Union Rosier rT. AND BUILDIN LA-1 HOu C"-11-7441. meets Wed, 1 1 union "-.PrVsUeatl O. li-Snnr liMll !- J Sd lurd.T, 3:00 P- m. CARPENTERS' rxlON NO. 7 1665 71-7: ThttM. evening. ArttM r.. Pettit. secretary MOTEL J ASD RESTAtJRANT I- al 452. every third Monday, I . W'WrV ii... i Pierce, secretary 457. yoay - ;... DSIOS LABEL- LEAGUE 443, Salem. Ore. Irodflre Roster IBATJ-JLSAL ORDERjOP LESH VZ utf ZZsT TeL 889 It M.illett. Secy. ei. t-rmn-rd tiP PYTHIAS MEETS AT T"e" .1 tt.li every Tuesday tTeainu i VUMari inTited. N. Park Sturgea. tt C7; W.lt .r l.mnn. K. ot tt. n)t Ortgon statesman morniar (eieept Mon- d.y) at Calem. the capital of Oregon, Local Rates For Classified Advertising , Daily or Sunday .2 cents per word One time flk.. limM ..5 cents per word b,. iii.H ......1....8 cents per word 1 mo. dally and San 20 cents per word la order to earn the mora than one time rate, advertisement must rua la consecutive issue. " No Ad taken for thaa 25e, Ads run Sunday ONLY ehargod at one-tune rate . - - - AdTertisements (except Personals and Situations Wanted) wilt bo takaa. tot the telephone if, the advertiser is a subscriber to paopei U" c T The Btatetna trill Joealra adTr tisements at any time of the day or aight. ;To iaore I proper elassifieat tioaa ads should he jbeioro ,' . TELKPHrtVE t OH SM Mobiy.$6jMaii. - OH RKAIi ESTATE -T. K. FORD (Over Ladd ' Bush Bank) ADVERTISING. HONEST ADVERTISING These col. umn putt be kept free from anything of a questionable nature. Misrepresea tationa will net be tolerated. In for mat von shaving any questionable la tent oa the bart: of the advertiser should be reported to this aewa paper or the Sslem Ad flap. Arro tops SEE US FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK. O. 1. Hull Auto Ton and Paiat Shoo. 267 8. Commercial. 6al6tf HELP WANTED Maler 11 WANTED RELIABLE MAN TO DRIVE auto to Pasadena. Phone 1163-W, J. O. Gojsra. 725 Court St. 021 HELP WANTED FemaJe 13 . EARN $15 DAILY Sell $10 colored SLICKERS A! $1.95, write for . KREE BAU:S OUT rlrV 615 Esckkage Bldg.. Portland tf4m 13024 asaKiyjQTi ii "in SALESMEN 13 SALESMAN WASTED ONE OB TWO more good salesmen for Atwater-Kent Uadto. . See Uriaer at Vulr uroa. 150Z9 -a. WASTED SALESMAN M WITH 'CAB Must asve selling etperieace-ia some line, uaakill a; Jvarle. Realtors. 166 S. Liberty t. Phone 2243. vil5016tf WANTED Employnieni . 19 STEEL BRUSHES j CHIMNEY SWEEP, eave trough and rut ten cleaned. Furn ace cleaaiag. Fjtene-969 - -'MVoZe 1 1 """' 1 l amsmaasi s a 11 mil USE LACXDERY. PLAIN SEWING. home baking, 2350 Myrtle Ave. 1902 2 Sor GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMENT ni and team nrk. rissa Itirt. I FOR RENT 21 I TOR REST HOUSES AND APART menu. F L.Vood. 341 Bute St. ' i Slml2U PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 BT tA IN. Wording, 'For Rent,' ' price 18, eenta eacn. statesman Uuameaa Of f icgj, FOR RENT ApartiuenU S3 FURNISHED APARTMENTS AT' MY borne, iirst floor, furnace, basement. -u and :, 5-roora house $16.50. Tel. 630- ; ; 23021 CLOSE IN 2 ROOM f CANIg HB Hi apartntent, bath, garage. 1047 8. Cm- mbrciai. . - 232Q ... APARTMENTS WITH EXTRA (TLEEP lag reom.- Hp, r.terK57& Cnen - FOR HENT-Roima H 3 PLEASANT FROST 'ROOM. CLOSE IN. I'hoae 585-W. t : 25024 BOARD AND Phone 1028W. BOOM FOR LADIES. - 25028' FOR KENT Honacs J 27 7-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE YARD. lrecs. Oil creek. Call at 144 8. 19th. 27V23 1M)L8E VOtt. REST. TELEPHONE 1823 ! or Call at 161 s. UMbj - - 27024 0 5 ROOM nv titnnv nniTRirn Phae 1004. 27o2tf KENT : 5-ROOM FURNISHED and 5-roora unfurnished house. htKlRCDE J. If. PifiE 4!'2 .North Cottage. ... 27021tf OK REST BRAND NEW ' MODER 4 room ..buaxalow. builtina. full base ment, furnace.; front and back aorehea. pared street, garage ia course Of eoa- imcuon. 2075 McCoy Phoae Owa- . er. 2:t37R. 27o23 WANTED JllscelUneons 83 wood sawed,, phone time sad 882 at night.. 976 DAI S502 tlK.MTURE PACKING FOR, SHIP- menu-aieae Pewar Furniture Co. . . S5a20tf ED PRIVATE i MONEY FOR loans. We here several applica- a am k.iut il. s:. a. u.4..w. or- 20.i Ik,,. UAm . .-.. kUllif FOR SALE 37 APPLES ALL- VARIETIES. "OBett, Fairvlew Ave. CHEAP. 87al4 ,. ... i i.iii l mm am '" SALE OLD N KWKPAPKRfl 10 -"ts a-buadle, t Stateamaa of fife. 215 tauto Cemmercial 8t. i ..... B7it2. k hm a... . ' ' V l i roB :ALE 4, CENTS I'EH -.ri. o sniie east ef Salem en th P'n read. .Routa ft. Bex SB. T.L if13 OR SALE . 1PI ra vnoTtirDv . . . W r IiWM.UUH.l I i ,epneurg aad ethers. 23o Phone 1558-J.T r7034 PaiNTED CARDS. SIZE 14 BY TVfc IN. "orojagr --Jtneqna . V.- RHrt.' -prVa 0 BUtesmaa Buaiaess Office, dm.. , n '1 walaC' .- "vr, - CABBAGE FOR SALE TEST SOLID. per sack. PhoM 71 3. ;l-8 wile north Key aer . SchoL 870-42 : ELECTRI? APPLIANCES INCLUDING nearly new Uorton Washer. Sacrifice prices. . Un.' A. , EL Conner. Phons 1261' A.- . '. . . -v ... ... . B702L CABBAGE FOB SALE VERY SOLID. i&e per Donna. Phone 71F3 .1-8 Mil north Reiser School.- - 87022 FOR BALK AUTOMOBILES P OB gnsranteea tied ears or uw Ckrjilen Bark, at . Giarich Motor Co, Phone 635. :- 87a24tr TRESPASS NOTICE, SIZE. 14 BT 9 IN. v paw lu-nwcf canvas, De ar- ing the word, "Notice-Is Hereby Given That Trespassing- I Strictly Forbidden ob These Premise! Under Penalty of Prosecution.' Price 15c each or 3 for 25c Statesman Pub. Co., Salens, Ore gon. . 37,tf FOR SALE Lirestock SO W1HTE ' LEGHORN PULLETS FOR - 39021 sale. Phone 21FS1. YOUXG. CROSS BRED, FINE WOOL. breodiag .w... Floyd T. Fo. 8iler- tea. Ore. . . 39034 YOUXG PUBB BRED POLAND CHINA sows and young boar. Phone 105F1T. - , - 3io23 YOUNG PURE BRED POLAND -CHINA sows ana young bear. Paona lOSF'l. I . - . 39o23a ' - ' : ' - - t FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN J otnce 3S e. commercial, mone nf. Red. Phono 1666.- - S9m2Stf wood; SAWING 42 LET HAMS SAW YOUR WOOD. PHONE 2509-J. . i 4208-1927 CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Also old boards. , ruber Bros. Phone 1819. J 2jl3tf 1 : WOOD FOR SALE 43 SALEM TRANSFER 'Jfc FUEL CO 1 Local and Long 1 instance r HaaBag. Storage and FueL' 1 . 752 - J Trade St. .Phone 529. - , , 43s30tf GOOD COAL -i- DRY WOOD, PROMPT " DELIVERIES. . HILLMAN PUKL-CO. i TELEPHONE 1853. 43j29tf Best Grade of Wood Dry wood 4 ft. and 16-ineh. u'v, 'Green wood. 4 ft. and 16-ineh. . .1 Large leads contain 197 cubic feet load ed loose. , - rf : Small loads contain 128 cubic feet load ed loose. Large loads are the cheaper to bay. Order, new end save money. Mill ; wood in oar specialty. . Prompt delivery and reasonable price. Fred E. Wells 280 South Church. L Phone 1542. . ,' ASalOtf 16-INCH MILL WOOD PES LOAD, $2.75 is-in. 2nd fir per load, 4.00; 16 Ineh otd fir per load. $4.50. Prompt delivery. Tel. 2313. Tracy Fuel Yard. 1067 D street. - . , 43n22tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH eak and ash. ; Phone 72F2. M. D. May field. " 4Sf 16tf MISCKLLANEOtTS CI FURNITURE. UPHOLSTERING AND RE- pairing, Giese-Pewera Furniture Store. . -vi.,..-.. , 51s20tf LOST AND FOUND 63 LOST ON K. COMMERCIAL ST. NEAR Court St, a email package containing vortrait and coot of lndeoendeitce En terprise. Finder please return to Mas u. Huren. 17 . .xramereiai at. oauzi MONEY TO. LOAN 57 MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED SE- eurity. - Real and chattel. W. A. I .its ton. 307 Oregon Bldg. 570I1 .20 YEAR FARM- LOANS NO COMMISSION Investigate . our aew 13-year eit loan. No payments, 1st 8 years. Wt have many others. : ' ,. ,. FLOYD C. MEYER 124 New Bligh Bldg. 57013U FEDERAL FARM LOANS 6. F. L. Weed, 341 State "St. 57m7tf MONEY TO LOAN ON 8ALEM HOMES. repayable $10, per month : on each $10OO borrowed. W. H. GRABENHORST 4 CO. - 134 South Liberty St. 57s2.",tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 1 ' " . 1 1 . tore, stock and ' fixture and aervice station doing a splendid business. .Will uaai ivr crnieTH uroireru. See GASKILL EARLE FOR PROPERTY 166 6. Liberty St. " Phone 2242 : - ' 6U154I RE.1L ESTATE DIRECTORY 62 J. R. PAYNE With Socolofsky k Son. TeL 1519-W. BECKE HENDRICKS 189 8. High. , TeL 169. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 N, Commercial: TeL 57T CHILD8 ft BECHTEL : 820 State St. . Tel. 1727 W. GEISER . Telephone 2.32. ,441 Court. W. G. KRUEGER s 147 N, Com,'!, Km. -1. TeL 817 s . JOHN W. ORB Ifew Bligh Bldg. ; Tct 2485 ; CERTaUDE'J.-M. PAGE 5", 492 N. Cottage. Tel. 1186 SQUARE DEAL REALTY U. S. N at '1 Bank . Bldg. , Tel. 470 WELLS TALLMAN ft 216 Ms sonic Temple. SON Tel. 61$ TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 21$ N. Liberty. - , TeL 651 ULRICH ft ROBERTS 122 N. Commercial. ' Tej. 1854 VICTOR 8CHN EIDER, Realtor 147 N. Com'l. - ' Phone 577 REAL ESTATE 3 CHOICE LOT, 50x100, NORTH FRONT, close Aorth- Capitol; $65tf. Salem Realty Co, 462 State. E. N. Feets, H. W. Barrett. 63019tf MINUTE MOVIES THE MATINEE MYSTER Pr8XX33 rVr ED WHEELAH BPsiote lV : ' "Art Houfiv: ' ' uste. j4a3ap?., el-nem:; :MEBEr3PiNC VMS KEETCPIEM iHat -n its. u-iu. ahd nwEia:. - ,E2ST IH THE.' .CS5SyeriNi CL0?3 IK NEW HOUSE, 63600.00. Trade attractive hent. large lot. for ni Her boose or grocery store. ,- : . . Hi A . - . . - . . . i rim iv-Mn uici igr nut aau ioi. ' Trad 21 acre tor house and let la Salem. ...... Trade iatve corner, 200x236, north east (rentr - - -- Apartment close in, trade for good fctfuaa and lot. . - - W write intoraaea. GERTRUDE 3: M. PAGE 492 North Cottage. - . 63031U ALMOST NEW MASTER SIX ,BUICK sedaa to trade for good lots is Salem or will trade ia -aa first payment oa new bnngalow. 1 acre and modern 5-room' bhngalow oa Paetfia highway close to Salem. A ' . beaotiful - gabubas. home and . priced -, right.' - , s - j 5 -a ere tract itoto la o highway. iiuu; per aero". - 6 acres oa Pacific highway. -Close la. Will trade for Salom residence. ' 6 room house on paved street only 91400. Small-' payment down.'; Balance easy- terms. -, - , - .. . 8 room plastered house and garage. Cement Walks. All for $2300, - 5 room plastered house and garage. Only 200 dowa, balance like rent. Price 2450. - .. : Artvfc aeedleezafi jits doing a good bnsinessi Own) leaving' towa.. Will tell at. a? sacrifice.' Good 6 room house' in: North flslem will trade foe ranch to about $4500. 5 room' bungalow. .Modern Priced right for onick sale. ' A goo4 dairy ranch close to Salem for sale or will trade for Salem prop erty. ; f -; - .. - One of the best 100-acre ra aches in valley for sale or will trade for '-Salem property. ' ' A bargain- 5 -acre tract, close to .school and carliae. 5 -room house, elec trie lights,- family orchard at $3000 See GASKILL k EARLS FOR PROPERTY 166. 8. Liberty St. - Phone 2242 - - 3el5tf WHAT HAVE YOU IN A GOOD EIGHT or nine-room well located moderately - priced home to exchange -for nearly new i five-room strictly, modern bungalow i Also, bave'seme good farms on which ? I can aceept city property in fart pay . -' tnent. . . A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Leans Insurance - -' 147 No. Com'l. t.. Salem. Ore. , 63021tt GOOD FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE . Choice '.100 -acre fans' with good buildings East of Salem. - You will vlike the place when vou see It.' A bar , gain at $115' per aero o will-1- take ! ioiit ta Slem., A new fully" "modem 4-room and 'nook stucco bnsgalow en paved ' street at 33500. , $2V9 cash, baianee like rent. A residence, , 4. Iota and 75 acres: to trade for. farm.' ,JThis property is la and near liHsboro. , , . ' 'i A aew- fully modem 5 -room - buna low. la North Salem to trade for larger modern House. - 160 acres timber and wood lend to exchange for i heme in Salem, price $30.00 per acre. Wood will more than pay for Dlaee. If yea wish to build a home and pay $500 down we will furnish the lot and build what yen want. See vs. 44 acres of ehoice bottom land. 25 acres cleared, aew house, good barn. spring, water la House, 4 cows, team harnesses, wagon,- implements and 100 Chickens all for $4400. $2000 down. ULK1CH ROBERTS, Realtors 122 North Commercial. . . . - . . ,.! ,' 63o21 MOVE IN FOB $1500 la a new-: strictly modern 6-reom bungalow,- baa - large living room, oak floors. Fireplace, swell kitrhen with'all the built ins I Large breakfast nook. targe oea rooms, cement basement, fur nace, stationary wash trays, -garage race ajuuu. ljocatad north. Th fastest growing, district. The biggest -.nap in town. see cmios necittel Realtors, 320 State Street. , 6302 Hf If You Can't Sell Your Property See Us ...... . And Trade It Jones (G: Kirkpatrick 147 N. Commercial St, Phone 901 C3021U A LARGE LISTING OF Business . property. . Industrial - sites, hemes from $1000 to $10,000 in all parts of the city. Choice residence . lots. We . have takesi ever & the ' Busselle liatinga. . P. W. UE1SER. 41 Court St. Portland and Silverton. - 63021 FOR SALE OR TRADE - Apartment house, 4 apartments, win ter St. $6500.. 10 acres highly improved. Just over the river west of Salem. Dwelling all modern, good barn, set to prune, cherries and walnuts,' trade for - Canada land. What have you... --,- 13 aeret close to Salem, best' f land, good bldm,, some fruit, paved goad- sight -by taW place, r$5OO0 JMay '.aecept some trade. Vou make a mis take' if you don't "deal for thi 200 acres eastern Oregon near Red mond in irrigated district,'.: 135. .seres. : under euttivstiou' hausd barn, 2 caves, granary, ' trade - for .. something here in . j-alem or near here in the valley, no to much incumbrance. Prieed rtgbt. 4-room dwelling, 1 acre lsnd to trade for a good little home, Willi give good trade. See me soon.'-. , ; -- 65-acre ranch north 'of thin&l) to ex .change. Drop i a aea abou&,ih.stMu4t desl soon, prefer Salem propSr-y.v. G. W. LAFLAR, 40t Orez. lidff. - .-1 024 OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKVKKKKSO K "1. ' K K K K K K K K K K K K PAD 3 ft T K X K K Modern 7-room houCft fel-ner 1... ...... V.tk u.i. - Built by owner for home, now for sale at $48O0. $2000 cash, bal- aace te suit.- . , t . KRUEGER Realtor' ' " -147 N. Com'l 8t. - Phone 21T K X K K K 6302 1 K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKTCKKKKKKKO fHA3AFl .THE MACyICi AH, MEETS'' teTEcrrive aazeu kkutt, h "ire HllHSS AT "tr4&-. TOSH Or HEf ,Asr wvw'-we; LOCK .MISS HUPP, UE WANT3:S0ME T3rsrr CP MtNE iwr - .ip .. TT i;x:al i:statc KICK. ROOMY. HOMELIKE PLACE with lot of shade, lino inns, pp and nuts, 7-reom plastered house, baa4 men I, fireplace, bath. , 8 bis lot a, fa rage and poultry house, lour .blocks Z to street ear, . near. new. 1 uxeda para srbool. ' Will double tn vaiue in un time. ; " 380O, term. 649 Rural awe . W. C. Conner, owner, Statesman (ticft. . 3QJtl - $3500 BUNGALOW FOR $3000 Practically new., nifty 5 rooms, nice ly arranged, wonderful. Fireplace,- bath, lights, shrubbery, lawn, flowera, pavhag and walks in and paid, fine location. Small payment down, balance like rent. , For Bungalow Bargains See CHILDrJf-BECIlTEL - Realtor. 320 State St.. - - . 63081tt EXCEPTIONAL HOCSE VALUES .4-rooma-and bath, garage. - ahed. ; coops, . bearing mixed ; fruit, large fi tree, 8 lots, $3500. H-eash. . . , 1 7 rooms, sleeping porch,-strictly mod ! era .English type brick . veneer with garage to match. North Salem, $4500, $10V0-eash. balance to suit. . i i 7-room plastered bungalow, modern except bsoement and fireplace. South. ' Salem, $4000,3 $1000 eash, balance to ait. . -, -' , ;. 5-room - cottage partly modern, . ra- rage, fine .fruit.; fct Urge eaeurh tor i bunralow. -caved .' street. , east ' front. 2 $3650 and : assuri s street : improve f meats. ' $500 cash; balance $35 a ad interest moatbly. -- . . We have other houses priced from - $1100 to $25,000. Phoae for appoint- ' tnoat. -: -' .7 s (j grtrni.nrcifrY 341 state. ' i RoaPEstata. Loan.. Insurance. 63Ol0tf . FOB THE BEST, LOTS , . Loweat Prices ' On paved ktreets, $225 $600 $650 $750 1830 In fine location. -See rHll.Dfi A BRCHTEL. Reattori - Aid SUte St . 63021tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACiriU tUABi' 1 We hdve oer 8000 properties listed for exchange.. Every kind of property. verr oriee. every location. We caa match your exehaare EXACTLY. . If you would like tw trade your property TODAY: come in TODAY. See GASKILL EARLE, Realtors. 166 8. Liberty. Phone 2242. 63ml2tf SACRIFICE SAfiE $2250 BUYaaOUSS and lot, 3 blocks from City iiaiL. Terma. Phone owner 888 or eU . at 210 N. 14th. 63ol7tf CA8H TALKS FOR A FEW DAYS We offer the 75x165 -ft. corner oa Liberty and - Miller. Sidewalks and caveman t naid trees on - lot two ga- ragea and a - good 4-room house that , wil 1 rent for 8o - of the iaveatmdnt, leaving two lots to build on. A daady apartment ; sit. Call P. W. Geifer for details ed price. Phone 2312. 03021 FOB SALE THREE-ROOM HOCSE nearly new, plastered, paved atreet. Close in. -$1500. . : . Four-room house, six block out $2200. ' - ' - r ' ' - ' - - : Four-room bungalow strictly ' mod -era, oak floors, paved street, '$3650 Choice lot nesr State House, ' gjood apartment Site. 830O0. Will take -house in trade. F. L. -Wood. Geo. F Peed. 341 SUte St. . . 63019tf , : - FOR SALE: - Five-room cottage, basement, paved street. Fine big lot, fruit tree. - East front. - South Salem. High and dry Close to school. bargain at $2850, Very essy terms.' : ... .-. - ,'--; -. New .- -4 "si '5-room ' bungalows, strictly modern, with an unfinished, ap- ataira. Bouta saiem. riigti and dry. Close to school. -Only $4750.00 and .easy terms. -Garage is included. New 4-room bungalow, strictly mod enw South' Salem. Garage. ; Close to achooL . Only 14.300.00. Easv trma Almost new 4-room buagalow, base ment, furnace, nice lot. 4 South Salem. uniy aazou. ftssy term. 80 act farm, . Lake .Labish Jive acres of onion land, 3- acres line) straw berries, new. onion .house. -A money maxer. win ten tuny equipped. -10 acres, eloae in. 7 acres of logan berries. Small house.. Will trade for city property. . . . Beat Vooated view lot in Salem. N bill to climb. , - RtCIf L. RETMANN. Realtor. 147 N. Commercial St. ' Phoae $6$ CXCM"Us ""CAMP GROUND 8 acres oat Pacific highway and bus line, an excellent buy at $6800.- Halt cafh, balance long- time. AUTOMOBILE TO TRADE ON , t": HntTKR- - . - '. First clats six as first payment on good bouae." ' - i f LOT TO TRADE ON. HOUSE - A good lot fn Med ford at first pay4 ment on-house not ever $4,000. Can spay cash balance. - . CLOSE. IN . MODERN HOME , An ultra modern 5-room bouae. buili ins. furnace, bardwood floors, built il bath, fireplace, paving paved. A good f - aivv.- , SHASTA CAFE AND I. CONFECTIONERY A good going business ia Medford, trade for house or Income property ia r Salem. ' This is a real money , maker tin the livest eitj.ln Oregon. , Owner -is son-resident. JONES! ft-KIRKPATRICK 147 N. Commercial St. ' Phone 901.- .... .63014U . FOR SALE $. 250 down and balaace $20 per month will buy 15-acre tract located -. south r f Salem. 4-room house, , " chicken house, all kinds of fruit, i - several springs. Price $2600, in terest 6..-, - $ 200 down and balance $15 per month f buys 10 acres first class land to rated -3 miles south of fcslem, close to Pacific highway oa rock road. . Several acres of togana. Price only $2000, interest 6. -. $1500 down and 'balance 'terms' at ,6 ,y r will handle a close in 17 H -acre - tract, with old buildings, some fine timber, 8 miles south.' Price ' $3500, interest 6. - - $1000 down and balance terms wilt buy close in prune and timber. lot. 8 ' . ' acres 12-year-old prunes, balance . - - timber and pasture, line spriagr. A bargain. Price 8225 ner aere. , : If it is land that you are looking r for, don t tan to let us snow you, -W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. ' Realtors. 1 : 134 S. Liberty atreet. ' - 63023 WHAT tX VOU ; ( $HtlS WHAT K 7 thimk: or My - A v. vou call ( ) I ) . TAIU2 A I 1 11 1 ..hl . st .- i - I ? s GLASS HRE: kxz- j X - i ' tV W s C3 - $400 DOWN - i Bays a fine 6 -room bungalow, . neat and clean, has lights, bath, eoneret a foandatton, bwif ins, fruit, lawn, shrub bery, garage, ,best of soil, located near North Capitol St.. Price $2600. This property-is well worth $3500, Childa ft BechteL Realtors. 320 SUte' Street. J- . - 63021tf DESIRABLE CORNER, 1 BOOMS, FULL oasemeau , vs creec, itxi C3temeata. . 6305tf MODERN 5-ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW and - garagh. . S. Salem $4200, easy terms. Bargain In Pilling station.and resi- '"denee a nd several acres . of land oa pacific- highway. Grod - 5-rootn house, garage, good location. '$2900. essy terms. - 40-ar.e farm clese in, fruit, bldgs.. r ptved road, line soil,' some timber, creek and veils, take city property. - 130-aere equipped dairy ranch, rows feed, tractor, fowls, machinery. Take residence. ' . . - Money to loan. PER RISE ft MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. - , . - 6309tt FINE NEW HOUSE JUST. BEING COM- pleted. ; double constructed. fully 1 plumbed, built-ias, electric fixtures, four reoma and breakfast nook, both, Tonnectiag bsIL closets, with one-half acre fine garden lend, -enough to al most support a family, located on pave ment just outside city limita. 'All city i conveniences brt no etty taxes, $3200. .Small dewa payment, balance like rent. 'Carle Abramsw 1465 Chemeketa St. Phone. 1894-J. .... . -.. 63s26tf WOULD YOU PAY $250 CA6H FOR A house and then pay the balance like rent f New, five rooms, - basement, paved street, furnace, nicely arranged, most desirable location - In South Salem.- Phone owner 1748-R. , 630Mtf FOR - SALE 6-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD terms. ms.ii Phone 727 between 1 p. m. I and 6 fl m. or call at 1335 Jefferson." 1 - - t 63a25tf Homeseeker Read $7800 new bungalow court. Well located ; $300 down and let income pay balance. Winter wood and furni- v ture" for own home included in the price, gee owner, 2105 N. 4th. Phone oijQ-J or sua. owaa- it i ' . 1 1 BARGAIN AT -ONLY $2650 TAKES this -5-room furnished home right on the .highway north. This large corner lot with' fruit trees is worth more than half the price. Small down payment handletH balance monthly. A REAL COUNTRY HOME, 7-room. J wioHera f bBBfklmr : 24 aer dark toajn7 soil on paved and oiled road, 10 sens in bearing fruit apples, cherries, pears, grapes, prunes, walnuts. Trac tor and full Jiae farm implements. This 'place id on a paying basis lust what you have " been looking for. Price .$12.00Or-terms.. " "Owner will consider modern i Salem residence or email acreagei on Pacific Highway near Sa lem as rpart payment. Try TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 218 N. Liberty. . Phone 651 'ireadqusrters' for Homes ' 63O20tf! FOR. . SALE APARTMENT HOUSE close in. Priced to sell. Phone 155 ' and aslc for Day or Schneider. 630I4tf WOULD YOU. PAY ,$200.00 DOWN AND balance like ' rent1 for a brand new double constructed, modern bnngalow, - - paved street, built ins, full basement, furnace, front ami track porches, ga 'ra7e.' near North.. Capitol and linen mills in the section of the city where values are advancing rapidly. Phone owner, r.Z337-K. i REAL- ESTATE TRADES tS WANTED APARTMENT HOUSE TO exchange for residence. Will . accept car, lots, implements or stock, etc., as first payment for good 320 acres im proved farm in S. Alberta, Canada. . T. errai. " $800 equity, for ssle or trade, Lane county farm Of SO acres. BERTH A ZUEHLKE 671 K. Capitol St. Phoae 2166-J , ; 65031tl j WE HAVE A MODERN 8-ROOM BUN 1 ealow close ia on East side in Port- L4aadto trade for modem 6-room bun galow in Salem to about $6000.00. SEE GASKILL ft EARLE ? FOK. PROPERTY 166 S. Liberty St. Phone 222 , ' 65ol7tf REAL ESTATE Farms 67 X REAL BARGAIN 5 ACRES ALL IN - bearing fruit, a 'beautiful place to build. located 4V miles out near main highway. . Prkse -$2650, $200 dowa baUnce $25 . per 'month.' W . II. Grabcnhorst ft Co 1 134 8; Mberty 8t. 67022 j mtut rtKu fttt.t.v F.mppr.D IN- eluding producing Jersey herd, for sale on terms that will pay oat. win ac cept ."housa or vacant, lots on part pay- mXnt. Wnta 11 what- vou can offer. IUM..t99 MM AAAm Rnv 1 A .... BUUsman. " ' , . efaSltf I 86 acre equipped' chicken raising,; Elec. lights available, 4 mil to pav ing, near town. 33500. 25 acre near KUer school, vsriety fruit, berries aad nuts, fully equipped. t-roek, some beaver dam, owner lives in rra. would oe taterested in some thing there. , Good buildings. Will sell at a sacrifice. ' Some fine dairy farm, equipped and paying fine returns, one must sell on I account of' age and would take eity i property. 43 : acre fine fruit farm, modern buildings, and equipped for the chicken , business, near good scnooi. wmniE rtiTWUMJi. Keaitor. Y 175 S. High St. 67ol7tf i :-t Good .Farm Burs Independence District Dairy Farm, $17,500.00 . 700 aere Lincoln county stock farm. fully stceked aad equipped. $15,000.00. 60 acres Turner-Aumsville district. 2 ilea and plenty of buildings, $7,000.00. - -' a. c. jityunwsTxiiUT, 'Realtor Loans Insuraaee 147 No. Com'l. St. Salem, Ore. ii.- . i 67ol7tf . OREGON FARM8 Ws ten them and trad them. If I you want results and' good service, list - wttn as. . VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. Loans Insurance. 147 No. Com'l St. Phona 877. - 7s26tfl TIEAI ESTATE Suburban 69 ' MORNING SIDE TRACTS Will make. you a beautiful suburbsn building1 site and produce 15 of liv ing coat. 25. essh, aa per monta. . V P. W. GEISER. Owner. - 44 1 Court St-.- - 69021 Str Helens--McCormlck mills ship 3000,000 feet lumber, third week, la September. - - . . ' u- r.CAL -ESTATI3 - FLATTERER.: SAMD El-NM COME "Tt Tr4E DRESSING- ' Nb' TlL'filME.' VOU A "SO NICE' T. ' .AT. tvi nc AUTOMOBILES WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKER AUTO .1 - 77ml2tf , " 5 USED C.VRS FOR SALE 79 Big Reductions Real Special Buys S Wtllys-Knlght tourings aad sedans 1 Overland Sedan 1926 Ford Touring, almodt'aew 1925 Buick Touring, glata enclosure. Sacrifice prices from $350-to $975. McDonald Auto Co. MARMON ' WILLYS- KNIGHT OVERLAND . . WHIPPET T9ol5tf ,595 Reconditioned Fords 1920 Modela. starter true. Yea never saw used Fords for m eheap 1 a price. .. . s. ... . 1 Now la the time to buy when prices are way aowa. Tudor Sedans 5100 to $150 We have a used 1926 Roadster. Valley Motor Co. Salem. Oregon. 79016tf We Sell You Service and Not a Renair Bill , I Star Touring.. 1925. Many extras good balloon tires, good top aad side curtains. Terms. $485.00. Maxwell. 4-pass. Coupe, 1923, bump ers front and rear swipe, mirror, spare fare, disk wheels, 650.oo. Maxwell, Couch, late 1924, Just over hauled. Front' and rear bumpers, disk- wheels. Just the car for towa at $750.00. Studebaker.' Club .Touring Special 6, good paint, bumpers, good tires, spare. f Oau.Uv. Cleveland Fport Roadster i 1923. Just overhauled, $450.00. ir .... i. s v"'1 " ?:i .T I uttast-vciBi UVU as a cot pawawaa anaaanav - aaaaesa j i other extras. 8325.00.- ... . . . I Ford Roadster. 1925, balloon tires. swo apsrea, ewipo, us xiras ciaaa aaapv. j aaas no ... ..... I t.-l - 1 llZl.S0&,ti BH,,f starters, 1925 Haxlss. Davidson MetoMyele full eauinment. 3223-00 we nave a couple good seoann. upen evening aad sunaay. Certified Public Motor . 1 tar market 255 N. Church St. Phone 885 and 882. 79021 Best Time To Buy Used Automobiles Chevrolet Coupe. ; Overland Sedan, new paint. Buick 5-Pasaenger. Star Coupe, looks like aew. Chevrolet Touring, new paint. Jewett Coupe, excellent shape. Baby Overland. Essex - ach, ' used only few months. ' Essex Touring, cheap. Cleveland, good running shape. Pierce Arrow Touring, rubber - and . condition good. Ford Coupe. Ford Tourings. Oldsmobile Sedan, fina condi tion. Nash Tourings. Ford Roadster. . Cadillac Sedan, 7 passenger. Durant Touring. Ford Sedan, .sew paint, late model. Hudson Coaeh, attractive price. Yon can rely on used cars purchased after they have been reconditioned. These cars have in many instances been I thoroughly tested and will please you in appearance and price. It will be worth while to look them over. F. W; Pettyjohn Co. ' 865 North- Cbnjmereitl Street Phone 1260 CADILLAC NASH 790ol7tf Used Car Specials PACKARD- -OLDSMOBILE-Packard 226 Sedan. Packard 126 Sport Touring. Studebaker Special Six Sedan. Hudson . Coach. Dodge Coupe. ' Oldsmobile Sedan. Ford Coupea. Ford Tourings. ' , ' I. . Ford Roadsters. . Ctdsmobile Roadster. Essex Four Roadster. .. Come in and 'look our lock' over. never betore nave we-, bad such a com plete line of used care and all priced for quick sale. , Capitol Motors Inc. BIDDY BISHOP AL. ROUSSEAU. .850. N, High 8ti PACKARD- -OLDSMOBILE- - r" - ' ' ' 4 79024 Boy Raised in Arctic Will Give Civilization a Trial SAN FRANCISCO, (AP)r-Clvil- ization and "easy living" is being! put to me test by Thomas "Mic key" Gordon. The "trial" will 1 determine whether. Mickey, whol was born at Point Barrow, Alas ka, 21 years ago, and lived there until this fall, will go back to the Northland. Mickey was brought here by his father. Tom Gordon, fur trader at foint Barrow lor 40 years. Tom Gordon fitted out the 1915 expedi- i tion of Vilhjalmar Stetansson. the I explorer, and is a personal friend of Roald Amundsen UAZcl NCAU N7A VOTES' ' . YfcCaBaflNS TO OBTAIN THE" r wanted ey v TfeAJrSHT- TME. PRINTS ON THES-E NEJtHEFe CP whmi t Mil I I ' il AtrraatoTUP ."TPERe.'VOU ARE , MATINEE. HAZEL- - 1 To THE lf4SPECTbR, AT m&AC- QuaptlERr HK IN C) WAtrfeP ' TVy Te TASS lw fM ibENTipy ( x EACH t ) A - CLASSIFIED BMT2SS DIRECT Of Reliable ICaslness and Professional Firms Arranged ia Alphabetical Order for Quiet Reference'- AUOTTOHXEXS PIANO TUNXXS - fT '. XJnni tr EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano l. TT OOUry tuner. Leave orders Will's Musie Store. 'crahdforrnu THOMAS FAY. PIANO TUNER. NOW . Beef aad mIw'bSZ St. . - the Portland Music Co.. 855 N Hi gh Telephone 511 . s Have your ptano tuned by one who has ? Aciepnoaa " , t , . yeari,cl eiprience ia the -work. - 83tf H. F. WOODRY ft SON. 271 N. COM'L ' St., furniture store. Bargains In fumi- , PBIKTING ,i ture of all kinds. Agent .for Lang 1 r ranse,' best made. Also auctioneers. FOR STATIONERY. " CARDS. PAMPH- 1 ..... : ( ) Jets, programs, books or any kind of 11 i printing, rail at the Statesman Print- ACCOUNTANT ' ing IVparvment. 213 8. Commercial. , '" ' ' Tel. 583. :.. .. : .. 1 .', G. ED. ROSS. ACCOUNTANT AND Aad- ' 1 1 iter. 331 ii State. Phoae 2098-R. " al7-21 ' BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R. D. BARTON - EXIDE' BATTERIES. Starter and geasrator workj 202 South I i Phone 198 COURT ST. JOE WILLIAMS , BICTCLES AND BEPAIBIKO LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA Bi cycles and repairing. 387 Court. . . CHINESE REMEDY YICK SO HERB COMPANY. ESTAB lished 1908. J. H. Leong, Mgr. Phone 283. 420 State St. Upstairs. CHIROPRACTOR DR. H. B. SCHOFIELD, P. S. C 828 . Oregon bldg. Phone 2194. . DR. 0. L. scott. pso. chiropractor I iei .t tT!. T-at. a ana D ..-61 " in- rnM oo-. .r 01. 1 HEMSTITC HIN G HEMSTITOHING. ; STAMPING, BUT- tons -and pleating. Room 10, over Millers. Phone 117. .ELECTRICIANS FLEENIB ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE - . - winnst by hour or eontraet. Estimates 4 . ..in . t I! - FASJf rAFEB " IF YOTj i WANT TO GET THE BEST luw r.jm .VOU . - . . .D". wi the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a three months' trial aubscriptloa. Mention this ad. poultrymen send eight two- . ccut at muuy . tvi h yevteaa tui w smwm au trial for the best and oldest Journal in the west. ' . The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com-1 mercial street, .saiem, , Oregon. FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. ; Trust Deeds, .Contracts, on bouses Will net 6 to 30. ( BECKE ft HENDRICKS HeUig Bldg.. 189 N. High St. FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insuraaee Company money on city residences aad business property, at 54, plus a commission. Hawkins ft Roberts, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. d-14tf FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Fuaeral wreaths, decorations. C F. Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty. Phone 880. - III I III II "III t I II II I I ! XNSTTRANCB a ".,.,. - LOANS. REAL ESTATE. GENERAL IN suraace. W. W. LAFLAR, 410 Oregon Bldg., . Insure Your borne or car now phone 161 BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg.. 189 N. High St. jt-tf ; LAUNDRIES CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The laundry of pure materials." Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway. THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. : 263 8. High. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN- dry. Phone 171. 1356 B street. J17tf LADIES' TAILORING D. II. MOSHEB TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE ,. Capital City Bedding Co., 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. fl9tf 1 XBDXCAI. MOUNTAIN BALM Phone 517-W. COUGH REMEDY I MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- graphs, sewing machines, sheet musie ''and piano studies. .Repairing phono .. raphe and sewing machines, 432 State street, . taiem. NEWSPAPERS ' I THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM jtgency, ins Aoe. xeu V3. ; - .. - J eariy eacn morning. i ei. or ooj. KTJSSEBY STOCK FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES -Pesrey Bros- 178 S. Commercial. PAPEBHANGrNG AND PATNTTNO CHAS. BENNETT. ' PAINTING CON- tractor, interior decorating. Phone 1937-J, 541 Mill. . o5 ..f'L DMi!rr?i?liH,OUiE tereBvk ete PACKIgQ AND SHIPPING - FOB? EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING - aad shipping, call Stiff 'a Furniture Store. Phoae 941.- By EfirWheelaii WILL . SHOW UP CLEAPi LY CLEAN (CLASSES' - TVEM WLL SU- in ATitK. ; - v - lPl" '1 &J.L : -THREE ) "The TxAP S SET " plot; Thickens YOU "ST7 If 1 - we.a av-r PLUMB INO PLUMBING AND GENERAL RE C A III work. Graber Brofc, 154 8. Liberty Phone 550; ' f I9tf RADIO Radiolas For Every Purpose Every Pane I 3 Alt Standard Site : . a f Radio Tubes HALIK ft EOKF ELECTRICAL SHOP . M 837 Court St. Phone 48. REAL ESTATE si a i ii i i ,i ii : ; " 1 iS IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL or if you are looking for a home, farm, or business property, see us. BECKE A HENDRICKS ' 189 N. High St, HeUig Bldg. j8tt . REAL ESTATE GROUP INVESTMENTS Close-ta a. . inenma nmMrtv In Kalatn. In. creasing In value 10 to 20 per cent by abundant comparison. Any amount from f 100 up. Many pleased to realize possi bilities of nailed investment. HARRIS, Blasonle Eld;. : -, T-I. 793. 2440-J : SECOND HAND GOODS BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING, JEWEL- . , ry, Guns, Tools, Bicycles. , Stsr Ex ehange, 524 N. Commercial, phona 356. -; - - ; OI3 WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ag and shoes. Best prices paid. Capi tal Exchange. $42 North Commereial ' . Phone 1368-W. - - STOVES AND STOVB BJPAXEINO STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND ' , repaired by expert. AU kinds of wov - ea wire fence. Fancy and plain. Hop, - baskets aad hooks, logan hooks, Salem Fence and . Stove Works, 250 -Court ' St.- TAXIDERMIST TAXIDERMIST SHOP. E. E. WIG- - gins. Prop 1145 Norway. Near. Weodry'e Auction Market. Tel. 2261-V. ; y j TRANSFER AND HAULING TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALU kinds. .Phone 72F2. WE MOVE.-STORE AND SHIP HOUSE' hold goods. Our specialty is piano and - furniture moving. We also make conn ' try trips. . We handle the' best eosl and ' wood. . Call a is for prices. We give good measure, good . quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 225 State St. Phone 933. Distributing, forwarding and storage our specialty. Jet our rate. - - T WELL PBTXXJgP I R. A. WEST, BT. 6. BOX 103-A. PHONE liorg. 2 milea east on trarden i ml. - -WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER CO. Office 304 South Commercial c.t. lei per cent discount on domestic flat rats paid in advance. No deduction for ab sence er any cause unless water la shut off your premises. ' - r:;.y"-!'r TRAVEL" - Safety Swiftly, aad Oomfortsbly in busses of the Parker Stage Lines. Stages Leave for Silverton 7 a. m 11 a. m., 5 p. m. Mt. Angel 11 a. m., 5 p. m. Dallas 7 a. m.. It. m. 11:25 a. m, Falla City 7 a. m., 2:10 p. m 5:15 p. m. Independence T a m.. 9 a. tn 11:15 a. m., 8:10 p. ta 5:15 a. m. Sunday only 8:30 p. in. Monmouth 7 a. ra.. 11:15 a. m. 8:10 p., aw 5:15 p. m. Sunday only, , 7:10 p. m 8:SO p. as. MeMinnville 8:30 a. m 2:10 p. m, , 5:15 p. m. . Newberf 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m : 5:15 p. a;. Tillamook 4:30 a. m., 3:10 p. m. ' CaU 222 or 696 ; for information. ' ! d23tf HEW CORPORATIONS I f Amiy'g Auto Service, Inc.; with headquarters 'in Marsh field ' and capital stoclr of $10,000,' has been' incorporated : by Amzy 'Mintonyo," Guy. Mintonye and E. W. Mcrn turff. . V " - Other articles filed In the state - General Feed company, Port land, 16,000; M. K; Holland. I, F. Phipps and J. R. Osborn. Pacific Flax and Linen Mills, Portland. $5,000; E. K. Op pen-, heimer, Delia Pichette and Mar Jorie Lawson. ' Cooperative Auto Body Works, Portland, 55,000; Morris S. Kodg- ers- Norman Pederson, Artlmas A. Doty and Otto A. Bush. Salem IXarliets FEED-- No. 1. wheat, white Red, wheat, sacked .-. . Oats, per bu Hay. oats, vetch, per ton. PORK, MUTTON AND BEEF i op noga .... ,, . .... Sows .-1 0 13i 10li - Top steers . 5 .06 2 i t ,04,4 .1 7&.9 .li .16 . town Bulla Spring lambs under 90 lbs Top veal ; Dressed veal a Dressed hoga I POtTLTBT . Light hens Heavy bent Hpring .. , .15 CO .2i . 17 Ibimsters ft Heavy colored frys . 18.2'J EOGS.1 BUTTER BUT TEE FAT - Mand.r.i. - ,.. r J , . Ter pound ...A Butterfat .. -i AO .24 ., '.4i Cream butter VEGETABLES, 'FEtTITS egftabie keels, sar i a On !ua, dos. bunches . Olary, dos. bunches -tiu b'w cabbage - , . '.-, t ...JS . 1 $ 1.75 C - L 1.0') ,f3H Old potatoes IiWtl twiatoea (v cabhtra Lot-sl tiniQos .01 U 1.6 Local lettuce, erate. 8 1.2 i 1.26 , .4 14.00 i i s ' i 1 d it