The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 07, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    lnSffOBCG ON-STATIC jiihrsrizffi-s;
riayground Ooard Asked-
A resolution asking that Mayor
John B. Cies appoint-the play
ground board tf three members
called for ia a city ordinance, was
tdosfcd by. the Salem Rotary club
at ItaNooekly luncheon yesterday.
The resolution was read by C. P.
Bishop and was , signed by the
president and secretary of the
Original KcxjiII tM-Cnt Sale
Oct. 21. 22, 23. Perry'8 drug
store. .
Hantrr Ifete Two
John Jones and Frank Dolby of
thla city have. returned from Wal
ton where they baggwl two deer.
They have been away since last
Thursday. As iiide they had bici-
eey W. Porter, who had llvel in
the forests Of tin Aaironaac
j.iountRin? ic New York many
years aso.
Xew . Loral i, A nderson',
Sporting goods store,
Yamhill Jail Kroken
- John Hill and Edwin Hart, con
victed of burglary, broke out of
the Yamhill county jail in Mc
Minnville yesterday morning, it
has been learned. .. They were to
hare been sentenced yesterday.
Bote! Mario
s Dollar, dinner, erred l;4 to 8
avery evening. JStf
Ctiurrh ilLwdun. rinned
-r -St. Paul's Episcopal church will
hold a mission beginning next
Sunday to last two. weeks, it was
announced. yesterday. It will not
be a revival campaign or theologi
cal discussion, according to Rev.
H. D. Chambers, - rector of the
church. I
See Vm Before You Sell
.Your walnuts. Mason Ehrman
Co. Phone 396. . ol2
Beckett AppeH Dented
-Russell Beckett must serve his
sentence of tit months and 9500
fine on a liquor charge, as the su
preme court dismissed his appeal
yesterday. Beckett was convicted
by the circuit court.
Used Pianos. Ixts of Them
$50, $76, JieO, $125, $150. See
them at Tallman Piano Store, 39$
Scuth 12th. , . 08
Bail. Forfeited
Anil of Portland, who was
arjredted 'last spring 'for. speeding,
forfeited.' 125 bail fnVtne justice
court-Wednesday.' when he failed
to appear. 'Jit . toe: time, of hs
.arrest he. requested that the case
be continued and furnished bail.
The case was continued but efforts
to get Mr.. Aull to appear In court
were futile. '
Store Room for Rent
Store room for rent Nov. 1.
Now occupied "Ty Standard Oil
Company on State street. Inquire.
... o7
I.jivc Will Start
. The annual membership cam
paign of the local YMCA will be
rin Thursday,' Oct. 14,according
io announcement maVe yesterday.
It is expected to Ust About feuir
dsgva, PauLWallace js. chair man
and , MM Hicks vice chairman.
Te.onjimUfee will -meet each
n oon fii r In g ; i he . a ni pal am f or a
lnhlteaf .t'.the YM.CA" building
Mrs. 'rWnk- Elliott rwill be In
charge of the luncheons.-. -V4-
Near Woodrys Anctlon Market
',''-' '1145 Norway .
t i -- - - - - - . .-
I7 D Street Telephone SSI 9
UndeHyodd Typewriter Co.
. "Direct Factory Branch
Bin Court 8U . Pbone 202
;jr7pewrftar Rested. Sold,
I . - Repaired
leclal rental rites to Students
IDD&BUSH Bankers
i:! . , . EaUbUshed 1868 4 r ' ' '
General Banking Businen
i. Office noun Iron
Autokt Fined f " , . ; '
Frank" Hauser of. -Salem .was ar
rested by w: p. ' Genh for' speed
ing . a, truck." Hsuserntered " a
pleaTpf guilty in the justice; court
and paid a fine of I J 0.
- t
Dr. Marshall, Osteopath!
' Physician and surgeon
Speeder - Arrested? J ?jtijif;
Lyle Rains of. Salem entered a
plea of guilty when arraigned in
the Justice court "on a. charge - of
speeding and paid a fine of flO.
He was arrested by Officer W; B.
Genn. ' - :'i " J
l W. GclserVlll 3Move i "
Into new; office, 4I Court Sti
OcL 6. Temporary nhone, 1620.
Buy New Fire Siren ; ' m .
A 500-pound firo siren has been
installed on a telephone pole at
the Stayton city hall. tIt is of the
Sterling type and is operated by
electric switches.y Some ; of the
money to buy it was raised . by a
street carnival held last ? spring.
Similar events -will be held to pay
uie rest of the cost.
Training in Dramatic KxprettKion
For platform and recital work
at Miss Dibble's studio, 180 N.
Com'l street.' Registration this
week. ot
Scott Mills to CVIehrate
Completion of a paved road con
necting Scotts Mills with the rest
of the Willamette valley will be
celebrated with a chicken dinner,
r peeches and other events there
Saturday. Speakers include J. O.
Dixon, president of the Scotts
Mills Community club; Joseph
Mc.Cracken of Scotts Mills, John
Porter and James Smith, county
commissioners; J. T. Hunt, county
judge; Lloyd T. Reynolds and H.
T. Crawford of Salem.
Complete Line of
Monarch Electric Ranges at
Hamilton. A21tf
Tennis Mfen Practice
The Willamette utlversity ten
nis team has begun fall practice
with three lettormen back in
school. Leslie Sparks is coach.
Walsh, Minto and Litchfield, the
veterans, will form the basis of
the team. Ivan White, northwest
conference champion last ' year.
has entered the University of Ore
gon, so is lost to the team.
High Grade New Pianos
Reduced to 209 $245 $298.
Why paymore? Terms. Liberal
discount for cash. Tallman Piano
Store, 3S5 South 12th. oS
Mwtinq; to be In South
A meeting will be held in Los
Anreles, known as a-"Winning of
the West-c6nference, on Oct. 27
and. 28, according to a telegram
received by the. local chamber of
commerce. All western governora
congressmen and 'chambers o
commerce are askod to send rep
resentatives. Two Weeks From Tonight-
Moroni Olsen Players return to
Salem in- Dear Brutus." Buy
season tickets now and see "Out
ward 'Bound" alsof in January!
On sale this week at Atlas., and
l'atton's book stores, for 93.30.
Tii-iK'nH'to Mfret
" The - Sklem' T.2fi.elicrsr associa
tion Will .iTcld a reception at the
YMCA bnlldisg; here tonight ff nun
i tg .oicl cj:k c ; Tjere are jtbeu t
IIS menwJA organization-.
' ',. y-it-.:-:i' a i . ; , . 4--
Eutertairirnt'Ut Jlleld V
I;. .The ? wiiiea's 'tttfean'. claW;f
the First Presbyterian church en
tertained tbev men's class t the
cDurch at a dinner last: nlgaV In
the YMCA building! About; 100
persons -were present. MrsV;Cas
Park is teacher of the Berean
class and-Dr. S. A. Bowman " of
ihe men's class. . y-
- , a AT
The Stori With the :
, - Fountain- . . ,
10 a. an, to S 9. aw
Religion Sto-lled . '
The school of missions of the
First Presb terian ch arch held Its
first meeting o the 'year Tuesday
night wlth74 persons present The
class Ist studying the Moslem re
ligion. Drf and Mra. Norman K.
Tully nre Instructors.
Beloved Barrio In Illy-
Captivating comedy,""Der Eru
ius," brought to Salera by Moroni
Olsen Players Oct. l. ttl
Banquet .Scheduled r ?j
A banquet and program will be
held for all. resident members of
the YMCA tonight in the YMCA
building at 6, o'clock. All mem
bers who Jive: in the building are
invited to attend i
Vacant 5-Room Flat
Adults. $30 on lease. -Ranges,
water heater, linoleums furnished.
Close in at 656 Ferry, Becke
& Hendricks. 189 N. High Street.
Examination Passed
Eight members of the YMCA
naturalization class received their
naturalization papers following an
examination held Sept. 29, it vas
announced yesterday. The class
is still meeting with a large at
tendance. W. E. Hanson and C
A. Kelts are instructors.
FnmlUire Upbolstcry .
And repairing. Gelsa
furniture Company.
McCormick in Klamath
Dr. J. D. McCormkk of Kimball
college was in Klamath Polls la a
Sunday where he preached a ser
mon at the Methodist church.
Boxing , Armory Arena
Phil Bayes vs Battling Hoope jt
California. .Ten 3-minute rounds.
Bobby Clark vs Sailor Bncke, six
3-minute rounds. Snappy prelimin
aries. Friday Oct. 8. . 08
HcrtKog Returns
Prof. W. H. Hertzog of Kim
ball college has returned from
California where he spent a week
in the interests of religious edu
cation work. He visited San Fran
cisco, Los Angeles, Pasadena and
other cities.
Vinegar Apples Wanted
Cash paid on delivery,
furnished. Gideon Stolz Co.
corner Summer and Mill.
, near
Taylor Speaks
Rev. Fred C. Taylor of the First
Methodist church gave the chapel
address at. Willamette university
yesterday. His topic was "My
Life Is. a- Challenge .jind JTot.. a
Will Lease for One
To three years, strictly modern
house at 985 N. Summer St?, and
garage. Socolofsky, 341 Sf9te.
llwartls to Return
Warren O. Edwards, local po
lice officer, is expected 'to return
from his vacation Sunday. He
has been on a deer hunting trip
in southern Oregon -
Poulsen on- YacHo-" .
Mark Poulsen, police judge and
city recorder,; has begun a two
weeks vacation. He experts to be
in southern ? Oregon ion a deer
hunting expedition; His posHloi
Is .being, filled by AlMundt, deputy
lecordCr. ,-
BulhlinfC IVmiit . Issned--.A
. building permit .was issued
yesterday tof llpy j. Speare to
srect Vphe stWy; dulling at .1250
Woodrow- a vehue. sTke estimated
eost'wa. .given, as'$O0. v
- V.. V T -VV' ."? ."V ,
fan Hurt iH 'AcUdenf-r-'
Harry ' Waiker?rep6rt'ed at po
lice headquarters Wednesday that
be had injured his nose and leg
when his car ran " into a flat car
an South Twentyrfirsf street. He
iald he was unable toC see the flat
car in time to ayotd it.-
Health Program' OrftHneil
Programs . of-tu various local
councils in Marlon, county ; were
outlined and approyedj at a meet
ing of the couaty Jiealth council
atj. a dinner iih.Marton ; hotel
Tuesday, night, -;Abdut25. repre
sentatires of locatj,4 councils i were
present. Arrangements wore made
io hold a dinner meeting every
Opejis tlje;7.
,. Clemens tavilion
Thursday October" 7
aio ?wtr td Mmk
run" 1 'i ainqta
Wjr.'j; fJLJ03DIOHv'
RfO 111"
i Sec or liae'ot ffOodl nised 'r
: cars: , Buick roadster, Dotlgti
.touring. Overland aedansi,,'
Fords . Af all kinds 15.00'
nnd np, Stars, Maxwells
Chevrolets, Olds ihobUes, all
priced to' selL Terms ' can '
1 be 'arranged. ' ,y
two;m-nth3 la' Salem, to-; ber j
tended by- representatives 'fjofn
each schotl district in the' county.
Health and social problems twyi I
be discussed. , ' ' ' j jJ I
tf,I I
Sftiith Leaves Sajeni r jrs
I- Ceddes Smith, representative trf
the Survey Magazine of New York,
left yesterday for - Portland and
Seattle. He has been here, for the
last 10 days to study the work'oT
ihe Marlcn county
health !
tlilld Clinic Held- ' ' 'MKt
A child health clinic was heid
yesterdtty at Keiztr,. eponsoreduby I
the local health committee. J Guild I
health examinations were given. I
iro4t,it Viit
E. P. Becker, vice presideibLand
reneral manager . of . the -Washer
Wilson comDany. manufacturers of I
'tlhlnir.miihinii. was In Salem I
yesterday to visit the locHr branch
at 4 45 -Court streeU of whtcfi li.
W., Paine is manager. ."Mr- Becker
is from Porterville. Cal. t'?
Artisans Plan Meeting
The United Artisans will meet
Thursday evening In the small
rnnm nf the fraternal tpmnle here.
according to announcement sent
out by Artisan headquarters. The
meeting is set for 7:30 o'clock.
Women's Group to Meet
, " "Cr-- V" :Z.. JGroTe was a Salem visitor Friday
tion will meet Thursday evening l . . XT
at the fraternal temple to make
unai HrraogeuieuiB iwr iau I
(Continued from page 2.)
Ruth was in full possession olthe I
record home run total Tor vyona s
series competition. His trip to- of Sheridan were in this city Fri
day set a single game record'and day They are former residents of
brought his aggregate up to seven, Salem.
eclipsing the mark set by Goose Mrg and Mrs H 0verton of
Goslin of Washington last year.- woodb'urb were Salem 1 visitors
There were other factors ;n the
Yankee victory and the Cardinal
downfall besides Ruth's hitting,
but the Babe so dominated the
conflict that little else remained
Waite Hoyt, twirling for the
Yankees, was also hit hard, yield-
ng as many blows as did five
Cardinal f lingers 14 but. be
was at his best in the pinches and
had easy sailing after the fifth
inning when the St. Louis pitch-
ing staff, as represented by Arthur
Reinhart and Herman Bell, col-I
Hoyt might have escaped with
less. damage but for an error in
the fourth inning by Mark Koenig.
erratic Yankee shortstop, who
fnmbled O'Farrell's grounder, with
an easy double play in sight that
would have ended the inning.
Taking advantage of this "break."
the Cardinals rallied to score three
runs on doubles by Thevenow and
Oouthit and a single by South -
worth, wiping out the lead which
the Yankees had gained through
Ruth's first two homers. '
Flint Rhem, whose right hand-
ed offerings had been pounded fori
four innings, yielded to a pinch
hitter in the Cardinals' big rally
but his successor. Arthur Refn -
nart, immediately tossed away his
team's advantage with as wild
brand of sontbDaw slinxin as any
MriM ii ever BMn '
Reinhart walked four Yankees.
including Ruth, in the fifth, and
' ;
permitted a double by Koenig oe -
fore nasslnr out of th Tiicture.
Tw v?i ti a hart aaA nif
onrt no nriA nnt whin Mnmohv
hnMoritv .mmnnrf Harmon
Bell; who Isued another pass and
contributed a balk while two more
runs rushed over aided '-bju
Lazzeri's sacrifice fly and an in
field out by Dugan. After; that
Hoyt twirled brilliantly, holding
tb,e Cardinals easily In check until
the ninth when they manufactured
their final run on singles : by
Hornsby and Lester Bell.;. mixed
with Bottomley's infield outr The
Yankee pitching star was a nit
unsteady- at time out his control
was at its best . when Cardinals
were on the bases. He struck ou
eicnc oi'iDfl reQ oiras. lntiuouiEi
Hornsby twice.
. ' - - -:- -
The Stark Street 'Pharmacy.
Inc with capital stock of $50pQ
and headoiiartprs in Portland. lias
won tncnrtMir&ted . hv J. . R. Her
rington. Hazel Herringto
r? ItwrHnrton ' '
Other artlclea filed, in the f nrf!
corporation, department follow:
The Mary Elizabeth Shops; Inc..
Portland, U25.006; Elizabeth M.
Johnston; May Johnston and Bor-
tha Woolley. Young Peoples
S Recreation association. Portland.
ilOOO: O. M. Clark. H.M. Clark
I Vwiton Reported
A- 'i in Salem I
' o
Irving Rand of Portland was' In
Salem Wednesday. He Is a son of
Justice Ra.nd of the supreme
court-s :r
."-Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hogue of
Eugene were Salem visitors Wed
nesday. -
r p A. Lovelace of Newport vis
ited . Salem Tuesday.
. T Mrs. E. 'Jakes underwent an
operation at a hospital in this city
T, J. Bannon of Portland was
In this -city Tuesday. '
J. J. Fitsgerald of Portland was
In this city Wednesday.
ft Claude Hickman. sUte prohibi
tion officer stafloned 'in eastern
Oregon, is visiting . Salem. He ia
If ormer ponce oinccr dcrc.
J 4 E. Howard of Eugene visited
miacity TVednesday.
Louis Brewer cf OK innia: Wash
was a Salem visitor Tuesday.
Mr' and Mrs. H. E. "Hahoney
were Salem visitors Wednesday,
T,hey. live at Oakland. Oregon,
h. E. Marty of Eugene visited
this city Tuesday,
Miss Viola Mills was a Salem
visitor Tuesday.
She is a resident
of Albany.
John Erickson is being treated
at a local hospital.
Herbert Huberg of Longview
Wash., was in this city Tuesday.
C. F., Bollinger of Oregon City
was a Salem visitor Tuesday.
William Bell of Eugene was In
Salem Tuesday night.
H owitzer of Arlington spent
Tuesday night in Salem
rMr- attd Mrs- M- Stanley of As-
toria were in this city Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Roe spent
Tuesday night in this city. They
are residents of Eugene.
Ray Taylor and Walter Stewart
of Arsea were in this city Tuesday
C. Hess of North Powder was a
Salem visitor Tuesday.
E. R. Piper of Albany spent
Tuay night ln Salem'
Ted Williams of Corvallis was
In this city Saturday.
Mrs. 'Grayson Harvey of Grants
Pass was Ift Salem Friday.
Mrs. E. A. Miles of Cottage
Mr. and. Mrs. A. N. Clinton of
was in this city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. w. S. Hall of
r!1,etz were Sa,em Tisitor8 Satur-
C. Hanley of Medford was
jn tnjs cjty Saturday
Mr and Mrg Edwin J. Bayliss
Friday. '
Nettl Pack of Independence was
a Saturday visitor in his city.
Mrs.sE. L. Dwyer of Portland
was among the Salem visitors in
thistity Saturday.
K. S- Chamberlain of Corvallis
visited this, city Saturday. .
Dr. J. N. Smith of Grants Pass
wlis In Salem Saturday
'ip.- MSsterson was in Salem
siTuj-day.'He is a resident of
J 0aytonv ' '
I aytoH' Lr, Long of Corvallis
was in this city Friday.
Mr. and-Mrs. L. C. Mihcener of
Cottage Grove were Salem visi-
I tors Friday
...Mr. and. Mrs. H.D. Waller and
daughter were in Salem Friday
night. They live in Eugene.
Mr.;-and Mrs. A. B. Cornell of
Grants Pass visited this city Fri
day " -
Mr; and, Mrs. Ted Williams of
Corvallis spend Friday night in
1 Salem
I . Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Watkins of
L Wasco were Salem visitors Friday.
I Mrs. C E. Rosamund of Grants
Pass was in this ciity Friday.
George-D. Roberts of Medford
I stopped in this city Saturday
1 Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Warner and
I Jane Warner, residents of Her-
almlf - toq. were balem visitors Sat
I vrday.
I Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bute of To-
I ledo were in this city Saturday
I . . I . . ... . Tl
5 -wofcny K.vans 01 vesi wan
i d Margaret Evans of Eugene
1 iui "srs oLuruy.
I ' Jack Carey of Myrtle Point was
I this city Saturday
I 4ir. UUU -113. t . 11. ucumau l.l
AstorUwere Salem visitors Sat
i UF"J- .1 r
S. Miller of Woodburn is in Sa
lem, today.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Krigbaum of
Valsetz were Jn Salem Saturday
Lodel Abrams, of Tillamook was
In ithls tlty Saturday.
Mr. 'and Mrs. N. J. Swain of
Tillamook spent Saturday night
in tbfrcity. .
;,(F. ' eukins was in Salem Sat
ulrday He is a resident or Nortl
Bcud. .. i . ; .
...Gweudolyn Rogers of Pendleton
1 was, amonr the Saturday vlsitorr
ij uli. . i.
1L. 11119 Vllj, . . : y ' : . i
I - "Mr; nd Mrs. 11. I. Kelsoa and
t thlvrltf Saturday.: They are res-
ijtir. ana mrs. jonson were in
lucnia oi nosyuuis
I -Mrs. O. . T. M c w norter ana ner
I eaughter spent Saturday In Salem
I Their Jtome is ttt Ilillsboro. , : v
- 1 Roy S.Blod sett of Tillamook
I Mr. and i Mrs. H It. UlXOn OI
tsuver pent saturaay nigui in aa
II. G. Snow of Roseburg was a
Salem visitor Saturday
? Mr. and Mrs. W. Mi iHIIeman
wera Salem Ttsltors Mondsjr. Thsy
Ufa midents ol, McMlnnrUle
The "Perfect Blonde
- - ; ' f ' f
W - :V-'4 A '
i ;?m 1
& : .v i- Si- " "
Found! the perfect blond.
author, says Miss Catherine Dale Owen, above, is the exact type
represented in her book, "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." Miss
Owen will soon appear in a play by Miss Loos and her husband,
John Emerson, in London. . 4
Broka were in Salem Monday. I pockets .full of money this year,
George Cornetof Hod River is
in this city visiting friends.
E. R. Piper - was" in this . city
Monday. Iis home is in Albany.
Dr. and Mrsl F. M. Heilwarth,
residents of Toledo, visited this
city Sunday. '
A. Thyker ofiWoodburn was a
Salem visitor Monday.
Charles L.eyden of Albany was
in this city Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McHenry of
Corvallis visited this city Monday.
B. A. Nebergall visited Salem
Monday. He Is a resident of Al
bany. C. A. Barnes of Eugene spent
Monday in this city.
S. E. Irvine of Independence
visited this city Monday.
Mrs. J. C. Cr'abtree has been
discharged from a local hospital.
Charles A. Barns of Boardman
spent wonaay nigm in mis cuy.
John O'Kelley and G. R. Swift
were in aiem wonaay. iney r
resiuems ui t-rine-viiie.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Miller of
Eugene were in this city Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Foreman
of. Hood River. stopped in this city
Monday night. .
J. E. Sumner of Eugene was in
this city Monday.
Bits Fox Breakfast I
o o
Coming u
Our loganberry district
So much so that- new plantings
roay again beventured, and, still
belter; more intensive cultivation
and fertilization: of our yards, to
the end that a greater per acre
tonnage may be produced.
But' low prices will have to be
accepted for a time, with a pros
pect for better prices to the grow
ers in the course of years.
It will be a good thing for. the
Industry if there is never again a
period of bonanza' prices. The
industry could riot have been
stabilized, as it Is, stabilized now,
on high priced berries. It would
have died a natural death without
growing consumer deniand,
based on low prices. .
But this does not mean that' we
should not organize, and that we
should not look forward to a great
uice industry, and to a big jam
and jelly industry.
Our walnut and filbert growers
are beginning to come into their
kingdom. They will get several
MOTH EHS "soon learn there's magic in a timely dose
bf Dr. Cajdwell's Syrup Pepsin. "It has meant
more to m' than any other, medicine I know of. My
children love 'the taste of it and like to take it SjTup Pepsin
has meant much to my girl who is now thirteen years old and
has taken it ever since a tiny baby. After taking it Hheir colds
mttA rVmirhs varush. Iliave had many experiences with rood old
Srrur Pepsin and just can't praise
W Iruly a Family Medicine - J :yt r3
Why ever be sick? Let Syrup Pepsin ;dean out the V -cause
of colds, coughs, fevers, bilious attacksj; sour
stomach, ck headache." From the teething period
to the infirmities of old age, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin has-been the farnily- safeguard.,; Countless r
friends urro vou from vcars of haonv experience to 1 .f ,
always keep Syrup Pepsin in the'homev Get it today DnCalJZmin
&nd nave it handy, aiways. Sold by ell drvcirts. J"J""J)
L t ',(. For m fr trial bottl md nam mi ad-irtu to JiH" " -
'.r :.: I Ptp Syntp Ccwpwiy.- MontictlUs Illinois. , L'm w4
Anita Loos, film scenarist and
and annually larger sums. ' Their
rightful kingdom will fully come
when Salem is the nut center of
the world, which It is bound to be,
just as. surely as water seeks its
level; i"
The lime industry at the prison
is crippled by the farmers not re
turning the sacks. They have out
now 25,000 sacks, and. the filling
of at least six cars in sack orders
is now held up.. There is a lot of
money Invested in sacks by the
state, and there will have to be a
system of fines in some farm im
posed for the non return of sacks,
in justice to the consumers who
return the sacks promptly.
Good . prices for loganberries
depends partly on low prices for
sugar used in canning and barrel
ing tnem. sugar lactones ai
i home wiU help a lot The first
factory is to Teady for the 1927
. crop of beets, but too late for the
sugar for the 19 2Trcrop of berries.
Police Get Speedei
E. F. Kale was arrested Wed-.
lay nightjby Jocal police of
rs on a charge of speeding. Jle
was released on $5 bail.
Police offensive against viola
tors of Salem's new parking ordi
nance netted. 13 persons yesterday
who had left their cars parked on
down town streets for longer than
the lawful lime. Those fined $1
by Al Mundt, . acting municipal
judge, were A. E. Morris, Reed
Rowland, A. R. Rexkin, Ruth
Bowman, Janz, Shepherd, W. A.
Reeves, D. B. Smith, L. H. Rob
erts, J. O. Brown, R. E. Skinner,
Sam Phegley, Walter Miltonber
ger, and K. S. Ross.
Continued from 1.) .
interrogation of Grt.n with a vig
orous denunciation oT . the action
of the churchmen, and a reply to
the published interference of the,
Detroit board of commerce that
ihe aims of the American Federa
tion ofLabor speakers who hau
Wen invited. to fill Detroit pulpits
Sunday were not in harmony with
the traditional ideals of American
patriotism. . :; :
Frey began by reading an open
litter from the Detroit board of
commerce to the ministers of the
city in. which the labor speakers
named wore characterized, as. men
it enough." Name and addm ment
who are admittedly attacking "our
government and our American
1 lan ftf mnlnnn,tii -i
The 2etterended with the sug-.
gestlon that the ministers, deliber
ate -whether or not you wish to
have -your, church deviate from
the program f crwhich it Is main
tained.", '
"I first wish to ask, Frey be
gan, "if it is in truth a fact that
a speecif by. a representative of
the American federation of Labor
would -represent , deviation from
the program for. which the Chris
tian church Is maintained?" "
v "The altars bf the church ever
have. been the refuge of the-oppressed,"
he cqntin'ued. "Let this
convention warn ;n.ow that when
Mammon dominates the altar,
Christianity has passed away.
"I deeply resent the implication
of those gentlemen that the patri
otism and loyalty of ; the American
Federation bf i . Labor leadership
and program aro opposed to t lie
iccals of our American institutions
and historical traditions." '
"Armstrong' "
In this city Wednesday, October
6, Thomas B. Armstrong, age- 54
years, superintendent of the Ore
gon Pulp & Paper company, hus
band of Mrs Margarfet Armstrong,
father of Thomas McDonald Arm
strong, Itichard B. Armstrong.
Douglas B. Armstrong and Tom
A." Armstrong, all of .Salem, son
of Mrs. Mary Armstrong of De
Pere. Wis.; brother of Mrs. Ruth
Vincent of DePere, Sam B. " Afui-strong-of
Neenah Wis., and Eph
Armstrong of ;C a s P a r, Wyo.;
grandfather of . Helen May Arm
strong andDougla B. Armstrong,
junior.. AnnouncetnentiOt funeral
later , from the Rigdon. mortuary.
7 J:. ;.r'1' Kemano"'v n
At the .residence, i 55 5 t North
Sixteenth, street, .NiondayOctober
5, Mrs. Amelia L. 'Keniano age 79
years. Mother of Albert Kemano
of Portland, Frank J. Kemano 'of
Los Angeles and Elmer ' R. Ke
mano of Salem;, sister of Ellis J.
Ball of Salem and -Mrs. Sarah B.
Devlne of Portland. - Funeral serv
ices' Friday, October 8, at 1:30
p. m.. from the Rigdon mortuary.
Interment City, View- cemetery.
Perfect Funeral Berries :
. Tor Iesi v"- i
Licensed .Lady, tlorticlan
770 CUemeketa. Street
Telephone 924 .
Chiropractic is scientific in
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