The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 07, 1926, Page 7, Image 7

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art m . m
Phone 106
Mr. and Mrs. CP. Bishop
Will Entertain Friends
Tonight at Golden Wedding
One pf the outstanding events
of all seasons will be tlie eelebra
tlon of the golden wedding Anni
versary of Charles Pleasant Bish
op and Fannie Kay Bishop from
7 to 10 o'clock ton lib t in their
home at 7J5 Court street. While
no format invitations have been
issued, a fiost of friends are ex
pected from Salem and the sur
rounding vicinity. Out of town
guests will include friends and
relatives from Portland, Browns
ville and Hood River.
: Mr. and Mrs, Bishop were mar
ried In Brownsville on October 8,
1876, by the Rev. Corpus Sperry,
Mrs. Bishop (Fannie Kay) being
the daughter of Thomas and Anne
Kay, pioneer woolen mil' owners
in the Willamette valley, and Mr.
Bishop being the son of Rev. and
Mrs. "William Bishop, Rev. Mi.
Bishop having been, one of the
earliest circuit riders in Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bishop are the
parent of three sons, Clarence
M. and Roy T., both of Portland,
and Robert Chauncey of Pendle
ton, -and 'the grandparents of six
grandchildren including Elizabeth
Jane, Thomas Rurmester and Wil
liam Henry Bishop, children of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Bishop; Clar
ence Morton, Jr., son of Mr.' and
on luncies
s and Milk
EASE? digested
If you wanted Tommy to -win a foot-race, you wouldn't load him down
wih heavy, unmanageable clothe.
If you want Tommy to make good in his after-lunch studies. DON'T load
ham 4own with heavy, unmanageable toocL
Gve him healtKfui. delicious lunches of honey-sweetened Tru-BIu Gra
ham crackers and milk. And Tommy will be a well nourished boy as
clear-headed and vigorous at 2 in the afternoon as he wi at 10 in the
TRU-BLU Grahams are chuck ful of rigor-building vitamines. They fur
nish mineral salts. And the bran that helps to regulate the body. Eaten
with milk, they make a well-balanced, satisfying meal EASILY and
cjuxkfy digested-
If You Specify TRU-BLU Grahams Your
Grocer Will Send No Others. Ha Knows
... BBBata-
4f 311111
TTf UJ CtSCOTT CO. SPoan Portland. Seattle
Mrs. Clarence M. Bishop, and
Chauncey Bishop's two sons. Rob
ert Chauncey and Charles Kay.
Presiding and assisting at the
retention table tonight will be
Mrs. C. T. Roberts pf Hood River
Mrs. Bishop's sister: Mrs. Clara
Starr of Brownsville, sister of Mr
Bishop; Mrs. J. A. BIsbcp, Mrs.
C. I). Gabrtelson, Mrs. Thomas C
Taylor of Portland, Mrs. pouglas
McDonald of Portland, Mrs. Henry
B, Thielsen and Mrs. Thomas a:
Business and Professional
Women Hold Sixty
Cover Dinner
Fifty members of the Salem
Business and Professional Wom
en's club and ten guests were en
tertained in a most enjoyable man
ner on Wednesday afternoon when
the group met at the New Salem
hotel for dinner and a delightfully
planned program.
The program of the evening was
a talk on "The Personalities of
Oregon Writers," . given by Mist
Mozelle Hair ol Eugene. Miss
Hair gave many intimate facts
concerning the prominent, writers
of the state and gave selections
from the Oregon poets with, whom
she dealt. f .,
Miss Dorothy .. Brant gave two
vocal solos, Goodbye to Summer
and "The False' Prophet," with
Mrs. Pur vine at the piano.
As an additional .feature, each
member of the club was asked to
tell the nature of her particular
The following new members
were announced during the even
ing: Miss Carrie Martin, Mrs. Gil
liam and Mrs. John J. Bottle. The
club is now sponsoring af "mem
bership drive" with Mrs. Emma
Haley and Miss Merle E. Dimick
the captains.
A report on the rummage sale
was heard Wednesday. The sale
which was managed by Mrs. Susan
Varty, was probabjy the most, sue-
. ... . . ' J . ' . -w .
cessiui tne duo nas ever held.
Qn November 5 the club will
hold a dance in Derby hall. Miss
Carlotta Crowley and Miss Lillian
Schroeder are in charge of the ar
Dr. Doney in
Eastern Oregon
Dr. Carl ,Gregg Doney Is spend
ing several days in Pendleton and
La Grande. , Dr. Doney is one of
the speakers at the teachers' in
stitute. ' '
heaves for Tacoma
Mrs. W. F. Cooper left this
morning for Tacoma for a visit
at the home of her son, D. E. Coop
er and family.
Leslie ,Qu&EsthH'?AreS
Guests at Morehouse Horn
Eighteen membarrf of the Leslie
Methodist church , Queen- Esther
circle, of which Miss . Ruth Hase-
ton is president, met on "Wednes
day evening at the home -of Miss
Margaret Morehonae- for pet-
luck supper, followed by. a busi
ness and POL'Ial meeting. t
Plans were made forf an lopen
meeting to be held in the near
future. .
On October 22 the Quen Esther
group will sponsor a Hallowe en
masquerade in Ies!ie hall. ':
Five new members J ained the
society at the meeting on Wednes
day, including Miss Grace Thomp
son, Miss Mabel Straw, MLss Alice
Linfoot and Miss Lorraine Rob
Covers at the dinner were placed
for Miss Elsie Tucker. Miss Bessie
Tucker, Miss Lena Medler, Miss
Maxine Ulrich, Lorraine Robbins,
Miss Gladys Rnwen. Miss Ellen
Jean Moody, Miss Alice Linfoot,
Miss Grace Thompson, Miss Helen
Hertrog, Miss Mabel Straw, Miss
Ruth Hazelton, Miss Htnrietta
Bishop. Miss Isabel Morehouse.
Miss Helen Ingrey, advisor, and
Misa Margaret Morehouse, the hos
tess. Tea at YMCA
Honors New Teachers
An eTvVoyable affair of yesterday
afternoon was the tea at the local
Over a hundred
additional awards totaling
than $
in valu
for a tlaiiie for
re1 rv-fl
i sl s I J If . A i
rlsrM'iiSI-lferU:'lKJfis: .
your j
General Independent DpTer
if you were one of
j... lucky ones J ;;
YMCA, honoring new members of
the SaJcm teaching staff. Thetal
fair was' sponsorrd by the Salem
Teachers' - nssocistkm from - 4 to
5 :3 0 o'clock. :
Salvia and Michaelmas daisies
were used In a particularly effect
ive manner In the decorating.
In the receiving line were Miss
Blanche Hubba, Mr. and Mrs. U.
S. Dot son, George Hug, Miss Car
lotta Crowley and Miss Beryl Holt.
Those assisting in the rooms
were Mrs. Sula Creech, Mrs.
Thomas Wolgamot. Miss Matxl
Temple, Miss Bennle Hammer and
Mrs. Helen Hamilton.
Mrs. C. A. Downs and Mrs. Goo.
W. Hug presided at the urns' dur
ing the first hour. At tha second
hour their places were taken by
Mrs. Chester C. Clark and Misb
Margaret Coaper.
Ladies' Day at
lllahee Club .
The first ladies' day of the
antumn season will be held today
at the lllahee Country cluo. Mrs.
Gus Hixson is cf the
ladies' teair.
Wedding Is Solemnized
at Hisey Home
Rev. A. S. Hisey was the oifici
ating clergyman at the ceremony
on Sundny. Oct. 2, which united
In marriage Auna M. Bergen of
Rickreall and Rev. A. J. Newfeld.
pastor of the Methodist church at
Woodburn-t Toe 'service was read
at o'clock in the morning' in the
pxpsence pf only the . Immediate
family. "; '1 - : .; "
' A wedding' breakfast" was' served
at The Spai f ollowing the wedding.
After jit wedding trip to Seaside
tnd other Oregon. baches .Rev.
ind Mrs. Kewfeld will .return fro
Woo-lburn to make their home.
Guests eLtMcCall ' Hopxe
Dr. and sMrs. B. ' A. Cathy of
Portland,, who guests to
night at the , celebration of, the
golden .wedoinj; . anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop, are
house guests; wh51e in Silem of
Mr. and Mrs.;W. F McCall.
.Over the past week-end Mrs.
McCall Was the guest in Portland
of her cousin; Mrs. I. G. Williams.
Moore Julritee Party
to Appear at Church
A service of special interest on
Sunday will-be sponsored by thf
Christian Missionary . alliance
when they present the Moore Jubi
lee party in a distinct musical
Rev. and Mrs. Moore will ap
pear in full Japanese costume, and
sing a group of songs in the Jap
anese language. The instrumen
tal event of the day will be a piano
duet by Phillip Kerr and Marie
Carson. The. Moores will give a
full account of their personal ex-
Social. Calendar
(Continued on page 10.)
- Today' . . --yy.-:.
Mr. and Mrsw Charles P. iTHsh-r
op's "open house"' in celebration
t their golden wedding anniver
sary, at 785 Court street, 7 to 10
Ladies day. Jllihee couUry
club. '.-'y-y:
Woman's alliance, , Unitarian
church. Emerson room, 2:30
Presbyterian Missionary soci
ety. Church parlors, 2 o'clock.
First Congregational church
missionary dinner, 6:30 o'clock.
Church dining room.
Salem Heights Woman's club
flower and bulb sale. Community
hall, 2 o clock.
Rummage sale. Ladies' Aid of
First Methodist church. Klett
lllihee Country club. Formal
dance. Opening of season.
Salem Woman's club. Club
house, 2:20 o'clock.
Cooked food sale. Salem Heights
Woman's club. S. P. ticket office.
1S4 North Liberty street, 2:30,
i Meeting of officers of W. R. C
McCornack hall, 2 o'clock.
Rummage sale. Ladles' Aid of
First Methodist church. Klett
building. .
Astorta-Coast i cranberry crop
will Teach 40,000 o 50,000 boxes.
as V
.Ttf Til fnV
Zrecf Jy because they are breathed
right into the air passages and lungs
It is for thb reason that Vicks Vapo
Rub brings such quick- relief- When
rubbed over, throat and chest at
It is vaporised by the body heat
and iwai, while you sleep, right
to the affected parts, loosening the
phlegm and. diffinilfc
breathing. . '
At the same time it acts through
the skin (like a poultice or plaster)
"drawing out the pain and sore
new. ;. j .
Most colds yield by morning to this
double action, of Vicks. .
i?aHty silks
This Sal
t y
Values to $5.00 a yard
J! !
1 1
Printed and Plain Silks
1 000 yards of desirable silks in this sale! Present
ing Salem's silk classic of the season, offering to our
patrons of Salem and countryside a most unusual
opportunity to save money on high grade silks. Silks
taken from regular stocks which include many well
known brands. Your choice of printed or plain and
a variety of weaves and colors that will make your
visit to this sale extremely interesting. Plan to attend
his sale early today for there's a piece of silk in this
sale that you've contemplated buying.
Changeable Taffeta
Black CKarmeuse
Georgette Crepe
Crepede Chine
Silk-and ;Wool
Chinchilla Satin
Brocade ;
Printed Crepes
Tub' Silks .
Silks Find
SalesaX Leading' Department Store
-With winter social : activities
under wayoneyWill find many uses
for- these superb silks. A party
dress, can be fashioned for less than
half of regular price. . Trimming
silks that will lend intriguing ways
to made overs. And then there is
tcf be considered the ..many, many
gift problems that can be solved
' very readily with V bit of silk. .
Lamp shades, underwear, handker
chiefs, scarfs, ar needle work, etc.
are in order now -with holidays near
. at " hand. This showing of 1000
yards of high grade silks present a
colorful collection .that gives .one
ample choice for matching.
; ' Silk Section' Main Floor r
1: ;
' ....