The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 17, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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Portia Mansfield . Dancers
Give Artistic Act in Gor
- . geous Costumes
The Portia; Mansfield Dancers
who are at the Elsinore theater
for the last time today, are . giv
ing a most unique program com
bining the beauty and. charm of
lovely dancing with, artistic, spe
cially designed stage settings and
fine music All the 15 members
of the company are trained, danc
ers and all present a wide variety
of types. : -; '
First, there is ' Jeanne Fuller,
the lovely little star whose danc
ing possesses an elfin ; firace and
fhrm thn thpra la Tlnrl tfarppr.
ngiie and ; handsome,, who causes
Ul the feminine hearts to flutter.
Vd with whom Jeanne Fuller does
me rurvelous duet work, pother
Helen If oW-
truck law studied
Commission Cannot Supply
Estimated Revenue on -;-
Two Present
Representatives of the City club
of Portland con f erred with . meth-
plans for the state parent
rher congress to be neu nere
kober 26-2.
frrgon Bldg. Barber fchoo
Under . new management. C.
k Monte) Moyihan, C. E.f.t Speed)
bald. V ' ,22
officers on speeding cha
Overtime Parker Fined -It-
H. Wllter, It. J. Bmalley, J.
Gonsten, W. L.' Davis, Lehman
& Son, and R, C. George "were
fined $1 apiece in police court
yesterday on speeding -charges. 1;
p)1liUns in Corvallis
Members of the degree staix or
Centralia Temple. Pythian Sisters
of Salem, were In Corvallis this
(week to dempnstate ritualistic
Parker & Co , 444 S. Commer
cial. Don't fail to see Parker
about repairing your car; Expert
mechanics at your ' service.' All
work gaaranteed. f ()
Hunters Pheaaanta mohi -
$3.50. Special to advertise. E.
LE. Wiggins, taxidermist, ma
Norway. Between- Summer and
Capitol. Phone 2261-W. olBtl
; Capital Bargain House, Capital
Tire Mfe. Co., Mike's Auto Wreck
ing. Tiree in one. Bargain cen
ter of Salem., Thousands of bar
gains. H. Steinbock, 21 S Center.
prices on I'swl Plan
i'The prices on1 used pianos can
fet be beat at Geo. C. Will's Music
lore. Find out at the store that
Les not pay any rent and carries
ill contracts. -- - M
; D. H Mosher, Merchant Tailor,
is turn ng out the nobbiest and
best fi ting tailor made suits to
measui. 100 business and pro
fession! men buy of Mosher. ()
All C(
ants to Her-tS--::-r-
E. T. Barnes will speak at the
Klwanis . club luncheon in the
Marion Hotel Tuesday, -TjV j t
Pot Sale. 102ft Ford Tourin
Almost, new. .. Mat-Donald, Auto
Co. . -. r .'. ; . ... oil
'tC Leader Meet '
V' YMCA- leaders from the
west district will meet in
Porlai November 5 nd 6
was a'n$ouSced yesterday. A large
delegation fromjSalem iauejtpected
to attefidhe Saleni leaders will
give a demonstration of leading
games Saturday night, November
6. at 8 oclock.;-l;X;t,-.i.'
every i
beauty of line.? Thew are tLe pre-mie-es
of the organization and the
supporting : company is worthy of
them. Their gorgeously designed
costumes and artistic stage sett
ings Make each succeeding dance
a dreim of. beauty) to which- the
speclaly arranged music contrib
utes. '. ' J
Theieature film, t' Variety," will
also sluw tomorrow. It is dis
tinctly afferent from the regular
run of Moving ' pictures and was
filmed inl Germany. '
U Wood and Geo. F. Peed
real estate 344 State. Farms and
city propeity. They : bring , buyer
and seller. together, for the bene-
m and prom of both. ()
bonds tor
velop water
Irrieation ttifit.rtrt
HROMy will go to de-
Best Tow-Car Service in City
Texas parage, ,1919 N. CapitoL
nmii rm ocnaerer at i o 3 iNorui-vommer
dal-Street; tKe Original Yellow Front
I rug Store, promises you a great money
ftving, opportunity on-Genuine Pyralia
lory. Over 5300 pieces to pick from.
This lot Lpicked: up while on my trip this
X r - .summer
This "sale includes all the best sellers in1
ta date Ivory. Some pieces in two-tone al
gold inlay.-' .
' i . Values up to $17.50
This is a chance to buy your Xmas Presents
! ' at low cost
Watch for announcement later
Boxing Clamc to Start '
ix 1 older boys boxing classes at the
jA Asalem YMCA'wili BUM Tuesday
evening at' & d'cloek Boya from IS
J to 21 are eligible. It.'Jl. Boardmar
"r ill be the instructor. , t 1
Scaly Mattresses
This , week at..
.135 North .Commercial St.
;e 197,-Orisinal Yellow Front Penslar Agencj
See Our Windows
G iese-Powera
Dr. Doney at Cbemawa t
Dr. Carl Gregg Uoney, prestd :
of Willamette university, w
speak -t Caemawa. tonight, at 1
o'clock. Ho will go to Eugene
Monday to represent CWJllametfe
at the inauguration, of Dr.; A- B.
Hall. He is scheduled to give an
address there on Monday evening.
.,.fhers ot the public service : commis-
1 I slon here yesterday with.' relation i
(to the relative merits of nous bill
No.C413. enacted at the last ses
sion of the Icgiswreare ani now
under-referendum attack, and an
initiative measured; sponsored by
the.bus and ; truck , operators .of
the state.
Both bills have for their pur
pose the regulation of motor bus
es and trucks operating as com
mon carriers on the highways of
the state.' The City clnb repre
sentatives especially were desir
ous of obtaining information as to
the estimated revenues of the two
bills and the administration costs
Members of the commission' said
they -were unable to'suply this in
formation in thatp the revenues
would depend entirely .upon the
amount of business handled and
the outcome of. a case now pend
ing In the courts as to what con
stitutes a common carrier under
the state transportation act.
During' the last session of the
legislature it 1 was estimated that
bouse bill No. 415' would return
to the state between $250,000 and
9400,000 annually. , " .
Bus and truck operators have
contended that' the initiative bill
would net the state more revenue
than would be raised under house
bill No. 413 in that the cost of
administration -.would be far less.
v HartmanTBros. JeweIry Store.
Watches, clocks, rings, pins, dia
monds, charms, cut glass, silver
ware.' Standard goods. State at
Liberty St. v . : . ()
SILVERTON, : Ore.. OcL 16.
(Special) Silverton . high school
won its second victory of the sea
son when she defeated Oregon
City Friday afternoon' with" a score
of 7 .to 0. Last week Silverton.
defeated McMinnrilla in the V.rit
game of the season. ' -
In-spite of the heavy clow r
all afternoon almost the t;.i.. s
school was out to witness ?
j game." v
" " 'tJ ' " llH
Paisley Glotlh Slippeirs
Glotlh of Oold
We show all the late novelties as fast as they ap
pear on the horizon of style x
f r -. ' - -'
We are now showing the new
Large Buckle Colonials
' The correct thing as now shown in the eastern style cen
ters. We have them in patent leather, the new shade of
tan Russian calf and also satin with large beaded buckles.
Each one of these new styles has a large low block heel
which is just the thing at this time.
$9.00 to $16.50
Sport Oxfords-All Styles
$6.00 to $10.00
New styles arriving every day by express. When you are in need
-,of shoes'for your better-vfr, come in and try some of-thesenew
tilings. . : . ' - ,s w,3 f .1
ry. W mi aetklag
tin til wa w lul
grada f ltbar that aoaay wQl buy.'
I Mr 7scbaon, In cbatga f tMa aa-.
Iiattaaant, la aa axpart In ait Una fcaa
pant r yaars la factorlea ana xapatr .
bbojhi and will ta aotalng but tlgk'
grada .work. ' '
. DO VnTTJ? Carna and callaaaa
Xy J JL J U XV remavad wlthan
VJPW pain, or aoraaaaa.
1 Lm- ' IngTowa nalla ra-
TIT7T?rT7 BJaved and traatad.
weak tout, flat font, foot (trains and
fallen arcnaa adjaaiad. Do not aoffar.
I will (lva Ton tha bt that adanca
caa prodaca la acianttfjAhitopady.
Consult : .
DR.M.D. V IN YARD r Ji jf "
The Most Complete Line Victor-
Records at Moor es. ol7
1 m
Truffle Offendera Mned
Several traf fie law violators
were fined in police court yester
day. J. A. Turner and tjeorge C.
Stearns paid $1 apiece for-park
ing on an alley and Balph Allen,
D. A. Poung and W. E, Knowerj
were fined similar amounts for
parking in front of theaters.
Ralph Morrixon. Dr. 8. P. Scott,
and Carrie O'Neill were fined $1
apiece for parking oyertime. Bol-
ert Albrich waa fined $3 for speed
ing.- .
ThurwlMj, iu-i. il, ajt Ihr ,
Klstnoro. See "Bear Brulun"
by Sir Jami Barrio as rendered
by the fa minis Moroni Olsert Play
ers. Tickets 12.20, 11.65, fl.10.
Season tickets 13.30. . o!7 I
lliiil i:mh 1 1 11 n f n it - : '
..... n ,
Ceorge W. Edwards, local police
onn-er, is out of town today -on a
pacasant nuntlnt trip. 4 - -
Miiiinrrr Kulc
Sen tha FVonh cthntt nd n Mm
ily page. - oi7
All IUmhim. llalU Havnlwowl
Six room Falrmount Hill home,
''implete for 17500. Room 2 cars.
Compare to any Salem home up to j On large view paved lot.
Terms. Immediate possession.
Hecke & Hendricks. 1S9 N. High
Buy Vour Scaly Mattrip
This week . and . save 115.50.
Fall stock to choose from. II. L-
Stiff Furniture Co. , ol7
Tract (taod Buildlnz
North east of Salem oa caving
18000. S acres, terms. Another
with laree house for 14000.. An-
the on tlghway saltsHe stcre