The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 08, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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Tn IteeMer in Morning -BeSrtratten
for the University
of Orepon extension courses , to
SSEln the local high school
I t ihis ye1' tie nem "
.f thflOhool superintendent, in
V ihP hiKnuol building Saturday
morning, only, it aVn? .?7
yesterday- This will be the last
opportunity to register for these
Box ins , Armory Arena
Phil Bayes vs BattHng. Hoope of
California. Ten 3-minute rounas,
Bobby Clark vs Sailor Bucks, six
3-minute rounds. Snappy prelimin
aries. Friday Oct 8. 8
Willamette YMCA Meet
r:ii,i(o university
JX.rld W first meeting of the year
.Wednesday nicht in the MCA
Lv..ii,lin with about 35 present.
1 Ttin WhV -f
Tw-n Kics.ii epoKc
the Y. James McClintoek, presi
dent, outlined the work of the or
ganization t. the coming year.
One Week More on Season
Ticket sale for "Dear Brutus,"
Oct. 21 and "Outward Bound,"
Jan. 27. Save money and seeure
good seats at $3.30. Patton's and
Atlas ";Book Stores. 8
under water stunt at the YMCA
building here ..Tuesday night in
connection with the organisation's
anniversary weeTe f celebration.'
members of the team are Billie
Rlackman, Lee McDonnell, jkiabel
MeKinley,- Odetta Baird and .Po
mona Morey. age 10J All women
in Salem are invited, to attend the
exhibition, -: : k-,t
Congolevm and Felt Baho
Floor .covering 60e to 75c per
Wrestling Cla Staits
" The older boys' wrestling class
at the YMCA will begin tonieht
with jFennimore Basgott as in
structor. All members of the Y
over years obi are eligible. to
Join the class, which meeU( once
b. week. - .
By the use of medicine, Dr.
Stone removed a. cancer from the
nose Of John Gefelman. , oi
PuiidU'g Permit' Issued
A building permit was issued-
n the city recorder's office Thurs-
to Vhnr Bros, for the erec-
tion of a one story dwelling-at
,085 Maple avenue. The estimat-
M cost is $2500. Wehner Bros.
re to be the builders.
yard. Hamilton'!
Master and to guide life by some
thing definite. It s an appeal to
service In an organized effort. A
mission aims at t he Ind fvid ual In
order that impressions " of righte
ousness will guide him In every
act. - Subjects are (presented-In
sermon - and Instruction and., a
question box is provided that dlf
ficultles may be solved.
J Hot Water Bottles
2 for 11.75 at Schaefer's Drug
08 Store, guaranteed 'for oire rear:
leaders Hold Meeting
Leaders of boys physical class-'
cs at tho. YMCA held their first
meeting or the year Wednesday
night. Clair Miller i was elected
president, JoJm'Schafer vice prea
ident, and French. Hagemann sec
retary. Tho leaders wil -meet
each Wednesday pight during the
winter. .
.Men Visit Staytnn
. Loyal Warner and Al . Hodges
of the local YMCA staff were In
Staytbn yesterday tforgani.ce boys
clubs and to start the YMCA pub
lic school program there.
, r . .
Latest Mazda Lamps
. Only. 25c now. , Get at Lock
woods. 247-N," Commercial. 08
Has Tooth at BJrtli
A baby hprnj three months ago
with a tooth In his mouth will be
presented at the Marion county
health clinic jsoOn for" investiga
tion. His parents. are .Mr- and Mrs.
Arthur Porter of route 9
Wooly WarmIlxed Cotton
And wool blankets large size
and double, $4.45, Hamilton's.
''. 08
Cliurrh Plana Projgra
A "rally day" program will be
held at the Jason Lee Methodist
church for a week beginning Sun
day, Oct. IP All departments of
the Sunday f school will take part
in the' program. A reception will
he held Friday, evening for Wil
lamette "university students. A
program of music, recitations and
readings will he held Sunday
morning, Oct.-i 7. at 9:45 o'clock.
Tumblers to Practice
The boys tumbling class at the
local YMCA will begin work for
tbe year next Tuesday""evening at
7.tl5 o'clock and will meet each
Tuesday during, the year. Leslie
Sparks is instructor.
Original Bexa!! One-Cent Sale
Oct; 21. 22. 23. Perry's drug
Btore. o9
FmltiN TJoholatery
And repairing. Oelie
Furniture Company.
Paving Crew Itots
Ram yesterday car.sed Street
Commissioner Walter Low's pav
in? crew tc lay off for the day
Tbe "crew still has 20 blocks left
to pave on this year's schedule,
and Mr. Low says be can finish it
ea.ifTyie has some good weath
er tyhe rest of this month.
itates to Visit Here
L.! G Bate, .regional physical
lirector of the -YMCA for the
or th west district, will be in this
city next Wednesday to inspect
he physical work of the local
YMCA and assist in preparing the
program for this year.
Bote! Marioft
Dollar dinner, served. 6: 45 to t
avorjr Evening.
Will Lease for One ' ?
To three years, strictly modern erh.-t
nouse s 9sa n. aDmmstoi., anu
twn rrt Cnln1nr,V 711 EtgtS
r Skid Off Highway '
o - f. Coskins of Salem report
ed at police headtuartera yester
day that his car slid off the Pacific
highway about five miles north
of Siem when another car cut in
.front of it. Hp pavc no nthert A-
f$Uzf3t the accident.'
J .'x'wngoleum and Other Kelt
S Base rugs 9x12, 13.20. Hamil
X.n's. . 08
Cause Out of City
Dr. John M. Cense, president of
Kimdall Colb ce of Theology, has
Kone to Toppenlsh, Wash., to at
tena a meeting of the district sup
erintendents of the Methodist
church. Tie is there in the later
if.ts 0fiKim1ail college. ' '
Vinognr Apple Aantel
Cash, paid on delivery, saelcs
furni-thed Cideon.stolz Co., near
toruer bummer and Mill. olO
Mcrmaiils to Perform
A swimming team of five gltls
irom t5e Portland YWCA. under
tn. dfrection of Miss Vtrrinta
Pembroke, will give aa exhibition
cf fany. diving, swimming, and
E. E. WICGLXS, Prvp.
Near Woodry's A net ion Blarket
; .1145 Norway
Telephone 226 1-W
r Yard
10T D Street Telephone 8313
Underwood Typewriter Co.
tlrwt Factorr Branch
f W writeri Rented, 8old
pui rental rates to Students
YMCA Residents Meet
YMCA members wDo live In the
dormitory held a banquet ; last
night in the YMCA banquet room.
Singing and speeches featured the
meeting. Plans for permanent or
ganizations were laid, wit h meet
ings to be held monthly..: A com
mittee consisting, of Guy Weaver,
chairman; Dwight- Shaw, and
George Dick, was appointed to
take charge of arrangements
- t L :
See our' line ' of ; good used '
y cars: Buick roadster. Dodge'
', tonring, Overland - sedans.
Fords of all kinds fl5.00
and np. Stars, BfaxwellA,
Chevrolets, OldsmobUes, all
: priced; to : sell. ! Terms can
i; be. arranged.?. ii--'-'.:-".'-
William Needham, Robert . Brow
nell, Tom Wiper, Laurence Smith,
and Phil Brownell. In the large
boys elass they were Robert Need
ham, Horace Stewart, WInfield
condition,? was .the next .ques
tion! -- -
"She should have been suffering
from I thirst; -her face should have
been sunburned; her clothing and
shoes should have shown more
wear' than they did 11' the time
she came in." j
rCros3-examIned by Gilbert. Mr.
Turchison - amplified a little by
Ptating "there was no sign of per
rpiration under the' arms and .the
dres was not soiled on the collar
and .. cuffs." " f
TJhe cheap, gray muslin dress
whi$h the evangelist wore when
she"f reached Douglas after the
walk she described over the des
ert" "precipitated a bitter wrangle
tetween the district attorney and
defense counsel Gilbert.. j
The latter had been exhibiting
lt'-itq Murchison and then dragged
it through a puddle of, water that
badcbeen'spilled on the table top.
Tjie three members Of the prose
cution ranks came to their feet
eS? masse, Keves voicing a strenu-
orisvorotest to tne court, anu
and Evelyn liar beck spent Thurs
day night in this city.; . Their home
is in Grants Pass. " r
Ora Wilson . of Union, Ore.,
spent Thursday night in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. t4- m. liisnop 01
Portland w" Thursday visitors
in this city. i
Needham. Ed Cross, Allan Carl, I harging that Gilbert had delibor
Sam Carl, Doc Morris, Frankate)y attompted to soil the gar-
uross. ana ivennein morris. 1 ,nent He explained that the ut
Judges were French Hagemann,
Ray Miller, and Francis DeHar
port. . John Schaef fer was starter.
west care had been taken to keef
the dress in the same condition
in" which it had been put off by
High Grade New Pla
t Reduced to 12001215 1288.
why pay niore? Terms. Liberal
discount for cashj '.Tallmdn Piano
Store, 395 South l'2th. 'oR
License Obtained ' ! ;
George A " Carroll fef 'Eugene,
salesman and Hannah Braun worth
of San Jose, Cal. obtained a mar
riage license at the ofTIce of the
county clrk yesterday.
Complete Line of
Monarch Electric Ranges at
Hamlltons. - 1 A21tf
Revival Meets Planned
The Christian-Mission Alliance
tabernacle will be the scene of re
ival services for about a month,
the first meeting having been held
last night at 7.30 o'clock The
services are conducted by Rev. and
Mrs. B. S. Moore, Mr. and Mrs.
It. M. Clark and Philip Kerr.
Used Pianos. Lots of Them
. $50. $75, S100, 1125, ,1150. See
them at Tallman Piano Store, 395
Loyal Warner and Al Hodges werej Mr McPherson, in view of the
in charge of the meet. . I nrosecution's contention that the
garment- showed no evidence of
One More Day I the , lengthy desert tramp wnien
Of our blanket sale. A good I the evangelist said she had taken
wool mixed blanket $4.45. Ilam-laffet she had escaped from tht
ilton's. 08 I kidnapers.
Gilbert retorted that Keyes was
Woman Hit, By Car . I playing to tne gallery, ara Jtwge
Mrs. Baum of West Salem re-1 Blake closed the argument wun
reived a hrufeed ankle when she la v.'4rning to the defense attorney
jumped backward in front of alto be. more carer 11 01 exniDiis in
car driven1 by Jordin Hardin atlthease.
State and Liberty streets lastl "Bfrrice Day, the
night, the accident was said to hate R. A. MeKinley, blind Lon;
be. unavoidable. f Beach attorney, who died in an
automobile accident recently ju-
TIm rnttaen Tieantv I WHO haa nau u.:u
PorlAr Sefonttfte nnpratnr In I USeO OS a go-oetween lor m- iwu
oton,i,n.o maPaia tn ..H I Jtelist's kidnapers, tooay gave tne
Individual, tvna - Plion 2215-J. I olSiTlCt artorney anotiier p.c
- ' J , . Jl.. Hnlr
QgiTVrwea eviaicce icuuiub iu
DUperior JUUge lauuo t. iniv.
wfth itin Mi-Phnrson mvstry,
The first meeting of the ;Clfcf exhi,b"' "hich
Clique junior music club was held N ff P"""?'!.' "
Wednesday evening with about 3.0
members present, their ages rang
ing from 10 to 18 years. Officers
for the coming year include
Katherine Earle, president
Esther Wood, vice president;
Lois Birdwell, secretary-treasurer,
and Betty Martin, publicist.
Visits in Salem
Miss Myrtle Mills of Tillamook
was a Salem visitor Thursday, v".
. lCotinue4 frois ps 1.) ,
to death as the maddened hordes
struggle fcr rescue. Many", thrown i
into the river, are drowned. Next
Sunday, if they have not escaped..1
the rain of fire will pour upon
them, for the gates will be closed.
Only a few miles away are the
troops ,of Sun Chaun-Fang, ruler j
of the" five provinces of eastern
China, trying to thrust aside the
Cantonese who oppose their march
to the relief of beleaguered Wu
chang. Semingly relief must come
to the Wuchang defenders within
a few days.
Since early in September the'
city has been infested by the Rus
sianized armies from the southern
provinces , of Kwangtung and
Kwangsi. which are attempting to
annex the central China provinces
of Marshal. Wu Pei-Fu to the do
minion of the Cantonese government.
Hankow, sister "city of Wuchang
across the broad Yangtsze river,
succumbed to the southerners, as
did Manyang, adjoining. Wu Pei-
Fu, was forced out of Hanlflw
o.. . I . i J'
r u, was lorceu out OI riankow
about September 8,..and iiTeport-
ea aetmpting to reorganize bis
demoralized troops in Honan prov
ince, north of Hankow. In this
he Is being aided by his old lieu
tenant, Sun Chuang-Fang, now the
dictator of China's five eastern
provinces.' .
strong, Richard JB. Armstrong,
Douglas B. Armstrong and Tom A.
Armstrong, all of Salem; son of
Mrs. Mary Armstrong of DePere,
Wis., brother of 'Mrs. Ruth Vin
cent of Pepere, Sam B. Armstrong
of Neenah, Wis., and ETph Arm
strong of Casper, ; Wyo.; grand
father of Helen -May Armstrong
and Douglas B. Armstrong Jr. Fu
neral services will be held at the
Rigdon mortuary at 1:30 p. m.
Saturday, following which the
body will be shipped to DePere,
Wis., for funeral services and in
terment. Tho body will He In
state at the Rigdon mortuary all
day Friday.
day, October S, at l:S0 p. m. from
the Rigdon mortuary, interment
City, View cemetery.- ----- -
At the residence on 13 65 north
16th street. Oct. 5, Amelia L.
Kemano at the age of 79 years.
mother oL Albert Kemano, Port
land, Ore., Frank Kemano, Los
Angeles, Cal., Elmer Kemano, Sa
lem, Mrs. Sarah B. Devine POrt
land, Ore. Funeral services Fri-
Traffic Offenders Fined '
Five traffic . offenders were
fined in police court hefe yester
A car driven 6y Mrs L. F. Grif-
Pthwas hit by a street, far yester
day afternoon "at Court and Cot-
ilage streets, .according to a report
Operation Performed ..
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Bibby of Labish is very ill
in a local hospital from intestinal
complications. An operation was
performed yesterday in an effort
to help him. ,
Help Is Needed
of his proof of the existence of a
nlot to "oroduce" a shack where
the evangelist was suppofsed to
have been held, and a man to pose
as a kidnaper, consisted of a busi
ness .card beariug the judge's
name eagraved on it end a penned
notfr on the back introducing Rol-
aaBioh Wbolley, personal attrr
ntor Mrs. McPherson to Mc
JThe introduction read: 'Mr.
Mcftlfidley: This will introduce
MrJWoolley, who will act for one.
Please work with him. (Signed)
Owllos S. Hardy.'
Jfiidge Hardy, who has stated
tSifl he had given Mrs. McBherson
Udvice as a. friend, already;
t4 Hinder summons as a witness
to fxplain tbrce letters attributed
to fJ&JS pen ana aauressea to aic
Pacific Coast
Hollywood and Portland halved
a double here this afternoon, the
Stars capturing the first game 8
to 3 and the Beavers the second
in six innings, 6 to 4.
OAKLAND, Oct. 7. Oakland
scored its third straight victory
over Seattle today, 7 to 6, putting
over the deciding run in the
eleventh ijoping after the Indians
had taken a five run lead in the
opening frame.
day by Al Mundt, acting municipal urnd ,In t: policy headquarters
judge. A. Cahplin paid $5 for , J""' "l"u wa? crossing
falling to stop, Albert Smith $5 he street at right angles to the
for driving a car with switched ck when another car sloppy
u irjui vi iicr, iurvini; uer tr stop
in the path of the oneomiue street
A plea for help was received Hey and to Mrs Sielaff.
it night in behalf of a man and ty" adjourned at 5 clock
license plates, J?aul Bundt $5 for
speeding, Walter Disney 17.50 for
speeding, and - Conrad Walker , 91
for- driving without a drivers
his wife who, though educated IPM wnoon UUu. ,y a.
and worthy, are in need of Imme- I v
diate assistance. According to Dr
Henry E. Morris, the man was in
car. She did not state thle amount
Tiljisitori Reported
Wlrtz to Lire la Baleni
Wlllard H. Wlrtz, district attor
ney of Crook county, left Salem
yesterday morning after a short
visit.; He -returned to 1 Prineville
to make arrangements for mov-
See Us Before Yon Sell
- Your walnuts. Mason Ehrman
Co. Phone 396. ol2
jured in an automobile accident
two or three weeks ago, and suf
fered1 a crushed knee whichrhas I l)r Arnold Bennett Hall, new
kept him in the hospital. His wife I president of the University of Ore-
Is a competent stenographer but I oa, stopped in Salem for about
neeas a position, pome money. 13. 1 anrnour yesieruaj nueiuwuu
needed -at once, and any person
having a position open for the
woman is asked to communicate
with Dr, Morris, 303 Oregon
, .,, 1 -- - -
iHK ro weuiiiwe ne win uycu Switched license pfates on his car.
Speeder Arrested
D. L. Cadwell qf Portland war.
Man Has Switched Plate
" Albert J. Smith was arrexteit by
local police officers, late Wednes-1 building, or phone 239, at once.
day night on a charge Cof; having
; (Continued from pace 1.)
XfK and Mrs. H. H. Emmell
wejfe in this city Thursday. They
are residents of Wasco.
; H. "F. Warren of Scio was a vi?l-
tdXlri this cityThursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Card well of
Albany visited this city Thursday.
Among the visitors in this
Thursday was Miss Leta Cauey of
?5.f Philllnni of stayton was a
Vacant 5-Room Flat t
Adults. $30 on lease. Ranges, Urrested br w R. r,pnn vPstcHav
water heaterJinoleums-furnished Inn rh,r nt mgarih, i.r-w 4 And any sujch building
Close In at 666 Ferry. Becke I r:riwii Miri ia r nml Today's session of the . prelim-1 Salem visitor Wednesday.
& Hendricks. 18 N.rHigh StreeUf tfnd-I)aM . finebfI10lh Tustlce llnary hearing on criminal cqnspir-1 T Harry Bailey of Lakeview was
. t . , s :u ?y o3tf I court. '; f .... I acy; charges of McPherson; her 1 in thls city Thursday."
Mcanlng f-3f isslon Told A otjiemkou Tickets QJosea I n- Lorralne Wtseman-Sieljiff I 4 Salem visitor Wednesday.
Rev. 11. " Chambers has x In one week for-Ols'en Plavpr I had rolld along, characterized I 1 JDeWltt Gilbert of Astoria was
nlained the meaning of I the mis-1 vuinnra net -tj lur the usual prosecution-defense I Salem visitor Wednesday. .
sion to be. held at SC Paul's Epla-.i Tait27. aelline.for $3 3ft.lbfkrin.:' nt!l Murchison passed : t!r. and Mrs.. E, J. Allen were
tiesavsl t a . r. w o inis expert opinion mat tne wom
an pastor's story of her desert
copal church next weekr. He says j AUa8 and peon's Book Store
it is a can to listen to caim, o8
nlfled. and sensible exposition 01
They are
the Slain teachings of the Master J j Work start
of Men. , t is a can. 10 man-1 1 -Work on a new steel span across
take up a reiauonsnip wun tne 1 the Abqua river on the Bethany
Mt. Angel market road will" start
inu Salem" Wednesday.
residents of Woodburn
. JMr. and -Mrs. L. T. Chellis of
Cdrvalllslsited this city Tues
day; . V : . -Tv
i $. A. Hatton of Eugene visited
; The SUre With the -
; FonntMn . ,.
hegira would not hold water.
' Murchison' commented on '-tlje
weather the day Mrs. MeTberson
returned to Douelas JuA 23. .af
ter, as she said, having tramped I (his city AVednesday. -
tmm-dlatelv . according Aa terms between 15 and 20 miles across iWllbur Yarnall of .Eugene was
t Mnr owarfeH h th ,,-1 the sandy wastes. i linl thlsjcny Wednesday. ' 1
highway commission,'to the Clack-1 ; the' heat, said the big border I t Fred'Chandier of Eugene visit
amas Construction company yes-1 policeman was yterriflc," between 1 eKSaienr 1 nursaay.
terdav. The new.4ridee will have 1 118 and 123 degrees.. : v , I j IMr: and Mrs. J. M. Cerslnner
1 tipl bodr aid the deck Wilt I U The Drose?utton wanted toTmo 1 ware InSaWmt Thursday. They
SACRAMENTO, Oct. 7. Sacra
mento, hopped on three San Fran
cisco pitchers' here today to de
feat the Seals 16 to 3.
Los Angeles defeated the Missions
3 to 2 today in a game featured
by a hurling duel between Clyde
Day and Bert Cole.
O : O
o o
LONDON, Oct. 7. ( AP) E1k
Clark of Scotland, flyweight cham
pion of klurope, tonight retailed
his title by defeating Francois
Mpracchini of "France on points
at Albert hall.
I Too Late To Classify
o o
light and water, garage. $19. 412 X.
21st utreet. 23O10
In this city Wednesday, Oct. 6,
Thomas B. Armstrong, age 54
years, superintendent of the Ore
gon Pulp A Paper company, hus
band of Mrs. Margaret Armstrong,
father of Thomas McDonald Arm-
This Beats Record
He Gained 28 Pounds In 8 Weeks
Good Solid Healthy Flesh, Too
be of timber, ft will be construct I if the evangelist could have made I ae resWents.of Woodburn
ed on practically the same site as I the trip described by her without
lithe present bridge, and the build-1 water:
Ing company jF"1- move ther pres-1 The-Douglas officer was. ready
ent bridge to la point West of iU I to reply when, defense ?6 attorney
present posltttjn so hat traffic Gilbert, hopped pa his feet po ovine
may detour daring, the . period of but objections.. ,4. lehgthyf rgur
construction. -The bridge : will iqent finally developed, , with.. U-e
cost 15760.
cfabentforat and RheaLupef liave
4fie on a two weeks', deer huht
InJ TtrlpMa thesouth. ,
?tr. antf:tfrs. Charles Lynn of
Dallas vfsftedSalem .Thursday. '..
ftifr. andMrs. W. 'W Miller of
Tank Meet
the f In
vided ii
large Tfo
the sma
court perm lEsibn, into a;ltn?thiei I MMinnvllIo were Salem ; visitors
4 O"
LADD & BUSH Bankers
- Established 1863 .
General Banldiii Business ; i
Office Honrs froM lO a, v. to S s m
5J - . . -
3 tribute
' good t.
participated in j Taking a woman approximately
I meet of the 35 years old, mother of two child-
night In the I ren. ' more or less active , all he?
; boy were di- life, who has 4 been raised on a
sses -one xoriiarm, Kianapco ana uru?vcu
r fOr small. In 18, held captive .nearly a month.
4 winners were confined to bed most or tnat 'iint.
fed : principally ; on canned goods,
leftt alone In bonds'7 from ."whirl
the ; freed :, herself, could snch k
woman under snch clrcunistances
i iave "walked- from- 11 . o'clock Ip
b Genuine .
Ti cri5aeot
rinp U a
nent. and '
arcu, ,: .
rt, Cssaet :
,fr. andvMr. R. I Van Orsdel
Mr.'Land -Mrs. Jesse CampbeU
ifthis tritj.hay gone to Corvallis
io ivisit. friends. - .
lC. II. -Jl'Srgs; of Eugene, visited
thrs, city: Wednesday. .. .
J" W. pfmber of; Eugene was In
thjs city "Thursday. . ,
. G. A. CairelKof (Eugene visited
Safcm Thursday. :
iCarl.SoUthworth was in Salem
Thuradayt WeJivs.lii. Eugene.
j J. L. Mann' and family of Pen-
the morning.nntil "1:30 or 2, the I jiton. wore Thursday visitors in
following morning? upwards oni.4 1 hi
hours, without , water, across the
Uesert. without ; showing any
apticcable; ill effects and without
havingperspifatlon niarks, on he.
flofhlng," or I noticeable signs , of
wear" OS her shoes T - ,v --Aad,
fMureh!soa reply was:
No, I dsa't taiok so.
of .' Forest
Salem Thursday
this city... . j. V
r -D. W.Thornburg
Grovo vfiutwiu
Uiicity i,y,;4.fc . f
jiTIr. e ' "'r, W. Dlfges of
Gearneaa tie in thU cuy Tnari-
shouKaya-.adfe? Ijl; i- li, Harbsck and ifsrls. telL
In every town In America you
can see skinny, scrawny men and
women with deep hollows 'in
cheeks, neck and chest who are
more to be. pitied than blamed.
Doctors,. Chemists. Scientists all
agree that; Cod Liver Oil is. full of
flesh building,, health promoting,
strength fncreasine vitamins. They
alsbagree aridf the" whole world1
agree-with them that it is about
the most evil-smelling and nasty
tasting, nauseatfftg-stutf-that- hu
man beings come, in contact wun
--Jtt upsets 'mdst stomachs. . -'P
But now Air.ihat is changed
Cod ..Liver .'.OU comes Ja . tablet
form, sugar coated and as easy to
take as candy. J7 C. Perryj,D J
Fry and druggists everywhfero sell
McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Comjound
Tablets with the- distinct ; tinder-
standing - that if J any thin, tTIean
underweight man or woman, take
them for 30. days and; does -not
gain at least 5 pounds, thar pur
chase price will be returned.1
- Just try them for 30 days, ,all
you folks who need & or 10 pounds
of good, solid flesh. They -have
-rounded; out the 'scrawney. places'
In thousands of people- they will
heiD you. 1
i-" Stanley ' E. Howe, Atlantic City
ri. : J., writes that he gatned 2
pounds ih weeks and further
writes. M, slofip, irest and eat .and
nothing bothers ni? nerves 1 foul
like, a real nian thanks to Mc
Coy's." - . . , ! . . -
One woman, exceedingly thin,
gained 10 pounds in 22 daysrarwl
don't, forget that, being full -of
vitalising vitamins, they -do help
feeble old folks, who need.' a. .real
tonic, and for thin, "puny.; unde
veloped children they 'quickly
bring health, streazta iad - in
creased weight. 60 tablet for 6 o
cents. Znilst on McCoy's lha
original and genuine.-Adv.
Perfect Funeral Service
For Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone' 724 '
j ,i . Itiegsecker, . .
Clara .Riegsecker r 'died "at 'The-
family i home , one mile east of
Shaw, on Thursday, October 7; at
the age of : 65 years. Surviving '
are:; : One daughter; Mrs. Anna
Amort of Salem; ' a son, William
of Burns:, six -grandchildren.
Doris, Walter, Evelyn, Clara, Mar
garet, and Thelma, .all of .Shaw,
and two brothers and three sis
ters. The remains are at the Sa
lem mortuary. Funeral announce
ments later. , ' (
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At The
Tires Should Give You
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Our vulcanizing shop offers service
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Distributors for.
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Invite Us to Your Next Blowout
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These shoes are of out regular - lines and'
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See Our. Windows for These
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