The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 17, 1926, Page 7, Image 7

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L.1.D JllEftTRE
ense Crowds Make Jlec-
ressary Use of: More Room
' T for-Revival Meetings'; 1
.he- B. 'S. Mobrer Revfvar Party
fn sti from Tirg in fields' In Idaho
iremenaongjy . ftucresro!
: ' ival campaign has been, t In
gresa. for .aome jweeks. opened
' an i enthusiastic crowd at the
. and theater Saturday night
- Rev;, and Mm. Moore, "popularly
1r . n w. ' j - . ' a
, geHsts, spent many years In the
4 Orient in missionary work, being
i in Japan at the tine of, the great
' earthquake of 1923 when the city
of Yokohama nd many . other
smalt towns were completely de
,' Tastated within aiCewJgeconds.' A -
z During, the, -past twenty-fire
years thesa r-rnne-oHfita htva nr.
red over three hundred thousand
miles of territory and consequent
, ly have a large fund of experience
to dra.w fr.bra. ReT,; Moore believes
In and preaches an old-fashioned
gospel or old fashioned 'sin. .Is
the days of .miracles past? Come
and bear what ' this man of , God
has' to. say; about diTine healing
Healing tor tne - nooy as wen as
for, the soul. . ' j - ; ; ' -."'
A Very special musical program
-; will be given every night at 7: 30
in. charge of '..Edith Wilson Clark,
song' leader and soloist of inter
national fame. A special feature "Colored Spirituals' by
' the party .quartet and S. K. Clark,
male ( soprano solist of former
vaudeville fame. There will also
be .instrumental t numbers and
choruses . by the Christian and
Missionary Alliance" choir, under
whose auspices this party is work-
lng.l ; ' -' . .,
, Sunday afternoon Dr. Moore
"has cfiosen for bis subject "In the
. 7)ays of His Treparation." Sunday
evening .the " message will be
- J'Tbree i Locations of .- Hell, .and
. Who's; Going There? There will
' be. special music andS. K. Clark
Will sing "The Holy. .City." Mon-
f day evening Dr. Moore will give
' his I personal . experience .,. in the
Teat Japanese earthquake, .
Don't miss any of these; meet
..igs." Every night at 7:30 at the
old I Grand .theater. North High,
, and Cburt streets. . .
mmmt bona, mint sftfc BUm
m-mr f
it. safest. miMMb
cu ki iauit gn&
Herbal '
i 1
t i
iS-.laeci awa,tvIlrs.tjt iieman
lias denied that the 'Mis 'X who
aided her by a Salinas a p pea ranee
was:; her Jsister.ii On,. the witness
sland during the present bearing
of herself,; Mrs. ''McPhersoh nnJ
hcri mother.: Mrs.. Minnie Kennedyi
she has named this mystery, wom
an as Rachael t, Wells .jol -.Philadelphia.
-, ' ' -
j He. R. S. Moore
" l ''' (CBtUitte4 !fria'pi -.i;) $ " -
. -. ' . t i II"'- t
was only a slight resemblance to
the woman of the Salinas affida
vits. Woolley then countered with
(he declaration that he was -posi
tive in his identification of Mrs.
Kimball as "Miss X" of. the Car
mel hoax.. .
The identification drew a shot
from a new quarter as the . dis
trict attorney's i office - declared
that it held a statement, by W00I7
ley' describing the author, of the
Salinas affidavit and that this
description "is totally different
from i the correct description of
Mrs. Kimball."
Russell Scott, notary public at
Salinas, whov acknowledged the
affidavit was quoted as refusing
to Identify Mrs. Kimball, as' the
mystery woman and stating that
he was not certain that he had
ever seejv hexi before, ,
Roller -kating at the 4pream
land .Kink. Tuesday. Friday . and
Saturday from. 7:0 to '0:50. p.
m."f Ladies, admitted . free. ' Gen
tlemen JO rents,. Skating 2Cc, '()
i SOMERVliLK.' N.J-, Oct.,t8
The eight mailjbandits who" killed
a- postal employe : and - obtained
$15 J. 790 in cash at Elizabeth have
escaped the cordon -of 500 Estate
Uroopers police and volunteers
tnrown arouna a iso-mue area 01
the Wtchung mountains. Major
Mark ,Kimberling tonight ordered
the men. in and admitted that the
bandits had made a. getaway.
: 'The men came out of the hills,"
Major Kimberling said, 'on a road
that i we did not happen .to have
blocked, although state troopers
were1 within ;tbree or four blocks
of it." v. A . ,
Six persons saw the car leavj
the bills, according to Kimberling.
- Ever: before since, her repudia
tion of her first " statements ' re
garding 1 the, Carmel affair, made
while she said she, was seeking
to manufacture evidence to clear
Lutheran SocietylPIans L '
Meeting Tuesday Evening
' SltVERTON, 'Oct. ' .(Spe
cial.)' The Lutheran Brotherhood
of Silverton will hold its regular
meeting Tuesday evening, Oct. 19,
at Trinity church. The Rev, M2
A. Chrtstenson of Portland will
be the 'principal speaker.' - He will
speak on , "Columbus and LeifJ
ES-ickson." XMnsie for the.evenlngi
will be furnished by home talent."
Lunch will be served at the close
of the. evening, ;:?..,v i.;;j: iL
s LONDON, ( AP) The lady
mayoress of .London, Miss Ethel
Annie rpryke, iSitormarry Cyril
Will Stop That
Known as Alvah Prosser Ra.ncK located on main road between
Oak tlrove and' Bethel. l'A miles east. of Crowley-Station. - '.
234 acres, 130 acres all improved, 104 acres timber and pasture.
17 acres are in choice prunes,' tamnyTorthatd.gTapesy
There is a two story, 6 room house, full concrete basement, all
modern plumbing, fireplace; also a 4 room bungalow, built in
kitchen, fireplace, .built in wardrobe; and sun porch, f One large
new barn, concrete 'foundation, stalls for horses at one endV stan
chions for cows at the other, large grain bins, also old tarn used
for 'sheen barn." chicken house; water piped to alf buildings. Good
sorinr. cement lined, with" spring' houses large storage tank:
- wr-rwAt win vnu hffor for this ranch? ' Your nrice is our
price, uon t.iau 10 iook mis rancn over iuuj, nut& tarem
investigation and you will see tbat the value is tnere, then offer
us what it is worth to you., DO IT. NOW.. . . .-.
tstratinn: -. On the leadinr road from Oak -Grove to Bethel, I
mile north of Oak'jGrover church, y miles east of Crowley Station,
about 2 miles irom-west bHie nignway. . , , . .. ,tf
383 Fittock Block, Fortland r . ' 4 V. fr Broad ,
iiHard Boilcd'tOcerrpri Thcitre !Ty
4 t
-r I
1 ,
' I S
: )
V.-AV.W 'V. " - -T- - "
Tom Mix ami Helene Chadwick
Turner, a young : lawyer. " '
The wedding from the .Mansion
House, the .lord! mayor's, official
residence in, the heart of the bunt
ness part of the city Is the first dL
23 years. .r
1 . .it lit-. t 1
Silverton Ramify Wilh Leavfj
Home to Spend Coming
.Year tor South
: " - . - ' . . JVC -.
SILVERTON. Or.. . Oct. 16. t
(Special.) Mr. nd Mrs. J. B
Byberg j bive rented their tfarm
home on' Paradise toad for a year i
to iBejf' Peterson.' 31 and .Mrs!
Byberg : have a daughter, EstherJ
attending a nurses' training schooi
in 'Los Angeles and it is there thejl
intend to spend the year.;' Mr.By-
f for this ' reason will spedd thd
year in, the south. v :
Mr. Byberg's two oldest sons
Jonas and Bjorne. who are nttend
ing the Oregon 'agricultural eo
lege, will remain in y the nbrt
Thei boys. who . are the invent
and manufacturers of the By b
pruner and ' walnut washers'
played at the state t zlr,: will
alshop ar Silverton. .
III ! . m 1 III. r
' l m; " i 1 :M v R e c:o A T
l; ' . Iff sficl
1 h W I ' . : .... .
I II r It t 71Q , : .Whetfc
I in : -h uver 1 wo l housand ouits znd uvercoajs v-;
, '.v .:.i"';:v to ChooserFrom',
.'1.1' , 1 - i
ier you want one of 1 the bier laDelled tv1 nf
.novelty , woolens or a . plait Chesterfield t or drk ma-"
terial, yoii'll find it here. lverr good new style and
every tgooax weave: lsreprenteti here: Withsuch a
variety from which to pici, .you are sure - to j?et the
Overcoat you like. " , A " "
i he world s most ramous riakfr hn
these , new Coats. ' Harr
our wonderful showing bfl
ochattner;& Marx, Michac
many other reliable makes
otern, bhuererman, and
Priced from
Ask to see the.Genuinc
Michael Stern
i-s Hair Coat made by
2d at:S55:00 H v
iiisnop s ohoe Uept.
A-new , showing of Young
Men's Fall Oxfords have just
been unpacked and surpass
all previous' showings for
style, color and fit. Our Net
tleton and ' Richard Breenen
makes of lien's and Young
Men's.Shoes are made for dis
criminating men who appre
ciate the fine style and longer
wearing qualities of the bet
ter made shoes. ..
Men's and Young
Men's Scarfs
All the newest silk scarf s ai
now'' being shown. The Wj
ailt smiarpa are raining wile
popularity. Ask to see tnern.
lers- in- many different color
1890 ffJ