"WEATHER FORECAST: Rain In the west J and ioear-ralne in-east: Tuesday's maximum.- 62; minimum. 49; river .01; rainfall. .16; g atmosphere, -cloudy?- wind, southwest. a LVENTY-gIXTiriYEAR v. u V SALEIVJfvOREGON;.WEQNESpAy MOnNINO, OCTOBER. 13, 19?G; 4 - PRICE FIVE CENTS t HIT, BY Hi tVice President Declares Sys tem Should Be "Largely Abolishedv- IMPARTIAL! VIEW NEEDED IndlffeTr-nce la Attitude of Amert of,V! ?11. Jfena -. PHILADELPHIA, ,6 c t.12v---. (AP) -i-Vi,Prestdent Dawes and General Pekslilttjrjon'e; a crusader a leader id -wary b6th me rabera of theT;Amr!can Legion,- greeted .and - addreswe.d; tiief torjner members, of therAmrr'expedUIofta'tprcea In annuifcbn Vention today'i" - The iV?kiPresIdeBti denounced Indiffereace shown by Americans to the Qstngefa that beset the g(?T- ernment, 'fad greatest 6f which he said, was'Tndlf terenxje.. itself. . The ,eneral,thj8f irst t,tps- greet the leeionnaires, H'made ia happy little speech,, in which : he said it was Important to -the boy'. t6 mam " tinfliQii'. kaniioannDHttaif -I'M their lcai cmraanttles wert "fine, upstanlln. alert, ' bbnest men, efficient and not slackers or demaeakues0'- 'Vi-,:''? Vice,Pxe8jid.eQt- Dawes ' was ap piauaej wffen-. no aecxarea no . De lie ved feat the,primary.4 system In elactloni'shotttd be "largely a boI4 " w- fnllnur Vi a tVarr anil IhftrprpsentatiTe government laiadbwjiVXnol??on8tItutibB by; proTidiagvbVomfliation by cbrif entioni.a'4 .-.bettir rJn4iJQS' partial class r of conditions rwill " Bu v ;y?a - it ? the primary , sya tpm was abolished he added, "an increase: In.Vthe l impartiaY. Voting in the )tfnJtd' jStatea Is the: crying need of iheV'houtvH' "If the-.AmerJcan gorernment isHo be a 'saccess the American people 'musi tote,' MrV Dawes tlt clared.f Inditferenfce'Jn the: atti tude o tn'ejAbjericah ; publie .to ward .the, franchiser i the greatest existing mepace. to : American in stitutions", ilt ; frj tending), -iHc sub stitute goyerament1 by aggressive and Interested minorities; for'gor ernment bylthe; people,-, Especial-; ly is'thistthe' case in Vtate, county and cityelections.''' ';. General v Pershjng told ; the W gfonnaires. he. came' only : to-say EX-POljCEvHELpf.iGUILTY FEDERAD JURY GIVTA-iTER-WCT' t Jf 1 0 M1XUTE3 , YAKIMA' Wash.: Oct. 12.-- (AP.-rwe 'former Yakima city policemen, "charged' with the "sale of intoxicating liquor, were found guilty here this afternoon' by a federal Jury after deliberating 10 minutes. Harry j Bair'. and v" Fred Schumacher who while sirring as officers of the law; were arrested on the prohibition charge, were each sentenced to six months in the Yakima county jail by Judge J. UnSeyebster 'V ' INDIAN CAPTAIN' WORSE rvjt'RliV vntLi X, JpfUVER-l HAS , PARALYZED . ARM Ole vStrong, Cbemawa Indian school football captain, still lies at the pbXnidsaltiiassuU-jot: in j uries . received in the Chema wa - Conrallis, high nchoot toot ball game 'Baturday.; According to reports giveff out last night, par alysis hss-appe.'C?ilnT6iF'ms in addition to the lower parts of his bodytltbo6h bls'mlndf still remained clear.'' ' ' .-- IV pArenti.; arrived yesterday I alt Tahofab Indian.; reservation Washington. PRISONERS. ESCAPE: PEr THIRTEEN COXVICTS mWL : THROUGH; AH; ?FTf,; NASHVILLE. Tenft Oct 12. (AP) .Thlrtteea'pryeners escaped from the state oenitentlary near here earty-ltbnightX'TheJcbnVictd made ' their , way to the outside walls by crawling through an air shaft" that connected; with a ' soli tary ' cell which was , occupied by one of the tnenho:e3?3t5d,LTtm fugitives were said to have bead jpd toward js'ashvU!?. Fjnal Program i in Celebration Anniversary to vBe Held Tonight, Tuesday": A 'f v Festival Attracts T '! t The final session of the YMCA Thirty-fifth anniversary celebration will be tonight when an anniversary banquet will be held in the main gymnasium of the YMCA? building. Harry W. Stone, general secretary of the Portland YMCA, and Col. Carle Abrams, secretary of speakers. - , i : - .Many reservations are being made continually for the dinner. Those coming later than this noon will not.bp accept ed. Attendance is limited to 300 because of lack of capacity. iM.r. Stone has just returned LEVIATHAN SAILS WITH? Q(JEERARIBt)NlBdARD! : It ANTICIPATED TRIP TO AilKRIQ aiDER jAVAY , . j t t ; , ' : r - f- . . Huge -TlurpncJamfl Dock;to,Get , GtirtpseiJ of i.Rnmaniant, ;! : . .R4yal Party j i - , .. : ; ; CHERBOURG, France, OcL.lt. rt-(APi3fV-Qejen 'iMarie ofRu mania 'sailed olw ay tor 'America- to night aboard the Letiathanithe flag;' bXS her: Country flyings iron the' pert truck of the largest liners as it-passed Yhrough-'ralu but4liib the'AOantic;! ?Y. '' k ;H v (-Both, 'in Paris this' morning "and in VCherboiirst tonight the, queen was hidden fa'tewell by?Vepresen ttlves of-RAmaBlaivFfdnce and United ?Statesi WV i f The "ufffclai expressions of "bbn pyace" , were- augumeaiett, ny spontaneous iood' wishes troni the crowds ".gather ed to, get';a; glimpse cf :'the " golden'- haired ' gracidus mbthe r'fn-fowj of; the-Salkaiig.51:? fc 3efpre .leatliig j.parisf a family reconciliation' was arrecied- witn tier son; former ;PHhee Carolwho dined' at the dueen's -; table' last night, and 'then; went1 to the sta-1 tlon"; today- to peei hia: mother" off ori her long arftfeipated voyage tb thnew wbrld. Z0u? M 'Oxt hVsixarf train rWedbwn to Cherboarg ffroW; Paris,; fMarie f remained in her, private Ccar; where . she', was; visited by- Mrs. Wood row ,r, Wllsdhifr who' Hunched With ber. Tbe ttt 6 againf sbtJ side by side " in Cnerbburg - when : an earV; dinner was held in bonbr ofi thei queen by the Pertes - city authorities. Ayhea the" train? car rying the' qtieen t and ber . party trtlred at Cherbourg,- it entered the rmarttime,''traiashdV 'which was "decorated" with, the cblors'and (Oontroiied a pm 2.) '-'" ' & GAMEt OFAGilPLAYED OFFICERS V XT? FORMER TK3IPLE JtADIO MAN ' los 1 .JAifo.stt'Octi:' ;f AP)Tbe game of tag between Kenheth ,0. Ormistbn fugitive ya- dio 'man: and co-defendant In the Aim'ee'' Sejmple ' Mcpherson. (Case, and"". the .district' attorney's lnves- tigatOM keplT'the detective -.bur lyfng 'about southern: California today'dlirlng the.bolidaf sadioiirnH aaeiu,;.ot,' J pe; .preummaryj. oearmj Mrs. Lotralne 3Yfceman-Eifel4ff neporje ifoni f wo persons, Ormlstonj -.and; a Wo'man, ( taid t.ah been; seen I? and near' Santa -fAna brought a denial rf r6nl" Abgelus Temple, declarmg" that 'the' pastor and br family"-" had; motored to Santa Monica, theippposite dlrec tlon from Los Angeles to Santa Ana and had eaten a picnic lunch near the beach. . :- PLAN & FALLS -I N.VAC UUM "AyjATOI; lX ALASKAN,' HUR- . VKY HITH AIR-POCKET X wXHlN560N0etlirtAP) After dropping. 2,000 feet in a natural vacuum. Lieutenant Wyatt of Mhehdvy-a ASalkaaU ayiktidn survey, is convinced that climbing mountains ; by airplane'; i isn't as easy' as it looks-y'- t"'.-vhv, :K.'"" . Seekinar a close ' uo oicture of ike lop of "kieunt Falrweather 15.480 feet bigh be shoved his madhine; up thr"6ugh'--vlbleriily bumpy air untlf be reached an al HUdebf llMOO teetf There, be fell' into an air pocket so large that;hl3'pIaue,faropped ..to thei.12 600 foot level before its wings took bol4again.J V ? , PHYSICIAN. ;ENDSv' HFE TWO STICKS OF - DYNAMITE useD'Rysuicidk; LOaANOELESr OqC-U-(A'Pl Dr. ,11. M. Ward," a San Francisco physician today committed suicide by exploding two sticks of dyna mlat, El,MplxsanitarIupT--at Tujunga near nere, tne snerni a I office, rerprtea.' of ) Association's Thirty-fifth the board of control, will be v';;',::1'. from a four months trip to Europe and will tell some of his adventures. V He : has' been con nected I withfj YMCA- ;Vtrk in Port land. for more than 30, years, be ing the oldest man in: that line of work on the? Pacific coast. v ; The Harmony male quartet, consisting' ; of ; B'arrick, r pearson, Leach and-Mortk, -will sing sev- eral -numbers. : An orchestra will play selection's and gronp singing will be led by Dr.' H J- C. 'Epley. ;r 1 i ; Several hundred persons attend ed the' concert 'given last night 'In the: main jobby'; by v the. Phelps Chase trio.-Salem artists, and an other big-r6wd i watched; a swim-. mlng and diving exhibftioa by YWCA girls front Portland and an indoor' baseball game between the Valley v Motor"- company : and'the Oregon Pulp & Paper company f- : If Junior high school boys Were admitted' free to, all : the ? YMCA departments yesterday; with aboot 600estimated as the number that attended: . Grade school bo ya will be admitted today i u 'v-r ! Members of the swimmiag team that performed last v night were Billle Blackman, Lee McDonald, Mable McKinley, Odette - .Balrd; (Coatinned a pa(o 2.). KING, ATTENDS COMEDY ROYALTY. 1 S EES -MERICAX- MUSICAL SHOWt IX IXXDON f LdNDONr"Oct; n.PMAP-? King 4 G eorge i and i Queen. , Mary, accompanied, -by' t JPuke ana Duehess '- of York, .tonight wit nessed "Rose .'Marie? thei 'Ameri- can musical" shbw, . at the Drury Lane theatre. It ".Was ' their ma Jwties'r third ; v al to this - play, constituting- a record1 in their theatrical experiences "Rose Marie', haa, run for 18 months at the DrttryLane theatre and it has " been estimated f the number of persoas'wbo- have seen it is 2,375,000. 4- "SIAMESE TWINS" DIE BARIFS- LIVE Rttf iRT TIMij FOLLOAVIXa BIRTH , EWINO; Neb.. Get. 12.-CAp) Twin babies, joined together, were born to Mr. and Mrs.: Dallas Hemenway, residing pear here The babies lived but a short tlteev ' ' i i ..- in . ,i mm,. . j,., 'i m IBPISEE SOll-REEK Federation - Adopts Resolu- tibns of Loyalty to Amer icaniDemocratyT FREEOOM HELD DENIED J.Iany Important ' Motions Passed ' as Convention Clears Docket? 1- bf RusinesSi for Thum- day Adjournment ..' -- 1 1 DETROIT, , Oct. - 12.-(AP) Reaffirming unswerving loyalty to be-principles ad institutions of American "democracy, the Ameri can (Federation; of Labor, conven tiontoday voiced uncompromising opposition, to the soviet, and fas cist i distatorships in Europe.. 1 "We regard the soviet political regime as the -most .'unscrupulous. most-anti-social -and mostrmenae- ing institution v. in the .world .to day' said -the. report of 'the com mission inr rejecting a; proposal to align the federation , in a -campaign seeking "formal' --opende nee. bgnition of Russia by the govern ment of the United. States." . , . The committee, report, was ap proved by the convention by ran overwhelming majority k "Your committee sees no rea son for recommending that the American" Federation of Labor modify or change its position re garding recognition of the auto cratic isoviet regime in Russia," said the committee, report on Russial r- - ' I "There has been no essential change1 n either the character? of ,1 i'l?""" W Usm month of Seniemher aiKreeat- GIGANTIC ROSE' DIAMOND LOOT OF DABINGTTHIEVES gem Valued At' $,000,000 . is v taken from . museum tit 'AT :5i,i.it5 ' Best Detectives liv France 'Are As signed to Case by the ' Government. - ; 1 i : I-' I CHANTILLf France; Oct. 12. ( APj) . The . famous , rose. dia mond! "the grand-'eOndeud yalued at more thanS2,09,000 was the most preetbus of ' a iiumw ber cf priceless; treasures-stolen1 this ' mprning from the : chateau" of the Due D'Aumale, one'Ot the'UA I (Continued- page 3.) TIME TO CHECK UP! DRUG-ADDICTS THOUGHT TjjtfifeMAWAOANDtTS 3IACHIXE -XlilrS'SQVADff- WAIT V FOR TW6T8tu4YERS Kvei-TrecjintJon Being Taken ' PrvetIelo:Frm;, ; Starting, Killings . - . , SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 12. ( AP)- More . than 1,00 : detec tives, fpoliemenrandt. deputized citizens: and several -ecore speedy automobiles carrying shotgun and machines gun? squads were -posted at strategic posts throughout the city tonight inr readiness for the reappearaaceCtWo bandits '.who within a. few. iours last night shot and 'killed three, men and shot and slugged -five others i - .Last - ' night's depredations brOdght to five the number of murders attributed to the-killers. During ih almost' identical -orgy of crime Saturday, night, and early Sunday they killed: one .man out fight, faUliy., shot, another and shoti and slugged, several others and jcqmmitted. some l $ bobber ies Iir,.addlti6s; a. thorough, search still was fn ''progress of hotels and toomlng houses, so-called 'vJUsott drfnk'-estabiisbraenta. and ?5 b,e. Known, haunts , of criminals i a4 ?rng addicts. , 34 ; Federal probibition agents were brpaghf into the case through taeir:Delfef that the two bandits were-members .of a party of four hijackers who arrived here recent ly, rrom Kansas City. The, other two; htjackers were believed ' to have gone. to another city!, The two being sought here were known Jta the -government men. It was recalled that the bandits last, night asked -one of their victims if . his esiaDiisnment was a '.'bootlegj;', place, ;andT that one. olf: the pair appeared to be under the influ- r (Continueil on page 3.) FIRE LOSSES COMPILED wp msASTRous ; during HOHTH-AT MT. ANGKL Tire losses in the state of Ot&- IgOn -exclusive Of Portland dyHnr fu accoraing to areport prepmrea Here yesterday by the state lire marshal. There,! werea-total of 80 fires reported, two of which were of an incendiary origin. The most dis astroua f ire wast. at- MountAhgel where rcollegei' building, we're de- stroyed with a loss of 50,000. MANY- CHARGES; FACED tWlGAGO H SHEXfe j BANDTT IS SUtMONED,TO COURT fi CHICAGOVOct. I2.(AP). Martin . J. Durkih Chicago's 'helk'f slayer under a, -35( 3 year prison sentence fos kiuiag Federal Agent Edwin : C. Haftnahan;; was ordered, today to stand, trial Octo ber 1 8 f in 'federal court son- jjeven charges !,of ; interstate, "transporta tion - o r stolen . automobiles. I UlllallM UUU I Lit mmm Refusal of Advocate Chang ed School Texts Called , 'RemovaU Motive" o - DISMISSAL "UNTIMELY" State Superintendent of Public In- 1 stmctipn.Iss.aes Statement on1 Vote Ending ia : -1. ' ' Disagreement Declaring that his removal from the Estate -textbook commis sion boell earmarks of a politi cal plat to underTniuehis chances ml election as.'staxe superintendent bf public instruction ; at the j No-! vem Den. ejection, tu'tu Turner, ap- pbio!te4 to -that-position, by Gover nor t Pierce ?to fill -; the unexpired term of J. A. Churchill, yesterday Issued a .lengthy statement setting forth his interpretation of his own. dismissal. . Governor" Pierce, who recently altered the commission's person? nel,: has maintained that the change, was necessitated: by. the Jaw (prohibiting, a man from hold ing two remunerative .4 tate posi Uons at-the-same time. . "The textbook compijsslpn.tJntt at the speclait call of . thet governor in Augusli?I!2S," readnthtata,te merxt issued by Mi.1 Turner,- "far the purpose., coBsldejrioj ths, adoption; of l-wocthifda. of jtke jtext for -whchjpqrceatracjtsi t isceu. , un tner titsc aay- or tae meeting,' -WHen4bs;neoa-lJ'eceS came) I 'wa; aeked'tereoialnfoj h few I mnuteai coHfere npe " by member of "the; pmlssjon and close end"ibflh;gverp ; .x "ThWVfng m bet.- tl tMe-eoiniuis. sioq sam to mq.in.;8uDstarijpe tnat if I were Interested inrthe vacancy soon to occuf -by resignation.-of J. A. Churchill,- state superintendent of schools,;, he thought- he could probably have some influence, with the governor in my behalf., He tbea;wen.t on to suggest that It. I desired to sUpw,anytfavorrin the adoption to a certain; publisher, he would-be 1 glad -to f assist me, ia such a-inoye.. . .. "I resented this .approach as-it appeared to me to be an, offer of influence with ' the governor in turn- for- favoring the books.. of this ; publisher-la question and I replied that any- favor I had to show anyt publisher,; was .over-and above board f of t the table around which the comanissWn. was sitting. "That afternoontwhen.the com, mission met to adopt the. books, I moved that the old texts then v in use be . readeptsd? f r periods: of two, and f our years My-reasons for making this-motion were two fold,-- . ' - "In -the first place an examina tion into the matter of prices of the various hooks of feredpais closed that: anyf adoption of -new booke tq- replace, the. old texts woqld bavereulte44a(tt; heavy In creaseln , -costs to the patxpna of t he i public Achoolar, For instance, in fheu 8ubecjt.'0fi aritnmet.icv' the old fseriesof arlthmetiC8r wefe, list-. ed atll0--;Onei.ot.-tbe.!;new seres-offer4 w4s Jistedat.41.64. with otheraatL 12,10 and 12,28; ,. ; . '?In other-words, the. old books thei ianseweremueh cheaper thap tbe.aewipublications jot more recent .date notwithstanding v the recent increase in price of the old j boo ka. :, The old. texts, already wem in the bandsWf many.puplls The exchange allowance -is -almost negligible amouatingHo not more, usually,. than sijr tQ Omenta per --t ;-:J.CeatriW Hr- : INSURANCE CASki HEARD Iff ITKD-S TCTJB 8" SUPREMK I COURT GETS, ARGUJifEN.Tr i WASttlNGf AN. ' Oct. i 2: (AP) -The right, of states tq pro hibit Insurance v companies - from issuing policies J to. , Indemnify automobile .companies for losses suffered through confiscation by the iauthortties. pC cars being sold on f he instalment plan, was jargued inr the supreme, court iodayin- an bppbU by.4he vipsariiijce ncopmis sipner of jpregon . tr - . jljl bought to. t(t ..aside an in-Juru-tion obtained by the . Fidelity and, Deposit Company of Maryland aod, others restraining .him,- from enforcing 'such an Qrderr?; r. jThe .insurance; companies re pjierf that rthe courts; - had ' held theft, burglary and "similar forms of -J?8urance, (ai:i, and that in demslty ' insurer -e was ' in ' the eame class, t4 ' . . , r H U RRt ESTO g BEDSJ DE VIATOR UWSHPLANFJ TQ.I ! GET.'TQ SICK ..MOTHER t ' fr j4'-. 1 1 - 5 c.- ,' : SAN DiEGQ, Octl2 rf API ? M a jor ; Roas . Rowell, 1 com mander of the marine aviation jgroup will fly "tomorrow in one iof ,i the ' fastest - airplanes at North - Island to Boise, Idaho to the ' bedside of his mother, Twho today- was' reportedr to;be, .critically ill. On hearing of his mother's illness. : Ma jor Rowel! telegraphed to Washington for permission to-ttse the airplane. .The request was granted. The atlator ; plans to leave at day break. ,. FIVE ELECTED BY BOARD FDR BUDGET COMMITTEE ANOTHER ;TEACHER -APPOLVT ED FOR PARRISH. HIGH. rchUects 'Asked 1 (or Additional Plans, of XewLesiie. Strwetuwi -T: ;.; fi t : -' , A budget committee of tlve citi zens , was a ppointed . &y;the; Salem school aboard.- at its1 meeting, last nrbf .to go over; the school budget forxthev coming, year , atj the. nexj regular meeting, of . the , board on Tuesday, October 2 6,.. ..- Members of the committee are U. G. Shipley, F. Derby, George prabeaborsU William GabJsdorf ( and-W. H Dancy. Dave W. Eyre and Frank- Durbln .were, appointed as atterpates in case any.ot inese cannot serve.' ' . , . J H. McGregor; superintendent o-.tbe, . Salem Indian . school,- apr glared- before,- the board, to. ask. tthatj f hildrenot Indian-achpol em ployes be j)ermuteo; : to ; attend tne Salem schools without rpaylagjtu fippjf ,yvHe rsadi. thatr Inlmany cities., sttidens - from.- nearby) tIn flian institutions are. allowed this ivilege..; .jv,, . - . . -,, f Tte school f. board decided o Uake nb action in ike matter, say f JUg . Mrs.: Mary ; Fulkerson, f$ukty school superlntftiaent, was he 1 person with., ptppet authority Ordecide. the, matter ; The.. .Indian j (Ccatiaved Da,paf 3.) ? EXP.LOSlOfWVREPKS BrNK TERRIFIC BLAST, CAUSES DAM AGEJOF; 1250,000?",;- ' W ATKINS GLEN, N. Y., Oct. 12 (AP) A terrific explosion bf undetermined origin--- tonight wrecked 'the Watkins Glen. -Na-! Clonal Bank Injured one man and caused property damage estimated at more than; $250,000 Stephens Burner, janitor was injured. ':. ;, .' ; The ..blast wrecked the three story bajk building and shattered windows. lof two blocks around. The, explosion; apparently in the basement of j the. bank, blew, i a gret bole through the -west, wall of he - building and wrecked.; the interior Bank records and equip meat were deatrdyed v " , r -'Ther! blast "occurred when ?' th business section rwas 1 virtually: de serted;,jA passerby, hoeyer; was blown -srps8 the : stteet but , was unliajtjred: i..wrxBn'i' : Clute; president 'of the bank, aald .be bad no Idea o'Cthq capse.'of the blast. Ani' official ihveatlgationv :wa atarted. . . , . ; RATES TO BE.CNSIDEReD ' 1 j t st . . ,-.. ., . i r.' j Atbf moulhly dianf rj bald by thei Cherrlaus - last . evening ;at.vtne chamber of mnietce it fwas .oted d jive' a Idance aomb imalwltbin hei next J few weeits,:-;' X Attee 4Boaae? dfictwsionr itt was iinfllyv xetedi that . it ihoul4 be, a lubliej dance; held nude the.au v ices of the Cherriani. Harley -O.. White. Klng'Blngr appointed as a tommiUea tr Artage. -fori tbe dance Phil Eikerv chair man ; F. OV Demand and O,' lit Fisher x , Tha '' ChTjiikiewteri& numberalsSfc and'aa.the conatUu iio ad.hyws, pefmjt8ofi Q 0. members, it was - annou need that 'the' Council of Nobles; would re- bexs-, te, beHadmitted Into thf ,i or- ganixation.early. In January wheiv. tbe KingnBinr for 1927. la. off N MISSIONARIES RESCUED WORKERS WHO WERE MA? RomtaiiAtiiaAXFU ms; . ' " u-.; PEKING. . Oct.. . 12. (AP) Missionaries who were marooned at 8iaa'tu.eapitaMBt': Shensi vprov ince; held : by': llueminehun, (Na tional anny) yunits, asjalr.st, the siege of General Iu'a Shensi forces have been rescued safely. . SITIElLililE' MUECERTii! . I '4. . - Actual Operations- Begun, - -- . . ,. ' Maphirrery Ordered, Shafts f: VjicVHI peSunk ii-:: TESTS REVEAL- WEALTH V. TweatyFJ ve PeiCent- Copper, !. f 4 . Per Ton Gold, Four to Fife. '.-It Oaprti.- r rj - TojDk ; ; f V - likr-iJtfndft. tfl?! 4 .,'-''v - ' - ' -1 ''' t n'.Wv J.-Elmendc.;; Seattle,ina- ; tlonally: known minlug engV&eer, completed "on Monday a;thorougU examination .of "Che : mining "Tfbp erty, on the Little' NortK Forktof the San tiam-where . that -' stream, jolns wlth Gold t;reek.' The exata- ; ination bad been ' going 'on since Jaly 25th. when the aarapllmg.rtji , conyneneedV under the direction of. Mr. .Elmenderf, who- abio , esV from his office an assayings out-, fit andxmeato operate it.-. - -:z 1 i Real Mining Operations ' ' ! Three months,1 age M yesterday, the Northwest- Copper company was organixed-Ini Saiemf to take over the Little North ' Fork properties.-4-"; Yesterdry- actual mining operations' were commenced7 bu ' -those; proil i.ea with- a force, of -nine ta ten 'aenr which - will be. Increased -f rem t i.'fi -to time.-Within --two -"wet:., - mlaers -will-be : taking- out ore-and- storing it. Thepe operatioas nave been com menced on fthe recommendatios of-: Mr Elmenderf ' andr they will be uaderibi directions; lie If t have general barge ""The 1 .aiai of - the otea - - belng-comti.encei because he. his found, aluea-.ttit; Justify m suebr 'operations. '.' If e'wlll ' Immediate "' purch. j'. new 'macbinery, .including' drills, a.i hoist; compressor,' etc. There will be an extension of .tbe Water-, power development there.' ' - i "Will Sink Sliafts- h . One of the first things will be -the sinking of - a -'shaft in the -Northwest Extension ; tunnel on. . (ContjSaea os par. 5.) i ' . j - -i. Gm KIlEP BY TRAIf PR0JEOTIN O PART OF LOCO-i MOnVR'KITS TEMPLS ' COEUR D'ALENE,' I- lUi OcC 12, (AP While her unCIe 20 feet ; away, was-Tushlng- to her rescue; 12-year qld- Pauline, Nel son, -daughter- of Mrs., MUdredf Nelson of .WenateheeV Washr. was' struck and- killed - by a Northern . Pacific train-at- Athole, IdaheAto day.; . -.' - i S,he was stand ing4n tjontof iho . -statieiif where; her- uncle L A. GrifrithSi -is - ageat. ,. watching a freight'' traia - pass & when).- a f pa - J senger traln approached on th -j 1. track .nearwbkb ahe, was J-atjiaJ-. lng .'A, projecting part Kt -the r 1 0-, combUve -struck her in 'the ,tem-'" pie, the coroner said; eausing.al- tnosf iaatant'deatn . JWimTHREfc'DIg t"5 ":,'-.-f J''- ' i f. -f.'i FARMER ?RELlEVEDi TO ILAVil : ii -v SLAIN ;WTFR AND ClULO . v BARRE, Vermont, Oct. 12. (APjrAtrlple""; sbo6tIag;,tbat Wiped, out a family, of tbree .in a Ibaeiy farmhouse , Sunday, nl g Lt" was idiscovered iioday.fr; Thet dead. , were. P. r RasseU Morrison. a-; 28 year,,old' farmer, bis wife and six year .old daughter, . Joyce' . ' The. polite .expressed the belief-1 toh)ghfjlha,ttMorfison, ia. sudufa'" fit 'of linsapiy.-sbot bis wife, atdJ-J daughter- after - they; bad. retired. , Sunday' night and-thea ended 'hii. 5 tU.lt 'knowu!thpi,sadMat!or- ; yisbnvhad brooded over, his health and farm affairs. . , a ' ; INDIAN WANTS HEARl!:a. ARTHUR YTHEELER 'ARRATV- '- ED- I JUSTICE tXlURT C " - ;. Arthar Wheeler, , Indian, wbe a arraigned in the justice court yes terday, bn.a charge of. manslaugh ter, a f ter, a . coyonsr's Jury . fc a 3 d e ter mined ' that-James H. Mason, Clear ,Lake rancher ; came to h! dathat?the Lee'Hing bop farnv after-being struck by Wheeler i 1 an altercation last Friday deraan ed that he be given an Immediate prfliminary "bearing--. .u '' ' Jit, ILX-asett fivreivt :it as attorney-for- the accused.-. JuatI, jSmall c&fiiir. lJ the case. ( Wheeler was ' returned t - couaty jail la lieu of b;.U '