1 - i. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 49 ALM, OREGON SUNDAY 1IO&NXKG,: OCTOBER .17.M926 SQGIEW (0mUbu4 tzm. pf . 0 Mrs, R P Boise, Mr John II. Al bert. Mrs. Frank W Spencer, Mrs. Spaulding.-Mrs. C. P. Bish UMrs. George J. Pearce, Mrs. A. N. Moores, Mrs. R. J. Hen dricks and Mra. 'E . Cross . Salem War I Mothers Motor to Portland ' A group of fourteen members of , the Salem chapter, American War Mothers, motored to Portland last Tuesday to visit at the gov ernment hoepjital ,f or disabled soldiers and to leare lifts, includ ing thirty-six cakes. Included were :.' Mrs. Mark Skiff , Mrs. W. P. Fowls, Mrs. William FRts. Mrs. Jesse Crossan, Mrs. Carrie O'Neill,' Mrs) Minnie Baker, Mrs. Toothaere, Mrs. William Mc Gilchrist Sr., Mrs, I. L. JPatUrson, Mrs. Mabel Lockwood tMrs. Min nie Humphreys, Mrs. It. J"." Hen dricks, Mrs. Kate : Allen, Mrs. Coshow, Mrs.' TJL Bennett of Broks. and Mrs. Patterson's truest, Mrs. Agnes Beach of Portland. Outstanding Organ Concert Dedicates Instrumentat . Knight Memorial. Cfmrchf , Fire sYW3inWr?lam4 ach number ona o unusual beau-r ty, made up the program for the formal dedicattoni -ot the new Kim ball organ -which Is. a, worthy feat ure in the :;disttBcjttvely planned new Knight1 Memorial', harclr at Nineteenth' and Furry; streetaThe dedication. recital .-waaihold; at 8 o'clock Friday, evented with an apprcc iatlf fraudlence , fulling the auditorium and balcony to capac ity. ' Vi4.-i.-i The churchy chance which - is particularly ample: h the . broad, main aisle, the . tastefully chosen pews, and the subdued. Indirect lighting, as well as an excellently adapted plpe,rorgan. afforded cause for muchi approring comment on Friday eireniag 1 v ' William Robinson , Boone, or- ganiEt of 'the' First Christian Science church- in.- Portland, prer sided at the manual fur the dedi catory o-ecitaLrMiaaKate McKwen. mezzo contralto, accompanied by Donald J. Allison, assisted. The program "ope ned with ''Toc cata and Fugue In D Minor," a monumental selection., and. dpubtr less the most popular of all Bach's work. This, many will remember, was the .number . which Clarence i the Elsinofe theater, ; 'The renrajn ing numbers IntMri Boone's group werei Carter'a.?TCame ot Dut- keraue-and,XRameau ."Rigau- UUU. . . , . . s - ' A I . ir. .. . ... : tl J contralto voice of unusual leasing Quality, nan Outran ers exclusively for her first group. ; iawn, "Vt ursery Hhymes." and "To the Sun" fol lowed each , other in succession. Miss McEwen delighted the audi ence with "Rain," . as an encore. The "Minuet' of W, C. E. , See boeck, an exquisite adaptation of a dance theme to the organ, called Mr. Boone to the instrument for a second group of eminence. The delicate flute tones of the "Min uet were followed with the fam sua and unfailingly popular over ture from William Tell. Batiste's Pilgrim's Song; of Hope, a. uni versal favorite, was the encore. Miss McEwen. in her 'second group, presented, Curran's "Life,'! Ronald'e "Love.I Hare Wcjj You'; nnd "The South-Winds Are Blow tag," from Densmore. ,. ; . She ; re ceived a tribute in flowers aa well a:t the liberal applause of. an Jm ITPbsed audience. , j," Mr. Boone reserved. 0159 of the best-liked of alt , the : Vote bera ,ho played to open the closing "group. Tuis number. "Song of the ' Bas ket Weaver," .from the ..Law rence sketches of Alexander Rus sell, was followed by a Hghtf play ful composition, "Caprice, y by: H. C. Banks. Ths e legale xhotcrt'.ents of Saint-Sarns "March; Heroiojie" brought the evening to a triumphs ant conclusion. Schubert's Bi"e nade" was the artist's l, closing ravor- " Ki-i'X-Tho exercises of dedication will come to a conclusion at';7;; 30 to night when the following J num bers will be given by the f chorus cnoir: ' - Chorus. "Send Out Thy Xtgh.1 .................. uouQod Chorus. "Seek Ye the LortT - . ..J Roberts Obbiigatb solrt , Leonard Chadwlrk. Chorus. "The Holy Hour?.LNvin Solo. "O Divine Redeemer!'...'. --- , .i 'T- inod Miss Kate McF- ,( Chorus. ' Fear Not, T :.-''? ker Men's chorus, "Trust Lord" ....4, Obbllgato s Mrs. J. L. Mur Chorus, "Song of Pr Obbllgato fc Roland Crave Chorus, -Xove Divine a lere ord William Concert Violin7 Deparit Mr. Graham fca : all parts of the U. -lire Grahar wi!H ., Thursday where t "tnadc.- - ,Dorothyr Adams ! I 7 I - ":' !- rs " ... "' ; ', f .i i 1 I .... f l... J Miss . Adams, one of the most beloved characters in "Dear Bru tus," which It the f Moron I - Olson company- will present at the Elsi n ore theatre, pn Thursday evening, Wlldermere Hymn, "Savior - Again - to Thy Dear Name, No 121. Benediction." .. ' V'i. i .. Organ Postinde "Marche Ro- malne'' ...... . Gounod Salem Women Are Offered a Unique Opportunity to Comider the Election J1 s .In the, consideration and study of, election measures and proposed constitutional amendments, "the Salem : League f tel Women Voters will join with the Salem Etokta club on Tuesday. October 19; ftt 2:30- o'clock; at the home of Mrs. CIS. Fisher at SI 5 Market street. The Etokta club and women in terested in j obtaining the knowl edge and Information on the sub ject;, are", urged... to attend. The Salem Etokta club, of which Mrs. Erie Butler is president, formed one of the league's active study units during the past year. ' ,' Speakers of - the afternoon wll be Sam A-i .Kozer, secretary of state, and Milesi McKey of the; at torney general's office. Mr; Kozer will explain the manner in which the proposed amendments and measures originated and ares.re ftrred to the voters. Mr. McKey willco into a more detailed , ex planation of the measures and amendments, and following a -discussion may; be held and questions asked. i - . ' . ; ..Realizing; the lack of authentic detailed $ Jnlormation' upon - elec tions: and -measures, the league is holding f meetln gs of . this -5 nature througbQutUhe country. Voters pamphlets id sample ballots will be distributed and instructions in marking these will be ifrven. , The National League of Women Vetera, la a non-partisan organi zation. Its: purpose is to give to its .members and to. .women gener ally an. opportunity to obtain un biased information on all sub jects pertaining Co government- to educate her. for the job of be ing a citizen, -.- : Foreign 'Missionary Society Meets -at E. T. Barnes Home fort October Meeting . More than fifty members of the Woman's Foreign .Missionary society of the First Methodist church met; on Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs.'; B. T. Barnes' for a meeting of diatint- tfon and interest. The living rooms were decked ;with; bowls and bas kets of roses and ruddy, rose-haws. ; Mrs. t C. F. Wilson led the -.devotions. ., dwelling ; on thoughts from the. new - devotional book "The Rose Jar." ' ... v . Jli3S Marjoria Miller a student at Willamette university gave a beautiful rendition of "In the Grden," Miss Eugenia Savage p'aredU Misai Miller's' accompanl- men:. ' '. 1 , ; Especially featured were the re ports on; tho I branch meeting of the. society held recently in Boise, Idaho. Mrs. M, B.cParouagian. the president re-elected) of the branch- gave, the i major --report, dealing; with -.new: plans for the coming year. She mentioned es pecially the i, growth of the Wes leyan .Guild,' a- missionary-organi zation for business and profession al girls. Attention was also called to the "Pilgrim's Team!; .which; are groups : of Iwomen from stilt larger groups who go to the small. and newer organizations. andJend . their, aid. Stress . was. also placed; on the importance of ja retirement, fund tor aged missionaries. 7 iMrs. ;Ai ALee reported on the young people's work, particularly as It. concerns the- Standard Bear ers: Salem Standard Bearers were. , Nash Jeads the world in motor car values. 1 Beautiful display of new models at the F." W. Petty john Co.. 365 N. Com'l. () Cur that cold and that miser able: feeling 4n ,a jiffy. Oet seme Quick Cold Tablets at Nelson A Hunt, Druggists, on-the corner of Court and Liberty Sts. Teh 7. () of Aritia-i'69' . reacher Head of the Violin , illainette University i ; , 'pupils playing and teaching in ates.: i .' . rBIaricrr hotel on Hlonday and: Tients for instrueticn may ,ba successful in rating- second: place in prize contest. ' Mrs.' Steeves informed L the group : concerning the- effective- ness of the church decorations- red elderberries and Mlchaelmaa daisies as arranged In the audi' torium. Mrs. Steeves also shared with the group her Impressions of the Boise? vicinity from' automo- bile rides taken around the city. Announcement was made of the district meeting which I will ' held October 20-21 in 'McMjniip Hie. - rr i? -i- '-Y-Vi' . ; The following members of ' the society were selected to -make : up the finance committee; Mrs. M. C Findler, Mrs $ T. -Barnes and Mr. D.-H. Motder. , ' - ' .. The progran p committee in cludes: Mrs. U. J. Boyer, Mrs. A a. jars, i jr. M. uaom, Mrs. Mmira Hale, and Mrs H. H. Kloepping. H ' -. . During the past season -a total of '$1,255 was received ; into the treasury' of the society. I ' j The group extended resolutions of greeting to Mrs. Perkins, who is seriously III at her home at 1260 N. 19th street, arfd to Mrs. Upmeyer, former-president of the society, who is caring for an; in-! valid brother in the east. The following new -- members were welcomed Into- the "society n Wednesday: Mrs. J. M. Canse, Mrs.. Mildred Bright., Mrs. Keefer, Mrs. Vannlc, Mrs. Gallagher, Mrs. Lewis, and Mrs. : Green. ; Moroni Olsen Players. t Will Return to Salem Thursday , According to Moroni Olsen: The people want the theater. They need the theater;? They hun ger for good plays, we are con vinced of that.4 Outside1 Of Wew York and -Chicago and one or two other of our large cities, ten great American people are . unable to satisfy that hunger. They haye their ' picture houses, perhaps vaudeville, and an. occasional road show, but it i not enough. That Is- why they, clamor' to get copies of all the worth-wihle plays pror duced on Bfoadway. Since they have no opportunity to see such plays. . they must satisfy them selves with reading them, with or ganizing amateur companies, and with 'making extensive study of the drama of our universities. For various reasons in the so-called commercial theater the-highclass road shows are rapidly disappear ing. There are fewer good stock companies in our western cities; in short,. there is a dearth of dV" matic development. Too seldom do we see thing that are sincere and beautiful. In our theaters. "It is the realization ef this need- and the sincere desire to brin ar to - ther northwest the - best of drama, that has brought -about the organization of the Circuit Repertory Company? of the Mor onl Olsen Players. "It Is not our intention to make lavish or dazzling productions. Wej couldn't it we wanted to, because our sole financial support is the subscription of each ef our circuit cities. We are a group ot men and women of one mind, and that, is to present simply and sincerely plays which mean a great deal to us. - On Thursday of this week Oc tober 21 the Moroni Olsen Play ers will present "Dear-Brutus." Annual Meeting of State Parent-Teachers' Meeting , to Open Tuesday ;The annual meeting of the state Parent-Teachers' association will be, held in Salem October 26, 27 28, and 29. All sessions will be held afth First Methodist church. All committee rooms will be at the .church; and the convention dinner will - be served at the First church 'under the direction of Mrs. H. iL. -Yndevort and her assist ants. Between three and four hun- dred delegates are expected to ar rive for- the event, the greater number of these being women. The Oregon Kindergarten asso ciation will present Miss Eva White, . primary supervisor In the Southern ;Oregon Normal school. as their speaker at the conven tlon. -The kindergarten associa tion .was, organized for the pur pose', of f Informing the public of the true purpose of the , kinder garten and the parent-teacher members are glad to inform them selves, along this line. Another normal school representative on the program is Thomas H. Gentile Of Monmouth, who has been doing research this past year on new methods of testing. He will ad A dtess the convention on his find ings and the conclusions- he has drawn. Parent-teacher groups are Informing themselves on these new methods in education so that -.hey can give a 'sympathetic coopera tion to the schools. Superinten dent of Schools C. A. Rice of Port land will speak on the text book bill. -Legislation on this, subject Imminent ; and so the legislative committee of the congress has spent-this past year studying the various -J text book bills.' They haUe recently drafted one that they, feel meets the situation and will present the same to the eoa 'vention. - The speakers on the pro- pram Thursday evening . are Dr. Norman F. Coleman, president of Reed college : and Dr. Carl G. Doney, t president of 'Wjillamette university. I All I sessions of the convention are open to the public and they are cordially invited. The sessions' begin with morning con- Mrs. H. P. Stith. millinery. Most. beautiful hats in Salem: -all shapes and colors; full stock from which to ' ' make . fine selections. Best quality. 333 State St., ) C J. Hull Auto Top & Paint Cev Radiator, vf end er and body repairing. Artistic p-ilntin adds lQ0c,'o to tha arrcifa-ca cf yc-r feirences at 8 a. and continue throughout tho day and evening; The .morning conferences of de partments wijf be -under; ther leadership- of the state chairmen .who have each specialized' In- their vari ous - departments. In many cases; local officials whose .work coin cides with these departments have been asked to meet with, the chair; men in these conferences. " Tae department of safety education an nounces that State .Traffic Off leer T. vA Raff ety , will confer with them.: and . Mr. , F, J. Tooze of : the Salem. Stateamaa will confer with the publicity chairmen. Mrs. W..W. Gabriel Is president of the . association ; -Mrs. Louis Dodgevice president; Mrs. J. F. Hill, director; Mrs. W. J. Hawk ins, historian; Mrs. i C V. Ross, membership chairman; Mrs. O. M. GUne. educational chairman; Mrs. Lillie i D. . Thomas, recording . sec retary; Mrs. Dl B. Kelley. direc tor; Mrs. Q. L. Perkins, director; Mrs. L. L. Baker,, legislative chair man, and Mrs. R. M. Pogue. A group of Marion county men and women, will be prominent in convention activities, as follows: Cv V. WhUe, president of the Mar ion county-association; Mrs. Ches ter C. White, chairman, of music; Flora Hobiett of Silverton, recep tion chairman; , Mrs. Claude Stev enson of Salem, credentials; Mrs; N.-BL. Abbott. Salem, information; Johrw H. Dasch. of Silverton, motor smad; Mrs. A. E. Bradley. Aums- vtlle, pages and ushers; Dr. J. O. Matthis, Salem, transportation; Mrs. R. I. Cready, 370 Leslie street, 'Salem, conferences; Mrs. W. E. Anderson, decorations ; Mrs. H. H. Vandevort chairman ef the dinner,: and Mrs. Mark McCallis- tsr reception chairman. St.Joseph'sr Ch&rch Is Scene of Impressive Wedding Yestei'day M oming During the celebration of high mass at 9 o'clock Saturday, Oct. 16, at St Joseph's church. Miss Eva Albrich. the second daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Albrich. be came the bride of George. Hemann, sen of Mrs. Mary Hemaan. Rev. J. R. Buck, pastor of the. church. performed the Impressive cere mony and. offered the maps. . The occasion of the Hemann Albrich wedding was the silver anniversary of the bride's par ents. . Th chandelier in the sanctuary was lighted and candles aglow en all the altars when: the service be gan. Vases of red, salviaand sil ver teasels, were. arranged.in the camdloKlow.:. :. . f. - Miss -Mary Lbold-an4-"Mlas Marian Boyle presided, at Ihe or-, gan. rforJ tho 'Mendelssohn; 'proces sional. An - Ave jMarias was sane (.by Mrs. Joseph'. EkiAlbrich. Miss Mary Jean ; Porter .talented harpist, . played a-beautiful num ber. prayer." F. X. Albrich gave his daughter' la marriage. The bride was a beautiful pk ture a she mounted the flower? adorned steps of the altar, wear ing a gown of white crepe de chine and. a flowing full length, veil fast ened with a cap. of real lace and clusters of orange blossoms. Her shower bouquet was. of Ophelia rosea The wedding gowt, made with tight, bodice, full skirt and naifed ..sleeves.- .was ornamented with silver lace. ' Miss Josephine Barr attended her. cousin as maid ef honor. Her frock was a lovely creation of yellow crepe de chine. She -wore silver in her hair and carried an arm beuqset sHG,weet peas aad rosea . If Four - eharming - bridesmaids. Miss Theresa Albrich, in rose r4ak exquisttelx beaded; Miss Winal t red -Albrich in orchid taffeta, with bouffant skirt; Misa Christina He- raann in Nile green. In bouffant lines, and Miss Leora Michel in pis k crepe de chine., preceded the. bride and . her .maid of honor to the altar. Each bridesmaid car ried an arm bouquet of rodes aad sweet peas. Lawrence Hemain attended his brother. as, best maa. The ushers were, Karl Barr. Henry Barr, JoHn Albrich Jr and, Edward Hera nun Little . Margaret Huckesteia, with, a frock of. blue and dainty bat. to harmonize, carried the ring to the altar in the heart of a rose The wedding , breakfast for the bridal party was served at the Al brlch home. At. noonf a wedding dinner , was eerred in SU Joseph's hall, which yeas beautft ally decorated for the occasion. sThe btide . was the- re cipient of .all, manner of lovely gif ts in silver, china, glass, electric pieces .and,, linen. - Afters wedding trip to. Seattle. Mr. and Mra,VHemann will return to Salem to, make their JomeK hav ing purchased a place of their own For travelings Mrs. - Hemann, wor a frock, of brown' satin, crepe with brown, wrap and hat, , and .acces sor les to harmonize. . , Mrs. .? Hemana. Is , a . prominent alumna of the Sacred Heart acad enjjr. vaYing ; graduated .with, the Ever Ready Birthday CZu6i The Ever ; Ready Birthday clnb met on -Thursday as t the , guests f Mrs.r O. H. ; Strands who, -with Mrsv : Lizzie Wv 3mith, i were the honor tgucats of the occasion. Tho h ouse was , decorated for the a'f- tern ooa t with asters, chrysanthe mums and dahlias. -.The honor guests t were . made, the : recipients Of appropriate gifts, i ; ?: i ;In the roup were Mrs. Florence ? hipp, Mrs. Florence Xovo Olden burs, f and daughter. -Ernestine Loveiand. ,Mrsw Clp.r Adams, JMrs. Mary i Hall, $ little 'JDoris-4 .Strand. Mrs. r.3ara Lucas;. -Mrs r.iiattic Renneni- Uxsi Mary ErigssJi Mrs. Louisa' Loveland, MrsaAnaa Whit tier, ?Trs. Id - Elrt?ein!th. Mrs. land aad the hostesses,' Mrs Lizzie W. Smith and Mrs. O. H. Strand. Mrs. 'Paul - Doney Leaves .-- for Home tn Cambridge. - Mrs Paul , Doney Lucy Halt . and little , daughter.. Jean, Marie, left on Thursday for their heme brCambridge, Mass... after, an ex? tended visit , in the. west.. , Mrs Doney was the guest In Los An geles ef her parents,-Dn and Mrs. G. F. Holt,' and in San Francisco of her, brother,, Herbert. v ' . : In Salem. Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg ' Doney entertained their daughter-in-law and little grand daughter for a week, the party motoring . to . Portland . oa (Thurs day. .Mrs. Doney and, JeanMarie plan visits in Chicago .with Dr. Doney's sister. Mrs. L. A. Lamb, and with Mrs. Doney's niece, Mrs. Thomas Lineweaver. In Minnea polis they will -visit at j the-home f Mrs. Paul Doney's brother, Dr, William Holt.. Mrs. Ralph White Honors Pupils rWith Dancing Party . Pupils, and graduate pupils of Mrs. Ralph White's popular ballet class were the guests of honor at a . delightful Hallowe'en dance in Derby halL Each Friday night the group will meet for a similar informal affair. Of even greater Interest will be -the three formal dances , at which the group will entertain guests. The first of these formal ball room affairs will take place during the Christmas holiday sea son. W. C. T. U. Activities, Are Announced The Salem WCTU realized S200 from their recent rumage and food sale for the children's farm home, and wish to thank all those who helped to make it a success. During the past year the Salem union has paid over to the farm home treasurer 3200, the pur chase price of a memorial acre of land, naming Jennie M. Kc-mpi past state president, as the one they would, thus honor; also .327 into the- maintenance fund, besides contributing over 75 worth of clothing and fivolarrels of canned fruit. Since the farm will all be paid for and cleared of all indebted ness at the close ot the present year, the need will then be for more cottages. At present there are five filled to overflowing, and Lane county is completing a sixth one. . It is 'the hope of these .WCTU women: that in the .near future Marion county will awake to. he privilege of erecting, a cottage there, since the . farm is already the happy, home of several Marion county children and. room is now needed for more. The women are already beginning to work to that end. ' The state WCTTJ convention will meet in Gresham October 19 to 22nd. The Salem union will have six, delegates there--Mrs. J. J; Nuan. Mrs. Mary Charlton, Mrs. Miranda McDonald, Mrs. F. ML Reed. Mrs. Retta Pem-berton and Mrs. Rachel Reeder.- The North Salem union will be represented by its president. Mrs. Jennie- Pres naL and the county organization by Its president, Mrs. Sarah Oli ver. Lena Belle Tartar Arranges Interesting Institute Program ., The following musical program was rendered during the sessions of the Marion County Teachers' Institute this week, .The program was arranged byLena'Belle- Tar tar, wha also led the group sing ing. Gretchen K reamer presided at the piano and. played all the. ac companiments: Volga t Boatman's Song Russian, folk song A Song of India Relnsky-Korsakoff Salem .high school students Song Cycle:' Four - Indian Love Lyrics-. ; . ,' , .,...... Woodforde-Flnden The Temple Bells Less Than the Dust Kashmiri . Song ; Till I Wake - . Lena i Belle Tartar Who Is Sylvia? ....Schubert The Star . La Forge Neva- Cooley To , a Hill-Top . . . . . -Cox Comet to the Fair . . . . Martin , Ermine Bushnell-Fawk -Orientale ........... i ... . Cue Poem .Fibicz .............. Iva Clare Love Silver Tea at Knight Memorial Church ; ki : The Ladies' Social circle of the Kal;ht r Memorial church, will jpocsor a silver, tea in the parlors of, the- new church on Wednesday afternoon. October 20. All mom r-bers.au--! friends of the church are invited to attend.. -' "J Motor to McMinnviUe ' --. i Dr. and Mrs. IU E. - Morris an4 son Kenneth,.have motored to Mc MinnviUe to. spend ' the . week-end. Guest of Grandparents kt A ' ' James Darby. - the son of Mr and Mrs; L L. Darby has goner to Aria., for a visit with his grand parents. Mr. and " Mrs. '"' J. - C. Fer guson. ; ' i t i N ' Dinner Party Honors . ' Mrs. Bulgin -. - - - : Mrs. EL Jr. Bulgln who, with her son William, is visiting In Saleu from Miami, FUu, waa the Inspir- . F' E. Shafer's Harness and Leather Goods Storefc170 S. Com'l. Suit cases, valises, port folios, brief eases, gloves and mittens. Large stock, The pioneer store. ' ) . , Walter IL 4 ZoseL antomobile tires tubes, and. necessaries. Vul canizing that ho' is. High quality, f?rrir r?TTi--. ' A tr!-l r-" -:? a -. Today . . ;-; ' ; -Vesper t service, i Y. W. C. A..j4 o'cioetc;; -Dr. : Norman . Kendall Telly, leader.?; ; f -,. Dedicatory sermon.' ' Knight Memorial church, 'corntr 19th and Fetrr streets, with Dr. JW. r C. Kantner In the pulpit. 2:30 o'clock Sacred concert by Knight Me mortal vested, choir. 7:30 o'clock; AacJnt Mariner " First Con gregational church, .7:30 o'clock. j '- ". : v r .-Tuesday - ..t, .Writers'' section of i the Saler Arts', league-: -MUs-Marr Gilbert. 1190 Oak. street, hostess. Cbadwlck chapter Eastern Star. Masonic Temple. ... . ; WCTtJ state convention In Gres ham. ; Opening session. ' National League of -Women Vot ers- and Etokta dab in Joint meet tag. Mrs. E. E.; Fisher. 515 Mar ket atroet, hoetess. W. C. T. U, .HaJlj;$0, o'clock Wednesday - Silver tea. Knight Memorial church. Corner 19th and Ferry streets. . Thursday Moroni-Olsen Playera In "Dear Brutus." Elslnore theater. 8 o'clock. - Saturday Salem Woman's club. Presi dent's Day and silver anniversary program. Club house. 2:30 o'clock. ation for a delightful birthday din ner, on . Wednesday evening at the Gray Belle. , ' i Coyters were placed for Mrs. J.... Bulgin. the honor guest; .William . Uulgln. both ef Miami; Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Bulgln, Mr. nd Mrs. Dick Buell and Mr. and Mrs. Bulgln. Miss Fargo- Is Guest -in i -Salem Over the Week-End ' -s Miss Luclie Fargo, who holds a responsible .position with the American Library association with headquarters ' in Chicago, . arrived in Salem, at noon yesterday for. a several days visit at the home of her brother and sister-in-law. Mr and Mrs. W. F. Fargo, of ; 1085 N. Church . street. Miss . Fargo will go to Corvallis to follow a busi ness Itinerary south. Chadwick Ctiapter of the Eastern Star to Meet ? on Tuesday Chadwick chapter of the Ordes of the Eastern Star will meet In the Masonic. Temple on Tuesday evening for a social meeting. The entertain met committee Includes: Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Hauser, Mr. and Mrs. George Crater, Mr; and -Mrs. J. B. Protzman, Mrs. V. E. Knhn, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Mesch, Mr. and Mrs. George Duns ford, and Mr and Mrs. William Marshall. Vesper Services at YWCA The1 first vesper, service of the autumn season will be-held at 4 o'clock this afternoon In the city YWCA parlors. - Dr. Norman Kendall- Tally,, pastor . of- the First Presbyterian church, will be the leader. Special musical numbers will be given by the. Phelps-Chase trio. Tea will be served following the service. - John Carson i Bar sch , Arrives in Oakland . i John Carson Barsch is the namai -which Ur::, and 3rsv Waiter AUeSj Barsch Catharine Carson) ot Oakland, Cal., . have given. theUv new son, who, was bornuact. ik John Carson is the first, child ot Mr. and Mrs. Barsch. Mrs.Deckebach Is Guest in Seattle Mrs. Frederick Deckebacb, in company with her house , guest. Miss - Dorothy Cldland. , left on Wednesday for Seattle for a: visit over the. week end. Mrs. Docke- bach . plans to return tomorrow. Miss Gilbert to Entertain Modem Writers , r-; Miss Mary Gilbert will enter tain the . members of the Modern Writers club on Tuesday, evening at the Alpha Phi Alpha sorority bouse,' 1190 Oak. street. Eight-Cover . Dinner . at Slater Home , Mr. and Mrs. . Richard - Slater were hosts in a, delightfully Infor mal manner.whext on Friday even Ins they entertained with an eight cover .dinner. A candelabrum of orange, candles, burned on the din? per. table, .where the color .scheme was suggestive .of, the Hallowe'en season. - Bridge was' the .after dinner . diversion, owlth , the. high score going'to Mrs Ro. Keene. . r. In . the dinner group, were Mr, and Mra. . Roy f Keene, . Mr. t .1, and Mrs. .'Gua . Hlxson. . Mr. and ' Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slater. . W. C.T.U.to Meet inHaU ; The. Salem WCTU will meet on Tuesd ay. October; 19. at their, hall on Ferry and Commercial streets. Making comforts will be the order of the day, and - those who can cpine In the morning are Invited tov bring their, basket and thimble and, shears, ready for work. . Guests in-Portland '. -: t Mrs. i Mildred Bright - and Miss Mabel Savage are spending the week end In Portland as. the house guests of Mrsi. -Bright'a - sister. Mrs; 1L N. Aldrtch. " J : - Ira W. Jorgensen. 190.S High St. . Parts for all makes of ears; Best equipped auto, accessory store in this section, prompt and reli able service. the rujel l ; Tyler's Big Z Coll CapsaU care your told. If you dn , ' -lieve it it- for ytur"?rTf. -Tr' r h t' ' ' y -. .. s TT TT ,A Ti Like Sleepins On Air Woven of Long " - " -: TTTTl 'ft i-' 11: AUlii U-ii. ' The Sealis riot just, another 'indttrc It is differentfiindainentallyVd The secret of -its -unmatched ccinr. lies in a patented ,ir .weave: pre wnicn permanently j longstapie -virgin single,, giant, buoyant batfc ... k, 4 . . This batt, slipped into a specially vevcr. Sealy tick,. forms a great, tuftl ess pillow : for, the .body, , a mattress Jtht . vail, nc t become-lumpy or hard that riccda no LU119. , XJClllLUitlCSS VCiliy ii i.illUUiii soft surface yields to your body like, r. ycoilip quickly into sound, restful sleep. ' Notonly the most comfortable, hvX in the .end : the rnos t econ orni cal mattrcca you pjerje mf;t tress in'the worlcL : v 1 l; , 'Reglaseirig .'pVicen the Pacific it: For One ' Weelr Only Bes:::r t Morayr Octcber?18 Here's your opportunitytto get tli c b : : $; - mattress made ; atf"a fereatly-rcduc c 2 - priced Jfybu :had a;Seary.Mattrc:3t:n:! raPlxe7Sprihgr your 4 sleeping trc Vcbleswouldbe solved for -years to cc ;r. V-; ;-: - end - - - . , i - r '.Nor a.Giont. pillc i w: : Fibre Virc:n. Cell z n Knits miinon c cotton - tibres into