastern Oregon tim
othy " $30(fi 22; ditto valley $1717.50;
cheat $13; alfalfa $17.3018: oat hay
$13,: oat and vetch $14.SO(ffl3: straw
$i(fr'7.- per ton. Selling- pneea $2J
toa more.
PORTI.AXD. Ore.. Oet. 20. (AP)
Dairy Yxrhanve. net pnees: Butter ex
traa 41 H : standards 40H": prime first!
J Vie; .first 36r.
Km extra 51e: firsts 47c: pullets
SSK-; eurrent receipts 46c; undersized 28e.
CHICAOO. Ort. 20. (A) "-Kr
heavy profit taking sales, tae wheat mar
ket here reacted today from a- -to.
the hifehest point yet on the. present
For;k iqtafck, corhijlete vay to
the. world'a largest, lab- I The cold usually ends ?n
1 One of th
oratories aeveiopea an meal way
to fight colds. It combines a num
ber of important discoveries. It is
so efficient, so complete that we
paid $1,000,000 for it.
' The best helps known are com
bined In one tablet. It does all
that is needed. It checks the cold,
stops the fever
onens th
?2sssa cKsamm quinine
ually ends fn a day. It
rarely gets started, even, if one
takes these tablets promptly
This method is called H ILL'S.
Its use has grown and grown until
millions now employ it. Don"
rely on lesser help. A cold is toft
And dont delay. Things will
be very different
nnturn. Indieailous! of iwrieiltV JemaBfi
f-wheat abroad, were efit hy new
jumps -In -reuet rales to Europe. . 1 hieago
priees finished ay at S-So net decline to
ll-c eain." eom 1-4 ta l-2e down, oats
3-Hr' to l-2R5-8e off and prorisiona US
chansr t- 45r drop. " -4
sBOSTOy. Oct. 20. ( AP) -Only a
litn.teti vblnroe of Ohio wool is leinc
twiTed at a level stronger than 43e.. Sale
he been closed on half and 3-Se blood
roiahin'jcK at 4"m- and perhaps a fraction'
Mgh&r.- - While most ctaes re ifinu. at
46 cents and some .uote 47c sod ' 4.-lc
for in'" delae, buyers swiHy dmy ny
interest except at '43c. Tney. are reluct
ant to go even fractionally hijher.
Ctar Stolen In Oregon City
Local police officers fast night
received a report of .the .theft of
an Oakland sport roadster in Ore
gon city. The license number was
given as 196-258.
Telephone 1G 5, Capital City
Laundry.' The laundry of pure
materials.- We give special atten
tion 'to all home laundry work
Telephone and we will call. ()
Badgers1 Have :SIight:Lcad
Over Ancient; Rival .Team
- j ' :,
. . PORTLAND, 1. Ore., Oct. 20.
(AP) Two colorful teams which
have prove nto be dark" clouds on
the hopes of larger elevens, meet
In the. "little" football classic of
the northwest conference when
Whitman and Pacific play 'here
Saturday. , .
The brilliant showing of Leo
Frank's Pacific team In the-game
with Oregon gives the Badgers a
sifght edge, it is said. " On the
other side of the balance is the
powerful Walla Walla squad-with
16 veterans' back. Coach Prank
spent -this week in developing an
aerial attack, one of the things
the smooth s working Forest Grove
team has been noted for in many
seasons. -.
C. A. Luthy. Reliable Jewelry
store. What you are looking for
in jewelry. Where a child can buy
as safely as- a man - or woman.-
Uepairing in all lines, ()
I FntfUnil is fiphUnp- to kwn the
open spa cea along the picturesque
seashore of the island from being
turned -into developments by en
terprising realtors. .
Get this FRjiE S3 cent Bottle
i Did " yoif get - Up this ' mornini;
tired, - head "dull, bach aching
joints stiff, : muscles sore, weak
all over? , .
Were yoq in and out ' of bed
half a dbren' tlmes last night?
' Are congested kidneys, irritated
bladder, '."rheumatic1 pains ' ft n d
aches making you feel' "oldV and
miserable? ; ' . .
Let ' The : Williams Tratment
prdve "what it'ean do for yon. Get
well. Bstrongy Enjoy living.
Send this hot ice and address
ttf The Dr. D." A- Williams Co.,
Dept. GA-4041P. O.- Building,
East Hamploni Conn.
" ' You will receive an-85 -cent bot
tle (32 doses) free, by Tarce,
Post. No obligation on your part.
Thousands using this medicine.
Established 1892. Only one frea
bottle to any address. No CTO. I).
Nothing to - pay. Try It at oui
expense. Adv.
. j -,.
headache. Be Sure It's 1 ft W Price 30c tomorrow if yon
he bowels, .ffvX.- start H I L L S
now. You wilP
keep them ever-
. -yA.rfir . - inJ auci Liiai.
It acts quickly. vct oeaicaa V-' wita portrait Adv.
1 ' ' y
Miller's Basement
oif Goats-
I : SIZES 42T52V2
I " iC
.- - -; .' ' 4.,
-A feature showiritf of new coats for the
woman of larger proportions. Included are
richly furred coats' f pile fabrics in new
tans, also black. . All are lined witli Vene
tian which ia a very fTurable liningv Trirrf
mings qf tucks, pleats etc., fulMengthr
. ': ' ? 4 '" J . .'J -'y-:'
Bargain Square Today
. . I -.
2Sx38 1 whip f, stitch 4
binding.' Regularly
25c each. . t v , ...
Blue and pink bor-
ders, good iniality. We-,-
reserve t the right to'
limit:.quantities. '
. . . . . '
Built of sturdy leathers arid fashioned by the foremost
shoemakers of the country Our Footwear offers a lot
for your Shoe Dollars.
Three Groups Only -the Best '
$5, $6 and $X 1
A splendid assortment of styles and leathers
See the newest at :
. 4
5 -W - i . .. v i
; t' s" i
Director of foroni-01son IMayers -
ironi-Olspw Players
ir-.. rirst- flay or the oeason t
: A
lBy Sir James Barrie
Season Tickets $3.30
Other Prices $2.20, $1.65, $1:10'
'All Seats Reserved-
? .