The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 17, 1926, Page 18, Image 18

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    3 v
, f f
1 !
ThreeF Solid' Loads 01
" ' New Machines '
When, It Rains, 'Use Chains.
- x :v -
' Dn September 25th three solid
tralnloads of Majtag washers
were shipped from the factory at
Newton. Iowa, to the, west coast.
These three. trainloada are needed
to meet thelnereasthgt tfemand for
the Maytag . p the Pacific tcoast
In Pacific nortnwesti territory.
Two of Xbe tralnloads 'are as
signed to the Schlatter company
Maytag 'distributors fox Califor
nia. One tfainload,' is assigned to
the Maytag PaclfleInc.; ' jwith
headquarters In Portland, Oregon.
This Is the third trainload for this
latter company within the past 60
days, two solid trainloads having
been received ' and ; sold, by them
In a 30-day, period. f" ,
iThe Maytag company through'
its wonderful sales and dealers
organizations has" built up a re
markable demand foe the Maytag
washer not "only In the territories
mentioned above Taut throughont
the whole-country.- v.
Trainload shipments are being
sent" into vbverf section of the
country. Thousands of washers In
a single shipment. Orders that re
present a money value in the mil-'
lions! .
In spite of (he fact that there
are close to a' -hundred electric
washing machines " on "the market,'
the Maytair'coTnpany Has been the
dominating figure in Its field for
some years past While the total
sales of Maytag washers amount
ed to but a single million dollars
in 1920, the toUl sales for 19X5
bad reached the unprecedented
figure of $35,000,000. vf 5 l
'-Today, the " Maytag - company
i credited with selling more than
oae-thlrd of f all electric washing
machines said," This great demand
for the Maytag washer 'has made
neqessajry'thetmilldinRjot addition
al factory buildings to what was
already" the largest washing ma
chine factory la the world.
The present dally production of
Maytag washers 1 250 washers
bas twoved Insufficient to meet
the demand. Uew4 buildings rapid
ly nearlng completion; including
one of the largest aluminum foun
dries In the world, will shortly
! ii
Courtesy, National Counatt.
While some motorists feel that chains no longer are necessary
on automeblles, careful drivers will play safe by using these safe
guards in wer and slippery weather. The National .Safety Council
believes J the use of all mechanical appliances and devices that
will result jn fewer "accidents, lut contends the best safety instru
ment is a careful, man:1 ' " V , '
Company- Advises Careful
Rubber Inspection as
x Rains Start in
With the approach of rain, it is
p. good plan to size up your tire
equipment and remove tires that
have ' worn down to a perfectly
smooth surface.
Nearly every motorist appreci
ates that a smooth tire is a mighty
cancerous nroDOsition on a wet
(Continued From Section 11 -,,
answers. "God is incorporeal, div
ine", supreme, Infinite Mind, Spirit,
S6ul,v "principle, Life," Truth.
Love." ; Words' cannot define God
more clearly, for as we take .each
term, analyze. its meaning, exam
ine It prayerfully, we find that,. we
have a ' kndwable, provable. God,
a first Cause from" which must
proceed all that Is real and etern
al. - "
Y-:- GOD
f Christian Science makes clear
to us that God is "the same yester
day, and today, and forever !V It
also, makes clear to ns the avail
ability of this changeless God who
Is infinite good,- this first Cause
who is the maker, sustained and
ruler of the universe, forever 'the
same, bestowing all good'upon His
perfect spiritual creation. H'
Surely you "will agree with me
that If this first Cause or God is;
changeless, always the same as
the Bible states, He could not be .
corporeal or material in tbje slight
est degree. An Intelligent crea
tive Cause could not proceed from
or Include non-intelligent matter.
Does It not follow then, without
question; that God is incorporeal,
that 'is. without body, form, or
outline? ,
God is infinite, that is, entire
ly comnlete within Himself.-. And
Drivers WIO Hear KnOCk in Christian Science teacher that
.. ... ..V--m a- Tt.'t.,r I since He is within Himself di-
iviuiui run tu I iiuin w
"A tire that yould'knock.'.ring
a bell or blow, a horn when it is
under-inflated or requires inspec
tion, is the need - of motorists,'
according to local CTC dealers.
; "Whem his motor knocks, orlhe
transmission or rear end gfipwls,
Mr. Motorist knows right 'away
vine, then. He includes only that
which Is divine; divine strengtn,
wisdom, bealth, happiness; all
that is good and harmonious. He
is the source of all, and this all is
divine. He is self-existent and the
only true Being. The Bible tells
us of the infinite wisdom and
goodness of God. Christian Sci
ence teaches that God is supreme,
highest in place, power, .and au
thority; that He is supreme in
whelming ) evidence that Uesus
grave full proof of bis sonship 1 by
doing, the .works -of his Father,
ry -f wtj jag" uvine- junta govern
Hisj Htd Sand affections. It"was
this Mind which endowed Him
with the ability to beal the Sick
and ral'e the dead. This showed
by' Example tbat the truth ' He
taght,was prpy able and suffic
ient at all times" dnd under all
circumstances. . To-day, through
the revelation of Christian Sci
ence, this T same ; truth is made
avSHabi -tor all mankind in meet-
Ip'g'.every human need. Jesue
said "God is a Spirit; and they
lint- Worship : him must worship
hfin in spirit and in truth."
'"F6 doubt many In this audience
can testify with me, and to our
teslimonic it would be possible to
add ;the': testimonies of thousands
upon thousands, that Christian
Science has taught , them, just as
it can teach all humanity, how to
worship God aright, how to love
and. adore. Him as a God of truth.
unfailing in every hour uf need
supplying all good to His child
ren. God is Spirit, the only an!
matiner. vitalizing power of the
-universe. $ '
("hrlstifn Science also tells ue
that spirual man, the image and
likeness of 'Spirit. God, forever
reflects all the qualities of Spirit
These qualities cannot be lost or
impaired, because being spiritual
and God-given, they will remain
perfect, and indestructible
throughout all time.
Must it not be true if God is in
finite, immutable, forever com
plete within Himself,1 that God is
Soul, the divine substanee and ac
tuating Cause of all being? Is It
not clear, if He is the only. Cause,
that matter has neither substance,
power, nor intelligence to create.
accomplish, or to destroy?
Does it not follow, therefore.
that the source, cause, and basis
of us. for Love has touched ail or use see what is the correct view
sllpperr Pavenient. and that:elf J? lJi3.
protection and a due regard fov
the "other fellow demands" a rug
ged, non-skid tread, on all four
tires during; the rainy season.
According to Alfred A. Aya,
vice president and general sales
manager ' of the 7 f Columbia -Tire
Corporation, makers of CTC tires
and tubes, a recent, tabulation of
accident causes in wet weather
indicates that thousands of avoid?
aole accidents are" due to smooth
treads on slippery pavements.
.f-CTtbejuar scientifically, con
structed to afford not only tht
maximum mileage, but the' tread
immediately applies corrective
eniedlos. Because your tire op
erates silently, and provides no
warning noisea, it Is up to the car:
cwner to make regular and 'fre
quent inspection of his tires, in
order to receive the service that
the manufacturer has painstak
ingly put into them.'
CTC users in every section of
design is of such a nature as to
Uf CT cu" "J" , 7 provide the highest rdegree of
raise the present production wdnH'navp.
1100 washers a day.
The Maytag company . was
founded more-than thirty years
ago by P. W Maytag", the present
chairman of the board of direc
tors. VMrtyiag wathetorlgltia
t0ZXt tbjet elHae plan hereby
KWfiag Wai&ers ar llohe
prbSpecfr hbme instead of J upon
the floor- of- the dealer's store;
We have the hat you want at
the price you wanrto pay. Many
new patterns and felt hats come In
daily. The Vanity Hat Shop,' the
place to buy the Beth Hat. ( )
i i i . 1 .
H. I Stiff Furniture Co., lead
ers in complete home furnishings.,
priced to make you the owtot.
The store that studies yourevery
need and is ready to meet it, ab
solutely, s -c: 1-
Auvuimnea mn pas xf '
the-rear doors nave shirred pock
ets, with sloping tops for conven
ient access. -
Equipment is , unusually com
plete. There iare twoV corner
lights, two smoking sets and en
trance grips' in the tonneau. In
struments are arranged in a new
I ornamental ' grouping.' indirectly
lighted. They Include an electric
clock and gasoline gauge. .!,
Other " equipment includes Jour
shock absorbers, coincidental ig
nltlon and steering lock, automat
ic windshield wiper, rear view
mirrdr;c6tnbinatl0n stop and tail
light, locttn right front door, re
mote control door handles cowl
The Pontiac Six Is outselling
because It is Built to Outlast. , f It
displays unfailing sturdiness and
I oi iexiux ' waeei, integral sen
Nash Furniture Co. takes the rvlsbr'; and ,eowl 'lights.
lead with low prices On: chairs, r ? Tlres are 31x.25. .Artillery
rockers, tables, wood and steel rtype wood wheels are standard
beds, springs, mattresses. Saves at gteel wheels may be obtained
yoa 2o. Z19 N. comi.. 11 ht slightly .higher -prices. , 'r
General Motors sold 743
automobiles last year.. v
because of this He is incorporeal,
divinely infinite supreme, aija
cannot be limited in power, ca
pacity, or knowledge. God is
ever, available to you and to nao
and all mankind. - -
Paul said In Philippians, "Let
this mind be in you, which was
felso In Christ Jesus." In the gos
pel of John we read that Jesus
the country, axj urged; repeatedly I Baid. "I and my Father are one.'
to maintain proper air pressure
and inspect their tire$ -regularly.
thus sectfring the wonderful'mlle-
age that is characteristic of" this I
c.uality product."
soqx, itrsioR "
Does It not follow, therefore, that
this oneness can only be express
ed soirituallv by reflecting the
Mind which is Spirit? The light
thrown upon the Scriptures
through the study of Christian
Science reveals and makes clear
to human perception the unity of-
God and Christ, the oneness or
dfvine Hnnshin. that the Mind
which was in Christ JesSEF God,
our lives in. some, .way at some
timeiJiWbet we coaslder Jthe de
votlon, h s njnselfish love of a
how virtnch' ereater must be the
love Tof iir 3itrr 5ffotherf G6d.
tenderly" taring' for" H is children,!
tnicoiiBtiNii millions. feed I n'g.l
noushtng,; andtClothlng tthem In
all thebwauty ot-bpllness, ' - '
' To- gain l the faintest under-;
stan inw of : CJod - as Father, Moth
er, Life,4, Truth; and Love, and
man His perfectreflection. will
Kive to all.- hoWaiid assurance. It
wilt: fill em otr hearts with uh-
r.peakable Joy-, and courage, and
raaketheoi rIow with tender love
and gratitud&. -
Now the' question Is. How may
we understand man? We need
only turn to the Bible to learn
the truth about man.' In the first
chapter of Genesis we read, "God'
created man in his own image. In
the'Image of God created he hlm;.''
and that Cod gave- man domin
ion over all things. Reasoning
from this true basis will disclose
to you, and to all who seekfsalva
Hon, that everything proceeding
from God must be God-lik, good,
complete, and perfect. The real
man.' the man of God's creating
must forever manifest all" the
eternal, spiritual qualities of -his
Maker, and can never be deprived
of this rich Inheritance
In "the Christian Science text
book on page 476 Mrs. Eddy
writes, "Jesus beheld in Science
the perfect man. who appeared to
him where sinning mortal nan
appears to" mortals. ' In this per
feet man the Savior saw God's
own likeness, and thi- orrect
view of man healed the sick "'Let
of war..' First of all.' the Bible
declares that God created ' man in
the Image of ; Himself. Then h"
man -is Elated In- the' image and
likeness of God. ha reflects -all. of
God's qualities. - Man ' must ' re-
flect incorporrality, tgr God Is In
corporeal. God has, not one ma-
terial quality, therefore man cav
not f reflect notiatter or naortaPtif.
God t3-Miad.Mah, then, as Gort'
Idea 1 0iJ ,;jref lectio k. expresses 1
waj's. tr jGod la, infinite, this r ne
Mind. Therefore,"' man refects all
Intelligence ,' has all wisdoniand
la only capable of Judging wi-lvs
CoBtionrl ob pay 4.)
:. ..! .. , .T v.- ' 5 v i. f
Trad Hark Ksttra
Klp Ore" was 4levered by H. H. Brootn, wko ka bon der.lopior a4j
if U for twMty mn m th tratniot t many f th 4iaaM tunvlUxA
laourahla bafor tb diseevary of th wosdarfal Kt On'NiUn'i UI tram.'
t '-. f
- - I
Amaeing Results Obtained In" the Treat
ment of Diabetes, Kidney and Bladtier
Disorders, Eczema, '.Rbeunxaiism D4gee-
tlve Troubles. Cancer.High Bleed Prei
sure. Hardening ; of tbej Arteries,iEte."
We hare ihe only penaine Magnetic
pAIWkna V-nr.' . a..A.Ti -V. TlAy.5
; free for all tofirlnk- at' the Sa'ftitarlum.
Hundreds of people in all walks of 'life
wiir'gladly testify to the wonder fujte-
suits' obtained by them from sickness
and suffering through the use of. "Kelp'
, Ore." . Write for booklet.
Tillamook aigliwaj to Hobo, Booao
relt bithway aoiUb to Pacifia City road,
t nil from mam highway turn tsft at
lift-aboard. "To B.t tL BraotM Batha."
By iUn to Hebo and paoaa Batha for
boa ? "
Stova, bed apriaca aad tectrie Ifgfeta
farniahd ideal locauon wlta . woa
dorfal iw of Neityera Bay. . whero
Battr Clama. flomdora aad Satmit
Mat abonnd.- Oao miU froat ' tia
Oceaa. Vs;., , .."-- -sit;
Addraaa H. H. BBOOTBH'B "KEXP OBE". BATHS, Clovardala, Oragon.
j If yoa drusciat aanoraopply yoo, writa dirae to H-H BraaUa, OaTardala.ra. I
V . . ' --iiiiilinr " . J. - - j-
Studebaier, but not bearing th&JaHtse. r
StudehaKer nam; nwiir'be exniwc-l
ed at the Paris Saibri . on' October
In the Sct
of all that really exists 5s God,
the all-lncluslve, infinite, divine
"Mind or Principle from which all
good proceeds? Moses, the great
lawgiver,' said. "He is thy life.
Let us analyte this sUtenent. The
Bible tells us that God created all
things. Therefore it must be that
He is the only Life or source of
our existence, is our Father,
Mother, our All-in-all. the sole
Creator of Man and the univoro.
Christian Science has come to
teach all mankind how to under
stand the great truth, and how to
lay hold of life eternal.
, Moses also said. He is "God. of
truth, Just and.right Is he.
A Truth-must be exact, unchange
able, always the same, we eee that
God is all-inclnsive wisdom, eter
nal Truth.
"God is love." This is told us
in the rospel of John. Perhaps
SOUTH BEND It Is under
stood here that a new light4 en
closed 'car, manufactured by I the only intelligence xflL-tfie uni- Uut.. otbr word in the English
riptures' we, hqpre over- I
hanguage defirws God" so clearly J
or brings Him so near to each One
Paul Hoffman, vice-president of
the Studebaker Corporation de
clined to affirm or deny the story.
It is further understood that the
product will be placed on the
market simultaneously . with: the
opening of the New York automo-
bile show. Thee,new car will be
used in ' the Studebaker export
trade, it was said 't .
The Studebaker .v-production
here and In theTetroit plant has
reached a combined daily total of
C25 units, according to executives
here. -Automotive Daily News.
A; H. Moore. 233 N. High St.
apartraeals. and store where you
can get high quality furniture and
furnishings . for every room in
your -house, v- (),
Independence School district
votes for $12,000 gymnasium and
play shed. i
aa r i
.Get Your Auto
Body aiid Top
With our hew equipment
and expert workmen we
are In a position to do
top and body work quick
er and consequently at
"less- cost than- .before.
Our new equipment per
mits us to correctly do
any body or top rebuild
ing or repair.
268 South Commercial Strfet Phone 57&
- - if- ' - '
vSf Down Comes the
corr cioxavei
IfpamJi (trocar
i if it
i 'i
MltHJi l
H 4 W PI
V i I I II
'i .a. e ' ' f i
i ' .11 -'I li'. M : i.ij . ', , .
ii 1 j ' -ir -TJi
ftie7few?Wy I
I YOU save money every male
iwhen you ride a Harley
' Davidson &ngle the new
type motorcycle that travels
80 miles on a gallon. r
; SafieJ coctortabtet enjoyable.
; Nearly self-balancing,, with .
simple Controrrwerfjulc
motor and 3-peea trans
mission; Park in 2xS"ft.
space;! Ey
buy. Ask about
" ' our convenient
RidePlaa. . '
lift V
f t.
Thai's what you get when you -ase
Insist on 'the genuine. Any dealer can supply you
" (Not Brothers The Same Man)
. . . '
High Street at Ferry ? ' Salem, Oresron
KoKr?i?l Sinqlc
' HarVy W. Scott '
The-Cycle ManlL-.- .
-GomffbntoHhe 'wet roads, with the eorBrtxppsed;
;Vrbughi,!spdts' shortens thejne of your;f ire to justs .
lewmore vreeKs. vve can retreaorii uiu givyou;
;-anotiieraQ,0P0 miles or so.- : V;; " r
' - : - : Phone 313 f ' t ',. .
KU illcp -Tire -SorviCQ Co.
iq7South Commercial Street
V' rhone 315 y ON
n r yp
i r-t
TJnbiaaed meastireaaent of true ;
ortKoa General Motors Proving ;
Grooad anticipate aad dupticatea,
La xlvaticeV ev ei y '.6 ndltioa of a
owner txse raya dcrwxi the laws
that secure dwncf szticdatLT la
every ycboess cmantifactyrespllic
hair mra'stfrcxiiexita iaark the code ,
caf gta&z&r' ri"i;'4" 1
And thli exactaesa yield that tml
form merit4 WhJcli ril&e Oldsmcv
bile so far above its price, pldsnio
bile performance", endurance,
comfort and beauty ire founded
first and foremost J on strictest
srandaTdsj rigidly maintainryll
apit6I MotorsJ Inc.
350 North High Street
Telephone 2125 ,
F$ " " :f
waaaSS SSmIWbbWSSS 'aaalBaB'a g ,,25 '
The Bottom Has Fallen out o f Prices.
BUY TODjY-f Thesp prices re good for
one week only, starting; Fridp i5
r-t t
v V1 I - ;
Tuhe prices when
purchased with a
31x4 ..
32x4 ..
33x4 ..
32x4 -29x4.40
.. $1.65
.. 12.05
.. 12.15
.. $2.35
. . $2.95
.. $1.95
. . $2.45
.. $2.55
: . 2.75
.. $3.45
30x32 CL Stdafd Corrl 5 7.95
30x3Vi CI. Oversize Cord S 8.95
31x4 S. S. Oversize Cord ..........$13.65
32x4 S. S. Oversize Cord. ..... $14.95
33x4 S. S. Oversize Cprd...-.--.$i5.5o
34x4 S. S. Oversize Cord.,. ...... .$16.95
32x4y2 S. S. Oversize Cord --$19.95
33x4j4 S. S. Oversize Cord.. ..$20.95
29x4-40 Full Size Balloon $ 9.95
29x4.75 Full Size Balloon $13.65
29x4.95 Full Size Balloon..
30x4.5 Full Size Balloon..
30x5.25 Full Size Balloon..
31x5.25 Full Size Balloon..
30x5.77 Full Size Balloon..
. .$15.95
----- -
... $19.95
r Tures -Mounted
Free '-"
33x6.90 Full Size Balloon.......,$205
: k - i V - . .. .
V More;thkh'500rnakes of autojrnobiles '
haye become "orphans since
t ;, tne industry, started, .
The list of "orphans' is still' growing. . Some cars called
standard makes ' last year are now orphans.
Make sure that the car you buy
, will 'not , join the "orphan list
:-'ljeaaing'the industry
. L 1. IL
,SS8 North Commercial Street
, 1-. -. - o
. ... . Oi'
r "We Ijvts to CT"
- i t Kaw aM 4tva -
147 8i CbmbiercUl "'Tclerhone C3
1 .Jtr '