The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    " 1 '' "T"-'f1, w" - y s . f
f TO 77 TV:
477 . r-
' ! """T .v , . -r-'i- ; f
Heavr Jckt "Sale tBiings
Muuiiion oT iviore ningsiae
' Seats Say Plant v" ;
Benny Pelr anfl "Phil Bayes -wfir
put the finishing touches 'to their
training today In order to be ready
to- step Int6 ,'lhe ring tomorrow
1.'-- ;
- ;
WW'' - r liil t
Hot Fight
night In first ,class condition.
Bayes la,, getting d"own- to -124
poiinff'foY Jhe'fJhCandrjs stay-
Junior Lightw,eigljt:Charrip
Ionship'Conieitahts' Ready
' : .for Title Bout ;
SA FRANCISCO, , Oct. 18.
(APMrdd "Morgan, world's Jun
!6r, f Ilgntwetghf p champion, and
Johnny Dundee, .New York -chal-
, lenger;Teaeh'ed the end of their
long- training periods here today
, preparatory .to their 10 . round
title botlhere, tomorrow night
the - first sessionof its kind to be
heldiltr this "Wy since. 1S14. ' ' f " .
- - Measurements taken today- re-
vealed (that Morgan would t hare
considerable" advantage over his
. oppb"Bnt' in height 'and reach, al
though. Dundee Is or amora rug
ged physical structure. The title
.holder Is ' five' teeCsIx inches fn
height "and- nas-a- reach-;tf "71
inches aa- compared ; to- the .five
feet, four and one! half inch
height and 66 inch reach. of The
New Yorker. Morgan is 22. years
. of age;- Dundee "33 years.. ;
' The bout, an; open affair, will
be held in .Recreation park home
of the Pacific Coast league base-balf-,!?
San ; 'Francisco ' f
;-' Taa f weather 'bureau forecast
favorable climatic conditions for
the fight. Its' predictions'were
slightly cloudy, "with- mild west
wind'hut no rain!"
.' . , . i
Fall hats and a new line of
felts, f 3,95 to- Si,95, and the ex
clusive Prisctlla, Dean children's
hats" at 'the" Salem Variety Store,
21 5. North CbmmeVciaL " . I)
:v,w: v -s 1
II: . T. Xbvei" the Jeweler, 235
State 'St. "High" quality Jewelry.
. silverware and diamonds. The
gold standard of lvalues! Once a
hnyer always a customer. " ()
-'-1 t" ' "0 V T-'";'--.
The Salem Hdw. Co., most pro
gressive. Every accommodation
ffiwn to those .'in need of beat
I hardware supplies. Work and pros
I rerfty the.motto. 120 K. Com'1 ()
Our. cakes. and pies are of. the
best. ,It us" cr? ?u6 v1
you'll cone again. Better-Yet
13 read xnada by . the Cetter Yet
leaking Co.' . . - . ;
For et-.
r!-., r.t:J -going 'a-wajr:
srhool - - an snrwtrrs a !.
t imu in; bacs trunks,
sn-v-iiit.ea r." -uf-
t-Hcs to staaeius .
VrliZtou Heavy . auto" - travel
"K " ...-mi y,
' i"' i
t. v
"' a 1 i"T iB in m ft win if jnUii in
Ing in good cenditidnT He weighed
12 4 ' last ' night and expects bo
trouble' in-taking off the last two
pounds. . . : ' - --
Russell Greene of Salem will
tackle Bobby "Wallace 'or Port
land In the four 4 round special
event,' It was announced last night
by Harry' Plant.- matchmaker.
They will enter the Ting at 132
pounds. Final announcement of
the fighters to appear, in the semi
wind up and the curtain-raiser will
be made tonight.
. Greene' and Wallace, are both
goqd' fighters, and, both have been
going -well this season. ' Greene is
- V" I .. . 4
Expected Wlien- This Battler Meets
- - , ? "V ' W ' . .1' 4- , w r y T (
f " " ' v' jV A 1.'-Jf
v ' -V ; v.5 ; , 7 ! : i " -' 1 J . ' V
a local boy and-fcis- capaWHty-ls-fhe.
well known to- ffght;fans here.
Wallace " Is - the ame ' boy who
NEW. YORK..Oct418. (AP)
Benny; Bass, Philadelphia bantam,
outpointed Frankie Garcia of Cal
ifornia, in a ten-round bout here
tonight. vBass scored the only
knockdown: with" a short right to
the. head in the sixth xound.. Bass
weighed "4K5H' pounds', .Garcia
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 18.
YBuhg" "StrftBnjr.v AtTanta iigHt
heavyweight, won his fight- with
Soldier Buck, Louisvillef here 5 to
night by a knockout, in the, fourth
round of their, 12-round bout. ,
CHICAGO. Oct. 18. Tommy
Lbughran; Philadelphia 1 i g; h t
heavyweight, won': a" referee's de
: jfr - -Tf
1926. - Prosperity pireyailjB irV p?.'1185
agH9ultural conditions and prospects are.ihuqh
than they promisedlbjbe tlireempnths ago; ?idfrp;
rTfo-urnent is seneraL with Jwaees high. tIhe normal
an'riimn exbansion of business activity is 'beginning,
and.Beyond that there is in prospect ;the .best season
If or holiday. trade that the country has ever hadUnder
these-conditioris there is no 'reason to entertain any-,thmg'-IPS3
than .fuU' confiJence in . the , prospects lor
gtneral. businesstjjning remaniig .months pi .this
yeari ; r " ' "
TW InnWftr look into the .future reveals nothing
that is alarming but it does not appear 4o;otier so
clear a prospec; as .Tna(tt1VtI.'f 7W14ttV "r
Thfi nreseht'Deriod of sustained prosperity has been
three " great; - industries of building construction, iron
and steel, and autdmbbiIe"manFacure., "rjhesejiaye
constituted a - kind of iiidutrial trip( resting on a
foundation of easy interest rates, and fprrning ;a
.framework for the support bf a protracted, period of
better-than-hormal business.
, .
i Mmmi mm .in Ml .iin mu maji.mea p. " n n'...
knocked out Eddie Tracye in the
first card of the season here. Since
r thefl Tie has been T-eep fag up the
same good record, and will enter
Phil Bayes
ring, ready to give , Greene the
flKht of his life.
I There is a big ticket sale for
cision tonight over Martin Burke
bf New'Drieans in;alen,roundtc5ii-
test here.' i 'Loughran4' weighed
175 4? and Burke Jtl ponnds.
J . Loughran showed supefior, box
ing skilV and set the pace for
Burke. ; v- ' ' '
(AP) Imey Garf inkle, Salt Lake
City knocked 6ut Alex Trambitas,
Portland, in sixteen seconds of
the first round of a . six round
- O. J. Hull Auto Top & Paint
Co. -Radiator, fender and body
repairing. Artistic painting adds
100 to the appearance bf your
auto." 2 6TS,. Commercial.' (.
1 F B. Shafers; Harness- and
Leather Goods Store, 17 S,.Coml.
Suit cases, valises,' portfolios, briet
cases, gloves, and mittens Large
stocky TJm. pfohe'eratox'e. ; ( )
j' i, v -
Good business now seems assured for, the. rest 4of
1 : L -1 T w,Af.a. l.nAo inHnorrrr
Glevelahd Trust Co. eBusiness Bulletin
hsjih aui
the- fight, giTing evidence of the
popularity of Telz and Bayes ere.
An extra row of ringside seats has
been added to help ' handle the
crowds, as. the biggest house of the
season is predicted.
! Frankie Gf andetta of Los An
geles,' who has been fighting in
Portland recently and making a
? ;ood record, is coming tov- Salem
6 give boxing lessons. It was an
nounced" yesterday' and may be
signed for a future card here if
plans materialize. ' "
" , It Russell Preene wins his fight
Wednesday night he will be
matched with" Jack Nash for the,
emt-wlndup event on the next
card iiere, to be'the night rof "elec
tion dax, Noyember 2.
I . ; ' , ' .4
! Director's Denartment Store Is
building' up a reputation for guar
ianteeo- merchandise; conducting
fa read 'department-store; making
jsteady progress, loo. (.
scheduled head line bout at the
jHfppbaronie here tonight,' when
jhe clipped . Trambitas with a left
;to the eye that knocked the Port-
lander down for the count of five.
As Trambitas stumbled to his feet
Garfinkle drove a righf Tiook 'to.
the jaw again flooring him for. the
count. Trambitas - weighed 14&
pounds and Garf Inkle 149
pCilTSWlII; i
Cripples Improving, Meet
1 Multnomah ;Ffjday:061y.
v Using Five "Plays
The Willamette nniversity foot
ball team will be in fair physical
condition for the 'game with . Pa
cific October 30, it was announced
yesterday, but the mental attitude
is a' different story. 'The men still
have a llsflessness and lack of am
bition in practice. " " 5
Clonmger and.Zeller, halfbacks,
who have been out, for a long time
with . injuries, are .'both I back ' In
uniform,'" and . many of the 'other
cripples on the ' squad are recover
ing? Most of them will be able
to play at least part of the game
against Multnoman club Saturday,
Coach Kfeene belle Veai "
The , team showed some Im
proved spirit in a scrimmage session"-Saturday,
but not much.
"They looked like a football
team for about four plays' -said
Coach Keene, "and then they
lapsed , back into the same old
ttopeless, indifferent, rut. They
must get a lot more fire and spirit
into them before they can ever
hope to do anything in a game'
The; first real test of the team's
offensive power will come in the
Multnomah game Saturday next.
Keene has been teaching his men
five different plays, and eays ,Mie
will go, through the season with
out trying to teach them any more
unless, they show more aptitude
in learning the five.
The coach plans to use two. full
teams against Multnomah, .win or
lose. 'He will send them in as in
dividuals, notr as teams,' hi the
hope of developing some" kind of a
combination with a little offensive
threat. r -'
Quality painting, both varnish
and laquer -work; in our modern
pqulpped paint shop; Washing
greasing and night service: tire
Vepairs. Wood's Auto Service Co.
Telephone 165, Capital City
Lafihdry. The laundry of pure
natefials. tWe give special atten
tion .to" all 'home 'laundry work.
Telephone and 'we will call. J ()
Earl Sande Takesjeature
. astpji Ban fjjcap
" ' .. ,
( NEW YORK. Oct! 18. (AP),
Earle Sande kept Prince qt Wales
on; his winning surge today with
ha victbry in the Eastern handicap
feature race at Laurel today at
six furlongs for all ages. .Prince
shouldered 126 pounds for the
jsprint but justified his choice by
(whipping Adria and on Atni in
'.that order in 1 : 12 4-5. Joy Smoke,
Montrerrat, uy Himseir, and other
' good ones also ran.
1 C. A. lJuthy. Reliable jewelry
store. What you 'are "lool-jng for
lit jewelry. Where'a child" can, buy
assaIelir as lVa man tor - woman.
Repairing In all lines. -n -xy
Labor situation in Oregon good,
witu labor demand at peak.- -
A.reiiced price:
held all of "next
is the -first ever
Sealys has alwa
week only thes
Think of it: a real Seify Tuftless Mattress at a saving oi .S 15.60. .Thus the
mattress that has alvayf beenra:ltriytto enjoy
becomes within the reVulh of everyone. But remember, this is for one week
only- and "the Monday following thialelh price goe$ backHo $55.0d; Get'
l it r-t,i 1- L ' J - it Jt M..-. 11 1.'.' . :
your oraer m eany.
. jf '? . ;
National Boxing CornjmlssioJi
Approves of Desposing
Phil Rosenberg '
DETROIT, 46ci.Ni 18. (AP)
Deposing Phil Rosenberg as ban
tamweight titleholder. and deelar
ing the featherweight title vacant
through he inabilities "Kid Kap
lan j to' make "the 'weight, the" vla-:
tiofial Boxing'Vssoatl?day
approved' a ist" of world, cfiam-
piofest; he list.foiidwsr "
Heavyweight Gene Tunney.
Light heavyweight, Ja ; De
laney. ...
Middleweight Tiger , Flowers.
Welterweight -Pete Latzo.
'Lightweight Sammy Mandell.
Featherweight -Open.
Bantamweight-Bud Taylor.
"FlyweightFidfl 'La Bara.
An argument arose am6n"g mem
bers of "the association, here for
their 'annual coriventidn, over the
ehdorsement of "'Taylor for the
bantamweight title. The 'conven
tion earlier had , supported the
action of the minois";bdxIhg cdm-
missfon in suspcn'dng Rosenberg
for life and transferring his crown
to Taylor. WCen the champion
ship list came up for act31ns how-"
ever, there were;5-express'lons that
titles should be 'wn'rh the ring
and, not awarded-br 'any governing
body. f ..'-. . u-t,-
When Thdmas "E. Dondttne. Cbn-
nectkut t! commissioner"-: pointed
out that Tajior was to navfe. been
Rosenberg s Op'pdpeht In the cham
pionship "fight"" and that " Rosen-
"berg's failure tb post his forfeit
prompted the Illinois 'action, the
jconvehtion approved without dis
sension the bestowal of the cham-
pionsnip upon layior. ine asso
jciation also -voted to seek the re
peal of ''the 'law prohibiting the
Interstate shipment of "moving pic
tured 6f' boxing contests. '
The Bake-Rite Bakery. Busy
every day supplying" 3est homesi
with bakery goods' of all 'kinds ;
laked In' a kitehen as 'clean as
"your own. 345 State St. -()
The Opera House Drug Store.
Service, quality, low prices, friend-;
'ship give increasing patronage.
Old customers advise friends to
trade here. High and Court. ().
Wardrobe Trunks as low as
$24.70 and as high as 185. 18 inch
Cowhide Hand; Bags with leather
lining reaueea irom ?s 10
Max4 6.' Buren.rlTO N. CSom'I. (?)
rFiist MortgAgjEtS Qn
$1850.00 6,
$2500. OfO
flOOO.0 7,
CHAS. HUDKINsS Phone 221$
Of f ice wth'rioTner,i., Smith Insurance Agency
l Mm
fl . w " yW
" - ' "
- .. w
rtzC ...i ' ..SI
" - . i .. r
xvian oruers attcuieu us cu
Majon League Men-Will Meet
Pacific Ctfast Champions
in Exhibitions
LOS ANGELES,, Oct." 18. :(AP).
:A benefit game "betweena team
of major league players' and' 'the
Los Angeles" Base ball'club, ham
piohs of thVPacIfie Coast league,
wilt ; he played at; " Wrigley field
here"tomorrow. " ' "
The ma jor league team" Is 'much
the same as the one' that Baseball
ComHiIssidner K.enesaw M. Lan
d is: restrained from ! playing in an
exhibiUpn game here 'last 'Sunday,
before, the" Pacific Cdast league
had ended. -;- . . .
Proceeds of . the game will be
turned oVeif .to the Assoclationot
Pr6f essional Ball " Players," e n br-
ganization taking 'care bf former
ball iIayere " in needy- circum
stances.' "..' - i -
Only the Best! Our patrons
will ' bear this out. ;Wfl serve only
the ; best ' in meats and r poultry.
Hunt & Shaller, 263 North Goin
mercial. - - . . . ()
Acclimated: ornamental nursery
stock, ' , evergreensV 'rbse . bushes".
X rnit and shadg itrees-at Pearcy
Br6s. in season: We' liave our-" own
nurseries.- 178 S. CbfixX- V f
' 1 ' " -; k '
J4le Star Halfback Out "
NEWHAY3EK, iConn;'.Oct.l.8.
AI) Bruce Caldwell. .Yale . star
halfback, and the chief " ground
gainer in the,, EJi games against
Boston university ahd"Georgia, is
out of -the game for the remainder
'of ."the eeaSdn. "".V
This became known today, an
X-ray examlhatl6n"6f his ankle.
tsi' , J I ! 1L 1
lujuru iu Bi.riuiinitsB iiiree uaja
previous to Che 'Dartrabuth game.
showing a broken bone 1
Cottage Grove Contract let, to
build-f new Baptist' 'Ctfurch",r- for
Residence Pre
' ... mi 1 iimna p ' -'
Property -Valued at $8500.00
Property Valued at $7000,00
Property Valued at $4000.00
Property Valued at $5000.00
Property Valued at i40OO.0O
Iattfe53es will hf ;
InaJ jn scone and
rore trie price on . .
sale' and for .the
will $e-sotd :-at;7Ai
- 5 ....
.aa uruues iur luiure
lUhzQTi Rooter
Dorr- uocii metis w eJ
CU 179 for iaea.
mUit. MJ DvJ Pilkeutoa. MeCee.
Meets- Than. eTenin?. . Arthur Tnker
president; tVm. Pettit, secretary!
Skul)ilmechk'nic foraisbed.1 Ptonp 179
TVree lol 4o2, TeryJhiid Monday'
'. Hl Pierce,. ecretry.
.AUt lAbor on caw i prest-
t.. ... ' - w . Hour,' secretary, Box
443.. Salem; -Or.2
Lodge Rosier
TeTy'WeIwess.jpj-TmterBiy- jiaiii t.
M. WilJelt. Seo'y Tel. 89-R.
Fraternal MI eTery Tuesday evening.
Visitor iBTitedi-if.PsJ-sStmrgM. C. C;
Vher I.enon. K. ot R. 8. - -
'"Wast vtscirTsttgiiian
: PnblTshii e-rery tnominjt (except Mon
rsyt 6e,:',epil t Orejron.
'Loca Rates
""rT)iiTIy r Sunday
I , ; cents per word
Three times.
.5 cents per word
Six times ...... . .. cents jxt word '
1 moi-daily and Sun.-SO cents pf r word
- i In. rdr to-ni he nwre than, one.
time rate, advertisement must ' run jn
centeeittiTo ssBle)v1rv-iA-E:-- rri-.- ' L
Adr takes. Sot esj than H5e.
Afl maSundsyTOStY" cAstged t ..
on etiinc Talc." " 1 - - .
,-- ' Vi'fni an 'TAX A
; Adfe'tistnnents (xept Feronsls
and Situations WsDted wi!T te iaken
OTer telephone if tli sdvertfser-iS'
-anljf rriber. to phoqK - r r'7.r" '. 7
I The Statesman -will tCelar silver'' -
tittcilienti sf suy tidie e". day or'
night. : To .Insure . proper .c!sifics',1
tions ads should be in before i p. m.r
Sidney: to Xoah ;
(Over Ladd & Bush Bank) "
v ., 1
v'ADVERT18IKr - " i
tims oust be kept free from -anything
of s qnebtionabla nstttT. Misrepresen
tation will not be tolerated.-, lnfor-,
mstion showing any (fuestionsble in
tent on. the part of , the advertiser
should be reported to thim news
paper or the Salem Ad club.
O. J. Hall Anto Top and Ikint Shop.
auto to Pasadena. Phone 1163-W. J.
O. Goltra, 725 Court St. 021
leara . tewinf machine ' business. SI)
Onrt. - -' ' llo;
BiaWTEI--FemaIe 13
earn fla'DAILY
" Sell $10- eJor SUCKERS At
$4.95,. "write for FREE SALKS OUT-
FIT- 315 Exchanea Bldff Portlsnd.
-Oro. - 13024
tnors good-salesman for Atstr-Ksni
JiadiOi.- -eo Mr. Griaer - Vick Bros.
MuStTisre sellinc experience in soma
line-. - Gaskill Earle. Realtors.- 16
S. Liberty -fit. PhooS242. 13016H
Bond 'Clotbes' 5 r big sellers.
Bait-snd TerJot or ttwo suit for
929.50. Dress and business, clothing
L made- to fit and fit to wear: Latest
- designs. Venetian- lined. $65. to 150
-weekly. $5.00 profit. Free outfit in
cludes lsry ; double swstch samples
(11 in. X 28 in.) John Bond Tsilorinff.
Co., JacksOn and Desplsines, Chiesfo
Satisfied customer from coast to.
coast for 87 years " -1 ftQ8 .
M old sad 4rsU established farm msg- :
asisa and poultry journal- A amid asonry
aker' for" capable, energetic worker.
j ApplyOurnUtion. j"Manager. Pacific
Hpjnested,ai5 S. ConuneJrciiJp, 6s';'
Oregon. . ' ; '' ' ' . rri '
t :WAXTEa-Enployniait , 19
eava trough and miters clcsned .J;
ace cleantngi' yheB-'963; - i9o2o
home baking, 2350 Myrtle Atc. 3!KJ- - .
? diESia nd -team' irotk. PnttJ9i'
J -r-t ally equipped hop-yrd " har"r
will take charge on ''-" 1.
erroce.. J. D. Wian, 1024 E. 4rt fi ,
hi.... rw....
Albany. Oregon.
Salem Markets
4 4 4 t. ? .T at:.-
FEED- ' i "7
No. 1, wheat, white f-;.
Red, wknat, ssckea -
-Oats-, per bu-s .: it no
. llay. cats, Tetch. per ton 1 vv
pork, mmoif akd beef 13
fcoS--s MlOi
' Sows . s ff .06
; Top steer i ",w.M'4
' !7-" "
Balls . ,-- io4
pDrintr lambs, under 0., .,,
h Top eal .- ' jf,
UresKM eal .. , m
lreased, ' lt
t f.ight hen .
, Heavy bens
- Vf.liS
Spring ..
vwosiera-- t,iSy
Hoary colored frys-r... 1
7.1 -40
-JMpandarda -
Per ponnd '..
- Bntterfni -
Cream butter
-VvgwsWe-bretw," sacked--
1 sTlss.knM a4isv KlI t-h , S
"4 .'
;Crltrr, dos. buachas-604? "&'r
n.tiMi,t 1.- -"'i7 --,'7"
.Old poUtas fc-$-
1 jural tomatoes . 'fi2V6
-Jw eabbsgo 't,t
Jo-at onions - .'50
, Local lettuce, crste
W. G. Kroger, realtor. VjST(:
slVe. fair; equitable. Crowing ctiy
and country make possible dw
IhaUwJH -jaak-yoU" Roo rj.T
HnmnlPfft listimrn. 147
r i
aire3 enUrgiiaeac vi
.-4 ; -'.r-r- -