The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 17, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    V' - - jet.-:
1 "tIIyot IWfz
1 1
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KS i XS .c v
i&8 '-W'teMnddiUs-'-BMignoer 'Defeats California; 27 io 7
Astoria Rally in.' Fourth Quar
ter, With Poisky Crossing
' - - " tha:J4l Lfne-.
ASTORIA; Oct lk--Spfedal to
j The Statesman.) The Salem ligh
i school grid team battered down
f stiff opposition, by the Astoria high
school eleven in the i scond iand
third quarters of the game here
today. . winning by a score of 12
to-6. r ,
. , .Astoria, which'; put! up a bitter
' utruggle -throughout ! the I same,
finally managed to set started in
the last quarter, pushing over one
touchdown before the gun sound
ed. The teamsv battled without a
. score In the first-period bat In the
f second the Capital -City men adi
Tranced: the ball to' within scoring
' distance, i from -where -Temple
romped oyer the, goal line on a
criss-cross! . ' ' -v . -
The Salem Vteam added its ' sec
ond touchdown in the third period,
: i:..
The woman who knows what to
, do after wating her hair doesn't
. fear theeffect of hot! Irons. Nor
of frequent washings. A few drops
.' of Danderlne on comb or towel
and the liair-iaaoft and lustrous,
and behares bentif ully, v:'
, A bit of Dnderlne rubbed light
ly into the scalp." Is- the one sure
way to dissolve every particle -)f
dandruff. But a few; drops more
: make a' dressing that is simply
. marvelous. A, isheen) that' rivals
brilliantine, .-and no grease! '
..Any - permanent' wave or .water
- wave lasts mach- tonRer and looks
much nicer; when , Danderlne - is
used instead of water to "set" the
Get a bottle of Danderlne and
start its benefits today. . Every
. drug store In-'America, has it Tor
only 35c For. the' finest dressing
. you could find, and the best aid
- to hair health yet discovered, just
...'-.try---' ,. 'vi''';i,'T'.?;'i-)
. t v
i A
We have a complete line of Christmas Cards-
i Make Your Selection Nomf! '
( . ':;''
': Ul 'r :
- . , . . .- n . 'v -
- . t i ' i- r . - - i
-m - fc. -
.... " N I . .i - V. '
' '. ' . '' s T .
r a
. OIC 7r CliferU-T. "-,'
,-WhiortoD Stau 14; U. f MoaUaa .
1 "Vahlneton 20; Idh 0. -
,Gos(i 55 v JfeitBonuta AA-Clab 0. e
Stanford 83; U. of Sen A 9.i. :..
St. Mary'k ColKtt 20; California Af
ftea 7. :.' - ; i - .,. ,
Iartnjotlt 7; TaW'14 '.
Pt-nBariraaia 21; Chkapo 0.
Uiefaigsa 20 Minnaota 0.' . '
Nebraska ,20; AVaUineton r 6.
Illinois 13; tow . ' .
' .Xary 27 ; Priocetoo i V .- - '-
Army 27. Srracnao 2X. . i- f
NotTa Eam 2v Pr Stat 0.-J?.
' Ohia 8Ut 2.i.:olnBibia 7. V, - :
. Orcg-on f'rosh 2; Columbia t7 0. i -
Ralem fcieh 21 :. Aatona, S.
- Mod ford 34; Klamath Valla 0. '
v Aanhlaad O; Gnmta Paaa O. .t ." -Parrisu
Juniora.19; Washinttoa Freak
Be 0. ; '-. i : ... . . ; -
" v, ' '..' " ' ". ' ' "... 1 '. ,
Ashhy going over the flineon a
fake criss-cross playt the same one
that produced a score against Ben
son in Salem. last week.
J : Astoria strengthened and made
a , desperate rally in the fourth
quarter. Poisky. right half,- cir
cled right end for; one touchdown,
but all - the ' other thrusts ,of the
local men toward ' the Salem goal
line were halted by a stern de
fense. The . lineup ,
. Pobitton
" ' C
. UiR
- 1 niir
' Aatoria
G. Laraon
. Koakela
K. Iaraoa
. Peiiky
" Forater
L Bowse
' Fifteen members of the Salem
chapter of American WarMothers
went to Portland in automobiles
Tuesday,' taking with them - 30
Marge calces, two comforters, a
quantity of walnuts and other use
ful gifts and presented them to
the men in the veterans hospital
in that city; also visiting the in
stitution in which are being treat
ed a number of-the men who were
wounded in and otherwise incapac
itated through service in the
WorldWar; ;' I : "- . ,i
The. gifts and visit were highly
appreciated by the men in the in
stitution. ' : - - ' -
; Henry O. Miller. 184 S. Com'!.
St., . where most people prefer to
eet their auto- Darts for all makes
of f cars. Trade here and make
sayings on all auto parts. )
j Baker r-Ljocal stockmen ship 13
cars sheep to Chicago market. ,
Only 14 Days Left ,
And still , you haven't
oompieted the prepara
tions for your party. Fa
.vors, table decorations j
novelties of all kinds and
everything for All Hal
lows Night can be found
here. ,:
The Commercial
v"rBook Store
' A."A. Gueffroy '
189 North i Commercial
h. A'
A 4
1 FO 0T8 ALL S CO R ES i
SKould be one of quality and
stylc;- one which will meet
, every, demand you put upon
itCvkeep out the . biting wind
vith6ut Tnakiriglyou look
: biinglesome and awkvard, ;
made to order of the best r
materials and by' ejtpert tailors
Thd Merchant- Tailor
Bewildering Aerial; Attack of
. -Northerners Too Much;";
; . for ' Golden : Bears -'
STADIUM4 Berkeley., Cal., Oct,
16, (AP)-4Sererai Jong, "lean
yea.r- t football vt Wight were
swept away, today and ' the farm
ers from' Oregon harvested a boun
tiful crop ot gridiron Tictory from
the green turf I of i Memorial Sta4
lum. AThe . final score, was: Ore
gon Agricultural eollegfr 37; tTJnt-
verslty- of Callforniayy. .
Feur times northern cleats, en
graved a mark in XJallfornia scor
ing turf, and three other, occasions
found the. Aggies pounding at the
gateway guarded by ; the- Golden
Bear.. j-.i-w,v f-j ":i.
Only, once could ; the Blue and
Gold cross the threshold, of . the
enemy, and that came In the open
ing ; period, -three mlnntes - after
play had begun. i Put they could
not hold the lead., and OAC brok?
through shortly after to even ud
the count. . , t , . T i
As the: game. wore on the tre
mendous- driving , power, - coupled
with a bewildering aerial attack
could not be denied and the Ag
gies careened - down the riield
steadily, to cross California's line
twice in the third period and once
again in the closing few minutes
of the game. ? - ,
; Brilliant runs by Maple, quarter
and Jarvis, left half, marked the
visitors'- play; -while; a 'series pf
glaring fumbles served to detract
trom ineir y en oris ana likewise
seemed to cut off several promised
touchdowns. V!, - . .
Maple-made his Jtid, forcglory
in the third period when he dash
ed 75 yards down a broken field to
score the northern 1 squad's 1 third
touchdown. : Ilia team mate, Jar
vis, : had", previously scored on a
63-yard run from kickoff
v The play of the Bears was char
acterlzed by the same-poor taekl
Ing which lost the St. Mary's game!
Bancroft, starting at left end, was
easily the California star;, his play
on tne wing being .faultless.. NIa
wander at guard was also a stone
wall untirhe tired.; :t lr
Jarvis and Luby the OAC half
backs, were the -most' consistent
ground gainers for the winners
while Maple, with "his shift?
turns pf f-ponts. and h-le ArUlia
worf touaa' ue jenasc siooa o
Bchulmerich. giant fullback;
whom eo TOnch was expected.; ca
j-ied, the ball only three times f ;
a net gain xr one yard. - t - ?
Ward, left end, also earned
place in the ranks "Of stellar pe
formers with a remarkable; d
play, of -pass tchi4ig and defenf
iva -work around :the corners". -
The 'Aggies 'netted Jhelr fli
downs from scrimmage while t
Bears' made : six, aU in the fir
half.- The visitors lost the hi
on down twice. California coi J?
pie ted -two s forward, passes - in 1 0
attempts, .the Aggies ' throwlir$
passes H times; to , complete fl,Ve
of them. A crowd of 25.000, x?
ceptionally : small for the "clask o
game, wwas spread outpyerAhe
two sides of the .stadiuoL - What
it lacked in sire, however. It made
up in color. A warm, sunshiny
day- made playing conditions fav
orable. ;
: s f" : ttoBimary ' . i ,
California 7)'--.i - -
Player r- Position
Baacrofi L. K
Sargeat i U T.
LiDdfrcn , I G...
Miller Center.
Niawander R. ff.
Coltria R. T.
Ore son (27 1
"' I Ward
i jttaieoia
" Eiler
, i r'-'tt it-' n." 'li'," t - rr-'i .
J -'s j Rabbin
- Edwards
Be&u laser ich
Seora by period: . . . .
t'aliforuia - ..-..7 0 e 0 1
O. A. C l7 0 13 7 at
Scerina-: OlCi. touchdowns Lnbjr :
Manle (sub for Cdwards 2: Rob bias.
i ioal after teachdosear SeksbDerien 2 ;
Map'e. - . s - -
California: Tearbdown Vanhom. Goal
after touehdowa.j Vaabnra. ' . (
Officials: Varaell (Chicago) referee
Mntlirsn (OensaKa) umpire. Pttzpatrielt
Utah field lade ; Care ,8.
head linesman. r. '-'V-."-.'
Oct. 16. Stanford .weight and ex
perience, proyed, tec. muchfor the!
valiant, Nevada f oof ball. team here
today and the Cardinals f crushed
their opponents 33 to 9 after Ne
vada had .outplayed them through
put aU of -the first period, at the
end -of wfiich- th9 visitors were
leading 9 to 0.' f ' v
PUIXMAN, , Wash.. Oct 16.
The - University of Montana f oot
ball team ' lost ; its third Pacific
coast conference game of the-season
here today -to Washington
State college.- -The score was li
to ;t6, .The ; victory , was - the ;flrt
of the conference season for Wash
ington State, which lest its first
game to Southern California last
STADIUM. Seattle, . Oct. 16.
Showing ability to make line gains
only, in -the first and fourth .quar
ters, the University of Washington
football team defeated the Uni
versity of Idaho 26 to 0 in this
bowl today in a sheet-of' mud and
under a strong sun while the wind
whistled in the press ' box and
blustered over the ifield.'
' The Huskies attempted eight
passes and made 4 0 yards by com
pleting five. . The Vandals tried
three, all of,;vh!ch failed. The
visitors suffered one penalty of
PhiHipa it E
Clymer t.
Marcea " 1HB
Vaa Hern " ' ' RUB '
Griffin C) . - l"B
H i ...r.v.." :
;l Nil" . -- if 1
nsxmgpxtciim proved safe by mil
lions ahd prekribed by physicians oyeri25 years for; ,
Colds t-Headache -Neuritis Lumbago
Pain fw Neuralgia - Toothache . ..ftheuiiUtlsm
' Aaptrta l tka trade atark U Bayer afaaafaetar U Uoooaeeticaeideeter af SallcrUcacid
ICnoivn By
Just as a man is known by the company he keeps so
also is he, known by his banking connection. -
There's afcertain -amount of-prestige in being, a cus
vtomer of the United States National. , People
have linked up with an institution that is progressive,
influential and that will work with you towards success.
You will, in your everyday transactions, find us equip-
ped to give you every, banking, service. ,
United, States
five yard and the home team four,
totalling 40. yards. . .
PORTLAND, Oct.r;16. (AP)
By blocking Mnlthoraah' pu..ti
almost at will and ' circling the
club ends'Tor long gainst Gonzaga
university ran rough-shtrd . over
the Multnomah club to win an easy
55 to; Or victory: here- todays .
, k The , visitors scored in the ' first
four .minutes ; of ' ' play .when, a
blocked kick was recovered on the
pOTtlander's ; eight-ard ; line. Two
plays and a five-yard; penalty re-'
suited in " the touchdown.'
'', The 'Bulldogs scored four more
touchdowns 'and a safety in the
first- half-' and added three more
touchdowns in "-the last two peri
ods.' "Ingram made ' two touch
downs for the visitors, while Hunt
ing. Hunton, Luce, Halls, B. Gray
and McGowan-' contributed one
each. -
, The Dixie Bakery leads on high
class breads, pies, cookies .and
fancy baked supplies of every kind.
Best by test. ,Ask old-customers.
439 Court St.' ()
- -.; ' 'i
White. House Restaurant, 362
State St., where hundreds of peo
ple prefer to eat. All you want to
eat tor, less than-you can eat at
home. Quality and service." . ()
O- " o
h . . .(;
p LOS AriGELES. ' Oct, 16.
AP) Clyde' Day weakened in
the 9th inning and Portland put
oyer three runs to nose Los An
geles out 4 to 3 here today.
Score ? R. H. E.
Portland 4 10 2
Los Angeles . 3 "10 1
.' Mangum and Wendell; Day and
Cross" on tablets, you are not
' 1 ,! J
Accept only "Bayer" package
w-hich contains proven directions.
Handy - Baver boxes of -12 tablet
Also bottle of 24 and 100 Drmnriata.
Hb Bank
JJ 1 ,
(AP) San Francisco won a see
saw game of baseball from Seattle
here today by a "score 6t"6 to 4.
Score ' R. H'e
SeatUe 4 9 0
San .Francisco ........ 610 0
Hasty and E. Baldwin; 'Moudy
and Vargas.
San Francisco Missions treated
the Sacramento Solons here Today
to a double shutout by 'scores , of
8 to 0 and 4 to 0. .
First game . R. H. E.
Missions I 8 12 1
Sacramento .......... 0 8 1
Ludolph and Whitney; , Keefe,
W. Canfield and Kdehler. f 4
Second game y R. H. E.
Missions . . . , . . . 4 . g j
Sacramento . . ... i . -r. 0
Cole and Murphy;Rachac and
Shea. (7 innings by agreement.)
OAKLAND, Oct. 11 G-(AP)
Oakland defeated "the Hollywood
Stars 6 to 4 here today. Fullerton
for Hollywood and Delaney for
the locals both hurled good games.
Score R. H.E.
Hollywood ...... 4 8 3
Oakland 6 13 1
Fullerton and Peters; Delaney
and Read. - ,
Telephone 165, . Capital City
Laundry. The .laundry of pure
materials. We give special atten
tion to all home laundry work.
Telephone and we will call. ()
C. A. Luthy. Reliable Jewelry
store. What you are looking for
In jewelry. Where a child can buy
as safely as a man' or woman.
Repairing in all lines. ()
Continuous Shows From
Two Until Eleven on
Vaudeville Program
Sun's Eastern Vaudeville and
the feature picture "Going the
Limit" - starring! Qeo. .O'Harra at
the Capitol today .Shows continu
ous from two until eleven. 1
Allegris Revue heads the vaudeH
vllle bill with singing, music and
dancing. Bert Chadwlck, the Ec -
Mary Sells In Ups and Downs of
fer a good comedy skit. HIMur &
Lillian in Musical Treats, and Art
Phillips in Comedy Imitations at
the piano make up the bill.
The Capitol orchestra under the
direction of Viola Verclar Holman
will furnish . the music for the
vaudeville and Dow Le Roe Guest,
organist, will play the ascending
Wurlitxer organ. -
Only the Best! Our patrons
will bear this out. We serve only
the best in meats and poultry.
Hunt & Thaller, 263 North Com
mercial. 1 . 4 - ()
Acclimated ornamental nursery
stock, evergreens, , rose bushes,
fruit and shade trees at Pearcy
Bros, in season. We have our own
nurseries. 178 S.. Gom'l ( )
Changing a flat tire will ruin
your pleasure, disposition and
dirty your clothes. Let Malcom'a
Tire' Shop show you a line of good
reliable tires. 295 N. Coml. ( )
1 11 '1! ' ;
. . ,-
Knit Your Own
i There Is Great
Make SweatersHoSe; Hugmetights Scarf VvLu a 7 T " t 7
k : " ' CaPs, Afghans, Robes, Blankets, Mittens U
Shetland Floss
all colors, very
ball ....Ta.a.C
- Saxonly Yarn,
staple colors,
Very epe- rji
.Your Mrtili Orders
receive careful attention.
We pay the postage ror
express within . a radius
'of a hundred miles. 1 '
, .; :;: .-' i .U7ST0CK ! ' ' :
TORTtAKD." "Ore: ' Oct?. 16. (AP)
Today' receipt: Cattle 70; eaWe 20 ;
IwJffs 800.'-- -,-'- - - . -:
Receipts for - week' - (approximate)
Cattle 2,585; eaWea 560;lke 5,503:
CATTLE Today's receipts held for
tbe.Mpnday market -compared with week
ao; steers 25 to 35c lower; ah stock
mostly steady; apott ?5c lower; fanners
and eatters steady; bulla barely steady to
weak; week's balk prices: Medium qual
ity beef steer 8.507.35;; top 7.50;
off quality down to $6.00 and under;
eows and heifer I4.75&6.50; tOv heif
ers $8.50; top cow in leads $6.15; cut
ter , $4.50 down; balls 'mostly H.oOM
5.00; add bead $55 ft 5.50; calTes- $6.0O
7.50 ;, with choice kinda absent; off
quality dewa to $5.00; beat light vealers
up to $12.00; bnrk $9.0J(st 11.00; a lim
ited atoTe of lijht steer to the country at
f 6.00i 6.85.- . 4.;' -A . . ; , ,
HOUS Compared '" with week ago:
KiUing classes 25Cj50e lower; feedirs un
erenly - SOc5sl-0i lower; week'a balk
prices: light butchers $14.25 C-14.50;
top $14. $0 for one load; weightier butch
er 914.09 down; heavie down. to &12.&0;
packing -so! $11.00(ull.50; feeder pig
moBtry $14.00. V , 5
6IIEKP aomilaltr steady with . week
ago: bulk of receipts on contract: best
fat lambs quoted at $12:00; yearl ngs up
t -$10.75; and ewea $6.00 down. ;.
PORTIiAJiD,-- -Oet- - AP) Milk
steady; 'best churning cream 44c per
poand net shippers ' track in .zone 1.
Cream delivered Portland 46e per pound.
Raw milk (4. per cent) $2.25 ewt. FOB
Portland. - -
Poultry ateady: heary hens t523c:
light 16c; springs 2 1 & 25c; pekia white
decks 24(u25e; colored 1517e; tarkeys
live 32&ja4c; d rested 43 (a 44 pound.
PORTLAXD, ' Ore., Oct. J.- (AP)
'Wheat BBB hard. white, hard white, .BS
Baart, Federation, soft white, western
white .' October, Karember, Deember
$1.39;hard winter Oct, Kot Dee,, $1.38;
northern apring, wea tern red Oct, Nor
Iec, $1.37. . .. .
Oats No. 2. 30 ponnd white feed and
gray Oct., Nor, lec., $31.50."
- Barley, No. 2, 45 ponnd BW Oet., Nor.
Dec., $2S.50. . v. - s - - .
Corn. No. tS, EY shipment Oct, $39.00;
Nor. $35.00.. -
SaawJiwiwiii "11 , ,,.n
General ' Markets
I 1 J--r
Salem's Theatre Beautiful
I A WctnieToui Will
I r -, , . -.cj
I 1 Love to Remember
. '
ano - aaxLBl OF
of tha "daactng -to4
wenn-w pu ub near execntion of i ... . - j
-''J10'1 ,1cned l0Ter- ' EEH night life la tha nrtr r nr5
cf Europa', pre-war ckpttala. You wUl Vo thxiJed!-. f Sfl
delighted and ropr- -.y entert.lned. iueo,-?
: With. IiAURA LA T IJLNTT! miyA v. 1 - -
great galaxy -of, rer
ouoer jrroaacuon.
r - S tk!f n I
i - '
" Special Music V
V r- ., - ' Score on the" '"', '
. m','"- , j ..v.JS..-.i -. . , ...r- t , '
Bui Ektiv&Slock. of
77 4
jvAt Greatly Reduced Prices
Tremendous Stock, Germanism Worsteds, Scrxony,
Shetland Floss, Knittinff Worsted-All Colors
i ; . x ' i-" "' " " ';' " " '
Christrnas is. only nine weeks away it is none too
vrSJ i Ut yUr plans and lay Jn a supply of
materials for your requirements in making up gifts.
SnfictV: i Vt .
Germantown Zeo-1
yn, all colors,
cry Bpc- je
Knitting worsted
staple colors.
AW v
jx Millrun standard Oct,-,or, Dec,
1 $23.00 , . . ,-
I PORTXjAND. Ore." OcL 16. (AF)
othy $20.00 4jf 22.00 ;. ditto ralley $17.0(
t 17.50: chea ?13.0i); alfalfa $lT.50(fJ
18.00; oat hay $13.00: rat. and rofch
$14.50 15.00; : straw $7.O07.50f ; per
too. . Selling prices $2 a ton more. ; ,
;' - -WXAT ITEM - !
CHICAGO. Oct.- 18. AP) Baying
based largely ' on Argentine reports ; of
frost gare the wheat-market today a de
rided up ward -trend, v Closing quotation
oa wheat were firm, le to 1C net, high
er with -corn o. down, oat at-
hade to 1 to lie 'advance, and previs
ions varying from 20c decline to 5c gain.
I Salem Markets
FEED '- ' - - -
No. 1,. wheat, white.
t Red, wheat, aackedl
: Oats,' per b..w.
-' Uy, cats, retch, pee ton..
. $ 1.2$
"...' 14.00
Top hqgs,.. . .13
- . . 1 or,. ltL.
Top steers
5 .06
2 06 04 V,
- Balls
3 M nrv f
Spring lambs, under 90 lbs
Top real . ,
Dressed real
Draaaad hoga
JV Light hens .
Heary hens
- . .13
.net .-si
Roqeter -
Heavy colored fry..
Standards .... 43
; Per ponnd . i
Botterfat C... 45
Cream butter .-.. "4
Vafcetabie. beets,.. aeked:, .on
Oaions, do, bunches... 40(T?.hii
VIery, dos, banehes 60a 5 $1.1(1
New cabbage . " .(-j
Old potatoes , $1.75 ? 2.7.0
Lioeal tomatoes -' ... 1.00
. Ne w ea bhag e j 14
; Ixcal onions . I .01 "
' Local lettuce, ' crate - ' 1.50
.1 ?j
JEWELS" Saw tha eaaaa
board a million tr.'. yacht
vsa - isa aver &4.4aaAl W ja f l tJ af ---LWsiasa
600 player worthy of thta 1 I
en the" .
arm c; ;
. .
Silk and Wool,
staple colors,
very epe- AQr
cial, ball..47'.
a I m
Portland Silk Store
362 Alder bi.
: : : Mi- -
- - . - - . ii . ji - I ' i i iii i i i , m , m,,,- - - '