H - 1, J I )' : ' , .- ; ' " .. ! ";,. 4 K Upper Jeft: Sana, the three-year-old son of Mrv-aad Mtt Kra JicuRii oi $iy Washington btreet, i DaltefC; Jlr.iHolinan. jSam's father, is county assessor of Polk iounry." ' 'iUppcr right; Mrs; Paul Doney and little daiijhter, Jean Marie, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, fhoj were house-guests last week of Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney at their home at 828 South ? twelfth street. Mrs." Paul Doney will be rememberedas Miss Lucy Holt, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. fJ. IV Holt, of the First Baptist church. Jean Marie, who is tea arid a half months old, will cele ' bralp her first birthday on November 21 when she reaches her home in Cambridge where her father, Who lldfefr" son lr. and Mrs., Doney, is studying for his doctor's degree at Harvard. Jean Marie is the first grandchljd of Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg. Doney. ILbwir left i Mrs. Norman Kendall Tully, wife of Dr. -Tnlly,t pastor of the First Presbyterian "church.- Mrs. Tully is leader of one of the Bible study classes which meets each Tuesday evening. The ,Tullys, who came to Salem from Racine, Wisconsin, make their home at the manse at 845 Dheuiekcta street. - ; ' -'v "'-Kower right:. Barbara nope, the charming li tie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hathaway of ' 124W Market'.street. Barbara Hope is three year i of age. 1 iMoroni Olseri Players will present cn Thursday. t Sfr. Hug's committee, appoint will take place in Otto J. Wilson's garage on Norember 3, 4 and 5. ; - JOI exceptional interest will be the oriental booth of which Mrs. E.'V. McMechan will be In charge. This booth will offer a display of oriental treasures, both expensive and inexpensive, which Mrs. Ruth B. Wheeler of Eugene brought from, the orient and which she will offer through this unique booth on a commission basis. On Tuesday, afternoon the pub- He utility committee of the lub will meet at the home of Mrs. Roy Barton to prepare articles for the bazaar. ; On Thftrsday the: group will meet at the home of Mrs. S. M. Endicott for a similar purpose. The ' bazaar ,: is being managed on such aJarge scale that it is hoped all Salem will feel a defi nite interest in its success. The proceeds will go. toward the fur nishing of a room in the new wing at the Salem hospital. : Mrs. Von Eschen Is Hostess l at Distinctive Affair Honoring Teachers One of the most distinctive, and in every way one of the most en joyable, affairs to take place in a brimming week was the tea on yesterday afternoon at which Mrs. Florian Von Eschen was hostess at her home on Court street. Mrs. Von Esehen's gnest group includ ed -the. high school teachers, with whom she has been associated since her graduation from Willam ette university, the lady principals in the Salem schools, and. all ad ditional teachers with whom Mrs Von Eschen has taught during her own principalship. More than seventy guests were included in the group. The living room, library, and dining room were all gorgeously decorated with many art baskets filled with autumn flowers and foliage. The tea room was par ticularly lovely: a blue and silver oblong basket, filled with season al flowers, and flanked with sil ver candle holders in . which bine tapers burned, made the serving table lovely. In one corner of the room a magnificent basket of gladioli was featured, while in an adjoining room, on the mantel, a beautiful oblong basket of green and gold, with rings in each end, was filled with calendulas. In the library bronze art baskets were used, displaying a profusion of zinnias in the copper and henna shades. Mrs. Von Eschen was assisted in the rooms by Mss Beryl Holt and Miss Leila Johnson,' MIs3 Johnson inviting into the dining room where the guests were served in distinct groups Mrs. .George Hug and Miss Margaret Cosper presided at the tea table during the first 'hduV; During the second hour Mrs. Chesi ter d. Clark and Miss Adella Chapler presided. Three members of the senior class of the Salem high school who are neighborhood friends of Mrs. Yon Eschen, assisted in the serving. " Those three were Miss Rosalind Van Winkle, Miss Paul ine Findley, and Miss Maxine Glover . To a degree, the affair took the form of a delightful musical tea. Miss Lena Belle Tartar, Miss Neva (tooley, Mrs. Ermine Fawk, .and, ss, Amy . Martin all gave 4 ind accorded encores. Brown, secretary. Mrs. Cartwrlght succeeds Mrs. McCall, - and Mrs. Brown: takes Mrs. Frank Spencer's Place. C X - V'' Hostesses for the "delightful af fair. Thursday were Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. R- B. Fleming and Mrs. B. C. Miles. ; ;;.' .:v --1 Special guests, including Mrs. W. C. Hawley, Mrs. F. G. Frank lin. -Mrs. R. H. Grover of Mc- Minnville, and .Mrs Robert Dann, ,werb entertained during the after- ncon. ; ; - Many baskets of golden chrys anthemums, tributes which Mr. and Mrs. Bishop received on their fiftieth wedding anniversary, were used not only in decorating the roms of the house, .but also the veranda. In the refreshments, the Hallowe'en t motif predominated. A short program was given during the afternoon, including i a talk on her trip abroad byJlrs. F, G. Franklin, ; who exhibited at tractive souvenirs obtained in the foreign counties; a piano number Tarn o' Shanter" by Mrs. W. F. McCall; and a reading by Mrs. Robert Dann on "Customs of Hal lowe'en." Mrs. F. W. Spencer re ported on the club '' activities of the past year. At the next meeting- of the club, the second week - in November, MVs. W." F McCall, ' Mrs. C.: A. Park, and Mrs. M. M Cusick will entertain the group at' the annual breakfast at Mrs. McCaU's attrac tive country'homo on the Wallace Road. Breakfast will be served at 1 1 o'clock. ( - . Members present for the .meet ing on Thursday were Mrs. H. B. Thielseri, Mrs. Russell Catlin, Mrs. S. C. Dyer, Mrs. . M. M. Cusickk ; ELMA WELLER ; PIANIST' ' ' -Recently Returned; From Advanced Study in - New York1 City Accredited Teacher f - v f v - . . . . Dunning System of Improved Music Study ! Classed Now Forming : The following subjects aroJtaught in a. "down to'date" manner: Training or the Mtimory," Notation, Sightrcadlng, ' Eartraining, "Rlrythm, Scales,. Intervals, ' Transposition, Cadences, "Modulation Studio CU3 North jjberty . . Tclcphouo 1351 ) (Continued om page 3.)f - i v ' ' " " "' - I iiii i - i - - i i i r ii. 1 . . J , I K ,;fitli Jim AW " . ii I 5 i V- --:-- ; ' - " - - '- "-s v ' . ' . . ., . , . ... :. - ) ! "" " " - " " 1 ' - : : r1 ;.f ."lu'i Rit Of. Uilit-i lii Liic ii.j.e..... .'r1'-'; ' t, (Hark to the driving rain),- , v i Flushing of green in the copses ' , r ' ;.(Lbt to the wild wind's refrain), f tA if-When will you come again? j rOirtiVItJh, when will you come again?. -1. , i-t ' M. Rcvell kf f ; Mrs. Avthux V 'assail Honors , Sister From tfew York t A f t ernoon Tea x , 4 . ji -One of. the loveliest autumn af fairs given In Salem t this month a look, place from 3 to 6 o'clock yes- terday afternoon when, Mrs. Ar hur Vassal!' ntertained-' f -tea, liouoring-her ,siter, Mrs. Ra'ssell ! t'reamer Langdoh of New York.' ' i Forty prominent' matrons and ' aalds were Invited to meet Mrs. ' iangdon, wife of Major Langdon. U: S. A. Mrs: Langdon ,, will be Mrs, Vasair house-guest nntil fhurday. ' - ' ' ' i ' " ' t Reeeivjng with Mrs. Vassall, the ai lOEiess, ani inrs. tngaon, me hi'ionoK giieit,'rwas Mrs Walter :i Vassal of Dallas. t.. , 1 Mrs. Russell Catlin; and Mrs. -.'tolHsrt J. . llendrfceks presided tat jibe urns which werepiaced on an xquisiteix appointed table. , The Jr.nterplecefind ' dollies were of -itallan cutwork. A shower bou- Ifnict of Opheira . roses centered Uhe table, while tall pink tapers i .were aglow; in. crystal candlesticks vith bobeches and iridescent prisuis. - 1 Miks Henrietta, Bishop and Miss ji;arah Ianslng aaslsted In"th6 tea . M v-v -- : vt I 'American Association of, : I' liivcrsity Women' Open ,' Auspicious Season r f, : - ., .Successfur in every detail was i he 12-30 o'clock luncheon of yes erday which formally opened the. inter season ifor- the .Salem branch of the ' American 1 Associa tibri of Univertity Women. Cov ers were placed r for 80 guests at long' tables arranged and 'decked with flowers in the Marion hotel dining room. . ; ' - ! ; Mrs. George W. Hug, president of the association; presided in; a gracious .manner. Of particular interest in a business way was the announcement of the personm 1 bf each ; standin g committee for the new year. Plans were also made for three . study classes. - -iiV l The' address of ' the afterneori. which Major CA. Robertson gave, was a notable contribution, re flecting considerable rredit on the organization which made it pos sible to present such a program. - Major Robertson, profiting from an unusual opportunity ; to know the' intricacies 'of! the1 European situation, dealt with foreign poli tics in a manner that was of vast interest."-; Major Robertson , spoke in a forceful, even startling Kay, dwelling on the origin of the war and of the outcome, which has been really horribre In many re spects. 5 ; . . . - ;, ' . Miss Josephine Albert.'raccom Ponied, by Misar Paulino Johnson, atig two' solos which the group ftipociauy enjpyea.' miss aiwit hi a pupil of Lena Bolle Tartar, who will have charge of the music for the yearj . . ' v The three; classes, ' org ani zat ton of ; wbich Is ! in competent hands, include a groujj in the study of the cnua oi me pre-ocaooi ace, vun t binj'ley s the ladies of Salem asatified themselves that they 1 ua3fn liera' au get the finest fall and win-Fisher irill conuuet, an" a (rr, frocKscoats ancJ dresses ever !.ivit in this city.; ' () urrouglis, Mrs.- Lewis ijia.itu. , ilss June I Philpott. Miss " Edith '.ragg, Mrs. J,; H. Lauterman and Miss Helen Pippy. , I F.ducational committee, ' Mrs. Wm. Fcrdyce ' Fargo, chairman ; Mrs. C. A. Downs, Mrs. ; A. M. Chapman, Mrs. Asa Fisher, ; Miss Dorothy Nicholson, and other clas leaders as they may be named Miss" Nicholson and Miss Fisher are joint chairmen of the litera ture class. Mrs. Chapman is the better films chainnan. i Mnsic. Miss Lent. Belle Tartar. .Trustees of scholarship loan fund, which has already been dis persed: Mis.-Frances M. Richards, senior member "and- chairman: Mrs. ; J. H. Lauterman and Mrs. E. CRicfcards. '-ii Program 'committee: Miss Leila Johnson, chairman; Miss Merle McKelvey,' Mrs. Harry Pearcy and Mrs.' Clifford - Brown; Other com mittees will be announced later. Oriental Booth Promises to Be Big Drawing Card at ' ' Woman' 8 Club Bazaar 1 The Salem Woman's club, which leads in philanthropic, civic, and cultural enterprises of many' sorts, has - elaborate plans now, ; under way for an inclusive bazaar which : : i 4 r T Buster Brown Shoe Store. High class, stylish looking, comfort giv ing.! loK wearing shoes lor the least, money. Come an beyconvinc ed. 125 N. Com'l. ... , () G. F. Brolthaupt, flori3t and "(orator; 123 N. Liberty. Phons ' 5 0. .Floweri, bulta, tloral J class. If- desired, In Spanihh. - v The literature class, which will acet at 7:30 o'clock the first and third Wednesdays of eacft month at tfca city lit rary, will devoto tV.e Crrt f --'.cn O a rtuiy cf 'T-- r Freamer.v' f- ' An out-of-town guest for the afternoon was Miss Hazel Paden, formerly ; head of the art depart ment of the Salem high school, but now of Monmouth. Miss Paden Is spending th week-end in Salem as the guest of Dr. Fan nie Brown, j; .. A- house-guest at the V o n Eschen home for the week-end, and who was also a guest at the tea, Is Miss Marjorle Warnick of La Grande a student at the art institute In Portland. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Kantncr Celebrate Forty-ninth Wedding Anniversary .Mrs. O. A. Thomas and daugh ter, Constance, . of Seattle, have arrived in? Salem to be guests of Dr. and1 Mrs. W. C. Kantner who are celebrating their 4 9 th wed ding anniversary today in their home.- Dr. and Mrs. Kantner were married in Salem in 1877. Thursday Club Entertained at C. P. Bishop Home At the October meeting of - the Thursday club Twhich was held at the home of Mrs. C. P. Bishop on October .13, Mrs. Richard Cart wright was chosen president; for the new year, and Mrs. William I Prevent 'your children fr.om having goitre by giving them pure iodized salt. Your doctor will tell yon why ft is good. Crown prne Store, ,332 State. - ) Donghtoh 4 & Sherwln; Hard ware,5 286 N. Com'l. St. Hardware .Builders' Supplies, Paints, Varn iBhes. ' Give us a call, youll find our prices reasonable. - () , Director's Department Store is building up. a reputation for guar anteed merchandise; conducting a ; real department store; making steady progress, too. : ( Iva Clare L o v e i. : ; Tcachqr of Violin Ensemble and Solfege : t.i iCD North Liberty Street Tclcphoag 1S37-J I The FRENCH SHOP j v "Salem's Show Place of Fashion" Though many miles removed . from New York and Paris, which are known as the style centers of America and Europe, this efficient establishment is thoroughly up to date, and its departments are replete wUhrtfie mbdels of the, hour, in the various materials and shades which havbeen approved by f . thev world s leading arbiters or fashion. 3ur gowVSre unequaled' f or style and quality . Three well known lines .from New Yorkare confined to us exclusively, thus assuring you of indi- vidual styles. TTiesewjre arrir dU yau some of these interesting models? v. . : ;: COATS Better -dress coats embodying the; newest in styles fabrics and furs. Many, smart travel coats Just arrived. FROQ for Dinirir Dancii Beau ti f ul Ch r. Original Far I IB Sale of i . . , Monday we shall place on . . stock of milline Lovely gold and silver metal hats, i combined with metal brocades. oped in Antelope Velours soft as the . is named.- Genuine imported AusJ Austrian Rayon Soleil, a lustrous, . We shall continue this sale until t hats is closed out. .' - 1 Our, methods' of millinery mercham a complete change for the coming ee utmost interest to wearers of fine rr mcnts after. the first of the year. EUFFE'MOE ir entire ets, satins oks devel m which it lours, also lour. . e stock of ill undergo v 1 will be of Announce- THE FRENCH 115 North High Mc Building