The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 10, 1926, Page 12, Image 12

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    m aw u i . . . i . -w a aw w -w a f it t v.k- -er- -av j a ae m. wav. a Amfe ia av a. in a -a. a- i m ter. c -am !., m- . . . . - -. - - - - . -
The Oregon Statesman
lasusd Dally Except MeaJay by .
SIS Sonta Commercial fit.. Salem. Oregon
: Fred JtTeote "
f Lee If. Merrisaaa
Aadred Base -
. )liUir W. H. Henderson Circalatloa tfuiftr
. - Frank Jaakoekl Manager Job Dept.
. City Editor a. Khotea . - ' . Livestock Kditer
- : Society Editor V.CCmhi .. -' : Poultry Kditer
Tha Assertated Pre it etclu lively entitled to the m far aahlkntloa of all news
wtspatahes credited te ft er aet ethervite credited la tale paper sad alee the local
Save published herein, c f , ' - .. ' -
1 ' :": ''" ; BUSIKESS OFFICES: . . -
Albart Byara, 13 Woreaatar Bldr, rertiand. Ora.- . ? t
Tkmaa y. Clark Co4 New Yarh, 128-136 W. Slat SI.I a1'i, HartrnaU Bid
Zoty Payna. ttberoa Bld, Baa Fraaekwa, Calif.; Hlgfiaa Bldf, La Aafatea. talif.
BattBaa OfffeL23 r BSI
. Saalaty KdlUf , , , IPS
anmtaUaa Cfiea I8S
Hew Dpartaaat..2l ar 06
Jab Dapartaaa I i 8 1
Eatra4 at tba Psat Offiea la fialaa. Oracoa, aa aaeoadeUaa a attar.
r-'-JT ' October lO. 1036 .
a HutiKM.i lhauuk. tnou aironf, toererore. and anew
thyself a man 1 Kings 2: 24
f -- t;n;:-'; yv Tuesday, November 2 .
Tot TJ. S. Senator: ;
For GoTernor: ,
For Contressmaa, ljirst Conrres-
sionsi uistrict:
for Superintendent ot Public
, Instroction:
' q. A. HOWARD ;
For State Iabor Commissioner:
For Pnblie Service Commissioner:
For Justices' of 8uprem Court: '
; HENRY J. BEAK : - . -
For State Senators:
For Represt-ntatlTes:
. , 23 And they came unts the ralley of Kshcol, and cut ,
doim; from thence a" branch "with one cluster of grapes, and
; nhey bare, it upon a staff between two; they brought also of the
pomegranates, and of the figs. 24 That place was called the
'It -Talley" of Eshcbl." because of the cluster which the cfafldren of
''larael cnt down froni thencei 25 And they returned from spy
lrjf out the land at the endof forty days. 26 And they -went
f" ,f' and came, to Moses, and to Aaron, and to all the congregation
J. 7 ottbe children of Israel, unto the wilderness of Paran. to Ka
fdesh; and brought back word unto them, and to all the con
- gregation, and showed them the. fruit of the land. 27 And
" they told him. and said. We came unto the land whither thou
' sentest us: and surely it floweth with milk and 'honey; and
this Is the fruirof ltj 28 Howbelt the people that dwell in the
Vl land are .strong, and the cities are fortified, and Tery great;
Z'y and moreover we saw the children of Anak there. 29 Amalek
t dwelleth in the land of the fsouth; and the Hittite. and the
, JebnBite, and the Amorite, dwell In the hill-country; and the
:VCanaanite dwelleth by the sea, and along ; by the side of the
: . Jordan. ' 30. And Caleb stilled the, people before Moses, and
:? sad. Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able
tMsho overcome It. 1 31 Bot tlie men that went' with him said, we
are not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger
than we. 52 And they brought up an eril;report of the land
W which they had spied oat unto the children of Israel, saying.
f.The land, through which we have gone to spy "it out, is. a land
that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that
i';,.we aaw in it are men of great stature. 33 And there we saw
the Nephilim, the sons of Anak, who come of the Nephilim;
"yVand we were In our own sight as grasshoppers, arid o we were
in their sight. I s
' The reader JwiU find the above account of the workings
of the inferiority complex in Numbers, 13th chapter; .all of
the chapter from the 23d verse on
f And that is the outstanding example in ancient history
of the disastrous consequences of the possession oftthe in
feriority complex, because all the Israelites who were led
ont'EaryDt-by Moses and who had the inferiority complex
perished in the wilderness and never reached the promised did. Bnt he knoW9 y0nre in this
land'' . - I country and his sleuth lost von.
. An3 that included all the grown-ups excepting Joshua Maybe that's why he hit the pike
nd f!aUlr WhA-were amoncr the twelve leaders of their tribes I for the battle field. It would be
Mncas eonf nf tr anv tmt. thp nrnmiRPri Innd. I hese two I line mm.
; WTVd WW f J V Z -
nly had the superiority complex, and they alone of all the
multitude reached the nromised land
. If any one should want to know where, that milk and
iioney iana nas movea xo, ten mm n nas gone weaii it io
m a i i : i .
now mciuaea in ine geograpnicai cuiuinea oi
- . . w-m 1 . t n a . - i Jl' ?
back to the Grand Centra Sta
tion to : order her trunks sent to
the t Congressional Limited, and
then to the Waldorf. . He repeat
ed the conversation he had ever
heard there -about- Roberta's myth
ical ' client; ' Mrs. Miles, and the
probable Saturday sailing. He- had
followed her across the river.
sbmef time "a fter the yo an g man
had left her. had seen her buy a
ticket for - Washington, and , had
not lost sight of her until she en
tered the ladies room at the sta
tion. To the best of his knowl
edge she had never come out. "
Scott said more unprintable
things, even while his eyes nar
rowed thoughtfully. It was pos
sible that Roberta had come to
take a client back with her
Nixon's expressed intion of mar
rying her might have been hope
translated into conviction but in
that case why had she landed at
Quebec? Yet why , should she
have bought a ticket for Washing
ton unless she Intended going
there? Questioned, the detective
said he was'positive i that : neither
the lady nor the young man had
noticed that' they were " followed
They-, had taken : nottee'of 'him.
and'thev' would .f 'iter had been
w(6u3f QcoU?;iwdil-;4o tejt-
ephone a, Washington agency to
send a-man to meet the-Congressional
Limited and to report to him
by telephone whether or not the
lady was on the train. He would
wait at his office for this infor
mation. He hung up the receiver and
thought for a moment. It looked
all right. But Roberta was clever.
And if she intended to try any
funny business at Birchwood, he
wanted to be there himself. Call
ing up his chauffeur, he instruct
ed the man to be ready with the
car and a packed bag at ten
o'clock; they might have to drive
all night. Then he rang for his
secretary and Informed him that
they would work after dinner, ,
About nine o'clock Washington
reported that there had bee- no
passenger answering the lady's
description on the Congressional
Limited; and at midnight, having
set his affairs in order for a few
days and given his heavy-eyed sec
retary innumerable detailed direc
tions, Scott set out for New Hamp
shire, via Greenfeild and Winches
ter, a more direct though rougher
route than that chosen by his
Thus it was that he chanced to
meet between Keene and his coun
try place a certain smart touring
car, and turned to eye sharply the
black-haired -young chauffeur and
the crepe-shrouded woman, in the
tonneau, not suspecting their iden
tity, but inquisitive on general
principles about any strangers lot
lowing that road. And thus it was,
too, that Piggy was led to remark:
Ho-lee 'smoke! We've got to
hump ourselves." . h
How could he have traced us?"
Roberta asked. r
Give it up. I don't believe he
- - lr-V
fc - ttmt srntmiArisTs chthiOi
The i'mt Spirit oa lint ,r h ufreh. of Sa
lem will bold aervice at their ban (aver
Miller's n-ore) thin, f aaday eveainr, Oct.
10th. at ?:0 o'clock. Mr. L.uU L
Valtey af Portland will be Weaker aad
aietxace bearer. - The- public: Is Cordially
inrited la the meeting. r ,
y chxxstiak; gCTEjrcE S i i ' ?
Firnt Churrk, rrr of Laberty and
Cheoieketa atreeta. Sunday morning aer'
vieea fet 11 oVUx-k. Sunday evening at
S. ' Subjeet of lesMtn sermon, "'Are Hiu.
lisease, and Death 'Ileal f" Wetiawxttlay
eveniac testimonial meetfner at .8 .a'cloek.
Eanday 'aobool uuion eoaveae at 9:30
aad 11 a. m. Keadinr room - Ma-
aoai Temple, open daily frnm 11 to j:30,
exeept Hnndaya and holidays Saaday
aftrnoon from 3 to 5; every eveninc, a
eept Wednesday and Bundav from to
Cottage aad Ckemeketa Hot.. Car. Mar
tta rereaketiaa, miniiuer. Church school
will awt be in aesaion thi SandaT. Ie-
ol tonal aerrire at 11 a. m. Rot. i
ranit ftj Ud; of Kujene, will preach
harinc for hi wibjeet. "Tba Sermon J h
American Newapaper Pre ache.' " Tbo
aoloiat for the day wiU be Mr. Harry
(tylea who will aiDR, "Come Ye
lilessed," froia th Oratorie, -"Th- Holy
City.V'. Mm. Wi A. Ileaton at tba or.
earn vTh Kmerkow . crab.- wm.'iae. at
tnaal' On Trtirdy aireaing aT" 3 in ihr
Kawpaa rooia t .tkv TJiatarUa. hBrch.
aervie for worslip it tli Y. M. ?. A.
buildinpr thia morninr at 11 o'clock. Ker.
J. f. Tibbit will preach upon the theme,
"The Great Commisaion and lt rreaent
Day Application.' 1 At 7;30 this oven i n
there will be a meeting for prayer aad
conference at the same place. A cordial
invitation is extended to all, irrespective
of denominational affiliations,- to attend
these aerviees.
if-aay raa. Mr. Philip Keers U s piaa
wt of rare ability. The f larda sinr ia
every meeting. Kvaase'iist Moore's sab
jeet Snnday afternoon, "Come and Wtae."
Cvenins anhject, , "The Second Comioc
of Christ. Hear the bis; quartette Sn
daV kixbt. Services every nirbt including
Saturday.. Oet. 10th. Come early and
b - ,
" Center and IJberty. K. 1. Coiver, pas
tor. Sunday krhool 9:45. 1..- L. Thora
taai, "superintendent. Preachias. at 11.
Kanceliral League of Chrixtia-n Kndeavor
meet at G:liO. Anna Miles, president.
I'rtnrfa Baers, leader. KTauinr service
at. 7:30. Kv, ra Maarer of Tigard.
Ore., will preach at both services. The
Kvana;elit-al leaKe of Christina Kndeavar
will have charge of the prayer meeting; on
Thursday evening at ":3". laare
Maves, leader. -v
Winter aad Market Ste.. ltev. J. T.
Taylor, pastor. Services 11 a. -, and
7;45 p. m. Sanday acheol 9:45 a. m.,
lr. F. S Schats, superintendent losag
peoples' meeting C:30 p m Prayar meet
ing Thursday :45 p m. District Elder
K. I. Harringtoa will preach "riday and
Saturday evening. Oct. 15,, IS at ?:SO
p. m.. preparatory to quarterly meeting
service on Oct. 17. .- .
IV Too, ' patr.'VerwicM. 11 a, at, sd
:3u p. as. Kev.VJC.'E. tiw vui give
aa . tUastratea ,serno d ' power, . l ae
Land of Prom ihe."." The rheraa will sing.
Mrs. A. E. Ttley r. will aiae ffertoTy.
Kaaday school .9:45,' A. Rhoten, su
per in tendenU The tw F.p worth . leacaes
will meet at a:3. - ine mia-wees: service
t 7 :30 : mm Thursday evening. - eabject.
Hope with Tennyson s 'Troit the
Bar." The Woman's Home Missionary
society will meet on Wednesday afternoon
at Leslie Hall ,
19th and Kerry. H. C. Stover, minister.
"The Second Mile" and "The High tJos
of High Living" will be the sermon' sub
jects in the morning service at lO . m.
and the evening service at 7:30.. Chris
tian kndeavor at S:45 p. m. Wednesday,
Oct. 13, will be- opening night- la tho
new church. The occasion will be a soc
ial gathering end business meeting;
Friday evening the Kimball organ will be
dedicated in a recital by William Rohin
son Boone of Portland, assisted hv Miu
Kale McKwen of Whitman Conservatory
of Mnsic. Walla Walla, Wash. Sunday ,
Oct. 17th will he dedication day with
jserviee at 11, 2:30 and TT30 p. m.
I. S. B. A
International Bible Students Associa
tion meet every Sunday, in Derby build
ing. Court' and riigh streets. 'Honrs it)
to 12 a. m., and 8 to 8 m. Yo are
cordially invited Ur atudy with ns. 'Fun
eral services in Salem aad vlcinit will
be conducted free of charge by local Bi
ble class. Phone 1450-W.
-,rNf Winter stree:, at Jefterson Avenue.
Take 'the street buss to Summer and Jet
ferseit Ave. . Thomas Acbeson, pastor.
Bert -Thompson : and" Mrs. A. M.Oentry,
helpers in charge of the Junior church
and -young peoples work, Ckurch arboul
9:45 a. m. Classes' fur all ages. Pub
lic worship 11 a. m. Sermon theme:
"Our KesponsibiKty to "Youth, by the
pester. Janior church down stairs in
charge of Kev. Thompson and Mrs. Gen
try.' Infant baptism at morning service.
Service old peoples home 3 p. m. Three
chapters of Kpwortb Lague in separate
rooms B:30 p. m. Young people from
Junior high age and up cordially invited
Open formu for adult ta chorea annex
at 6:30. Joseph Barber in charge. Pnb
lie worship at 7:30 p. m.' A service of
song," fellewKhip, and gospel preaching.
Pastors theme., "School Life, Its Temp
tat ions and Trinmpha." , Cordial welcome
to- the public for all cervices.
17th. and Nebraska Ave., W. X. Blod
cctt. pastor. Services 11 a. n;.. and 7:30
p. ' m. Sermon topics, 'Our Uefuge,
ana evangelistic. Hunaay senooi 10 a
dv, C. P. Wella, superintendent. Young
people a meeting 6:30, Willie Ounnigen
president. Prayer meeting Thursday
eventng at 7 :30.
Corner State and Church Sts Fred C.
Taylor, D.D., pastor. Services ll.ija.
and 7:30 p. ra. Sermon topic, "Come
and Take." 1 1 a. m. "The Bible That
Everybody Reads," 7 p. m. Male chorus
will sing, "There Ii No Death." 0'Hara.
Anthem, "Angel Voices Ever Singing,"
Shelley. 7:30 p. in., vocal solo "Come
t'nte Me," Neville, Miss -Margaret Arn
old. Sunday school 9:45 a. m., H. F.
Shanks, superintendent. Young peoples
meetings: University Epworth League,
Keith Rhodes, leader. Topic, '.'Bleacher
Athletes." Membership night. . t Firt
Church League,. Hal Lehman and Harry
Each, leaders. Topic. 'Plavln the
Oame." Woman ' Foreign Missionary
society meets en Wednesday afternoon at
2:30 at the home of Mrs. E. TJtafctiet
325 -.X Capital.'.. The monthly meeting- of
the Official board will be held on Wed
nesday evening at 7:30. Prayer' end
praise service on' Thursday, night at 7:30.
The thought for the evening" ' win "be":
"What Kind ot a Revival Is Needed To
day M' Baptismal service aait iwcsntxm
joi members at the morning service.
Janior cbui-eh" will meet at 11, John Beck
ty assisting the superintendent.
Court and X. 17th 5ts.,-R. L. Putnam,
pastor. Mrs. R. L. Putnjmjunior pas
tor. Services 11 a. "m., and 1:$0 p m.
Junior service 11 a. m. Sermon topiei:
"Onr Three-fold Enemy," aad "Marred
and Remade." Music in Bible school
furnished by Mrs. Joy Turner Moses' or
chestra. Arthur Perkins, pastor of M.
K. church. Milwaukee. Wis., will preach
at morning service. Sunday school 9:45
a. m., E. W. Cooley, superintendent.
Young peoples' meetings: Volunteers visit
shut-ins in afternoon. Christian Endea
vor 6:30, junior aad Senior intermediate
societies. Interesting for young folks,
j Adult prayer meeting 6:30. Today marks
the beginning of our Home-force Evan
gelistic crusade. .There will be services
cash, .evening during the week, except
esturaay.. sermons, Ine Indestructi
superiority complex of our people takeV quoth p
an Polah Af n t n oodod f Ar Mt rAnm TO frri "11T1 I lliue . VOillluu lual ; U8 i . DUi cu I ia ine rower in ine uiooo. ext
a.W s Yv w. T - -1 .ot, w r.,&M kVs,,J WiLord', lay is our annual rally da, in th4
' i '
Liberty and Marion, Ernest H. Shanks
pastor. Services 11 s. m and 7:30 p.
Mermen topics, "Keeping Step With
God,' ' and ' 'The Best Love Story Ever
Told. Anthem for morning worship,
"O Master Let Me Walk With Thee,
Myers; solo, "How Lovely Are Thy
Dwellings, Liddle, Miss Grace Fawk
Sunday school 9:45, Ed Kchunke, super
intendent. B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 Sunday
evening. Anthem,. "O Eyes that "Are
Weary, Bartlett. Violin solo. Cava
tins,". Hollaender, Helen Selig-O'Xeil
Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at
Yes it would. But. suppose
he takes. Celia away before we can
get Jiold of her?" I ,
We mustn't let him . ' -How
can-we prevfent It?" .
uunno. uepenas on now ne
Center and Liberty, Charles E. Ward,
pastor. Services 11 a. m., and 7:30 p.
m. sermon topics, "The Water of Life
ana Lnselfish Service. Special num
bers by the quartet at both services
Sunday school. 10 a. m.. Rally Day. Mark
McCalllster, superintendent. Monday
evening the younger married people's club
will meet for an informal party at 7:30
0 clock, Thursday at 7:30 study and
prayer meeting. Friday the business and
professional women will have supper
promptly at 6 o clock in the church par
lors, supper to be followed by program
ot interest to all. itally Day m the Sun
day school should find aU members and
friends 'of the church present. A special
program will be given. Let every member
ana iriena ot tne church attend the Com
mumon service this morning and the help
rui program in the evening.
Center and High Sts., E. C. Wbitaker,
pastor. ivian G. Whisler, assistant pas-
tcr. aervicea ii a. m ana f :t p.
Both messages wilr he delivered by the
pastor, the choir will nor tn Anthem
and there will be a trio. "It Waa for
-Me,. Charles Blount, sung by Martha
Henderson, Vivian Whisler snd lues
Wood. Sundsy school .9:45. Young
peoples meetings, 6:30, Senior Christian
r, no ear or lea by riaiei aseacorris and In
teravediate society led by Orla Leach
1 brims LaLhike will sing a solo. Topic.
now 10 i Tin logeiner. -
That la the messaire UTeciericK steiwer put over in msijoes it. But-1 haven't come un
sneech in which he referred to th6 former inferiority" com- J here to be lickedvat thisjgarne.
rjlex of the people of Oregon, and in which he pleaded ior the Nary, wt. There's oo Tnucht
nv fsVa nnoeoaalnn ef f ia nrmni'apd Innd K, I against the future
T".- rvy.. J Un1 flAnrint vxnK millr -onrl VlOTIPV "fftP I hOUSe.
i rui.uicxuu IB a uuiu. uwnuis
aWivp thA nromised land of the Israelites: with possibilities
beyond the fondest dreams of the men of old who perished
rwvAtiAA tnpv nan crrassnoDDer SDinis.
Mr; Steiwer pleaded that Oregon get out ot tne grass
lapinner" class: that her people live up to their opportunities
and possibilities ; possess themselves in full measure of their t0 the house and have it out with
nmrnisiHi laiiu. . ----- - , ; f -i miu
Millions of people throughout the world today study the
lesson of Caleb and Joshua, whose names, will liye forever,
hACAiise thev had the superiority complex, lor the above text
is the one chosen for the international sunaay senooi lesson
f nr this Rundav. v - '
v w--- a ' a w a
" Mr. Brown, a newspaper publisher m a city in wesi-
phalia, Germany, has been visiting with his brother,. Wm. j,, he., the who'll thing and
Brown OI Salem ior a lew weeKS .ne nas swrieu ou nu iy- were. nowhere, and If he ever
- - a. - -WW a ! 1 A J A. B- A. ' 1L . ' 3 I tali X.' I -
turn trip.) lie tola a sraiem inenu inai me . uuci, u i catcnes us at tnis
which ne lives is a poor one. in agricultural resources, dux. it Dennis, it's a case ror strategy.
flr.nvwc.v4ti 1 A nAfl fW nonnla in tt f prritorv Ipss than half the I Bob. Finesse and strategy." He
size of Oregon. The Willamette vaiiey can support in muc- ..uVi
. w. I A nvhndv 11 to nn that hlrl
pendence -and contentment ten minion peopie -
.' And it will do so before many years, if we will get nd of
niir inferiority complex, take on the superiority; -complex,
duit thinking in terms of grasshoppers, ana iuuy possess our
promised .land.
"What are we go lng ta do?'
Roberta asked,- "If we go on to
Keene, he may take her away be
fore? we even get back."
I Piggy nodded thoughtfully.
"Perhaps I'd better go straight
e hot
Not on your life! Bearding:
the lion and defying Jove may be
all ; very well in poetry but you
don't want to try any of that stuff
on G. A." . : I
I did once.? ;'-v
You were of age. She isn't.
Bible school. Fuller announcement today.
We welcome the public to any and all
these services..
1346 J. Church St., J. J. Gillespie,
pastor, services ii a. hi., aad 7:30
m. bermon tomes. "Th chnrch i
ProDhecv." and "The Now,m..i
tnuren. Sunday school 10 a. m.. M
1 1 " I . I .. . I
T"" xarKus. suoerintenuent. (mm
peoples' meeting :4S p. m. Miss Dora
Hanson, leader: subject: "Where Are
iuj vuen. a;v. Kerular week lv nrsv
er service Wednesday evening 7:30, Jas
gravis, inufr,
At Shipley's the ladles of Salem
have satisfied themselves that, they
can get the finest fall and win
ter frocks, .coats and dresses ever
shown In this city. ()
Capital Bargain Hotise, Capital
Tire Mfg Co;, Mlke'a Anto Wreck
ing. Three a one. uargam cen
ter ot Salem. Thousands of .bar
gains. H. Stcdnbock, 215 Center.
sider this . discos raging ?, : . 3f aybe.
and only because .we .havev been
thinking wronglyv ' or,.. possibly;
thioking jnot at. all. y J
fln "Arrfving", deep sat
isfaction, of course, : but Jt marks
the end to thrills. . . r
We had forgotten that' ' . v
In th "Getting There" lie all
the wonder and expectation. -
What If. like' the little bird, we
mu&t ,try . and - try acaln? Every
blunder makes 'for the better sud-
tesfe orthe next trial.; y
. ln.tant success is not an entire
ly unknown Quantity in human en
deavor." Occasionally it is the re
suit .of genius. More vof ten , it,, is
caused ly near genius and is only
a flaali in the pan. . ; v . . i
Too .. quick' success foredains
failure for averaeraprtal5v since
It requires of Ihem; no; training
that will enable them to sustain
. .lit IsJhersuccess-won'thTough
courage, effort aai perserverance
tba tayt by", moat of su. Weak
at the beginning and doubtful, we
gain strength and wisdom and
self assurance bit by bit, until at
last there Is i revealed the power
latent wlthhsusr ' -'- .
i t L3f e" Is" the , : Great AdvAture;
therefore achievment mus not be
too easyl-In-uncertainty, risk, ef
fort.we find most of the tun.
f rThbrigfit jjave wings, they
wili not. carry s farw
.t7nle8sweJearn well how to use
them. ;:: . .. ". ' "
Tlioujch We Have Wings-
Even if "all God's chillun have
wings," as the old spiritual de
clares they have, it does not follow
that all God's chillun' know how
to use them
Did you ever watch a nestling
learning how to fly?
Hon uncertain he is! JIow com
icallv awkward! What a deal of
flopping about he does before he
actually takes flight!
Yet, however frequent his fail
ures, now nearly spent his
strength, ' the - persevering birdlet
never gives up. He tries and tries
again until that moment when his
small soul is flooded with faith in
himself . and he is convinced be
yond all doubt of his own ability.
The pinions that up to now have
been little more than troublesome
appendages have suddenly become
instruments for his success, a
force powerful enough to carry
him straight to the goal of his
heart's desire, yet subject to con
trol. To put to a final test his
courage and 'his skill he tops to
the tip of a twig scarcely heavy
enough to bear his weight. A
teasing breeze slaps the twig. The
nestling holds his poise for all
the twig's mad swaying. It is
enough. He hesitates no longer.
Swiftly, surely-he soars into the
sunlit spaces, is lost in depths of
azure. Nestling no longer is he,
but fullatfleged member of his tribe
and master of his fate. . '
Our birthright is success.
Unless we sell if for a mess of
pottage we have a God-given right
to our place in the sun.
But, like that small bird, we
To find it we first -must prow
ourselves. ' .
Though we have wings, they
will not serve us until we have
learned to use them. '
Do wa who hoped to reach the
h.eights.Jln.sne glorious flight con-
- -- ' ?
to your
Dr Edward TEE Boring "''
Something r to
'fe. Think-About
- - . o-' - -v : '
- .- , , , I - v 1 '
- t : : . t
. - - - . - ... v - ... 1 i
... ' ' -:i
... .- . ' ': I
7 T I
When y tn havi? a, toothache.yo a ,
visit your dentist I "and have the
trouble removed " i.v4 -
If you need medical attention., yon
at once seek, the family physician.
BUT when you have a headache. ;
do you have your eyes examined and
see if the trouble rests : there?.v Or--do
you try and rid yourself of this
trouble by the use ot quick curative,
methods? . 4 i .
- Nine out" of every ten headaches "
are caused by the eyesi' Have your s
eyes examined today and relieve .
.yourself of those terrible headaches.
PH0NE 1200 "
L ''
. Salem, Oregon.'-''', ' " . y
In Connection With Bed Cross Drug Co.
THERE: I S N O SV BSTIJ VX & ? 0R, iEE'Ci t RiIlC i'ft't
Washington and Commercial. Sunday
school 10. Kaily and - promotion day.
Meeting for worship 11. Prayer meeting
On Church street between Chemeketa
and Center ts., Norman Kendall Tully,
1). !., pastor. V:30 a. m., Sunday school.
H. K. Barrett, Supt. 10:45 a. m.. morn
ing worship. Sermon. "Aspects of the
Mohammedan Problem," by Dr. Tully.
The choir will sing. "The Lord Is My
Licht," Parker. Organ numbers:. "Min
ster March," Wagner; "Andante eon
Moto " Calkin: and "Duke Street.
Whiting, infants will be baptised at the
morning service. 5 p. m., advance Inter
mediate social hour. This is for tho aea-
jor high school etad en ts of the church and
congregation; they will meet in the club
room. :36' n. m Christian Endea,vor
He told a Salem friend that, the district in catches ns at this our name's i I?f- fenWraSIL a
vance Intermediate, and 'Miss Edna rur
dy the Intermediate. 7:80 p. m., evening
worship. Motion picture message, "The
Triumph of Justice" will be presented
by the Anti-Saloon League. Mis Thei-
ma Da via will sing, "O .May My Walk
Be Close With God," Johnson; and the
Young Peoples' Choir will sing, "Re
joice, Parker. Organ numbers: Ador
ation" (Holy City), Gaul; and "Keeea-
sional, Kroeger.
237 State street, Ralph t. Bullock,
paster. Services 2 aad 7:30 p. m. Sun
day school 2 p. m. Bible study and
evangelistic meetings Wednesday, Thurs
day and Saturday nights at 7:45. Come
and receive, your portion of meat in due
season that yen may be prepared for the
soon, coming of the heavenly Bridegroom.
Matt. 24:44-4ii The -prophet Naham
in -wiar i tr vwali a drn- A.m Jk anair
- - -
Anybody live on that high hill
over there?" ; ' -
No. - Not when I was here.
anyway. - , ,
Is your house injsight from the
top of it?"
"Yes. Why?"v
''We're got to 'see what's going
on. can yon drive a can
Then : youHI have to - be Iook-
bottom of-the hUl aa We can aeLl saye that in the days when the antemo-
Dit are aoeanaing is tne nay oi rtia
ST. PAUL'S (Episcopal)
Church St.. at Chemeketm R.v H
Iuncan Chambers, rector. Missioner.
The Ven. Percy C. Webber. Harvest
Uome Festival Sunday. Holv Euehariat
at '7:30 in the chapel. - Second celebra
tion at ,11 a. nu, with special music and
a sermon by Archdeacon Webber. Km.
ing service at 7:30 n. m. -Th mm.; ;n
be the Harvest Home Festival musie and
the church will be decorated with the re
turns of the harvest. Archdeacon Webber
will preach at all the aerviees. Church
school at 8 :45 a. m.. Mrs. Florence Cham-
brrs; Supt. Young peoples' fellowship
met at . :30 p. m. with address by the
Miiniener. TUe mission services sre for
all people and all will be welcome. At
8:90 t. m. there will be a anecial a.rmon
by (he Missioner for men only aad all
men are, invited. Week day services of
the Missipn will be at 7:30 a. m. each
day and again at 10:30 and also at 7:30
p. ra. On Wednesday a special service
of women only and on Saturday at 10:30
a. m. for' children. Each eveninr th
vested choir will lead la the singing and
" w" sung mat are xamiliar. All
will enjoy the clear apeak ing of Arch
deacon Webber and are urged to attend
any and all the services.
Meanwhile Piggy's father wor
ries over business troubles," chief
of which Is Scott's threatened In
vasion of. his own field. 1 - V;
And then jseveral. things happen
'. Read oitt. -s.Vi. :h'--ir
: ' I. H . CHAPTER ,1 t&Zl ,
' Piggy's dad found; no solution,
but by the time the Adventurers
had A reach Worcester, Brazenose,
sloeepless, had soothed ' . himself
.with. the reflection that Scott was
, a -notorious ' bluffer. ' Unques
tionably he . intended 'to control
the Brasenose Automatic Loom
homself, ; If possible; i perhaps, in
the event of ' failure,' he .really
' meant: to manufacture, a .similar
machine . Bat -the cost of per
fecting one 5 and building a fac
tory would be high and the time
.. required long, and possibly mean-
while he might be reconciled. Re-
. j... ...i.". i. j ... ..... . . i ,
solving to resume shis search.1 for
another threading f device; and at
the : same Ume :waUf vfarily, per
mitting ho crinkled roseleal to
further; endanger his relations
with, Scottv toward daylight. Pig
gy's father slept." r
Not so Roberta's sire. - He had
herad from 1 the detective. . Late
in ' the afternoon the little dark
man in the' blue suit had called
bin by telephone from the Pen
sylvan ia station, reporting .that
h is ; qu arry . had van ished. ' Scott
said things shattering the rules of
the telephone company, and . the
detective submitted a full verbal
report of his discoveries, .-"
. me iaay naa, Deen,met ny.a
young man' about twenty-five, he
thought, with thick,; wavy; Ught-
and hustle back, to the- house for
my field glasses Lucky I brought
it. '.You hike for 'the: hilltop and
111 find you. I'll be back. p.. d
But Peter! , It's air: thick
woods . and brush. I'll tear my
veil and " " '. :"'. ;.-
"Rats! . Buy a new one. . We've
got to know what's doing. . -
" Well, suppose he takes her
away? What can I do about it?"
?Beat It for the. foot of the bill
and tell me which way they went
when I. get back. We'll trail "era.
I don't believe he'll leave right
away he must' have driven all
nightbut we've got to be sure."
V :: (To be continued). , : :l
(Copyright hy Margaret Camerea Lewie.
Jteleased threngh Ceatril Press lu'a) .
iS t s 7.... rr :n
. A i big i shipment of stationery
Just received at Pat ton's Book
Store. All the latest shades. Good1
Kahum 2 :3-5 ;
r" LtltAand Hill BtS Patrik UaUia. pas
ter - and Sunday school superintendent.
Sunday school 9:43 a- m. Morning wor
ship 11 a. m. Kpworth League 7 p.
Evening service 8 p. m. The Ladiea Aid
will meet on Toeaday at 2 p. m. ia the
home of Mrs. Chr. Floer, 256T Oak St.
Oar , first quarterly conference will be
held Tuesday evening at 7:30 ia the
church. Prayer meeting and choir prac
tice Taursiay evening at 7:30 and 8:30.
Van are all cordially invited to our scr-
viree. ;
343 Vx Court St.. C. Si. Joknutn rmt.m.r
Services 3 and 7:3o p. m. Sunday schooi
f.-p-, "erkey, superintendent.
ek day services Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday evening. Kev. Andrew JnS.
eon will be with aa over Sunday.
cornex stkxet kethodist
13th and Center f Sta.. A. P. Hilmer
ua.tur. services 1 1 a. m.. aai n n n
Sermoa topica, , "Significance f the
Cross Tf Christ In the ChHatian t.lf--'
n "Fslth Is the Victory.' After the
'" sermon at 11 o'clock the Lord'a
supper will he celebrated.. 8unday school
at io o clock, a. H. Grallsp. At 7:li
youag peoples' meeting and class -meeting
vv.. .y.u-u. o u crocs; tne x.nruan
era, ' .- -
brown hair and gray eyes. No, he
hadn;t beenvable to learn who he gt0ck aa shown oa Broadway.
was. . lueyjsaa gone io bnerry s, I Nw Tork. '- ' ' f
Tabernacle 55 Ferry St. Meeting
every night at 7 :30 and Sunday after
noon 3 p. m. The Jubilee Evangelistic
Party composed af 7 persons are holding
a campaign meeting itr the tabernacle.
Bev. Moore and wife who are at the head
f the party, were former missionaries ia
Japan, for about tea years. They left
there after the great earthquake. They
were nariea is ine rums, ana were res
cue. The singinff t'lerda were former
vaudeville singers. They are nationally
known.t having snng much ever the king
distance radio. Tiere MtUe & year eld.
gxri, ssu viara aise-auigs solos. Her
voice ia sweet and wonderfully eJear. The
Clards aiag the aonthera maladies aa few
:' HAZAKCirS -i
19th and Marlnn t TT J rjL
. r . . - - - -, aw
ii op Kins, pastors. Services 11 i. n, and
:ou p m. Sermon topics, "Danger Man .ot Uonseioua of IL': and
(.hrtsuaairy and the Bible."
singing at both services on Sunday. Sen-
' ";i m" ank Litwiller,
superintendent. Senior -young peoples'
e:aw p., topic, "Mlssiena." Thia
meeting in charge of the Missionary com
mittee. Junior Christian End ot., a -alt
u. ri. . . . . . . r "
j - "neiasao, isaaer. wed
. 7 nfiui as l itv nraver and shm.
meting, led by the paater.i The Saera-
oi me urti supper at 11 a.-1
and sermon br Mrs. Hank Ins. Th- .v..
or win preach Sunday night... Come-aad
-. vrvea r wua.-na-..-Vy, Tr.
Corner of Chemeketa isa V tvn. ct
" ', aKr. - nervicee n t, x.
and 7:30 p. m. - Fermoa topica, "Tae Bi
?"Jn"S Tnaa Money," a4 A Fatal
Leek." Sunday school 10 a. a..;0. Ii
strsasbaagb, snnerinundeat. Evangelical
svve k iii Lnruuin r. nnaavaw m a n .ua
I "r- m 14 teik iiimTAr
. ..... iHBB J 1 . ., -
ascenrey," jeaner. ,. ;-.
, a. vammereiai sad Meyers, d, WitJara
2. if
' ' -s r i .
, - f : - '
e a
SS MSMi InftMstry
There Is Satis f action
r 7 Broiectian
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in- owning stock in a substantial .enterprise
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Savings are'wisely
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Ask today about Preferred Stock of
this company now offePed at $90 a
share to yield ' 6&7 financial,
security for home and family. , .
COfll, write or phone , .
237 North Liberty, Salem, Oregon
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Portland Electric Pbverl Co.
' . Division Offices pf Of ' fc
Salem, Oregon City, Hillsboro and St. HeleniOrc, and Vancouver, Wash.