The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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-1 ii
Bu AVDBED BUNCH, Phone 106
MacDpufell Club JVUl . Open ,
Season Monday, Oct. 25
,i1neert of -particular interest,
' ioastnuch as it win formally open
the MacDowell - club - season ,for
112t7, is announced for Monday
evening, Oct, 1, at Waller Hall.
The program rwill feature , Mrs.
Thomas , Carries; : Burke, famous
pianist and musical critic, who has
recently returned to Portland from
New York city; Miss Ira Claire
Lore, sifted violinist who is spend
tag the winter in Salem after ad
vanced study in . the Cornish
school in Seattle, and Ronald Cra
ven, a particularly popular tenor
who Is a student of i Pro?. IB, W.
Ilobson, head of the music department-
at Willamette - university.
The aeeompanisU for the evening
will be Miss Dorothy Pearce and
Miss Joan Jiobaon. y
Shower at Clark Home
Honor? Bride-Elect .
Mrs. M. InnocepU. and Mrs.
Frank ' Clark were hostesses last
week at , the Clark home when
they entertained with a shower
honoring- Miss "Emily Spresser
Whose marriage to Ellis Lauder-J
back win be an event .of the near
: Many beautiful and useful gifts,
filling an express wagon, were de
livered to-the bride-elect byf tiny
lmo Innocent!. f
- A mock wedding, was a feature
of the, evening's entertainment.
with Miss Flavella Jlaynes s the
bride. " Miss Bessie St-Clate took
- the role of the groom. Miss Mar
garet St. Clair was best man, while
little Glenva McReynplds was ring
bearer and Elmo Innocentl train
bearer. Mrs. J. Llckis was the
officiating "clergyman. At a late
hour dainty refreshments : were
served. ' "',
The following were invited
guests' for the occasion: Miss
Bernice Wolf. Miss Alta VeilU,
Miss Velma Romlnger, Miss Etta
Schutie, Mrs. J3. May. Mrs. G,
Grettea, Mrs. W. St. Clair, Mrs.
- Harry Lovre. Mrs. H. Chambers,
Mrs. Jack Simpkins. Mrs. Jesse
SImpklns, Mrs. Dan Furlough,
Mrs. A. SVewls, Mrs. W Ralph,
Mrs. I. Williamson, Mrs. V. Nack
ermaa, Mrs. A. Blankenshlp, Mrs.
P. Stripling. Mrs. Thos. Lauder
bck, Mrs.' James C. Lauderbaek,
Mrs. E. A. Dunigan Jr., Mrs. J. H.
tuderback. Mrs. B. Crowe, Mrs.
Chester Crowe. ; Mrs. C. Koffald.
Mrs. X!. 'Crlppen, Mrs. C. Brewer
aMra." Hubbard. -
Ecclesia Club 'Entertain
'Uhty-Beyeon -Monday.'
Twenty-two members of the
Ecclesia feub. en organization of
business girls,' were guests at a
beautifully appointed on
Monday evening in the Chinese
iroom at the Gray Belle. Baskets
of marigolds and- pale green ta
pers prnameo ted the table Where
'covers were placed f or . Vivian
Whistler. AHeen Raffety, Ola Vol
fcei, Rata .ClaggeU, elma Busch,
Bernice Strand, Beruia jaiuer,
Esther Ericsson. Marceiia caspeu,
Marlowe Miller. Jiasel McMorrls,
Mona Shaura, Berdine Perllck,
Bobby Hendrickson, Edna McEl
haney. Flora Turnbull, Velma Ro
mlnger. Melba Robinson. ' Golda
Wheeler and Edn Worden.
Following the banquet the
.group enjoyed a lineparty to .the
St. Vincent's Altar Society
i Mrs. Adam Engle and Mrs. B.
-F. Dimeter will, entertain 4he
-ladies of St; Vincent's Altai soci
ety, from 2:30 to 5 o'elock 'today
la the parish hall. ,
South Qentral Circfeyto
Meet at Sisson Home
1 The SoSith Central circle of the
First Methodist church will meet
at -2:30 o'clock. Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. B. E.
Sissoo, 1635 Saginaw street. A
full attendance is requested since
plans will be made at this time
tor, serving the 6 o'clock dinner.
-1. . . . - '-. . .
Daughters of the Nile Club
Members ;j,f ..the Daughters of
the Nile club will meet for fn all
day meeting today fn the Masonic
temple. The .time will be speht
in sewing for the Shrine hospital
The "committee includes Mrs
Maude Williams, Mrs. Fays Wright
and Mrs.. Ethel Niles.
Visitors Over the
WeekrEnd I i
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert.Trcy en
tertained as their ; house guests
over the; week-end Miss Edna Sul
livan &t Los Angeles and Dr, and
' Mrs; George Olsen of Portland.
Dr. and' Mrs.' Olsen were accom
panied ' by their son, Laird Doug-
la O sen. ;.;-!? f
Jdard "Bearers''.
rfi Exhibit '
' TVStandard Bearers of , the First
,: Methodist church will hold an ex-
r 1 1 1 : . 1. 1 1 i.i 1 1 . ji -
1925 Bulck Standard Sedan
looks, and runs like new. Don't
fail to ee;th!3 before you buy a
car. : jo J. wuson, 385 isoftli
Commercial. ..;-!- - ().
Pomeroy & rKeeiie. jewelers.
never rail to gtr yau 100 on
tke eellar Watches, clocks, pins,
charms. 'Standard htgh grade
stock in all departmenu. ()
We have the hat , you
, ;th -price you .want to pay. .Manr
ai ails'
,. new patterns and felt hats come In
j. dally.- The Vanity Hat Shop, the
1 -f"Jl- '
ii " ii" Y
faibit of dolla which they have
prepared for the Christmas mis
sion f box for 'Korea on i Thursday
evening, following the " prayer
meeting. They will also have for
sale a fine .assortment o dahlia
and tulip bulbs, to, help, pay , the
postage on he ; box. Frieads of
the society are invited, to see the
dolls on Thursday, w . i
jTirst Methodist Circles
tq Meit Today f
The Ivies'; Atd: circles of the
First Methodist church will meet
today as follows: ; South Central
circle; i Mrs.- R. E. Sisson, 1635
.Saginaw street; West Central cir
cle, Mrs. Almira Hale, 595 Mar
ion street ! East . Central circle,
Mrs. E. T. Barnes. 31i N. Capitol;
iSoutbeast circle, Mrs. Dirkheiiner,
185 S. Fifteenth; Yew Park cir
cle, Mrs. Morse, 1495 Mission;
Naomi circle, Mrs. ' Fred Butler,
ISO N. Twenty-first; "Lucy Afln tee
circle, Mrs.) F. A. Legge, ; 1499
State streeti '
Artist ta in Tennessee v
s Miss Maurine Beale Lee, who
formerly had -an art studio in Sa
lem, is now located at 293 South
Bellevoe, Memphis, Tech. Miss
Lee is , engaged la art Vprk with
the Cooper-Lee firm, of which ahe
is a member. . - '
j ' -
Leslie W. F. M. :S,
' The iWoman's Foreign Mission-
fry society I of Leslie Methodist
church will -meet on-; Wednesday
afternoon at the home pf frs. E.
j. Barkus. Mrs. Bertleaon will be
the program leader, while Mrs. E.
A. Rhoten will have charge of the
Since this is the first meeting
pf the 'conference year, it will be
advisable for all members to be
present to hear the plans for the
year which will be presented by
Mrs. J. WJUard De Toe. All In
terested are cordially invited-
Music Section Meets at
Seitz Home on Monday
The music class sponsorea py
the , music section of the Salem
Arts league held its first meeting
on Monday evening at the home
of ,Prof. and -Mrs.- R. Wr Hans
Seits on Court street.
A paper, dealing with , the rery
early: history of music and its pro
gression , toward modern tenden
cies, And an. account of the origin
of music, including the beginning
of melody and sygtaras et nota
tion, was read .and explained .by
Professor Seitz. The latter, topic
included the period of time from
6 60 to' .8 P Of AT Dr, up to'tfrMe
the,, first mnsicr- jniWished tp
New members Who were "taken
into the society are Miss Lily Pol
lard, Miss Helen Mae Hirron and
Miss Emily, Alt.
After the class wprk tne group
enjoyed hearing the opera,, "The
Valkyrie," over the radio.
On next Monday evening. Oct.
25, the regular meeting of the
music section will, be held at the
home of Professor Selts at .1156
Court street, when Beethoven will
be studied and a Beethoven pro
gram given.
Mrs. Frederick Hill
Thompson Returns
From, Honolulu
The many friends of Mrs. Fred
erick Hill Thompsop .are welcom
lng her home from a six weeks
absence in California and in the
Hawaiian islands. Mrs. Thomp
son' spent 21 delightful days on
the islands, .visiting ihe volcanic
island and the sugar and pine
apple plantations as special feat
ures. Mrs. Thompson- enjoyed
passage over with Miss Constance
Clarke, former children's llbrar
lan at the city library; and a day's
visit with Mrs. Ivan Bellinger, al
so a former Salem resident- Mrs
Thompson brought home not only
many pictures, but also interesting
Hawaiian music which, as well as
certain examples in literature,
aepicts tropmcai atmospnere as
nothing else can.
In California Mrs. Thompson
spent a delightful interval at Car
mel-by-the-Sea, where she has
taken a cottage In antlcpatlon of
a pleasant' spring season to be
spent with her children, Peggy
- .O
Chicken fried in Snow,
drift is fried chicken at
its . best and fried
chicken at its ybest
.doesn't need any rec
omraendation. -Snow,
drift is such a delicate
good -to -eat fat that it
lends a new relish to
. I fried foos). . , .
; -:..! O.
i B ii'owd'rif t
i - - f ..--..-. ..... k. .
' "Skit
Miss Donna Jones
,- - ....
: ..... . , . !-., .
.- . - , - . -
. i -
- . - -
.. " t
' r
A : new member of the Moroni
Olsen , Players cast whlch will
present Dear Brutus" .4 at tne
Elslnore theatre tomorrow nignt.
and David. Relatives of Dr.
Thompson . are residents in the
vicinity of the cottage which Mrs.
Thompson has taken.
Leisure Hour Club v
IVIrs. W. H. Steusloff and Mrs.
U. G. Shipley will be hostesses this
afternoon at Mrs, Steusloff's home
for. members of the Leisure Hour
club, i ,
Jason Lee Central
Circle to Meet . .
Mrs. Phil Aspinwall of 845
Market street will be hostess for
members of the Central circle 'of
the Ladies' Aid society of the Ja
son Lee Methodist 'church on Wed
nesday at 2r30 o'clock. Mr si
Herman Clark and Mrs. Marguer
ite De Vore will assist at the tea
Return to Ohio
Mrs. ' Blanche Nicholson left
last night for her home in Colum
bus, Ohio after a visit in Salem
with Miss McDonald at the Court
Apartments. Mrs. . Nicholson will
return by Way of San Francisco.
Grand Temple
Session at Corvallis
Irene St. Helens, captain of
Centralla Temple of the ; Pythias
Sisters degree staff motored to
Corvallis p Tuesday evening for
the Grand . Temple session. She
was acompanied by the members
of the staff which assisted in the
exemplification of the ritualistic
work for the pleasure of the su
preme grand, iuid subordinate of
ficers and" members.
Marriage Is Solemnized
at Kantner Home J
At thxreeldence of the of delat
ing minister, 852 North Commer
cial street, Saturday, October 16,
H. L Stiff Furniture Co., lead
ers in complete home furnishings,
priced to make you., the owner.
The store that studies your every
need and is ready to meet it, ab
The Pontlac Six is outselling
because it is Built to Outlast. It
displays unfailing sturdlness and
dependability. See it on display
at Vick Bros. (")
The Midget Meat Market never
fails to 6"ive yon the finest meats
and fish. There is but one place
in Salem to get the finest fish. The
Midget Market has it for you. tj
H 1 1
Porcliase and
Printed serpentine crepe kimonas in
this sale in newest Oriental designs
and patterns. Butterfly and Japan
ese, sleeves. . Sashes and belts. Some
have contrast trimmings in plain col-,
ors. There's a kimona here in most '
every wanted colorsbright rose, old
rose pink, grey, lavender, blue and
tan, with printed designs of pleasing
contrast. See .Court street window.
(Ready-to-wear section.)
8al?m's Leading
,' 1 j "" ' ! . 'O
'-Sliver tea.- ? Knight Memorial
church. Corner ; 19th -; and , Ferryl
streets." ' ;r
Literature class. AAUW.' City
WCTU state "1 convention in
Gresham. ? . '. " a:-' :,
Practical L Nurses association.
Mrs. Limbaugh, 38S : North 23rd
street, hostess. . .
Salem Business and Profession
al Women's clnb. Chamber, of
commerce rooms, 8 o'clock. ' -
Barbara Frletchie Sewing club.
Mrs. H. Kennedy. i 6 West
Washinston street. hostess.
Central circle. Jason Lee Aid
soeiety. Mm. Phil Aspinwall,' 845
Market street, 'hostess, 4: SO.4- ' '-
Bt. yineent's Altar society. Mrs.f
Jj. K. Dimeler and Mrs. Adam
En-gel, hostesses. . Parrish hall,'
2:30. to 8 o'clock. )
Daughters of the Nile Sewing
club. Masonic temple. All-day
meeting. .
First Methodist church Ladles
AJd cirejes.
Leslie Methodist WFMS. . Mrs.
E, T, Barkus, hostess. )
Leisure , Hour club. Mrs. W
H. Steusloff, 1185 Court street;
hostess. -,
Thursday ;
Moroni-Olsen Players In "'Dear
Brutus' KUiaero theater.
o'clock, r i
, WRC Ladies' Aid society.iFalr
grounds. All-day meetinsw , .
Qeneral utilities, committee of
Salem Woman's club, Mrs., fj
Endicott, hostess. . .; "
Brush College Helpers, . rs
Lee Gibson, hostess. . . ' r, .
WCTU convention in Gresham.
. Exhibit of dolls by First Meth-j
odlet church Standard ' Bearersi
Church parlors.
Friday J
WCTU state convention, Gresham.
Woman's union. First Congre
gational church.
baiem Woman's club. Presi-;
dent's Day and silver anniversary
program. Club house. 2:30 o'clock;
MacDowell club concert. Wal
ler Hall, 8:15 o'clock.
at 4 p. m.. Pearl Patterson of
Gervais and Hazel. Russell were
united in marriage In the presence
f a eelect company of friends
ana relatives. They were attend
ed by Mr. and Mrs. AJle! Nuaotu
Dr. W. C. Kantner read the Im
pressive, ring service. The couple,
will make their home on a - farm
about 12 milejs north of Salem. '
Pre-School and Kindergarten
Program on Thursday
The Oregon Congress of Parent
and Teachers will devote time to
consideration of the program , of
Oregon Pre-School and Kinder
garten " association on JThurfiday
ucioDer zs at tne saient meeting
A Story that You Will
Follow With Happy.
6 Weeks in Portland
Department Store
m mi
The" subject will be -presented by
fMlss Eva White of the Southern
Oregon SUta Kormal School at
Ashland. .
!, MiM White has been a leader tn
this work for some time. he won
her master degree at ' Columbia
last June and previously was asso
ciated with Miss Hope in the pri
mary department of the normal
school at? Pocatello, Idaho.
if Miss White's . talk before this
asaoelatkm -will be at 11 . in the
morning. That same evening she
wil be a speaker at the dinner to
be given at the. First Methodist
church, in Salem, This dinner win
be given by the school of educa
tion committee ef which Mrs. G.
M. GUaes Is chairman, j
House Guest at Moses. Home
, Mrs. Kez A. -Tamer of Seattle
is spending the week-end tn Salem
as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W,
Moses at their home on North
Capitol street. Mrs. Turner is a
sister-in-law of Mrs. Moses..
v, .1 - .
Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Return, From California
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph If. Albert,
who hare been ;n California in
attendance at the Bankers-' con
vention in Los Angeles, returned
home last night off the Shasta
Mr. and Mrs. S. C.
Kightlinger Are Hosts
forB. E. Club
An enjoyable meeting of the
B. E. club was held on Tuesday
of fast week when Mr. and Mrs.
S. C. Kightlinger entertained the
group with, a 6: SO o'clock dinner
followed by an evening : of five-
hundred. . A
Mrs. p. L.' Scott and C. B. Shaw
won -'the. high hpnors yesteraay.
while the consolation award went
to Mrs. C. B. Shaw , and .Claude
Toa-nsend. At the next meeting
A big shipment of stationery
Just received at Patton's Book
Store. All the latest shades. Good
stock as shown on Broadway,
New York. ()
Slate surface roofing applied
over your old shingles. We have
over 200 jobs in Salem. Nelsos
Bros., plumbers. sheet metal
work, 255 Chemeketa. , - ()
First National Bank the bank
of friendship and helpfulness in
time of need. Interest paid on
time deposits. Open an account
and watch your money grow. ( )
For a Filerrier Hallowe'en
What a elorious oc
A. A. Gueffroy
163 North Commercial
We have a complete line of Christmas Cards.
It isn't too early to order
,1 S 3SMi
325 1 X NO ! -
; 'if-you 'DONT-knowy
of the lb Pr. and -Mrs. O. L.
Scott will entertain. - ' " 1
In the club group' are Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Townsesd. Mrs. D.
P. jOlmstead. Mr, and Mrs. C B.
Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed Pandrich, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Jspson. Dri and
Mrs. O. L Scott, Mrs. Ed Keene.
and the hosts of Tuesday, Mr. and
Mrs. 8. C- KlghtllBger.
Former: Salem1 Student
Is Married in Eugene
Salem friends of - Dorsey E.
Dent, formerly a student at Wil
lamette university, will, be inter
ested in the news of his .marriage
to Miss Laura -Kelson of Astoria
on Saturday, in Eugene.
Iter. R, L. Putnam, pastor of
the Court Street Christian church,
Salem, performed : the ceremony,
assisted by.Bev. Mr. Stivers. -
: The : service was ; read at high
noon in the First Christian church
at Eugene before a large company
of friends. A profusion of autumn
flowers and leaves decorated the
altar and the aisles- The bride
was attended by her sister as uald
of honor, while the groom's broth
er was best man.
Eight bridesmaids, la frocks of
pastel silks, all , made alike, form
ed an arch through which the
bride passed in her satin and chif
fon wedding gown and full length
. The bride carried an exquisite
shower bouquet of rosebuds and
maidenhair fern.
Little Winona Putnam, daugh
ter ef Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Putnam
of Salem, was rmg bearer. . She
wore a frock' of pale silk and car
ried a basket of, blossoms in which
was concealed' the ring.
i. A prelude of chimes music was
given in . the church before the
impressive strains of the
music . 5 .
Following the ceremony Mr
and Mrs. Dent left for a wedding
trip te Portland and Astoria. They
will make their home in Eugene
at one of the halls of which they
will be in charge.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Dent are
graduates of the Eugene Bible In
stltute 4n which Mr. Dent is now
an Instructor. Mr. Dent is tak
ing post-graduate work in the Bi
i ble school and is also completing
work at the University of Oregon
Mr. Dent was prominent In de
I bating circles during his under
casion this special eve-;
ning holds forth for '
- young as well as old I
And to make that af
. fair of yours a success
let us helpjrou in your.,
preparation by sug
gesting that you shop
in our Hallowe'en de
partment. We h&ve a
complete assortment
of place cards, party
decorations and novel
Bt and TruckBUl
. - t
SAY so . . VOTE NO!
- -i l
graduate days. He has' been or
dained for ihe ministry.
A reception at one of -the resi
dence halls followed the cere-'
mony. ' :; ' . , -, "
Model Child Library ' ' .x
to Be Featured
A model child's library wOl he
on exhibit at the - Salem public
library during . the Convention of
the Oregon Congress of Parents
and Teachers to be lield here Oct
ober 2to 29. T, his exhibit has
been arranged, through the 'court
esy of Miss Cornelia Marvin, state
librarian and will be of Interest
to parents and public school teach
ers who' are interested in further
ing good reading habits in chil
dren. ' - " -
i - :J- .i.
A. A. U. W. Literature
Section Meets Tonight
A particularly interesting study
group, sponsored by the American
-"this del
ux its sannaxy"tV3&
wrapped paclcage
slveetaishmdh' aids dtfestici
yew it after
. , At Kafoury'8 ,
America's Lead
ing Sflk Crepe
Adaptable to AH
'Dress Needs.
Crepe Satin
40 Inches Wide
.It creates a uniform demand all year round. The
close, dense weave and rich lustre make Marillyn
the' ideal fabrig for all Milady's dress needs. It is
woven with a nspecial weave, one thundrfid per cent
.pure cocoon sUk. under a, carefully supervised sys
: tcm, thus insuring Jong, and satisfactory wear. Jt is
dyed with one hundred per cent pure' dyes. We are
showing this silk fabric in lovely new -fall shades.
40;Inch;Marillyn Silk Crepe $2.75. Yard
Made of "same pure cocoon silk as described 'above.
The words 'Guaranteed Washable" are stamped on
the selvage. In all Marillyn Crepe is guaranteed to
Wear and to wash and that, means satisfied customers
yNew'Fancy Figured: Velveteens
f?r Blouses, Pleated Skirts, ??.98; ?3.98 a vatd
ft k -. t
7U77 ' '
,Sa1m' Store
4C3 State St.
Association of University Women,
will be the - class in literatcxe.
which Mrs. 'Ellen Fisher will lead.
The, elass; will meet "for the first
study at T:S0 o'clock this even
ing in the educational room at tti
city library.
Those interested are asked to
call' ".Mrs. : Wm. Fordyce Farro.
chairman of the educational com- '
mittee, at 1847-R. ,.
W.C. T.-U. State
Convention in Gresham
The stale convention of the Ore
gon WCTU wm be held from Tues-
day to Friday of this week tk
Gresham. Mrs. S. E. Oliver, coun
ty president, and the , following
delegates expect' to be In attend-'
ance: Mrs. J. J. Nunn, Mrs. Reed,
Mrs.. Reeder, Mrs. Mary Charlton,
Mrs. McDonald and Mrs, Psmber ...
ton. .. . ' - ' .
Sweet ;
- .
Portland i7: i ffcre
332 AUzt St.
. ji ;
fcleSe 12 buy t&e B$ti Halt 11
OTC T"& kfOCVrfclK